P. O. Box 407, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean, Phone 786-6518, 786-6125, www.bonairereporter.com email:
[email protected] Since 1994 Last Concert of the season– see page 8 plus many original stories and features Tour d’ Azul : Tjako van Schie (piano), Ines Soares (vocals), Lonte Conradus (percussion) and Henk van Twillert (saxophone) n the past forty years the population nearly fAs a result of legislation proposed by Im- I doubled. Recently, the Central Bureau of migration Minister Gerd Leers, airlines will Statistics published an article on the popula- in the future have to provide digital per- tion composition in Bonaire by district and sonal data of passengers to Dutch border This Week’s Stories neighborhood. This article examines the control and customs officials, prior to their growth of the population on Bonaire. Espe- arrival at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. The cially the last decade, the population grew measure is aimed at increasing speed and Separate your Glass 3 strongly: in the period 2001-2011 the increase efficiency of border controls. Both on arrival BONHATA Culinary cash 3 Polluting Goto Lake? 3 was 50 percent. Previously there was moder- and departure, the passenger’s name, address, Bonaire loses Jake Richter 6 ate growth, with an increase of 10 percent per nationality, passport number, travel route and fAccording to tour guide Christie Rotary Club Bonaire Rotarally 7 decade. baggage will be transferred automatically to Dovale, having a flamingo sculpture at A Good Helmet Is Happiness 7 The article also said fewer Antilleans are liv- the airport authorities. Tour di Azul Concert 8 ing on Bonaire.