Education Pack to accompany The Watermill Theatre’s 2006 production of Molière’s Tartuffe at The Watermill Theatre and on tour. Contents Page 2 Contents and Introduction Pages 3-4 About Molière – Robert Cohen Page 5 The Plays of Molière Page 6 Interview with Ranjit Bolt, translator and adaptor Page 7 French Resource: From Molière’s Preface to Tartuffe Page 8-9 Interview with Joseph Chance, Damis Pages 10-12 In the Shadow of the Sun King – Elaine Peake Pages 13-15 Interview with Jonathan Munby, director Introduction This education pack is designed to complement your trip to see our 2006 production of Tartuffe. All the text is designed to be easily photocopiable. You will find information and exercises aimed at students of Drama and French. If you have any comments on either the show or the education pack please email them to me at
[email protected] . Will Wollen Assistant Outreach Director The Watermill Theatre 2 About Molière Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known to the world as Molière, was born in 1622, the son of a wealthy tapestry merchant. He was educated by the Jesuits at the College de Clermont, studied under the great Epicurean philosopher and scientist Gassendi, and finally trained to be a lawyer. He had little enthusiasm for his studies, preferring to spend his time visiting the theatre. His law career ended in 1642, when he met the actors Joseph and Madeleine Béjart, and the following year he rejected the position which his father had set up for him at court, changed his name to Molière and ran away with the Béjarts to form a theatre company, the Illustre Théâtre.