0vtdt0vtdt ASIAN ARTS & CULTURE SPECIAL Q`tjhjtf -j` 10 Mhd pdf`b ve C`p`bb` 16 ;tcj` 0hjtdd cj`wv}` 19 8vtf jt .djkjtf -}aj}`fd w}jbd bhdbm 3 ¡ 5`hjvt 25 ¡ M`d 28 ¡ 8j Aj Jddt ve hd c}`wd Mhd `} ve fp` jt =`w`t 0vtdqwv}`} 4 ¡ Lwv} 26 ¡ Mjqd Gee `}j 5dtf Zhdtfkjd vw .}jtf j vtª av 0j}b jt .djkjtf Avtcvt `} qdq 6 ¡ 5vvc 1}jtm Kv`p .`ppd jt 8vtf ?vtf 1jtd l.d` hd Mhd 1jhI 8`tvj whv .d` qjb`p jt ?`p` H`w` 1vapd Aqw} lTjbmdc qjb`p 8 ¡ M}`dp jt Cdpav}td 0dppv bvtbd} 0j T`pmI 8vtf ?vtf jt Ldvp 5jpq edj`p jt 24 ¡ .vvm Lctd Kjd}c`tbd v} -j` O}a`t pdfdtc WSJ.com Cover: A 1930s photograph found torn and discarded in a Malacca Weekend Journal online building (Lim Huck Chin and See slideshows of Malacca’s heritage Fernando Jorge) S. Karene Witcher Editor and India’s Chinese diaspora, plus This page: Ng Ah Kee at the Sin view a video of our latest City Walk— Jessica Yu News graphics director See Tai barbershop in Malacca (Lim David Chan Hong Kong—at WSJ.com/Travel Art director Huck Chin and Fernando Jorge), Mary E. Kissel Taste page editor top; Shockers cheerleading team email
[email protected] For more on Japan’s all-male (Steve West), left; ‘Pies de Plomo cheerleading squad Shockers, see (Zapateado Luz),’ by Rubén Ramos ? x {t WSJ.com/Sports Balsa (Rubén Ramos Balsa), right M83 T-AA LMK33M =GOKE-A -L;-+ 5`hjvt Dresses by Madame Grès show her signature draping, left, and kimono sleeves, right; New York vintage collector Juliana Cairone, Mhd pv fvccdd center, at her store How a rare collection of vintage gowns was found .