2020 Bishop Garrigan Quiz Bowl Tournament Game 10 10:25 – Oct. 17

Toss-Up Round

Question 1 The Mohs scale measures the hardness of minerals. The hardest mineral is diamond. For ten points, when substances are classified according to this scale, what is the softest substance on earth? ANSWER: talc

Question 2 It’s not a hyena, and it’s not a lion. For ten points, while we don’t often hear it, what is the loudest animal on earth? ANSWER: (sperm) whale

Question 3 It seems like it’s been eons that we’ve been worrying about the coronavirus. Scientifically, though, the word “eon” means a longer time than just a few months. For ten points, in science, does “eon” refer to 10,000, 100,000, one million, or one billion years? ANSWER: one billion years

Question 4 For ten points, what do you call a baby rhinoceros? ANSWER: calf

Question 5 For ten points, what is the only mammal that is naturally capable of sustained flight? ANSWER: bat

Question 6 The region of Tuscany lies on the northwest coast of Italy. The capital of Tuscany has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its Renaissance art and architecture. The city was home to explorer Amerigo Vespucci, sculptor Donatello, painter Rafael, author Niccolò Machiavelli, and of “Lisa”, the model for the painting Mona Lisa. For ten points, name this famous city. ANSWER: Florence

Question 7 He was one of the husbands of Marilyn Monroe. For ten points, name this author whose best-known work was Death of a Salesman. ANSWER: Arthur Miller

Question 8 Kirigami (keer-uh-GAH-me) is a popular Japanese craft. For ten points, does kirigami involve arranging flowers, painting with inked sponges, pruning miniature trees, or cutting paper? ANSWER: cutting paper (Essentially it involves making artisan pop-up books or cut paper sculptures.)

Question 9 Different stringed instruments have different numbers of strings. For ten points, how many strings are found on a traditional ukulele? ANSWER: 4

Question 10 2020 marks a milestone anniversary of the end of World War II. For ten points, how many years has it been since the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? ANSWER: 75

Question 11 During a period in July 2020 it was reported that someone in Texas died of COVID-19 every six minutes. For ten points, a death every six minutes equates to how many deaths in a day? ANSWER: 240 (10 deaths an hour X 24 hours a day)

Question 12 For ten points, if someone experiences hypoglycemia (high-poe-gly-SEEM-ee-uh), what medical situation do they have? ANSWER: low blood sugar (prompt for more information on answers such as “diabetes”) (“Low” is important; high blood sugar is hyperglycemia.)

Question 13 is enshrined in this sport’s hall of fame. He is known to have competed in more than 300 matches, and he recorded only one loss. For ten points, name this sport. ANSWER: wrestling

Question 14 For ten points, which English king signed the Magna Carta on June 15 in the year 1215? ANSWER: King John

Question 15 The movie Titanic was released in 1997. For ten points, within one year either way, in what year did the actual ship Titanic sink? ANSWER: 1912 (accept 1911 – 1913)

Question 16 When the Titanic sank, those who were rescued from the ship were taken to a major port city on the east coast of Canada. For ten points, name this city, which is the capital of Nova Scotia. ANSWER: Halifax

Question 17 Consider the sentence “Jennifer worked as a journalist five years ago.” For ten points, in this sentence what part of speech is the word “five”? ANSWER: adjective

Question 18 This nine-letter word is the longest English word with only one syllable. The word refers to something an employer might ask you to list in a job interview. For ten points, give this word, which begins with the letter “S”. ANSWER: strengths

Question 19 Coffee beans are not beans at all. They are actually the dried pits of a stone fruit. While not botanically related, this fruit looks much the same and shares its name with a fruit that is an important agricultural product in states like Michigan and Washington. For ten points, name this fruit. ANSWER: cherry

Question 20 The U.S. President is Commander in Chief of America’s armed forces, but it has been quite a while since we have had a President who had served in the military. The last President who served in active duty in the standard military did so during World War II. For ten points, who was the most recent President with active duty in one of the regular military branches? ANSWER: George H. W. Bush (prompt for more information on “Bush”) (NOTE: George W. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard, but he did not in active duty in either the Army or Air Force.)

Question 21 The only U.S. President to serve on active duty in a war more recent than World War II was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy during the Korean War. This President graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a degree in nuclear physics. For ten points, who was he? ANSWER: Jimmy Carter

Question 22 Though this epic poem is set in Scandinavia, it is considered one of the most important works in Old English literature. Its author is unknown, and it is thought to have been written around the year 1000. For ten points, name this work that features a monster known as Grendel. ANSWER: Beowulf

Question 23 Elvis Presley’s first hit song began with the words “Since my baby left me, I found a new place to dwell.” For ten points name this song, which describes a place located “down at the end of lonely street”. ANSWER: “Heartbreak Hotel”

Question 24 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located in a Midwestern City in the Eastern Time Zone. For ten points, name that city. ANSWER: Cleveland,

Question 25 Artist Edward Hopper’s most famous painting is called Nighthawks. This painting depicts a worker and three customers in a business with the name “Phillie’s”. For ten points, Phillies is what type of establishment? ANSWER: diner (Accept answers like “restaurant” or “café”.)

(Continue to the bonus round.)

Bonus Round

(Each correctly answered toss-up earns the team the right to answer the corresponding bonus.)

Toss-Up 26 For ten points, on a standard keyboard, what three letters of the alphabet are typed with the little finger on the left hand? ANSWER: Q, A, Z (order doesn’t matter)

Bonus 26 For five points each, name the authors of these historic books. Part 1 The Odyssey ANSWER: Homer Part 2 Canterbury Tales ANSWER: Geoffrey Chacer Part 3 The Divine Comedy ANSWER: Dante Alighieri Part 4 Les Miserables ANSWER: Victor Hugo Part 5 War and Peace ANSWER: Leo Tolstoy

Toss-Up 27 Shakespeare coined the phrase “in a pickle”. For ten points, this phrase appears in what play that tells of a storm striking a ship that is traveling from Tunisia to Italy? ANSWER: The Tempest

Bonus 27 For five points each, identify these geographic terms. Part 1 a large elevated area of mostly flat land ANSWER: plateau OR mesa Part 2 the place where a river begins ANSWER: source Part 3 a narrow strip of water that connects two larger bodies of water ANSWER: strait Part 4 a small island that is circled by a reef and has a lagoon ANSWER: atoll Part 5 a deep, narrow ocean inlet surrounded by high cliffs ANSWER: fjord

Toss-Up 28 The first person to hold this government position was in 1789. Others to hold this position were , Nicholas Longworth, Tip O’Neill, , and . For ten points, name the position that is second in order of succession to the President, a job currently held by . ANSWER: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Bonus 28 For ten points, answer these questions about current events in 2020. Part 1 The Chinese legislature has enacted legislation to place what city more firmly under control of the central government? ANSWER: Hong Kong Part 2 Who is the current President of France? ANSWER: Emmanuel Macron Part 3 Who is the most recently confirmed justice on the United States Supreme Court, who surprised many experts by siding with liberal justices in some recent decisions? ANSWER: Brett Kavanaugh Part 4 Congress passed the CARES Act in response to the coronavirus pandemic. What does the “E” in the acronym “CARES” stand for? ANSWER: Economic (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) Part 5 The Board of Regents voted to eliminate the SAT and ACT as requirements for admission to state universities in what state? ANSWER: California

Toss-Up 29 For ten points, what country music star is married to Faith Hill and has a concert band called the Dancehall Doctors? ANSWER: Tim McGraw

Bonus 29 For five points each, spell each of these commonly misspelled words. Part 1 absence, meaning the situation of not being present. ANSWER: A – B – S – E – N – C – E Part 2 camouflage, meaning a pattern that disguises ANSWER: C – A – M – O – U – F – L – A – G – E Part 3 fluorescent, meaning giving off light when exposed to radiation ANSWER: F – L – U – O – R – E – S – C – E – N – T Part 4 twelfth, meaning after the eleventh ANSWER: T – W – E – L – F – T – H Part 5 sergeant, meaning a rank in the military or police service ANSWER: S – E – R – G – E – A – N – T

Toss-Up 30 One of the most prominent people to die from COVID-19 in 2020 was a former Republican Presidential candidate who had previously been the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. For ten points, name this African-American businessman and politician. ANSWER: Herman Cain Bonus 30 For five points each, give the most exact term for each of these geometric shapes Part 1 a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides ANSWER: trapezoid Part 2 all the points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point ANSWER: circle Part 3 a three-sided polygon in which none of the sides are congruent ANSWER: scalene triangle (both words are necessary for a correct answer) Part 4 all the points in a plane where the difference of the distances to two fixed points is constant ANSWER: hyperbola Part 5 a quadrilateral with all sides (but not all angles) congruent ANSWER: rhombus (NOTE: To be a square all four angles must also be congruent.)

Toss-Up 31 This quarterback was applauded by President Trump in 2020, but criticized by many African—Americans when he spoke out against athletes who kneel during the National Anthem. However he later apologized and said he had changed his mind after speaking with other members of his team. For ten points, name this longtime leader of the New Orleans Saints. ANSWER: Drew Brees

Bonus 31 The Brady Bunch was a classic TV show from the 1960s. For five points each, name up to five of the six children who were characters on The Brady Bunch. ANSWER: Greg (5 points each for up to 5 correct answers) Peter Bobby Marcia Jan Cindy

Toss-Up 32 The upper part of a hockey uniform is not generally called a jersey. For ten points, what term is used to refer to the garment a hockey player wears over the chest and torso? ANSWER: sweater

Bonus 32 For five points each, answer these questions about the Iowa state government. Part 1 Kim Reynolds became Governor of Iowa when what former governor resigned? ANSWER: Terry Branstad Part 2 Branstad resigned when President Trump appointed him to be the U.S. Ambassador to what country? ANSWER: China Part 3 Who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Iowa? ANSWER: Adam Gregg Part 4 What Democrat has served as the Iowa Attorney General for the past twenty-five years and served an additional twelve years prior to that? ANSWER: Tom Miller Part 5 What Iowa Secretary of State was controversial by being one of the few Republicans to encourage voting by mail during the COVID-19 pandemic? ANSWER: Paul Pate

(Continue to the lightning round.)

Lightning Round Categories The lightning round subjects are: • Hispanic Americans • Baseball Scorecard • Greatest American Books

Lightning Round

CATEGORY A: Hispanic Americans I will describe ten Americans, past and present, who are of Latino ancestry. For ten points each, you name those people. For example, if I said “singer of Tejano music who was killed in 1995”, you would say “Selena Perez” or just “Selena”. Question 1 First Hispanic woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court ANSWER: Sonia Sotomayor Question 2 Singer who headlined the 2020 Super Bowl halftime show ANSWER: Jennifer Lopez OR J-Lo Question 3 Congresswoman representing New York’s 14th district ANSWER: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez OR A.O.C. Question 4 Actor and singer best known as the husband of Lucille Ball ANSWER: Desi Arnaz Question 5 Baseball player killed in 1972, for whom MLB’s humanitarian award is named ANSWER: Roberto Clemente Question 6 Singer whose biggest hits include “That’s What I Like” and “Uptown Funk” ANSWER: Bruno Mars OR Peter Gene Hernandez Question 7 Baseball star who retired from the Yankees after the 2016 season ANSWER: Alex Rodriguez OR A-Rod Question 8 Guitarist and vocalist for the band Grateful Dead ANSWER: Jerry Garcia Question 9 Singer whose best-selling hit was “All I Want for Christmas Is You” ANSWER: Mariah Carey Question10 Texas senator and 2016 Republican Presidential candidate ANSWER: Ted Cruz

Lightning Round

CATEGORY B: Baseball Scorecard I will identify ten plays or positions in baseball. For ten points each, you give the number or letter combination that Major League Baseball uses to refer to those things in its official scoring method. For example, if I said “number used for the pitcher”, you would say “1”. Question 1 3 letters used for an intentional walk ANSWER: I – B – B Question 2 number used for the center fielder ANSWER: 8 Question 3 two letters used when a runner is out because there is no available base to run to ANSWER: F – O Question 4 number used for the catcher ANSWER: 2 Question 5 number used for the shortstop ANSWER: 6 Question 6 two letters used when a batter reaches base because another runner is out ANSWER: F – C Question 7 three letters used when a batter is out on a fly ball that advances a runner ANSWER: S – A – C Question 8 number used for the first baseman ANSWER: 3 Question 9 number used for the third baseman ANSWER: 5 Question10 one letter used for a strike-out ANSWER: K

Lightning Round

CATEGORY C: Greatest American Books I will name ten books which appear on a list of the greatest American books compiled by goodreads.com. For ten points each, you tell me the author of each book. For example, if I said “Of Mice and Men”, you would say “John Steinbeck”. Question 1 To Kill a Mockingbird ANSWER: Harper Lee Question 2 The Great Gatsby ANSWER: F. Scott Fitzgerald Question 3 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ANSWER: Mark Twain OR Samuel Clemens Question 4 The Catcher in the Rye ANSWER: J.D. Salinger Question 5 The Grapes of Wrath ANSWER: John Steinbeck Question 6 Fahrenheit 451 ANSWER: Ray Bradbury Question 7 The Scarlet Letter ANSWER: Nathaniel Hawthorne Question 8 In Cold Blood ANSWER: Truman Capote Question 9 Gone with the Wind ANSWER: Margaret Mitchell Question10 The Old Man and the Sea ANSWER: Ernest Hemingway