To find out more about the Local Plan, please contact: Spatial Planning Development Services South Tyneside Council Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road South Shields, NE33 2RL Telephone: (0191) 424 7688 E-mail:
[email protected] Visit: If you know someone who would like this information in a different format contact the communications team on (0191) 424 7385 Foreward South Tyneside Council is an ambitious authority, determined to continue to shape the destiny of the local area and deliver on its long term strategic vision of making South Tyneside an outstanding place to live, invest and bring up families. South Tyneside is a special place. With breath-taking natural assets, an award-winning built environment, good connectivity, a strong family-friendly living offer including affordable housing and good schools, and close-knit, safe communities – we have a lot to be proud of. Our overarching ambition is to raise prosperity for residents and we aim to do this by using our strategic assets to further grow our economy, improve our living environment and connect our people and places. Proper planning is a key part of getting this right. This Local Plan proposes a strategy for the future development of the Borough up until 2036. It will ensure that new development and growth is delivered in the right places. The plan seeks to manage change in a positive way; providing for the future needs of our community whilst protecting those assets that make our Borough special. The Plan supports the delivery our 20 Year ‘Hello Tomorrow, Change is Happening’ Vision from 2010 which has already delivered dramatic changes to the physical environment through: high quality regeneration schemes; the completion of more and better homes; an Area Action Plan to deliver thousands of new jobs at the International Advanced Manufacturing Park; and, Improved Leisure, cultural and heritage facilities which have supported increased visitor numbers.