Copyrighted Material
Index Abernethy, Thomas G. 273, 279, 290, 324, 345 Great Emigration 272, 281 abortion 306, 457–9 gubernatorial election of 1991 373 Ackia, battle of 32 health 201–2, 360 actors 265–6 Johnson, Jr. administration 325 Adam, Bidwell 230, 237 Mabus administration 371–2 Adams, John 54 mid-twentieth century 342 Adams, John Quincy 81, 89, 90 music 257 Adams, Robert H. 82 poetry 255–6 Afghanistan conflict 461 population trends 331, 353–4, 355, 356 African Americans poverty 362 1927 flood 226, 227–9 presidential election of 2008 431 1950s 283, 285 progressive “rednecks” 207 Allain administration 370 recent political trends 365, 367, 378 antebellum 109–14, 119 Reconstruction 153–5, 156, 157, 158, 159, Bailey administration 278 161, 163–4, 165, 166 Bilbo administration 213, 280 religion 199–200, 201, 297, 298, 299, 303–5 Coleman administration 292, 293 Republican party 170, 229, 324, 325 congressional elections of 2003 430 Roosevelt, Franklin D. administration 279 Constitution of 1890 176–8, 181 Russell administration 220 Democratic party 170, 181, 290, 325, 326–7, Second Reconstruction 309 348, 425 sharecropping 188–9 education 194–5, 196, 197–9, 278, 288–90, statewide elections of 2011 433 381–7, 392, 393, 395,COPYRIGHTED 396 suffrage MATERIAL 279, 280 farm owners 332, 333 twentieth-century transitions 343 Finch administration 347 twenty-first century 460 fine arts 262–3, 264 Vietnam war 327 first judge 370 Waller administration 343–4 Fordice administration 375 White’s second administration 288–90, 291 free blacks 114 Williams administration 326 Great Depression 236 Winter administration 367, 369 Mississippi: A History, Second Edition.
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