
44 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1913. A Spring Garden of 100 Gorgeous Flowering GREAT SWIMMING Athlete Balks When PHILADELPHIA IN Featured as Venus

( Dispatch to The Call) 15.? CRUCIBLE OE WAY Mans., MEET UNDER Feb. THE CAMBRIDGE, Richard G. Gibaon of Brookline. a Harvard aophomore and a mem- Our Chess Corner ber of the varsity football squad, 50 for 60c "*""''"« Im on the warpath hecauae some SEASON hla J'DOPE' entered EXPERT FOR THIS admiring friend ban measureinenta ln a "Venus" con- teat for ahapely and beautiful All Coast ' Championships women, now being conducted by Hugh Fullerton Analyzes a Boaton newspaper. Gibson's CALL.) Certain to Be Biggest Holyoke hall today Connie Mack's Brigade (Addresa All Communicationa, Solutions. Etc.. to CHESS EDITOR. SAN FRANCISCO mailbox In filled with letters directed hun- Game No. « ; .was That Abraham Lincoln, the one " Affair Ever Seen :- to "Miss R. Gibson." for Benefit of The anniversary of whose QPEEN'S PAWN OPENING tfmaih" notea and dred and fourth Jano?ski Here Tbey were birth was Wednesday, was renenwtin.*! Jaouw\u25a0kifTesmwarse! all came from men. Call Readers observed last White. Black. White. Black. Glb- the royal game will be 1.1 BxP eh Kxß The meanirementa which a great lover of 1 I'?Q4 P?Q4 by Doc- of chess every- 2Kt? KB3 Xt-TKB3 14 QiKt Kt?K4 aon had taken of himself of interest to followers 3 P?«* P?B4 15 B?Kt2 B?K3 The greatest swimming meet he became a from Page 41 splen- P?B4 ever tor Sargent when Continued where. While reading Herndon's 4P? B4 P?K.I 16 Q?K4 oh - player were used KtxKtch attempted ln any section of the coast varsity football "Life," stumbled upon a sentence, ftKt?B3 B? chess. 12 KtxP KtxKt ! of the fastest men in baseball ?the worth following up, as it was news to vited to participate In a coast swim- following rival of so, to To introduce our seeds to thousands of new people we make the gigantic great hearted man be- Here a game of which it might be ming CHANGES IN Cobb and close Henrik- anrl unparalleled offer: me that this ls series the Sutro MADE championship at split F.arly of _ fraternity. With the co- said, in the words of the melodrama sen that a second watch has a 20 extra large paok.iccs of Choice Vecct.ible Seeds of and T.afe Varieties longed to our every minute!" baths. Beets. 2 Cabbages. 2 Lettnce, 2 Onions. ?_? Kadlshes. 1 Celery. 2 Turnips. _' Carrots. I operation of the president of the Me- advertisement, "A thrill hard time separating them. He hit packages alike. this The attack and defence are both splen- Mrs. executrix Cauliflower. 1 Winter Spinach. 1 Tall Kale. 1 Dwarf Kale. 1 Parsley?no two chanics' Institute Chess club of Dr. Emma S. Merritt. 289, ought not to be disap- 2") varieties of Sweetpea seeds with all the above. T. Lincoln, didly conducted, and the play will ap- which FREE cost yea city, 1 wrote to Robert the Morphyesque of the Sutro estate, is an ardent en- No matter where you lire or what you buy. tins MAMMOTH collection would son the. great war presi- peal to the lover of the pointing except that wonders were ex- any ALL of the above by mall. ?ufviving of swimming RULES not less than $1.2."> from other seed house, but will send as a FOOTBALL dent, hoping that by some chance a in chess combats: thusiast of the art of pected. 29 bases, POST-PAID, for B0 cents. by may been He stole which goods by perfect condition, game played Lincoln have Game No. 7 healthful, invigorating form of exer- All packed experienced packers and guaranteed to arriTe in But the hope was short proves he has some judgment back or money refunded. rved. FRENCH DEFENCE cise, and the plan that lived, as the following interesting let- she has indorsed Ineligible Players Must Suf- of his great speed. I will show: .TafTe Rubinstein | Jarre Rubinstein believe Strunk OUR 1913 PLANTERS' GUIDE AND CATALOGUE ter to the writer has been proposed. Furthermore. Mrs. Ornamental Manchester, Vt., White. Black. White. Black. will show great Improvement during Of Vegetable Seeds, Flower Seeds Bulbs Fruit Trees. Rerries. Flowering and "Hildene." P?K4 23 to have meet one fer Penalties for Touch- Plants Cut TELLS VOL" 9, 1912. 1 P?K3 QxKt Q?B6 Merritt intends the the coming and Trees. rlowers and Klorr.l Designs. October 2 P--Q4 P?Q4 |24 R?Kt3 Q?QT be second none ln point of season*. '\u25a0*'* gives nic pleas- 'jr. that will to -ANT TO PLANT Mv Dear Sir?lt .", Xt -QB3 B-Kts Kt?B6 eh K?B ing Forward Pass # \u2666 WHAT TO PLANT WHEN HOW ?? importance tn part of the country. Cur *»' r postal ure to answer the inquiries about 4 I'xP PxP Jt'Q?Bsch R?K2 any * Catalogue and Planters' Goidc la I W-~ *~iA _?a will do. mv father's chess playing;, so far 5 Kt?B3 Xt- KB.: 27 KtxP eh X?X The Sutro baths will be specially ar- Lapp was the strength of the catch- Send sliver, stamps or money order. rtd address all'"orders to as I can do so. Tdo not remember C, B?Q3 Castles SB Ktxß y.\Kt ranged for the holding of the meet and ing department. He is improving each anything about his taking up the rCastles R?K B»R?-Kt3 Q?B3 a properly surveyed course laid out NEW YORK, Feb. 15.?Only a few it was within a fi B -KKt5 P -B3 30 R?Ktß eh K?Q2 season and still hitting. He hit 292 Co.,mc.,fcpLC, Jose, Cal. game, but I think P?Kt3 with proper takeoffs and bulkheads. minor changes in the rules were an- CHAS. C. NAVLET San few years of ray own leaving home »Kt?KS yKt Q2 ;31 P -B4 to last season and is a normal 300 hitter. Nurserymen, Sefflmen and I'lorluc*. We have no branch istoreo or agent*. east. 10 P?P.4 Xt R 32 Q?R3 PxP The tank will be specially heated today by the American in 1569 to go to school in the KR Kt?Kt3 R? KBB X? B2 about degrees and everything will nounced here His catching improved, while Ira He was then In the habit of playing 11 33 70 committee, Thomas slumped 12 Kt?K2 B-Q3 34 Q--Kt3 cb K?Kt2 done to ma,ke meet one that intercolegiate'football rules badly, both back of ? with .John ii. Nicolay, then assist- Xt 35 P?Bfi be the hitting. seemed just of state 13 KC3 Q Kt3 Q? KtS attract swimmers sections adjourned a days' ses- the bat and in It « ant to the secretary in PxP, |36P?Kt4 P?B7 will from all which after two an off year any own HQBxKt of coast. for him rather than Springfield, and afterward his IS Xt K5 PxKt \u25a0:?- P?Kts QxBP the sion. Hereafter a man taken out of a specific Things not private secreta/y Washington. IRQP\P H K2 RxP HxR The Pacific of the Ama- trouble. did break in my Ha association game may the beginning right, a couple injuries ham- A few y(;irs before I left home 17 P B5 KtxP 39 QxR eh QxQ teur Athletic union of America will be be returned at and of father save me instruction in the is Q?K Q Q" U<"> RxQ eh X? R3 also to of a subsequent period or any time pered his work. Egan did not show with him, 19R-B4 41 R B B?Kts asked to handle the meet and strength enough to game and I often played QxKtP competent officials. Proper help out the catch- receiving odds from him, of course. SOB Xt Ktxß 42 R B B? QH appoint during the fourth period. ing staff. ** not think that he played in 21 Q?Kr3chK Kt4 Benign* sanctions will be secured from the In the penalty for a forward pass pitching 22 KR -B Xt B7 eh the Northwestern as- The was what hurt*. Plank ? Washington. local association: touched by an Ineligible player the had years, for any in Portland; the Southern as- another of his good and There is no probability of sociation word "may" is substituted for "shall." a goes year .record of his playing, for such a ' in Angeles and the Ha- one fellow who along after sociation Lns In case of accidents to players year winning per cent thing would have been made pub- waiian to give the meet the may. more than 600 - association representative of the players after he went too not figure lie long ago. well. Ido him PROBLEMS proper coast championship atmosphere. obtaining consent referee or there is any of the to a large percentage this => ....* I do not think that public he given its upon the win such will umpire Instance, go AUTOMOBILES * The local ?* one living that could tell you more pee in each season. Morgan exploded and went 5. PAI,KOSKA. first opportunity to the world's injured player. ? than I have done. PROBLEM NO. BY E. held to attend the back, and Jack Coombs, with 21 vic- truly -S greatest swimmer. Puke Kahanamoku one Very yours, Black Pieces. The It was decided that on failure of tories and 10 beatings, was about nor- ROBERT T. LINCOLN. of Honolulu, in actual competition. side or the other to return in time will spare no expense to mal. Bender did not behave well. He There still was the remote possibility Sutro estate after intermission the referee should won 17 and 10 games, but hjs 0 0 ln WATCH that a came between Lincoln and make the meet an unqualified success. the in play, has .been force that side to put ball usual form ought to have pitched more Nicolay had been scored and preserved and already an invitation taking the side opposite to the one games larger among papers. Unfortu- great Kahanamoku to and won a percentage. the latter's issued to the occupied at the close of the last quar- got on to res- nately, no such record remains. Mis- compete representative Mack Bender back the as the Hawaiian ter. ervation before of the season Helen Nicolay, the noted author. next July 4. Tf Kahanamoku is not able was oaughter of tie late John G. Nicolay, The following board appointed: and had him in form. I think the In- to make th* trip it is possible that an- Ilaverford, THE CALL'S .in answer a query on the subject Dr. James A. Babbitt of , to world's champion, probably Perry dian will come again this season and replied: other Blagden of Harvard. Parke games, McGlllivray of Chicago, will he invited Crawford win two out of three and I am D. G. Nov. 1. 191?. 11. Davis of Princeton, W. I- Dudley of fi-uring to pitch games at \u25a0vVafhinKton. to compete special match races with him 32 least I regret that I can not shed anr in Vanderbilt, Dr. C. W. Savage of Ober- and help out in others. Mack will let iicrht upon the subject of Mr. Lin- the local champions. lln, E. K. Hall of Dartmouth and Wal- him earn his forgiveness. coln's chess playing. I do not re- Wallace L. Robb, president of the associ- ter Camp of Yale. Houck did only fairly well, winning call ever hearing my father speak Southern California Swimming DAILY eight AUTO COLUMN losing eight, of it. nor do I know of any one in ation, will be Invited to bring the fol- and but he Im- Springfield who could give you the of champions to proved steadily, and at the closp and lowing team southern in postseason games he show- information you desire. the meet: Ludy Langor. coast half the was Very truly yours, ing a more and threatening be- mile champion and record holder: Cliff PINE EXPECTED lot to SHOOTING come only HELEN NICOLAY. champion quarter a first rater. C, Brown ls making Inquiries Bowes, southern average Evidently You Want to Since the above a Dolly or a If Get a Good Machine miler and coast diving champion; bit above It. very amusine talc in connection with champion, and Mack thinks he has enough In the and chess came to notice. Ac- Mings, southern girl Lincoln White?« Pieces. Richmond, another high class pitching line, for he is not making ex- cording to the story, Lincoln's son. Leone TODAY tra strenuous efforts to land pitchers. White to play and mate in three mores. AT SHELL MOUND Tad. was sent to his father's law office southern girl swimmer. nn» day summon him home. En- be sent broadcast to In fact. Mack appears satisfied with to Invitations will everything except shortstop the grossed in a game, Tad was sent back PROBLEM N°. 6 BY F. W. HUBER. every swimming center of the coast and with the message: "In just a minute." is expected that full teams will catching department. He landed Black 6 rwrs. and it Sehang, touted best This was repeated twice, and on the be sent from Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Four of Best Shots Around who ls as- the third trip the lad thought that thu Los Angeles. minor league catcher of years, from -was about up. for, on re- Spokane and "minute" - The ever offered to swim- WillLine This Buffalo after a hot fight for the serv- ceiving the same reply, he suddenly best prizes Bay Up . mers will be up for competition. ices of this fellow. He hit 334 for s'-attiered the pieces broadcast and sent Buffalo and I am told he ls as steady the hoard flying with a well directed Medals of high class will be given the Afternoon kick' The story goes that Lincoln's winners and special trophies will he and clever a catcher as has been opponent was very angry. But the put up in many of the events. The turned out of the international. I The Call I n°ver failing humor of the former rail one for Now, outside of Sehang, it doesn't program will be the regulation Continued from Page 43 splitter asserted itself. Reaching for the men swimmers and suitable events look as If Mack has added much. He T T his'hat. he remarked, in his peculiarly some sort of claim Sal- have been arranged for women. The prize in the special still has a to droll manner: "Come on, Tad; I guess 50 yards, 100 captured third mon, the big pitcher. hut probably will it's time to go home." men will compete in the ---, Always yards, yards, 880 yards bullseye match with a score of 54. not want him, and he has some string -==- story certainly good enough yards, 440 11 This is 220 Murphy to be true; and. for all 1 know, it may and it is possible that a mile race will F. A. McLaughlin won the latter event to Walsh and from Baltimore. fifty He Brady, a light hitting, fast ?be But such a remarkably audacious also be on the program. A yard with a shot which came within 29-100 took SCI on the part of "Tad." would cer- back stroke event, 100 yard breast and clever second baseman from To- ?ninly to of an dead center. The ledo, Has ,£ have been known but without /Ac Robert T. stroke relay races are also sched- inch of the probably intention Lincoln, doubt and JL and no he would have scores follow: of using him. Orr, drafted from Sac- mentioned it. wonderful possi- uled. What have of oppor- club, ramento, a hitter, who 20 bilities for an artist in such a scene! The girls will plenty Shell MouroJ Pistol anrl Rifl° regular 256 stole tunity to display their skill. For buUseyp abool Frank Pnuiter 11%, M. Nielsen bases, is touted as a coming short- , There is a world of pathos in Mr. H. M Ml t_ 15. M. stop, by r girls sprints there 14. S. HawxbsiKt .1. Bauman 24. 0. but I am informed one coast Lincoln's observation: "I do not those interested in W. Serly 30, played Washington." ya»rd for the dis- Kraul 25. <'. 25. C W. Whalej M. league manager that he hasn't a . think that he in be a 50 dash and 32»._, K. years will W. Hoeaner .'U> 3 W. Purrmann v. r_r* Four of strife and conflict, the White?6 Pieces. tance girls a quarter mile race. High Kindgron 39, 1.. Delavergne 42. chance to last. ii / burden of a civil war on his shoulders. White to play and mate in two mores. also to be con- bullspve .shoot?F. A. Mclaughlin 29, Flick, the inflelder from New Haven, and fancy diving is Special left no time for even a brief respite at There Frank Poult er 54, r,. S. Hawxhurst 37. K. O. only hits 240 in the minors, tested by both men and women. W. 10R, 141. but is chess. Solution to Problem No. 1: R?R3 or Q-K3. diving highest Kindgr«>n 97 A. Siebe J. Bauman as fast as light on ground balls. will be high from the U DelaTergne 145. If. Nielsen 175, A. Thompson Solution to Problem No. 2: P?Q4. in Sutro baths, as well as fancy Mathes. from Butte, Is fast and touted Some curious results ln the recent point 177. P. M. Kraul 192. COMMENTS: No. I?Thia1 ?Thia problem has two springboard diving. The indoor rifle tournament of the as a wonder In the west, but he ranked national chess masters' tournament at solutions, due to the absence of a black pawn on next to last both as second baseman New York were: . H. Hlgpins. Oakland 2 Sea boys. The of bay will up. K. O. Klndgren and tail ender, who lost 10 games, bat drew city of the Sea in this basket ball tourna- line on F. W. Huber. 0 2 E. Willie Siebe Sullivan Puts Ban -*-__ Comes to with Rubenstein?and Marshall! Queer, F. B. Rodolph. Oakland 0 2 ment marks the first time that this Schierbaum will tackle e Greisherg. city registered cham- Enge. The conditions call J-l been as I! isn't it? F. J- 0 school has and Herman J. F. Balllngpr, Iy>s Gatos 0 0 pion. for 100 shots at a 200 yard range, Forest Smithson Th*> chess stage has shifted to "Ruy I/O)*?," city ' 1 2 The Star of the Sea' team was crip- using the German 25 ring target. A city 2 Conlon, Havana, Cuba, where a double round J. O. Chiltnn, 1 pled by the absence of Captain champagne dinner at stake. G. P. Benkie, city 1 2 and this necessitated much change in is tournament began yesterday. Eight C. Sohrocdcr. Veterans' Home 12 The Nationals will be the only regu- Chairman George James of the lo- experts are competing?Capablanca, J. the lineup. Positions were switched, A JL registration Automobiles E. W. S., Vaeaville 12 thiscondition was not to lar organization to practice at the cal committee received a Marshall, Chajes, Jaffe and Kupchik, C. A. H.. city 0 j2 and conducive all from the United States; Janowski, good team work. Shell Mound range today. telegram yesterday from 'Chairman was the bright light of the the French champion, and two Cuban Kerwin James E. Sullivan of the national regis- players, Juan Corze and Rafael Blanco, END DEPARTMENT winning outfit and was responsible who GAME while Espy was the best tration committee saying that the local will endeavor to uphold the chess K." for 11 points, Stanford Warm honor of the "Pearl of the Antilles.'' By "K. the losers had to offer. The teams Athletes committee would not reinstate Forest Prizes to the value of $1,200 will be The Mechanics' Institute vs. Cabrillo were: Smithson untilthe suspension had been distributed among the winners. Chess club of San Diego correspondence Star of th<* Sea ?Kerwin, J. Conway, Up on Cinder Path lifted by the Los Angeles branch of WATCH THE CALL'S AUTO SECTION IN THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS game, recently won by the San Fran- Negro, It. Conway, Byrne. th*» association. I The following oddity was played re- cisco players, developed a very pretty St. Joseph's academy?Espy, Ziero, The reason advanced by Sullivan is cently Chicago study the end game. (San at the Chess club. in White Sousa, Barragar, Turnbull. (Special Dispatch to The Tall) the rulings of one branch of the Through Inego) having passed pawns poihts that the kindness of Elmer w! two for a Summary?Star of the Sea: 21 association should be sustained by all ?ruer. we are able to present this re- knight, seemed sure of a draw. But from 10 field goals and 1 foul go»l; STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Feb. 15.? markable game, which, because of the unfortunate position of the white Kerwin, field goals 1 foul Varsity cinder path stars were seen in others. Smithson should have appealed the by 5 and his suspension at to the na- final position of black's knights and monarch gave the institute players an goal; by J. Conway, 2 field goals; by action on the oval as a whole for the the time || The Following Are San Francisco's bishops, makes it more of a study In opportunity which was not neglected. R. Conway, 2 field goals; by Negro, morning. The quarter tional registration committee, but he San Diego (white?5 pieces >: first time this nothing geometry than chess: X at 1 field goal. milers, with the exception of the sec- claims that he had official on KK3; R at QR4; pawns at KKt5, KR4, Joseph's academy?lo points appeal case, day Queen'a Counter Gambit St. from ond string aspirants, were given work- which to his as to this -Dodge. QRB. 3 field goals and 4 foul goals; by notified that he was I Leading Dealers: White Black?Houghteling. San Francisco (black?4 pieces): out with the sprinters ln the 150 yard he has not been 1. r-Q4 P?Q4 X Espy, 1 field goal and 3 foul goals; suspended. 2. at KB6; R at Q5; Xt at QB 5; P at QR4. by Zeiro, 1 foul by Sousa, 2 field dash. The two mile run was the only P?QB4 P?K4 White moved P?Kt6 and goal; Dodge, Local officials consider that the south- 5. P -K3 KPxP black goals. full distance covered. varsity up AUTOMOBILE 4. X: forced the game. ern association did not act to the j | DEALERS . QtP KR3 veteran, made slow time. Xt A. A U. laws in suspending Smithson. 6. Kt--QB3 * B3 The 110 pound game for the cham- The performances of the sprinters In t j BYRNES AT TO CO 124 Van Xess Aye. 6. Q-Q B KR4 Solution to last week's end game George James of the local association I CALIFORNIA AT T. P-KB.", Kt? pionship of this weight, which was to the 150 yard dash were excellent. Cap- as as he is the I TO PARTS TO 530-536 Polk St. QKt5 study: been played between the teams Js the says that far concerned 8. Q mi'M Q?Q2 18-B6!, BxB(a); 2 R?Q2!!, have tain Campbell tore off h heat In case is closed, but that If Smithson j EASTERN AUTO EXCHANGE 312 <,ouKh St. 9. QxQ eh KxQ QxR; of St. St. Peter's and St. Joseph's acade- unusually time 15 seconds. Glen J 3 PxP eh, BxP; 4 draw. mies, postponed. Three fast of appeals to the A. A. U. in New York | AUTO EXHIBITAXD SUPPLY CO 465 Golden Gate Are. 10. P?K4 I'xKP (a) Pxß, by was of the St. Hammon, a freshman from San Fran- # 11. PxP KKtxP If white wins R?Kt2. Peter's players were ill and unable to there is considerable merit in his case, \! ! AT;TO SHOP 546 Inrkln St. 12. R- Xt Kt?B7 Correspondence play. game for cisco, showed up well ln the shortened rh:: The was set next of which the A. A. U. would have to ; AUTO PARTS EXCHANGE CO 334 Larkin St. * * 13. X Q Kt--B7rh!! Wednesday afternoon on the St. Mary's half, as did Murray and Bonnet, var- cognizance. It ls held by local > 14. X K'J A. F. D., North Yakima, Wash.? take H. O. HARRISON Van New* Aye. and Poat St. B QB4 Thanks for your letter; also to court. sity veterans. officials that the southern authorities j i 35. Kr B?Qfi eh "tickled Argabrite, made ! AXEf.ROD, AUCTIONEER Valencia 16. K?Q2 B?KtJmate::: death" ?almost. Will try to use ma- a veteran, his first went beyond the scqpe of the laws in 125 St. terial next week. Three games were played in the appearance and took second in both suspending Smithson under the rules | MOTOR DRAYAGE CO 633 Stevenson St. Following J. C. EL, Veterans' opening tournament of the San Fran- and jumps. Dawson In is a further selection of Home?Your kind yesterday broad high the that they invoked. | | VALENCIAM\rHl\E SHOP 132 Valencia St. games from the recent New expressions regarding "splendid chess cisco Boys* Athletic league broad and Finney in the high jumps York deeply afternoon. the play- j S. F. AUTO REPAIR CO Valencia St. tournament: column" appreciated. Will try On North Beach improved their marks. Drake, a fresh- ; 150 No. 5 to deserve your praise. grounds court the Telegraph Hill club C. P. SMITH 60S Golden Gate Aye. f&« Game defeated People's 42 to 10. man from Santa Rosa took the ham- | j PAWN OPENING R. L. V.. Stanford University?Score the Place. Full White Sox Schedule 11. A 11. ATTO EXCHANGE 323-320 Ann Neaa Aye. QUEEN'S of tournament game forwarded by you Baradarocca of the winners was the mer throw with a toss of 133 feet 4 | Kiln* Capablanca Kline Capablanca star. inches. DON LEE .' 512 Golden Gate Aye. Wblte. Black. White. is apparently incorrect. I Black B. C, design On the Jackson park court the San Announced CASWELL AUTO CO 145 Hayes P?Q4 Kt?Kßß 27 Xt KKt2 KtxKt(QS) K. Madera County?Your St. 1 of head for chess column received. Francisco Settlement team outclassed I 1 2Kt?KB3 P?Q3 28 BxKt RxR Many thanks. the Mission Cathedral and won, 77 MARION MOTOR CAR CO 346 Golden Gate Aye. 3 P?B3 QKt?Q2 29 QxR X Q U.C. Track Men Train on .TOHNSTONE-NEAYC'OMR f'o 244-252 Golden Aye. 4 B?B4 P?B3 P? R« L. T. Corning, Cal.?Whltaker-Capa- to 3. The third game played was (Special Dispatch to The Call) Gate 30Q--K2 f between the Columbia Park Boys' club J 1 AM) Q? B2 .;! Xt K3 P -QR4 blanca end game position. How do you itinerary j j K. A\ S. AT TO TRUCK EXCHANGE 1841 Market St. continue after and the Nurses' Settlement club, the CHICAGO, Feb. 15.?The of 6 P?K4 P?K4 32 R B P £3 54 P?Kt4 eh, in your Pick and Shovel made FRANKLIN AUTO CO 1635 California St. 7 B?Kt3 B?K2 83 P?QB4 R? or, analysis? 55 QxP is forced. Then?? Columbia Park lads winning, 21 to 1. the Chicago White Sox was pub- j ; 8 B?Q3 Castles 34 Kt?B2 R? (J_ Did you overlook white's bishop at lic In detail today as follows: »QKt? 02 X?X 85 Kt?K3 Q?Q ALTO, First team ?February 24 to March 5. in Paso K5? PALO * Feb.* 15.?The* Company (Special Dispatch to The Call) | AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES 10Castles Xt R4 36 R?Q RxR ,a F. H. 8., Los Gatos, and C. A. Haufe. L basket ball team defeated the Com- Robles: March 6, Oakland: March 7 and 8. San ! 11 Kt?B4- B?B3 37 Ktxß Q- Q5 city?You are error concerning pany of in UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA, Feb. Fraucisco; March 9, morning Oakland, afternoon PERKINS AUTO CO 337-341 Gate Aye. 32 Xt-K3 Xt B 38 Kt?B2 P-Kt4 in M five San Jose a fast and OF Francisco; 10, St. Ignatius university, Golden Problem No. 3. Did you forget about closely contested game at the Garden 15.?An invitation to enter a team in San March J BOESCH LAMP CO 1135 Mission 13 PxP PxP 39 BPxP RPxP the PxP in passing at Sacramento; March 11, St. Ignatius university, ? 1 St. RPxP rnle? City armory last night by a score of intercollegiate relay carnival, to univer- 14 B? RA Q? K2 40 BxQKtP quintet the at San Francisco: March 12, Santa Clara j KEATON VULCANIZINGWORKS 616 Ann Neaa Aye. 15 Bxß Qxß 41 KtxP B?QB 27 to 11. The Palo Alto has be on Franklin field. Philadel- sity, at Sacramento; March 13. at Oakland; i games Company held j CALIFORNIA ATTO PARTS CO i.30-536 Polk St. 16 Kt?K Kt?Bs 42 Q?B PxP Cuban Tournament Open scheduled with H of phia, April 2<5, has been received by March 14 and IS, at San Francisco: March 16, I 17 P?KKt3 Kt?Rßcb 43 K-Kt2 P RS Hayward, Company B of San Jose and morning game Oakland, afternoon San Francisco; AlTO EXHIBIT AND SUPPLY CO 465 Golden Gate Aye. P?KR4 HAVANA, Feb. 15.?The Cuban chess Eleventh company Mateo, Captain Wood of the varsity track Marys-college, h j 18 X? R 44 Q?Kt."> P?Kt6 opened of San with March 1", St. at Oakland; Mar. ! AUTO PARTS EXCHANGE CO 334 St. 19 QKt?Kt2 P? KKt4 45 Q?KS eh K--Kt2 tournament at the Havana several other matches in sight. team. 20, 21, 22, 23, at Los Angeles; March 2t5. Venice, j Larkin 20 P?B3 Kt?Kt3 4« Q?K7 P?Kt7 Chess club here today with eight mas- Owing to the that this meet at Venice: March 2", 28. 29 and 30. Venice, at j A. H. DEVERMAN 411 Van Neaa Aye. 21 Kt?K3 P?R5 | 4" KtxP ters fact March 31, Yuma, Ariz.; B?Kt6 entered. The pairings were: SANTA CRI'Z, Feb. 15.?8y defeating is scheduled to take place on the Sat- I.os Angeles: April 1. 22 P?KKt4 KKt?B3 48 KtxP BxKt Kupchik vs. .Tanowski; Corzo vs. the Coast Counties Electric Light El Paso. Tex.; April 2. Amarillo. Tex.; April 3 23 K?R2 Ktxß 49 Q-Kts eh K?B Oap- and urday following the California-Stan- and 4. Oklahoma City, Okla.: April 5, 6. 7. 8. St. REPAIRS B 50 K--K2 abla_noa; Blanco vs. Chajes, and Mar- Power company team by the close score be impossible for Dates ,at St. AUTOMOBILE 24KtxKt K3 <$?R»i ek 19, high ford meet, it will Joseph, Mo. Joseph suject to I KR?Q 51 Q?Kts chK?K shall vs. Jaffs. Only three games were of 21 to the school basket and team to accept. change, owing to the opening of White Sox at GEO. WOODWARD 31 Hyde St. 25QR?Q finisher). five practically cinched the City the blue gold j j 28 P? Kt3 Xt B5 52 Resigns Capablanca defeated Corzo ball may Instead of at St. Louis. | MACHINE CO 454 Aye. Tenenwurzel, East expert, league championship tonight. In order that the track be Second team ?March 2. 7, S. at Los Angelas; ! LARKIN ATTO Golden Gate the Side and the games between Kupchik and placed possible, sacrifices a piece for two pawns and Janowski, in condition as soon as March 13. 14, IS. I«. at I/w Angeles; March 17. j OTTO BAUER RADIATOR AND LAMP CO 54S Polk St. and Marshal and Jaffe were held Sacramento, at Marysville; March obtains an apparent winning attack. The VALLEJO, *Feb. *15.?Tomorrow* aft- the entire track squad a "labor IS. lf>. Sacra CALIFORNIA ATTO PARTS CO r.30-536 Polk St. parries very drawn. Blanco-Chajes contest ernoon day" today. mento; March 20. at Oakland; March 21. 22, at | Janowski skillfully and was adjourned. at 2:30 the St. Vincent convent Each of the 300 men LEVENAIS A CiI'ERLAIS AT TO REPAIR CO. .444 Golden Gate Aye. completely turns the tables on his op- sodality* basket ball five will meet the San Francisco: March 23. morning at Oakland, The second training for track spent at ?eairt one afternoon at San Francisco; March 27. at Oak- VALENCIA SHOP 132 Moral: Never sacrifice a piece round will be played St. Helena aggregation at the Florida in the of March 29. San Francisco; j MAC'HIXE Valencia St. you help Monday. hour work under direction land: 28. at March 30. f»onent.f can it! street court. Coach Christie. morning at Oakland, afternoon at San Francisco; April 1, Ogden. ttah: April 2, Salt Lake titv. :: MOSCOW. Idaho, Feb. 15.-_The bas- ('tab; April 3. Grand Junrtion, Colo.; April 5 j MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES BASEBALL AT WOODLAND DONLIN IS SLIPPING game night UMPIRE'S ket ball here last between NEW AID FOR EYE and 6. Dcs Moines. la.; April 7, Ottumwa, la.; BENTE & BAT MGARDNER 1548 Market St. (special Dtepatch to The Call) It is rumored that Mike Ponlin may be cent to the varsity teams of the University of CHICAGO, 15.?President Ban Johnson April S. Davenport. I.a. j Feb. J. T. BILL i 857 Golden Aye. WOODLAND, Feb. 15.?Every .effort ls being Minneapolis. With njen like Cravath, Magee Oregon and the University of Jdaho of the American league announced his intention Gate and others hanging not was won by Idaho, 16 to 11. hist night ..f investigating v device of a Med- ANOTHER j O. ZIMMERUIN 1030 Golden Gate Aye. made here to organize a winning team for the around, Donlin is needed by POULTRY SHOW by Doolu. # ford. Mass.. man, who claims that its use (Special Dispatch to The Call) j A. O. PHILLIPS 1274 Poat St. Trntley league, which will comprise Woodland. * umpires can make n<> mistake on their decisions j VALLEJO. Feb. 15.?The* All-Valleio SAX* FRANC ISCO MOTORCYCLE CO 1010 Golden Aye. I '!», Oroville. Colusa, Cbk-o and the Brook basket ball fixe of this city was de- as to balls and strikes. A letter was received by SAN MATEO. Feb. 15.?The success of the i t Gate GRIFFITH LIKES GANDIL the league president, giving a few ideas of the recent chicken show In .this city has encouraged Hoakie* of Sacramento. Billy Adams, former feated in Petaluma last evening by the to managers of California Manager Griffith considers Chick a Spartans of that city by Invention, which is said be patterned on the the of the San Mateo County Ponltrv the varsity, and Tracy Ganrlil bet- a score of telescope, and he says if it is all that It la association to lay plana for a four day i .Statf !eaii}:c fame are amoug the play- | ter ftm'aaeker than .Stuffy Mclanes, despite 44 to 10. The locals were exhibition fur l'Jcala, higher batting outclassed claimed for, there is a likelihood It would be a in December. The exact date will be December «*» ktxut.eU tbe btuff/'s average. by the egg-town team. valuable audition to tbe baseball field. 4 to 7, Inclusive.