The Journal the Music Academy
Golden Jubilee Special Number THE JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC ACADEMY MADRAS DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Voi. x lv iii 1977 31? TElfa TfM 3 I msife w*? ii ■“ I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins nor in the Sun; (but) where my bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada! ” Edited by T, S. PARTHASARATHY 1980 The Music Academy Madras 306, Mowbray’s Road, Madras - 600 014 Annual Subscription - Rs, 12; Foreign $ 3.00 Golden Jubilee Special Number THE JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC ACADEMY MADRAS DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Vol. XLVIII 1977 TOlfil 51 ^ I to qprfo to fogifa urc? u ** I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins nor in the Snn; (ftK| fheiV my bhaktas sirig, there fa I, NaradS f ** Edited by TiS. PARTHASARATHY 1980 The Musitf Academy Madras 366, Mowbray’s Road, Madras - 600 014 Annual Subscription - Rs. 12; Foreign $ 3.00 From Vol. XLVII onwards, this Journal is being published as an Annual. All corresnojd?nc£ sh ^ l^ ^ addressed ^ri T. S. Partha- sarathy, Editor* journal of the Music Academy, Madras-600014. Articles on subjects o f music and dance are accepted for publioation on the understanding that they are contributed solely to *he |*Wf M&P' All manuscripts should be legibly written or preferably type written (double-spaced on one side o f the paper only) and should be |^gn|d by the y^iter (giving bis address jn fpll). The Editor of the Journal is not responsible for the views ^expressed by individual contributors.
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