The 'Dirty Middle Ages': Bathing and Cleanliness in the Middle Ages
Albrecht Classen The ‘Dirty Middle Ages’: Bathing and Cleanliness in the Middle Ages. With an Emphasis on Medieval German Courtly Romances, Early Modern Novels, and Art History: Another Myth-Buster Modern Misconceptions About the Middle Ages Most medievalists are only too aware about the many myths that blur ordinary people’s understanding and conceptualization of the Middle Ages, that is, both negative and positive views. Extreme and miserable conditions in everyday life seem to have existed then, since everything must have been so much worse than today, at least according to the global, but certainly wrong, notion that history, hence also cultural history, is determined by a linear, or progressive, develop- ment.1 We can often only shake our heads considering the extent to which mis- 1 See the illuminating discussion by Otto Borst, Alltagsleben im Mittelalter. insel taschenbuch, 513 (Frankfurt a. M.: Insel, 1983); this is now impressively complemented by Peter Dinzelbach- er, Lebenswelten des Mittelalters 1000–1500. Bachmann Basiswissen, 1 (Badenweiler: Wissen- schaftlicher Verlag Bachmann, 2010); see now also Albrecht Classen, “Survey of Fundamental Reference Works in Medieval Studies,” Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms – Methods – Trends, ed. id., vol. 1 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010), XXV–LXVI. See also Philosophy of History After Hayden White, ed. Robert Doran. Bloomsbury Studies in American Philosophy (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013); Progress, Apocalypse, and Completion of History and Life After Death of the Human Person in the World Religions, ed. Peter Koslowski (Dor- drecht and London: Kluwer Academic, 2002). The discussion about progress in human history is legion, of course.
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