TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE IN IRELAND: DELIVERY OF DIVERSITY AND ANTI-RACISM TRAINING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIVERSITY STRATEGIES BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT PROVIDERS IN DUBLIN “Funded by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit which is jointly funded by the European Social Fund 2007-2013 and by the Equality Authority” Investing in your future Towards an Inclusive Public Transport Service in Ireland 1 TOWARDS AN INCLUSIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE IN IRELAND: DELIVERY OF DIVERSITY AND ANTI-RACISM TRAINING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIVERSITY STRATEGIES BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT PROVIDERS IN DUBLIN “Funded by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit which is jointly funded by the European Social Fund 2007-2013 and by the Equality Authority” Investing in your future Towards an Inclusive Public Transport Service in Ireland 3 Published by: Immigrant Council of Ireland 2 St. Andrew Street, Dublin 2. Administration: Tel: +353 1 6740202 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: Designed and Printed by: Snap ISBN: 978-0-9570144-5-9 ©Copyright 2014 Immigrant Council of Ireland No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations used in critical reviews. The information in this publication is provided in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure that it is accurate and up to date. The Immigrant Council of Ireland disclaims any responsibility for errors and omissions in the text. Any person relying upon this publication or using it in connection with any legal matter shall be deemed to have accepted these terms of use and shall not hold the Immigrant Council of Ireland liable for the use or misuse of this publication or of any of the information contained therein.