Southern Campaigns, Revolutionary War Phase II: Research in Great Britain _________________________ Southern Campaigns of the Revolutionary War Phase II: Research in Great Britain Final Report for National Park Service Southeast Region Atlanta, Georgia Submitted by Evans-Hatch & Associates 510 Duane Street, Astoria, Oregon (503) 325-1313 /
[email protected] August 2003 1 ________________________________ Evans-Hatch & Associates Final Report, August 2003 Southern Campaigns, Revolutionary War Phase II: Research in Great Britain _________________________ CONTENTS PART 1: Narrative Report Introduction Objective Methods Observations and Findings Resources Investigated General Findings Suggestions for Future Activities Collections in Scotland Additional Work in the United Kingdom and North America PART 2: Regiments List: British and Loyalist PART 3: Bibliography Printed Primary Sources Guides and Finding Aids Books and Journal Articles PART 4: List of Repositories Contacted PART 5: Archive Document Record Index Summaries of Record Content Inventory of Records PART 6: Appendices A: Correspondence with Repositories Sample Letters from Evans-Hatch & NPS Director Jerry Belson Responses from Repositories B: The National Archives (Public Record Office) Finding Aids: Leaflets Ordering Copies (Microform and Other Forms) C. Archive Document Record Form D: Copies of Selected Research Material (in separate notebook) PART 7: Electronic Report Electronic Final Report (MS WORD) Inventory (MS ACCESS database) 2 ________________________________ Evans-Hatch