!2, 193~ j • ell~' , r Iowa Seienti." President Gilmore Will Gather In Iowa Cit,. for u"e,. ))e()lareR PJ"08pe/'tll Brl~ht In Talk II or 0' GeoIoclcaJ ConcJ Itlon. At Oonvocatlon Dinner SeePue8 )loits See J'age 3 , I CaUtorn" 'oUla c Morn.in.g N e p a p, e r and IoWa, i t Y '. • progra", y~. tnternatlonal Ne,n 8enloa hII :t...- Wlrw ns clUb mel\). C ...lraI P.... AuocIallGa IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 TIle Alii' 'M ...-- VOLUME XXXV NU.MBER 70 )om. en Includ~ told ot the !s of an artl. nla; Attorney ., tor Mln06110UC t Jud~ liar. nd It too hoi o do any bit. 3. Olsen, who booking baas , leon Ineludtd Dean Ches~er ,dl with GUa , Prevent War by Any Method-Britain; U.S. Neutrality Legislation Pressed DeIi~ers Talk y, with Jamet! r and laMar . wlth RObert · ,· ,· ·· · · ,, '1 . Before 1,200 ;e Vinton at Will Prescribe hW~ln. Italian Press I WILEY POST'S BODY AT OKLAHOMA CITY II Grand J~lry Indicts At Convocation Force If Other :y Of Says Sanctions Treasurer of State In Iowa Union Take Asserts Strength Of Methods Fail Threaten War -....1._. Government Lies In ons RO~fE, Aug. 22 (AJ» - The ________ Report Says Great ho Unlverslly authoritative news]}aper 0101'. Political Heritage Of teach Ing PMI. Britain Will Stay nalc d'Halia met suggestions Nasi, Attack Foreign. In. Wegman Faces 8!broa.d thaI strong measures be PreIS, BroadcaJting Past Generations '11.& grad uate4 Within Covenant Charging 238 graduat~e to live hi employed to curb Italy's Ellst 'w Inst JUlie LONDON, Aug. 22 (AP).-G~at Station., Jew8 Perjury Charge 8. way wort hy ot a aplendld politi. African policy with the Maer· 'osSor of a': BrllAln, an advIsed Informant told cal heritage. Prot K.lrk H . ·Porler , Agriculture tlon today that "sanctions mean ot the political Bclence department Ihe Associated PresR tonight, will go BERLIN, Aug. 22 (AP)-CltI· Wllr." zen. on their way to work todllY For Testimonv In the August Convocation addr~88 10 any length under lIle league • laat night In Iowa Union MIld that ch accou ntlnr P"oposals In the British press read huge placards announcIng ilorth Dakota covenllnt to try to prevent war In' continuation of the radIo expost. Testimony Concern­ A m~rlCJln people have been In train· that the Suez canal 00 closcd 'ng 300 years to meet the crisis of wIh 0 reeel vad Africa. tlon and attacking foreign cor· against Haly and that a tree ed Mfidavit Made By this day. last year IIlId 11 other powers join her, he said. export of arms to Ethiopia be reBPondenlJl and foreign broad· Drake unlver. castl ng stationlO. G~n of Des Moines I A8sertlng the IJOUndn~88 or 'our' ehe will subscribe not only to C1nan- autllOdzed the newspaper cited ") n their tertlle Imagination goverom ntal Institutions. he 8ald. • III. as "hostile acts" which might .sIOUX crl'Y. la.• Aug. 22 (AP)- clal and economic p .... 8sure upon th~ they have seen the entire radIo "1 believe the achlevementa ot our embroil the two nations. Woodbury counly "graft .. grand Jury aggressor but to the use ot mtll tary , talr aflame," the ponters Mid. country In the IllSt two years-good Such an aellon. Olornale Raid. Added anolh~r ~t8 ottlclal-lhe or bad-have been among th most reterrlng to ~POrt8 ot MOnday ,trom naval a.nd all' sanctions. (In other 'would not Dilly transfer the nlght·s (Ire. which destroyed , .. to.to trea.u~r-to the Jist of persons ImpressIve aclllevemenl.! of gOvern· words display of force.) gllHt African controversy to ment In th whole hIstory of clvl/. ~mes hall No. 4 and historic ~xhlblls. It had Indicted 81noe launching art. EU"ope bul "possibly would In· Close SU"I Canal In their ]}apers the cltlzenJl Jzatlon." flllme the el)tirc world. Inve811ga110n of nlleg d gralt and Meet She will even consld"r joint closurEj read new attacks on the JewlI. Ulud8 DmIOCI'IU',Y corruption In public office IlU!t April. He pointed oul lhose who think • flelG wDrker 01 the Suez canal. he sold. .,. • • • • • • • • ntal hygiene. The Indictment accuses th trea· demo racy has failed should "lItt up 'I'he Informant said the cabinet. In thei( yes and 8(>e 120,000.000 people chool confer. /lurer. Leo J. Wegll1a.n. of perjury ly. She pre. ~mergency ;!OCss lon. decIded' to Beek F.R. Sanctions House Shatters doing thIngs unheard of. yeslerda)" In connection with testimony he gave II for dental ,peaceful settlement by every possl· thr ugh orderly processea of govern· ;Sa.turday concerning an atlldavlt ment. without violence and blood· :eachers and blo device but, If that falls. to advo- Mandatory Acts • Long Deadlock made by Lynn Gell. Des Moine . shed. without bayonets and march­ cale lhe use of the strongest leaguo log troops. with. Indeed, hnperillng mstrom will \",trumen talJtJe8 provJaed-llnd th Ie Receives Pay for Test Irnony chers of Alia.­ any ot their basic lnetltutlons. was definite-she does not stand Against War On Utility Bill Oi'll. a grand lury witness, de. ton. .. "The explanallon Ilea In a certall\ ~Ione. Legislation Would ,clared In thls affidavit. (lied In dla· political atmosphere "that has beel1 Britain does not Intend to police Vote Instructions To trlct court here by Walter Maley. cultivated In this country througlj llratton Ib, world slnglehondedly. he said. Curb Ammunitions House Committee To Indicated D.88lstant attorney general. generations at experience," he de·' :au The cabinet agreed that a formal that H. M. Havner. special grand tlal·cd. "The proll ucl ot this ex.! B)Ilroach to the United Slat"", look­ Makers, Tourists Accept Language perlence I have called c8,paclly for been a]}polnt. jury prosecutor, paid him tor leBU, Ing tDward cooperatlbn outside tile WASHINGTON. Aug. 22 (AP~ mony presented to lhe grand jury. government. 1 l'ker to!' the WASHTNGTON. Aug. 22 (AP) leal1e Is unnecessary at present. It .Mandatory neutrality Ipglsla.t1on ef- "Ot Inestimable ValU&" ,Iene. She IS IThe tenacious deadlock on the utll. Mean while at D1:& Moines. the state e.,nts lustlfy It. such an a.pproooh "It Is II. thing ot In~IIUmabl value. fnlverslty of tective only until next Feb. 29 was ItieR holding compuny bl11 was shat. exeoutlv counCil. ot which ·Wegmon CfI ~made. '. It mllkes P08slbl a prodlgloulO pressed tonight toward house Ilctlon. 'fhe body of 'Vi ley Post arrives at Oklahoma. City via plane and is trallsferred to a hearse. tered tonIght when the president Is a member; heeded the grand jury's To Support Leugue ndaptatlon 10 new neec!a." he a(\d~. Bratton wi ll 'WIth Pr('sldent Roosevelt's sanction. Funeral service nnd burinl followed lyiug.in-state at Oltlulloma state capitol. 'request and dlsconllnued Its Inv est· 1t emphasized. the Informant said. Ilnd his highest house I adere joined Igatlon oC pOlitical moUves behll\d "No pr sldent-cl ct ever ill' IImeQ, ,'s farm group lit determln&tlon to sUPPOrt the Swerplng beyond tralUtlonnl Am~r~ ,.......... ••••••••••• ••••••••••• \forces to start a "compromise" On ot needing troops Ilt his InaUKUm.. Moines. Her 'the gra.od jury and report8 ot pur· oayenant 01 the league and aU treat· IClIn poliCies. tile tempo"llry resoiu. tile roud to enacbnen I. t1on. :N .nreRIW!.JJt ,1I' f dr ame~ ot health educa. chased and perjured telJtmony-at It.. tlon would l)lace a mandatory em· The house voted 219 to 142 to In- leaRt until the grand ju ry mllkcR Illf forcibly resisting hla own retirement childl·en. Re added the Lellgue of Natioos airuet 'lts conference committee with final report. itrom of rice! The ImpressIve thing must decIde the type of sanctions to bargo on expOl·ts to belltgerents, Will Rogers; Post Laia to Rest tho 8 nate to accept languag In the ''s not so much the power. but ratherl Return 19th Jndlctment be emplDyed In ev .. nt of hoslilities license munitions makers. authorize bill which WOUld let the securities :the fact that power hlUl n/lver been! The Wegman Indictment IR lhe >lnd how forcefully lhey Ilre likely to the l)resldent to keep Americans off • comml8slon doclde what utility hDld. obus d," he Bllid. !nIneteenth returned 'by' the grand be employed. the ships 6{ belligerent natlo"" ex· Ing companies should operate more Commenting on so·called l'udlcalJl, Jury and Incl'cased tile number of 'I'he cabinet 84rprlsed most qual'· cept at their own risk, Ilnd prDvld~ Planes Drone I 100,000 Pass tho n single Integrated systems. ,he BIlld th~y would work mlrocle1l, Monkey Hunt persons accused to 42. It Is the third ters by t~mporarily m:.lntalnlng t he other prevelltaUves. Will Abolish Companies In governm nl. They "Would con­ perjury lodlcunen·t I' turned. Iowa ban on arms to both ElhioPla and "Compromise" Approved Weeks ago Lhe aenate had voted ",truct th perfect government. "In· ISpeclal Agent William Arthm and Italy. This matter wns lett In the l'he house foreign affaIrs commit· Above Flyer Spreads Out In Actor's Coffin ,that all "unnecessary" holding com­ deed there Is no 'bcst government· ... ~ands of key ministers. who may tee, which relected the senate's panies beyond the first degree should Joo Siegel, Sioux Ity night club he continUed, "There a re good gov­ Governor be abolished ·by 1942: the hOUse hlld loperator were Indicted 'Previously In here LIra ~ Ifl Il />etore the meeting of the 66ven.polnt. pollcy.reverslng bill this Delivers Nassau County High and Low A\ike ernments.
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