State/Union Territory-Wise Details of Such Artists Benefitted Under This Scheme During Each Year of the Last Three Years and Current Year

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State/Union Territory-Wise Details of Such Artists Benefitted Under This Scheme During Each Year of the Last Three Years and Current Year ANNEXURE Annexure as referred to in reply to part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1944 due for reply on 17.12.2013. State/Union Territory-wise details of such artists benefitted under this scheme during each year of the last three years and current year: Sl. States No. of Beneficiaries No. 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 2013 -14 1. Andhra Pradesh 321 371 371 413 2. Assam 45 47 47 47 3. Bihar 50 50 50 50 4. Delhi 50 51 51 52 5. Goa 17 17 17 17 6. Gujarat 7 7 7 7 7. Haryana 30 30 30 30 8. Himachal Pradesh 7 7 7 7 9. Jammu & Kashmir 1 1 1 2 10. Jharkhand 9 10 10 10 11. Karnataka 494 559 559 689 12. Kerala 224 252 252 270 13. Madhya Pradesh 37 45 45 45 14. Maharashtra 693 726 726 798 15. Manipur 135 140 140 144 16. Meghalaya 2 2 2 2 17. Mizoram 6 6 6 6 18. Nagaland 1 2 2 2 19. Odisha 251 256 256 256 20. Puducherry 10 10 10 10 21. Punjab 5 5 5 5 22. Rajasthan 9 11 11 11 23. Tamil Nadu 141 171 171 181 24. Tripura 1 1 1 1 25. Uttar Pradesh 252 265 265 269 26. Uttarakhand 8 8 8 8 27. West Bengal 70 78 78 78 Total 2876 3128 3128 3410 State/Union Territory-wise details of such 19 Battula Nagaraju Andhra artists benefitted under the Artistes Yadav Pradesh Pension Scheme and Welfare Fund for the 20 BAYAVARAPU Andhra year 2010-11 SUBBA RAO Pradesh 21 Bayyavarapu Andhra S. Annuitant Name State Mallaiah Pradesh No. 22 Bevara Gop i Naidu Andhra 1 A Sayamala Devi Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 23 Bhadram Raju Andhra 2 A Venkateswar lu Andhra Jaggaiah Pradesh Pradesh 24 Bhagavathula Andhra 3 Abburi Venkat Andhra Nagaiah Pradesh Swamy Pradesh 25 Bhagavathula Andhra 4 Abburi Andhra Yagna Narayan Pradesh Venkateshanna Pradesh Sarma 5 Addala Andhra 26 BHAGAVATI Andhra Satyanarayana Pradesh KRISHNA KUMAR Pradesh 6 Adigopula Andhra 27 Bhagtavatula Andhra Narasimha Rao Pradesh Ramakrishna Pradesh 7 Alellampalli Siva Andhra sarma Reddy Pradesh 28 Bha skarla Andhra 8 Ambadipudi Andhra Rajeswari Pradesh Satyanarayana Pradesh 29 Bhaskaruni Andhra 9 Anaparthy Venkata Andhra Ramarao Pradesh Ratnam Pradesh 30 Bhusurapalli Andhra 10 ARRA KRISHNA Andhra Adiseshaiah Pradesh MURTHY Pradesh 31 Bikkina Sathiraju Andhra 11 Avala Damodara Andhra Pradesh Reddy Pradesh 32 Boddippalli Andhra 12 Aveti Savithri Andhra Apparrao Pradesh Pradesh 33 Bokka Rajeswara Andhra 13 B Buchanna Goud Andhra Venkata Pradesh Pradesh Satyanarayana 14 B. Hymavathi Andhra 34 Bomm era Rajaiah Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 15 Bada Venkata Andhr a 35 Bommisetty Andhra Reddy Pradesh Lakshmana Swamy Pradesh 16 Banala Achary Andhra 36 Boyina Rajsekhar Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 17 Bandar Kotaiah Andhra 37 Budhavarapu Andhra Pradesh Narasimha Murthy Pradesh 18 Baragada Samba Andhra 38 Bungana Arakatla Andhra Siva Rao Pradesh Pradesh 59 Dasara Bademya Andhra 39 Burra Jayalakshmi Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 60 Dasara Prasad Rao Andhra 40 Burra Andhra Pradesh Subhramanya Pradesh 61 Dasaradhi Lakshmi Andhra Sastry Narayana Pradesh 41 Byna Andhra 62 Dasi Basavaiah Andhra Subrahmanyam Pradesh Pradesh 42 C Subbaiah Andhra 63 Deepala Andhra Pradesh Subrahmanyam Pradesh 43 Ch Bhagyamma Andhra 64 Donthagani Andhra Pradesh Balakotaiah Pradesh 44 Ch Venkata Andhra 65 Doota Madhava Andhra Narasaiah Chari Pradesh Rao Pradesh 45 Chadalavada Andhra 66 Doppalapudi Deva Andhra Syamaladevi Pradesh Pradesh 46 Chalamalasetty Andhra 67 Duvvuri Satyavathi Andhra Narasimha Rao Pradesh Pradesh 47 Chennupati Andhra 68 Eaga Srihari Andhra Venkateswarlu Pradesh Pradesh 48 Chilakamarri Andhra 69 G Jayasree Malik Andhra Venkatacharyulu Pradesh Pradesh 49 Chilukamavi Andhra 70 G Kesavaram Andhra Uppalaiah Pradesh Pradesh 50 Chindula Andhra 71 G S R K Sastry Andhra Neelamma Pradesh Pradesh 51 Chinta Andhra 72 G V Babu Andhra Durganageswari Pradesh Pradesh w/o late Chinta 73 G Venkat a Andhra Ramamurthy Ravamma w/o late Pradesh 52 Chinta Seeta Andhra G.V. Ramaraju Ramanjaneyulu Pradesh 74 Gaddam Sammaiah Andhra Pradesh 53 Chinta Subbarao Andhra 75 Gadelli Suryarao Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 54 Chinta Andhra 76 Gajjelli Sri Ramulu Andhra Venkateswarulu Pradesh Pradesh 55 Chintha Parvathi Andhra 77 Gamapala Andhra Pradesh Rangaiah Pradesh 56 Chukka Sathaiah Andhra 78 Gangamma Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 57 Dachepalli Andhra 79 Garimalla Andhra Nagabhushanam Pradesh Viswanaadham Pradesh 58 Damodara Reddy Andhra Pradesh 80 Ghatraju Andhra Pradesh Satyanarayana Pradesh 99 Josyula Andhra Serma Krishnamurthy Pradesh 81 Godhiga Buchanna Andhra 100 K Chakradhar Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 82 Gopanaboina Andhra 101 K Durgamma Andhra Venkateshwarlu Pradesh Pradesh 83 Gopupratapreddy Andhra 102 K L Kusumavva Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 84 Goteti Vaidehi Andhra 103 K Susheelamma Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 85 Gottumukkala Andhra 104 K V Ramachandra Andhra Surya Seeta Rama Pradesh Chari Pradesh Raju 105 Kadakanchi Andhra 86 Gowrabattina Andhra Papaiah Pradesh Seshamma Pradesh 106 Kakkerla Andhra 87 Gummanam Pati Andhra Sammaiah Pradesh Moddin Pradesh 107 Kaleem Siddiqui Andhra 88 Gundepogu Andhra Pradesh Jayaprade Pradesh 108 Kamala Naidu Andhra 89 Gunti Andhra Pradesh Ramanarsamma Pradesh 109 Kammili Andhra w/o Gunti Satyanarayana Pradesh Suryanarayana Murty 90 H Suguna Bai Andhra 110 Kammili Swaraj Andhra Pradesh Lakshmi Pradesh 91 Hanumanchipalli Andhra 111 Kancharla Basava Andhra Syamala Pradesh Kannaiah Pradesh 92 Illa Adhi Lakshmi Andhra 112 Kandukuri Ganga Andhra w/o late Illa Pradesh Raju Pradesh Venkata Rao 113 Karne Narasaya Andhra 93 Inti Sheshulu Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 114 Karra Yakub Reddy Andhra 94 J Sarada Devi Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 115 Karri Mutyala Rao Andhra 95 Jakki Sunanda Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 116 Kasani Chinna Andhra 96 Jangam Andhra Narayana Chary Pradesh Kanakamma w/o Pradesh 117 Katu bdi Ramadasu Andhra late Jangam Pradesh Venkateshwarlu 118 Kauuri Andhra 97 JAYASHANKAR Andhra Suryauarayava Pradesh MADHAVARAPU Pradesh 119 Kavati Sreeramulu Andhra 98 Jilukara Rajamani Andhra Pradesh 120 Kavili Krishnaiah Andhra 141 Macharla Andhra Pradesh Lakshmaiah Pradesh 121 Ketiri Sudhaker Andhra 142 Maddemsetti Andh ra Reddy Pradesh Sunitha Devi Pradesh 122 Kocherla Brahnaji Andhra 143 Maddula Rama Andhra Pradesh Ratnam Pradesh 123 Kondapalli Lakshmi Andhra 144 Madhavarapu Andhra Narsamma Pradesh Jayashankar Pradesh 124 KONDAPALLI Andhra 145 Mahamkali Andhra VENKAT Pradesh Srimannarayana Pradesh SESHAGIRI RAO Murthy 125 Kongitala Veerraju Andhra 146 Mahankali Andhra Pradesh Sriramulu Sarma Pradesh 126 Koppolu Andhra 147 Mahasivabhattu Andhra Brahmaiah Pradesh Kanakaraju Pradesh 127 Korada Narasimha Andhra 148 Majji Vijaya mba Andhra Rao Pradesh Pradesh 128 Korupoju Narsaiah Andhra 149 Malladi Andhra Pradesh Suryanarayana Pradesh 129 Kosuru Someswara Andhr a 150 Manda Saimallu Andhra Rao Pradesh Pradesh 130 Kota Purnachandra Andhra 151 Mandava Narasaiah Andhra Rao Pradesh Pradesh 131 Kota Siva Sankar Andhra 152 Mangam Andhra Sastry Pradesh Anandarao Pradesh 132 Kotu Subba Reddy Andhra 153 Manthena Venkata Andhra Pradesh Raju Pradesh 133 Krovvidi Nagulu Andhra 154 Markapuram Andhra Meera Saheb Pradesh Krishnaiah Pradesh 134 Lanka China Andhra 155 Mattapally Andhra Lakshmi Pradesh Narayana Rao Pradesh Narasimham 156 Mattapally Andhra 135 Lokku Papaiah Andhr a Narsinga Rao Pradesh Pradesh 157 Mattapelly Andhra 136 M Dattatreya Andhra Madhava Rao Pradesh Sarma Pradesh 158 Mederasametla Andhra 137 M P Raju Andhra Pichaiah Pradesh Pradesh 159 Medisetty Andhra 138 M P Sunandamma Andhra Satyawathi Pradesh Pradesh 160 Mellampudi Andhra 139 M Seeta Ramulu Andhra Venkateswarlu Pradesh Pradesh 161 Meruva Andhra 140 M Shakunthala Andhra Chenchaiah Pradesh Pradesh 162 Midisanametla Andhra Pitchaiah Pradesh 163 Mittapelli Sailu Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 185 Narsaiah Andhra 164 Mohd Suleman Ali Andhra Chittimala Pradesh Pradesh 186 Narse Andhra 165 Mucherla Gaandhi Andhra Bhadrachalam Pradesh Pradesh 187 Natyacharya Andhra 166 Mulampaka Andhra Bhagavati Krishna Pradesh Mohanrao Pradesh Kumar 167 MULLAPUDI Andhra 188 Nelakuditi Subba Andhra KODANDA Pradesh Rao Pradesh RAMAYYA 189 Nidamanuri Andhra 168 Munda Saimallu Andhra Lakshminarayana Pradesh Pradesh 190 Nittala Lakshmana Andhra 169 Munnam Andhra Rao Pradesh Nageswara Reddy Pradesh 191 Nookala Kotamma Andhra 170 Mupparaju Andhra Pradesh Sarojakumari Pradesh 192 Nukala Andhra 171 Muppavaram Shaik Andhra Rajeswaramma Pradesh Mastan Saheb Pradesh 193 Nukala Sri Hari Andhra 172 Murthala China Andhra Pradesh Venkat Reddy Pradesh 194 Nutakki Subba Rao Andhra 173 Muthyal a Andhra Pradesh Saragapani Pradesh 195 Oruganti Andhra 174 N Girigamma Andhra Ramakrishna Pradesh Pradesh 196 P Drakkshani Andhra 175 N Krishna Murthy Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 197 P Kameshwari H Andhra 176 N Raja Jayalakshmi Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 198 P Udaya Bhaskar Andhra 177 N Ramakrishnaiah Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 199 P V Ramadevi Andhra 178 Nakula Andhra Pradesh Rajeswaramma Pradesh 200 P Yllamma Andhra 179 Nalamalapu Rami Andhra Pradesh Reddy Pradesh 201 P. KONDAIAH Andhra 180 Nalivela Komaraiah Andhra Pradesh Pradesh 202 P. RAJAKUMARI Andhra 181 Nandiraju Raja Andhra Pradesh Rajeswari Pradesh 203 Padavala Andhra 182 Naragansi Andhra Venkateswarlu Pradesh Vishwanathan Pradesh 204 Pagdam Raghav Andhra 183 Narala Chinna Andhra Reddy Pradesh Chenna Reddy Pradesh 205 Pagidi Obaiah Andhra 184 Narra Vijaya Laxmi Andhra Pradesh 206 Pallapotu Radh Andhra 227 Pinjari Nasirudeen Andhra Krishna Pradesh Pradesh 207 Palle Lachi Reddy Andhra 228 Pittu Venkateswara Andhra Pradesh Reddy Pradesh 208 Pamidighantam Andhra 229 Polla Dibbamma Andhra Venkata Ramana Pradesh Pradesh Rao 230 Poloju Shankara Andhra 209 Pamulapati Andhra Chary Pradesh Chenchu Rama Rao Pradesh 231 Poluru Ramanaiah
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