Big Money for Pearl Twin Cities 14s Win State Street Pool / Main 3 Championship / Sports $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — July 21, 2015 Pete Caster /
[email protected] Pair Arrested After Joseph Lowery makes an appearance in Lewis County Superior Court Shooting in Winlock on Monday afternoon COURT DOCUMENTS: A 20-year-old Winlock man Lowery, 20, of Winlock, and a at the Lewis and a 16-year-old Centralia boy 16-year-old Centralia boy on County Law Disrespect of ‘Juggalo are being held on suspicion of suspicion of first-degree at- and Justice Family’ Led to Attack on attempted murder after a wom- tempted murder. Center in an was shot in the back at 6:30 Lowery later told police he Chehalis. Woman, Suspect Says p.m. Saturday near Winolequa shot the woman, his ex-girl- Park in Winlock. friend, because she disrespected By Natalie Johnson The Lewis County Sher-
[email protected] iff’s Office arrested Joseph M. please see SHOOTING, page Main 11 Shining Light on Tragedy Onalaska Holds Vigil for Three Teens Killed in State Route 508 Crash Rachel Tennant / For The Chronicle Graiti painted on a shed at Onalaska Middle School has some members of the community skeptical of their meanings, including this painting of an eye within a pyramid. Ony Graffiti: Art or Cult Symbolism? ‘ILLUMINATI MESSAGES’: All But One Mural of Northwest Spray Day Covered; Many Attend Meeting to Show Support of Event, Paintings By Justyna Tomtas
[email protected] Less than a month ago, buildings in Onalaska received a new paint job as some of the Northwest’s best graffiti artists expressed their artistic abilities with spray paint.