A Private Affair Una Questione Privata 戰火虹天
Italy/France 意大利/法國 | 2017 | Italian DCP | Color | 84min Director Paolo Taviani Original Author Beppe Fenoglio Scriptwriter Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani Cinematographer Simone Zampagni Editor Roberto Perpignani Art Director Emita Frigato Music Giuliano Taviani, Carmelo Travia Sound Gianfranco Tortora Cast Luca Marinelli, Valentina Bellè, Lorenzo Richelmy Producer Donatella Palermo, Ermanno Olmi, Elisabetta Olmi, Serge Lalou, Eric Lagesse Production Stemal Entertainment, Ipotesi Cinema, Rai Cinema, Les Films d'ici, Sampek Productions World Sales Pyramide International Rainbow - A Private Affair Una questione privata 戰火虹天 Today, in our time of ambivalence, the time of a war that we do [導演/編劇的話] not fight, Fenoglio deeply impressed us with his novel A Private 今天,在我們這個矛盾的時代,在我們毋須戰鬥的戰爭 Affair: the crazy love and jealousy of Milton, the protagonist, who 時代,費諾里奧的小說《一件私事》深深打動我們:主 knows only half and wants to know it all. We started from here to 角密爾頓的瘋狂愛慕與妒忌。密爾頓只知道事情的一 evoke, in a long, obsessive development, a drama that wanted to 半,他想知道全部。我們從這裏開展既個人且私密的戲 be personal, private: a drama about an innocent love that is also 劇:關於天真的愛,同時帶着罪咎,因為在內戰的殘酷 guilty, because during the brutal days of the Civil War the fate of 歲月裏,每個人的命運,都必定與集體的命運緊扣。 every single person must blend with the fate of the Community. [簡介] Paolo and Vittorio Taviani 熱血青年密爾頓正值美好年華,迷上了謎一樣的伏麗 Love, war and dire choices – as they only can be evoked by the 雅。她卻只喜歡他的思想,反而暗暗被他好友佐治奧吸 masterful Taviani brothers in their sixth decade of filmmaking. 引。大戰當前,已容不下三人的夏日青春舞曲。兩個男 Returning to scenarios of their childhood in World War II Italy, they 生加入反法西斯游擊隊,霧鎖深山艱苦作戰。佐治奧被 explore the hopes and tensions of three young lovers – Milton, Fulvia 敵軍俘虜,密爾頓奉命營救,卻得知好友已贏得伊人芳 and Giorgio – in an idyllic prewar period.
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