1940-01-20 [P A-11]

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1940-01-20 [P A-11] News of Interest From Washington’s Social and Club Calendars to Be Guests Yugoslav Minister Masseys And Mme. Fotitch President’s At White House Dinner Hosts at Dinner the The Minister of Yugoslavia and By Way— Wife Mme. Fotitch entertained at din-1 Heads ~ ~ — ■ Tomorrow ner Thursday night at the Lega- -Beth Blaine- Evening tion, when their guests were the One of the most French Ambassador, Count de charming and hospitable houses In Washington is Sponsor List that of ‘Abe Lincoln in Illinois’ Film Saint-Quentin; the Brazilian Am- Baron and Baroness Baeyens on Kalorama Circle, where we dined bassador and Senora de Martins, Thursday evening. t ‘Tomorrow’s Senator To Be Shown for President; and Mrs. Charles L. The party was a small one but very gay and the dinner, which was McNary, and Mrs. was Representative aeucious, accompanied by the most ex- F Citizen Exhibit’ Sol Bloom, Mrs. Robert Low World Premiere Monday cCMent wines. Baroness Baeyens looked ■ Bacon, Col. and Mrs. Vll- Eugene smart in delicate red lace made with a full ! Opens Next Month The President and Mrs. Roosevelt will have guests dining informally laret, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Pearson, skirt and With them tiny pulled sleeves, and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt tomorrow evening, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. Frank Keith Officer. Austra- heads liam Thomas, who told us she was off today t Massey, who will arrive tomorrow from Chicago for the world lian Counselor of the British the list of distinguished sponsors premiere for a week’s skiing, wore sheer black lace and of the motion picture “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” in which Mr. Embassy; Mr. and Mrs. Harold for the “Tomorrow’s Citizen Ex- Massey plays marquisette. Mrs. Marshall Exniclos wore the title role. The film will be Hinton, Mrs. Arthur Woods, Mr. a shown for the President after the dinner, hibit” which will open 5 and Mrs. Herbert Feis and the red velvet Jacket with her black gown and February Monday evening Mrs. Roosevelt will witness the world premiere of this In the National new military attache of the Lega- Mrs. Anthony Coleby looked lovely in pale Museum. The proj- picture, which is from the Pulitzer Robert E prize-winning play by tion and Mme. Burya. gold lame and brown. ect is being arranged under aus- Sherwood in which Mr. Massey now is playing in Chicago. The premiere A most attractive addition to the party pices of the Social Studies of is sponsored by the Newspaper Women’s Club for the Group benefit of the bed was blond Ruth who in tall, Overton, is spend- the Washington Branch, American Children’s Hospital which the club maintains, and its own Miss Grove fellowship Engaged ing the winter with her Senator fund for the aid of its members. Mr. and Mrs. parents, Association of University Women, Massey will remain for the and Mrs. To John Overton, at Wardman Park. with the premiere Monday evening and, with other stars of the will oc- Ensign Sawyer co-operation of the Labor picture, Aside from being a most intelligent and cupy a box. Mrs. Daniel Locher Orove of Department and other Federal, Dis- announces the pretty young woman, Miss Overton has a Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, cousin of Mrs. is Fairfax, Va., engage- trict and Roosevelt, honorary ment of her lovely singing voice and tells us that she private agencies. chairman of the benefit and Mrs. daughter, Miss Mary Cordell Hull is honorary chairman of Other sponsors will Carter Grove, to Ensign William is studying voice in addition to having a include Secre- patronesses. Members of the cabinet, the Court and tary of the Interior Harold L. Supreme Congress Thomas Sawyer of Gardner, Mass., very gay winter here. Ickes, as well as heads Paul of foreign missions in Washington are the more son of V. McNutt, Federal among Mrs. S. W. Sawyer. The Baeyens’ other guests included the Security than 1,500 who have purchased tickets. The administrator; John M. prospective bride, a grand- Lawrence Carmody, popular Bakers, Comdr. Coleby, IT “I*""* daughter of Robert Hall Montgom- administrator, Federal Works Comdr. Thomas, Christopher Bramwell, Griffith "warfleld Marshall Nathan Tire Ambassador of Prance, Count de Saint-Quentin, is in New York, ery of Bluff Point, Westmoreland and* Agency; Straus, administra- Exnicios. tor, United States Author- where he went yesterday to remain until tomorrow evening. County, Va., and Dr. Robert Charles Housing Grove of Shepherdstown, W. Va., is Earlier in the afternoon we went to Mrs. Frank Letts’ apart- ity; Harold D. Smith, director, Bu- connected ment at the Caravel to meet her Mrs. reau of the Budget; Dr. Alexander The Spainsh Ambassador and Senora de Cardenas were hosts at prominently with the daughter, George McLaughlin and Mason of Mrs. Wetmore, assistant secretary, Smith- dinner last for Carter, Brochenbrough Chicago. McLaughlin is very like her good looking sister, evening, entertaining informally the Marquis de Cuevas sonian Senators families of Virginia. Miss Grove is Mme. Espil, and has the same taste in Institution; Wil- of New York, formerly of Spain, who is their over Others good clothes. Judging from the liam guest Sunday. a cousin of the late H. King and Elbert D. Thomas, Capt. Washing- chic black and red afternoon gown she wore at her at dinner were the Italian Ambassador and Princess Colonna, the Minister mother’s. Representatives T. ton Berry Grove, chief surgeon of Mrs. Mary Norton of Letts’ great friend, Mrs. John Williams, as Finland, M. Hjalmar Procope; Senator and Mrs. Peter Goelet Gerry, the United States Navy under Ad- dropped in, did and Jennings Randolph, Commis- Mrs. Noyes Lewis, Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. the Counselor of the French Embassy, M. Jacques Truelle; the Attache miral Dewey. Plunkett, William Mac- sioners Melvin C. Hazen, George M. Cracken, Wolcott Allen and of the Polish Embassy and Countess Lasocka, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miss Grove attended Mary Wash- Waggamann, Mme. Bostrom, Ricardo Siri of the David McCoach, Jr.; Mrs. Argentine Embassy, Mrs. Nathan and one or Henry Grattan Doyle, of Wilkins, Mme. van Kaathoven, Mrs. Legare and Senor Cristobal Altube, ington College in Fredericksburg, Wyeth two others. president Louise who looks the Board of Coleman tenor, who is a brief visit Va., and Ensign Sawyer was gradu- Stillwell, far too grown up to have such a young Education; Spanish making in Washington. B. ated from the Naval in as Jennings, president of the Com- Additional were asked Academy grandmother Mrs. Letts, was seeing that every one had a cock- guests after the dinner for a program of Dr. the class of 1939. He is stationed tail and some of the hors munity Chest; Kathryn McHale, music, which was given by Senor Altube, Mrs. Mildred good d’ourves besides looking very pretty accompanied by on the U. S. S. in Nor- general director of the A. A. U. W.; Kolb Schulze, Quincy in a new silver lame afternoon dress. composer-pianist, of Washington. folk, Va. iWttd. KUdHjKI Li. tlUTUHiNSUN. Theodore W. Noyes, editor of The Mrs. There was Just time to run over to for The Ambassador and Senora de Cardenas will have guests Hutchinson and her year-old daughter Jo-Anne, will Georgetown tea with Mr. Evening Star, and John T. O’Rourke, dining and Mrs. With them again this evening. leave with Mr. Hutchinson next month for a stay in Florida. Chauncey Parker before dashing home to change for dinner. managing editor of the Washington The former Miss Mrs. Hutchinson The Parkers’ for which Miss Giddings Wed Betty Powell, is the daughter house, their brother-in-law, George Howe, was Daily News. of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powell. architect, is so attractive The Egyptian Minister and Mme. Hassan shortly will issue invita- and beautifully furnished that it always makes Mrs. G. Charter Heslep, chairman In South Africa us feel we tions for a reception Sunday, February 11, from 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock to that want to go home and throw away everything we have and of the Social Studies Committee of Word has been received of a wed- the celebrate the birthday anniversary of King Farouk I. start all over again. Cecelia Parker has a great flare for decorating and Washington Branch of the A. A. ding of interest to many in Takoma Miss Beattie to Wed Minister U. is The Minister and Mme. Hassan will Bulgarian since their marriage she and have collected some W„ general chairman, while entertain at dinner Tuesday Park which took place Thursday in Chauncey very fine old which have been honorary chairmen are Secretary evening, February 6. Claremont, Cape, South Africa, in Mr. E. H. Daniel, Jr. And Wife Entertain pieces, arranged with great distinction and taste. Mrs. of Labor Frances Perkins, Dr. Mar- the Adventist Mrs. Sarah The Bulgarian Minister and Rumbold, the Cortlandt Parkers, Andrew Wylie, the Liv- Seventh-Day Church, Sweetman Martin an- garet Morriss, national president of Mis. A. B. Chandler, wife of Senator Chandler of has when Miss Elaine nounces Mme. NaoumofT entertained in- ingston Hartleys, Mrs. Carroll Morgan and father were Kentucky, Gladys Giddings, the engagement of her Chauncey’s at the the A. A. U. W., and Mrs. William Joined her husband at their the of the Rev. and Mrs. formally at dinner eve- Parkers—which is our idea of the Mayflower apartment, where Senator daughter granddaughter, Miss Helen Jose- Thursday just right number of friends to have drop C. Van Vleck, president of the Chandler has been Orlo U. of Nova to in to Mr. and in for an informal since his arrival for the congressional season.
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