Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-20

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-20 "BATS, PATS. 'M ota ..,. VI, U'" A' th••••• UI ler ••• ••••. paOCKII8BD 1100D8, ".. HI II"..... Z% ••• AI Ib,•• 01 ••w ,....ta.,.. 'UGU, T ,10 H E It•• ~ I ••, ....,. II ••• .. ..... I., fl.. ....... '. IOWA: Par1l7 do1Mb' with 880BI, ..... tlo,.. alrpla•• _po J, I ........ !ates 1.'ell.IIoI,. OAIOLINE, II-A ........... I.r , ••• .,.«end aIIIowen Uld thUllder­ 'aU ..........., C.. , II·' a •• C., ............ I., fI .. .allo... FUEL OIL. ,.,1..... th, ..... n, ........ DAI'LY IOWAN ........ .... , .1.. 'ui , ••r-'a Iter." , ••, aill. II.. ha, ... Ih 1111 ..U'. Iowa City', Morning New,pap.r ~=========================================~================================~================================================================================================::====================================~----- , IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY. MAY 20. 1945 ... """"",4,.. .... VOLUME XXI NUMBER2D2 ======================-~====~======================================================~==========================================~ RUSSIANS FEED DEFEATED GERMANS lor SUc. 10 hOlIes, e can be de. But Marines Beat Back Strong II in lift waatt<!, , OUr Plan :e edUci. \tier the are COrn. ·ore. lou :ation or Counterattack on Okinawa Ie to 5I!t dequate/,y I th,t an. 'hould be Chinese Port lnwarA9painstJapan- M PI M' · R I Yank Losses !t no op.. "~ A must be ir ower _a~y_o-.-:......y-:---a--.-:.../_or_o_e , lola 130,526 contribu. Reocc~pi~d I B, KJrlle L S~ parent In preparations for the further delay In crossin, the chan­ Ian" L. , I "" AtIoel&&ed Pnee News AnaI,si D-day invasion of France. That nel in force might not have been , becolllt City of Foochow Implicit in every allied move operation was held back until justified. In the Inner sanctum of Leatherneck. BaHle 'd !lel'$()n. aplnst Japan is the same concept every 9O$Sible precaution alainst the allied hllh command applica­ For Sugar Loaf Hill ur edUct. Freed for Second that dominated major strategy taUure had been taken. Pace to tion of what was learned In Ger­ ~ periell«l Time in Four Yean asainst Germany-the fastest pos­ lace with the lull weisht of the many of battle technique in air In Fiercest Action n cOUe,e. sible utter defeat tor the enemy w'ehrmacht the aUJes had to be and on the ground to the circum­ >1 kno W:! RADIOPHOTO FROM Moscow Ibowlnr plies of fo ocI luppllet for the pOpulation of Berlin. Bars or while holdinS allied losses \Q the flour and aUl'ar are piled on sldewalkl, a.wamal' de liver, to .torH, CHUNGKING (AP}-The Chi­ sure they had the power In air and stances of the war with Japan is GUAM, unday (AP)- Ma­ ~ h infOlir irreducible minimum. on the ground to drive th rough to in proeress. person to nese high command announced last rines of the irth division beat By present indications applica­ a relatively quick victory. Other­ It probably will be mcmths be­ back a trong Japan counter­ He m~t night that Chinese assault forces tion of aIr power on a more dev­ wise they might be bled white by fore events beyond the Pacific attack yesterday east Taka­ ever-in. hod reoccupied the great east astatins scale even than the fallen losses, short of triumph. tend to reveal the dedalons already or coast city of Foochow, freein, the Nazi regime experienced is a The only alternative proposed taken or to come; but even now it motoji village in th battl for 1 that We ,-ital Sugar Loaf hill, fi rce t first of Chino's important coastal major element of that program. It was reliance upon air power alon terns clear that air power is due' d citizens Tifo Backs Up Claims may even bring a fuller test of to brlns Germany to her knees. t.o get another chance. si ngle action in the Okinawa. treaty ports from Japanese rule. functions the claim of air enthusiasts that Prime Minister Churchill at one The test of what the J apanese campaign in whi h 4 ,J 03 J ap· !ople who Il was the second time in four they can do the whole job except years that the Chinese had won early sta•• told conlress in Wash­ can take from the air is certainly anese have b en kill d through you and for the cleanup. in,ton that idea was at least worth comin, at no very distant date. Re­ Thursday. Yugoslavs Remain I At (I Glance- back the strategic port, 115 miles neighbors, I Zone of Occupation With every facility bel n g a trial but not at the expense deployment of allied air power Fleet Admiral hesler W. Ir respon. northwest of the Japanese Island strained to concentrate alainst the of preparations to do Ihe job the against Japan on a scale of de­ i Worthy I • of Formosa. The former capital of Nimitz annOllllC d Am rican In Disputed Area remain in, enemy aU avail.able war hard way. structive power for beyond any­ casualties for the Oldnawa cam­ For 15th Disclosed Fukien province had been held by In the aftermath of the Eu­ thing Germany suffered at its late pro.. the Japanese since Oct.ober, 1944, power, it Is recalled that allied paign, in ludin[! fleet 10, eR ToddY'S pollcy a,alnst the Germans was to ropean victory no doubt there will worst is In too close prospect to nt or yoUr Montgomery Says and previously was enem),,-oc­ since It began carrier attacks on Gerow's Army to Hold build up enough strength of all arise debate as to whether, In the doubt It. The results could 10 far work well That Tito May Fight cupled for five months in 1941. to foreshadow how and when the enemy's Inland sea March 18, There were Imllcatlona !.hat sorts tor a last knockout. H,ht of what is now known about nowledge, Land Between Rhine,. the bomblns damage on Germany, Japan's total collapse will come. total 30,526. Of these, 8,310 were that you To Hold Territory -Iowan Fooohow, Iylnl' in the coaatal de­ That controllinl motive was ap- killed or missing and 22,216 were German Border fense rerlon where an American ------~~------------------~----------------- wounded. Many wounded have lrned the ROME (AP)-Field Marshal Sir Invasion of the Chinese eoui hu returned to combo\. )t be car. HBl'old Alexander declared yester­ Marines beat* back* Jap* counter­ SUPREME HEADQUARTERS been envillafed, wu abandoned Russia Submits Draft Demolition Bombs Maj. Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd vith ease, dBy that Marshal Tilo apparently attack in n,ht for Sugar Loaf ALLIED EX P E D I T ION A R Y by the Japanese. There aIIo were Yanks Fighl Jr'. Sixth division leathernecluJ ifficulties, Illtendep to resort to force in bacJc~ hill. FORCE, Paris (AP) - Supreme sI,1I8 thai enemy forces were PUIl­ were thrown orf Sqar Loaf hill a ing Yugoslavia's claims to north­ let. "The headquarters disclosed Cor the first In, out of tbe eut cout por1e of Of Peace Proposal Wreck Tokyo Targets fourth time Th unday nil'ht bu t oc­ ssed have eastern Italy and southern Austria Tlto backs up claims tor terri­ Wenchow, Amoy ancl Swatow. cupied It &l'aln Frkla.y moruial'. Now the - 3 course at action "all too re­ tory In northeast Italy. time yesterday that the United The Chinese hiSh command said This lItra.&el'lc promontory ",ard~ 'For Davao American 'au. You miniscent of Hitler, Mussolini and States 15th army's zone of occupa- the city of 322,725 persons was Little DiHerence 8-29's Naha, which cannot be occupied Japan." , pcrhaps, Chinese reoccupy port city of tlon Includes everything between taken in a Chinese assault that From American Smash Japanese ..fel, by A_LcIUl troops unto It . part, bUI ~elgrade radio broadcast Tito's Foochow for second time In four the Rhine and the German border smashed enemy resistance. II klWlUy oceupled and all Japanese lY it well. teply that the Yugoslav army, the ,years. , The Chinese communique said Plan OHered Airdrome Textile Center arUUery entrenched 10 Its IIOUth­ !ement 01 sa me as other allied armies, had from Wese! In the norih to Karls- that Chinese forces, which were em slopes Bllenced. ire:' the right to remain in territory it Rabbi Kerber to speak at ves­ ruhe in the south, and a small driven out of the city Tuesday SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Rus­ GUAM, Sunday (AP)-Super­ Lieu\. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buck­ liberated and the presence of his pers tonight. triangle east of the Rhine from night alter a brief penetl'ation of sis submitted to the Big Five for- ' MANILA, Sunday (AP)-United fortress sguadrons smashed indus­ ner Jr'8 lOth army troops main­ troops in the disputed zone would Coblenz north to Dortmund. the central city area, received re- eign ministers yesterday the draft States doushboya lought a sharp trial targets at Tokyo and Hama­ tained firm pressure aU along the ~ IN not "prejudge de~islons of the In the final occupation, how- inlorcement-s Wednesday and of a proposal accepting the prin­ batlle for Sas , airdrome in the matsu, Japan's bill pre-war textile southern Okinawa Iront yesterday, peac~ conference as to whom these ever, much of the present zone Is launched an attack alainst IAe Ciple of lIelt defense action 1n co­ Dnvao &ector ol Mindanoo. islanq center, yester!iay With d molition wltb tbe ~ne desperately /erritories belong." elCpec to be t.a~ over py ~e !litT buntt«y mOl'OlDf.. By eo:e­ otdinatllll realonal .roupe 01 na­ Frfllay while on Luzon Yanks and bO~bs. thJ'owini reserve relnforcements Asserting that "we cannot throW French ond Briti~h. nlng, the Chinese hod bell ten back tiqns under a wor)iT peace-keepfnl guerrillas carried on a bloody an­ . American headquarters sald the into the hand \Q hond struggle. away the vital principles for Allies, ''aP.lute I , organization.
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