New Zealand Gazette
No.2 69 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON : THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY 1976 State Forest Land Set Apart as State Forest Park 'Of the reserved land along the right bank of the Pohangina River adjoining Section 27, Block X, Umutoi S.D., al'O?g a righ't line to that corner and along the southern boundanes DENTS BLUNDELL, Governor-General 'Of the said reserved land and 'Section 27 to and along the A PROCLAMATION end 'Of a road to the eastern side of the said road; thence PURSUANT to section 63A (1) (a) of the Forests Act 1949, I, generally northerly along the eastern and northern sides .of the s'aid road, 'the sQuth-eastern and north-eas'tern boundarIes Sir Edward 'Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New of SectiQn 32, Block X, Umutoi 'S.D., the south-eastern bound Zealand, hereby set apart the State fDrest. land. described in ary 'Of LotI, Plan 'A/2725, the south-eastern and north the First Schedule hereto and further descnbed In the Second Schedule hereto as a State forest park, to be known as eastern boundaries ,of Lot 1, D.P. 805, the eastern and soU'thern sides of a road to a point in line with the western Ruahine State Forest Park. boundary of 'SectiQn 3, Block YIN, Umutoi 'S.:o., 'to and alQng that boundary, the western and northern boundaries FI'RST SCHEDULE of 'Secti'on 2, Block VIII, Umut'Oi S.D. (including a right line HAWKE'S BAY AND WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT~ELLINGTON across a road)" the western and northern boundaries of CONSERVANCY-HAWKE'S BAY, RANGITIKEI, KIWITEA, WAI 'SeCtion 5, Block VIII, Umutoi S:D., the northern boundary PAWA,POHANGlNA, DANNEVIRKE AND WOODVILLE COUNTIES of Section 28, Block IV, Umu'toi 'S.D., the north-eastern bQundary 'Of Section 27, mock IV, Umutoi S.D." the eastern FIRSTLY, all that area in the Wellington and Hawke's Bay boundary of 'Section 26, Block IV, Umutoi S.D., and its Land Dis,tricts contaihing 90076 hectares, more or leISS, bounded produotion to the right bank 'Of the Oroua River, along that bya line commencing at Trig.
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