
Numbt.r 816 Springfield, Mo I Septl'mber 21, 1929 Prier Sc

• (?ome,

<- OIlW. 1101\' (;hn:-L and till !II \ til '[ hat ior Til) J'O\\'l'r I" \l'anlll1g: And on till' altar (Ii 11lY !W:lrt I,eep <.;;u,:rl'd flam!.'", a-\;urning I

(;i'l' 111(, to!lg'U(':-' t,~ 1'1'<11"'(' Th) :\;Ulll', Haptin' Illy ~o111 with lin.:. That tilroug-h the n.:aC'ilcs of Thy gnK(', :\Iy "Old 111;1\' pinio1l higher!

CIJllll', Iloly Spirit. g-in.: tll{' gran', That I may 10\,(' Thtl' clea r('l". That every prayer and {'\'IT), ta"k '\Iay .... ('n'l' 10 (ira,," me nearer!

Cin:' Ill(' faith to elo Th\' will. \\'hatc'cr the ta ... \" Ill\' ix-, Knowing ThOll wilt '~ how the way, \\'ill ~trcl1g'thcn. <:olllfun me,

Only olle gucrdon I implore. () blessed Trilli!\' .\ soul that's worthy of Ihe joy Of Life eternal wilh Thee! • ,)"adil' Church /rilsoll.

There Will Be No Evangel Next Week I'ayi' Ti.'(/ '1111 l'/':\Tt.nh·t \1. 1-',\'.\,\,(;1.1. SI'/"ton"cr ! 1, 1929

\,\1 gOIl1~ tu !-.p<.'ak abuHt the II ., ~ l'1ll01l0lh of (;011. I think in ~ I the,,(' parahk~ in Luke hftel'll \\l' of tell pm the cmpha"is ill CC9he &motions Of god tilt, WI"OIlj:!' placc. In thi .... ~.... parahlt- of lhe proL"Ople who .... aying- "\111('11." Thank Gull wc h:l\'c Christ. He is all in all to u",. lillel fa\11t with u'" jJtllteco"'tal Chri .. - COllie 1".lCk 10 rtalit\ in Pl'lIll'CO.,1. \\'l' The story of this wondC'rful court­ tians h('('al1",e Wi.: arc 100 {'Illotional fOI" art' 1101 wanting ;; lot of superficial .,hip roll", on, and it I.'mis up like all thelll. \\'t, do Ilot apolog-ize. \\'e an' l'XcitCIllt'IIt. hut we do wanl real, true. lovc stories, Jt ends in a lIlarriage not going- 10 Ix: any \(.... 0.; (.:1110tional. You holy, purl' l'lllotion. God is a. God thc nrarriage of the Lamh. " For II j" .;ay, ".\Ii thl''''l' ' ilalldujahs !' and of {'molioll. \\'t' Ilt:\cr ~n vcr\' far hridc hath made herself ready." :\nl1 , \I1H'n ... r' all lhi'i sillgin~ and ",houl­ Wrollg' \\!tt'll wc arc lik{, liil11. . that is the end oi the wonderful lo\"c ing-, all thie; l'1I1otion· \\'{' do !lO! like ;,t01"Y in the Bihll' ..\111.1 I thank God n. \\'l' do 110t think it is I"i;:.:-hl." '1'111': Itrlll .1-; fs ,\X 1-:\l01l0X,\I. BOOK they arc going- 10 "Jiye happily {'vcr after." Can wc imag'inc a story like wonder how mall)' of us have that without cmotioll ~ Ncver! (;01) J s \ (;00 OF E \lOTrox~ c()l1c('ivcd of the Biille as one of the IllO,.. t ('111ot iOlla! books that \\'a5 ('vcr Nnw J alll going' to make a vcr) TIII~F:F. I'IC'n'Rr:~ OFr liE !o::-'fOTIO" writtcn. I wOIHkr whether yOIl have .... Ianling staL<:I1lt.'1I1 10 ':"0111(: of you. OF COD thoug-ht of lhe Bihlt: ;1", a great loyl' and Ihat i'i that Cod is a CO(!" of ... tor). The Bihle is the gTCatcst love l'nl(JtiPIl. And if Cod is emotional J .;tOI"\' that has evcr hccn written. It J {'(l!OI/SY am nol a.;lrarll('d of heing like 111y Fa­ i" l;rt.·athil1.t:: with cmotion ir0111 <;tar! 011l'. F irst of all I want to take th1.'!". Don't ('ome to mC' with your to tini.,h. YOU 10 OIlC of the 1ll0~t violt:nl emo­ ruhhi:-;h that tlwre j", no emotion ill re­ It Iwg-ins wht,rt, a g-Ilod 111any oi lions which can possihly sweep the liJ.!inn. You (,;111110t han' real r('li~ioll our IIiH' ",Wri{'s hegin. It hegins in human SO\l!. I refer to Jealousy. Now. without it. and ),011 won't have a real the garden. !\nd then in cn:ry truc it i", :1 clear stalcnl{'lIt of the Bible n"'i\'al without it. III Scotland th{'\ that the Lord our (;od is a jealous ;'Ire C'ryillg' for a r{'\'iYal. but they wan't Im'e .,tory ther(' is always thc villain. (;od. There are a good mallY ill thi'i a rc\'i\,:1.1 withollt ('Illation and they \nd "'I11"C cnoug-h ),011 do not get n.'r)' br in this truc Mory bdore he al'­ meeting- that know :-;omclhing ahout will 11('\,('1' gt'l it. There neY('r ha .... jealotl:-;y. l sn't human jealousy a h{'I.'1I a rcvival without l'IlI01iOll. Ther{' lll·:lr.,. lie C'omes right il1to the g-ar­ honihle thing~ \Vhell men arc jcal­ nenr will he. den. and llt' does what the villain 011- wan; dol'S. lie sows seeds of douht ow; Ihey ~ec eycrythin~ through green ·- \\,hnt i .. '·1.'motion"? 1t seems to aw·1 di,isioll hetwcen the lovers. YOtl glasses. People can say the 1lI0st h?rm­ ... care peoplC' ~o tC'rrihly; but emotion g-et the tragic story where that old less things and mean no unkilldncs", ito a perfC'Ctiy hC';l1tily and normal thing. serpcnt thc devil came ill, and he at all. but when they arc je,llolls they Thl.' \\'ord comes from a I,atin root, hroke the ",wccl, tCllder love relation read in all sorts of cyi! Illotives. The and it s;mply Iw.:ans "a moving of the hel wcell God a Ild man. Lord S;'lVC us from getting jcalous of mind or sou1." T want to say. with ,\ ncJ the story goe<; on chapter after othel· ('hurchcs. .\l1d the the Lord dccp and hl1lllhll' thankfulncss, that I d13pt('r. Sometimes as majestic as "avc other churches frolll getting jc..1.I ­ thank God for the day when lIe moved the thunder. :1.nd sOll1ctimes as tender ous of liS. .\ lot of the awful things Ill('. ,\nel 1 pray that God will keep Inc a.::. the Illother hrooding over her b..1.be. Christians say ahout one another arise mO"ablc and sa \'(' me from ever coming­ The On(' who has lost Iris lover is from notihng but jealous),. tn :1 placc where I cannot be mo\"cd. .;eeking by every means to win the \\'ell. J am telling- you that God j", 1'11('r(' is nothing- to he ashamcd of ill loY(' hack again, The enemy is try­ jealous. Somcbody says: "1 t is a healthy, proper emotion· .,;} 1ll0\"ing oj ing' tn hinder. And on and on the mystcry. \\'e canllot IInderstand it." the mind and the soul." "'t01"\' rolls. IIntil at last lIe makes the God is a jealous God, \ Vhat is jeal­ \ Vhcllev('r nm touch realih' in the gTCatcst proof of 100'c. "Greater lovc ousy? Let me put it this way, Jea!ousy :-.piritllal realn;. you touch things which hath no man than this that a man la\· is simply 100'e zealously g-uarding its arc so \"ital that any normal. healthy down his life for his friends." and He interests. If incapahle of !ove yon persoll C'annot fai l to be ll1o\"ed: and prO\'es His lo\'e uy laying down His C'ould not be jealous. When yOli have if W(' hayc to-day such ministry in our life, and when all else failed. that a capability of love you have a capa~ cbu1'chcs that men and women cannot sllcC'ecdcd. YOtl get thc wonded ul bility of jealousy. The things where jealoll-'Y anark Y"U are the n :ry thm!.:, rCH:iati(,lI of the: elllotion oi Ic,:hllvah. "r.:r:l·n:"" in that dra1llatil' pa ...... agl· where your [O\"l' lies d{'ep{·:-.t oi all. SIIIllt.:liJillg' whi,,:h I,an'nl'. t:-I'l'l·blly \'.-iil whl'rl' I);nit! i ... gril'\"in;,:- tJ\l'r hI-. "'(In \llIi h<'Call"i' OliT lo\'e i ... imp<.'ril'ct ollr cnh:r illtn. I \\":lI1t to spt'ak ahllllt .\"... al01l1. Y(.u an arc grippt'd;tt C,'\"('r\ jt'alousy c .... n lx.' very ..;jlliu!. But wht'n g-l'Il'I. In (; ..·11t':-b thl·rl' i:- Ol1t' oi lh".' throh oi that gn'at hl'arl. inr Da\id· ... we {'ollie !II (;011 we (Oll1e to peden Illn... t \\·olltlt·riul \l'r:-c" in thl' Bihle \\";\ ... lJ1ll' oi d.l' grl'at('''t ht·;trt ... that lon', a lo\'{' whidl has nothing selfish {,Ul. (d,: ".\nd it rt'pcntl'd Ihl' Lord ncr hH'(\' David \\"a ... :1 killg- ;11I1011~ III n. C'ld j,., love -perfect lo\'e. that I It- h;ul made man un thl' l·arth 1IIl'11. and that grlat hill~h· hlart Ilur... t Xow I want to hrill;..:' nm to Ihi", and it g-rtt'wd lTim at Iii ... hl'art.·· in it,.; \'1l1ntinn that day ·tht \\a ... uot Bc'rause Ilis ](J\'C is pc~fl'ct. His jcal~ rh; ... g-IIC'; intn a lrt'I1ll'IHloll'i dl'Jlth a:-hall1l'd oi tlllotil'lI. Lf VIIU arl' J. \lId OUS)' is 1wrkct. J low \\a ... God moved IWH'. I rail ull(ln:-tand Cod':- hcin!.! tht, IT\· l';I111c irom him: "() \1I ... alo1\l, ttl j('alousy? \'0\1 know the old story allgr,\' [would he :tngry. 1l is \"{'ry \h ... al,·llll. 111\· "'011 t \Y(HIII! (;'11\ I hat! ni Ihe Book. how lit, got a people ior l'a~y 10 In~l' ymll' tl'mpl'!'. i ... n·t it? To di('<1 for th(:{'. \\I... a111111, nw SOI1, 111\ I !i!ll:-lH thosl' children ot 1-;r:1('1 g-el anl:!"\" i" the l'

treated her ahominahly she penll'lh. Th:ll 1 __ a SWl,(·t heing L;in'll to other gods which art never loses her temper. Hilt 1 bavl' n ..'\·C'\alion. i~II't it? TIll're i'i joy 111 110 gods . ~ecn her with a hrokl'1l heart. ()h, Tl1el'tin~.; if 011e sinner repent:', hut I.et liS tUI'll to the :-':ew Testament. what a reY('Iation of the chararlt'r of Ilolhin.~ l:olllpared to the joy lip th~n' YOII ~ay that is all for the Jew:>. h Cod wlief(' human .. ill i:, CPllCl'rtH.:ti, .lIt Thtn:: i..; jny in he.wl'n mer Ulll' ~inm'r is for yOIl. Paul thunders exactly the g-ric\'ec\ 11im at ! li s hl'art." I \\'ollid that rep(·Ilt'i. Ollt' Lord leaw'... it ;1\ • to God T were ahk to prt·arh :I:' I thal. lie dOt'S not :-ay allY 1I\ort', hut same thing against the Christians in the early churches when they had for­ ought 10 concerning C;od':-; attittlde to­ ! Ie tclls anotll(:r story. \nci il1 Ilw sakcn tilr Lord and begun to love the ward :-;i11. Sometillles wc preach a ... ,,\,"('01](1 story he has a 'f urther touch, world. 1 fe charges Ihe111 with the ihough Cod did not hOlller ahollt "ill. [ 11 thc ~\Ory ahout til(' lost piece (Ii snmc thing, of heing unfaithful. And \\-e are "en' wide of ihc l1l:lrk. and :.i"'er lie say'i: "I.ike\\i~l' I ..;ay lIlllll once aj:,rain he gives them the revelation often we poor. frail creatures g-o to the you. thcrt' is joy in the pre:'l'lIcC of thl' that God I:' moved to jealousy. other extreme and talk as though God ang-eis of Cod OVt'r olle :-illlll'r that lie has lo\'ed VOIl with all c\'erlast­ were goillg rol111d with a g'reat whip rcpl.:ntclh." I Ie puts in a few 1lI0re to la .. h every olle into hell. and we iug love. and T helieve He loycs \'Oll divine tOllrites, clearly, now. There is ... till. But. my friend. arc yon mo\:;ng preach wide of the mark whell we fet joy ill thc pre~ence of till' ange\... (If there. Yet there is truth in hoth oi flim to jealous)'? The Lord help yOll Cod. Some of us read it as if it wen' to lay your life back 011 the altar and th(:ll1. It is ;\ true pn.'aching :lbout the angels that arc rejoicing. It doe:- come back to the Lord and say. "Lord. sin that is needed to-da\'. hut we need 110t say so. That is all right. but it a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit :o>ays Solllething more than that. here T am 011C~ mon'. T Cr l\\'l' Thee 1t in power to do it. king of Illy heart and Ii fe. ~\) longer says there shall he joy in the presence Perhaps the very letter of the \\'ord will T move Thce to jeal{,u~y, hm I of the ::tngels of Goel, What is the jov will glve Thee my he::trt." can help 111C now-that Hehrew word that is referred to that is in the pres­ trano:lated "grieved." I t Illay be help­ ence of the angels of God? A jO) Love ful to us to remember the very same in which T believe the angcls strike T'wo. T W:tllt to speak about anothf'r Hebrew word is again translated (Continucd on Pagc Five) :, The PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Pl'III.ISHF.D WF.EKLY I'OSTAI. F.NTRY (;0 e,'pic:s a year) If HAROLD H , M OSS, Acting Editor l:nteTf0 \\ !,,,,·,fie :-'1., p(>tI ofhu: III Spri"Klic:ld. :\R liCK C,R","F-S SCHE Sprln,fic:1d, Mo .• U. S. A. \1 o .• ur.dc:r 'he Act of .\Iar(h CII ... S. E. RolU".o" II BI. ... Koos Fl.Il ... 1 II C",l"IJIe:f year; ("""ada. $1.50: Gr. prfOvi

======> Popularity ehrist III the Scriptures Thcn.: is nothing wrong about heing- popular providIng that popularity The! :iblt: has olle theme I ..:iw and IS \\"('lI-t'pi l'i t of Chri~tl i \.;cncs!:i. c\(o\,erntss for .r.;c ri pturalness, and natural disn'r1l1llcnt for spiritual discernment. 111 Estiler . . \dn)cale and P ropitiator. The Iln·ncher's prrs(llIo[ily often WillS the f;l\'or of the peop1\" li e i..; in the fa­ 111 Joh, "t-I)' I~ edeenll'r." for pati cnt \'01' o f the people. hut is he in the favor of r ;nd? ~ouls. /\ 11('1' ... 011 whoS(' line of work call ed fill' a ... pecial Iraining to ohscrn.! and In P~:ll lll '" ). I\" \11 in \11 for ardent a llalyzc. after attending the sen'ices of till'" typc of ('va n ~di ... lic Illl,t'ti ng- . said, ~ouls. - li lt is c\"idt'lit that Cod had somc part in thc Illt'cting, hut the c\·ang-eli ... ! held first ] 1\ ProH'rlis. thi..' Pattern inr prudent place." T Ill" evangelist was the center and circlIlllferCllcl' of tilt' me ...... age. T here Souls. w;,\s \'ery little o f exposition o f the Scriptures. In Ecdt',.,i;,\'itcs. tilt, Goal for seek­ There may he nothing wrong with the siuccrity or hOllC:-.ly of purpose of ing Souls. the preachr rs whose personal ity i!i bigger thall the Illt.'~ ... ag-l'. 1t may be that they frd they Ill U ... t adopt tlll l1 sual and spectacul ar method ... to dra\\" the crowds, that III Song of Solomon. tht Center of they !\lu ... t make thclllseh'es attractive to the people in order to draw them. But ;11 1 for loving- Souls. this is not (;od\ met hod. No doubt there a rt' some reo;ults in this type of cam­ J n the Prophet .... tile coming Prince pai1-!ll . hilt how meager ! I lo w Ill ll ch more could he accomplished were the mill­ of Peace. ister wholly under the power a nd anointing- o f God a nd giving- the \\'ord of God 111 the Gospels. Chriq coming to the pred ominant plaC"(' in the message ! Seek and Sa ve. To those who are f;'\ \t ering o r who haw yiel ded to the allurement of popular In the j\cts. the HiseTl Chri"t work­ favor we wo uld say wi th Paul, " Be not dl'll nk wi th wine," "but he fi ll ed wi th the ing through tile C hurch hy the 1 [01)' S pi ri t." " \ Voe unto YO tl, when ;'\ 11 lllell shall speak well o f you"; that is. " Be Spirit. careful." Ca n we not hear the A postle Paul. the g- reatest o f New Testament In the E pistl es. Christ the Interces­ evang-eli sts next to the Lord J esus, say. " God forbi d tha t I should g-Io ry save in sor waiting" at God's r ig-ht ha nci. the cross of our Lord J esus Christ" ? His busi ness was to preach a si n-condemn­ In Re\' clation. the Christ ret.urning ing. Christ-c..xalting gospel at any cost. H is purpose was not to C01lle hefore men to R cign.-J. \V. \V. wi th the "excellency o f speech," or the " enticing words o f man's wisdom. but in demonst ration of the S pirit and of power: that your faith should 11 0t stand in the wisdom of men. but in the power of God." H e set himself against the temp­ C"(Q)arning tation to dissip'lte his spiritual power or to yield to the wi ne of popular favor. \Vas not this in his mind whcn he said. " F o r I am determined not to know any \ \ 'ord has come to ti S that a man has thing among yo u. save Jesus Christ. a nd Him crucifi ed" ? been posing as a Vcnlccostal m inister , \Ve can have favor with God and man. and God pl aces absolutely no lim­ pro fessing to be acquainted with wcll ­ itation on the extent of our ministry : but H e demands of H is ministers that they known ministers of the Assemblies o f rememhe r that they are but " stewaf(l!:i of the mysteries of God," and " it is re­ God. Using this means to gain the quired in stew;'\rds that a man be found faithful." Let the faithful servant flee con fi dence o f people, he is inducing the wine of popular favor and be filled with God's S pirit and bewa re of the flat­ them to cash checks which have been tery of ll1;'\n . uHe tHot gloriefh , lei him glory jJl till.' L ord." fo rged. Till, I:.\I()TIC I:\~ ()F (;()i) tlt'r \\!1\' Wt.> ha\-t.> a g-oool (IllI..' ill Otll !.Il:-Olll. :\111 I :-opl'aking !If tlut 1)1 ICtlIllinuo.;11 tl) amaher: is the joy of till' father o\'er the son the I.ord ' how (~nd em IN.: hrokt'n-ht'artt't! with that ('alllC hack again. Th:lt is the Tllt'rt' i:-i all l'x<]Ui"':IL' rl'velatioll I,. :.::rid wl1l'1l we ... ill and turn away fmlll joy that is in 11('<1\'(,11 111 the pr<:scw:t' \-0\1 wht.'11 it "';'1..\·S ("(,l' thl' lIlarg-in of I lilll: hut ho\\ (;nd l'an Ill' SWl'J 1 with of the angel ... of God. It is the jO) ~-ntll" BillIe) "lie will hI..' ... i1i.'1ll in :11'" it di\"inl' joy when a ... inlll'r n·pl:llt .. of (;od hilll'il'i i. Oh. that I might paint 10\,('." It i" a \\'OlHkdul thlll)..! \\-hell alld turns to llil11. I \\'ondt'r if WI..' in \\'ord~ thl' joy of the Lord- the jO) you lovc anyhody ... 0 llHH,:h that it j" an,' ~Oill:'::- to mo\"\,.' Cod tn a f n:sh jo,\ over sinners returning and the jO) tl)O full for word:-, It :-a\"", "!It' \\ill as \\'l' how hefort' Ilim 110W, \s tIlt' over II is people. I,l' .,i!ent in! I i:-i low." I I 'i') a., though Spirit of (;nd i .... hnK}(ling' owr us I There is a wonderful \'erst! ill Zeph­ (;od came down among u ... and tht, \\'ant to ask i:-i tht'n' all\' onc who aniah 3 :17. "For thy God in the mi


GAl ;\' the kingdom of heaven amI tilt'll upon the .Ne\\ Te ... tanll'nt as­ is like unto a merchalltman, [J{o Purchase sur;l\1l'(.' that the "lust of the Il('sh. the , sC'eking' goodly pearls: who ll1st uf the e,Ye, and the pride of life" when he had f01l11d one pearl 'lQ)hat t:JJo 'lsDe eOllnt, aliT 9Tcatcfl are of the world. and that "I f any man ~ of gn~at price, went and sold PosseHiom? lo\'(' the world, the love of the Father all that he had, and bought .:. ._- ,,--,---,--,- " .:. h not in him," and revolt at the Iit."' ~I"tt. 13 :45, 46. thought of ~el1ing- their llOi~\,.'ssi(JIl"" Regardless of the critical Illeaning: what it will cost VUtl," answered ),1 r. Th<:y ... ay to them.,dves: "This is nOlle IJ. - of the aho\'e scripture, it has a wealth o{ll('r than a malkr of interpretatioll: of su~ge'>tin! meaning. It i'i indct'd GRE.\T l'o:-is\:.--S Jo;,;s Fl:-':_\:\CI.\U_\: a lll

:l I ~U:\l the 1j('~illning of the , Li~ ! Bihle to the cnu, the most COII­ . . J' spirUOli S and n·1l1r.al .figun..' IS ,~ tht' I,ord j<:..-us Umst, .. for ehrist the c:Key to the C£criptures of 11r~1 and through lIDI j JIM ALI. and unto arc liy A. E. ~IELLORS lhll,g-S."1 Hom. 11 :,)(i. I rc is till:' "Alpha" (first letl<'r ill the Crc.'t:k "'0hen opened fHe their understa/Jding thaI they might understand the a,cn"ptllres." ;t1phah(:t) of the Scripturc!-i and the "( I.llt.'ga" (the last letter), "the First .:• .. ---,- ,--_._---_._-----'.. ann th(' j,a<.,l," "the lx-ginning and the l'llilillg-," '"iaith the I.onl. bTU as God ner:-.tand the Scriptl1l"l's," 5:7; I ~l'\'. 1<):13). :\~ truly as Jesus To put a \'eil on his fact· \\"a~ h) sh111 is "the Word." that was in the hegill' Y. -IS. J\:tcr ~l'('Ill'"i to haH' ohtained out to these tbe oiJj(!ct or end of lhat niug with Cod. and that "1"it/IOU/ Him /If tlH..· S('(Tl'l . the kt·\,: for to til e hfJuse­ whil'h hl' had writtL'n on lallies of sloll e was not anything madL' that \\a'"i Illack." hilld oi Cornl'liu~ 'he said. "1"0 lIill1 and that which Ill! heard and spake \Ill· J.!I\"(· all thl' prophcts wiu1('ss.'· \cts .... 0 also is the \\'ord of (;l1d, till: Scrip t(l th<:m. llad th(')' rcpcllted and full) tun: .. . a 1"('\'L'iatinll of llilJl. a record of 10:4.>. turlH.'d to the Lord with all their heart... "IIi:.' (lOIlIyS /()rlh" to, among, and f()l \ man \\ ho gl·t" 1)1It of adjuslllll'1H ht, could hU\'e tak(,ll thc veil away. tht' childrell of 111('11, and "without \\Ilh Jlim .. /)lHl b('g-ins to perwrt tht' I n the face of all God's sovereign I {im " 111(' Scriplul'('s <:allnot he 1Illdl'r \\'onl of (;od. The Bihle is a closed 'i lood or rig-htly divided. even a!:i lit, honk t il all who dOIl't ]"Ji("\-e that gra(l' ;uld mercy to tlH.'se people, for hath said. "\pal"t frolll 1\11-: ye can do k .. u,.. is the ehri ... t. "ill 'j, '/101II arc hid ,\hraham, Tsaac, and jacol)s sake. nothing. " ;111 thl' tr('asun· ... o{ wisdom and knowl­ "thq' hl'lie\'(!d I J illl 1I0t. but :-;pa ke j ('Sll~ 1IIl1iscif saul t hat l it· wa .. tlu' \·I1).:"t· ... ('01. 2:3 I.ike the har that ran aJ.!Clinst their l~ock.'· ,\ncl from that .... uiJj<.'Ct of the Scriptur(·s. "~c..,rch through:1.11 the hoa rds in thl' tahcrnack. lime until the days of the apostle!>;, in them." 11f.: said; "anc! thl'\' arc thl'\ "0 thL' l .onl j<'slIs i~ found in all tht' thl' heart of thi !) natiou, thuugh "in which tcstih of M I'." john 5:39. ~rriptur(·s. hindillg' thelll into one (' vcry city ami in evcry synagogue \Vhell Philip' found Nalh,lIiacl, he .!'rtid gral1 d \'ulullH'. revcaling throul-{h I! illl :\los('s was read" (l\cts 15 :21). and to to him, "\Vc have found J/im o f wholll Cod's I)(:rfect will. Oil(' gHal slory. nne our clay too, yet there is the same veil :\io!:ic" and the prophets did write." ht'illltiful picturc. 011 their heans-they "hear but do fohn 1 :45 To those tWI) trouhlcd. 1101 understand." " For ulltil this day iX'rpll'x('d ali(I !-add<:llt.'d di !>ciplts a .. rt'lllaineth the Sill/I f 'l-'cil, untaken away Ihl.:) wall~('d to Emmaus, communing ill /III' readillg oj tlte Old Testament, tog-l'"ther and reasoning of all tht: re­ 'j his great ian. that Christ i..- the ,«'''irll 1'(';1 is dOl1c (I'Z<'CI\, in Christ. But cellt happening-s, hut cOllling" to no k~~ to the Scr ipture~. i ... vividly por­ cvell IInto this day, ~\'hcll l\1oses is "atisfactor) conclusion alt(lll\ thCht' Ir;l\cd in the hiHon of lsracl. \"hen read. the veil is IIpon their heart. things. je..sus J iilllsclf dr('\\ near ; again is it cd with u:-. by the way," they after­ from the .i\lOllllt. and he had to put a cleady !>;et forth that JCSlIS. who is the wards :.aid, "and whill' II r opl'IlC'd to vcil on hi s facc. but look it orr whcll Christ and Jehovah (Rcv. 1 :8), is the tiS fllr Scriptur('s?" he went to speak with the Lord. The key to the Scriptures. Real faith comes \-eil on :\loses' face was a Si~"l of the fl"Om hearing the \\'ord of God (Rom. IIF ()I'Fi\S T1IF SCRII'n'RE!-; \'eil 011 their hearh. there Ix-cmlsc the)' 10:17). and Jesll'> is said to he the had rejected Iiim. for the apostle de­ "author and fini sher of our faith." I f we would have our hearts burn ("\are<; that at this time their mind..­ Heh. 12:2. \\' hell reading or hearing within us and he thrilled and illuminrd \\-('re hlinded or hardened. Thev had Ilis preciOlls word, then, Illay we have \vhen We rcad the \Vord of God. it hefore this rejected the Lord' and a heart e\'cr exercised to always be will take place by reading them "as. cho .. en a golden calf. and their hearts "Iooking unto Jesus," or " Iooking orr (:Ullccrning' IlimseJf"- lIE OPE:'\"S TilE remained the !'ame. The re5ult wa<;. unto Jesus." For the gospel. the whole SnUPTUUES. Then again, when He and j.::. that a \'eil came o\"Cr their counsel o f God. shall come to us. real. afterward appeared to the other dis­ heans, and the\' could not see the cnd plain and clear. T1TROl"CIl TilE RF;V­ (·iples. and with infallible proof showed of that which is 1l0W aholished. "The LLATlO1\"" OF JESl'S CHRIST (Gal. 1 :12), Himself ali\'e to them, He gave thcl1l end of the law for righteol1snc:;s is and we shall not only know of Christ thc keynote of the Scriptmes, saying. Chri.l·t ," that is. '·the object of the in the Scriptures and Christ On the "'1'I1(',,,e arc the words which I spake law" (Rom. 10:4): the childrcn of throne. hut Christ in us also, to the IInto yuu. while 1 was yet with you. T<;raei could Bot sec, unc]er"-Iand. the glory of His name forever. • • • god)s fRule for Prosperity •

Ny ell \S. E. I{( )B1.'\Sc I\:

God want::; 11 is pt.'opk to he pros­ into the :o-tort.'hnu:'l', that then: lila\" he (Jut the Ilan thai \"Oll did lIot l':lI-n perous. He says, .. Hch,IH:d, 1 wish l11l'at in ~linC' hous(, and prll\(" )'ll' \nothl'r rull- 01 pro!-opt:nl\" that I abo\"(; all thil1~s that thou m=33. • Seem'" of time:; I han: paul tilhl· ... \\}1('11 I l,(Jtildn'l---l)\' all human rl1k~ Illom'v (;(111 has l'nahlt'd 1llt' In maht· Hut the rule!; God has laid down and ull(]('r..;tanding- ()f what wa..; lIt·n· ... \\;lStt· i:- hal dill to l ~nd. \\"ht'n tht' for prosperity arc vcry difYcrrnt irolll ... ary for a mall to gl:! (111 and (":tl'(" I.(jnl hac! inCll'ascd the (in harlt.'Y 111O::>c practiced hy the world. The ior hi ... falllily. 1 col1ldn·t. I paid t!wm IO:l\"l's :tlld tht: two small ti .. ht'" ";;1 world S,IYS, "Enry man for him:-.elf fir:.l. hefore I Ilnci<-nook to pay any that livl' Ihllllsand men had a ",ufti, and the de\'i] take the hindlllost." God othcr ohlig:ltions. That i ... Cnd's plan. {'i{'IK\' Ill' said tf,llis tli",(ipks, "Ca:h "ays, .. I .d no man seck his own, hut and tIl(' only way for a poor lIIall til t'r up the frngmt'nh lhat remain. that ('vcry man another's wealth." 1 Cor. "u,{'('cd in paying tithe.;. I.(.·t (;wl han nothing h' Ius' ,. :\nthing- that can 10 :24. The world says, "Do the oth­ the firstfruits. :\e\"er fl·ar. Ill·'1I take p(,:-~ihh' he s:ln'" is allowt'd to r,o to er fellow I)('forc he dol's you." Jesus you throug-h. \nllthl'r rule of pros· waslt· around Ill\" home. I f I Sl't that ..;;ays, "/\I! things whabocvcr ye would perity laid clown hy God is to ht' dili :lily ff)(H"l i:. likt:ly tl) SIX)il I Cal it in that men should do to YOll, do ye even g'(,llt "!l01 "IOlhful ill husilH':'s." 1 ~()IIl. prdnl'l1cl' HI olher food that will h·cJI. <;0 them." 1.latt. 7: 12. 12:1] ".\1)' F:I1(,(·. nJJllfortahlc, J hesccch of YOU thal yOI1 Illeans but miraculouslv. I ha\"e SIIC­ and of a hroad obst!ryation. thilt C(,d kg-in at OIlCC ohcying the l:tws - of ceeded in hw;inc!;s uiHler conditions will /..:'i\'e work to II i ~ son whll pay'" pnJ!-'lwrit\' Inid do\\'n bv God. S<,t where anyone, fallllia r with th~ laws hi..; tithes faithfullv. whell Ill' pra\· .. apart as' :;acred to the l ~ord the first of success, would havl' said. ';failure for slIch work. \\'hen r s("e a l' hild ;)f Icmh OUI of cvery hit of money yOtl is certain." I know that what I sa\" God who cannot get a joh, I am sure ('arn; Il(.· diligent: he h01l('st and faith­ 111 this article is true. . that 1 <.ee one who l'ither doC'.; not ful il1 service. \\'hen you can cOllle 10 God does not want His people to he understand (;od'" rliles for prosperity. Cod and out of 3n hone",t heart tdl poor. \ Vhell you flOd an inspired or at l(':t~t is not oheying tht' .. c ruk's. Il im that )'011 :tre doing- :tnd will ("On­ prayer in the \\'ord of God you may \notl1l'r nde is to he honest. Ollt" tll1m' to do these things, yOIl can ac.,k he assured that. the things prayed for of the thing"" the f)ld low-hoat ('ap~ Ilim to g-ive you prosperity with per· ill that prayer arc according to th(' lain lold young \Villiam Colg':tlt' a:; ft.x,t assuran('(' that He will <10 it. will of God. lTere is one: "Gin:: me Ill' started to thc cil\', lat('r to h('COllle neither poverty nor riches; feed me the rich :1.lld prosjlCrolls maker of with food convenient for me: lest 1 Colgate'!. soaps. g-i \'ing actualh- m illion'" "ISSIO:-:ARY EQUll').II·::-:T he full and deny Thee. and say, \\'ho nf dollars to the Lord's work \\,<1",' "}h: .\ lift yidded to Cod and <':ol1trolil.'d is the Lord, or lest I be poor and a good 1ll;1I1: g-in' your heart to th(­ Ity J lis spirit; ~tcal. and take the name of my God I.nrcl: give Ihe T,ord all lhat he1rl1l!! .. \. rl'stflll lrt1st in Cod for the supply in \"ain." Pro\' 30 :8, 9. \Vhat then In Ilim out of e\'cr\" dollar you earn: of all necci:--: arc the laws o f .,UCCtS5 laid down hv Ill:tke ;!n honest "oa'p. ane! gi\'l" :I full :\ ",Ylllpmhcti( spirit. and a willing­ Goel ? pound." God declares that "Di\,ers nc."" to take a lowly place; J have alwa"~ be('n an carne<;t '\'('i:,;"1l1<; arc an ahomination lInto the Tact ill dealin g" \\"ith mcn. and an preat:her of tith'(,s, especially to poor l,on!: and a false halance i" not g-nod." adaptahility IOwards circumstances; pC'ople. r prea,h titl1es not becam,l' Pro\,. 20 :2,l The old pastor from Zeal in ser\"ice and steadfastness in T want the chur,h to have the mone\·. whom 1 learncd mO<;1 of what T know ii'icouragemcnt: hut hccII'c ... 6ight ~ars a Prisoner In Siberia and wI ... hes would be <';:"l.tislll!d by Ilim­ 6xprrmlt"Cs dlld (})llffermg5 of ehtJrlotlr fJ{0fr. V}{i-HlOrl4ry !".df and throt1~h J IlIn~df WIth Hi~ unpcri ... hahle riche". anel we !">hot~ld Part Five 11(:itI1l::r lust aftt'r l1ur u"e the \'all1ty (Continued From La~1 Is.,ul') of this world. The Illultibrious co\'­ t.'lC)tIS1lt.· ... " IS frum Satan. if we would karn to forl.:go ollr etian Ilses lilth: fur Ill11lSeif and t\\'() rubles (Jilt: ( L', S. dollar). F<'Jl \\{:n,; ('Illpty. J low oftcn I look back gives milch for mis .... iollS. to providt· w('l'ks togt'liH.'r Wt' had O[tl'l1 1)('(;11 to the tillH' . when people ' ...·c re dying 111C:Oh to proclaim e)llr glorious He­ withuut hrt'ad. \\'hal e than duct('d lIleetings therc. I.l e asked me ('arn my daily brl:ad myself and a,",ked the lll'ath("ll. \"()llt· hut crimillals who 10 1I 1()\"e 0\'<:1' to hi ... fanlily. \Ve put the I.ord 10 give 111<.' wisdom to makl' hac! hCl'1l ll finished, ancl "hamc. tor lx:causc h(' took me away, tor he..' The woman wa" vl'l'Y ~lad with it ;l1ld ~IIK.\("r.Ls \'1'0'\ ~I IR,\("I.F;S had hO]1<.'(\ to inl1t.'ril m)' few hdong-­ gan' me a kw l·J.!"gS ill n:inrn, fur ()III" ~a\"iour "oll1etiml..'s grams I-Ii, illg's :-hould I die. TIlt' doctor receivcd which I \Va ... H:ry .~ratdlll to till: Lord. childrt.'11 a "pe..'ci:tl surprise, so aile day a i('\\' hlo\\", Oil hi!". hack, but Ihe Lord She..' "iul\\wi tlu.' f J"(Jt"k to hl'r nl'ighhor". I I'L'{·(·iyed a parcd (HIIII Pct("l"~hurg Ill"t\"(,l1tl'd further harm. and "'0011 tl1l.;'"t· hrotlJ.!ht alon~ what irom lIal"Ol1(' .... " :-:;taekdherg. She had \\"hat a killdne!'s of Ill)' Saviour in th(.',· had for lIle to make coah. jackets ht'ard of I11t·. but had ncn:r Sl'cn me g'rant;!I.~ me :->ul'h a IIH'ctin~ w,th chi!­ and caps with. Lat('r on t crochetcd II contained a chile\'" frock alrea<1\' drl.:n of (;od ill the midst of Ihe great. with stri n g-~ o f hemp ht'e:ltbl' there \\-'01"11. "jx old dK'mi"es, lin' pairs (;f iar-n,'mot(' :-;ilwriall prim<.:\'al forest I w:ts no other nmt('rial Ie..·ft. rhe\' ga\'e worn ~, ) ck", pockc:t-handk('n'hiefs (1 11<1 1 l'(11 1111 Inn cry Ollt. "Depart from mc. 111(' what the), had or wen' willing to a ito\\" ruhles. Can you gue"s my jO) for J am a sinfllll11;Jn. () I.ord!"' and. g-i\"l' in retllrn for IllV work. And now O\·t'l' 111\' Ihl.'~l.' rich<.:s? \Vhen 1 put "' \"ot worth\" of the i('ast of all Th\" I had sn l11urh that Twas e,'cn nhle dlCmisl! which I had worn for five 11ler('ie ~ 1"" '!'Iw juy fl.:lIo\\"ship \\"a'~ tn help otht' r ~ in distre~". Truly. His months withol1t heing a llowcd to wash o. great. \\'l' we re no\\' abo ahle to hay(' 11:\l1"1e is Wonderful. COll nscllor. The it. into \\"ater. it refused to hecome fellowship in prayer! T errihle had l\li J..:"hty Cocl. The <.'verla~ting" Father. dcan. I now cut Ol1e of tho~c that he~1l til(' su ffering-s of Ihe~e dear The..' P rince of Peace. and as such Hc had been :"ent into pieces and repaircd reveals llimsclf. the othcrs ; so I had four or fivc chem­ friend!".. vct abo unto th el11 had Ihe Lord sl1O'wll llim')cii faith fill. so that \~ IllV captors had taken all my ises which lasted the foll owing years. P!)ss('''sio'ns from me soon a fter my ar­ .\gain :lnd again the faithfulnc:>s and they did not pcri"h . .\ly longing- to re­ turn 10 C;ermam' or to escape into rc~t the.... had nlso depriyed mc of my mercy o f God humbled me down to g-owo so T had to lra",e1 in m,· petti­ the du!".t. The child's frock T sewed Chi lla hecame greatcr and grl'3tcr. for my heart hurned within me in the de­ coat- I suffered much from cold when 011 to my petticoat and so I had a h' ill~ (In Ihe bare ceillent floors which S unday dress; the salt bag was worn sire to he the Lord's handmaid min­ \\'(>1'(> mostly w(>t; my whole hody was on week-da\'s; thus the good Shepherd i!".tering- to !iouls sunk in sin. "Iany often 1Iumbed. 1 asked a peasant -wom­ cared for His little sheel). The Sun­ tried 10 c"cape. but we heard ag-ain and an whether "he would not g-i,'c me a da\' el res" lasted until J c:tme home again that nearly all had perished in ~ack in return for my crochet work from hnn ishment. although T had to their attempt. either bcing lllurdered which ~hc was g-lad to' do. From this clo<;e the hole.. in it with nl\' hands or frozen or stan'cd to death. Therc­ T marie a cflat and was thankful to the on nl\' return to Licbenzell. H ow hap­ f ore I decided to endure and to (all Lord th:"\t T could dress warmer in the pv we can be even though we forego into the hand of God and not inlo hiting ('old of the North, where so all wi"hes and claims! Yes, if our the hand of mall; the times of wait- rill "", "I'I~'I,\! /'\ \:\1 PIIgr .\' lilt"

'I b~:lil'H' {;1II1 an!'\\'('r ... I,rayer! Yl·:". I kno\\' (;,,<1 all!'\H'rS Ilra\,er I !J2uestions and c71nswers I am :o;url' {;,)(I an"'Wl'r ... l'ra)'l'f! (;10\"\' t1l till' J ,nI'" Conducted by EIC,EST ~, \rILL! \:'.IS

()n ~lllh'ay W(' i::t.'Ilt.·rally had a Bihlt·, I" St"lIdillY )'Ollr (jlles/iall ja" ,Ills (()irOlIl, .!il ,II'I' till' .11",'/'11. /II' n'~lltl, (0,' rl'ndl1l,~ 111 our hO\1..,\" conducted hy tht.: adlirl'ss Y"'lr Idtcr: Qllt'stioll ollli "IIISI.'''' <'lit/ills, 1'lcIlSI' lid lilt' IltL'1J1. ' doctor hi1ll~di: ~1l11\t' Hu ... :o;ian:o; anrl Editor, 316 W, PanfiL SI" Sp"illyjiclJ. -'la, \ !till) teach that tht'rc arl.' l"ght ('o:o;s:wk" attl'ill\t-,!, \ C"...... at·k with 211, II 'ltl'H do '<\'/. !"ach',' Ihe bless, J.,!re:tt COl'{'nallts of Scriptuf(': Edl'l1ic, hi ... \\'lft·, :I/.... /I:t 1~lIs"i:11l with hi ... wik I.'d rr,wrl"l'rliolllifc of Christ., h'hnl ~.'( (;(·I\. I :2() .. 2~: \damic. (~t'II, 3:14-19; and t\\O widll\\,'" had IIPl'IH'tIKrs ht.'linl.' t11l'rt· art.' hut Ih(' L,urd keep tlll'lll all and hles:o; them ill tresspa:o;se:o; and "in:o;," Eph, 2:1 :0;1.'\'1.'11 co\'ellanb, thc l'a1t:'>ti!li~111 re:dl) and m;lk<.' the!!! a hlc!' ... ing! TIll':o;e "ix But this life lllav he n.'((.'i\"("d in c\"Cr IIl'ill).! a reitl'rated pfOllli ... (' to fllHill q\'e \\'ar and ('i\'il Pris- \br:tham l'\'t,'r t('stjfil.'d that he had a tcHlglll'S \'adl titTlc a fresh anoil1tl1lg 011(,1':-;' ()nin' at :\[osco\\" I was asked "Oil ulltil aft('1' the S011 was horn, --J la ... t ('11111('''' UpOll thl'11I, in il 10 appl,l' III till' SI)\'i(·t (;on,'r!I IlIOU bith:" ha\'(l 11 til IJ1\'sel f hdore Ill('nt n! Tom ... !': for till' pt.'rmi.., ... inn til (;0<1," I':olll 14 :22, "L~I nllt Ihl'Tl Iran·1 as far a,> \[u ... row, frolll wlwn' lUl, I/'hol ti'l' .\'lIlIlIll'/f1111_1 1',' .\'iHlr l.!lhl(/ 1)1,' t'\'i[ spokcn oi ,. 1~'\111 the\' \\'1111111 Sl'lld Illl' fill to the III)rlll'l (C.~·,'d Ihe 15, 1,' :1(1, /luI\' (;IIO.I't. ill ,lets S \\'ith a 11';\lhport train: fllr Illl' ,\li ... siclll Ii. did Ihi'.\' Srl'/l~' ,,'illl IrH/!/III'S, Board all.idl(·I1,dl had ]'('tll1l· ... lt.'d tilt'lIl i13. /Jllrill!1 Ihe (,1'1',,1 ., rbI/la/lull Thl' I!I i l' ITIll'l' h lhat lhey did, i ur t" 1lt.'lp 1111.' 10 It-an' ~ihl'ria. Thi" IItI dll//I'I the,.t' ,t'ill b(' dddnll I'orll Sim1l11 tIl\' ... "ITt'n·r, WI1t'11 h~' ... aw Ihal It.'tln It:"l uniortllll;ltdy ht'ell iuur 10 t/inse ",I/O lah' Ih, 111,11',': of Ih" the Ilo\\' (;ho:o;t wa:o; g-i\'eIL IIlTered !illll1th" 011 it" way, .\ ie\\' days bier ficasl "'!Jal i,'ill l,aPl'l'1/ 10 'lh{lsl­ 1!1'!l1t)' that 11(' lIIi.~ht haH' lJ(H\'('r til an(lthl'r kller readll'd mc from tlh' (IIifdrol) I/'ill 1111'\' hi' 10.11 ' h,,,tll\\' Ihi:-; "1I.'ssil1g, :-"111<"11 had al- "'~,I!l(, !'ol!r~-t' 111 which it was ... tolllething ... uch a:o; 1)(' utterly imJlossihle, That 1t.·lIer took n('ss of the right('oll:O; ... hall hI.' upl,n had 110t ';(TTl hl.,ion', :\[u ... t (,11111111('11- away ('vcry hopc of ddivera!ll'l' allcl him. :tnd the wiri,ecll1(,I",:O; of Ihe wicked talor:-; c()!){,l'ck it \\'a:o; the speaking' wilh ('\'t:n-thing' "'('(·III(·d darker than c\'('r !:> hall be upon him," Ezt,'/.;:, 18:'20, 1)tlll'1' tll!l;,!l!CS, J \I'('llt 111\0 tht: [01'l'st and Itt 1l1\ tear ... flo\\' fr('('h, Thel'(' I spr<.'ad tilt· ktttl- beif)re (;0(\ a11<1 ",:,i<\ alx)lIt th(':o;(' Ill,!.!' arl,' alway.., \II1ll':. (Ii hll':O;"'lIlg, \\'r.: Ha"it., ... hardll' a \\'el.;k old, wt;re regaled lI'ord:o;, ··[.orel, hast '['h()\! now aller \VlTC t(lld Ihat "'OTlieUIllCS a Ir,lIl"p\)r! \\ ,Ih hralHi); at Iheir hapti<"'lll: ;Ilall), all <\c\Tl.'('d that 1 am to I'Clllaill Iw1'(~ tram Il,Iill can, \\'bieh oi YOU. c\(,:1.r read­ S('I'\'C TIll't' a ... Thy handmaid among \s we had 1I('itlwr Indgill).! nor ifl~ld (..... "iiI pray daily for-l~lI:o; ... ia and Si­ hlO()(I-hot1g-ht snuls; hl!t if it is not Thy .\\'C had Iii rl'ltlrll, sl}llll.'what .. ad al heri,,:, Th(' l.()\'t/ will :o;urd" l-!ivc yon good pleasure, ju~t do what Thou wilt. hcart a rcward 011 the J)ay ofR(~-(;TllPCllsc! and I a~re(': Thy will is to he mille I inw \ !'hould h,H'e liked to be a wit- al:o;o, But do put thc...e ... 0\1].., on to my \t tillll.':' nil hl';lrt wOl1ld nearlv 11('"S for tht :-;;tvioUl' if IlJ1l1v had heen Il<.'an. a ... 11lan)' as I ('an carry, and help hreak wlll'll I ~aw the h6tial life 0"£ ahle to llI~hlcr the Hllssian 'language; me to do the sl'f\'i('(' of a priest for Ihe P('ople. and r Oftl'll went into lile hUI I \\'a:-; at It.'a:-;t allowed to do a thell! hy (/a~ ' ;llld nig'ht." fore!'1 tl) Ict 111)' tear:; have thei r course, prie-.t's :-;C!'l'iCl' of intercession, (To be conlinued) ,)'rptnJlhcr ! I, 1929

C0he gospel zn CiJoreign 2ands

\\)\ll"I' TO \'1-:\\ \IISSI()~\I{Il::-­ iu~ Idt all ior Chri~(, 'ak\·, n:all.\· to takc I:, \ ~11I1I<1f .\fF.[) \lls Ic':"'\I(," her pl3(;l' ill Ih\· rank, pi aCli\'c \\orkers.. \\ lit 'ii,' JjS I"" I t,,-,'H/'! ',I:ssi'"1J "~'I'('flt'lIt'C' i~ '",ug-ht ~CI ck.lrly Ih,.1 it I" tht.: tahle thl;" "Ider w()rk\'r~ \\l'fl' jorced to 111,1 for i'X/,,'/I.f/"S oj ("mJlldilIfJ tht' Olll' di'Cl!'~ lIli~~ii 'n lIlattcr~. S. 'Ille worker ... W{'re tOl) \'aillabl(' III hc: .. hdn·d. :\" \'.1111,· .. H inion,,,.\' I 'i ,.."lm("lIl. sll"lIid b,· sorl nt·\\" Ill('th.)([~. lah'~t I\i COHO its. imprr,n'fi ".\' (hNk. /)r"jl. I:,r/,r,·u fir Pf'$/"{ kt(,m~, ami lilt, hUf1llrnl and Imc other Ihl.' fnt "f tlli' 1ll'\\TOllll'r thing, \\hich \\"\'rl.' heill;': di~cll~~('d!- .\llIl .I·tars or c,.ntat't with 1-:;I,1\'rn minds and oi \h had Ihe ~;IHI{" \'xpnil11\"(", .-\11 th ' ... ,. \1 ht:rl' dirl ~h~ C(,1ll1.' in? F'htt'rn Ill"ejufhcl" \Iam him ,I~ to what i~ iarn\dl 1l1l"t"ling:~, th",,(' Cfow(kd g:atl1("rin.:.!~. .\ liull' 1:I1\'r shl" pk:ulc(i wnll a qui vcr ill likely t" pron' hdpful to the nativc and th"~l' aIIJnary', I,arl II";(]" "i \I,.nder at flur coural,:'" and {Jur ing ~.. \\'hat was ~Iw doiug:< She wa .. tn hold him,dl 11\ Il';lrtling till' lan- dl{'ck it n II In he ':U:I!.!t'. and Ihal and ~uicli'd by thl' opinion 'nly that was what 'If his I·mor... W:l t:...pectl"t! of her The prrobkm is a~ 'Iuring: th()~t.: first '11/1 a~ Ilw mis,ir>l1 months in Ihe field, ary ('al1ill~ T h I.' (Joel \lil1inJ..:". there I' l'ry ftr~t l,i'1111,("f will be many }"l'ars III i 1> ~ i I' na r i e ~ nl> .)i hard, active work douht found Ilw 1ll'\1 in f rO Ill of her, recr\lil~ cnull-, sdf which it will hc im­ eonfld ... nt and hl.'ad pHs,ibk for her to ~trnng. The /ir,t :Iccomplish without a balch of nc\\ Ie ~"Ild \\'(Jrkil1~ knoll'l­ cnut~ d (l ubi I c s s l'dge of that (Iiflicult duhbcd thc ]liOnel'rs di:l]eet. "dear old foSic" who ";';c("k that yc may had gOI into a flit t.'xccl:' is Ihe best :11111 nCc(kd ~haking :.iI)gall for langua/-:e­ 11]11" So it ha~ IlCt.'1l ~t udI,'111 s. !Jilt at the ,mce t h {' earlic~1 same tunc is II!I)"$, and so it IS COl1l1l\f!l\ expoC rience tn· day. during the firSI year Being fully awarc in the field 10 be of these facls, far tempted to hours of Til/, 11I:',-II,I,\"(, l'OIl'J:"N Of- 'fliP. I.ORO be il from ml.' to d t: e ]I deslKmdency presume to offer ael· and to a ~ense of re· \·ice to newcomers to sel1tment thai we, the fteld. Rathcr I Ih(l(/'r'1' (,,'OY.lli· ,II. A·dl,'.\'. oJ SOl/til Chilta. h-t.r UHI liS tlr,' aim.'£, />irlrr1'(, illl/slmtill!l who were so greatly t.,/url (.-(111 is (Ioi,,!! ill 1I0t oli/y .fll1·ill.ll tlrr .wlrls "I tllr ("hi"r.tr {'I'VI'lr bul aha ill lua/ill!! tJuiY would humbly ask me-d at home, who {m(lirs. TIr. lo/lo""ill!l orr .WIII" (If lir;' nlSr.f 1'1'/,rl's"rrti'd ill Ihe urO/I/': l)Crmi~sion to record held such resprmsib!e I \-' ... ·'·11')· years r)/ ayr. 1r.·/llnl (II a f !'riaiu Iy/,,' 0/ it·/>rr>SY. ~OUle of my own and I)(ISIS, and were ae­ my fellow workers' 1. Rlretmralism. twabll' 10 be III'. 'tm" rom/>!ddy freoit·d. CtlStl)rned to he hard experiences for the .1. "1"11 wars' flow of blood, illslflllll,,· 1lI"Illed. at 1I'0rk f r()tn morn- conside l' ation -I. ("()/ISIIII//,Iioll ill 1,',Ir.rl .ttoyr, ,tot,· (11/ .f.\''''I'lcI//,s 901rt" ing to night-that we of those who are 5, IJ(Jmlylir l()Iablr 10 !t'm',' rOOlll, IW;.' riO iliff ('1'/'rVi,'h,'rr H'ilnrss;,,!! 10 '1.,/ral God has arc e:...pccted to sil at coming after us, not dalu. it tahk with a not- 10 "fill our place," Let liS /,rai.rr tI,,' tore fol' J/is floodll,-.H to flu childrrlt of I/I,'/!. tOI)-clcan nat i ye but through the teacher, and to stifle J::race of God to accomplish far gn'atcr sci f -dt:n ia l ! ! ~ it to he wondered a l that all our longings after actil'ity, while we ae­ things than we have been ahle to dn bl'for~ tht: ~hi]l ha!'o born~ us \0 o\lr goal, (Iuire thl! :\ B C of a new languagc. we bcgin 10 think that \Il' really are some­ FI"'Il\~G THAT YOLo ARE ~ouo!JY The monlhs of languaRe study are, J ad­ bo(ly ~ Ol1ce overheard a scrap of c(olH'ersatioll mil. months of ~('\"('re discipline 10 most of hetween two missionaries, olle a g rt'y-hair.:d I hal'c Ilt.:\'cr forgotten my firsl encounter us. I~ut I remcmber a missionary frolll India little lady, with line~ of e:q)Cricncc beautiiy­ I',·jth a mis~innary hatl·r. J Ie wa!' tran'ling <;."lying ieflcntly that she was more thank­ IIlg her face; the other young and fresh, (,n thl' ... :mll' ~hip, anc! took it Ulxm him~elf ful than ~he could say that ne\\ missionar­ with finn mouth and capablc, ~trOl1g hands. til cnlig-ht('n me a~ 10 the fulility oi trying i (" ~ could uot ~llCak the lang,uagc imml.·'(liatcly "Yes, I know," the dder one was saying., to '"conn-rt the Fast." and c"'nccrnin~ the after Ihey arri\·('(\ on their staliol1s, for tlte '"arrant hYPfoCri,}' of al1 missillllaries," ! "you coml.' out so full of plam and dreanb blunders Ihey would make would be UlI­ of the Krcat thinl:.'> you are going to do, You realizt'd then that 1I(lt eI"Crybody Ifloked upon speakable! feel you ft·al1y arc sOlllebody, and Yery soon the mi~si(lnary as a hero. Bllt more try­ She considered those munths of semi~sil­ you find .. she hesitated. ing than the adl'cr~e crilici~1ll of oUI~idcrs cnce in\'aitl<1ble, for each day \\"as gi\"in~ the is the limitation C)f languagi!. "Thai you are 1I01>1Kly," cried the yvunger newcomer fresh insight into the mentality one with :l rueful laugh. I was prescnt at a nti~ .. ioT1 station the and Ihl' cm.toms of the E."lst as c0mpared "You find that you arc nobody"- thi! other day whell a new missionary arrived, with the \Vest. Jlhra~c rt.'maincd with 11\1.'. \\'f' ha\'e most young, ardent, thrilling wilh th... jO)' uf hav- The lime comes only too soon when re- Srf1lcl1Ibt'r 2], 1929 spon .. ibilities he;nil'r than we ha\'e dn';'l!mJ Il,:" the eoa~t felt illdinl'd to ~tay a week l,a\'C ix'('n doing the cO(Iking and the hous,,­ of re:->t UI)I>Il pur !>.h,mideh, days when we l"lI~l;r, bllt a irknd "ho \\a~ going "ith \I(,rk ft,r 5<:>1111' t\~~'nty days, ami it ~urdy grall'fully rl'll1l'llllwr that "re"p~'!l .. ihilil~' i!>. him all\1,,,t I'ulkd him iI\\:1). It 11m'" ha\'e !,1'('I;lS I.. tlc!y in th(' hl'n1(, \\lIh 110 olle to to Ihe child 'f (;011 O\l! !T"loOlh~ 10 IIi!>. !'e.. n tht, I.orl!, ior his hlltbl' was cOTilpletely talk to. hut I am h;l\-ing bkssed tllTlt'S with ahility," wrl;(·kl,,1 aller he had I'ackl'd and lIlon·d 111y Lord. I luring Ihe~t: lir:.t da~~ "j trial ami timita t<"1 the C, ..'bL "1'1\" other llli~~iol1arie:; ju~t Th~ ,,"rk in the mi~ .. ion i~ h'.ling along tioll<; all {;nd a:.k~ oi thl' m'll mi, .. ionary got Ollt oi thl ir house whl'n tl:e beams an,l nicely, \1 r. Y (,koi is helping' faithfully in i~ a Iwart ('!l1pty pi "dl ;md witliul! to h~' \1';111" ii'll ilnd tl1l' \Hl'l'k WiI., gl'ral. Big' the lI1eetin~s. The mid-\\'c('k IIIl!l.:lillg i~ a "nmhi:l1!," Ihat Ill' ma\' 1)(; all in all. Till' ro('k~ \I'('rc hurk-d. One llIack a hole right nIbil' .. tutb alll\ Jlr a fab,' M'ns,', 10 he rejl'ctcl\. It 111:1111' th Ilt'l'P t" ~l'l' S,'Ill{' p,){)r J)("O­ c1o~er walk \Iith tl'l' l.of<1. Oh, !I.)\\" H TIll'sC an' 111(lI1lh~ .,£ laluahk pn'I,arati'!II pk' tryin~ tll havc ;\ prllper funeral fpr their mak\'~ mc rdnice wl1l'lI I se\' th .. Jlr"l:n'~~ for activc wurk. In Yl':lr~ to tUtlle pm II-ill l'ln'd IlIl\' iu tl1l' mi.l,t 01 tl1l' gn'at wreck­ Ihey ;Ire mJ.kil1~. ,\t rlr~t they klll'l'i 110lh, he Ilion' happy lilall ~(,tl call l'''prt:>s \\hl'l! ag'e, One girl (';lU!l' homc from !>.('hool to inJ.! oi tht, IIlhl(', not cn!! wlll'rt' In lo()k you on.'rhear f!l1e nali\"e \lhi"lwr II! allollwr, flnd h.'I' father, l1!Otitl'r, hrother, anri ~i ... ter for a rdt'l"enn', hut Ilt,,\ thl'Y l'. (Hlr L!n~lIag-c S,I wcll!" all lying l-itl., hy ,ick in tIlt' ~tr\'l'I tkad ancl reicrnlf\'S (Iuill' readily. I.:ht SUlld;IY night I ash'd a mi:.si"nary\ \Iih' the (,tilcr da_1 11ll' holl"\' fall('n til till' ,::rollnd. ;"l<1ny II'crt' we had tllO pi tin- mo"t Ilrt,mi~ing l'nl'~ gi\"l" what she con"iderl'd 11:1 .. thl' '<.:crd IIf Ill'T hein", ~'arri~·d .may on !>.trdcher~, One poor Iht·ir l'xp~'ril'l1('e, Tlj(')' USl'd tlll'ir Bible~ husband's ~UCCl"S. I klll'w that he was be In'all'r I\ht,,,~, ha('l-; \I;\i 1)("11t with ~'l'ars of irl'dy in j!i\"ing their eX!,leril'l\ce, It madc ing lISl'1! continually, all11l1~t ";Illy, to hring hard work wa<; \\'ipin~ thl' rlu .. t fr,'1ll his Ill!! rtjoicc, Yllur prayer .. art' hring ;lIIswered, heatJll'1l lIlen II' Chri:.t. She tlwught f"r a l')(lll!, all/I ('O they are carnc!>Ily reiu~e is in God. wait ins.; on God, They are a little afraid Faith is a salamander that lives in the ---- of the Pentecostal cxpcrienct, but the Holy fire, a star which moves in a lofty sphere, REPORT FRO;"{ NAGOYA, J.\PA~ Spirit will work if lie gets a chance, They a diamond which bores its way through the J, 11', Jucrg<'I/Srll arc "ery opcn-htarted, Please remember rock.-Spurgeon, them ill prayer. Rerorl for the wOI'k in Xar;.oya city, Ja· ----- j)an, and an urgent ,'eqm'st for I)rayer 10 GOD'S PROTECTING ARM all who read this, Please .;ather at the ;\;':OTI-IER I.ITTI.E ~II;;SIO:\'.\RY Grace Agar throne of gracc for lost and dark Japan, \\' e are happy II) announce Ihe arrival of Two days ago (J uly II) Yunnanfu was RClTlcmlx'r we are in a new territory here a liltll: boy haby ill the hmne of Brother aud startled by a terrific explosion of 5 tons fM Pcnh;CO~I, and it is an 111;)hill work and Sister Lief Erickson, of Peru, $mllh Amer­ of powder, and as a result about 1500 homes hard to gl't Ihings accomplished: but our ica. \\'illis Dwight Eri('k~on wa~ bo rn on are in ruins with many people lying dead 11l'avenly Father has Jlromi~cd lICI'er to leave July 20, 1929, beneath them, The wounded are man),. us Ilor forsake us, C\'ell to the end of this Somc of us, Illis~ionaries and Chinese, have age, So we trust I lim. The call of God is ?-oIISSIO:\'ARIES SA lL been going out for the last two days dress­ ju'>l a ... rt'al a~ it was fiftecn years ago, and ing wounds of the I>oor people siuing among I thank God I obeyed. Japan i<; quite a Jorob J, alld Jell/lie (Kirk/olld) .Htlell" the ruins of their homes. Not enough cof­ t:i\'ilized nation, yet they arc far, far away God willing, we arc 10 sail for India, the fins to bury the dead! Oh, il is a great from God, If we could only have a \'ision land of onr adoptiull, the fir5t part of SCI)' amiction! We arc praying that many will of their conc\iti(1ll it would bring us into tember. \\'1.' ha\'e had a blessed timc of turn to the true God who only can help. real intercession before Him. fellowship during our furlough, Friemls It i~ wonderful how the Christian Chinese Hal'e heen staying here all alone, hold­ have heen kind, and we havc flluml the as­ alld the missionaries were saved from death inq the fMt for J C~lh. for the rest who semblies open and eag:er for IlIdia's mes<;age. at this time when so Illany others were thus Ilere Iwlping me have gone to the moun­ \Ve shall not be able to write each dear one, suddenly hurled into clernity, One mission­ tains, Even my little girl Grace, I sent to so may \I-e send you gr(YtiuJ:'s thntugh the ary felt led to lea\'c tOWI1 in the morning, lhe mountain~ this year for a chanS'~, The E.'ougd! She told another that the Lord spoke to burden of the work is Iwa\'y so T s tayed here \\'1; shall he glad to hear frolll you and her in the word~ "Flee to the mOllntains," to manage things for a while, This year 10 know you arc cOlHinuing in I)rayer for the and she left to\\"Il, In the afternoon at it ha~ been e~pecially hot-the tempera· work in p;lgan India and fnr I1 S hoth en about two-thirty, her house feB in ruins ture about 100 degrees every day and no route and ilt pest-infe5tl'{l India. with Ihe many other houses near the ex­ breeze. Even the n;ltives were complain­ \\'ith joy wt.' amici pate havin/.; the pri\'­ plosion, and she might have been killed, ing of Ihe heat, God has gi\'en grace, for ileg'e of again spH'adin!o: tlw l-"!0sJlcl OImHng Another missionary who was kaving to\\"I1 which I do praise Him, At this writing I the darkcm'd fll1(,~. Septemher 2 J, IY!Y

9n the Whitened ~ar')!efl •

lOCISI:\:\',\ RE\'I\'.\J. of the Lord \\Crt: TIlillly. \1<111)" te .. tified 10 rt'cein:d the Bapti~ll1. The town hall was Un·tlm'n Elliott and Bradky wrill'. "We I)\,'in>; Iwaltd of various di,c:tH·~. There is .. eeured {(Or n'Ru[ar ~ervices without charge. clOM'd a 2 wl'cb' n1l'l"Iin~ at J)oylilw. l.a., ~])ltndid uuit)" :tlld co-operation among the lJaruld :tnd \'c\mtl·r attended at least part of the (iO()D ).lEETIN"G AT HENRYETTA XEW FIELD com'enti()I1, Brother Floyd C. \\'oodworth EVHngcli!o.ts ).Iae McCarty and Cora Beu­ I'a ~tor S. E. I'carSlIll, Broken Bow, Okla., was n'-elected a~ ni~trict sUIX!rinlendellt, der write: "\\'c have just closed an evan­ write;.: "Just do;.ed a :2 weeks' meeting at Uroth<:r O. L. ).Iilhry a!"i secretary·treasurer, gelistic JTleeting at Ilcnryctta, Okla., Broth­ Ccrr0 (;ordo, wl1<.;rc 8 souls wept their way a11l1 Bn'thren (;uy Coolkr. (;c,). L. !~ose. and er Frank Campbell, pastor. God blessed in E . .-\u~tcH pre~byters. 10 Calvary. That i~ practically a new field. J. are the lIew The ;J. very precio11s way; 8 were saved, 4 re­ All), Coulicil brcthr(:1\ l)as..,il1g that way will Christ'~ Alllba.'i"ador~ rail} \\a~ held Aug. ciaitlll:cl, ncar Spiro, Okla., iUI-: it might stop her heart beating. To resulted ill 6 souls being saved, 3 reclaimed, FORTY-O:-\E lL\PTIZED thi .. ~he replied. "Ii the ptor." :-\E\\' TERRITORY T.\KEN derfully s'-I\·ed the daughter, who hastily Evangelist Firdman PCI)pcr~ writes: "The called fur a bapti~!l1a l robe ane! followed ACE[) ),101'1 [EI{ BAPTIZED pa5t S 1l1onth~ of our ministry for Jesus her old mother into thc lake and was im­ I'.bwr Jl cnry \), Kelley writes: "Just has heen a blessed one. \\'e ha\'c been recl:oII\' dnsed a nll:ctillg" at Carlton with Ill('r~cd. The go~pd was preached to a large iln.;aking- Ill'\\' territory in the mountains of crowd on the bank. and many were in tears Si~tcr 'Ji1l1111ie Glnss as evangelist. Sister Colorado. Glxi gave us a wonderful meet­ a~ our yOUIlg" people came up out of the Ir('l\e I [lo(lge~ and ;'OIllC of her workers also inv at \Vcllington, :tfter which wc wcre \\"ater with hal1d~ rai~ed hl\vard heaven, g,I\'C Ul> a lift for a few day s. The power called to Kansas Cit)', Kansas, for a re­ prai~ing- the Lord. The mi~sionary meet­ ..,i Cod fdl, and 5 souls were saved and vi\'al ill Victory Tabernacle, Scores werc ing ill thc eVl:lling" \\a .. also blesl><:d of GCKI, baptized \\ith till' I[oly Ghost, including my ~avcd and belicvers were filled with the lIoly alld the olTering" for our Sister Reitz, in mother. 89 year~ of a~c, whu came up danc­ Ghost. )'far\'dous healings were witnessed. \frica, wa~ away ahove our pledge:>.-Albert ing and ~houting like a l6-year-old girl. 1 All), desirillg our services, address Arcadia, Jenkins, had the privilege of bapti7.ing her in watcr, J. Kans." logether with -l uthers." "THEY RECEIVED THE WORD" POTO)'l,\C P ARK CA}'lP MEETING !>ISTR[CT CONVENTION Brother RiciJ\. The large tent was eged to be in a service and feel the grip­ Branch and dAughter IIclen, of Battle packed to Cal)acily nightly, and Imndreds ping 1)O\\·cr of the Holy SJlirit. All classcs Creek. :\1icl1. This was by far the great­ ~Hlod un the outsidl', unable to gail! attend­ att('nl1llllilll't' dt'ci(k-.:i 10 ]lureha~c P,,,y for . 11 lorthcon".... m .... lln.... ","01>(.'. you can find so much good tht' park for it I't'fm;lllt'nt GIIIlp-12 acres ,f m." ti,n,... holl\cl b. rt"Lt",vcd by UI tbr" f .. U "Hk. botfon Ih" IT\fthn. i. 10 11".-1 Christian reading matter of­ nied)' located on l-olate highway and (wer fered you at this price any­ lonkin'" Ih~' hi-;tO!'ic Potomac River--ior ATTICA, I"'D.-E"''''II' .. \i_1 .!;llI. R'l' 'd Hummel where else. $51)00, r;,i..,tng hali tilt, dlllntmt by ca~h and and ... ,r .... P"':\( ,en. muslciaus, ,raJ 1I0SI, ... 1 .' 'lI ... r~, "Ill ('"".Iun .. r"viv_LI me'lUg So 1.1, ~'

----- CRANE. MO .-I'ifl~ !'lInolay Fello ... ,hip :\1,,(1- From September 1 (when 'CO~ 1 E O\'EI{ \XI) HELP t;S" in.. al .\_.··mhly "I G, (r ::7.~. t his announcement first ap I ·"n'.. I>r~I'M("1 10 ,,.In'c,!'''I''' in 1",~k('1 d,,,ner Fvangdiq \\', E. \\'il~oll and wiic write: '" ~undal ~1r. \ C IIr" ... " peared) to October 15 we "\\'c ha\'e j u ~t dos('d a J '\ct'ks' meeting DURANT, FLA. '{"anll' merlinit' .\1 I'k:t~ant a r e offer ing to send the at Quinlon, Ok!a .. with ~a\'ed, 10 bap­ Ii f; n,q' '1ml' ~r 1 ,I. It mile. Ir, I'lal1 I·it,. Pentecostal Evangel t o any tized with Ihe i loly Gl!(l~t, and 9 baplized IX ",ilt, j,.,,,, TLLLI'''' 0,-\ In· :\ \ Bel!. Srn,·1. ,y-Tn urn. one for seven months for Ul "alef. Thi ... i~ a n~'w field, Ii any COIW­ 50 cents. eil Hlilli~t~r Jla~..,i\1~ by e:m .. top, inquire ior GRACEVILLE. I· LA.- F,lth ~u d:ty lell,.,,~hill ,,,,... \1"11, ~('I't "_ ~,.""".~ In.i'! 1 "I. ..1: Jl 1'. n' HnJtltt'r Allt-n \Ianning-... , Rou\t· I. TIlt" I-:,,'r)h "Ir ,iu,1 1I,;"i:' ),''''1' ,·",.-h }.( \I 448 PAGES \\'f,rd is much lleecil'd there:' \lil:n, J,r .. ,h)'ter. of the finest fu!l- gospel liter­ HURON, S D -Rr'''111 ~rT\hes at tiUfQTl G·~· ature for SO ce n t~t he big­ 'd 1'.,1.,.n ... 11". I" 1:11"""1( S'I'I !:'. I C'>"I,n"", V ICTOHY Xl" .\:"\D.-\l.USI.\ d .. f,,,ildy F,'a .. ,.",'i_,1 1._ O. l{ym,lIll{ ... .,d "Uf gest value ever offered, EV:Hll!c!i ... \ 1'. ~I Stokdy, ,\ndalusia, \Ia .. ,,1 S"U .....1!fr .. \[In" , In ehar,. ... l':t'I ... r (,Ul' II R"I<, Introduce this leading full­ wnte!'> "The J .onl IIltt with lb in a .'\ gospel paper-a standard wcck..,' n'\'i\',11 ju..,t clo,t<1. It was a hard ENtD, OKLA.-S"ntll ....·.Ier I. relo:i.tral' >n da)'. bearer for years-to your Tho~r dn;ri, Jt: i"lor"'OI\1,'n ami hlnaturt or aO'· r(';tcbing forth Ii i ... miJ-thty hand in con 1,lie:>I;'-'11 1.1:",1.:, ~h()u1>l wrolr Ihe 1'1" .. 5;.10"::1, Pa.- friends w-ho are h ung ry for viCling and ~a\'ill~ ~Ollb. Two recei\'ed thc 1'.1" P (' '\el. "', L,,.,-I< 1\" I1JI more of God. Bapli~1ll with the Iioly (;ho~t, Citizens ST. LOUIS, MO.-E,·.ll1j.(f'II-c L. ( lIall, "f This offer t o send the Pen­ whO') have liH'd here 50 year~ ~ay they nc\'o \·,,"~ot,\"er. H (., will ('"ndlld a wf't'k~' reo ";''11 "I H",hl T'·1Ul'lr. Idhr!!"n iI"d 1'"lm. he- tecostal Eva n gel 7 m onths l'r !o.m all}'thiul{ likl' it ill ;\uct.lu'iia.'· 1(;""i';1l' On. (,. \1". Inn" (".. 1 0 "" ~ie d,· for 50 cents closes October ,...-Ire ]Ir"p- ]l"lr, P:tol .. r 15. Act now- to receive the IIEAI.ED OF ~:\AKEnlTE SCRANTON, PA.-T.. ,,·.hy I'r"l'III'\;e (,,,I, r· benefit of this spec:al offer. Brother alld 5i"lel' ),1. Kullman write: ,'nn' al 1'~"I~c"'lal Church, R2S C;tN'" R;d .... (' SI., I",,.i,,,,ill': 0,'1 . .Ill. 1<)1", l~"'''lu, lcod h~ j . :-< 1I<:oo>\,· "Durin/{ a 2 \reeks' meeting at Laurc1, ).[iss., tor . "f ('~I,f,. r U!a, I:"r Il1f"rlu:n'''H wtil,· Pa~lnr 21 were ~aved, 4 received thl' Bapti~m, and r, H"~w"11 Ft.,,,I'r. J w('re adckd to the ;\!'>scrnbly. ).[rs. C. F. WOODSTON, KANS.-Rni,-al M'f\'ieo:s !>('lIin· P ASTORAL OR EVANGELISTIC. \"yanem 1T0Iilit'ld, uf Sf/SO, I~ . .1, came to the as­ ni,'" (kl, 8, 10 ~"""~- ~.:h",n"HI,t·. II 1>1;1r'~ ""ulh­ ',I)' netdi,,1:' " I"",·,r or n"WII''']i~I, Wril( I':, ,\1 \\"',1 "I \\·(~"I'I"n. F""ll!'rl"I' \\". 0. ;I"lI H"'j' HI"""I, 1 ;.:,-i,·w. T,'''' '>e nthly om' lIight \\'il h the iresh marks of ri,-lIa Th .. r"lwrr\'. "r ~I'" kl"", K,,,,~., ."HI Ih"lh· ... 1·1t.1I1.;, (,1oal-.-,n, in ch.1r~'-. ,\It ",·ar·h), a. a snak('hit c, h:l\·inl-:' been bittcn by a rattle­ t ~A S TORAL. l(':t"~ '<'IlL-'!" .n.· i",-iu·.1. \\' 0 _ Tl".,nl ..· '~-. .\")',,h(,... Ill(' I,,'rol !\m 11 "!lake ju~ t hcf(lre coming til ~ef\'ice. J lcr "'1\. ",Ill], "lIit (;''''('T:01 (·'-l1n,l1. l ~der<'n('C'~: F \. 11 .1.1 ... ~4\ Ik!111 '

All."" a~ ]81.49 \J).. ",m t'I ,I :\1 "s;onariel On fur· X 'nn J)" ,1.1. ](,1 .... IoUllh 58.00 (', II'!' t1 ut l~? 2-1 X.,,;,I' ", rken J500 26400 r~-::=::-~' -e-.-to-t-h~e-Q-u-e:-:il' Ih,ctit"fCh a 151m 1<' .. I !:II d '5<1 • I E~Tlnr. nllx.\ So -'Ih ".~k.1.\ 1J28J \1 \Ii n, ,i '''liS' :.nt's 14-4,00 WHAT IS THE WORLD ~I I , 1?9 ')OJ .\1 SUI ~;'qo('nlt' ':4.00 Tronn .. tW't' 1111-1 XallV "tker. 20.00 1811.00 COMING TO? r: ,n )(}.lA.! I ~I ,dnc 1j().\4 Slll'llI (III~,\ .. \1.11, tll,\ 7(,,2!I .\J].,,,alLoU "f \li~Ii ,,..rie, 456.00 'ciT ,'ll (,5.91 \Jl.,,,,,' .rR "j .\t".""11"rir~ On fur· ~-,w 1'~t1lI>~I';re ~H') I, ul;-h "'00 K .. "tll ky OJ M, >11 SUt] E':I>e' , 12,.00 \. '1 I ~Il InIII" qn X~II"e " tk('r~ R.l.00 III H n (;.. j(ia Somlh ("hi ."l w.rk k " rk .... 307_00 9'J1.oo \1" k -11.90""' \' ~ t "'T"n;;). TOTAl. ntSTRIUCTIQX ("111'<.\ x~'" \Iel!;!"" .I''''.19 i'l I\: IlL\ '"irKl I, .1S.n \ll '""Il t·s (li \It_ ,,,,,ar;r, 2R5J.JI -- ."'{'Vi"!;, Y"OO .\llo"allr~~ .. ( M"s;'>1lancs On fur· 1,1'11", 23.70 l"UKh 420.34 [,nui.;;",,­ ?Il.73 .\fi .. i"" Stati·,,, EX[">C'l1se 957.40 \\")"nm;,,1I' 11.0." X;'li'-e ""rken 531,00 X.,rth (aT ,lina 2J19 '\'In 1 rli·.,,,aJ.:e 131.00 }" .,.ill'" COllntr;.." IQ!iM I'('· .• 1, ,I f r x,... · ..... T "'I.!OI,03 SOl;TII l'\lll.\ & ('EYI.OS­ Tnt.,1 r .\UKU I. -\11 ''':,''(r~ ,I .\',,~iO!'3ri~, 51-4.48 \I ,,~i.,', Station EXI>en!~ »00 HOME MISSIONS X,oti,c ""rkrrs 30.00 544.48 Pl'lln.yh";wia $211.19 TOT,\!. J)IS'mI Il CT[ON INDI.·\ $5,679.SJ ~'l1In~·"lta. 109./};! ~Iis.,uri (f)f) ./.\1'.\ \ ' Itll':l.l) SEEING THE '\·,rlh O:lknl;\ -4.U~ .\lIo..-au\ , ('>{ \Ii~si"naric~ 728.45 K:."~,,.. -41.11 \11"".,·, .. (, (,I .\!i ~~i ,nariC'. On fur· ;\I~~.'.,-hu~rtt'l ~].?1 "'''Jl:h 50.00 ~ .,,1, Ihk'l:I J.1_Yi 'lis, "I StMi,n E.'1'ense 3.35.00 FUTURE (. hf'fI 41. 2LW X3!We ""rkcr\ -40.00 1,15..1_ 45 Okl"h,uo.1 2Sm Illi ,oi~ 2.l~1 P .\ l.FSTIXF .'<: SYRL\ FIELDS By T':'I1f\r~ ~r 22. q .\11""311<'1'\ oi ;'I'i~~i""3ri .. '1 501.50 x.. w Yl"!rk 22,00 ;'I1i_~~i"" St;1lion Expen.e 133.00 "'.SO CHRISTABEL PANKHURST :-:,·w .lfl'~e)-' 19.1\] 'Ltr)·I.,,,,1 19.~1 PORTO RICO FIELD I'twa 11';,67 ,\ 1I0\\':t."cr~ of M I~S;I.';trs ou t the prophecy of the ro," Straiu Mllkmenls 100.00 N:ui\"c w"<'Irkcrs Peni" 265,00 I .ord: ")\'ru"II('111 will he trodden A.s;out Orphanagc H!9.oo.. "" 6..'0.00 Poland Zl7.97 II Ru~~;a dO\\ of the Gentiles, until the times FRF.NTH S'-'O-\N FIF'T.D 147.34 l_lI\'ia $3JJ of the Gcntiles be fulfilled." All""'311"(,5 of Mi.~i ... n,..ri .. ~ "'.00 Hulg"ria 6O.2S And then the Kingdom of God Allnw:lnrc~ "I ~1 1~~;"nllr;e, ,,0 fur· Gre«e 1"lIgh 10,00 <>.00 will COI1l(, to carth. Ifnw is the 15_00 Hungary 27.00 1.008.89 \\'orld pr('paring to mcet the second \ri ~,i"', St:tti... n I ~pcn~c "'",00 Non·(:ouncil missiOnaries (duignalC'd) __ MllI.S I LfnFRIA & ~IERRA LEONE FIELDS coming of Christ? TOI:.I amount mi~siOllari~s allowances _..$\8,50&.69 lIIiq ~io"ariu ,_._ ~30i6 AU""al'cr_ of " in;ollary Rut Homn ... _~______160.00 -\I1""-anccs (I f Miu;()lIl1ric 9 011 fur- What of the Future ? Farc~ , lIuildin&s, Etc. _ 1.503.95 l"ttl{h 29'l.~1 The ri ddle of the futnre cannot \1i"i"l1 St:tti.,n F.>I:pI!l1 prophecies. .\CeQUII' to ~;lCP<'nsC" _ SOO.OO The author, in her prophetic warn­ Native workers 53.00 JSJ.OO ing, pleads for an understanding of TO'l'.\T, nrSTRIRUTION- AFRIC,\ $3041.01 Total otTt'rings for August what the present conditions indi­ NORTH OIlN,\ FIEL!) cate. and for a study of the evidences .'\ 1I0"3n«'I of ;\liuiol1oariu .776.60 HOME MISSIONS DISTRIBUTIONS :\Il""';U'l'U of Mi 5~ion:aries on fur· :\"orthern C:t.lifornia Distric! _ _ . __J 21.00 of Christianity in preparation for Iough . _ 120.00 Ea~t~r" District ___ .___ . ___ .10. .18 the future, ;\ri ~1ion Stal,.,n ElC~ nllC ___ 170,00 Illinois District ___. ___._. ___ ... _ __ 22.21 Nali,'c workC'rs _. _____. 71.00 1,13i.00 low:t & N. MisSOltri District __ ,___ . 28.82 Price $2.50 Kansas Diltriet ___ _ .. _. ____.____ 35.91 WESTERN Cl-I]NA ,\ND TIBET ;\tiu issippi District . __ , __. ______<3' ,\lIowa n« .• 01 )!; uionari~s .. _._.~_ 555.29 X ~W England District . . _._._ ._.. __.. 63.33 Go.pel Publilhinll HOUle M ;u;on Station E XI>C'nsC' ._.... _... ~ 59.13 NorllT Celllr:.1 Dislrict ... _ ... ~ ... _. __.. _ .. ____ 165.09 Nali,'c workC'rs ...... _. __._.142_00 Oklahoma !);S!rict _ .. _._._.~ .... _._ .... __ .... _. __ 24.00 Springfield., Minouri l<'amine fund~ _ . ___ 212.58 969.00 Potomac !)islrict __ ___ .___ . __ ._ ...... ______2().iJ Rocky Mounuin District __. ____-.._ .. U .2J SOUTHWESTERN CHINA-YUNNAN PROVo SoU!hC35lern Dillrict . ______. ____. 5.30 ~<------~> Allowances of Missionaries ___ 191 .00 Southern M il.ouri District ______. 48.-4i S/'ptrlllbcr .? j, JfJ.?() Payl' Fift,OI

S, W, \"'-, \\ \\', \'a" ,\ F Ky, [),~trHt Ifl,_'7 -_.:. T"l11less"" /)istr;,·t ~:!.;;4 'i'- Tex,,~ [)i,tri I

WORLD MISSIONS CONTRIBUTIONS I !-iq,1. 3rd t·, 5th Ind . , . \11 l',r~"n;11 (,ffnillJ.:'- a",\)uut I" ~1.3.;:;,1'" I ,7& :)und:,y School ~lo"'·l1.· .\r" I I 1.00 (hilur,,~s (hapd S S .\\",,-cUc c\r" 1.00 Flr~t ."'~cmloly "f God \\ "h,\ln~"lk :11 .• i I 1.00 A~flCltthJy oi (;0.1 S S \ ink, III 10,000 I 1.00 ,\ss<:mhly .,f God Whtcln T"x i 1.10 Full (;o~]leJ :\~semhly MOfO Ole I 1.11 .\ssemhl)' oi (;"d ("huTt'h t;"I,,,i,) 'I" i 1.25 th'<:II,hl} "I (;,,,1 ~ ~ ;';cw,lfk T,,~ I lAO I'en\l'c(] s oS ,~lId Chun;" O~,,<,;:o I 9. For the Primaries is ., demon~tration of I Kans sage a~~ig',cd fnr sludy. b,,,,' Ihe lessun might he tauKhl 10 y<>U'1Ker 8.40 A.~ emhl}' of (;,,"1 1",nstIlnlllh :-< 11 3. Th<: P rllctical Applications in Ihis Qu~r­ d,ihlro'n, 8. 45 1,',,11 ( ;o,ptl .'\~"·mhly Tular<: "-;"Iif I 'erly ,h"", lead'~r", h,,,,,' In "pply the great 10.00 Li).( hlholl~t' Pent'l Mis~ion SJ"l1IKticld ,\10) 10. O ne C'r more u'c!1I1 Illustrations com· !('!,HOIl 10 I~.OO EI" SI ,\sse",hl), Eureka ~l'ri",;:! _hk IfllIh, of Ihe the hie and I'mh· 1,1f'u-s thi,. kit of w~ll-rounded ami cardully 10.00 Chr;~t's .-\mha~sadDr. Sl'rins-l;cld :"II" lelll~ of n'try Illftllber of their c1a~,.,s. 10.ZS Frosthurg l\ssembly Froslburg _\!d I ,elected helps ill the proper Hudy and sue· 10.51 Norlh Utica A< s<:mhly of God "[UIS.l 0"'" 4. The Practical Teachings of th<: lesson :lro:' cf's.fnl le~ching of the Sund:\y s<.hoo[ 1~~Yln. I(l.62 ,\ ssemh[y (If God (;rcat Fal" )o! l)nt hy 511Ch .1. shown ,his (IUarterl), ill Wa)' Ihal II. The Mis.sio",,,')' Message ~hows the rela· 11.00 Bus), lI<:e Band T urlk Creek 1'.1. t<:achen are heIr! conSlantl), to Ihe real alUl 11.21 '\~~emhly oi (;"d )Ol.1"· erl) Ark lion of the les."n 10 the gre,n task of tak- 11040 As~cmbly of God Cl'urd, Fredonia Kan~ vital a,peets .,f tIll les",",", and arc Ihereby 11.56 l'<:nt'l Ass~mbl)' I\: 5 S PCnllY Fnnd Spok'l"'" prol~cte'l Ir(!ln lelli1l.':' th<: clas~ reriod 1It'­ Wash come unfruilful or fail of its purpose in Ihe The Outline enables Icad,en to divide rcsults in 12.00 Assembly of God S S I'awhu~"a Okla Iraini"g 01 ,,,holars. III<" I,"~o" properly for the UCSI 1l.41 Full Gospel Tahemade \\'Cslc, uporl )old both siudy a"d leaching. lZ.s.o ]{ush Sprin~~ So S /{u$h Spring~ Okla 3. Th<: Golden Ted Ulum;naled is a bric! 13.1& Ihscmbly of God S S Sorenlo 111 I and inspiring ~ermO"t lte on the le~50n wh ich 13, Qucstions on the lesson oelp to fix Ihe 14.07 Chinnville Assembly &. 5 5 (;Junnvil1c K) I breaks ,hrough Ihe me.;hanical problams of f~e t ." in "'''u\ and to check Ihe ~uccru 01 IS.9S Full (; o~pcl A~.cmh!y i"'''l':nlOnt Co!" 15.25 Ea!,:le Beud 1\"emhly Ciari,sa )olinn I study and leachilll{ ami rel1ccIs the i"f1uence II 15.&0 Full GO'lwl (hurd, I.< '~ Ban<)s Calii and beaulY and power of the lesson's nl<"ss~gt', thlc,P,,_ P"O·',_:'-.. ,'." r'O;"''' D',_~~.I::-_~_ ; o' ,', '',',',' .'~g"""'~ l,Pd"P.Bh"·'. l' 1';.15 ['ellt'! As,e",h!y X,·W Hr;lain C""n 17.00 Asscmbly of God S S Bad '\AC )Olich I" 6. The S UlI'geslioo& to the T eacher give prac, funh("r ,leH:\tlp Ihe !rUlh~ of Ihe leSSOn "nd I , 17.00 Funr So;lu"re GO)~llCI T;,b Tampa Fla tical hell) in ,he aClu~1 leaching lind "I'pliea' indicate how ,hese C:tll IJ<, ~~tel\dcd ill more • 20. 00 Assembly of God EwiuJ.( _\10 26.00 "55e",bly Braden\"ilk 1' .1 I liun of Ihe lesson 10 Ihe need~ and under· .k!ailcd ~,,,,Iy and con~ideralion. t 20.00 Fir~t :hsemhly of Gud Fort Worth Tex U.U Chris!',.; Ambassadors First Pelll'l Church Ik;"'<:r Falls Pa Z2.SS Full Gospd Tah II,!>" :->pr,ugs Nebr zs.oo "' ssembly of God \\'CSI .\lonTo" La I 25.00 Withuhce l'e1lI'1 _\~sc",hly \\'ilherbee ;.; Y I A Free ZS;I~~x~~SC" lIe;&hls Asst'mbly uf Gud Fort W orth Copy Ui.OO Glad Tidin!,($ .\uembly 'xewhurgh ;.; \ i lO.OO l'enlecoSlal A~,emhh Kl)('~\'il1e P:.. i \Ve shall be glad to send a complimentary copy of the Teachers' Quarterly 30.36 1'<:llIcn.>sla l CI'urch D<:s )Ol oines ]a 4Il.01 IIclhd Pent'[ Assembly Junea" ""aska fo r the fourth qu.arter of 19Z9 to any teacher who is not now usin!-,; it. Just mail 45 ,00 1', nt~eo~,:tl Chur.;!, '-\"r011 01110 40 ,11 Assembly of God S S Springfield .\1 0 I the coupon to-day without obligation. 50.00 Four Fold Gos!,e! Church Bailie Creck )oll.:h 50.00 Pentecoslal .'oli,siol1 Tnrlock Calif :>9.]"1 Full Gospel Tabernaclc Cuyahoga Falls Ohio 76.00 Dellle! Temple )olissiollary Soclely St Lo uis I "10 I Gospel Publishing House. I would like to sec your Sunday 108.08 Ohio State Christ's .\lIlba~s~dors Springfield, Missouri School Teachers' Quarterly. 130.00 ;.,annelle 1\ssemby )<:allnclle 1'" I 150.00 Berea T3bcrnacle Detroil )Oli<..h TOlal antou"t f<:portcd .... $284!,43 Home missions in"d ___ ...... -$ SO.58 I ~atllc t Deputational expense fund lJAI Otlicc ex~nse iund .... . 27.31 HCpO.·.ted as given direc, to m'5Sl0l)' anes 105.00 19-UO U:::et ~O~ __' ____'___ '_ S _la_l_e ______..l. T Olal fo r ioreign missions ,__ $2.(H3.13 'i"--~' --- ' - - '- "-'- '-' - ,_. _.:. 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