I the Call I I Bargains JL
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44 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1913. A Spring Garden of 100 Gorgeous Flowering GREAT SWIMMING Athlete Balks When PHILADELPHIA IN Featured as Venus (Special Dispatch to The Call) 15.? CRUCIBLE OE WAY Mans., MEET UNDER Feb. THE CAMBRIDGE, Richard G. Gibaon of Brookline. a Harvard aophomore and a mem- Our Chess Corner ber of the varsity football squad, 50 for 60c "*""''"« Im on the warpath hecauae some SEASON hla J'DOPE' entered EXPERT FOR THIS admiring friend ban measureinenta ln a "Venus" con- teat for ahapely and beautiful All Coast ' Championships women, now being conducted by Hugh Fullerton Analyzes a Boaton newspaper. Gibson's CALL.) Certain to Be Biggest Holyoke hall today Connie Mack's Brigade (Addresa All Communicationa, Solutions. Etc.. to CHESS EDITOR. SAN FRANCISCO mailbox In filled with letters directed hun- Game No. « ; .was That Abraham Lincoln, the one " Affair Ever Seen :- to "Miss R. Gibson." for Benefit of The anniversary of whose QPEEN'S PAWN OPENING tfmaih" notea and dred and fourth Jano?ski Here Tbey were birth was Wednesday, was renenwtin.*! Jaouw\u25a0kifTesmwarse! all came from men. Call Readers observed last White. Black. White. Black. Glb- the royal game will be 1.1 BxP eh Kxß The meanirementa which a great lover of 1 I'?Q4 P?Q4 by Doc- of chess every- 2Kt? KB3 Xt-TKB3 14 QiKt Kt?K4 aon had taken of himself of interest to followers 3 P?«* P?B4 15 B?Kt2 B?K3 The greatest swimming meet he became a from Page 41 splen- P?B4 ever tor Sargent when Continued where. While reading Herndon's 4P? B4 P?K.I 16 Q?K4 oh - player were used KtxKtch attempted ln any section of the coast varsity football "Life," stumbled upon a sentence, ftKt?B3 B?<a.l 17Q?KB4 season, but not me. I did not ex- did I 6 B?Q:i Caxtles IS QxKt Q?R."J is a probability for this- city July 4, by Gibson's unknown friend. to apparently thrown in "en passant," to 7 Castles Xt?B3 19 P?R3 QR?Q pect him to flash as brilliantlyas an R?B2 every the and a legal BF?QR3 Q?KS 20QxKtP when the champions of corner effect that Lincoln 9 21 B?Q4 outfielder In a regular job as he did believe) frequently PxBP BxP Q?BG of the Pacific coast the Hawaiian friend (a judge, I IDP-QKU B-Q3 22 Q? B3 Q?Kt4 and when called In in a pinch. He is one 20 Packages of Vegetable Seeds and played I thought this clew 11 PxP PxP [Resigns islands?men and women?will be in- 25 Varieties of Sweet Peas Allfor Jv v> chess. 12 KtxP KtxKt ! of the fastest men in baseball ?the worth following up, as it was news to vited to participate In a coast swim- following rival of so, to To introduce our seeds to thousands of new people we make the gigantic great hearted man be- Here a game of which it might be ming CHANGES IN Cobb and close Henrik- anrl unparalleled offer: me that this ls series the Sutro MADE championship at split F.arly of _ fraternity. With the co- said, in the words of the melodrama sen that a second watch has a 20 extra large paok.iccs of Choice Vecct.ible Seeds of and T.afe Varieties longed to our every minute!" baths. Beets. 2 Cabbages. 2 Lettnce, 2 Onions. ?_? Kadlshes. 1 Celery. 2 Turnips. _' Carrots. I operation of the president of the Me- advertisement, "A thrill hard time separating them. He hit packages alike. this The attack and defence are both splen- Mrs. executrix Cauliflower. 1 Winter Spinach. 1 Tall Kale. 1 Dwarf Kale. 1 Parsley?no two chanics' Institute Chess club of Dr. Emma S. Merritt. 289, ought not to be disap- 2") varieties of Sweetpea seeds with all the above. T. Lincoln, didly conducted, and the play will ap- which FREE cost yea city, 1 wrote to Robert the Morphyesque of the Sutro estate, is an ardent en- No matter where you lire or what you buy. tins MAMMOTH collection would son the. great war presi- peal to the lover of the pointing except that wonders were ex- any ALL of the above by mall. ?ufviving of swimming RULES not less than $1.2."> from other seed house, but will send as a FOOTBALL dent, hoping that by some chance a in chess combats: thusiast of the art of pected. 29 bases, POST-PAID, for B0 cents. by may been He stole which goods by perfect condition, game played Lincoln have Game No. 7 healthful, invigorating form of exer- All packed experienced packers and guaranteed to arriTe in But the hope was short proves he has some judgment back or money refunded. rved. FRENCH DEFENCE cise, and the plan that lived, as the following interesting let- she has indorsed Ineligible Players Must Suf- of his great speed. I will show: .TafTe Rubinstein | Jarre Rubinstein believe Strunk OUR 1913 PLANTERS' GUIDE AND CATALOGUE ter to the writer has been proposed. Furthermore. Mrs. Ornamental Manchester, Vt., White. Black. White. Black. will show great Improvement during Of Vegetable Seeds, Flower Seeds Bulbs Fruit Trees. Rerries. Flowering and "Hildene." P?K4 23 to have meet one fer Penalties for Touch- Plants Cut TELLS VOL" 9, 1912. 1 P?K3 QxKt Q?B6 Merritt intends the the coming and Trees. rlowers and Klorr.l Designs. October 2 P--Q4 P?Q4 |24 R?Kt3 Q?QT be second none ln point of season*. '\u25a0*'* gives nic pleas- 'jr. that will to -ANT TO PLANT Mv Dear Sir?lt .", Xt -QB3 B-Kts Kt?B6 eh K?B ing Forward Pass # \u2666 WHAT TO PLANT WHEN HOW ?? importance tn part of the country. Cur *»' r postal ure to answer the inquiries about 4 I'xP PxP Jt'Q?Bsch R?K2 any * Catalogue and Planters' Goidc la I W-~ *~iA _?a will do. mv father's chess playing;, so far 5 Kt?B3 Xt- KB.: 27 KtxP eh X?X The Sutro baths will be specially ar- Lapp was the strength of the catch- Send sliver, stamps or money order. rtd address all'"orders to as I can do so. Tdo not remember C, B?Q3 Castles SB Ktxß y.\Kt ranged for the holding of the meet and ing department. He is improving each anything about his taking up the rCastles R?K B»R?-Kt3 Q?B3 a properly surveyed course laid out NEW YORK, Feb. 15.?Only a few it was within a fi B -KKt5 P -B3 30 R?Ktß eh K?Q2 season and still hitting. He hit 292 Co.,mc.,fcpLC, Jose, Cal. game, but I think P?Kt3 with proper takeoffs and bulkheads. minor changes in the rules were an- CHAS. C. NAVLET San few years of ray own leaving home »Kt?KS yKt Q2 ;31 P -B4 to last season and is a normal 300 hitter. Nurserymen, Sefflmen and I'lorluc*. We have no branch istoreo or agent*. east. 10 P?P.4 Xt R 32 Q?R3 PxP The tank will be specially heated today by the American in 1569 to go to school in the KR Kt?Kt3 R? KBB X? B2 about degrees and everything will nounced here His catching improved, while Ira He was then In the habit of playing 11 33 70 committee, Thomas slumped 12 Kt?K2 B-Q3 34 Q--Kt3 cb K?Kt2 done to ma,ke meet one that intercolegiate'football rules badly, both back of ? with .John ii. Nicolay, then assist- Xt 35 P?Bfi be the hitting. seemed just of state 13 KC3 Q Kt3 Q? KtS attract swimmers sections adjourned a days' ses- the bat and in It « ant to the secretary in PxP, |36P?Kt4 P?B7 will from all which after two an off year any own HQBxKt of coast. for him rather than Springfield, and afterward his IS Xt K5 PxKt \u25a0:?- P?Kts QxBP the sion. Hereafter a man taken out of a specific Things not private secreta/y Washington. IRQP\P H K2 RxP HxR The Pacific of the Ama- trouble. did break in my Ha association game may the beginning right, a couple injuries ham- A few y(;irs before I left home 17 P B5 KtxP 39 QxR eh QxQ teur Athletic union of America will be be returned at and of father save me instruction in the is Q?K Q Q" U<"> RxQ eh X? R3 also to of a subsequent period or any time pered his work. Egan did not show with him, 19R-B4 41 R B B?Kts asked to handle the meet and strength enough to game and I often played QxKtP competent officials. Proper help out the catch- receiving odds from him, of course. SOB Xt Ktxß 42 R B B? QH appoint during the fourth period. ing staff. ** I do not think that he played in 21 Q?Kr3chK Kt4 Benign* sanctions will be secured from the In the penalty for a forward pass pitching 22 KR -B Xt B7 eh the Northwestern as- The was what hurt*. Plank ? Washington. local association: touched by an Ineligible player the had years, for any in Portland; the Southern as- another of his good and There is no probability of sociation word "may" is substituted for "shall." a goes year .record of his playing, for such a ' in Angeles and the Ha- one fellow who along after sociation Lns In case of accidents to players year winning per cent thing would have been made pub- waiian to give the meet the may.