The Pollen Imprint of the Juniperus, Picea and Juglans Forest Belts Of

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The Pollen Imprint of the Juniperus, Picea and Juglans Forest Belts Of The pollen imprint of the Juniperus, Picea and Juglans forest belts of Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia Ruth Beer1, Willy Tinner1, Gabriele Carraro 2, Ennio Grisa 3 1Section of Palaeoecology, Istitute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Altenbergrain 21, CH 3013 Bern, Switzerland 2 Dionea SA, Lungolago Motta 8, CH 6600 Locarno 3 Intercooperation KIRFOR (Kyrgyz-Swiss Forestry Support Programme), Kyrgyzstan, Karagashova Rosha 15 720000 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Corresponding author: Abstract Surface pollen deposition at three different sites and forest belts (Juniperus, Picea, and Juglans forests) in Kyrgyzstan have been investigated for the first time in order to assess the relationship between the modern vegetation and the pollen composition with emphasis on tree-crown density. Our results show a close relationship between vegetation and pollen for the Juniperus (e.g. r2 = 0.76 between crown density and arboreal pollen) and Picea (r2 = 0.85) sites, whereas the linkage is weaker at the Juglans sites (r2 = 0.35) and in mixed forests (r2 = 0.32). Our investigation may help to better reconstruct the Quaternary vegetation and climate history of these Central Asian vegetational belts. Key Words: surface samples, tree crown cover, palynology, Kyrgyzstan Introduction Much of the uncertainty in the interpretation of Late Quaternary pollen assemblages can be removed by the judicious use of pollen surface samples from a variety of vegetational formations. The technique is especially useful in new regions of investigation, where not much is known of the vegetational imprint on the pollen sequence (Wright, 1967). A special focus is the separation of pollen sources from local to regional scales (Wright, 1967). In Europe, such efforts were undertaken already more than fifty years ago to better understand the linkages between vegetation and pollen (e.g. in treeline situations Firbas, 1934; Welten, 1950) More recently, several studies on pollen dispersal, pollen source area and pollen productivity estimates have been carried out in Northern America (Janssen, 1967; Calcote, 1995; Jackson and Kearsley, 1998) and in Scandinavia where modelling studies are used to calibrate pollen and vegetation cover (Sugita, 1994; Sugita et al., 1999; Bunting et al., 2004; Broström et al., 2004, 2005.) Near our study region, Wright et al. (1967) studied the relationship of modern pollen rain and plant cover in western Iran. Further El-Moslimany (1990) investigated sites in the Middle East. Kvavadze and Stuchlik (1990) studied the sub- recent spore and pollen spectra and their relation to recent vegetation belts in north-western Georgia. Liu et al. (1999) made a study of the woodland ecotone in relationship to surface pollen in the Inner Mongolian Plateau, China. Recently a study was made on the quatitative relationship between modern pollen rain and climate in Tibet (Shen et al., 2006). However, so far no investigation on modern pollen rain in relation to vegetation has been made in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. The present work is useful to better interpret the Quaternary vegetation and climate history of this region. Material and Methods A total of 43 surface samples have been collected at four different sites in Kyrgyzstan in three different vegetation types during two coring expeditions in 2003 and 2005 respectively. The samples of moss polster or loose surface soil were collected along transects, the dominant tree species and an estimation of the crown densities were noted. Vegetation releves were made on plots of 10 x 10 m around the surface soil sample and the species were listed in the order of their relevance. Kichiköl (N 39°59’16.4“ and E 073°33’04.0“) is a lake located at 2554 m a.s.l. on the northern slope of the Alay range (Fig 1). The modern forests consist of Juniperus turkestanica Kom. and J. semiglobosa Rgl. They are restricted to the north facing slopes and are rather open. Pastures and meadows occur in open patches of the forest and on south facing slopes. 2 Karaköl (N 42°50’20.2” and E 077°23’33.8”) is a subalpine lake located at 2353 m a.s.l. on the south-facing slope of the Kungey Alatau. Dense stands of Picea schrenkiana F. et M. form the forests in this area. Pastures and meadows are interspersed in the forest patches. The Bakaly lake (N 41°86’71.5’’ and E 071°96’01.1’’) lies south of the Chatkal range at 1880 m a.s.l. in the Sary Chelek reserve at the upper dispersal limit of Juglans regia L. The forests consist of a mosaic of Juglans regia L., Juniperus turkestanica Kom., J. semiglobosa Rgl., Picea schrenkiana F. et M., Abies semenovii Hill., Acer turkestanica Pax., Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Mill., Malus kirghisorum Al. et An. Theod., Prunus ssp., and Crataegus ssp. and are usually rather open Nischnie and Vierschnie Ozira are two lakes located in the Arslan-Bob region on the south- facing slope of the Fergana range (N 41°18’32.8 and E 072°57’52.6 and N 41°18’31.5” and E 072°57’30.3” respectively). The Nischnie lake lies at 1371 m a.s.l. and Vierschnie lake at 1440 m a.s.l. Both lakes lie in the so called walnut-fruit forest region. The local forests around the lakes are rather dense. Forests with Juglans regia L. together with Crataegus turkestanica A. Pojark., Malus kirghisorum Al. et An. Theod., Prunus mahaleb, Prunus sogdiana Vass., Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Mill. are predominant on north-facing slopes. Stands of Acer turkestanica Pax. together with the above mentioned tree species out of the Rosaceae are found on south-facing slopes while Pistacia vera forms thickets on the driest patches. For a thorough description of the walnut-fruit forests see Blaser et al. (1998) and Epple (2001). Some of these forests are under heavy grazing pressure as the cattle are rich in number and have free entry into the forests. Other human impact involves hay making, over-harvesting of nuts and uncontrolled timber exploitation (Blaser et al., 1998; Kolov, 1998; Venglovsky, 1998). At present, efforts are made to protect the forests of this region (Blaser et al., 1998). Surface soil samples (moss polsters, top 2 cm of Ah-horizons) were treated with KOH and sieved with a mesh of 1mm then treated with HCL, HF and acetolysis (Moore et al., 1991). The pollen samples were suspended in glycerine. In each sample at least 600 pollen grains were counted and identified using pollen keys (Moore et al., 1991; Beug, 2004) pollen atlases (Reille, 1992; 1998) and the reference collection of the Institute of Plant Science, University of Bern. The pollen of Cyperaceae and spores were excluded from the pollen sum. On the basis of this sum, percentages of pollen types have been calculated. Sketches of the site were drawn according to the vegetational surveys along the axis of the pollen diagrams to visualize the landscape and the vegetation. Altitudinal variation was integrated but the distance to the lake is not drawn in linear measure. Results Kichiköl: Juniperus forests a) crown densities (KKO1) Five samples were taken and analysed spanning from single Juniperus trees (sample 1, crown density 10 %) to a closed Juniperus forest (sample 5, crown density 100 %). Our results (Table 1, Fig. 2; 3) show that vegetation and pollen are in very good agreement, e.g., with increasing arboreal pollen (AP) values corresponding to increasing tree cover. Sample 1 and 2 represent Juniperus tree crown densities of 10 and 20 % respectively, both show Juniperus pollen values around 25 % in association with low stomata finds. Sample 3 represents a crown density of 45 % and yields a percentage of Juniperus pollen of 35. Juniperus stomata are found but with few counts only. In sample 4 a crown density of 80 % is reflected by 80 % Juniperus pollen and high stomata finds. In the vegetational plot 5 dense stands of Juniperus turkestanica and J. semiglobosa form a closed canopy. They are represented by 65 % Juniperus pollen in association with numerous stomata finds in sample 5. Single pollen grains of Prunus and Sorbus type pollen are found, but can not be related to trees growing in the 3 vegetational plots. Artemisia shows increasing values up to 45 % with diminishing crown densities of the Juniperus forest although not present locally in the releves. Chenopodiaceae pollen percentages reach a 10 % value only in plot 1. The Poaceae pollen reaches 15 % in sample 2 and 10 % in sample 1 and 3. High percentages of Cyperaceae pollen are recorded in samples 1 to 3, in part this may be related to the vicinity of riparian vegetation around the lake. b) transect Juniperus forest to meadows (KKO2) Five samples were taken along a transect from dense Juniperus stands (samples 1 and 2) on the north facing slope of the lake to the meadows on the south facing slopes (samples 3, 4 and 5). Fig. 4 shows the decreasing Juniperus pollen percentages with increasing distance to the forest. In the vegetational plot 1 Juniperus turkestanica and J. semiglobosa form dense stands with a crown density of 75 % on the steep slope above Kichiköl. Juniperus pollen reaches 35 % and numerous stomata are found. In plot 2 Juniperus trees form open stands with 30 % crown cover. Here the values of Juniperus pollen drop to 20 %, without any stomata finds. In the samples 3 to 5, Juniperus pollen reaches 10 %. Artemisia pollen is present throughout the transect with 45 to 55 %. The Artemisia pollen may originate from the local plants in the meadows. The pollen of Chenopodiaceae is represented by low but constant values around 5 to 10 %. Except for sample 1 the pollen of Poaceae show constant values around 10 %.
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