J fILE COP): " Numbt.r 816 Springfield, Mo I Septl'mber 21, 1929 Prier Sc • (?ome, <Blessed Spirit <- OIlW. 1101\' (;hn:-L and till !II \ til '[ hat ior Til) J'O\\'l'r I" \l'anlll1g: And on till' altar (Ii 11lY !W:lrt I,eep <.;;u,:rl'd flam!.'", a-\;urning I (;i'l' 111(, to!lg'U(':-' t,~ 1'1'<11"'(' Th) :\;Ulll', Haptin' Illy ~o111 with lin.:. That tilroug-h the n.:aC'ilcs of Thy gnK(', :\Iy "Old 111;1\' pinio1l higher! CIJllll', Iloly Spirit. g-in.: tll{' gran', That I may 10\,(' Thtl' clea r('l". That every prayer and {'\'IT), ta"k '\Iay .... ('n'l' 10 (ira,," me nearer! Cin:' Ill(' faith to elo Th\' will. \\'hatc'cr the ta ... \" Ill\' ix-, Knowing ThOll wilt '~ how the way, \\'ill ~trcl1g'thcn. <:olllfun me, Only olle gucrdon I implore. () blessed Trilli!\' .\ soul that's worthy of Ihe joy Of Life eternal wilh Thee! • ,)"adil' Church /rilsoll. There Will Be No Evangel Next Week I'ayi' Ti.'(/ '1111 l'/':\Tt.nh·t \1. 1-',\'.\,\,(;1.1. SI'/"ton"cr ! 1, 1929 \,\1 gOIl1~ tu !-.p<.'ak abuHt the II ., ~ l'1ll01l0lh of (;011. I think in ~ I the,,(' parahk~ in Luke hftel'll \\l' of tell pm the cmpha"is ill CC9he &motions Of god tilt, WI"OIlj:!' placc. In thi .... ~.... parahlt- of lhe pro<iihral "on lIy I' \STOR DO:-J.\LD GEE Iwe are apt to PUI the cmpha~i~ on till: :0.011. Iml I think wl' !-.hould plll the Cll1- "c5'['ld he aroIt and came to his father. fBut -when he -was yet a great way off, pha~is 011 thl' father. Th(: Lord Je!'ju~ Christ did lIot nced to tell men what his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck and it \vas like to he prodigal !'jons. They kISsed him," !£uke 15:20. km'w it too W{'Il. 11c did not have 1<) t{ 'arh 11H'111 to ht, prodigals. They wCl'(' .:., ___,, _ ,, __, __, _ ,_ ,-,___ , __' _ 0___ " _ ' _ '_ "_ ".' prodigals without heing- taught. Thl'~ knt'\\' till' l'xpcrience of a prodigal. I~u\ till'1'l' was nn(' thing thl' 1.I)rd had t(1 bl: 1l1\1\'l·d, tlH:rc i", ",onwthing wrong :-.tnn· of how the loycd is coming leach II1l'lI ht'rall'il' thl'\' did Hot kl1O\\ \\'1th 0111' preaching. hack again, and it is Ill)' joy to know it, and that wa.., the l:haractcr of the I hdi{·\,l' ('motion i", a pmper normal. that there are many here who say, "\\ e F:'I.thcr. Thi", was what nH.:n IHT<i('d h{·ahhy thillg-. and 1 pray God \ .... ill low' Ilim because lI(' first 10\."I.:d us." tn learn afre",h the charactt:r of flUI· The gospcl, to U'i. is not silllply g-i\'l' th 11l0rl' of it. J am not ashamed Fatlwr wilo i:-. ill heaven. 'If ,.,aying- "1 ralldujah !" I)el'au.,c 1 he· logical formula. It is c~sent~a1!y pe:­ • I said I was going to ~p('ak about the hl'\"C I ha\'c something- to say Ilalll'­ ... ona!. It is Illore than hellcvlllg In (,lIlotions of God. Let me say fir..,t lujah aiJout. and] alll not :l",hanll'd of :l cr(·ed. It is loving the Lord Je",u", of all tlll'n.' arl' a lot (Ii 1>L"Ople who .... aying- "\111('11." Thank Gull wc h:l\'c Christ. He is all in all to u",. lillel fa\11t with u'" jJtllteco"'tal Chri .. - COllie 1".lCk 10 rtalit\ in Pl'lIll'CO.,1. \\'l' The story of this wondC'rful court­ tians h('('al1",e Wi.: arc 100 {'Illotional fOI" art' 1101 wanting ;; lot of superficial .,hip roll", on, and it I.'mis up like all thelll. \\'t, do Ilot apolog-ize. \\'e an' l'XcitCIllt'IIt. hut we do wanl real, true. lovc stories, Jt ends in a lIlarriage not going- 10 Ix: any \(.... 0.; (.:1110tional. You holy, purl' l'lllotion. God is a. God thc nrarriage of the Lamh. " For II j" .;ay, ".\Ii thl''''l' ' ilalldujahs !' and of {'molioll. \\'t' Ilt:\cr ~n vcr\' far hridc hath made herself ready." :\nl1 , \I1H'n ... r' all lhi'i sillgin~ and ",houl­ Wrollg' \\!tt'll wc arc lik{, liil11. that is the end oi the wonderful lo\"c ing-, all thie; l'1I1otion· \\'{' do !lO! like ;,t01"Y in the Bihll' ..\111.1 I thank God n. \\'l' do 110t think it is I"i;:.:-hl." '1'111': Itrlll .1-; fs ,\X 1-:\l01l0X,\I. BOOK they arc going- 10 "Jiye happily {'vcr after." Can wc imag'inc a story like wonder how mall)' of us have that without cmotioll ~ Ncver! (;01) J s \ (;00 OF E \lOTrox~ c()l1c('ivcd of the Biille as one of the IllO,.. t ('111ot iOlla! books that \\'a5 ('vcr Nnw J alll going' to make a vcr) TIII~F:F. I'IC'n'Rr:~ OFr liE !o::-'fOTIO" writtcn. I wOIHkr whether yOIl have .... Ianling staL<:I1lt.'1I1 10 ':"0111(: of you. OF COD thoug-ht of lhe Bihlt: ;1", a great loyl' and Ihat i'i that Cod is a CO(!" of ... tor). The Bihle is the gTCatcst love l'nl(JtiPIl. And if Cod is emotional J .;tOI"\' that has evcr hccn written. It J {'(l!OI/SY am nol a.;lrarll('d of heing like 111y Fa­ i" l;rt.·athil1.t:: with cmotion ir0111 <;tar! 011l'. F irst of all I want to take th1.'!". Don't ('ome to mC' with your to tini.,h. YOU 10 OIlC of the 1ll0~t violt:nl emo­ ruhhi:-;h that tlwre j", no emotion ill re­ It Iwg-ins wht,rt, a g-Ilod 111any oi lions which can possihly sweep the liJ.!inn. You (,;111110t han' real r('li~ioll our IIiH' ",Wri{'s hegin. It hegins in human SO\l!. I refer to Jealousy. Now. without it. and ),011 won't have a real the garden. !\nd then in cn:ry truc it i", :1 clear stalcnl{'lIt of the Bible n"'i\'al without it. III Scotland th{'\ that the Lord our (;od is a jealous ;'Ire C'ryillg' for a r{'\'iYal. but they wan't Im'e .,tory ther(' is always thc villain. (;od. There are a good mallY ill thi'i a rc\'i\,:1.1 withollt ('Illation and they \nd "'I11"C cnoug-h ),011 do not get n.'r)' br in this truc Mory bdore he al'­ meeting- that know :-;omclhing ahout will 11('\,('1' gt'l it. There neY('r ha .... jealotl:-;y. l sn't human jealousy a h{'I.'1I a rcvival without l'IlI01iOll. Ther{' lll·:lr.,. lie C'omes right il1to the g-ar­ honihle thing~ \Vhell men arc jcal­ nenr will he. den. and llt' does what the villain 011- wan; dol'S. lie sows seeds of douht ow; Ihey ~ec eycrythin~ through green ·- \\,hnt i .. '·1.'motion"? 1t seems to aw·1 di,isioll hetwcen the lovers. YOtl glasses. People can say the 1lI0st h?rm­ ... care peoplC' ~o tC'rrihly; but emotion g-et the tragic story where that old less things and mean no unkilldncs", ito a perfC'Ctiy hC';l1tily and normal thing. serpcnt thc devil came ill, and he at all. but when they arc je,llolls they Thl.' \\'ord comes from a I,atin root, hroke the ",wccl, tCllder love relation read in all sorts of cyi! Illotives. The and it s;mply Iw.:ans "a moving of the hel wcell God a Ild man. Lord S;'lVC us from getting jcalous of mind or sou1." T want to say. with ,\ ncJ the story goe<; on chapter after othel· ('hurchcs. .\l1d the the Lord dccp and hl1lllhll' thankfulncss, that I d13pt('r. Sometimes as majestic as "avc other churches frolll getting jc..1.I ­ thank God for the day when lIe moved the thunder. :1.nd sOll1ctimes as tender ous of liS. .\ lot of the awful things Ill('. ,\nel 1 pray that God will keep Inc a.::. the Illother hrooding over her b..1.be. Christians say ahout one another arise mO"ablc and sa \'(' me from ever coming­ The On(' who has lost Iris lover is from notihng but jealous),. tn :1 placc where I cannot be mo\"cd. .;eeking by every means to win the \\'ell. J am telling- you that God j", 1'11('r(' is nothing- to he ashamcd of ill loY(' hack again, The enemy is try­ jealous. Somcbody says: "1 t is a healthy, proper emotion· .,;} 1ll0\"ing oj ing' tn hinder. And on and on the mystcry. \\'e canllot IInderstand it." the mind and the soul." "'t01"\' rolls. IIntil at last lIe makes the God is a jealous God, \ Vhat is jeal­ \ Vhcllev('r nm touch realih' in the gTCatcst proof of 100'c. "Greater lovc ousy? Let me put it this way, Jea!ousy :-.piritllal realn;. you touch things which hath no man than this that a man la\· is simply 100'e zealously g-uarding its arc so \"ital that any normal. healthy down his life for his friends." and He interests. If incapahle of !ove yon persoll C'annot fai l to be ll1o\"ed: and prO\'es His lo\'e uy laying down His C'ould not be jealous. When yOli have if W(' hayc to-day such ministry in our life, and when all else failed.
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