Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-20
"BATS, PATS. 'M ota ..,. VI, U'" A' th••••• UI ler ••• ••••. paOCKII8BD 1100D8, ".. HI II"..... Z% ••• AI Ib,•• 01 ••w ,....ta.,.. 'UGU, T ,10 H E It•• ~ I ••, ....,. II ••• .. ..... I., fl.. ....... '. IOWA: Par1l7 do1Mb' with 880BI, ..... tlo,.. alrpla•• _po J, I ........ !ates 1.'ell.IIoI,. OAIOLINE, II-A ........... I.r , ••• .,.«end aIIIowen Uld thUllder 'aU ..........., C.. , II·' a •• C., ............ I., fI .. .allo... FUEL OIL. ,.,1..... th, ..... n, ........ DAI'LY IOWAN ........ .... , .1.. 'ui , ••r-'a Iter." , ••, aill. II.. ha, ... Ih 1111 ..U'. Iowa City', Morning New,pap.r ~=========================================~================================~================================================================================================::====================================~----- , IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY. MAY 20. 1945 ... """"",4,.. .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER2D2 ======================-~====~======================================================~==========================================~ RUSSIANS FEED DEFEATED GERMANS lor SUc. 10 hOlIes, e can be de. But Marines Beat Back Strong II in lift waatt<!, , OUr Plan :e edUci. \tier the are COrn. ·ore. lou :ation or Counterattack on Okinawa Ie to 5I!t dequate/,y I th,t an. 'hould be Chinese Port lnwarA9painstJapan- M PI M' · R I Yank Losses !t no op.. "~ A must be ir ower _a~y_o-.-:......y-:---a--.-:.../_or_o_e , lola 130,526 contribu. Reocc~pi~d I B, KJrlle L S~ parent In preparations for the further delay In crossin, the chan Ian" L. , I "" AtIoel&&ed Pnee News AnaI,si D-day invasion of France. That nel in force might not have been , becolllt City of Foochow Implicit in every allied move operation was held back until justified. In the Inner sanctum of Leatherneck. BaHle 'd !lel'$()n. aplnst Japan is the same concept every 9O$Sible precaution alainst the allied hllh command applica For Sugar Loaf Hill ur edUct.
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