PAGE THIRTY-TWO - '■ llanrbfH fer ^n^ning Upralii TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 Kymngt Jkdfy Net Pmsb Rm \ v A;-: V:-' a m im , u e The Weather Tonight cloudy and cool with occasion^ light rain. Low about 15,459 60. 'Tomorrow-shoiwer laoba- billty decreasing, ramaining M anchester— 4 City o f F tfto fe Charm VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 284 cloudy, cool with high about 80. \ • • (THIRTT-lbx PAGESt-TWO SECTIONS) , CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969, /■ (CHaaalfted Advertiataig ou n ^ SS) PRICE ^TEN CENTS N ixon Move : Stirs Wrath Ctf Governors "/ Calm / COLORADO 8PRINOS, CXrto. (AP) —President mxon plana a masaive cutback in federally !!• nanced conatrucOon projecta— an InflatloD-tlglitlngf noore 'which itirred dlamay amonf the na> tlon'a govemora. “I for one am not going to The city council voted to take it aKUng down,” aaid Dem- . maintain a citywide curfew ocraUc Oov. Jcdm N. Dempaey Pike’s W allet for a second night, ,.bot of Connecticut, who threatened scheduled it to start two to aeek an, immediate ptoteat 'hours later at 9 p.m. and to from the 6lat National Cover, until 5 a.m. nora Conference in aeaahm here. Found by Sea Vice Preaident Spiro T. Ag- State police troopers' JERUSALEM (AP) — were also Asked to lend new told the govemora of the Searchers today found Itie potm- «ln»lnlatratlon plan at a cloaed port and waUet of Dr. James their forces again to help MaUm Tueaday and awore Pike, former Episcopal bishop restore peace. They were ^ thtm to aecrecy. But the newa of OaUfonda mtoaing in the bar­ set to resume patrol with leidmd almost immtdiately. ren Judean wUderneas neflh- city police at 4 p.m. The imroal announcement of west of the Dead Sea. the cutbth^ U expected Friday, Army officJala sgM Pike's be­ although tfdmlniatratlon repre- longings were tound in a diy HARTFOI^D. Conn. aentativea at the govemora river bed or wadi about a mile (A P )—Torn by 30 hours conference aaiAthat timetable eart o f hki abandcxied oar. - of looting, firelximbings la not Hrm. \ Four Camden, N. J., police officers surround a young: man as they moved in on The officMls aaid they expect­ The Nixon plan' re)>ortedly a disturbance which saw a 22-year-oId police patrolman and a 13-year-old Ne^ro ed to ,flnd Pike soon "dead or and occasional sniper at­ .would cut off new federal con- alive.” tacks, the predominantly ' atmctlon projecta immediately, grirl slain by sniper fire. At least one other person was injured. (AP Photofax) Pike, 60, and his Sl-ycor-old Negro and Puerto Rican 3 and halt federal aid for auch third wife were motoring 'section.s of Hartfo.rd’s state projecbi aa highway build­ through the area when their car North End were quiet this ing effective next April i. broke down Monday night. The morning. couple set out on foot to look for Sourcea at the weatem White state police were pniaeil to House in San Clemnte, Calif., Sniper Fire Blazes in Disorders: help, but Pike collapaed after -two hours walking In the heat move back into the troublad said the cutoff would affect 7B area If .yiolance resumed, and per cent of now projects in both and sent his wife on alone.'*She said ahe left him on a hlllalde. city offlclala were meeting to de­ categories. Administration offi­ cide If another overnight curfew cials stiU in Colorado Springs Jersey Polieeman, Teen Killed After walking all night, Mrs. Pike met aome highway guarda would be called. total By THE ASSOCIATED IVE SS tried to break up a fight among calmed but early Tuesday and they took her Slgnx of a return to normal cutoff, with exceptlona only for A white policeman and a la- a number of luvenilee Polios. ^ i ^ ie d to atop the to Bethlehem. IncludecI the reopening of public emergency projects. year-okJ Negro gir were * o t to r a e T ^ r o “ P " ’ The police immediately began BchooU In the city on schedule The adikilnlatratlon was re. death Tueaday nlg^nt In an out- aixl rocks by the voutha o m ln ^ ly area three a search using helicopters and today, ami rraumpUon of bus port^ly planning to work out fi- broak of sniper firin CanX,. to ,„iper ^ planes. Pike's car was found service through the UUared nal details at a Cabinet meeting Sniping incidents-.with mi f i r o ^ l d e d l S S r S ^ y r N a ' Tueaday afternoon. • streets. ™ ^ a y in San Clemente. reported injurito recurred in Uotial Guardmen and police ' (See Page Fonrtoenl Mrs. Pike was under a doc­ The violence had spread Tuea- The goverora were confuaed Hartford, Conn., and Fort Lau- jrmge ronrteen) tor's care at their hotel room tai day night h> a predomtoaiftly aa to exact terms and unhappy, derdale. Fla. ------r------r ______Jeniaalem. ^ Puerto Rican area of Hartford'a "Nothing shocks people faster Tbe Camden vtoUms were Pa- In Santa Barbara, OaUf., South End. No Injuries were re­ than news that the old buck isn’t bx>lman Rande J. Chandler, 22, ____ f . Pike's mother,. Mrs. Pearl ported to three sniper tocidanU coming from Washington,” said *•*** ®*® McDonald, both' ap^ CSiambcrs, sold her son and In the South Mato Street area. Gk)v. Dempsey, chairman of the PorenUy hit by the same voBey daughter-in-law went to' the One suspected looter wma DemMratlc governors caucus. during the second night of diaor- Teaehers.Defy Order Holy 1-and to study the origins woumled In ttv- buttocks In the 2,000 better jobs are being filledi^iow! Anbther Democratic gover- ‘tom in the south Jersey city of of Chriatlahity and the Dead Sea North End Tueaday night. Pay rates have never been higher, benefits have nor who asked that hla name H7,000. Scrolls for a book he was writ­ ArrcMa since Monday evening not be used, said Agnew de- BoHoe said Chandler was one To Report to Classes ing. Pike told friends that he reached more than 360, 162 of never been better. . . and there is a wide variety of scribed the admlnlstraton plan aevem patrofaneh assigned hoped to find documents or an­ them condng between s ajn cient records that would provide S as a move designed to coipbat to char debris (hat had been new jobs open at the Aircraft! Right now, we have EAST HAVEN, Oonn. (AP) — school systems with teacher and U p.m. Tueaday. the spiral of steadily rising *tox«vn Into a street Aa the pa­ more Information bn Christ. Some 1S3 of thooe wer«- . orders for more than 1,200 engines for the giant new w n e e* andwn. prices.ytivcm, trolman approache*^'spproacnet^ more a^udents were sent home from walkouts to four. New Britain. Pike was brought up In the charged with curfew' vtolarions Homan Catholic faith but be'- superjets, and production, experimental and overhaul This governor said the vice toarit, rocks and botUes began public schools this morning when «nd Groton school TTioy luvl others also were prerident•------— ..MPvalso reported theuie nailhalt "^tog and then the shots rang about 80 per cent of the eitvs toachers also decided not to came on agnostic during hla col­ charged with looting, cerrytog a lege days. Ht took law degreea work is in full swing on our other aircraft, marine and Into federal conetnictlonconstruction should •* teachers le^d Ignored > a court ..JLorder wUbout contract agree (^ g e ro u s weapon, resisting ar. r e le m manpower and material ****** «wme predominantly to report’ to classes. mients with their boards of edu­ from the University of Califor­ cret, breaking and entering, lar­ industrial engines. There’s plenty of action and plenty cation. nia and Yale and then worked ceny and IntoKlcaUon. ' fSoe P a r . Monday ,Ught a The East Haven situation for the Securities and Exchange .Two men explain to a HartforH policeman why they of opportunity at the Aircraft!« . .. ) ee broke out when police brought the total of Connecticut A high percentage of East (tommlssion in Woohlngtoh and are out after the curfew which went into effect at A 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew at Haven't! 6,700 pupils had report­ first ftolsdl lo control dsntruc- ed for cla sM , but only about taught at George Waahlngtoa 7 p.iii. night. This picture waa taken alifiut Univeralty, I live tssn-sgars ' and poung Lack experience? Trainees earn fuii pay! 20 per cent of the teachers were in.tile soutli ehti of the city. The men were adulto. City potfes,- besfod up there. TTie others attended a He joined the Episcopal not urreHteti. (Herald photo l)y nuceiviciim) by too trcwpers, raoortad to fJhurch during Wbrtd War n Maybe your experience has been in school shop or meeting of the East Haven Edu­ shooUng isar-gaa 'and arresting cation Association to decide on when he was a U.8. naval offi­ persons to the dosena to rsstors fixing things at home. If you’re handy with tools . . . or. their 'future steps. cer. After the wur he was or­ calm to this city of ISO,000, one Hanoi Radio Says dained from Union Theological C it y 1h C a lm would like to be . . . come on in. We can train you at The order Issued by Superior quarter of whom are btaohs. Court Judge John Clark FlU- Seminary and served as a rec­ In the dMurtiancca alxiut 70 full pay! Courses last aiiywhere from three weeks to Gcrold Tuesday provides poe- tor and teacher until i962, when stores burned or. were looted .he Was appointed dean of the four years, and prepare you for a high-paying future rible jail terms and fines up to Newsman on Nifrht Patrol and a score of peraona. Includ­ $1,000 per day if they do not ing flrenien and 'poUcenten, In­ in the jet and space age. ’ (See Page FourU-en) report.'The members of Um- as< W ith Cops in E d U n rtfo rd jured, socintlon' voted 211-13 earlier trity Morwger Elisha Frsad- (A P)— President Ho Chi Minh’s msin said he would dsetda to­ Ho'a illness was announced in Tuesday to boycott clafses until Hy TKltKY DTI ALIA (Kdlbir'a Note Hernid Top-fiight pay for fxperienced peopie! - .U^n^firmed reports from condition is deterioratine a communl (ue wMch said: day whether to (XNiUnue the cur­ 9 a contract agreement is reoched ■ Iila)li,grni>hrr Albert liucelvt- diplomatic sources in Mos- and greatest efforts are "Over the .port , ------few weeks,------Prea- The Woodstock school aupt-r- A police cru iser witli nil few. The state of. emergency de- Ideni Hr. 'iLrini. _. .___ Dirksen In riua and ritjai'iier T erry Il'Ualla Excellent jobs are open for mechanics, oilers, cow say that North Viet- being: made to care for him. Ident Ho CStl Minh has not been Intendcnt, Dr. Arthur P. Bixby, its windows shieldtsi with clared-'TUeaday will continue, he were In Hartforil lajtt night. The said, and "there will be some electricians, electronic servicemen, machine President Hd Chi American monitors in well .... A ooUeotlve of profes- termed the walkout an "Illegal, hea'v.V screen in g , rolled ou t two ;t(ttired the maitli end wheiv sors and .medical doctors has wildcat strike." kind of restriction 'L operators, welders, lathe operators, boring machine Minn is d6&de U. S. offi- gfon reported Oxygen o f th e |M)lice com m and |¥)st.' there were repnrta of anipere The . citywtde curfew wow the been attending hiim day and The Woodstock Teachers As firing, a (iiltce rant anil tliey dais in WMhington, how- The Fkench-language knxad- night.” Boclatlon unanimously voted not The two helmeted offi- eecond for Hartford In two operators, tool and die makers, experimental ever, raid they do not now cast was Hanoi's first ^port WA8HINOTON (Al*) ' Sen ('crs were Voting, hilt they wi-nl to (he jHillee i miiniand months and. also the second In «anM 8 nrst report Another communique, brood- to resume professional duties to­ Ijost In tile niirih rod where they nave information backing that the oondlUon of the\79- cast four hours later, aaid Ho'a **>'""‘*4 no signs of Uung machinists, assemblers, testers, inspectors and many day until "their contractural UKliiy he ’l ontlmicw to make ex- ri.(|e Wl.tli two llariforit laitUv- (Siw Pagw B ig ft^ ' these reports. year-c4d father of Vietnamtoe condition was “ not stable” and other skills. At the Aircraft, you can earn top pay in a rtntus has been clarified." They ner%'ous men on rnilaer |attrol Although communism was ' woraenii^. that "hla illneas la developing c^rllcfi! proKTi'jiw* /olUfWinK Hanoi radio has. termed were to report today. The tcach- Our patrol would take us from the |«dUe rnr waa [leltml with ■ -t Two "fearHcr official onnoimce\ nnd is somewhat grave." - • ,------(tp i'ra • «aaswss U o n T^iCMjay A UC-OUliy \M) lo rr<*mov#* V l T l O a job that’s right for you. - Ho’s condition as grave and ers want $1,280 raises and other growth from Itln right lung the command f»0st on M.iln Hi . a leitlle, nricl (here woa gUaa menta said he was in "some-- "They _.would hardly li»ue to High HI , to Asylum Ave . to said his condition was de­ benefita. There was no- word whrther i-oveilng many of llie atreeta what grave" condition and that #uch a bulletin unless Ho" was teriorating. New Britain whool officials the tumor wim ranierou.H. t«n Gaiylen Hi , to Albany a!\/v . and the city wiu, relnllvriy quiet, his llliMSB was "develop^." already dead or In a coma of bark to Main 8t . they tolil us Jiid|5e Delayn Educational assistance program! ? vised to keep the U.600-pupll the sUitemcfll said "final evalu- U le y rejairted I OMclals In Saigon felt that even some kind,” aaid one official In s.virtem clored through the week­ u 1 ...... • We had ifooegone atjouialjout DOT)800 yaril:iyard:i SAIGON (A P )— Hanoi that...... much... admission meant Ho Saigon. ’ • - \ IXi^.logIsU wHI la- . ,^^en several people, only a few You can also continue your education at area end. Cloaaeei.were scheduled to completed aomellmen o n u a ln ir l/jday."I/ mI h v . *' - . f* * . • v Radio, reported today that was near death. of whom could ■peak . RnxHeh. entered the apiirlment bulUlIng Exhum ation technical schools and colleges. The Aircraft will^pay Hanot did not dlackiaie ttie na­ heg'n today, but ‘ members of They rmergml shortly after to ture of the Ulnesa, but Ho had a Mra Glee II Gomlen,. Iilrk- ran Into (hr street to stop the the New BritfUn FederaUon of »en'a excrutlvi- »<-crelary, Nnld tell the frlghteru-d . realdenit the major portion of the cost for courses that will help " bad case of tuberculoalB in the Teiicherii. AF-CIO. voted lo sUiy car Evervorw tx-jfan to talk al ahe liopcd to hsivi- the rejjort once, but finally the offirer that 'the wsa only a IMOs and reportedly -had suf­ away. The diifpute Involves $176.. In Drowning you become better qualified o'n your present job and from the Walter Reed Army l<*arnee«iplf. thought amfiJdrrlng dour nt by »' cigar -fered------. from ‘ trouble 6WMJand v000 w X.UIcut Iixfrom / lfl u the m : )* flllan »— ___ ae___ • . make. It jaibll <* priini|itly - They Iregan to file oUt onlo the . ‘ , , ^ A- judge rejected today a mo- more than two yeari. New ami Crotori teach- The upjier lOlx- of 'the Henale aldewalk carrying their children ., 1 „ . ‘I"*"' . ' lion by the parents of Mary Jo A North Virtnameae official in era, achcdulad to report today, Paris remarked: "All I con aay Republican leadt-r'a right lung who .were wra Plied Ip blankeii hiring hours for your convenience! voted pot lo work without ron- was removed at the tioapltal. Home of the women w*ic^ weeie tinumt on A short distance later eonueet hni eeeeeA wnk la what is obvtouo-the preri- ...... r tog - - M onda^hr^gh Friday frorp 8 A.M, to 4:45 P.M. dent is an old man." (See Page Sixteen) (See Page TAzht) -1 ‘'E xperu in SaiVm said Ho'a Both .officer* left the car anit\ ' (gee Pag* EIgM) provided before he could grant Tuesday ev^m g until 8 P.M. death or Inoopacftatton proba- axhumattoh'ol the glri's body. Saturday from 8 AvM. to 12 Noon ^ -bly would result in sn intensl- JUli(^! Bernard C. Bromlnakl fled power struggle to North ■ of I'ommon Pleas Court gars V ic t n ^ but no change to the f>tat. Ally. 'Edmund Dtnla of Apply at East Hartford, Willow Street goal of a unified’ Ctoihmunist New Hedford. Maos.. 30 d a ^ to Vietnam. And they said even amend his patltkn to show that t' if more convenient. . . X , the jockeying for power might an autopoy would reootvs "the not be evident for some time. By THE ASSOfTATEI) PREHN lenders to . keep student loons cloubi and suspicion surrounding Mjddletown, Aircraft Road ','tt .will' be a dlctatondiip by Would-be college studenia toctory deposits ‘ or who have the dcato" In an sulo driven by ' " v fkjwlng the (tongreastoo- hod a financial rtkoiontitp with the party, not a diotatorahlp by across the country are fading »l delay. " \ . Ben. Edward M Kennedy. D.- North Haven, 415 Washington Avenue one man," one expert said toe Ijank for at least a y w . '' ilasa. the financial ptnch even more An Am oclat^ Press vurvey Southington, West Queen Street "The Political Bureau and the than usual this fall becaiwe of A spokesman tor 'fltargonl The judge said he had the au- stiowed^ how ever,\ that Kept, 18 I 'nlvervtty In Calttorrua said toe Central Committee will ‘ be the Congreastonai inaction on legis­ ^ m oy U- trJO late W sonie *tu ihorlly to order an autopay If important factors." J.. heed exfjecLs to loae 4S0 stu A - lation to boost the Interest rote '•dents One school h ^ offered to the facts tFilTamsd It. ‘The chief contenders '‘for the dents from sn^ expserted /enroll. il ^ on governmenl-gU'* itu-. id students with )o ^ applies, ■Mr and Mrs Joseph Ko- ■ucceaolon are conrtdered to be dent loans merit' 11,bOO-because/of the pechne . of 'Herkelsy Hsighta, lions pending wsH until Novem- f'otigrrsslcmal deiay aiW| cut- the chief of toe Oommuniat par­ Some college officials ssy the ber to pay tulUqn. .N J hscl argued that Pennsylva­ ty machine, Le Duan, who is Ij-tj-it- in other fecVrn) aid pro- delay srlll prevent hundreds of iJoug Turner, director pf ft. nia had no jurtadtotJon In the An^equal opportunity e^mpipyer Urted No. 2 on the PotKburo.: gniiiia like thoee .uruler the Na­ students many to low-lnoomr rwncisl hid for the University of case Truong Ghtoh, No. 3 and the tional tiefense E d u ca t^ Act groupk from attending college Flortds, mid. "I estimate They -also sakl Uuils had ' ■ Hlthard M Keefe, daan C jf ad- Pratt & party's moot vocal IdeoiogM; at all thla year. Others will have failed tq provide sufficient svl- 800 (aludenlsi were kept fre/tn mlasicjns al St tostas University, PrenUiy Pliam Van Dong, No. . to find cheaper schools. And denve to show, the neesaoity tor ,'/■ coming (to the urUversityi be­ aaid "There must be 100 cases" W hitney 4, and Gen. Vo Ngiijren Giap, , thousands more sdl] have to cause of this " He said the. poor * an autopsy. the defense mtoister, architect of students,, unsbie. (0 get loans search a tattle harder krftnd Ae students were the hardest tot Itanis Wahls to«> autopsy ra- of the French, defeat utd the di­ Speaking (X e p n g r ^ . he added. Pircraft .-Aa m p f^ for ever-lncrestsing tul- because they don t have Ok '•uioa for an inquaat he ptauw into ' ■ ■•( 1, ■' rector of the war against the "I don't know wha,mf they can be •tv tl(xt ao'l t>o.vrti\roatJi f . taame >-ontacta that others I"' the. woman's death ■thinking of Ttos Is . whfre the / 'A., United States and the Ssl^m The Senate has passed leflsla-' ■ have-.' f . I ' .1 That i q ^ s t Was ochadulad to A" government. a . i.>i«d s gm^lert If* really lion raising the' 7 per cent cdl- .New York University said begin today m EdgartowiL lotlgt. nr*e m/j ( of t o t s gOel ^ " 1 La Duan is conrtdered pro-' tog on the government-guaran >'irait .S'etJonal City .Hand 'whli h . Misa .but attorney'a tar Kenna- _ Kelp huick students." Mosoqw. Truong Chlnh'pro-Pe- teed otudert loona to 10 per -heavily ftosuKed sludenU under fine of Ho CTii Minh's Images is that of tire Gom^’ Hob Hillings, .'dlrtjctor of the dy forced u poatpanamant, proh- kto» ’ J. , . . cent, making them more attrac­ „ ably of two weaka or more. the guaranteed;loan program cjffli e of itludenl financial aid at munisf ^‘Lnclc Ho." He made it a practice to be A Japanese new* agency that tive to lenders srho now charge now luria dosm requesu U the Kansas University sold, " ir a Miss Kopschna, M. wag hftlad baa a oorreapbndent In Hanoi per cent to prime borrewera. prospecOve . student borrower when a car driven by Ksimsdy with youngsters and t«U stories, both at home my impr.ession that many apply n ld the North Vtetnamaae fim The bill U stalled In the , has not had a busincm rsfsttaih plunged off a narrow brtdga csi learmjd of their leader's 'utm.— . tor these loans, but few are suc- and when visiting other Gkimmunist countries. House. >' however, over ah stop with the bank or been a I -happaquidcUck tatauid att tha In a radio bulletin broadcast at -cesaful. Financial nead Is n o*-// North Vietnamese officials said Tuesday Ho "has .simendment to protobtt to previous borrower ■ ' Massachuoatta coasT. An Motot- 4 a.m. . The j^kuiese agency, Ihe C rltertwi tor receiving one cjf ^ student 'dtairupters ■ ' ' , In Oregon. Ole U 8. NsUona.1 ant mwilcal examiner ruled not been weft" for several weeks and has been re- three kdins Genrrelly It. Is the V Nippon Denpa Hoao. oaU people The HouM a egpq-cted tofact Hank and toe ^rat 'Naltooil death woa cauaad by drowniJY. 7 " . , . on the measure ftepi $ and bonk I t o s f I'uetofqere ntK the’ ^ ceiviNg m ed i^ care “ night and day.” . (Sea -Page Stxtefn) 1 Ban(! will Itiad orvly to sluderjts He did liof perform an autofay. Presklent Nixon has sppeoUld to whose parents have made aatts (her .Page EtgM) V

\ ■ S-- <'AGE TWO MAN.CHESTOR e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER.- C O m . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 BlANCHJjiCT^ EVENING HEk ALD. MANCHl^TER. CONN- WEDNESDAY, SEIPTEMBER 3, 1969 PAGE THREE THE r F o rd T o D rop MOVIE AUDIENCE Arab World Moves ^oser *******GUIDE******* SheinwoM on Bridge A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS Silenei^ Wooden Qoppers P^AMILY^^ MAKE dPPONENT WASIX ItsGompa'ct AND THEATERS. ■ ' ■ ■■ These ret>n9« abply to M/ns Hiti A C E ' NORTH G*ash the Fashion Scene ftleeee^ etter Nuv t, t968 To East-West Confrotuation LAWYER. By ALFRED ^temWOLD A 10 4 . Try to match Falcon Line By VIVIAN BROWN particularly'popular with nilrses ; By WILMAM L. RVAN, other matter. Moscow began THIS SEAL 9 AJ2 govfernment Is flirting with . PBEFABBIO ATED 'WHiA. A sensible op'ixinent wiH try O 8 7 4 3 AP Newsfeaturea Writer an& beauticians who must! stand concentrating much of its atten­ MONTAUK, N.Y. (AP) — The in Ads indicatet th« rilm was this $575 AP- Special Correspondent Communist regimes and tailing Whether you are aware ot k to get value ,|Dr his high cards. * KQ42 , Wooden shoee are clunk- on their feet for long periods. R , tion there in 195S, helped the fol­ the now fam iliar hostile posture or jjot, a “will’’ has already t .aubmittad and approvad undtr Libya’s coup d'etat Is another Ford Motor Co.', noting that "a f­ When he plays an ace, for ex­ WEST EAST clunk'-clunklng their w ay to Just a fad. They buy them lowing year by the -British. toward the United States. prepared for yoii: Known Ih# Motion Pictura Coda ample, he will try to capture fashion In New York. / for comfort. The arch provides Oval TC in a series of "Upheavals by fluence is all about us,” /an­ A K972 A QI63 French and Israeli attack on the The Arabs seem to have as the "statute of descent and of Salf-Ragulation. - one o f your honors. Your object ' Actually, toe Swedish-de- more comfort than moBt letsure^ army officers in the huge Arab Suez Canal Zone. The Russians nounced today It wUl drop lU 9 9ft54 ^ 1063 gained little from all this gxbept distribution,” it is a p lw dra-wn @ Suggested for GENERAL in a certain kind of hand is to signed shoes aren’t noisy—the “hoes,” he points out, •Ouf own Troaturo compact Falcon line. 0 Q J5 0 10 9 world, which Is moving It stead­ lavished arms on the Egyptian arms, war and turmpttf More up by your state legisieture, to make him waste his ace by wood Is covered by rubber rqach the shoe depafwent ChMt that Mantlflas sudiencee. *-A 7 * 1098 6 tha diamond within aa ily closer to becoming a main regime Installed in 1962 by than a billion worth of be used after your death in case The Falcon production Hne, soles. in the back room cne''how goes S Suggested for MATURE playing it on low cards. SOUTH of aacaptionat quality. arena of confrontation between army officers under Ooh Gamal Soviet anns wMt'up In smoke you fall to m ^e a will of your Ford said, will be converted to South dealer. 'Die silent cloppers are being dellcateuen's meat Only Mkhaala haa (t. Abdel Nasser after the over­ audiencse (parental discre­ A AfSS the United States and the Soviet In the ArabsM967 lightning de­ own. the popular Ma-verick. Neither side vulnerable. grabbed up by models, career balls, herrim ;sf salads, hun- throw of the corrupt monarchy. tion advised). <0 KQ7 Union. feat at the hands of Israel. Mos­ How does this prefabricated Ford also said, without fiu-- Opening lead—Tw o o f Spades. girls and. other fashion-minded mian Convention, asking b a ck .'S oles-are wood, uppers the uppera, but each batc^ of The tendehrw then is to .shift to suade Moscow that It has an un­ Th one case, a youth who mur­ John, Naughton, -vice president Pr,nt*d ■' puW'C tervic* again arm y officers looked to if .you get three club tricks to partner to bid a major suit of are a soft leather-looking plain sl'O’es from Sweden seems to Im- the dIrectlonNtf the Communist beatable hand In the huge Mid­ dered his father was held ^v- of the Ford Motor-Co. and gen­ by thie **wtD*p«f the Big Bear for arms. Last add to the three hearts, tivo 'dia­ four or tnore cards. If partner or perforated material that is prove on the shoe design’s corn- ^ r ld . It wouldNieem paradoxi­ dle -East. If so, chances see.m his estate. Under the eral manager of the Ford Divi- May, a military coup in the big monds and one spade. This will bids spades, yoi^ w ill raise to stapled to the wood. Other f^rt-' cal for army offic^^ tradition­ less than brighil that there wH| same stetute (since changed,) a fion, tor a news conference in Pall Sale Now In Progress African Arab nation of Sudan be easy If each opponent has four spades; if he bids anything styles Include a suede shoe with O"® loiig-legged model solved ally rightist, to do tiUS-but the be a big jrower agreemefnt to son’s rijdtts were automatic—no which Ford’ unveiled the compa­ overthrew the civilian regime. three clubs, since then dum­ else, you will bid 3-NT; a strap across the Instep and a Instep irritaUon the first days factors involved cause\u to settle the area down and make one having thought about the ny's 1970 models. THEATER TIME V m y’s last club /become es­ ■ Copyright 1606 sandal consisting of two ciiss- wearing adhesive tape make sense to the Arabs. A military-dominated Sudanese it less dangerous. poeolblllty of murder. ■The new models exhibit a SCHEDULE tablished. Tour problem is to General Features Ootp. cross inch-wide straps that across her Instep where toe up- ALL SALE ITEMS OF Among the factors are the ex^ In another case, a woman trend towards longer and lower develop three club tricks if the buckle. The latter ore more pop- P*r port of the shoe rubs, Istence of Israel in the heart of awarded her husband’s es­ lines and emphasis on what • WEDNESDAY six missing clubs break 4-2. ular with girls whose feet are "ft looks a little crasy," she tate even thought she was liv­ .7, REGULAR STOCK AT 4«% Arabdom, resentment of ,the Ford calls Its Intermediate oars. Burnside — Midnight Oow- Good Start Knif e-wielder Robs Bank large.'. confided. "But I’m not.going to West for making that''possible, ing in adultery at the time of "Affluenoe is all about us," boy,. 7 :(», 9:16.. Wooden shoes have been worn “top Wearing the'\stiqeB because Libyan Border You should start by leading a .Icu'clcd Handbags £ A C wounded pride, dreams of an­ his death. To ' outraged object Naughton said, "and that afflu­ Cinema I — Midnight Cow­ TRUMBULL (AP) — Holding for many years by Scandinavian my Instep Is a little h l^. I love • YARN low club from your hand to­ rcg. StO. NOW OiwS cient Arab glories and a large tions by his relatives, the court ence is having a powerful Im-' boy, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 6:30. a knife to one employe’s throat, ward. dummy. West plays low girls l i v ^ In the city, one rea- them.’ • K i t s ( ’Irctihir measure of opportunism which replied:-' pact on automobile makers who Cinema n — Fimny Girl, 2 ;00, and you win with dunimy’s a robber ordered the tellers of Bennet Team Teaching Room son they' were stocked by . the causes Arab military men to "It is unnecessary to discuss must stay ahead of changing. 8:d0. NctHflc Ktta Closed to Traffic queen. This is a fortunate start. a bank here Tuesday to fill a delicatessen, says Halts Booge, KAi. Fileg Pelilioiit* ► T/V«UE(T,O THS reach in any direction for -help, wisdom or momlUy. Jt is suf­ trends. East Hartford Drive-In — sack with money, then he fl^ One in'to two, or two into one describes these rooms ' manager of the Second Avenue r«-g. 14.65 NOW 1195 RAS GEBIR, Ubya (AP) — ficient that the legislature has You would be in trouble if East . closed by eight hinged doors on an overhead track regardless of long-range risks. eb, from Tripoli upder military "A s income has risen, so has Naked Angel, 7:45; Pit Stop, with $53,000 according to police ^in the Bennet Junior High School Barnard Building food store that speciaUzes In im­ BRIDGETORT (AP) — H ie c.scort. declared the rules by which the the ace of clubs. to set off individual classrooiiis,-pr opened for in­ These leadens often see nothing Libya’s de.-tert border with Tunl- the d’ sire and demand for luxu­ 9:20. and bank officials. ported goodies, prepared dell- htaurgenl Republican Actlort rights of the parBes "must be Many a player would continue 'that will be the area for a team teaching experi­ struction to the combined classes or for viewing illogical in accepting arms and .sla remained sealed here today, Boulaleb was caught Ip Tripo­ ry cars and, the top-of-the-Iine East Windsor Drive - in — The robbery occurred at the catessen Items and a smorgas- Loague filed petitions Tuesday determined.’’ ’ the clubs by returning a low ment in English and social studies this year. Prin­ other aid from the Russians li by the coup while waiting to leries." Goodbye' Columbus, 7:45; 8 Trumbull branch of the Connect­ of films. '(Herald photo by Silver) bord restaurant. -On a particular for a cltywldc- primary against 48 hours after a.i army coup de-' ,'IVue, these are extreme cliib from the dummy. This play cipal Allan Cone stands in the opening that can be while outlawing communism in dhxm.Hs the proposed Islamic Naughton said 1970 could- be Card Stud, 9:35. icut National Bank. day, toe girls in toe reetaurant a slate of candidates ondors^ po^ed King Idris I. cases. But the prefabricated involves giving up the jack to their own countries. summit conference with the tor- the year when cars of ' in­ M a n c h e s t e r Drive - In— upstairs were wearing the wood- by the GOP town com m lU ^. KNITTER'S 3 I-jpng llhe.s of truckii. cars nnd will also works out badly In West’s ace. Now, you get only An enormous Arab area is In­ mcr Libyan Itadier.s. termediate. size outsell the Number'One, 8:00; Biiona Sera after he recei-ved a unanimous gation ;ind "the CIA and the De­ en shoes. The town committee, muoK by busies, stood along th» high-way many everyday clrcunistances. two club tricks. Down one. Harris Charges of the debts, Humphrey, M c­ volved in this ■ progressive orien­ The ixtlice sergeant Sidd he .Etandard-sized cars for the first Mrs. Campbell, 9:46. vote of confidence at the second partment of the Arm y leaking' "W e can’t keep up with the R A L accusations that lt/(s pur- on the Tunislun side, waiting tor Take the situation when a man A fter winning the first club MBTHNIT, Govern and Sen. Edmund S. tation toward Moscow. It in­ and hiiT men were so anxious for State Theatre — Shoes of the of two sessions'with Democrat.c charges each other like demand. We sold 30,000 pair in suing a "no wlnV- policy. Is con- dies, leaving small children and time in automotive history. trick with dummy’s queen, re­ Mu- kie, D-Maine, have agreed WORLD cludes Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Su­ _p.rmiia.'16n to-enter Libya. news from Tripoli tliat they Fisherman,, 6:10, 8:50. knefiBiivKiiiMimE Nixon Evading governors, who had in'vlted him the last six months,” explains sldfring withdrawing Its top four only a modest estate. "That’s where we’ve-placed turn to,your hand with a heart a sieve." Said Harris: "The to address a series of party or*N wBk. m. m t dan, the United Arab Republic Tfuieo Wcslei-n newsmen, ivcn quc.stloned BouUileb’s driv­ UA Theatre' — Castle Keep,, h-^re to preis efforts for a great­ Booge. "n ie shoes are coming candidates and IcUing the llAI. •v: In most States, If he has not our biggest stack of chips," be and lead the other low club. RICHARD BENJAMN people are entitled to hiive Uie fund-raising dinners this fall. and Algeria. Now the United probably the f^rsrt to enter Li­ er, All he told them was that the 7:00, 9:00. National Issues er role in party activities. ' airfreight fixim Sweden, but we sec how well It ^ i n do against MANCHESTER PARKADI made a Will of his own, only raid. As it happens. West must play AUMacGWI^ President take a position.” States and the West will worry byan tpfrltory since Monday’s .streets of the eiLptUil Were de­ Noting th!d; President Nixon always need more, and we don’t the majority ^Democrats. The M M 8 8 8 . part of his estate would go to Naughton said Ford intends to his ace, and now you can play j^ L O R A D O SPRINGS, Oolo. Harris said he had received,, that Libya may swing into the coup. Were politely turned back serted most of the 4er "Who’s in charge?" war, the dispute between the may be u goal which tlic’ Rus- ixting abl<^-^ welcome the visi­ prefabricated will, don’t try to spilled no blood but the victims’ quo," Harris said, adding:' "It Named in the Superior Court the "glorious revolution." As a " I think the country Is entitled slnns long have nurtured-ru tors to Libya wltli- traditional be fair. Rather, th e trouble is and left no weapons, authorities slatq and defense departments has to do with helping us raise bench warrants were John symlx)l of the raw order, To Electoral to leadership," Harris told a long chain o f friendly govern-- Arab hotpilmllty. -He spoke that they cannot possibly fore­ report. , ' about Infiltration In Vietnam, money. ’ ’ '’Jackie" Reed,. 30 and Thomas crossed rifles stooon us- the radio .says zar, oppositiotv' members were Inspector Robert A. Houghton a. western threat of encircle­ the border Is to be o|K'ned, you i-lub jjrcjddent,' luuiounccs the. often denied access to the Usts -said detectives have made “ tre­ ment with a sort of encircle­ can go tlirougli.’’ "<-offo«‘s " wlU be at Uie homos of regtoCered voters and com ­ mendous progress’-’ and that he A X O A X ment of the West in return. The >Ie said he anh»i the new military All nowet its troojN well ehe.Htor-Boltoli area, who "have When asked whether he main arena was Euro|H>. But l>eea <-onUu l»Ki by the Weli on\o KINGSTON, Jamaica, (AP) y sehtaUves of ail groups to assist away from the bonier. The I.i- thought the murders were com- ’ battle lines there are more or Wagon hosle.H.s nre liivlli-d to In ballot coiuVUng. NOW bvan iKsIlee s-alci Uie'»»^a'r»'st .-lol- Norman Washington Manley, mitted by one person, Houghton less frozen. The current Moscow attend. Recent newcomers who (ilers were at Zuara. .anmil former prime minister of Ja­ TTie opposition had claimed raid, " I personally doubt it. Al­ W INTER SCHEDULE — EVENING 6:20 A p;00 doctrine Is that,J*M(l Kiirope Is 1, isIs 'JO mill along tlu-'.Jilgh- Ivave not iM-en called upon jpy Umt pre-vlous elections were maica and a leading proponent though I must "1611 in all fairness. the Soviet backyanli The West tile Welcome Wagon ho-stess doctored the National. Union, A mocferrvday story that reaches from the shadows of way to Tri|)oll. \ We do not have conclusive evi­ did not choose to dlsnute this In The tsirdir |H)llr<- were nom, may attend after calling tlie of West Indian unity, will be the country’s only recognized the Kremlin to the splentJor of the Vatican! 1966, during the H ui^irhin ris- dence that one man could not P committal wliiui a.-iked how they ani'inber abovp who Ls given a state fimeral Sunday. . polklcha p ^ y , and that their . Ing, In ItHll during the building have done it." felt alsmt the change of regime. Inepi, I’ rlme Minister- Hugh Shearer resuHa were altered by the gov­ of the Berlin Wall, or 1068, The victims were stabbed tor The sergeant slmigged and Tlie..^first regular met'ting of declared a national Interim pc- ernment. MGM presents a George Englund production when a Czechoslovak reform .'■'hot. or both,, found lying inside s-a'd: "We an- not ixilitirtan.s. the seitsim ha.s heifii slali-d for rliHl, of mourning for Manley, The decree, whi<* reflects movement watf cnwlu-d by the Cnctano’s avowed desire to the house, on the Uvwn, and—in We nnist carry out ortlers." Se|)l. 16.'at 7:30 p.m In Iona who died Tuesday. He •was 76. Russiims. move the courttiy toward a on* case inside a car. The ' I irture.s of former King Midi, 'fho \prograni, entitled A few hours before Manley’s THE The Mlildle Ea-st is quite lui- gradiuU liberalization, was wel- Miss Tate who was expecting Idris ami Cixswn 1‘rlnee llassx-n "M)uu-hllee post. Nathan G. Ago.HtlnoHK and' Ml.-ks ma(chn House of Representa- ( ’atherlne Slwxi of the Man- that things are changing, Itope- were .^tabbed; hair .stylist Jay ’ "It liHSks tidier that w ay," the ttyl’S made vacant by Manley’s Sebring and Polish playboy Vol- O F THE IfiuudH'ttU'r I ei-geant saitd. che.ater HI.Htorlcal Society. All fully for. the better,.’’ said a So­ resignation Inst Feb. 28. Man- cialist spokesman. “Yet the tyck Frokowsky were Mapbed The me!i said they knew noth­ iin-a nmveome’rs are Uivltt>d to- ley' ason Michael is a lender of Struggle to restore democracy nind shot; and 18-year-old Ste­ ing of their new nilei;, Ool. Saad attend. nSHERMAN the opjx)sltlon in Parliament. in Portugill Is still tough.” phen Parent, who apparently . l•■elllim• Alilsai Clmiilrvl), exee]il / Slienrer described the death The , liberal rulings did not did not know tlio. otlier victims, .Anthony Quinn* Oskar Wemer 'Dslly Except Utmony* timt he <-anie (i-oni Cyn'nalen. of the retireci leader of the oppo­ ■jad iii 13 Itiitxrn Siri'i-i mean, however, that the opposi­ was found shot to death in his I'-e I stern jiart of Libya facing On T o Colleirt* Monebexter, I'onn sition. the. People's National tion parties—Socialists, Republl- car, . David Janssen - Vittorio De Sica ^:K.vpl Telepholit- C43 3T11 ALBANY, N.Y. (AF).7 —- Sixty party, as "a blow to Jam aica" rana. Progressive Catholics and Seculitl .ClJisn 'I’ltsm't;,- l-nltl’ tit Onjv one vehlele Ivi.s tse-'p per* and cited Manley for personal ManchcMti-r, t'ttiirrt-- seven^per cent of all high school Ctommunits—will be free to act Leo McKern • Sir John Gielgud if , m:tti-y| to pass thmiigh the bor- saerlfice for the development of Dempsey Nameil c » SUBSt'Hll’TUJN KAri-:i- ~ graduates in New York State as'they plecCse. PaynlS,- In Ailvapt-r lii-r iit.-ehher. liita-eisop slm-e last year w e«t on to enroll in the Island nation. A warning that all epposMion COU3RADO- SPRINGS, Colo. BaiheraJeffbrd • Rosemarie Dexter out- Y t-ai . V 't:n, ti, Mo-'d iy It was tjie dijiloThatle colleges, the State Education Manley minister in forces must adhere to the law (A P ) — Gov. John Ni Dempsey MORI SI( Ik \< ,1 I II ASX (I A I I \ I K OKI /v m i |) o I ' HU 'MonUis ...... is 60 (- 11- timt t-t-ong'-t Mo'x>e(-o‘s ni'n- 195962 under the British crown. of Connecticut Tuesday was Three Momltx - . t-m Dcparlnu-nt rt'iwrU. The pre­ ami refrain from enga^ng in » ^ S ir Laurence Olivier I!!!!! 'On* Month 3 SI Ister of state. AlHlelhadl Boutal- vious year, 66'por cent did so. But a few months before inde­ subversive or hostile activities named chairman of the caucus Panavision* and Metrocolor pendence in A't)gusi 1962, Alex­ was given by Afonso Marchue- of Democratic governors for the ^ - fjw •.*»#> rfi .hnggu f ■ -»h • alJ* C ,. ander Bustnmente unseated him ta,' the civil governor of Llsboh. year ahead: ■ Nt.«« to become the first prime, minis­ ter oi inde]>en

0 . > ,1,,- r ■ ^ v ; v . , -.4^ .‘'*A PAGE, FOXJR MANCHESTER EVEmNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. W ED N & A Y , SEPTEMBER 3. 1969 a ^I^CTESTER EVENING HER LD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY^ SEPTEMBER 3, 1969. P A G E k v « Tapst as quickly as you pull Fountain of "New Orleans, said, —iiinnese Dissented ^ varnish on as many flat sur­ Rare Plants Displayed Americ^nJ!^en Say; s\veater look for any hour of tni •ack to school this fall longer ^eel Transfusions a'wmyvtlw toothpick, the wet var­ faces as you can. then reposi­ “I’m a devout coward' and nev­ Variety of Knits day. !ver. nish w^^qloBe in on the area er get on. a plane before some Care Must Be Taken tion it, and so on. ICAMI-^A. Rare Plan* House There is the sleeveless look— Wrap’tt.jirDund the neck for 4 and smooth':'oi» the disturbed •- Sand* Very lightly between has been added to a tropical fast action ;in, the airport bar. Make the Scene wrarmth or i&MtJrall. Little knit They^©e ^Strongman ler F or Fetus spot, "niat Is, it^ U U you do It iddle-Aged Ste After I’m on there, from age 18 wool vests, pullovers, jackets, coats, using a fine grade ot pa. ga^en near Miami. Ito it a coats'that can be varied with wool caps in vi^clgus, saucy By JAMES M. MARKHAM while the varnish is siUkweL to SO as long as they keep serv­ For School Year DUBALbO MUSIC CENTER points of view from his uncle, Iii Varnishing Wood per. Use a waterproof sandpap­ visitor can see plants that grow long-sleeve soft blouses, turtle .“ttyjes pull down o v e rih ^ h a lr Aaaoeiated------Press------Writer . monk who lives In a Found Safe When you are flnishing^t'Qb- er for the fli^ coat, dipping U iOkay on ing the drinka, they all lOtdf the By ANDY LANO 'damaging ' the itinlrii, keep nowhere else in the United same.’’ . By TTVIAN QROWN neck pullovers, scarves. Jewel' for protection and wiirmto. 18A /W. MIDDLE TFKE. , y 649.4208 RANGOON. ?fcii*Tna -.p^SS This season’s campus ward­ „ Detective Bureau reported today In Rangoon. ® ways of the unbbm child hriVe fore you leave the store^=to-derv_^;l______•stripes which match toe stripe REGISTRATION hasn’t made Spme American stewardesses, robe will be all wool and a yard that at least $1,000 In merchan­ “It is not unusual foi ambas- Ne Win has introduced------liav^^,^___ _ lasting termlne Vrhether it is s u ita b le ______Today ik Wednesday, Sepb.'3_^ flaring hem of toe pants. The itles into his own life. He once .. effects, two doctoi^ at the purpose. men very ha|>py,'^- but others Th^older gals did have some the 246th day of 1969. ’There arq! wide. Knitted sweaters, vests; dise was stolen in a break over sadors to aee Ne’Win when they own life. He have flown to the defetise of the supporters, halidsome riding style jackets UniversUy of Plttsburgli'School Assuming that you have made 119 days 16ft in toe year. tunicS;-..^i^a5es and pants, suitjs with venied backs top off many toe weekend at the W.T. Grant, present thcdr credentials and •‘“ce Department Store on West Main when they go—that's all,” a Eu­ horses in Burma-and his favor­ of Medicine have reported. the proper selection and that the older gWs. ^ “Maybe it will turn out that Today’s HighU^t In Histoi>’ . make 1969 fhayear of the sheep. pants outfits. Some .jackets are ite place in RangoOn was the The trans^uston technique was surface of toe wood has been SIrWt. THIS WEEK - ^-6 ropean diplomat says. pect,”•.* said LS) Jack Nessel, 30, of ^®"®hFrench Stewardesses, like good On this date in 1783, the Trea- . IVs a , sweater-look all the toe shitlcuffed types. " _ Police said toe lOot con The Burmese people see him race track. But he abolished introduced by an Australian, l, the most i wine, improve with ty of Paris betw.een the United ,wky. Some long ^ool^knltted Dresses In double-knit wools racing as not in keeping with Dr. A. W. Uley, In New Zea­ o select a New 'York CXty, when asked ■age.” said Eugene L. Wsrman of chiefly of television and even less. whfit he thought of a 50-^ear-old States and Britain officially end- sweaters look more like ‘Tnljil. emphasize toe soft sweaUr look, sets, watches and rings, The S7-year-old bogyoke — the the Burmese way. land, about six years ago., for is as dust- Beveriy HUls. ed the revolutionary war. dresses; others are tunic lengtfi''Glowing colors ' accentuate the ■ treatment of every- of toe best stewardees. break was discovered 'when the ACCORDIAN GUITAR Burmese word lor general-^ Ne Win as a youth participat­ Most domestic airlines have “I’Ve, never met an'-v.’pld’ On This Date ^ slither over stovepipe slacks, sa^tjed shirt dresses, long- store reopened this morning af­ throblastotlc anemia, an often jpled room French Vpman,” said Nicholas lives In' isolation with his sec- ed In, the leftist freedom nrK>ve- posstible, a age limits in the 30’s for their In 1826, the American warship Sweaters may be cinched af the slcgvc dre^ costumes and tab ter the holiday weekend. ond wife inside Government ment hndand rose rapidly in the re- fatal condition r» involving ■ the RH J. Nichols df.Ctolcago. factor. It has since won wide will be jK> stewardesses. Air France had Vicermes left New York to circle "’“I-^t with string belts, cords' lored styles'^ln.^ry link-stitch Entry w as gained by break­ House, the former residence of army that fought both ^ cW m ’f»VE STORES OF FASHlOH set 40 as the top limit, bift “I’m interested in. good servj the globe. (When the ship re­ and sash ties. Fine-ribbed mohair and wom>-’.., ing a side window and remov­ PIANO ORGAN hours at ice, not age,” sold Ross Gelben the British governors of Burma, •'‘’a British and the Japanese. ^ ! doing the agreed to the bocNd Wednesday turned four years later, it be­ bodyhugging wool pullovers The campus favoribCj^ the ing the loot through a freight It U surrounded by high walls he heads-m. 13-man all- disorders in the as one''of a number of conces­ In Washington. ’’Experience' tuck into shirts to provide a long-knitted wool scarf, goes door, detectives sold. '' b ^ m e n t counts too.” came the first warship to ac­ and barbed wlre.At each comer mUitary RevoluUonary Council However there we,,. „ . workshop with its usuil^con- sions to prevent a walkout. complish tod feat. | security men note the license as the supreme governing body vestUrators' crete floors, wet down the fibor, A-spot survey by the Associat­ Irvin- Winterowd of Gfepley, In 1892,- Britain assumed a plate of any passing car. *he nation. Brig. Gen. Tin Pe nrvmiWe ^ before you start. ed Press shofw^ many men pre­ Colo., paid it depends on the^Ui- dividual. “I think that is fine as- protectorate over toe Gilbert Is­ Four antlalmraft guns adorn '«"<*» a sllghUy dissident radical SScal re n ^ t KAn M^®®t^ve way to remove fer younger stewardesses. lands in the (Jentral Pacific. Ne Win’s mUlng l a ^ Com- faction, but does not apparently , cautioning long as they are not worn out," jevety bit of dust from the wood “This Idea ought to bring toe In 1916, toe first World War, \ ri!r7h ~J“ W®r,himseIf a challenger to ^ ^ ,n e n S J r e t ^ u « . surface is by u,slng a tack rag railroads back to polarity,” he said, “but I want them rath­ er trim and no varicose veins.” the Allies -turned back toe Ger­ not to overily the res.- Ne^Wto.^ ^ ^ c r ^ just before ai^lylng the var­ vest up in great said Wayne Smith of Atlanta. mans at Verdun, France. nish. A tack rag is a clean, lint- BUI Wallace, also of Atlanta, “Why not, if toey’re still In 1930, some 2,000 lives were An avid golfer, Ne Win on the *»uUd a ' personality cult. His ll^ u ^ f"th e 'jo u 'r less cloth sprinkled with tiirpen- said, “At the age of 80 the ste­ sexy?”. Some chicks look better lost in a hurricane whi. Ten Years Ago- many of his nominal enemies as . . th®y Reported was functioning ables it to pick up every particle some young thing to come in some time now and toe service the only possible focus of nation­ Ne Win rarely speaks in pub- below normal. of dust.. and flirt with you when you fly. is obnoxious, and getting worse. Ph-esldent Dwight D. Elsen­ al unity In this badly riven coun­ lie sometimes goes for v’Thls child was retarded in Don’t shake toe varnish con­ I believe in toe equaUty of toe I think older stewardesses hower conferred 'with French try. tainer, as this produces tiny and Italian leaders in Paris. montla without making on offl- g^wth and development (and) Long . . ; long . . . love of a vest in a wow of ages, but ...” would do a better job. I’m tired “We pray that Ne Win wUl not \ . 'w as In the dull normal (Intel- bubbles that may show up on William E. Yorty, 23, son of of finally getting my martini or­ One Ye«r Ago die,” commented a Bunnan Desplte a tdpus problem, he is lectual) range,” they noted in toe surface of toe wood. Brush a great look over little skimps of skirt and the Los Angeles mayor, said, “I der just a few seconds before Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D- who spent three years in jail be­ thought to be in good health, tbelr JAMA report, freely against toe grain, then guess it’s all right if their blood buckling up for landing,” said Minn., said he would not be­ cause of opposition to the gener­ sen, the question hangs over „ appears, they said, that in- across toe grain, then with toe flare-leg pants. See D&L now! pressure holds up.” Joseph Gauches, 26, of Chicago. come a fourto party ’presiden­ al’s pollctes. “If he goes there Burma: ^What happens if Ne trd-uterine (inside the womb) groin. The third operation Is ■John Morgan, 60, a New Yofk And jazz clarinetist pete tial candidate. will be chaos.” * “*®a • transfusion, ■ judiciously (tdmln- done only with toe tips of toe Ex-Oommunlsts, Socialists Though m ^ y qulxoUcaUy ^ i^ „ d before, eerious Intra­ bristles and when toe biush is with the and hangers-on who man Bur­ hope that U Nu, Burma a uterine damage occurs, is not nearly dry. It is known as tlp- iMi, ma's only legal political orgaid- prime minister, may one day intrinsically harmful, . ping and is never neglected by satlon, the Burma Socialist Pro­ return the courthly to dem ^rat- q imd Hutchtoson professional wood finishers. gram party, claim that the gen­ ic government. It U unlikely j^^her noted that the pre-birth (The techniques of wood finish­ eral' la dedicated to their cause. that toe army would risk toe technique has been lifesaving In ing are detailed in Andy Lang’s Ho launched the “Burmese lom of Ita power. 33 per cent of its applications helpful booklet, “Wood Finish­ ing in toe Home,” available by lutnper look way to sociaUsm” 4n 1962 with Ne Win 1.^ November con- ^ when the transfusions / voned 33 oid pollUclans and to correct sending 26 cents and a long, considerable gusto, and his gov­ stamped, self-addressed enve­ ernment set about" creating a asked them to draw up propos­ the (liingerous blood condition als for a new system of govem lope to Jfnow-How, p.O. Box SFOffS OP KMM*****’’* ''^ '^ Socialist society overnight. T o ------„ of the unbomo. 477, Huntington, N.Y. 11748.) diy. with everything down to the comer store naUonallsed. recommended going, back to the No matter how .careful you every the economy Is stagnant and the po-rllamentary sy^m . Ne Win are In choosing a project area that Egghead Athletes where dust will not be sUtred. black market flourishes "- BYRON, Wyo. (AP) — Two you are likely to find a few As a result, poHUclans from specks hitting toe_wood surface the old parliamentary days be­ Byron high school students don’t believe the old adage that ath­ while you are bruitolng. To get black is hove that Ne Win has lost faith i-. r» r rid of them quickly, without In some of the Socialist Ideas Five Day Forecast letics and good grades don’t mix. girl loves! Never self-confident about eco- WINDSOR LOOKS, Oohn. (AP) ' I ' ' 'nomic matters hiTnxeit mI. iw., Mike Neville and Sheldon Car- apperently left ^ha aDMlrioa nt pre* ter both received four letters ■ ■ 1!^ a ^l^tT ^^v fr. ten ^ ra tu ro s from apiece in tootbaU, basketball WANTED hack for others—while he anoroved^ th through Monday will and track. Both were choaen on Clean, Late Model r. approved the average above normal with the Associated Press oil-state bhtoprints In general terms. dally tdghs averaging in toe 80s football team—Neville at end USED CARS those who want po- and overnight tows in toe eos. and Carter at quarterback. Both young jrs MberalUa- A warming trend over thc‘ Top Prices Paid were honorable mention on toe For AU Mokes! Uon, Ne Win is looking for a weekend Is expected, then turn- all-state basketball team. Both “'^®y t®®*" Marx- Ing cooler Monday. won state championships In CARTER CHEVROLET Precipitation may total one- track. , loeoio^MlIy a p ^ from quarter to one-half Inch in show CO., INC. and'its at Neville was the valedictorian 1229 St ^ y o< his o)^ relatives. Ne era at the beginning and end of toe class. Carter was the sal- win ia sold to receive their of the period. utatorian. Phone 649-1-5238 a. Jaunty bnuia buttoned ^THE PLACE”! >

b. A-line jumiier and tie front btoiise "in Amel Iwndcd knit. Berry or blue; 4 to 6x 8 9 : -7 to 14 819. :

. N

8PE)CXALlZINO "Unusual IN Fashion c. Bonded Orion plaid jumper HIGH FASHION Tduch CXJLORINQ Women with chain licit. Ke

a. Surah pjjint in black d. Bohd4>jd O rion ju m p e r low and brow’n print with waisted plaid panel skirt,~ '• dog ear collar. Acetate, ed Orion white turtle 7, to 13 810. Flip skirt in black rayon gabardine S blouse. Green."^l to 6x vrith |print*sa'sh. Also |n 812; 7 to 14 814. Suits camel. 5 to 13. 8 1 2 . By Dressea.. Whistlestop. Coats a. Heather wool anti |nylon belted vest. SALON STAFF Accessories 34 to 40 M14. Plaid t»’ool front pleated DONNA BROOKS culotte with front zipper. ^ to 16 R 14. b. Snap front tunic KATHY BURNS I Merino wool pullover with mock turtle jumper in black vinyl SUE CAMMBYBR -^ neck. 34 to 40 f H . All by Tami. with the look of peel^ LORI CXISORO (Gjiisy striped silk 6 ft scarf from our leather, n to 13 816. SHARON ELUOTT Accessor}’ Dept. S 1 9 ) Cuffed flare leg p ^ts in (DAL, Young World, ail stores) BETTY= FLYNN ^ a bonded wool blend DAVID JONES .tweed. Black or browTi. . • \ ANGIE LBS^ARD 5 to 13 8 1 1 . Slinky sa­ ODETTE METTVIER ^b. Maxi-check plaid wool tunic vest fari shirt in rayon and \ m Ar iLYN MORTON completely lined. 10 to 14y Five, cotton kbit, wi ne or e. Belted hip-flare |ined| vest 10 t6 16 ROSEMARY Mtru!.BN \ . button side ^’rap 'wool skirt. 8 to 14 goW. ,5 to 13 * 1 2 . By BETTY POTZ, >• 8 19. Heel-to-toe wobl tweed ^cuffed \V4iistlestop. i^ a c k and" WILLIAM STBINBACH $ 1 9 . Ribbed wool turtleneck sweater, pants, fuUy lined. 8 to 14 8 2 X Voile yellow striped silk chi^ shoulder zipper. 34 to 40 S 1 6 . All by safari shirt polyester and cotton print fon-scarf from Accea-_ ROZ ..It!...... Manicurist Sportempo. RITA KOPBJCXI .,...... Receptionist lOtol6S10. » sorj- Dept. 8 1 9 ) LAURA OLEKSINskl , . .. .Receptionist ^»VF Sro«lS OF FASMiOH—- F R A ^ MARRONB . . , ,. .Manager ' HOUSE f * r _ '' LORETTA SAVILONTS .. .IX>iuuHimt 18 O A K s t r e e t • (DAL, Sportswear, aO stores) -/■ :• ikR, JOSEPH ...... f . . Wig Stylist • MANCHESTER. CONN. ■// THE PLACE, all stores) Mil. MICHAEL ...... r. Wig Stylist DAL OPE.N UNTIL 9 P.M. TONIGHT ■■ 4D<^.h>wn M onchastarr r . - / D&U'Manchester IVk»de, open Moil, WeiL, Thais-, F ri to 9—Tuea. and Sat, to 6 * ' * ' • ' ■ V

" '.V

) ■ , - ' l .,

PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING flERALD, MANClfESTEB, CONN.. WEDNl^DAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 'I'-, ■ MANCHESTliiK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. I^DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 : . i l South Windsor PAGE SEVEN Nancy flanks minister had his instructor’s li­ TAR. GA-ZEIC aC) • Mimster Finds cense renewed wtth ease on ;By CLAY R. PDU-A^l- Hint Speedy Withdrawal ARIES ^ UtRA April SO, his 66th hlithday. Appointed To 'Your DailyjActivify . Flight Expands School Fund Voted^ y MA' 21 M jtH " I Just teach mliflsters, mis­ Home Owners Accprdfng fo Stars. APS. 19 OCT. 22 sionaries and students how to 15^18-20-44 To develop message for Thursday^ Soul and Miiad fly,” he said. "You know, fel­ Arts Council 49-64-65 read words numbers 33^54-57/C-, 63^73 ■ By DAVE FELTON . lows who wouldn’t be able to Fight Zoning Laws Land Sale Put Off- SAN CLEMENTE, Oallf. (AP) y / TAURUS pfyour Zodioc birth sign. scoRrfo PARIS (AP)— , North Viet­ Asked if a pullotft of 100,(XX> thousands of agento" were bad- afford to leant otherwise.” I" , • 'f I— President Nixon today named ' APR. 20. Lon Angeles ’Timee - By VIVIAN BBOWN their property. But, the land The Town OouncU last night graders wtU report to the audl- J Romantic 3.1 Eoting 61 Aroufxi OCT.23 men would be s4equate as a timiing to operate in the South. According to one funeral ^di- Nancy Hanks, a New York Cits’ I /AAV 20 2AII 32 Just 62 W ith nam’s delegate to the Paris L m ANGBaLES-The Rev. Jo- AM Newsfeatures Writer and their home may be m o n agreed to give the Board ,of torlum upon entering the i^ ool. 3 Affairs 33 Someor>c NOV. 21 starter, the EimbasaEidor said: Andther senior member oC Ha­ nector vdio frequently flies with expert In arts and museum 2- 6-37-41 63 Like peace talks .hinted ’Tuesday » P h M. A i^ lgate, sexagenar- Town meetings, In_ ___ nuuiy ^’’TPortarit Uuui the doUiurs they Education an additional 146,800, Harding Is senior advl- SJ'46-55«)-88 4 Don't 34 Could 64 For 7- 8-10-24^^ "When they do It, we shall ex­ noi’s peace delegatian said Mr. Ai^pelgate, the_^ minister is work, os chairman of the Na­ . 5Let 35 Cause 65 Remarks ^ pilot, retUied, Air Force areEis, euc crowded with home- ^°'**‘* realize. Some towns gnuit „ 11..1 t senior’ homeroom 32-45-^-83^ night that a i^>eedup In the with­ amine the problem and we shall Thiesday night that North tHet- oomtortlng to the bereaved, of­ dreciaed to wait a little loiurer *u^ tional Council of the Arts. GEMINI 6 Lines 36 Unusuol 66 You explain and aaaodate minister owners who are fighting to keep ^ relief to ce w u n * of Los Angeles, never dumps from encraachkig upwi P**^^^*^ by attempting to tEdce town hall site, and agreed that Goldman, Mrs.°Kraw8kl, Mrs. 10 Rofhonce 40 Com« DEC. 21 In the negotiations. June 8 that 25,000 U.S. troops saticn of U.S. B52 raids In South porOorms a prayer service as Western White House made >)i36^39-52-69 70 Hobbies flies alone. residential~ ,.ij — areas.------7 the lEuid away on one hand, and. private groups should be given McGrath, and Mr. Myette 11 Avoid 41 Mental 71 Be 16-19-25-; HeuioI’s Xuan ’Thuy made the would be pulled out of Vietnam Vietmim. he drops the siriies. I'omethftig of a mystery of It, ^7/2-76^86-90 12 Mistakes 42 Highly 72 W ill 53-58-75 " I ^wayn take someone with by "building apartments that an opportunity to assist In the juniors whose name bsegln CANCER 13A 43 Be suggestitm at a North Viet­ by the end of August. ’The lEist Asked to .comment on former' ”i took a movie actress one Neighbors Eiro becoming sus- advising newsmen the day be­ 73 Wonted CARRICORN he 8&id recently. older people can Eiftoird” on the development of the Rye St. park^wlth A through Bou report to 14 And 44 Moke 74 Up . namese reception. It 'was the contingent left on schedule Isist U.S. negotiator W. Averell Har- time,” Mr .Af^lgate recalled. plclouB of eaph other as towns fore the President would an­ JUNE 21 22 - He had squeezed five persons other. No matter what the pitch, 15 Curb 4 5 Around 75 Todoy DEC. first iixilcalon . Hsuioi might be Thursday. But the North Viet­ riman’a suggestion In an inter­ "She had a little baby with her' relEucX zoning' regulations. The Mr. Baumgartel In Rm. 109; nounce an important appoint­ ^ JUtV22 16 Disputes 46 Activity 76 Probobly JAN, 19 Into a rented four-seat Ccama feEU* apEutments wind up with sky- 17 In interested in anything less than namese called the withdrawal of view last mrnith that the United and a beautiful bouquet of two is that'U'cone neighbor sells In granting the Board of Edu- Boy. through Clap, Miss Dlai In ment this morning. All presiden­ 1^11-22-28-43 47 Best 77 And 4- 5-12-17/C 172 and headed toward . high rents that can attroct only 18 Tendency 48 Favored 78 W ith a total, unconditional AmericEin 25,000 men a token pullout and States should offer to stop the dozen roses^ to a r^ail_/. ejrtablishment, jthe cation an additional $46,800 the Rm. I'lOV Clar through Fa, Mrs. tial press secretary Ronald L. *>56-62-68 19 With 49 Uncoiled 31-35-51 V€ Mr. AppelgaAe and a reporter the well-heeled, who may be councU was keeping an agree- He^ird In ^ m . 202; Fe through 79 The withdrawal. "a sham" and demanded that bombing in excluuige for a htdt "Her mother had died «tid area wjUl k»e its residential stasta­ GO BACK Ziegler would say in advance LEO 20 To . 50 For 80 Trovel AQUARIUS sat In front. In bEick rcxle a new to the community. 2 1 Love 51 ir>dispositiorT.81 Creotive American'^ disengagement be in terrorism, the North Vlet- the actress had glued this beau­ tus. ment that It made with the Ho, Mr. Be^an In Rm. 206; Hu was .that It would not be a euc- JAN, 20 "If the Americans continue photographer, a mortician and /(I- 22 Inclination 52 In 82 Cheerful their withdrawals at the present “total, rapid'■ and uncondMJan- nameae repreoentative stUd; tiful lecture of the Uttle baby Many towns try to attract in­ board during the time of buth through K, MK^^Tupper In 204; cesror to Selective Service Dl-' V’^._ AUG, 22 23 Interests 53 Moy 83 Corner FEs! 18 a box. This hEis led to more Interest pEice, we can't make eui assess­ "We WEint a total bEdt In U.S.i to the box. I said some prayers, dustry to avoid becoming bed­ get discussions. At that time L through Me, Mr. Benford In rector Lewis B. Hershey. 13-27-34-60 24 Is '5 4 Through 84 A al.” In restrictive covenants on pro­ 25 Close 55 And 85 Projects 9-26-30-38(0 aggression In Vietnam. If the Over the Pacific the minister and after we scatter^ the room communities. Often, when the councU agreed that It would Rm. 228; Me th r o i^ On, Miss MLva Hanks, 42, a Republican, D:74-78-84-89 61-71-82-8A& ment of the situation,” ’Tlury The chief U.S. negotiator in perty, which involves llmita- 26 Others 56 Huffy 86 Bring sEild. "However, If Nixon with­ AmericEuis want to start with explained the rules of his mis­ ashes, she dropped the rosea this (xjcurs, huge areEis of quiet TO SCHOOL make up the difference between klsh In Rm. 91; Os thhnigh Rlc, replaces a prominent New York VIRGO 27 Friend 57 Just 87 Appreciative PISCES Paris, Henry (3abot Lodge, sEild sion. tkxiB on the use of the land. 28 To- . the B52 raids, let them do it. one by one, SO seconds apEUt.” resldenttail towns soon become the board’s final offer to the Mlsa Hlrsch In Rm. 92; Rio Democrat, Roger L; Stevens, X AUG. 23 58 Arise 88 Foyored FEB;1» Vyj, draws his troops rapidly Euid In at the weekly settsiort last Property owners ceui bond to­ 29 Friends 59 Working,. 89 Secret considerable immbers, well, we ■But we wdll give nothing in re­ "State law says you have to increasingly buslnesB oriented, teacher’s and the final- agree- through Sto, Miss Moran Iri-Rm. whose term expired last March. SEPT'22 ' 30 Glad 60 Come 90 Hoppiness l/At.70 ’Thursday that, the President had- gether and form a corporation j v __ .i will examine this femtor and turn.” be at an altitude not less thaii to piit legal restrictions « their flee the a ^ ment providing that ""there was 220; Stod through Z, Miss L ^ - A native of Miami Beach, O ', 1- 3-14-21 47-50-59-67^ decided to delay further US. 5,000 feet and a distance 'not (^Adverse ^[jNc%fal take It into account.", own property. A restrictive ccxv- ^ many tqwns reeddents an increase In state aid. ton In Rm. 94. Junior advisor Fla., Miss Hanks is now presi­ &Z23-42-48 , 70-77-81-85R^ withdrawEds because Nortt le « than three miles from Antique Aircraft IN A enant runs with the land, and **1® business tsx dol- In what is becoming some- Is Mr. Bordonaro. The Etnvbajssador commented Vietnam had Ignored American Fast Sliave shore,” he yelled over the roar dent of the Associated (Councils enjoins members from changing earned are hardly suf- what of a ritual, the coimcU aop.iomores ,A through Bol, of the Arts, a national nonprofit dyi^ng a discussion tluit began steps to reduce the level of LONDON (AP) — Motorist of a single engine. “I don’t W on’t"Fly Again elation of Muaeums ;uui a trus­ I'crforming Arts: Problems and anything agreed upon during meet the needs of a • again turned d o ^ all the bids ^iss Laughlln in Rm. fo6; membership organization con­ when a newsman asked him fighting. Gerry Chirtls switched on his na- know why. ’That’s Just the law.” tee of thfe Mu.seum of Primitive Prospects” w.'is published by Lodge toldiHEinoTs peace ne­ ror and gave himself a pretty PRYOR, Okl^ (A^) —Two the life of the agreement. It pre- Showing population—new wliat Could be done to get the Three miles off the ast, Mr. _____A. . . . . M mm mm \ mm -- - - .A .aU .A... ' th^slte a of tee old town hall M° Chi’ ««■. Rloux In Rm. cerned with the- support and de­ Art in New York City. ^hools, pEttka, a lEirger police the Rockefeller F ^ d in 1965, peage negotiations moving. He gotiators that despite the U.S f£L 3t shave—62 miles per hour 80 aviation old-timers labored Etx vents such situations as a home- velopment of the arts in the Since 1956, she h;is served as Applegate cut his speed to department, antl-poUiition betog t o o j ^ . However thta charf^ntler to Rm. 201; Dun providing the first comprehen­ replied: • withdrawal completed so far, through a buiU-up area and with r.p.m. Euid opened the left front owner getting mad enough at United States and Canada. executive secretary of the 3pe- hours on a recont BOO mile flight plants (to clean up rivers poUuU, ^ through Olr, Mr. Dliostan- sive study of the performing "First, the Americans must and despite last month’s dlreq- both hands off the wheel at window. the town or at Ms neighbors to the dls^sltlon of the land rest ^ ^ A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of clal Studies Project clf the Rock­ from Hayes County in eastern ed by industry), inclnerotors arts In.the" United States. recognize the principle that they tlve to cut down on the number times, a policeman teetltted. "Okay, -I’m ready.” he an­ sell out to a fertiliser'plant or to Duke University who has stud­ efeller Brothers I\md on the Oklahoma to Hale's Corner la an apartment builder. A mem­ (garbage drums are almost .imtll after i^e November elec-. ^r. chvatal In Rm. 214; Hub ied at Oxford' University In Eng­ Miss Hanks is the daughter of must withdraw their troops. of B52s bombing In South Viet­ Curtis Was fined 15 pounds, $36, nounced. "You got the boot?” Performing Arts. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hanks, who ber has the right to sue Euiy oth­ full) and more city officials to Ion before trying to dispose Of through K. Mrs Martin In Rm. land, She is a member of the ’Then they- must take out their nam, 130 regular North Viet­ despite his protest; " I was qnly southwestern Wisconsin, ll the property. 107 As a result of this study, ’"The live now in Fort Worth, Tex. troops rapidly Euid truly.’’ namese battEdtons and "tens of shaving the bottom of my chin.” The mortician restehed under er member who breaks the govern.' VIRGIN WOOL Council of the American Asso- his seEtt and withdrew a emrd- But only Herb Harkoom, a 39- pact. Far-eIgMed (dvlc groups Tl» problem seems to be that Also for Soptomores, L thru ______..______\ ______board box the size of a blUe. yesir veterEui of flying, came ^1 the offers, ro far have In the wa, Mr. Obue In Rm. 211; Me Restrictive (X>vena4its Eue re­ promote zoning regulations that "Here we go,” Mr. Applegate bEick. they consider to be good fpr the Council s opinion been frivolous through Dbr, Mr. Andersen In corded In deeds, and Eire bind­ said, taking the box and drop­ The old-timer that remained town. Fortunately, people have and do not reflect the potential Rjh, 207; Olm through Rav, M r.' ing for the bfe of the agree­ ping it out the window. In It's behind w as. a 1927 Fairchild ment, even If the house changes' recourse to courts If they fee) . R. Joy in Rm. 208; Raw through threenminute tall,'he said, the FC-2 alrplwe that Harkcom had owners. (A personEil oovenEint Is rights are being violated Whl e the tadlvldiml stto ap- Mr. Garro In Rm 96; Bm / box would open an(l the ashes rescued from a Mksouri barn parently could not be buUt 00 through Tro, Mrs Schwlmmer binding only during the Individ------;_of a woman who had died where chickens had used It for ual's lifetime.) Reftrlctlve cove­ alone, but could be used as a 223; Tru through Z Mr. Har- 'eEirller, wotfld scatter. / nesting. HEirkcom’s find, and a buildh^ site with the addition Rm. 227. Sophomore ad- nants may not go against the Seaixh Ends for Men/ Later,' Mr. Applegate said he similar croft at the Smltheonian law—they may not Include race o adjacent land, the ooun- „ ^ r. Ordwayi Institution, are the^ only ones of ^Presumably D row n^ dl agreed with the town man- • „ . . does this about 20 times a year restrictions. ) / as a convenience for funeral their kind still around. ager that a bid of slightly more Fr<»hmen, A through Bl, Mr. In burgeoning (ximmunitlea, EAST SANDWICH, /ilass. directors — a preEiGher-pilot than $800 was not an adequate Rm 106; Harkconv an Ameri<»ui Air­ owners of hlgh-piiiced homes an­ (AP) — The CkMUit Chiard Ein- jjIjj ^ through Ch, Mr. IxMder In Rm. packEige' service at $25 a flli^t. lines test ipflot, has donated the nounced yesterday thM It has AQUAknU^BY ticipate changes In zoning regu- The council voted to reject'all — Mainly he Just likes to fly. $M,000 plane to the Bxperlmen- .lattons by EKttlng up such corpo­ suspended its searclyoffshore for | bids, and wait until a new obun- I ’ll fly anytime I dtm’t have tEiI Aamiation Air EducEition two MlddlefleM, /bonn., men t a wedding or fu n e ^ ,” he ssdd, rations in their Uund area at the cll was elected, at which time 0 “'’ Ml»s Krelger In Rm. 212; Museum Ett Hale's Corner. outset. The agreement will spec­ missing since ptelr boat cap­ adding tlmt flying" is a spirit­ ^URI'nA.IM' the <»>uncU might announce a G«n through Mr Cloutrnan "It was pretty sorry, but it ify the kind, size and minimum sized Friday i^ ht. ual experience. ' ■ minimum acceptable offer, and «">• 210; H through Jar, Mrs had poaribilitlea,” Harkcom cost of the house and kind of ga- “I consider It to be an expan­ The two Imve been Identified ^ AUTOMATIC MACHINE WASH and DRYI go to public auction Instead of said of the plane he bought In rEige one may build. It may re­ as Robert Perry, 43, Euid Robert bids. ,1 K, Miss Kirk In Rm. 213. ocean-going ships sion of the mind,” he said 1961. Also L through Mar, Mrs. gulate the kind and size of out­ Malone, 'The councU Eigreed to refer a " I t ’s probaMy the m ost, ex­ Harkcom and severol friends buildings that wrlll be permitted, citing thing in my life. The /men are - "presumed request from the South Windsor ‘n R"™- 229; Ma through spent a total of 7,(XX) hours over and prohibit portable buildings, drow i^,” a spokesman SEdd. Boy Scouts tor permission to Rnndazzo In Rm. 221; “I can go up In an Edrcnttt a two-year period to recxartruct such as trailers and temporary tor Eut hour and get more good A ^ I r d man who was In the work to improve Rye St. park through Ran, Miss Griffin the decrepit and decav&g air- businesBes. b<^ off C a ^ CXxl, John Clp- ff and electrical generating stations from it than a whole week of for use ae on open area for I Rm. 99; Rav through Sem, ta-aft. ’Their efforts paid off. - Some towns begin to tax land i^nl 28, of Rensselaer, N.Y. camping and conservation pur- Mrs. Roche In Rm. 222; Sh goK.” In 1963 the pUme the na­ at Rs true VEdue t o mEike avail­ Mr. Appelgate becEune a pi­ WEui rescued Saturday after be- j poees to the Education and Rec- through Th, Mrs. Tucker in tional grand cha^lim shlp at able large tracts for their o- Ing In the water 16 hours. reatiqn Committee of the CXxin- Rm. 97; T1 through Z, Mr. lot In 1946 after taking lessons Ottumwa, Iowa after being'cho­ purposea In the futiu-e—for Clprlonl, on leave from the ] cll for further consideration. ■ Woodworth In Rm. 98. Fresh- at a local flight school. Since sen the Best Okiwoma Antique, reation, schools, dunm, etc. IJ.B. Army In Germany, told 'While .the council welcomed man advisor Is Mr. D. Joy. then he hEis ftown many small live Best RM ored TrEuisport In many commurtl^s it is the I the offer for assistance In de- lainches for Week croft Euid Jets, emee breaking rescuers he saw both men go the Mori Authentic Reertoratlon elderly who suffer. An ojd cou­ down, and said he did not think | veloping the area for Iboal use,. School lunches for this week the sound barrier. and the O foeat UiuncxUfied An­ ple with a snuill incoi the councU felt that any action are Thursday, hamburg In a Gray-haired and trim, the e they ha(i time to grab life pre- tique 4t m e sEime show. not be abl« Euiy longie$/to afford servers. should be co-ordinated through roU, relishes and catsup, pickle the recreation director, the chips, potato chips, Sole slaw. Education and Recreation Com- chocolate nut'pudding and milk; mlttee, the Park and Recrea- Friday, tuna fish and macaroni tdon Commission, the Conserva- ^lad, tomato wedges, celery / tlon Commleslon, arid any carrot sticks, cheese parties Interested In helping wedges, sllcbd . peaches smd wtth development, - bread and butter. Any group wishing to con- a salad plate tribute Ideas or ^ e^ o n ^ se^- Timothy Ed-, ared \ urged ” to’ contact CounoU- wards and the High School, moo Peter Nicholas, chairman of the Education and Recrear Advertisement- tlon Committee. ■ (Man wanted to drive dellviery • In other notion Inst night VM truck. Call 2H9-1S68. councU passed a resolution ” _____ which in effect completes on Manchester Evening Herald even land swap with the Savin South Windsor correspondent Bros., Inc. which Involyee relo- Oarol Aloiiltoii, tel. 644-RTU. cation of town sewers at the ______expense and convenience of the Savin Bros. ',/ p ^ y ^ ^ y lii High Schmil To Ol»eii 7 »»“ 7 High School/Will open Thuns- I^ONDON (AP) — Trevor Be- (lay tor grn<^ply 100% I^unbe Wool. Washw sod dries in sutocoBUe C O n O N BLEND >RINTS . mschine*. Smsrt-ssddle thoolden. Giuruiteed mothproof. 10 m stnifieut coiori. S-M-L-XLi MID-SUMMEll CHECK-UP ' tis.- / ' ' '\. ' Cut frofn bests. 46" wide 60% Fortrel 60%.. Ten Days Onjy „ wete cotton wtth crease resistaht ’flniah, Reg. fl.OO 3nL Qreait for shifts. ^ 7 7 b The wool mark i$ dwsrded to V TUNE m o t o r ' quality-tettcd pfoducU mude Our engines are'b,eing useeJ by most ot the world's alrllries, - t - PACK WHEEL BEARINGS \ SPECIAL^HIRING HOURS— TucsdsYcvenings of the world'* b«»t . . Pure CHECK BRAKES by uiiitfy companrf^. and by various-industrial and marine custorriefs. To m'eet this demand, more than 2,000 people-' ' or Saturdays ^ FANCY WALE CORDUROY Virgin Wool. ADJUST BRAKES experienced as well as moxpenenced—are being hired nowf To make it more convenierit for you to finylhe right job at the CHECK MUFFLER JL PIPES . Jobs range fiom trainees for production and experimental 36-46” wide sU heavy Cotton Corduroy in 2-4 Aircraft, we have arranged special in t^ ie w hours. Employ­ wale. All new fall colors. The rage in fall ready CLEAN BAHERY TERMINALS , depaftmeiiis to tool and die makers. ment offices at all our plants will b e /p e n Tuesday evening wear. U cut from bolts H.oe yd. y$L^^^ until 8 P.M. and Saturday frorn 8 A ^ . until noon. Of course When you join our jet-age team, you set all_fhe advantages Reg. Yal. you can come in any day Monday through Friday from of being with the-leader m the field. You earn high pay, enjoy 8 A.M. until 4:45 P.M. Be one ^ t h e 2,000 people who will Our Mid>Summ*r valuable t^ienefits and can keep moving ahead into better and better jobSi . find work in the exciting w o rl/ of jet propulsion and aero­ Spucid space. Apply now! , . PRINTED ORLON CHALUS / ( (Plus Parti) iry.ou re expeiiericed. yob'll find top-flight opportunities here M” wide 106% Orton Acrylic jram printed in the YOU SAVE $7.25 paycheck to matcj^h. If yo'g lack experience, we'll train East H a rtf^ , Willow Street high faMiloa tones of fall. O m m « f mmm ' ' ■ -''l I -V X ? you' in let^ge skills and^y^you handsoineiy^ in the bargain. . ' , 1 , if m o i^ c o n v e n ie n t...... waifhahle. Values to |l-M yd. Bring In This Coupon For A FREE Lub4 Job , , \ Middl^w'n;iAircraft Road \ , The Aircraft'^ framing program is one pf .the 'best ^in the ■■A A ’i >THB MAJIVKL OF MAOf s T i i a a r '' \ \'' Oil Cherngo and Filtar ' . North Ha\^; 415 V\^shjngton,Avenue - 1 '-’A with country, and jnclude^'a wide variety of courses. You cari /■ V wi 166» MAOf snueaT, M AM oasnoi-^ . ^ South^gtdn, West (jJuden Street o p p i KOMDAT THRU SATURDAY tS 6 TO • « take intensive 3-week framing m manufacturing operations, tm nisD A T t s s TO t m advanced training up to 37 weeks in shop sk'il)s,-or apprentice BONDED "W p o I Look" A C R Y U ^i An tqmi oppoctanily emt>4 r -. training of 3 years in jet engine metalsmithing. machining- « Rmgml Chmrfm 4nom Ht Today hi Tartan plaids; beijlngbone tweed and aoUds' and elecfronic's or 4 years m fool and die making. Pratt & ...... SUte ...... Oonapls ^ waahsbte R ig . SS.O0 yd. ^ ^ 2 ^ 9 You may even qualify for educational assistance at a college luxury, fabric.' yd. ' ■ i ■ W hitney / ^.j or technical.schoplt-of your choice, and we'll.pick up most v '/V f i t the cost of youi t,uitiOh. - f t ire raft j '■ OPEN SUNDAYS — CLOSED SATURDAYS ' r /

PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONM^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 T MANCHKTER EVENING HERALD, MANUflESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 PAGE NINE Manchester Area lington waa charged wlpi op­ Bolton Obituary Dr. LeSure Joins Faculty 12 th Cirjeait erating unsafe tines, t^raU ng Pleads Guilty Women Tried with a flat tire end failure to ‘P hooey’ Party, At VofH Education School Court Cases cairy registration. Emery In’ 67 Kaiing Of Bernadette Heads W e^rn ‘Frontier’ Mrs. Maurice WCsterberg T o Stop Arrest pleaded guilty to two of the Event T o Raze VERNON — Mrs. Pauline Dr. James 8. LeSure ot 274 charges explaining . it was a Selectmen Oppose ROCKVILLE 'SESSION Village Drifter An<)ersen Westerberg, 70, ot 8 Interference in the arrest of Parker St. has been appointed friend's car and Judge Lacey Maddox Mansion A Rockville man was found NEW YORK (AP) —One of Back to Barricades StilfAttracts Settlers Ljom Dr., Wife of M a^ce H. a Staffordvllle man, being made to/the school of education facul- suspended imposition of sen- guilty of delivery of liquor to a tence. .The charge concerning accused of murdering SHANNON, Ireland (AP) — ATLANTA (AP) — It’s being Westerberg, died, Friday at by, Vernon poUce, led to the _ _ A irport in Coventry Washington ■with House Speaker WASHINGTON (AP) - . The per cent; iVest Virginia which minor during a beer-drinking in- the flat tire was nolled. East Village residents Linda called a house wrecking party -Manchester Hospital after a arrest of a Stafford woman J. ‘ ^ University of Hartford, Bernadette Devlin returned John McCormack' and other con­ migratory urge that has pushed lost 2.2 per cent; and Wyoming terlude in a garage parking lot, nolle described as being The Bolton Board of Select- needs regardless of finandal as- Fitzpatrick and James “ Groovy” long illness. She was burled yes- late Monday night. " ® appointment is announced \ not from the United States today gressmen. Her press secreterj- at the governor’s mansion but millions of Americans towrard which lost 2,9 per cent. one which preceded a fatal boat- ^ final determinaMon was grant- men voted Ihst night to send sistance programs, Hutchinson has pleaded guilty terday In Hillside Cemetery, police were ' attetmptlng to “y Ur; David D. KomUar, dean said she left early because of it’s really a social happening en­ toe West is far from dead, the.- Compared to the larger ing accident. Douglas McFarlane, 20, to first-degree manslaughter, to and said she . had raised "a fatigue and security oondlUons., Torrington. , locate a 14-year-old girl and ® acuities. a letter to the .Capitol Region “ T ” titled "phooey." Census Bureau’s newest popula­ states, none of the four had a Earl C.- Phtel, 21, of 96 Union g{ 49 eirch St., Manchester. The anoe had been hHuie by the con- Hutchinson’s death. great deal of roonej^ for Ro­ “ She has been suffering from Mrs. Westerberg was bom in return her .to her home when new position. Dr. Le- Planning Agency opposing the gyjtants over a ago, but tion figures show. sizable population to begin with. St. was fined $60 for his part in breach of peace charge against The plea was entered Tues-' man Catholic vtctims of last extreme fatigue for several Aa a spoof, David Harris, toe Bristol, and lived there, most of David B. Dombek, 26 alleged- ®“re will become director o f the Since 1960 the Pacific States Large but thinly settled Wyo­ supplying beer to a minor, Ray- McFarl^e*^mnW*froi^a*fto construction of an air- last spring they ihformed the day for Thomas Dennis, 26, by days," said Phil Tracy. "In ad­ Atlanta attorney who bought the her life. She was a member of jy attempted to interf^e. Dorn- university’s certification train-- month’s religious warfare to have gained more than 22 per. ming had. only 330.000 people nold Lebel, 18, of 62 Village St., fj-ht and upon examing Ws rec- °y®'’ BoKon line planning Commlssiori\that the his attorney, O.N. FYank’el, and dition to her poor physical con­ the ’ Priscilla Rebekah Lodge bek was charged wirth Intoxica- ^ng program,- on both the ele- Northern Ireland. old grey stone mansion last oc­ cent in population, far outstrip­ and lost 10,000. West Virginia and past president of the Carl- breach of the peace and mentary and secondary levels, RockvUle. » ord the judge commented that Coventry- town would probably do better accepted by Manhattan Supreme dition, security considerations cupied by Gov. Lester Maddox, ping ever>‘ other region in had 1.860.000 in I960 and fell to son-SJovall, American Logion resisting arrest. college e q u a t e s during Lebel is presently awaiting jj^e The letter was the result of under C-DAP. Court Justice Irwin Davidson. "We awakened In some dictated toat her return to Marine Corps. ^ would be Is giving a "phooey" party Sun­ growth, ^ bureau sold Tues­ 1,819,000, a loss pf 42,000. Auxiliary, both of Middletown. Mrs. Bonnie Tompkins alleg- their preparation for public trial in Tolland County Superior an invitation from the CRPA ■ Selectman Ray Negro'brdugSit Davidson set Oct. 7 for sen­ Irito-American people their Northern Ireland be sudden and "great for him.” The boy’s day, toe night before the man­ day In estimating toe nation’s Tile Dakotas lost about 22. She was past lecturer of Crom- gd,y gtru^k a police officer teaching, Court on a charge of manslaugh­ mother was ^ ’ked to" reo^ t" ® hearing on the matter up again, aayjng tencing. If convicted. Dennis need to do something for their unannounced." sion is to be rased. population as 6f last July 1. each. • well Grange. while Dombek was being ar- For the ]>ast 16 years. Dr. Le- ter In connection with the drown­ back on Sent 23 as to wheto^ proposed airport Sept. U )n that townspeople had asked, faces up to 26 years in prison. old coiuitry," she said, "and we ■ She s^ent Tuesday evening at back on sept. 23 as to wnetner ^ Windsor Town Hall at 8 him about C-DAP and that he "Phdoey” is one of the gover­ No region has -lost people, but Mls||aslppl and ' ’'Alabama, Survivora, besides her hus- rested. She is charged with Sure, who joined the State De- . ing in Crystal Lake, in June, or not the Marines accepted Dennis told toe court he had succeeded to gettir^ a . great a pntvate fund-raistog dinner nor’s favorite expressions. 7 of the 13 have grown leas than w’hich- are generally thought to - band, include two sons, Merwln breach of peace and resisting partment of Education in 1961, of Fred Parsain of Rockville. p.m. . thought a public informational hit Hutchinson on the head with deal of money for toe needs of hosted by Assemblyman Frank him. the national average. be toe starting point for much of Westerberg of Vernon and Don a,Teat. Both Dombek aiid Mrs. lius been in charge of state' Both Lebel and Joset^ Ble- The motion to voice official meeting on the sul^eot might be a brick. those who w®r® burned out dur­ 4^ . Dodd of New Jersey at his The guest list of 400.Includes By using complicated meth­ the rural migration to the cities, E. v^sterberg of Pro^^t; two Tompkins are scheduled to ap- fertlflcation of public school leckl, 19, of 977 Hartford Tpke. rfmtwopposition was made by Select- a good idea. He suggested a Earlier, Dennis secured a sep­ ing toe riots.” ■me in West Orange. He is 140 Negroes. ods'based on school enrol(ment gained population. daughtersj Mrs. Bernice Willi- pear in Rockville Circuit Court feachers.ii During the past two testified about the drinking In- s T n>an Joseph Ucitra, and the public discussion between state aration of his trial from that The 22-year-old Catholic m -„. chairman of toe Americans tor Guests will be served Pickrick cident during the trial yesterday fail.! vote was unanimous. The representaUve Mrs. Dorothy diita and previous e.stlmntes, Mi.sslsslppi’s population rose gan of Bridgeton, Mo.,.and Mrs. >2, Sept. 16. years, he was also in charge of lUe. of the other accused, Donald ber of British ParllamcnU/re- Human Rights to Northern Ire­ fried chicken—another lampoon­ ' iTor said that the sur- Miller and Dana Hanson, dl- the bureau figures the nation on 8.4 per cent In* the nine j'eora Phyllis Vlk of Stafford Springs; Vernon police, la-st night, approval, for certification pur- hi Circuit Court. Lebel said that j_ i„ . prtq>er hui^ Ramsey, 26, after Frankel said (used to. say hoW much pfoney land. ing of Maddox, who once clc&ed rounding topography, because rector of the Regional Council July 1 had 201,921:000 people- from 2,178,000 to 2,360.000. AlaY ^ o sisters, Mrs. Madeline Pe- picked up a 14-year-old report- Pose«, of all college programs Plrtel purchased the beer and CJonstonc^ robiaz it would be prejudicial to his she raiked, but she sald/lt was Misa Devlin left the dinner his Pickrick Restaurant known Dr. James S. LeSure ot Officials. Both are 2,07‘2,000 more tlmn one year bamiTs rose 8 I per cent from ter^n and Mrs. Florence ^lasing from the Juvenile' preparing j>ersonnel for public .. offered,it1 1. to • him, j but ^ that he the hills, does,not lend'itself Elected cUerit if “ Ute statements of one being deposited to AmeUcan cit­ about 7:30 p.m. and took a heli­ for its fried 'chicken, rather than<>S It im onH It V,l™ Ol., IVOC. earlier. 3,267,000 to 3,531.000. both of Bristol; nine grandchll- Detention Home In Hartford school service. Last spring, ho HlUyerCollege evening pro- picked It up and openedIt him- jg v e ^ I d T O ^ hJosen h “ ‘rport sUuatlon, and that Uol^n residento Mrs. Miller Involve toe other.” ies. and would be tr^iiafeirferred to copter from ..Newark Airport to integrate. dren, and several nieces and ^1,0 youth had a car, also re- also became a consultant, for B^am and Its successor, Unlver- self. He said he drank four bot- q gray' Ramsey’s trial is tentatively Ireland later. / Kennedy Airport, where she "There’s nothing political at The estimate Is ^2,6 per cent, or 22.596.000 people higher than n ^ e w s „ „ . „ , ported missing from Hartford, basic odiicaUon to the U.8. Of- CoUege of the UofH. Last tiM ^ ramp and ___ can better serve the - area— scheduled to start Sept. 16. boarded the jetliner. all about toe party." Harris Negro himself said he is not Nor'would she^tey whether it toe 1960 census-figures. Billiona o f Trips The William H. Yost Funeral juvenile Education, In corinecUon ycat, he gave a course in con- BlelecW said he didn’t see clocked______a* __90 ...... m.p.h. Brainard Field in Hartford, the The bodies of Miss Fitzpa­ “ She is Iti toe air on her. way said, "It’s strictly for fun. The Lly^vvsA \3I/ V/Tatn Qt Qtoffrvt*/! v j i.« ‘ •• •«.. --1------11— a_ in favor of C-DAP 16r small would be transferred to North­ Although Cnllfomla's phe­ Home, W. Main St., Stafford aulhoritles. with the Education ProfeisloM temppry problems in educaUon Plrtel actually hand beer to any- ggo for Imprcmwiy enter- WiUlmantic airport, and a pro- trick, toe 18-year-old daughter back to Ireland,” Dodd said at only reason I’m giving this Is to NEW YORK (API Almost Springs, was in charge of ar­ ern Ireland or the Irish Republ- nomenal gTowlh has padded its . Other area po'lce activity: iDevelopment Act. ^nectlcut S^e one. It was e^blls^ that the j ’ ^ umltod access highway Voaei MarlborougiKtolchester ^ of a wealthy Greenwich, Conn.-, the dinner. “ She felt her place bask In the symbolism. - half of all.toe bottles made In rangements. Ic. ..litU* as the most populous of HEBRON Dr. LeSure received a BA in ^ ^ '««• ®P®®*ng. «®W. s ^ W ^ ^ e r Importer, and Hutchinson, 24, a was back to the barricades wdto " I ’m a' little afriad to invite tbe U.8. are used to package ^ "It’s not that I do not trust toe states by more toon a nillllcm drifter and a drug user, were her people.” the governor. He’s liable not to beverages. Including soft Mrs. Hele-iTB-ysc^Hkl Two men were treated at 1936 fram Dartmouth, College, ^ =*0, of 37 w^ hTe t^^e Stormont (Ulster) government residents, neighboring Nevada ROCKVILLE —Mrs Helen Windham Memorial Hospital on M. Ed- In 1950 from Tufts Author of numerous works, ^ Elm S t , RockvUle, was fined Held.' off Rt. 44A in Coventry, ^ ^ foun^ to a Greenwich Village Earlier Tue*ay, Miss Devlin take it os the joke Intended . . . drinks, .beer, wine, liquor and to the extern that they would hits the highest grawllt rate per­ of ^M ountain early this morning after being University, and a Ph. D. in edu- Dr. I^Sure Is perhaps best 1 ^ toe beer was in- „ o each on courts o f operat- 1» inchided in an air transpor- '" “ '^ c h ^ e Date tenem'ent basement Oct. 8 1967, debated W. Stratton Mills, a unless he says something about milk, according to the Glass steal "m y money,” she, said, Protestant member of British centage. St died vesterdav at Rockville Involved in a three-car accident cation ifrom toe University of known for a 1965 book entitled unr^d^ered motor ve- tatlon plan made by consultants ^ surnrlsiMr bit o< busl toeir heads bashed'in. smiling. "But I feel it’s best to wanting to com e." Container Momifncturera 'Insti­ on Pi ax aracoiaent He ' also "Guide, to Pedague.seHandbook * J- Robert Lacey com- hide, operating without a tor the GRPA.-Bolton U in the ^ Parliament from North Belfast, ' Nevada has grown by 60.2 per General Hospital. She was the '.on Rt. 85. Ramsey’s lawyer told « the tute. keep It secret until toe time Ifeland, on a pre-taped televi­ As a finale - to toe party, rent since Uie last census, from widow of Stanley Byaezynski. Basil Collins, 34, of Hartford, studied at Fordham Law School tor Puzzled Parents.” It is a n^nted that a r^sonable conclu- motorcycle Ucense and failure Capitol Region, but Coventry is court he has motions pending In comes.’ About a thtni are used lor sion program. guests will be given ax handles 286.000 In I960 to 467JX)0 this from 1940-42, and took education B'-ossary, partly satirical and slon was that the accused was tp obey the signal o f an offi- "ot, and there is growing op- another court seeking ' evidence fot>d. ranging from ketchup to Mrs. Bysezynski was born in suffered a. fractured left wrist Miss Devlin promised toat the Much of toe debate centered to break out window panes. year. , Warsaw, Poland. find Robert Clarmont, 27, of courses at Hlllyer College, now partly serious, of educational buying bror for himself and for cer. a . reckless driving charge position in, the Windham Re- f-aditlonal firet and ii^ ^ n ih nt from three nurses who are now caviar, and toe rest package a UofH component, from 1960- Jargon written for toe empathet-' his associates who were minora vvas nolled. gion, which Coventry is a part ™ money wduld not be spent on around toe use to which Miss Maddox used ax handles to turn C|tllfornlA ’gained 3.725.000 Survivors Include five sons, Windham received ‘facial cuts. to Spain., arms for- Northern Ireland’s away Negroes from his restaur­ 1|ng». . toiletries, cosmetics, 63. to market represented by par- and couldn’t buy It themselves. Bond o f $100 was oaUed on of, that toe CRPA is "poach- Devlin will put an estimated jiezipte, 33.7 p«*r cent. In/Uie ehemicals and Walter Bysczynskl, Henry Bys- No inlurles were reported for The attorney, William Crain, Catholic minority. “ 1 have given ant before he sold it to 1964. A naUve ^ New Rochelle, ®"*« and teachers. He has also He tom found Plrtel guilty and LouU A. Oellnas o f Manchester ing ” 1 $200,000 In donations to the same porlotl. Well over 220 million gross' ot czynskl and Edward Bysezyn- the third driver. Charles Jen- said the three nurses reportedly my person^ guarantee to the N.Y., he held business posts In contributed to "Saturday Re-, fined jiim. who ftiiled to appear on charges In other business, the se- -tmtot. mouiru, i Northern Ireland Civil Rights Harris, who paid $100,000 for BelUnd California In rlze coine new - bottles are mode in the skl, alt of Rockville, Stanley pen. 32, of Hartford. were told by . a man that, he had New York Cltjr prior to WWIt, view,” weekly journal of the A chafge of breach of peace of breach o f pence and Intoxl- lectmen decided to send a let- voter-masing session to people who contributed." she Association. . the mansion, will reconstruct New York, Pennsylvania, Texa.s U.S. annually and, as many ars Bysczynskl of Broad Brook and The Jensen car was stnick ^heard two men, not Dennis and said. during which he had nearly nrts. by assault against Edward Nlel- cation. A stay o f execution was tor to the Planning Commission ^ ° "r il give- a personal guaran­ the garage as a home for him­ and Illinois. re-used, ft to estimated that Francis Bysczynskl' of Milford; In the rear by the' Collins car, Ramsey, admit to toe killings of three years of active duty as a ■ Dr. LeSure is married to toe !??"’ °I V®f"°n Garden Apts., ordered imitll' Sept 9 giving requesting a joint meeting and ^ change be- Ishams Wed 30 Years Miss Devito left New York tee that none of those funds will self, and plans to use the rest of Only four ststra ahoweti loss­ some 507 mllllun gross ot bottiss two daughters, Mrs. George. A. police said. Both were travel- Miss Fitzpatrick and Hutchto- two days ahead of schedule, be used for violence,” Miss Dev­ the land for real estate develop­ es. They were Nortli and SoilUl naval communications Initel- former MLss Jeon Magee of dismissed after a Gelinas one Week In which to requesting that the consultants ^ , ownspeoplecan Mr. and Mrs. Royal Isharn\ sic was ^trovided by “ The Other and Jars ’’gt) to market" each Gordon of Storrs and Mrs. ing north, Clarmont. In toe llgcnce officer, with principal Bayside, N.Y. They have four very short trial. Neither witness appear. retained by toe Planning Com- *^®"'^ber toat tl^ selectmen J canceling a meeting today to lin said. ment. Dakota which lust 2.8 and 3.2 year. George Gerlch of Enfield; eight snuthbound lane, was struck by could or would identify the ac- Fond o f $26 was forfeited bv ntlsslon come up with some sort "|®®i certain days, rather Sr. of toe Cheney Homestead, \Slde” of Eijfleld. duty for two years in Mel- children: Miss Jean E. LeSure, \The couple was married grandchUdren, ai^ three great- Collins as .he crossed over Into bourne, Australia. on English'', teacher at Rock- cused as his assailant. Armand. Ctomeau, 41, of Wind- progress feport on a com- " spmlflc dates that foil on 106 Hartford Rd., were feted grandcihlldren. I that 'sne. this esused Clarmont sW)t-. 4, 1939 in Springfield by From 1947-50, Dr. LeSure won vllle High School; James S. Le­ Wayne Kloter, 16, of Sand Hill yor Ave. Rockville when he prehensive plan for the town of ^iHerent days, more easily. Saturday at a 30to wedding an­ The funeral will be tomorrow to strike guard rails on the left Michael failed to ’ appear to’ answer a D®lton.’ next meeting, and voter- th^ Rev. George Mayer. They an instructor at Nichols College Sure Jr., a Marine Corps vet-- niversary celebration on toe at 8:16 a.m. from toe Burke, side of the road. of .. Bustoess...... AdmlnlstraUon,...... , eran, who is a ^udent at .0... West- ..c=v- Prospect St., Rock- charge o f intoxication. The file At a meeting this summer, the making session, 'will, hcAvever, hav^ one son. Royal dsham Jr., Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., Collins was chare-ed >vlth fol- .Dudley, Jtiass. After serving em Oonneotlcut State CoUege; Y"'® testified that four boys vras ordered dosed iln the case consultants. Brown, Donald and be on Sept. 16, with a check- homestead grounds. Mr. and and two grandsons of Wood- ■wlto a Mass of requiem at St. lowing too closely and Is sched- briefly as director of admls- John H. LeSure, who will enter Y ®®'‘ and started <,f ctebriel Karemkraut, RFD 4 Donald, were asked to come up ®iBnlng meeting on Sept. 24 so Mrs. Isham are curators of toe bridg^\8t. Bernard’s Church. . Burial will uled to appear in WiUlmantic slons at HlllyerHlllver College, College, hehe be- be- the the UofH UofH freshman freshman class:class; and and toeing them when they stopped RockvUle.RockvUle, who who ftiUed foiled to to otvoooi! appear with 'v?“ ' a ®- comparison comparison or of an an up­ up- that town workers don’t have to The Isham 8 are active to the for a atop sign. homestead. A TOUCH OF TEXTURE be In St. Bernard’s Cemetery. Circuit Court 11, Sept. 23. All gan his 18-year career with the Miss Jeannette L. LeSure, a on a charge of operating with- ot plans under the “ 701" wait until Oct. 8 fo r a paancheck., Manchester Historical Society Mrs. Isham's sister and Fricikls may call at the fu- three cars were • extensively Stole Department of'Educatlon. senior at Manchester High Kloter said he kneW only toat ^ut a 1 1 ^ progp:am, a new plan under toe and condWt tours of toe Che­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. damaged. From 1961-63, he taught In the School. one of the bo.ys was named Fra- . Community Development Action • Manchester Evening Herald brotoerf-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. ney Homestead. Mr. Isham Is zler. According to Prosecutor Program (C-DAP) and a plan Bolton correspondent, Cleme- Walter Henry of Vernon, gave employed ak an c^ststant to the Mrs. nigrid~Jnlinnon Joseph Parndlso, O’Coln told R e c o r d s ®'®“ '®‘* ^ BoIton’s own specific weU Young, tel. 643-8861. Tool Co. InA in East Hartford HEBRON — Mrs. SIgrid through, but there’s nothing go­ him yesterday morning he did -thle reception. About'80 persons ing on down there, It’s very not want to testify against Nell- Tool' Co. Inc. /n Esat Hartford. ' Forsberg Johnson of East Hart­ Newsman on Night Patrol Warrantee. Deeds from this area, WllHngton, Leb­ quiet-” son because "he dldt\j^p any- For a hobby, 'he enjoys bowl­ ford, mother of Mrs. Nancy "George T. jIjoBonne Sr. and anon, Westport, Enfield, Cov­ -■Mpin St. from Buckingham ihing to m e." ing. Mrs. Ishafo’s hobbles are Zapert of Hebron, died, yester­ Evedyn C. ' Slawson -to Leo G. Board T urnsDown Purchase entry, Springfield, Mass., and day at St. Francis Hospital. She With Cops in Edgy Hartford St. sotfth, was strewn with shat- sewing and codin g. (Herald was the widow of John Johnson. tered glass but there was no m u L f toe“ bhlrgm " PrCvost, property Waronoke, Mass.„.^ended. Mu­ photo by BucelvlcW) Survivors also include 4 sons, (Continued- troni Pngo Oiiei As we were returning to the violence. Many peVsons "could William Raym”ond, 24, of .32 ’ ®®mreyanc.e 0 / CottagC St. PrO pC rty another daughter, and 14 grand­ 'ummanU post, with toe bomb k. tmnt ot/Ana Park PL, Roclrvllle was sent ^ w, children.' • said he just got off a bus from a(.,ire and thefalse alarm at apartment housb win! tor 30 days after Judge D®-ura A. Belfiore and Fran- The proposed town purchase labeling it “a garbage dump, Funeral services will be to­ MnsHnehusett.s and he said he. Beacon Furniture behind us,wo pov,,, three and four ator- Dacey ascertained the facta In Norma A. Conti to of a two-family dwelUng at 32 *" ii’ ® "Hdflt ot the Chamber of morrow at 11 a.m. at toe Thom­ knew nothing about the trouble possiKi by storefront after store- igg above’ the street But toe ® charge of breach of peace. D'®®" Realty. ;nc., prop- cottage St backed bv the U®mmerce’s beautification pro- as F. Farley Fimeral Home, 96 i" Hartford. front that waa either boarded atmosphere in the south end at Raymond admitted he went to ®‘'^y Green Rd. ^ Wood- ^ ^ , Parkins A,.ihoWi„ gram." To Better Serve You . Webster St., Hartford, with the Ho said ho came to Hartford up or that had toe windows 9 ;30 did not seem hostile. There visit his wife And children from St., no codweyance tax. Parking Authority others who opposed the smashed in. v,ag a lot of joking and talking 'vhem he la separated. When James R. and Irene R. Lacey “ “ I opposed by 33 of toe street’s purchaise were Pascal Maktran- Rev. Joseph ZezZo officiating, to visit his fliuieo who lived on RADIO SERVICES CremaUon will be In Spring- Martin St. — a good dlstahee Jyst before we pulled In, wo and it seemed s l^ la r to a ‘*®"i®«I access, becauselof his In- I® Anthony J. DlSorclna, prop- residents, was rejected by the Belo, BaUlla Pagaml and MUton field, Mass. 1 liway,liwav Ho needednpnded'’ii a rlride _ he hilIiI paased a laundromat and there, crowd that’s lining toe streets texicated condition, 'he then ®*'iy at 969 Tolland Tpke., con- Board df Directors last night. -Hansen. IS EXPANDING There will be no calling hours luul ’no taxi would would brlrur bring him him sitting "*H‘"B Inside Inside was was a a lone lone man, man, wolUng waiting for a aparade parade to beglif.beglri "fent in, turned over toe televir veyance tax $30.80. The vote was 2 to 6, with The board acceded to toa op- _____ there. The twoy nolle policemen omen wore wore seemingly seemingly oblivious oblivious to to the as we swung back north oh ®‘®" |>roKe a window. He .Marrikge Ucense Democrats William FitzGerald Po-nltion and rejected toe pur- 1010 BURNSIDE AVE* Neils C. Nielsen dtsturbod at th the ^ miui’H miui’s nrob prob- troubles lf®ubles of toe ~ city, doing his ji^ln St- the^^ell o f t o r t e t r ? '^*’®" **® G«roed ^ Fernand Thibodeau, and Mary LeDuc voting for the ®ba®®- EAST HARTFORD Nlela C. Njelsen, 86, of Bloom- lem. but they rould not P jflve gna und . amoke . . became strong- ten a w))ile later. 46. Floiietice St., and. Kathryn purchase, and Democrat An- The board did, however, ap- field, father of Arthur V. Nlel- ,,lm a rUVe. They advised him At the police station, H^rt- cr and by toe time we reabh- The judge commented that a Ann Bagley, 223 Keeney St., thony Pletrantonlo joining the prove the purchase of a l.S-ocre Effective Sept. 2nd sen of Manchester, died lost ...... ,,|m ... to______go to the_____ police_ __ station___ '“ ‘'y mayor, Ann Uccello, the police police command command post jieparate residence for a hus- Sept. 13, CSmrch of the Assump- five RepublicaiB present to vote parcel bordering Union Pond, nlirht in an Bast Hartford Oon- and slay there until morning '®«'“ ®B tired and worried said at Main and Ely St., toe gas ,band r^n and wife is a luxury that tlon'. against the purchase. Republi- and fronting on N. School St. valesccnt home. when tho curfow wviii lifted last night that the situation was- quite strong. . __ * oi^^fever Ray* Building Permits con Harold A. Turkington, « — . —be- The purchase price Is $9,200 Survivors aino Indude his ■We cL tln u ^ until ca m e '"fluteter than last night.” empty tear gas can- Judge his - James. F. Farr, commercial ®f a death in his family, and_the seller to Anna-Haskins wife, another son, four daugh- i„ a street that seemed darker Although there Were Isolatqd, ’ and '„,p ty paper- cof- "J li^ r t ®t 2- 4 Main St., $60,- did not attend last night’s meet- ®f w Z !^ e fS ^ b e r t " ^ *Sl tera,ters, one brother,brother ,onc,one sister,sister spormilo Incidents of rock and a LlVaUonfelW uon Ar- ',.3^ 000. a t , ca ^ ing Town Manae-erManager Robert WWeiss Bbuss th.m the otLr». "Wat..h," bottle throwing and _flro bomb- mv ennionn, a ^ e n iiiiAreHUttered the«hA street’nireiiP ^“^ ® Then I’m go- Add-A-LevelAdd-A-Levei Dormer OoiOorp. for The proposed purchase would in urging toe adoption of the great grandchildren. one officer said, "this Is where ing- by 11:30 last night. Hart " aaaaaaIT *® **®ve to laugh at the wel- Harriet Gesler, recreation ‘room have been by ordinance, as re- ordinance ,which authorized toe Funeral sarvli^es will be to­ we’ll get too obHcnnltlos.” I«rd was relatively quiet. The a e command p ^ . authorities for - being so at 70 Agnes Dr., $2,000. quired by the town charter. purchase, ipredlcted toat Union morrow at 2 p.iii. at Trinity Just a second ivft. r ho said v- Dut the Cemetery, Bloomfield. Sears eral figures silling In toe slia- K®* hanging In the air, even at Monday t^ rn oon , d r^ k co ft^ come out get yourself a Anthony G. Piano,' alteration would be for future use, poo- ming. He called. tot purcluuse Frlends may call at the Tay- police headquarters served os ale "®®j!v^®bes, sandwiches, and and traded Job and work to sutmortsupport vouryour to. to.bath bath at at 23 23 W. W. Mdddie Middle Tnke Tpke., sibly »ibly for for access access into into the the Pumell Purnell a a "wise "wise invest investment.” lor-Modeen FunernJ Home, « mm ^ b®™*"®* family." $3,000. ' Parking Lot. The vote to purchpurchase ^was 7 4( Seneca Rcl HloomfleUI, tonight tee car’« " '^ J ^ ‘ were not so quiet only a few ref^^^and^alm ® N ro n e - ’’ “ ''Bment was tempeo-cd for Georgianna Johnion, fence at The p ro p o ^ had been for to 1 wlto Maj^r NaiNathan Agos- |i^. from 7 to 9. ______._____ , ,P IA..A. 'V"®was relaxedren«eu andma. calm. No v..on e two boys goingeoinGr into the Marine 151-153 Center St.,St $200,iwvi purchasing toe property from Unelli voting no. live screening on toe right rear hours earlier seemed to be on edge ,or overly - _ r - - r. n o*.™ SEWING KITS side. Reports were that at both a Lite toe that this month. James - C .' Katherine D. O’Brien, garage ^*rs. Ethelyn Wemmell for $20,- In explaining his ■vote,' Agosti- r, Clark W. Biirnhiun . " . r nervous, despite the fact that vreoer r». iri’ ... a. „ . a “ 500. with funds of the Sneeinl The driver quickly lu-celemted .emlH of the city, trouble had 't^^veral poUcemen reportly ^°®®r Dr., El- at 84 Poxcroft Dr., $1,400. 500, with fimds of toe Special nelU said toat he agrees that iri > COLUMBIA-Clark W. Bum Downtown Taxing District. The toe parcel is neededi by toe ■*! tlv cnilser out of Uio area luid broken out. In the south end, ..[tnie under Intense sniper fire ' ham, 78, of West Hartford District levies a six-mill tax town for future recreation, brother George E. Bumhani wo were not hit -again' Every- « I>ollco car was the. target 'o f only a few blocks away a short FOR B AC K ot Bolton against downtown property “ However.V he added, "t h e of Columbia, dl«l yesterday In ‘>ne wilh all right. . ' sniper fire, but the bullet nn,c earlier. owners. The revenue Is for price la Iw high." i i 'i I St. Francis Honpltal, Hartford. Next, a call came over the missed Its mark and lodged In on c Hartford policeman was piirking facilities. Welsp; in’' calling the $9,200 Survivors also' include Ids riullo, "looting* at Bescon FumI- a^telcphono pole. A ride .>touth carrying a shotgun which hie Atty. Anthony Gryk, who prlce/a bargain, said that toe T O CAMPUS wife and a niece. taro." The driver ni.slH'd to toe* on Main St. at about 9 :30 last gald he used nine times. owns property to the north of pawiel had been appraised for Funeral services will be to- /larkencd furniture stoiH- ilt 84 night, though sliuwed a quiet Ho sold, ’’This la dtfforent Athletic Boosters the parcel' propos^ for pur- W,600 and that. In his opinion, morrow at 1 p.m. at. the Bum- Albiuiy Ave, ami he pulled Into scene. unm last time (June), this chase, presented a petition in"it is worth at least toat amount, ham ITitpcl of the First Church o pitch black driveway from A j>ollce barrlcmle was set up time they’re shooting back at opposition, signed by S3 Asked by AgosUnelli, “ what of Christ ('x>ngregatloiuil, West which there was no lutlt except lU, Main and Buckingham St. iia." Ho pointed northward and r e ^ To Run Fund Drive dents cxn. the street. Is it assessed for?” Weiss said Hartford, witli the Rev. John bv backing out. Several Hartford [lollcomcn, .-aid that the area has been The Bolton Athletic Assocla- ,are Interested in joining should He argued that, at the/pro^ "le didn’t have toe figure. P. Webster. DD. officiating. Tlu-two |X)llce officers JuiiuhxI armed wlto shotguns' aqd tytr raked by carbine fire only a known heretofore as toe contact Mrs. Holbrook. ' posed price the purchaseYwould ,,(A check In the assessor’s of- Burial will be In Wllllngton out of the oar without hesltiiHcui gas were manning the bjiir- short time ago. ’’Booster C lub” will hold an ® senior troop j,ot be a good buy, /that toe flee today showed that the ijar- Cemetery. but they fouml Uie store to be riciide, looking toward the Because of toe large amounts ’ will begin Its meetings Monday, parcel is Isolated f n ^ toe<*Pur- cel: Is assessed at $1,930.) ■ TTierc will be no calling.hours, scchre. They iv(x)rti-d hack to roofs of the run down apart- of broken glass in the street, organisational meeting tonight front > to 8.30 p.m., at her home nell Parking Lot, ^ t It would After the vote, W dss observ- Memorial domrtlons may be hcad(|U irters Ihjil overythhig meats In the area, but one of- patixillng police cars were get- at 8 at toe Community Hall, home on Colonial Rd. Girls-to not provide sof^paasage, and ed that, to his c^hnion. It ■would made to tile Slirimir’s Hospital was ok«iy. and wc coiillnucd on. fleer said, "Snre you can go U®g many. .flat ., tires. , . At , toe , . By-laws - , will be adopted, - offl- piades 10 through 12 who would that the purchase would not be to the town’s best intereat If for Crlppli>d Children, Spring- ootnmand jp st u truck loaded cers elected and plans made ^Ike to join toe traop may con- serve any u s i Z purpose. Manchester ^ a l ^ a t e ^ ^ field, Miun. J T ' ^ was kept busy fw toe first annual town-wide tact Mrs. Glidden. Miss K a t Z ^ e ( S . who revaluated ^ Tlio Newkirk’ and Whitney '^ t e r drive. Cadrtto Troop 659 V lll hold a owns considerable property ^ every I'o yeara^as U the ^ X Funeral Home. 776 Farming- Donations StiU Sought town wtto t ^ . D®® ®ruisr^ -nte putyoee of toe club is “ to rag;sfration meejing , at the C ottage/^ , and who ^ d u c t s now “ ‘ ton Avc., West Hartford, Is to r charge of the arrangements., cr back twice witoto 15 raise ton ^ to assist to provld- Community Hall Monday from ■ a rest>om e there, w a rn * thatHe explained that this dav i To Aid Camille Victims mtnutM to p t a tiro c h o i ^ . Ing children and Interested g tp 9 p.m. The meeting date a c ^ l o n might develop slm- o f" i n ^ o h a n ^ of Shortly after ^ a r r i v e d at adtots of Bolton with a sound. p ,a^ ' have not yet been ilar' to toe one near Oak SL, m e n r ^ w V pf Mis* Sarah R. King An Rt'il Din- nt*od.M hryoiul their refioiirces. Miss Sarah Ruth King, 79, o f . .!lf i T ' P««^ ®onieono well^rganlied p d equipped ,,pt, a „ interested Cadettes at toe entry Into toe parking lot. ii.Mtor Fund han becji orKHnUed Thursday, disaster Hold there, waa a fire only uthletjc program. The propoa* - . - . .... ® »ixucuon. ana water ana aewer CH ARGE IT Hartford, forine*’fy Manches­ T » iKi' Z pro^am . ine propofr (Oracle® 7 through 9) are asked ^he-caU ed the situatiem there installaUons land on t n RevoMnq Chorqe ter-died ..ycse'ixlay at St. Fran­ l» collect donations all'across '» '“ ‘fo»“ rters In Gulfimrt, MLss., ®^.-®v®n-mp board oKdlrectors „«en^. Mrs'James J«Cum’ "deplorable^ and disgraceful/’ to v W u fe v ir i^ ^ • . . . , . , —, —• teul reiwrted that. one. million toward the scene, but too ’’fire" will work closely with town rec- 'the "leader cis Hospital. Hartford. “ * the cmintrv for aid to vlcmns 1 i,,_ , , c . - ■ ikdlarsitollurs had been s|>entsi>ent ordr com- was really only smoko and was reatlon commissioner Henry* ' -HnihronU reports- that MIss-^Ktog was’ born Feb. 10, of I Itirrlcane ( ainllle. milted on miuis Care and 12,000 quickly .extinguished. * -'R yba. An appointed "volunteer, she would welcome volunteers ■'-w 1890 in South Windsor and lived .Miss Barbara Bathe, director rainllles had registered for re- Hewever on the way to th e. Ryba. llk^ many other town ot- to work with- troops, especially most of her life In Hartford. of initilic relations for Ihq Great- coverv u.ssl.stohce- flic, a photographer, running flcials, is unsalaried, Brownie troops. . Police Restore Gdlm Survivors arc several nieces er Hartford rhaptgJl-/of the The Red Cnvis plans aid be- ahead of us. was the targot of Realtilng that town taxes can- and nephews. * ’ Art Meeting Postponed Ainerlcan National ritnl, yund the fotni,. clothing, >teinpd- slmlethtog toat was thrxwn h®* expected to stretch to Private funeral services will The Bolton Art Club has post­ ...blends unusual colors in says that over $18,000 has been ra'rv shelter and einMn'ency from a window, but he was not what they hope Is an expanding be held at toe Holmes Funeral poned Its meeting, scheduled T o Hartford, Jails FuU Home son Main a. win **“' Greater liu-dtoal care If has been giving hit. athletic program for all qges, Home, 400 Main St. Burial will Hartford goal of $65,00(1. Over At about 11:45, when evx'rV- ihe booot’ers hope to be able to tenlght, to next Wednesday (Contlnned from Page One) 3EARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. be at the convenience of toe since the b c ’ lnntng of the dis- ______. . . . ____,1______»!.. ...1______• because many members are elegant lined drapery $5ii,tHHl ha.s been ^ collected ,mtcr. R.s intent Is to offer such thing was pretty much quieted oWer financial aid where need- family. and 13 firemen also received ta- S K I ^ ’ K M B E H Sove S2.11 Regiflor SI 2.99 toward the desired stale goal of exten/iive- help as repairing, dv>v,m, a nwtoer 'c^t^^"'he"J! ^ ‘® groups Interested in children set for the h lsto o 'o f toe . May- w h i t e ' t e T s There will be no calling hours. out $'275.IKK). building ami ftinilshing - homes; 7-nK>nto-old to fa n tra n ^ u p to various actlviUee. ‘sch®®* “ c ®«UUng down after the or Ann Uccello ordered residents ^ ^ Foir Mv63 inches lon^ Memorial contributions may The Complete Sewinq Kit Hcb: The Red Crass estimates ContrlWltlohs can he made bv tlio command poet and sold she Membership, open to every- summer. Meetings wtll normal- off the streets from sunset to ______88 be made to the Amerlciut School nerded a ride home, which was one, is to two classes, a $8 a *5' I*® held on the first Wednes- sunrise for two nights to June straight. pins, 30 needles, scissors, tape pSAU ENDS^SATURDAY for the Deaf Memorial Fund. that over 20,000 families w ill: fplin" out and mailing the en- need help In meeting recovery closed Coupon: . mi Avon St., one of the worst y®ar family membership, and *I®y ®I U*® «tonth. because of violence in the. North measure, wrist pin cushion, seam ripper, West Hartford. »-"■ of toe troubled ‘areas. a $25 a year bustoess and pro-' At next week’s meeting Mrs End. 'Hie ne^hborhood also w‘as Many Are Kept sewing gauge, thimble, tailor’s chnlk, tjne- One black policeman told her fesslonal . membership. ’There Rita Retko will demonstrate hit-by dlscurboncce In the sum- tng wheel and paper. It’s an indispen^bie' Mrs. Frank « . Sillier to gel In his cruiser and with- are 15 members already, and water colors, "'®c 1967. From Colleges Luxuriously heavy "Emporia" draperies have an acrylic foam back- Hero Is my contribution to help victlnui of Hurricane Camille of “first-aid” kit for all those /- ROCKVIU/E . Mrs. Grace out another policeman with “ "y®"® interested may attend School Board to Meet Stele police were relieved of Who are depending on "h e Reil Ctxws for help In nvovorlng (Continu* IroMt ra g e QneJ last-minute sewing emer- « ing that acts at a lining. The PERMA.-PREST* wathabla fabric Miller, 76, of West Hartford, him, he headed north to take I**® meeting tonight. The ,,Board of Education will at about 11 p.m., when toe their hotites and way of life. \ wife ot Frank G. Miller! died the mother and child home! A Scouts Organise hold its monthly meeting tomor- genciee! [ naver needs ironing. The heavy weave of 54", epHon and 46% ■u- * * W s last night in St. Francla . Hos­ control &nd & i*&in began, the Ioam •* * Mid short tliife liiter he returned Donald Holbrook of Tol- row at 8 p.m. to the high school CKI.KjiH A'n.NG pital, Hartford, She lived In Nanu> ... smlhtzji, unharmed. land Rd . recently appointed llbrarv- Reiiresentatlves from H ea ^ t e o t ^ Tuesday toght 2 .^ 2 ^ S ^ f ^ t ? 'h l r :p p u ^ V -■ Begimci^s Kit has thread, buttons, trim- ra»on falli into smooth hanging folds from the 3-fold,pinch pi.eats.? / Rockville. ..for eeveral years. H 3 Y i : . \ H , S ’\ Glr^ Scout troop. organizer...... for...... the Rockville...... Public Health .... * ssteltering day of loons :and only l .o g o ^ e l r e d naings and many more' items ------2 .S # Choose /from a vvide - size Selection of decorator'colors in the " Survivors, besides her hus- Address rw* 1, 1 _ Bolton, has announced the com- Nursing Association, of which t^-tetung and theft, approval. i band, include a daughter, Mrs. Dirkaen I,, Qg^ygen Tent mem:ing Of meetings Of thrae Bolton U a. member. i f pr'Ajfiimf r$« * •drapery shop. A’rtour W. McFall of Rockville; iri Gw .$• *n«- one - b r e ^ d n JUi:4or Troop 666, ted by Mrs.i phy, program and costa o f the raStow era^z^** Penonal Notices S#-irt rr.tfUrfn®^>ur -f West-Hartford; one sister, Mrs, in a statement Tueeday. hU Robert Glidden, will meet hi- nursing programs." f V (in«‘ G-ilurt .• W>x»4-in. pair. Reg. $11 99 | Helen Rose, West Palm Beach. Date CHARGE IT od Seen Rcrotriiig Charge 12')XK|.in fiiur R eg"$ 12.99 :iG 4 | ii Amount office said, ’ There was no eyi- n ght from 6;S0 to 8 p.m. at $t The board »-in also reconsider fforth End to nut om v.ilut • . • Fla., three grandchildren and In Memoriun Viljkf.i* ti'«rt 100x84-in. pair. Reg. $33.99 y y f f d e^ e,of spread of the tumor.” George's Eiiiscopal Church. Rt. the question of-subsUtute teach- and building f t ^ ga«>s«e In loTte mecnorv Charles W LSOxH-l-in pair. Keg. $50.99 f lJ M five great-grundchildreti. ‘ - OUTO who pesMd «es]r Sspt. 3, Sellstactlea Oeonateed or To«r 1 B a ck Please moke your check payable to the RE3D CROSS DISAS­ The mldniorntog statement 44A. Mothers are asked to at- ers’ pay, * / Burke Funeral Home. 76 I44f Maw Britato Ava. Maiu-towter Xlwpptog TurAngtoa Parkad* I Rtvervtear Ccater Prospect St., Is- In charge of TER FUND and send it to: 100 Ktu-mtogtivn Avenue, Hartfonl, from hU office lodiy said Dirk- tend this first meeting with their ' ’ ^ ' / . ____ ’ / ■ra. world m.v .e - / ■ Weart Hartford SBOP ATHCABA /- < MaarlMwter Wait Hartterd PaztuMte SSliMted B 4. (OW Mt. B) Mhldtetowa , H 7-i|Bl 1 the arrangements, whic^ ore in­ Connectlcut'OSlOO. »en Ls ftoiy conscious and Indl- diughters, and bring the 'regts- Manchester Evzsiitng HhraM at ieost two recelved"ntoior*ta* aod’ hiL.d. SHOP A T SEARS A N D SAVE \ Wral Middle T|A* AMD AAVM . Ttontegtea tS]L7SSI , .Moa.. Wed.. Sat. complete.. . « *terl hr. U under an o.xygen tratU^ee. GirU who ora not Boltea cTTrapoodent. OvsweU SrIr5llTzli~S^ ^ tjid. BU IHU. ta B -en h ni th« lrww\ Kill larKrw VT/me.... a^S ^ m»nwwir se*. ___ Opmm Daily IB te 84* S;SB to B:BB .members of the troop but who Young, tel! StS-sSSl. sons were hurt while looting. Foea memory pam away. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back ' Seai>i O p t* DaUy IB U> • ;$B Opoa MoA. tkni Sai. Tuea., Thota.. VH. iTOe and cftMdiea SKAUa BOEBDCK AMD OO. Sat. eee u t Bat. S:SB4a B . B:3B So Bde Btea to •

[ ‘ . I" I- ' -S ..

X. \ ^ ■\ \' V' ' ' ' ' . . V ■ " • 'Vi. ■

PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING^ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 MANCraSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 FAGE/ELEVEN diet that the statistical odds are all - scure subjects to around 2,0(K) them are-,ample. With perhaps a suspected subversive. There u a tori'^etart the suspects Jour- lKanri](p0lpr. ieaw>l^ kaxA a ■ - a ______^ __a x _____ »a_ .'.a .... _ . ^ * with the seat belt' wearer. This Is ob­ words, but there are much long- few e x c ip tk ^ , the reproduc­ strong psycholoflcal suspense ney to "Oentral,’ and "The Ib- er articles. ^ tions are of good to exceUent viously the conclusion of the theoretical as the agents transport him to­ terrogator" has been Instructed ^DPtttn^ il|pralii Review A random sampling finds that qusUty. ward a pUice Sidled “Central," to act In friendly fashion to.the testing that has been done by ^safety “Amerlcaa, Ancient, Art O f’ This worit has sufScient rai^ a point of no retura for polUlcal prisoner, to sdften him up. PENTLAND ) pu^u s h e d 'by the , experts and' by insurance companies. By The A«eortated PieM - runs to some 20 pages. On tfw to make it an Important Item piisonera. ' But "T he P la n "'h a s a flaw, HERAU> PRINTINO CO.. INC. other band, "Colonial Art, Unit- for art students. ’ .13 BIsaell Street But It hasn’t been established on the - The subnet has had an en­ and tbe final result is unexpecit- The Florisif-^ Uanchester, ConiL V The Semptnski A ffa ir V .••• j ...... ed States*’ seems a Utile on the BOlee A . Sndtii counter with another man in a ed. / ' ■ . Flowers for Every, Occasion!’' ‘ THOMAS P. FERGUSON ( basis of actual - accident experience yet V WALTER R. FERGUSON ■ ' W. S. Kixiicsak. ^ibied^vDouDieoay. architectural momunente and »*'**• "Abetract Expree- cafe, the implication being that SamarakU Is a Greek novel­ Publlsbere $S.96. sionlsm’’ gets imly a moderate t h e f l a w . By Antonis Sa- Centrally Located at because the only'tim e the .wearing of their mueeums, eo that the both are members of an under­ ist. IBs book, In tranelaUon, hss Founded October 1, 1881 treatm«it, but it Is succinctly maraMs. Weybrlgfat and Talley. 24 Birch SL 649-4444 - 648-6247 seat ’ belts Is recorded, apparently, Is Internatiocial conspiracy, reader may search out the main ground organisation. The sus­ some odd scenes end btts of dla- i f Published Every Evening Except Sundays done. IS.95. Open 8:30-5:30 when the evidence happens to be spec­ professional spCee and oouiAer- points of interest If he is tour­ pect does not know that ttw oth- logue that may pussle American t ^ •nd Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at Fortunately the. Uhistrations The scene la an imnamed Thursdays till 8:00 PJd. Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mail agents, the cold war, indivldiial ing. The publlahers also claim it man, making a break for readers. But the novel has a ’ ^ Matter. tacularly In their favor. appear on the same page as the state, obviously of totalttarian Parking Across The Street combat, ithe double cross, that tbe dicUonary contains freedom, was Miot. His assail- Mrong narrative drive that may f article to vritlch they are ttslat- nature, which uses Its National for 100 Cars! SUBSCRIPTION RATES ~ desperate escapes, an more than the usual amount of ants had Intended to stop his appeal to fans of the mlndtwiat- Payable In Advance ed, or on a facing page. Al- Security Deportment to keep a flight by 'wounding him, Insteaif ii^ suspense yarn. One Year ...... 130.00 nation plot-and In the midst of material on the Near East, the thiiuirh «)m « Six Months ...... 18.50 It aU an amdteur adventurer Far East and primlUve cul- close grip on anyone vrbo does they klUed him .' BOIea A. Smith .Three Months ...... 7.80 Another Country Heard From works are weakened by Ulustra- not help promote "th e Regime.” Now tbe N8D pula “The One Month ...... 2.60 named OHver Hazard Shlppe, a tures. tlons of postage-stamp slxe. In The story’s principal charac­ Plan’ ’ Into effect. The two About 2.8 per cent of the total After 3,000 years of farlly well insulat­ ^year-old American expert on Most of ' Me m b er o f the entries range these volumes the pictures are ters are two N8D agents and a agents—identified only as “ The U.S. population Is enrolled In in­ Read Herald Advertisements THE associated PRESS antlquttlee. The Associated Press la exclusively entitled ed ^story. Interrupted only by attempts from a paragraph or two tor ob- at least adequate, and many of man who has been arrested as a ICanajger” and "The Interroga- stitutions of higher learning. to the use of republlcatlon of all news dis­ These are tbe Ingredients of patches credited to It or not otherwise credit­ at conquest from outside, Ethiopia has Kunlczak’s susp^se novel, ed In this paper and also the local'news pub­ lished here. jolhed the ’Twentieth Century world with which follows his popular "The Thousand Botu- D a y ," a story of Ail rtghu of republlcatlon of special dis­ a full blown brand of student unrest. patches herein are also reserved. the fall of Poland la World War The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ ’The a^tated and agitating students of n. ™ DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL. 643-8171 - OPEN 9 AM. TO 8:80 THURS. AND FRI, UNTIL 9 P.M. - MUSIC STORES: sumes no llnanclal responsibility for typo- Ethiopia are idealists who think that Shippe is lured Into going in a gr^hlcal errors appearing in advertisements 1.7 OAK ST., MANCREISTER - TEL. 64S-S171 . 241 ASYLUM ST. HARTFORD TEL. and other reading matter In The Manchester Emperor Halle Selassie Is a well-mean­ professional espaef^ to an un­ 822-7201 -■ WATlCINS-WBiST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTraR BT. - TBX.. 640-71M Evening Herald. named Soihet safelllte state, Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- ing fuddy-duddy who doesn’t move fast where It takes a while for him ton Post.News Service. ' Pull service client of N. E. A. Service, Ini. enough or_ boldly 'enough Into the real­ to realize that antiquities are Publishers Representatives — The Julius not the reason for his presence Mathews Special Agency— New York Chi­ ities of the new era. ’They are Just uni­ cago, Detroit and Boston. there. He has become a pawn in versity students, but they consider them­ an internaUional game of secret m em ber aud it bureau of CIRCULA­ TIONS. selves qualified not only to run the uni­ organizations. He becomes Involved with a Display advertising closing hours: versity but to run the whole country as OF A\ANCHESTER „For Monday — i p.m, Friday. well. And, as usual elsewhere; the stu­ young woman named Krtetln, a For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. captive of the plottera, and For Wednesday — i p.m. Monday. For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. dent rebels come from the "very best while he Is tryl^ to match wits For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. families.’’ and guts wltli the shadowy Eor Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday.. Classified deadline —•. 5 p.m. day before It Js'som ehow recuunirlng, comforting spies, he fighbi out the battle for publication, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday Kristln’a sake. From the * pages of „ .. and Monday publication. and perhaps Inspiring, to have another A s in many suspense tales, Wednesday, September 3 country heard from. this novel has a great many pick switetaes and quite a few fancy, superhuman feats of physical History . . . Solid Hartford endurance. It you like tall The War yam s, this is your book. It Is When order Is restored to Hartford f marked "An Entertainment," —and the signs at the moment indicate The day was fine ah

,V ’ \ .

'\ PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 MANCHlisyAisK EVENING HERALD. MANCHS3TEB. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 Nohel Winner Sa'^^ Rockville .^AGE THIRTEEN Ex-Slaye, Voter ' Coventry Coventry WHVIISKE Hospital Notfes Since 1^0, Dies Swim C3ui> ^Welfare Riiiiis Negro visiting hours are'MtSO to 8 Stronger Role Planned ; Inside Report TO K E E P p.m, in aii areas except ma­ SALEM, N.J. (AJ»)— Alexr ander Tanner, a former slave Oontinaed from P i^ e 10) ternity where they are 2 to 4 By New Student Council Ends Year thlan. It was antt-MusUe. When who said he was 110-years- somebody sug^bsted that Sen. Intelligence Potential apd 6:30 to 8 p.m. repudiates It out of hand. old and voted in every presi­ student Council officers are Church Se^t. 12 at 6 p.m, sharp The swimming program, co- Edmund Muskle of Maine was NEW YORK (AP) —A Nobel national Negro illnesa,” Shock- dential elecUtm since 1880, No decMcti has yet been AMERIM . Admitted l^ d a y : Enoch Na- formulating plana tor the now the 66 mile trip. spo™o»’ed by the MIotitera O u b now the front-runner for the made, but the, odds flavor either laureate from ‘ Stanford Univer­ ley says; "I sincerely and died here Tuesday.' Jwmination, Rlblcoff ripped Sen- nigan, Paxton, Mass.; Michael and Ret^eation CbmmMtee, lus Morton or a top aide making sity has renewed his call for "a thoughtfully believe that mji^ Lest November Tanner ap­ ^ o o l ^ at Cewentry High J S * m ^ - the atcoial courtesy to shreds. He Dowgiewlcz, High St., Rocki- oDtnpleted BncUier succeaeful - a strong antl-PhUlipe speech. serious scientific study" of current attempts to demon- peared at the polls here to School which Indloate a stronger Coventry Fragment Society wiU roggeeted that MuaUe was over­ ville; Allan Anderson,'W. Main Its message? PhllUpe does not ' whether Negroes are genetically strate that Americah Negro B E A y iiF tfL vote for Democratic presi­ council role in year with a total of 286 young­ ------school affairs be held on Sept. 10 a* the home rated and perhaps leoking In - * St., Rockville; Helen Regan, speak for the National Com- inferior to white? in their poten­ shortcomings are preponder- dential candidate Hubert H. than in previous years. sters taking part at the two political courage. East Hartford; Betty Corrette, of Mrs. Irving Loomis, Rt. 44A. mittea tial for intelligence. antely heridltary is the action Humphrey. The officers, Rick Cunning­ • • • I byKENRVeiBSON East Hartford. . A pot-luck luncheon will be held town beaches, Llaioke Park and • • • The scientist, Dr. William most likely to reduce Negro ag­ Tanner gave 1889 a? the ham, Debra Edmendson, Dale at noon, followed by the meet­ While Goar. JAmes A. Rhodes Births Friday: Son to Mr. and Sandy Sbores. What has been described as a Shockley, said he believes that . ony In the:future." year of his blrthj somewhere Kennon and Colleen Roach, have ing, reading of reports and elec­ of Ohio painstakingly jplana a Mrs. Robert Regan, East Hart­ Hmee receiving .Red Crass strategy meeting of key Dsxno- " I propose," he says, "a seri­ near Lynchburg, 'Va. He said been meeting with High School defense agiainst Life mogasbie*# from facts now available it will tion of officers. swimming certiOcates are as cratlc Uberale to boost Sen. ford; daughter to Mr. ft Mrs. that although he was bom -Principal Milton- Wilde during chorgm of comiptlon, he Is be­ be possible to prove that there ous scientific effort to establish Churches Restore Schedule follows. Beginners?. Beth Ann George MoGovem of South Maurice Corrette, East Hart­ Into slavery his only recollec­ the summer to plan activities. Both the First and Second ing syrtematlraUy undercut by has been “ a loss of ground for by how much the distribution of Coates, Flatrick Cromle, Bren­ Dakdta for President was some­ ford. tion of the Civil W ar was the a fellow; Republican: Rep. Don­ Negro genetic i>otentlal for In­ hereditary potential for intelli­ Because it’s my country A dress code is being discuss­ Congregational Churches will da Huffbrd, Sandra Hufford, thing a great deal less than Discharged Friday; * Reggie sight of soldiers going to and ald (Bus) Lukens, a SS-yeordd. telligence" over the last 30 gence of our black citizens falls ed and will be worked on fur­ return to regular 11 a.m. Sun­ Kurt Jegietow, Bruce Badger, that And it’s getting dirty OolHns, 'White Rd„ EUington; returning from battle. Gongreeaman fiercely ambktous years. below whites."' ' ther as the school year pro­ day church services this Sun- PrisdUa Badger, Lisa Boicei Shortly after Sen. Bktward M. Mary Donovan, East St„ Rock­ tor higher office. He said such a loss would be "An objective examination of That's why. gresses. The Council has also day. Blaine Cromie, Brian F2ah, Tim Kennedy’s accident, i a fat-rat ville; Gladys Macha, Eagle Lukene has been travelMig the shown to be an unforseen by­ relevant data leads me Inesca­ vllle; Richard Grimaldi, Sadds looked into the -posBlbUUy ot Fond Drive Set Ouelette, Gregory Woods and supporter of MoOovern Invited Court, Storrs. Mote, urging local party leaden product of the encouragement pably to the opinion that the Mill Rd., EUington. student I.D. cards, but aban- The annual Public Health Michael Arcerl. a wide spectrum of big liberal to get on his bandwagon In the given by welfare programs to major deficit In Negro Intellec­ Admitted Saturday: John T. Discharged Monday: Vera doned the idea y/hen discounts Nurses Association mail fund Also, Sandra Gasper, Peter names for dinner at his home. 1970 Senate race (tor the seat “the least effective elements of tual performance must be pri­ McLeod, South St., Rockville; Borkowskl, Franklin-St., Rock­ coiild not be gotten from area drive will begin on Sept. 8. This Kingsbury, Deborah FOsek Not until they had arrived and of Desnocrat Stephen Y o u i«). our population" to have large Kathryn May, Burke Road, ville; Josephine Olender, Glen- stores and moivie theatres. There year’s goal Is again $1,200, al­ Doug Twerdy, Nicky Twerdy’ marily of hereditary origin and the conversation started did In addltlcn, Lukene tedla them fapiilies. thus relatively Irremediable by RockvlUd; Peter Barletta HI, stone Dr. Vernon; Gerald ls stlU some possibility o t is- though this has not been realiz- ^ b e r t WaShingtCHi, Sue Ffey' moen ot them realise that this' Snipsic Lake Rd., Tolland; that Rhodes, top choice of the Shockley, a professor of engi­ practical Improvements In envi­ Chandler, Talcott Ave., Rock- sufng I.D. cards for use at ed in previous years. Residents Wayne Fay, Norma Nadeau, Sa­ was an overt launching pod for Elizabeth Blatter, GroVe St., party hierarchy tor the Seswte neering science , at Stanford, ronment." vUle; Mrs. Helen Regan and school functions, however. are reminded that if an en- brina Nadeau, Uaa DeowsU, MioClovorn. Rockville; Lois Fawcett, Goose son East Hartfoitl: Mrs. Unda The councU has already plan- velope is not mailed to them, Aaron Bates, Tracy White, Jef­ race, la washed up and warps shared the Nobel Prize for phys­ The Jensen, study made these Ariually, moat of thesp pro- Lane, Coventry; Marilyn St. Phelps and eon, Soifth St., Rock- frey "White, Mark Goodwin, darkly of further revelations bv ics with two other men in 1966 ned one assembly to lirf held in contributions are. still welcome sent — mioh as Rep.‘'Morrie lAfo. major points; That Intelligences Germaine, Mlnterbum Court, vUle. for the development of the tran­ November and many more are and can be mailed to John Stevien Goodwin and Timoihv UdoU of Arlaona. Frederick O. largely determined -by heredity Rockville. DeGroff. 'There ore signs, however, sistor. His views are similar to in the planning stages. .Greene, Trowbridge Rd. Button. poUtical advisor to John and cannot be altered signifi­ Births Saturday: Daughter to Also, Leslie Berry, that Luken’s toctice ore back­ a hypothesis put forth earlier The week o t Sept. 22-26 •wUl Heads Trinity Group ., and Robert Kennedy,-and Blair cantly by Improving envlron- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Faw­ Lung Transplant Patient Mills, Steven MlUs, A b b y ____ firing. For example, he suc­ t be Campaign Week for students Charles B. Lewis, Harriet Dr., (^Mrk. manager of Sen. Bi«ena this year by Dr. Arthur R. Jen­ mant. Therefore, he said, com-, cett, Goose Lane, Coventry; ceeded only In Infuriattng Robert Still in Grave Condition running for class orticers. Fur­ a personnel specialist for the naird, Tammy Bammnl, Brian sen, an educational psychologist pensatory education designed to daughter to Mir. and-Mrs, Rob­ McCarthy’s cjunpalgn tor P m f- Hughes, chairman of Chiyahogm ther plans for this wlU be an­ state of Connecticut, was M un*y, James Wallaoe; Chris­ <*ent -— ano nix supporting Mc­ at the University of California raise the Intelligence of dlsad- ert St. Germaine,. Mlnterburn ANN ARBOR, Mich- (A P ) — tian D’Ambroslo, Paul Cham­ County (Cleveinnd) and a long- nounced at a speeds! assembly recently elected President of the Govern now and are highly un- at Berkeley. vnntngd children by enriching Court, Rockville; son to Mr. and A Bloomfield IBlls, Bfich., man (Herald Pboto By Buoelvlclua) time Rhodes ally, by attacking to held tomoiTOw. Also set Trinity College Graduate Stu pagne, Lee Ann Burloe, Kim hkriy to In the future. Only a Jensen’fi^ study appeared In their cultural suuroundings Is Mrs. John Moriarty, Heidi Dr., who received a lung from a 17- Rhodoe In a recent convena- for dlscussUm at tomorrow’s as- dent Association. Lewis, who is Tedford, Alan We^lver and handful prenent seemMl reoUy .The Harvard Educational Re­ misdirected. Rockville.. year-old Jackson, Mich., youth ™ ■ Jonathan Van Dine. tlon. remained in grave condition to- Spirit Week, to be a graduate of Bridgeport Uni­ Command Post for Hanford Police enthrainsUc about McGovern view and provoked a storm of Discharged Saturday: Michael Advanced beginners are: Whether Rhodes actually nlns Jensen’s views were criticized day at University Hospital in sometime during the fall. In particular. S«n. Abraham criticism. The review made Povlosky, Tolland Ave., Rock- versity, Is a master’s degree Glenn Bradley, Mary Clay, tor the Senate dependa largriy by many psychologists and ge-, Ann■ Arbor. - - ■' -a- *** Student Council ------members'— candidate at Trinl^. RiMcoff of Xltcnnectlcut. space available In the succeed- ngtlclsts, among them Dr. Kurt ■vlUe; Ralph Taft, South St., Saiiah Holslngton, Gregg Klngs^ and Albany Ave. divide^Jus^^fX^l^ks** ab^t ll o’clMk. The photo looks northward where Main St on public ocoeptanoe of his de­ have b w Invited by Supt. Lau- a student-faculty registration However, some attending the ■ Ing Issue for responses from RockvlUe; Lenny Glggey, Pin­ Doctors said Albert Lee Car- i«y. Armand Affricano, Jacob 11 the city was relatively ouTet The earlier in the evening, but bv fense againnt the U/e charges. . HIrschhorn, president of the P.m., dinner fell that RlMcofTs poat other scientlAs. nacle Rd., Ellington; Helen ndick,------60, -- an------emphysema------victim.- attend Ad- coffee hour, will be held tonight Bohr, Susan Bohr, Beth Ann ------LI station on the right was where a truck was set up changing flat tires on bruisers "Rxit -Is expected to come by American Society of Human Ge­ has not regained consciousness mmistraUve CouncU meetings from 7 to 9:30 In Mather Hall tlon was 'lees pro-McGoarerh "M y position," Shockley says, I&ep America Qean. Maynard, Prospect St., Rock­ Coates, Dana BHsworth, Sandra nild-September. netics and professor of pedia­ since the surgery In which he held each week. Coun- for current and prospective "Is not that all Negroes are Infe­ ville; Carole Vizard, Mary Lane, Hufford, Andrew Miller, Swan trics and genetics at the Mount ''•utW rio r'to all whites; instead I do Keep America Beautiful. Rockville; May Brooks, Lake received a lung Monday from graduate atudents. All those Dougherty and Warren Taylor. • 1 _ Sinai Medical Center In New Adveftiting contributed Richard A. May, klUed In an a « e " d ^ r d ^ Education meet- holding graduate degrees from believe that many Negroes are York. for the public good! St., Vernon; Mrs. Janell Ptar- Also: Alice Blondln, Rldty -.-fy - , ■ ’ ■ ■ Wt /» r-'c ■' ' ■ - . superior to many whites. In man and daughter, Glaatonbury; auto accident. ^ Trln^y invited to attend. Peowau, Eklward Ross, Kal- "Even If you accept the con­ fact, my statistical studies show Mrs. Sharon Faldardeau and Camlck’s breathing is being ™ P The Graduate Student Assocla- cohii- Ross, William SdmmoiM, clusion that genetics is the sole asslsted by a respirator and he Boy Scout Troop 87 wUl be- was founded'a year ago to that American Negroes achieve daughter. Village St.. RockvlUe. Dennis Idls, Barry Bannard, aJ ‘ivj determinant of Intelligence,’’ he Is receiving drugs to bolster his ^ STOson promote cultural, academic and almost every eminent distinc­ Admitted Sunday:, Paula Scott Wallace. Amanda Good­ said, "you have -to remember Logic, Love Led to Marriage blood pressure. ^ a W p to g e n t r y R.I. on ,„volvement among the tion that whites achieve and are Zaushny, Plnney St., Ellington; win, Penpy Smith, Debra C a ld o r . that the environment deter­ about 60 per cent more success­ Candace Smith, Brooklyn St., While 24 human lung trans- 72-M- Trinity graduate community, Baiaher, Bill IBasahe and Lse \ mines how genes arc ex­ plants have been attempted, tn®re at Camp Westwood, on . — - ful per capita in winning Olym- And Crab Grass-Less Home RockvlUe; Jean Paul, RFD 1, Am i D ’AmIbroalo.' pressed." only one recipient has survived acres o t land, with cabins, Manchester Evening Herald pic, medais."^ By JAMF.S A. liOUKIDER the two-month trip from' Boston ’^o^^and, Theresa Vlgna, East for more than a few days. A Bach scout and Ws father has Intermediates; d n d y Ingra­ In April the National Acade­ "However, as far as distinc­ AHHoclattHl I'reas Writer to Miami last year. Main St. Rockville; Marion Belgian, is atlH alive nearly nine been contacted. .. • Coventry correspondent, Holly ham, Barry KeUeber, Curt lie- tion dependent upon mental my of • Sciences turned down Under 600 square feet of Lhase, Somers: Wiliam Boyt, Marie Lundgren, Roger MIAMI, Ela. (A P ) — A couple months after the operation. Buses will leave- St. M ary’s Qantner, tel. 742-8796. powers Is concerned, the proba­ Shockley’s proposal that It en­ mainsail plus an addlUonal 260- ^^P^ble, Harlow St., Rockville PhHUps, U nda Worthington, bility on a per ■ capita basis is courage research on whetheV who met In a university logic .square-foot genoa, the "Wlnd- Clara Rand, Snipsic Lake Rd. Holly CampbeU, NeU CtoanpbeH, rr!^!^“Man on the Moon” Ellington; Raymond Clark, 'Official/^ between 10 and 100 times small­ hereditary racial differences ac­ ehiHH in 'Washington, D.C. and (-.hlmo" clips along better than Eileen Chatfleld, Kathleen Chat- count for. differences In Intellec­ R FD 1, Rockyllle; John er for Negroes than for the na­ built a sailboat In Boston are 20 knots. Only recently Ralph field, Laurie Dolleris, Danny ■ y.4SA Footage' tional average and it Is this tual achievement. Ponkaln, Willie Circle, Rock­ Stereo Record living what they call an Idyllic and Olivia bought a small out­ Miller, Stephen Mlnicuccl, Carl probability that I fear la falling Dr. Eredcrlck Seitz, president board motor for their home to ville; Ronald Harrison, Frank­ MANCHESTER'S life anchored off Miami In Bls- Blondln, PhllUp Blondln and Apollo 11 as a result of the high birth rate of the academy, said the propos­ make docking maneuvers easier. lin St., Rockville. John Coelbo. (■iiyne Bay. Discharged Sijnday: . Irene of the most disadvantaged." al was defeated primarily be- Gonstructed of %-lnch marine Also: Kenneth Coelho, Rui Ralph and Olivia Davis are Parzyeh, Hony Lone, Rockvlllb; Only Fuel Oil Dealer 598 Mun on th«* Moon' Shockley’s views were pub­ catisc It might be misunderstood pl>wood and completely flber- Coelho, Bethany Connelly, never plagued with crab grass. Margaret Mange, Grove St., lished recently In the proceed­ as a "while Vs. black issue.” gl.ii.scd, the hull took nine Susan Fuller, Bruce MicNetl, 3 . 7 7 I’roperly taxes? No, no' proper­ Rockville; Mrs, Jacqueline Home Movie ings of the 33rd annual confer­ "There Is a strong feeling," inonth.s to build. They still labor Linda Mercer, Monique • Special collectors edition ty. And they have no electric Pare and son, Stafford; Mrs. Open 24 Hours A Day! ence of the Education Records Seitz said, "that In the current at "finl.ihlng touches” Inside the Cloutier, William Welliver, E d­ • Full color 8-page commemorative booklet Our Reg. 4.99 light bills. There’s np fee to an­ Evelyn Beebe and son. Village Bureau of Greenwich, Cdnn. circumstances In which Hie sor cublh area. ward WeUivar, Karen Kersen, *Rfowded live at mission control ^View-Master chor In the bay. Later In the St., Rockville; Mrs. Julianna Transistor Shockley spoke to the confer­ clal Issue Is so predominant - Ralph hopes to find work In ’• David Elwell, Robert Gleason, year they liopc to got a dockage' Frey and son, Mile Hill Rd., MORIARTY BROTHERS ence In Now York"city last No­ w e’re trying to find our way In public relations or adivorlislng Mqipn Landing .H|H)t In the marina and then will Rockville. TTwmas Nenweamib, Gail Spink, Green River” vember. equal opportunity .-Ihiit It would In Miami. Olivia l.s an executive Portable Radio have to pay $30 oi- $ilO monthly. Admitted Monday: Marquis Whor* Custamars For Over Paul Maizdorff, Deborah Kin.>ii Credence Clearwater Revival Release • Slides Wilh Viewer ~ William S. Lltterlck, president 1)0 almost IhlpoBMlble to carry accretary with the Bhllco Ford Our Reg. 9.70 - "W e wanted a very simple GlnCtte, Grove St., Rockville; and David Grace. • .W dctUEl pliulot tAkVn 0/ the bureau, said It Is a non­ out . reasonable research...that Job Training program In the Hov* Coma M©bil V3 of..A \») Piojeil 3 . 9 9 life," said Olivia, a prolty blue- Carl Chapman, Main St., Ver­ Swimmers: Susan Ceupenter, profit, tax-exempt organization would not be miHunilersttxid." Dade County model city project. first — heating oil' Oentury! Aktionautk Owf ) Of i-yed blonde. "W e found urban non; Leon Royer, East Hart­ Rene Cloutier, Richard Gankcf- • ( oinplrtr MtHin I Ami •A (iilumbu Ticluic Kricaic that does research on tests for "We only go a.Hhore to work," Sups* > living too complex at times. ford; Doria Holt, Plllsbury' sWe, Brian KeUeher, Ktm Le- tng pack«|rr ul I rc«U • I lie Inn attriinaui phulu-.. . schools and also encourages says Olivia, "and at other times ■‘■ 2 .7 7 (2 ) lull color urrtrk) Hill, Rockville; Arthur Schmalz, Ikout, Marlon Dont^, Robert 2.59 giiplied movie ’.‘Out here we can enjoy the • The latest Rock Group 7 . 8 8 and a Virw>MEi(rt wide dissemination . of contro­ for shopping o f visiting the post Regan St. Rockville; Brian Usay, Cindy Ingraham, Dick *^ngssucha$: "Green River". "Commotion" • ( ompleie with case SUiro Vicwci • \ lilelime memenio- Olin Corp. Strike quiet nnd the really b6ii,utlful office.’ ‘ They commute to land versial views, but without tak­ CALL • f*Ei'kvU o f Moon 1 EAiJini • liiealb'lakini higfilighlt “ things like the variety of sun­ McManus, Hazardvllle; Jjustin/ 643-51S5 J«iaen, NeU Campbell, Holly •*‘Lodi» *‘Topibstone Shadow", etc. • Balleries and earphone ing sides. In a tiny, motorized rubber dln- miy b* pMfthEwd iriiaraigly. I . 0 Now in 50lli Day, sets, the blnis and Uie motions Starvlsh, Warehouse Point; Jo 301 CeflEH STtEET MANCHeSFER Campbell, Sarah Donnelly, • Rugged Ifi-inipaci cahiiicl Lltterlck said -Shockley was Kby. of the water." Flcketl, Talcott Ave., . R o«- Thonias MarkowaU, Deane Invited to speak after the can­ "W e don’t have a. phone or a it 9 fV-,)J - No Knd in Siijlil, With their neighbor a Wiley, Richard Elwell, John cellation of a scheduled appear­ Iclevl.sion,’ ’ Ralph notes. "Only healthy swim away, only the Ckilpin, Mary Lou Breen, Jane ance by the physicist at the NEW HAVEN. Conn. (A P I our books, radio and our ciii,.’’ 1 wind and n battery-operated Spink, Kimberly Dalsher, Tracy Polytechnic Institute of Brook­ On weekends Ralph and Oli­ The strike "at Olln Corp. iiffeet- triinslstor radio break the si­ Bannard, and Gordon Sanborn. lyn on May 10, 1068. Shockley via hoist sail and head .south for Ing 3,000 hourly employes has lence of "Wlndchlme of Bos­ Those earning Junior Ufe- said his talk was cancclcti be­ Hie Florida Kcy.s to skin dive. ' ton", the Diivl.s’ li-lniiinin. A trl- Savlng certificates were: Tim­ cause .some . feared his views rcachiHl the' aflrOay mark with dliyla, tanned and blond, lul- innran in a txmt with three hulls othy Muiphy, Terrence Mur- "might cause some problems” no Hlgtis that a negotUition ne«- mlts "the sea has touched an In­ iinil II (ieek that stretelie's across Phy, Gregory Sanborn, Qynthla at the school. ner eliortlxwlU) us. Railpb and I flon hiU-r today would lirliig them. Roy, Joyce Matzdorff, Denise Discussing what he-cays "our have just thrived since. getting union iitHi managehient eli'iser famous brand Pelletier, Gordon Millllpe, Rob­ V ' ^9*^ * I Ralph, ’26, and Olivia, 26, arc ! Into this kind life. together. ert Ellwell, WUllam ElweU, griiiftuiles of the American Unl- "W e -have fouhtj out a lot '"— 'I III iiiin, f MtNS' yUDLAINES' jTlH' strike now matrheH the Sharon Ingjoham, Jeffrey L ^ a i Noticas vorsit'y In -Wa.shington where about ourselves and each other RWOKliiWIunw bltlei- 60-diiy wiilkoul at the Dalsher and BUxabeth Peny. CALDOR'S OWy AT SA ViyCS! 4 they met In a logic They and We are finding out about the Fibre OlillKn OF NOTK'K in iniifiicliirlng - complex sevefi 600 Sweaters On Sale Instructors for the program Bottle of 250 Aspirih s s General Electric* AT A COUUT (XI*' I'HOHATK, fell In love, got married and, world," she says. " I t ’s'like look-^'' Dolls Galore For ExpansJ^on held at Miuirheuter. within ami for years ago. were Louise Ryan at Usicke Fine VSue...... being .self-doHi'i-lbed "iidvenlur- Ing from the outside at society.’ Scbool Trunk (he .(llatrict of Maiuiieaier, on (he TiKlay’s talks were failed hy Beach and Lola Brown at San­ \ Our Rsg. 19.97 Portable Hair Dryer Every Idttle Girl 2aih jlay of AukunI. A.l). IWiU. oii.s ■souls, " 'decided to try living Boredom never settles over THURS. Our H»9 . 18.87 *' PleHent, iltfi. John J. Walled fr.leral and stale nieillalors, af­ dy Shorbs. Acting for the Dr^ Scalp Shampoo Our R.9. 2.99 Wateb Rands on a boat. the "Wlndchlme’. Both enjo; Our RW 7 99 JudKe. ter waiting without .sticeesH for Mothers Club , were Eunice Bril, CXif R*t. 77c. 8 02. size ...... O O ^ iCHt'ale of Mar>'. (1. IhiuKheiiy. Always a lover of the sejc and reading and rolnxihg on the t, WEATER H days slnee tlie last tiilk.s late of MaiicheHtei- In aaid dUiliiet, Ixmts, Italpli hud long toyed 9:30A.»ir^ Lorrrite Cloutier, lone Rush, Cosmetic dece.aaod. mu ran. were held: The failuiv of union Joyce Watrous and Betty H a * Our Re* 64t Pack of 260 ...... OVC ■ Uptm ai>pUca(lqn. of ’ Julia C. iS'lHi Hk- Idea of a trimaran "Besides,” said Olivia -we Ihaigherty. prayliiK that an InNlni- or in in igeiDent to-eall for tie- dad. 1 7 . 8 0 large onough for family living. have each other. And dt’s all •Fibre on 3-p|y frame, wooden.lift oul tray. 1 4 . 8 7 inent jHiriHirtlng Xu be the hud will gotlatlon.M ,1m till- two-week peri­ Pack ot Cold Capaul • Urge boulfanl hnnnel 1 . 9 7 and testament of aald dereastMl be He first built a 12-flMit working Uuit malti-r.H:’ * * /I tfk • Brass plated steel hardware and lock. •»UU( ).|1 Special Walker • Slainleu ilccl and , od hidleate.s ihi ehange In the Manchester Evening HeraM Our Res 66c. Pack of 12...... ' ♦ V C • Handsome carry and ilofagc.ciie I luec'h'calpmii admlUud to probate, aa per appllca- niiKlel and when It piiased Hie ' » BKie: size 36" x 20" x UK". »H36-26 '• ^712^- 12 Hahy loddirr . («ild filled walchhandi ' ' tloil on flit*, it Is . "Impasse" reached In the ear- lonsplusciKil ftiisommrrdiying|l'MI)-.’ A ' imuHcal tests, lie and Olivia be­ Oovetrtiy correspondent' Holly . *71.60 IV Failmm loddlei • Iren youitrif lu a new band OUI)KH10i): 'I'hat the for«;KuiiiK her talks. Bantner, tel. 742-8796. application be hearti aiid deterinin- gan work In earnest on Wlnd- ByriiPH, StilLGrilical, ed at the I’robute tifflce In Man* Although the eompany says Official Size Football cheater hi aald' iXWtrut. on the dHh i lilnietiller present floating • Puncture proof i the walkout has eo;t workers day of Hepleinber. A,|.). liKiU, ai liome. Has ('omfoi*table Ni^ht • Precision molded ten. u'clcK'k iiv the forehtam, aiul $2.36 miHion In .salaries slnee Check List For School Supplies that notice be given to all persons Till' larger center float Is used OOLUMBI^S.C. (AP) —The SALE Iowa Statistics •. Yellow with official stripes V«sm It began July 16. a .s|Hike.snian 1.49 . IntoresleU in aaid estate ol the ■ r the living area. Flank coronary core unit of Baptist pend««icy o f oaid a|iplu*ation and for tile .strlKJng liiteniatloiHil As- (he time September i, liWU. and white women are twice aa Union IxH'iil Pre.sident Ixnil.s "She draws only two foet of^ lormer Supreme Court justice • Flat side down by ceitlfied mail, a copy of (his stable as all-black - marriages or.der to Julia C. lK>ugherly,— 69 ItomaiH) lidded lha) Hie main water luul rides tlie waves like tuKl director of war mobilization • Side arm or overhead *** 69e i_l (acnuine Tot Stapler Clwuner Oak St.. Manchester. Conn.; IssiK's are iH'n.slon huprovn- and shgbtly more abable tinni raliick Ihirry Dougheny. 1/ .surfboard," said Ollvlii, (or World War n, was stricken Ribbon Good Cookies ments. iswt-of-hying pay raises, all-white marriages, sayn a ao- Our R.* 75e with IlM) Maples. . Dougherty Si.,‘ Mancheat(>r, I'onn:-; was seasick sovcriil time/ on Friday. ■ » ’ YOUR CHOICE - Kjilherlne Fluhlve, 4in l*alm tneentlve pay . and . ariiitriitlon dologtot. Official Frisbee l>rlve, Jlart>or Uluff. lau-go, Florida Prof. Thomas T. Mnmitwif. of . •Play a variety of games fjarbara Orellano, FYankllii QL. proi'islui'i'S. , -- Our Westfield Mass.; Margaret (sums* Vlllahoya lUnlVeratty told the •It will soar, uil and drve Cj Sheaffer P« •nH and Penrilo - Judaoii, (Jiesmiil Hill Americtm Socioktgloal AMocIn- •Fine outdoor sport 1.19 Hoad, Monti(|ue. Maas . ' aiul return ■ _ Oue R«9 79c Vuui (>rliHl9r Hens. Ball H.nrsl Hehs,,Henurt. Marine Wpallu'r thm Theaday he bases U s ooo- JOHN J. WALLKIX Judge, cluston on a study -of mairiage Exciting Sedop 3 - 8 9 ' cc: David M. liarry. Ady. WINDSOR UX'KS, « FAMOUS and dhrorce staUsitos in Iowa •Catch Our EJ Package of 6 Markers OF NOTUVk ^ (AP) Tides will he high'iiUing between 1940 and 1987. Be aaW • Carry and • Oatmeel Kjitin ‘ . • Ok^oljtf Oiip AT A COURT OK l*UOHATK. the UoniuvHeiit .shore today the study covered approximate­ Throw p ti« VtMjr Choficie* '**'» held at Manchester,' -althln and for a 2.15 • .Striped f>ain(> the dlstHct of MancheideV. die from 3:t6 p.m. .it New LoluUui ly 8;000 Interracial marriages. 29lh day of August, a .D -1969 to 5-30 p.m at I!rUlgv|X)rt ami Monahan said he also ftwnd i J’reHeni. lion. Jtdui. J Walled, Judge.' ~ ■ Thursilay from 4 :10 a.m at New that matches between white 7- KsUite of Kll?n ‘LXmgherlv a-k*ti Ixindoii to 6 a,in. at Hriitgi'port hurtionds and Negro wives w e n Corningware * Nellie A. Dougherty, late t>/ Man in luitd district,‘ "deceueed IxVw tide at Olit Saylirtxik is more jMable than all-Negro nuir- UfKin applicutiou of JuUh- (' riages, but less staUe than sU- Dougherty, praying that httenji of at 10;16 tills morning and at 2 ^ qt Saucepan General Electric aduiinlstrutipn be griuued'on ludd 11 16 this evening. TIRES wUte uniims or msirisges be­ Ow R.a 7.66 estite. as per api>iicu(ion on file. i r AMERICAN-MADE tween Negro men sad white Sim.set tiKliiy Is at 7 J2 and women. fllDKUED: Thill TI 111.- ri>r.'|k. serve and store ■ Portable .sunrise Thursday at 6:22 CARDIGANS OR ■°Monehan noted the fla d ii^ ttpla^)lllleatl^«l bt- hi-iii-il luiil il.-i,-imm . basy to clean I . oa at the Dnibate office ti) Man- . A weak eold from nvdved PUUOVERS^... ‘.’contradict prevtous pUbHc ehi-nli-r.ln .tald liliiii'li-i. mi u». uitti AT . Pretty to look at aei-o.-s souHieni New IMgland day of 8.'|iUinb.T. A 1>. 11)69. -m cptnion that Jntertwdsl mar­ •rPJViS 5 .8 8 ti-n o'clock III ihi. fori-iitHiii. mid Tue.sibiy nlgtil.'nmt wiiyh^eimiin ^ALL WITH FAMOUS V^H O N O R riages don’t have a chance’ of Phonograph that notice Is* stveii to iiU pi-raom* .'tatIonary- jibst .south of Ixing Is- Inlt-rested In siild i-sIhIi- of '• Die succeeding," but he declined to Corningware * WHOLESALE UKtELS YOU'U ' ntMta/Wtartfi* pemlency of said iiiipllcalloii ■ luid make any long range Interpreta- 'an.l. 'nils ii-ill allow an to the time and place of nearing ther.;- . RECOGNIZE! THE CAWD oii. by publishing a copy of . lldk nortlieiii't flow of rel.dively eix)! tlon on the data from just ons General Electric ■ onier In some newi.|m|u-r having iimJ un.-tahle ■ iiir over Hie iv- state. Trio Set a clrculallon hi said dlidrln, iit biiiin ynin through Tlnirsilay. ■ —• TIRE CO. ★ ALL FIRST QUALITY "Is Iowa' rapresunfstlvtiT. I 17.j 51-Vi-ll days before the dliv lif »a l« . OPEN DA1L.TTIIX 8:88 , wpun wmmm i ¥.ms 2-Slice Toaster beiiriilg. to ap|a-iir If Ibev seeViuim- laing l.sliuul Sound to' .Mon- \ 357 BROAD ST. . DIRECT FROM OUR ; \ i t e ’t know. This Is a problem" 1 Oiari . Oirr R n -19.49 at iMld tliiie anil litai-e iimU be . \ WED.. THUBA., t V L Ua 8 PJ|L \ since msny stfttes fkmt identify . Oaan.i l\ i 2 . 6 6 heard relaifi-e thereto, 'mid by niiill. iiiiill. tank i\m « Variable - whlils- MILLi TO YOd ' * races of msrriage partners.^’ Quart S«iK«pam ^ \ Uig on or before Sepleinbi-r J, 1969 mo-stly iMirtluM.slerly.iit about ip and by certified mall, a ropv of this Although the Nagro-whRe order to Julia C. DouKhertv. 69 .knots ^dilay. tveiiining east t{i YOUR LOCAL 3 Cffsers * Charier Oak St,. Monrheiit.-r.' t'lmii : mmirisfes were more eadmhig 9 .9 9 • A-Spe«d luffiiaWc 4" Speaker south/iist at five to 10 knbt.s Freeze, cook, serve in the same dish Estate of Mary- G. Dougherty, i-hi HICHBMTK than, the ...s'verage. Donntixed ' 1 2 . 9 9 • Kudffd Ptdy»i>ffn< Julia C. Dougherty. 69 tTiHrler Oak ton/ht and at to to 16 knot.s foe every need. Greai opputiun'ily lo boy . 9 Husiliqn color luau scleilor msRisges, the study ftnnd St.. Manchester.' Conn,: rutrii-k TliUrsdiiy. Mixstiy cloudy with now f o r j j j f ^ g v j ^ ^ • Chrome body hx easy cleaning • Ttm* Aim Gwifd 5 lb» Barry Dougherty. 17 Dmigherly ,S| them leas enduring than m ar­ OicUslonal sliowiTs or llmiulei-'. HEADQUARTBS - • Wide loasJ skill (ot di((etenl bte«ls F161 Manchester. Conn.; Kalherlii'e Kbi- ROOSEVELT MILLS riages in which both p siteen hlve. 101 Palm Drive, Harlx.r Ilhift. .showers liMlay.. tmhglu luui IP Largo, Florida: Barbara Orellmio. Tluir.sday. were OrientaL Oathnilr or Mead- Franklbi St.. Wes|rh-ld. Mass ; can. Margaret Ganisslhu. c'.o Judsmi. C H A R G E Chestnut HtU noad, Moptloue. Vlribility one' .to. Hiree lutles V Maas., and retiini make to this Ideally, below one ihlle l^ykhow- Mef« ROCKVILLE AVON OLD SAYBRCKIK SPRINOFIEU a t VOIR Manchester, 1145 Tolland Tpke. S M i: WEB. tiro SAT. > Court. ’ era and fog ttxhiy, loni^it and JOHN J. WAl.LE'Pr. Judge, 'vetsn iaflsd to cast bsBots in Pl RCIIASKS EXIT 9J, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY cc: David M. Barry, .Ally. 1 Thursilay. .... $16 E. Main Street i76 West Main 847 Boaton Poat RA.. Rt. 1 oral UTE EVERY MGHT ------— ,/ I '------1 *■- 1

■Vy X ■ •:N

'■\mi PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOffiSTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 M AN O ^TE R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 PAGE FIFTEEN Columbia Nader’s Raiders T&ke Aim TV-Radio Tonight ’‘J Beach Qoseg All About New Zealand Teens Take At the Trucking Industry Television For Season Deaf - Mute R v ^ 4 ___ 4.______f ______-uld spend two weeks In a re­ works “ hand-in-hai)d" with the ^'’om 8 to 8-^4 feeCand the max- Inc., of Now York City, sent )iood tU 10 p.m. and—despite horri- such/hs those of the 1890s and 10:00 (3) Hawaii FIveO to people who had been mem- plained one rtudent. "Before the mote Guatemalan jungle mis­ Indurtry, ignores violations and ‘"turn allowaiyie loaded weight Andy Rlano, an empJoyor for 33 6:06 (40) Rawhide (34) The Clark Terry Quartet fiPd predtcUona—public dnlnk- thc/1930s, which brought Labor sion. 6:30 (10-30-30) HunUey-BHnkley (imao-2230) The Outsider bers last year,, but not this war they recognized Ptaar Lap rebuffs drivers who seek to have **'om 73,280 pounds to 108,600 years, on a 426-mlle run from (20) New Horizons (18) News enneas has all but disappeared (the race horse), 'Walter Nash 'power and with it the social There the, teen-agers cams (18) Di(dc Van Dyke year, in order to learn what (M)RNISH HENS safety regulaOons enforced. pounds. UUca, N.Y. to Pittsburgh, and 11:00 (3A-10-1223-30-40) News Early-evening inebriation was (a poUtl(»l leader) and butter. storms part of New Zealand acroes Hortenala Monrt^ Iklua (34) What's New Weather, Sports criticisms or suggestions they life t(xlay, • ' The principal author, Robert Consumer advocate Nader from there to Scranton Pa.- (8) News. Frank Reynolds , (18) Movie one of the last motes in ani oth­ Now they don’t know even In a church mission. C. F'ellmeth, a third-year atu- '"IT'e Hrst question to ask There he was told to pro- (3-12) Walter Cronklte . (20) Sea Hunt might have concerning (opera­ erwise clear-eye. Its removal Britain’s entry into the Com­ waa 8:46 (am News Vl8) Della Reese tion of the beach. miKh about us." / "The head of the ndaston. dent at Harvard Law School, (about the bill) is whether the ceed - to. Rochester,- N.Y., al­ 7(00 (8-12) 'Truth or Consequences 10:30 (18) What’s My Line has brought this country of few­ 'Dlls Ignorance (nay be/ex- mon Market (XMild precipitate Father told us Tsnsla’s said in a telephone Inlerview trucking companies are meet- (10) Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 (3-12) Merv Griffin There Were 328 families reg­ er than three miUion pe(q>Ie such a c r i^ . For years meet, though he already had far ex­ (22-3(>-i0) News, Sports, _ (1D30-23-30) Tonight pleiined by New ZealandlS re- mother bad abandoned the fam­ that the problem "could be tng even the existing motor oar- ceeaeaceeded tnethe lo-nourlO-hour driving limit,limit Weather 13:00 (3-12) Joey Bishop istered for the summer, mak­ closer than ever to_____ its______adver- moteness, its irize and the fact dairy, products have ily," said ICrs. Edward Mere­ solved if Congress would put ''•er regulations. The available prescribed in regiilatlons. He ing a total of 1,108 members. Used image as the place to go to that it hasn’t been a r o t ^ very ®®"°tituted 90 per cent of aU ex SEE SA'TIIRDAY’S 'TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE USUNGS dith, who along with her huo- the department on the hot-seat evidence is that there are wide- "left the terminal an emo- These were enUUed to bring in'* get away from it aU.- long, relatively speakihg. ' of them have been band, headed the young mla- fOT falUi^ to entorce the regu- spread vkrfatlons of the most tional wreck," the report said, guests for a small fee. * Niew Ze^and Is almost too Tbe flrat IrihabKante were f?’** ^® . sionories. la tlw . Ho characterized the serious nature, and the depart- He was killed 10 mUes outside Radio For the second year, . there g(xxl to be true. A (xnmtry the Maoris, 200,000 of whom re- Zealand is working to de- "Then last February, the fath­ condKions under which many ment, like its predecessor, the of Scranton when hte rig (This listing includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 16 was a beach supervisor, Roger size of Colorado, with a popula­ main as descendAnto ot brown- '^®^P oRernatlve markets in er gave the child to the mission, din ers work as "barbaric.” ICC, is doing almost nothing plunged 76 feet from a bridge 'Titus, on full time duty; tor the tion smaUer than Chicago’s, it skinned PolynemaMi #ho, after ■^®'' -lapan and the United saying he could do no more tor The ocHauther of the report, a about It." . . . . . minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) Anoth’Sr Associated driver first time there were two full has no smo^, no slums, no landing herere in canoes( ______fOxHtt the her lUmsetf." 19-poge document supplement- Drawing on federal and corn­ time Ute guards. This was killed, the report said, WBCH—819 12:16 Sign <5ff LARGE large-soale -violence, no great year 1380, hung on through hunt- searoh for new outlets It waa in the Meredith’s custo­ ed by 73 pages of appendixes, pany records and on - 6:00 Hartford Highlights WTIC 1060 when, after he had been on the 7:00 News 6:00 Afternoon Edition Bcliool Calendar 20 OZ. extremes of poverty or wealth, ing, fiaWng, and domeoticatiaR P'“ ® U*® " '° '”® important mill- dy that Tenaia arrived In this Includlng material from the tion and documents from three road for 13 hours, he was or­ 8:00 Gaslight 5:60 OHO The first day of school for BIRD of the no!W-exthKt mao, a flight- i**y .role the United States is 12:(X) Quiet Hours 6:00 Afternoon Edition no race problem, and no over- country,on a vtsitor’t visa. dered to drive 300 miles to 6:16 Market Report Horace W- Porter was today. crowdliig. lesB bird 12 feet tan. playing in the Pacific area has T c ^ s laughs' and gigglea WPOP—1410 6:20 Weather The first of 185 days scheduled 'The iirst European was Dutch Riven New Zealand a broader Boston and "Just didn’t make 5:00 Danny CHayton 6:26 Strictly Sports Its industrious people ba-ve when she plays and mates a It.” 6:00 Dick Heatnerton 6:36 Afternoon Eklltlon . on the calendar allows for five consented to near-socialization nairigator Abel 'Tasnan in 1642. eniiooh- The ANZUS military high, grunting noise when She Sisterhood at Beth Sholom 9:00 Bin Love 7:00 Accent 66 storm days over and above the Ho didn’t stay and the two New P®ei (Australia, New Zealand,^ The two fatalities emphasize 1:00 O&ry Qlrard 7:20 David Brinkley of their -way of life -while retain­ wonts someone's attention. Dr. a major theme in the report— WINF—USO 7:30 180 days required by laW that ing—for the past eight year=^p Zealand islands had hr be redls- United States) pointedly omits a (lirraki piior SSver) DonoM Hall, a physician and a 6:00 News 7:60 Joe Garagrlola the stdiool be in session. ea. covered in 1769 by James Cook, Britain preparing to withdraw Offers Enrichment Classes that drivers frequently feel com­ 6:10 Uncle Jay 8:06 Pop ^ncert # conservative . ruling govern­ church veetryman. eaid this In- the British captato who ai«- imm its military positions east pelled to drive when they ore 6:00 News 9:06 Nlghtbeat The calendar coincides with ment. All postal, telephone, tele­ Films Ready for Classroom Use (Kcatee to him Chat the girt 6:10 waiter Cronklte 9:30 Analogue (x>vered Hawaii. ot Suez. A series of enrichment will provide a working knowl- not in condition to do so. Harry Keaaner Windham High School and Wind- graph, televislciin and radio serv- probably was born with her 10:00 Nlghtb^ hani Technical School w l ^ are 'The first permanent British But U New Zealand turns (xnirsea open to coirimunity edge pf lectures, dlsoussloiH, In- Fedbral regulations limit driv­ 6:30 ^x>rUi. Newa 11:00 News, Weather h3es are run by the government. Jacob Haroian, instructional materials director of center by a teacher following chussrtxim use, each hearing, but lost It latM-. chfldren arid axlolescents will be terwiews, reporting, and evalua- .7:46 L/owell ITiomaa 11:20 Sports Final attended by llony wasn’t established till -moce mid more toward the Unit- ing time to 10 hours after a 8:00 Speak Up Hartford 12:00^Other Side of >he Day So are 95 per cent of electric the Manchester school system, g^ves one of the cen­ film is run through this machine, which stops at Warren ear speclollsto are On 'Tuesday morning the Try Some on Your Rorisserie! 1840; two decades of wcu- with ®nductlng this only allow systematic vtols/- and ail schools close Oct. 31 tor London. to escape the draft. has been (»jH'ratlng," Jackoon ence to government financing. more New Tlealanders travel to ma.’’ • , ■ Hall oald, and apparently su6 classes. course. Meets in foyer. tion” of these and ______related rules teachers convention. , The country Is 102 years old Under fe(leral law, It Is to be said. It is often described as out of as an Independent nation. It has Britain and Canada than to the To Appeals Panel Jackson, 43, the' first Negro to "In all reope Of Draft Service ' at. II*ven to the mission. the South Island, is as resolutely 0468,A ^ O f i Monday through Friday not ______meetA. ____ unlessI _____ s14 s register. condition of employment.’ ’ 26 tor the 'Ihanlosgivh^ recess. Clearing '"the forest (there are football team, was named Tues­ Ice," I have two dnughtern. 8her- Schools reopen Dec. 1 and all and T,400 miles from Australia. S(XSttl3h as It was when it was day by the President as one of between 10 a.m, and noon. Reg­ Mrs. Leonora Brooks, bridge 'riiey say that conditions are still 15H mlllbnii acres of them, By JEFF RADFORD Outgoing board numibeni 111, who Is 16, and I.>mta(% 11. - — :----- ^ ^ ------close Dec. 28 tor the Christmas Yet New Zealand was first to 23 per cent of the total land founded by members of the two men to replace board mem­ Gwlasda and Clement have said istrations will'not be taken at teacher at the Community Y. aggravated by practices such os PO Name Changes Associated JPress Writer But 1 HUpiHwe they'll be having recess. < give women the vote (1893), the Scottish Free Kirk. bers who were asked to resign any other time, information Meets In k'nf'ergnrten. denying drivers a fixed stairt- area), planting the seeds, bd- Hershey Interfered with their boyfrleisla eligible for the Ino.'.!,;: -----^------r Vemon resldenU, irked by a pot luck supper with InstaUa- Jan. 6 is the day for open­ first to introduce compulsory porilng sheep and cattle, build­ bETROIT (AP) — Levi Jack- after feuding publicly with Gen. work. "We are not only under about fees to cover operating 'linraday draft," he remarked. R ANGI ing after the Christmas holi­ arbitratl(m to Industrial disputes son, new appointee to' the na- costs may be obtained------—at the — 8:10-4:16 p.m. Arts and crafts. 2^hours’ a *®“ ®'‘ ‘ *'® officers to follow. ing dairy industries, laying out Lewis B. Hershey, 76-year-old Hershey's thwnb, we are ae- \ ) ■ day. (1894), the first to vote old-age Chopin ‘’Saves tional Selective Service Appeals director of Selective Service. same time. All classes will Hand puppets from socks, draw- illegally instructing drivefa to «c®‘ department concerning con- qGrange ^11 meet cities aid towns. tually subject to him," Owiasda t UK Oil "Feb. 20 all close at the regu­ pensions (1898). Fire Troiili1(*it meet at 'liemplo Beth Sholom, ing to m^sic, string pictures, recordecord lunchL o b in transit as "off -ollriatlonsolldatlon'of Of ih«the Vemon ______post_ of.of- Saturday at 2 p.m. with t hepro- , 'Though It early decreed uni­ Even Bad ’’ Board, is a rpan who has felt the Jackson is manager of. retail said. \ gram to be "Vacation Tales.” lar time for the winter recess, It introduced the 40-hour, 6- versal free, ronipulsory educa- GASOLINI 400 E. Middle 'Tpke. painting, collages. Grades 1.6. duty,’-’ and providing "filthy, flees, are fighting an attempt to rough side of the draft, himself, services on the marketing staiY The third board member, I.EICESTER. ' (AP) Staff To Meet and open again March 2. 'Ihey day week in 1936, fol'owed by NEW YORK (AP) , Arthiur Following is a llrt of class Ton In class. Mrs. Annette noise," hotel rest facilities. . change the names of these of- ton, Ixxik learning has seldom 'The number of the former of the Ford Motor Go. Oharlea N. Collates u( Lynn- Miuidyman Ray Garner, 21, The Vemon Eiducatlon Associ­ will all close March 27, which free medical treatment for all been the prerequisite to political Rubinstedn, the 82-yeax-old Yale footbaU star came up In days, hours, brief description of Mbed, licensed teacher, ■ and As a result, the report says, flees. The other appointee is Elmer field. Mass., who luis said ho luul to remove the old paint ation will sponsor a "Meet the is Good Friday. and free dental service for chll- leadership. Richard John Sed- world-famous pianist, shares h4s He served 17 months class content, age or grade re- assistant Miss Debbie Novich. there is a slgnlflcqnt diepen- Last week letters were sent „Loni„ q™* n „4. JJank Jr...36, a bunk preHlslent thought Hershey was doing "a (pom his Itome so ho got out hU B A N T L Y OIL Staff" picnic Sept. 11 at the April 27 all schools Closb at don, d ig^r, storekeeper and memories, his adventures and and U9 days In the Army's quar- from Winter Park, Flu. ' n\ir \ \ ) I \| quirementci, mrniber to be oc- Meets in kindergarten, dOTCo on habit-forming drugs to out to a smattering of Vemon Map, q (^^RockvlUe good job,’’ has not been (uiked to hliwtorrh and set to work. Tho the regular time for spring re- Unemployment is virtually . miner’s representative who be- hls intimate thoughts with a net- terpiiaster corps at Osmp Lee, ' M \ I s - 11; I I I cepted, teachers, and meeting 3;1B-4;10 p.m. Modem dance, stky awake.” Dozing over the residents by Richard DeNoIe, “ X is Bank and Jackson will re­ resign. tiro Hint 6>llr>we(l reinovod not c e » and reopen May 7. uUknown and -work stoppages came Liberal prime mtnlstcr in work televlskm audience next va. III > . ' I ' areas. Rhythmics to music. 'Three- .and wheel la^ermed ''common.” jwstal service officer. DeNole’s t o ^ v e ^ h l ^ 100 place board chalmum Henry ” 1 wiuit U) hold full, free, only the paint big tho roof at May 29 Windham Tech, closes. rarely serious enough to halt the 1890s, set a pattern. month In a 90-mlnute color spe- /--i (Hdn't like it,” Jackson Gwlozda and board Monday four-year-olde. Ten in class. mem-ber frank dlsousMions witli Uie other Gamer’s Inane .along wlUi h^i letter asked for expressions of prs to the system, meet other' June 19 all schools (dose for the produetton. “ From Seddon's time -on,” cial (Sept. 5, NBC). /said. 3:16- 4:16 p.m. Beginning Mrs. EJmily Lessner. Meets in 'I was drafted In the last Kenneth Clement. piuiel meimborH to determine neighbor's na)(. Gamer moved opinion noting that any consoU- membera of the staff, summer. As if all this 'were not enpi^h. writes historian W.H. Oliver, Arthur (he Insists “ Artur" French. Grades 4- 6. Ten in stage room, half of my senior yeor in high The appeals board is the court whether they want U> make any In with relatlven for a while. Vernon dation or improvment of poa-^ College Assistant Porter School will close early Here's A Fine GriU Item! New Zealanders ptoduoe some "though the (xxostonal politi­ and always wes incorrect) class. Mrs. Beverly dlaroppolo, ^ 3:15-4:16 p.m. Afro-Amerioon tal services in the area might jane L. Mason, daughter of one day per month to permit of the richest butter, qheero, cian of refinement and culture cusses his rapport with Ms i elementary school teacher, history. A study group to ex- require changes of name for Mr. and Mirs. John S. Mason, staff-meetlngB. 'This is schedul­ ilUlk end cream, some of the has enjoyed some influence, ence, stage fright, moderh com-.' Meets on stage. plore black history from the the post offices. Reservoir Rd., will be a real- ed on the third Thursday each LEAN fluffiest wool and tastiest Iamb leadership has aspired to the poslUon. life with his brtoved 3:16 - 4:16 p.m. Reading for West African heritage to the Fees, Days DeNoie suggested the Roeje- dent assistant at Beaver C3oI- month. .. (diops an^here. Seiidonian model: Energy, g(xjd wife of 42 years, and his travels the college.b<>und student. In- civil rights revolution. Grades vllle post office name be Chang- lego, Glenslde P a , this year, Makes Solo Flight / Physically, it has gla(ders, fellowship, the common touch, a aroudd the world. / stnuHlon will include ways to lO-lB and adults. Fifteen In Naval Aviatlion Officer Canm- Shift F o r ed to "Vemon," that the Ver- Miss Mason has returned to mouiltain-circled lakies, rushing crude intelligence untempered Hb waxes eogpOci^iy eloquent read and study efflcleretlv, c6v- class. Michael D. Norman, MB date 'Timothy L. Lytikainen, son non office be changed tp"South campus for new student orlen- DAISY HAM streams, steep fjords, -roUlng by refleetton—these have been concerntog his fayoilte of all *Be the Prettiest Girl ering both textbooks and gen- ir social aciences, ' presenUy of and Mrs. Gunn^ M. yernon and that the 'Palcptt- tatlon. A senior at Beaver, she green pastures and hot spring the keynettes." composers, Frederick Chopin eral i‘eoding, and vocabulary participating In the Capitol Re- Adult School LyOkainen, Rt. 87, haq' made vllle office keep that name. is majoring in elementary edu- resorts, all admirably suited for Three , polltl(»l parties—Na- who, he says, ‘^ v e s even bad ' Impravement with emphasis on glon Education Council Negro his first solo flight. / Two pollcv chanirea will b« ^ problem with mkll cation. She is a graduate of the outd(X)r life New Zealanders itional (a descendant of the old pianos!’’ / understanding words in context, h li^ ry curriculum development He will continue op to more ^ delivery was brought to light Dana Hall School, prefer. Liberals), Labor and Social "Chopin gave us the piano. He Oillege - bound high school workshop. Meets In foyer. initiated this year when the several months ago when real- Back From Conferanee advanced phases of' Ms flight ’ All is not, however, for the Ctoedlt—are represented in the knew what piano (xxild do. Playing training for approximately 18 ^Waiting Game junilors and seniors. 'Twelve in In addition to the above, two Vemon Adult Evening School dents complained they were not. Joseph FF. GtonrloGtorglo, SrSr. dlrec- beet dn this beet of possible 80-seat Parliament In which 4 No other/ (ximpoeer did. But .a z .r,. FA/lAlirlnev _____i t ______. . „ . , months before receiving his pi­ class. Mrs. Janet Melsnor, BA field trips will be conducted for starts. One change (teicems the ‘■ec(!lvlng their mall properly, tor of Audiovisual EducaU«i In Chopin (^ a n it, felt, Uved music lot’s "Wings Of Gold." small worlds. seats ore set aside for Maoris, and M. Ed., experienced In nine kindergarten-age children course foe „„ andh fb«the other .i,„the ®'^®" Mayor John Grant had1 a the Vemon school system, ^ ____ ^ has__ on the , piano and that becomes Hyer On Leave Subsisting on its exports. The National party, led by teaching rending in Boston on days to bo announced be- »chool nights letter addressed to him, os returned from attending a con- magl(t: One piece of Chopto, and Airman' Fiitit Class Walter T. largely of agricultural products. Prime Minister Keith,Holyonke, wBBmmM. and New Jersey. Meets in stage tween 9 a.m. and 11 n.m., one RonaidKozuch nrinctDal «iirt Mnyor, returned to the sender ferrence on Educnttanal Media the perfume comes out of the Hyer' ia.sp^iiding a month leave it depends on British purchases. 65, has held power since 1960 room. in October to the Waderdrorth Vernon rodents ■‘*'"P®'1 “vAddressee Un- Leadership, held in Iowa. piano, you know you are sud­ with his'patents Mr. and Mrs. It faces disruption or disaster if with 44 seats in the present Par- 8:16-4:16 p.m. Beginning Athenoum, and another in No- wco-o allowed to take up to three ” " " ™® conference hold annual- Brltaln enters "the Common llamcnt; Labor has 36. the So­ denly in a magic garden. I (ton’t chesB.cnesB. RudimentsKuoimcms •withwnn emphasisempnnsis vembor tolo wsee methe ammoieanimate aiat tarfar a 12*2 fedfee The nnow Chamber of Commerce ly nf. the University of Iowa Walter ^ y e r bf^I^ke Rd. Market and begins buying the cial CredlUsts one. No Commu- taow what it is. He saves even on play ns a means of loamlng.learning, the UWveralty of OonneoUcut win hn to« o ner ' coir^n_____1 started the boll railing with a Lakeside Laboratory was de­ M AtfRNITY FASHIONS lAaiichestef Evening llerald cheaper farm goods the market nist has ever won a seat. bad planoB.’’ Any child of school age. 'Twelve farm. Both vrlll leave from the . rnh„ / letter 'to the postal department voted to the theme, "Curricula- Columbia correspondent (tem- could offer. in class. Fred Tllden. member, Temple. Mra. Gayle Trnbltz. chonged° for non-resldenta has also ■ fbeen t ^ requesting that residents be Media Dialogue for Meeting of the Maiudiester Chess Club. p()fary) Susan Carlson, tel. 228- The precise word one could $6 a ccurso to $6 p course plus f® *^ e d by the poet office bear- Changing Community Needs.” apply to New Zealand is "whole­ Meets in foyes'. one 12 rogistration fee some name as their In Health Survey 3:16-4:16 p.m. Oolcir and de­ some." H ie national folk^hero is Bill To Ban Sale The school will be in s L lo n <“Mress. At the aune time Children of 'ToBand County a rugby team. The national sign. '‘ Learning to appreciate a request ' was made ' to pull will be participating in a na­ A ■ M o n d a y a, Wednesdays luid vices ore drinking and betting PLAZA DEPT. STQRE X” color, form, dealgn, and basic Of Smokes Filed back the RFD’s to the post of­ tional health survey being ^start- art concepts through painting 'Tluirsitoys replacing the pre­ Pike’s W allet |I MACHINE SLICED, >ldMERICAN, COOKED on the horses. The most popular (Wa Have A Notion To Please) vious schedule of Monday fice in whteh the addressee re­ ed now and (xmtlnulng through and other forms. Grades 1-2. participant sports are fishing E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular M k t) In Bay State through Wednesday. All classes sides. the .middle of October. '■K Eleven in class. Mrs. Barham ,. Presently parts of Ellington 'This will be part of a series and yachting. OPEN WED., THUB8., FBI. tiU 9 Stedzer, lusslstant Mirs. ElUe BOS'TON (AF) — A bill that will be held at Rockville High Found by Sea Culture las represented by mu­ would------outlaw„ „ „ „ „ the ,i.uj,iu,w;iur,.,manuiiiciur,. ------^•hool -Juuauigstorting juat 7 ( p.m.p.m on _and . Tolland , ore —.aervioed by of examinations of a nation­ Barnett. McHits in kindergiinten, wide health survey of some 8,- (Continued from Page One) sic, literature, the fine arts, the 4:16-6:16 p.m. Arts and crafts ait'-ciouuon and sale of clga- ^®P^ 29' Oct. 1 and 2 depending RFD s, leading to an- o.- dance, is not much evident. WHArS NEW IN .etii® in Ma^ichusetCs has ele™- They will run tm P™»>len> of a post office DOT ^ung j^ le . It is d^gn- Drawing from models, ptUnUng, In Ma^ichuseUs has on the class. They Weekends for the unprepared ■lUi the Bteto lertslH “ ton-week period address differing Urom the per- ed to coUect data primarily on Oattiedral of St. John Uie Divine iCHOOL SUmiES? collages, poper mache, vaseline sUte legisla-‘egisla- " ton-week...... period,the health aspects of growth in Now York. tourist in the big cities are arid prints.nrints GradesGmd«H 4-6.tJi EightFlxrhi in(n tur®. A total of 80 courses wlU bo Kenneth Bdllliiger, president development Pike was elected bishop coad-. deserts. Ehreryone takes off on ' SEE rr ALL AT PLAZA class., Miss Sue Hurwltz, assist-,) TlU) "'**e sponsor is Dcmocratli-Democratic offered. New courses this sem­ I S I . - ___ AW#«..A AAA Saturday and Sunday, with ftm of the Conversion CSiemlcal About 200 youths to be exsim- jutor of Sen Franctocx> In 1968. anit Mias Suzanne . Gold. Mcota Rep. James 'R. Nolen of ester will Include: Chomikry His views on rellgkm bebame in­ arrangements for oonltouing the with Mrs. Mary Glenn ns in- plant in Rockville is ' one of Ined will be chosen , by a scien­ \ in kindergarten. Ware, wlxo claims Uuil ligareltes tific sampling process from the creasingly ctmtroverslal within usual week-day eerrttXB. Even striKitor; Basic photography those objecting to the suggestton 'Tuesday • "I'naii tiasuvr to buy )2 through 17 year age groups, a few years and drew criticism more appalling is the annual va- 8:16-4:18 p.m. Beginning gul- I'l'ito u loaf of bread,” even with Rtoha^ Burkett; Fiuida- of the changing of name of the Rockville office, the survey \^I also Include and (Uuirges of heresy from cBllon. period, whl(h everyone tar. Must be willing to prnctlc’e thougli Uicy'vo boon linked with mentiUs of Music, Mias Elea­ more (tonservative members of takes at Christmas; if you’re Bollinger, in lottera to Sena­ H a rtft^ Ojunty. and preferably have own Instru- I'e"'*'! disease luul cjuicer. nor Lewis; BoDhlng and Insur­ not port of tt, you might as well tors D (ind hibernate. In tfala Postmaster General Wlnton Is being provided and will be t t ] a n c l i e d t e r Mias Kathy Faulds, asslstiuU luivolUng the moasiu-o Tuenday, cid. people in this Held. ) birth of Christ, questioned lite hemisphere Chiistmas comes to Blount and the Chamber of set up at a convenient, loca­ Miss Martha Schiudt. Meets in Uie masl---- — hiu mful Ipiixiuct ' l w a u v v Also: Cooking Basics, Instruc­ al irtterpretations of the piede summer. Commerce made kqown his tion in the area. foyer. to Iluj, public heolUi sold today, tor Mrs. Nancy Curtin;’ Yoga, and was opposed to the Vjii The populottOD won’t consent strong objections to the name 3:16-4:30 p.m. Beginning oil and yot ttioy (ue sold in ii\ore Ishwnra ^ t r a l; Papier-Mache, war. change. to sit hutoora for effete diver­ CARPET CENTER painting. Audents ' must pur- plact»s luKi with more copvon- Mrs. Ada Christman; (Creative Snipers Fire ' He resigned his btefwprtc in sions. prefers m a ^ robust , chase their own supplies ex­ lenee tluui luiy oilier product: OH painting. - Mrs. Christman; Convoralon Chemical has been 1966 and became a rbseairch fel­ outchwr entertainment. Indentlfled with Roi'kvllle for cept easels. Grades 6-9, Seven "We can't expect people to Introduction tS Acrylic Artists’ low at the Centeotoor the Sttidy Though the minor arts flour­ "A Beautiful sod Exdtiiig Show Place of many years. BeUlnger noted he In Jersey Riots in plass. 'Mrs. Edu st(rganisa- FRESH GROUND —there is no fertile grqdnd for Fifty per cent technique .and 60 The bill stops sliort'of making Kozuch said. Local doctors will rillo articles and advertising in emlght curfew banning aU but tlon. serloiw intelleotuals. Thle per- per cent choreogmphy. Chorc- imoklng UwK lllegiU,, be the guest Instructors. tlw AmerKvm and foreign j tech- emergency peesonnei from A fte ^ w o marriages and two _ac(x>unts for the "tealn uk’«il presa. streets in. a SID-block area. “ .ography to music, pixtry and As -for ll)e firainolui issue In- Other' courses to be Included divonm, Pike last December drain" which thinidng New Zea­ In the curriculum are: business wuvT°.. confronted They met scattered looting, mqmed the former Diana Ken- landers regard as a national volved^clgniette uixes produce' A" third gnUters with previous ex- more ttian J70 inilllon luuiuiUly and secratarlal; math, English ^ " * > y rock throwing, flpeboihblrig and ly. They had collaborated on HAMBURG pnMem. The country has periance. 'Twenty in class. Mrs. In Massachusetts Nolen ralit and history, .foreign languages ‘e ‘n our the sporadic sniping but poUc. 'a txrnk ‘ "n>e Other Side,” in . trained many ' scientists, writ­ _ Judy Krunp. Meets In sUigc 1)0 th.nks tile end result would welding, wotxlworking, furni­ said the dteturbances were I ' which • Pike claimed to have ers, artWa, photograpben, mu­ . room. be worth it. ture reflnlshlng and upholstery, violent than on Sundays commimicated with his dead sicians who flnfl~reqagSiO(m Wednesday "All of the bem>flts •oN'en In painting classes. ballroom .to to ^ ' “.,0? " ’f'* “ nlghU. when l^ p e r - son James Jr., who committed elsewhere, usually in Europe or 9-10:46 tt.m. Play group. Help­ f(wmues at our dls- wereltorested. ^ dolloTs lind cents would be dnjice, eloth'ng and h'gh seluml suicide in 1966. the United States. ing (dilldren relate to a group nuule up In Uie Improvement In * Forty-seven persopf' were oi^ .Both thef book and the mar­ In many ways, the mild-man­ sltuqtion ^'with a teacher. Thrve- the healtli of (he pubbdc," Nole.i for the‘®® Conriectlcutttenrioctlcut StiUe'State' HighHI name-change ere not to oneosl- rested ^'I h e e d a V T ^ , police riage drew censure from E^ds- nered- 'Kiwis—they take their yeor-olds” to class. Mrs. ■sold. • School EquivalencyKoulvalenev Diplomanininm. „on to eonsoJIdatlon of the three ltd 76 persons copcU authorities, and in Febru­ nickname from the^nattonal bird Judy Moses, iisststanl Mrs. (red In the dlsor- ary the church suspended him —are more pertnisslve than What (loies Nolen Uiink of Uie In addition, efasses in Adult post, offtees. They .resent the ^ ‘ Joyce ^rglda. Meets In kin­ from priestly functions. Shortly ItMlr bigger, presumably more H e a v j ' bill's ()htu»ceH? "I'm not over­ Basic Education will be offer­ method by which the postal de- when a Negro dergarten, after Pike announced formation sophMlcsted Ausballah zislgh- confident about it," he said. ed for the second time. These pjintment Is going aboit trying woman ynia shot and wounde^ 3:16-4:16 p.m. Arts .and crafts. "of a new Christian group, the bors. Ite nMed Umt a meioure filed classes are open to anyone 16 to acoompllsh the project. a » poUn were breaking up an *Helen of Glazier's »uy«: Clay, ashtrays and animals, |k>- ax&o/mg race. Foundation (or Religious Tran­ Movies banned In Aurtralla <^1 w:th the last legislative session years of age or older, hqrtng Card Gome Winners W Braided Rugs tato prints, paints. Nursery iu»l sition, which he said was the an­ are regularty shown- A party of lliat would liave enabled per­ less thito an eighth grade Edu­ ’okce and 100 state troopers kindergarten. Eight In class. The Venum Senior Citliens swer for those "who have lost Australian (urtttos made a mpo- Jutt trait tee the hrighi teleclion of maternity tlrett-- son' to .‘oie elgirette mamifac- cation. These chuues are free Hartford used ^ear gas and Miss. Sue Krantz, assistant Miss Pinochle Group met yesterda hope In organized churches." dal fUght to Auckland to revlesr By Nfw England turers for Iveulth problems be­ of charge to Vernon residents at the* Lottie Fisk Build wholesale arreets to restore et for Fall. Crisp irith Hetigner detqU . ttontlvrful irearable fftb~ Anna Cyr. Meets In klnider- He and his wife left the church "The KUling ot Sister GeoaTe," lieved caused by imokl-'g was and also those of area toa-ns. - Henry Park, with 7.6 tabi cabn Tueeday night after an riet in fashion's preferred colors, Yttur friends trill entry your garten. -j— at the same time. a film on leshtsnten. v Craftsmen killed without ever leaving com-, ThU includes registration fees, play, outbreak of arson and rtioottog 3:16-4:16 p.m. Challenge to . The tSrlfa (xsitrol plU is said to ' smartness . . . you’ll enfoy the rom fort . . . and you’ll he the winner nilttee. ,, tuition fees and all books and Winners .were: Willlatfi 'Pratt in the predominantly Negro*and Random, M nltk^r (tomocracy. A social studies Sell proporUanstdy in grrater all through the ’waiting game.’ materlaU. tl9: ^phle B a g d o n y ^ ; Mr*. Puerto Rican North Ehvl sec­ •emtoar approach. (psychoI()gy, tion.' quantity here than 'anywhere And Set Pattern A counseling and testing serv- yincent Barrows, VU; Ann Mor- Your Place For ■I . sociology, history) to current 1 ^9 ^oHd Beauties \ \. else.. However. It la itetitoUd to ice iWll be available to students reU, 870 and Alh ««( again tomorrow at i-ia .(•JX-T”’,. Tbo Quality b Exeoi nnt! Galle ncs li gttte as others. Coose to the Mooebester Carpet Ceator \i \Nt m ' l l I. Prosecuttons tor abortton ^latofot^. Topics ^20o"Eo T.W ,r97rom7 I^J'pmv'TJxi^^t o'rJiS* to'^e^'*”^' have been lew. Divorce has SPECIAL for THUR&, FRL ud S«T. bate made easlar; the rlghte OFKN DAILY TO 6:99 — .THVRS.. FRL TO 9 t>JL SHOP ^11:1 1 H I. WE RinSRVK THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OCAMTITIEi aod psutedton of inarHed wotn- Ni \l t.» i tl(|.»' ^ WE ACCEPT f o o d STAMPS Sit SLAIN STREET — Oppooite the Stole Armory y.\i\ *' Kt I «> have been ealazged. . flome email fringe grenpm ^ B31 M A IN ST. / MANCHESTER. CO NN TELEPHONE .643-6348' extpenrieta have members who msy smoke inaftkisna. » t e r

V 7 s

PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. JL JiCHESTER. CX)NN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 -rff^ ■Vi MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 nors a dollar figure on the ^ im­ \ PAGE SEVENTEEN Hanai Radio Says PINTO Nixon Move pact of the planned cutback. An­ Consumer Woes: make top grades In school wltn- PINTO, People Interested other administration S{|urce said U.S. Sent^^ B52’s to ,^ssist out giving up her letter writing In Narcotics Treatment Or­ Ho^s Condition: Fcdls Stire Wrath jit was not poeeil^ po come iq> Debbie Attends and poetry. ganization Inc., is now opea^ '(Oontiiiiied from Pace One) with such a. .figure now, al­ Monday through Wednesday Debbie has collected 25 of her though estimates ranged tp f2 Some Inflation Hidden poems for publication including gathered in the streets des{dte na» Engaged by Stalin’s Comlnc evenings, 6:80 to 10, in the Of Governors III Battle I^ear Song Be BLACKY THE ANGUS SEZ: one about the Johns Hopkins op- the early hour to talk abotft the tem as an agent, he shuttled be­ bottom" floor of the Williams billion. This source said the plan First Day of School eraUon, "The SU'Best Men of neiwa. Tuesday North Viet­ tween China, Hong Kong and Building of St. Mary;s Epis­ ^Continued from^Page Onei could be altered before tt is an­ SAfGON (AP) Massive ulatlon that It may be a division teams reported sighting more nounced. f By AD SHAY most extensive—operaUon last My Llfe” :-la reference to the six nam’s independence day, and I'aaiiand. copal Church on. Park St. American B62 strikes today hit Held headquarters. than 100 enemy soldiers in three In peflated Packages For consistent saving on for the building of private dwell­ .Associated Press Writer Jime at Johna Hopkins Hospital physicians. the Japenese ag^ency said an in­ Ho returned to his homeland ^ An ex-addlct, a parent of a Arthur F. Bums, counsellor to North Vietnamese ha#-mng During the night more than 20 groups on the move 24 miles • By DAVID ROE CHATTAN(XKSA. Tenn. (A P ) In Baltimore. It was carried out said In part: all your meat needs ^ep dependence day program sched­ aiter the invaded In­ drug user, and a professional ings, which has suffered drasti­ the President and a key adviser s<,uth Vietnam f pounded the enemy camp southwest of. Da Nang. M a ^ 'e and honecl packaging Inform o- The Los Angeles Times — Deborah Pox, bom ISH years by six physicians In ^S^ hours. '•’This had been done tor me uled for Tuesday night was can­ dochina in World War H. 'There counselor are on hand to talk cally In the cycle of rising costs economic issues, contends with of artillery blasted them, Bofi w ill not reform the buying Western Beef Mart. Top ago virtually without a face. With brain, eye and plastic And I had been set free. celed wMiout explcuiation, ap­ he revived an old arjb-Chlnesc to anyone on an anonymous that the federal and federcdly provincial capital of Song bombs. Some strikes were only least 30 were reported killed. WASHINGTON __ Every many shc^pers. Quality meats at down and Interest rates. wont to school yesterday for the surgery, the doctors literally Of a fear I . had tor parently becatse of Ho's condi­ underground organization basis. The phone number is aided projects should be cut at fourth day. ■ three miles from the Cambodian bousewUe recognizes 'inf)afkm Ib e y point as proof to the many To this account, an adminis­ first tim e in her life. changed ■ the configuration ofyears to earth prices—sold the tion. 043-2800. * the same Ume. South Vietnamese casualties border. In rising grocery prices, and she ^^irlnklng package praeUce, known as the Viet Nam Doc Lap It took 37 operations and help Debbie’s skullbonea. Known as "Uncle Ho” to the 'Dong kUtih, or Vietmlnh,. to tration source added word that Bums was said to oppose ^®‘~® ®**?.***?g'. at least .30 a U.S. air cavalry battalion of Witness Reports 'm ay be somewtiat otmsoled that " ’’'*®** flouiiriied d e ^ t e the And for which I had shed service woy not pre> from a lot of people to get her They moved her eyea from many fears.” millions of Vietnamese who con­ tight the Ja|>anese. the cutback plan also Is intend-,j'trongly the delay uritil April 1 troopw killed, 138 wounded and 400 men which had reinforced Congress is trying to do some- ®- **“*** check of net pockoged. D'®*'*- . the sides to the center of her sidered him the father of Viet­ Ho was 79 on May 19, and hia 17 missing, as well as four the South Vietnamese Tuesday Motorcycle Theft thing about It. weight makes the manufactur- Debbie Is the youngest of four ed to dampen the pressure for hi withdrawal of federal aU Debbie said she was “very face and started rebuilding her namese independence, Ho Chi troops observed- his birthday on American Green Beret advisers was pulled out- today aiter an- But, says. Rep. Benjamin Crash Victims Identified children of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ Police Log sharp wage increases in the otate projects. He Three thieves in a Volks­ Irippy” to be In a class with oth- nose. ward J. Ftox. Minh was the son of an impov­ Vietnam’s battlegrounds. He other 400 strike force troops Roeeathal (D-N.T.), her siqier-mq>er- v** " Pr&nk McLaughlin, who wagen van pulled up alongside NORTH HA'VEN (AP)—Po­ er children at last. Further surgery is planned on erished minor government offi­ maxle one of his last recorded construetton Industry. This ‘'“’a “ r iS______iU T g^ ’X ___ up .^® resistance was so were flown in. But one battered market displays another brand shopper com- Debbie has said she would a motorcycle early this moni- plaints from around^ the coun­ lice have idmUfled the bodies Before today, Debbie’s educa- her nose and mouth after teats cial who was fired J?y the statements on July 19, telling ARRESTS source said if government pro- Pike's Peak, and tame^ately , more than 1000 battalion of the strike force also of inflation which Congress has like to work with handicapped ing, loaded the bike into the try, ruefully admits: ' of three persons killed In a fiery consisted of taking part In this fall at Baltimore. .Her ap- oh’lrtren when she grows up. In - SPECIALS - French for his anti-French atti­ North Vietnam's news agency Jects are sharply reduced, the rnade plans to fly back to San Q*"®®" Berets’ was pulled out, leaving 800 to so far Ignored: The shrinUng Judith Kayais of W. Middle van and drove off. 4^ .mo.vinn ts.o. telephone hookup, pearahee Is sUll not normal. tude. that Hanoi wa.s "sure to win to­ demand'for construction work- Clemente to argue agalnat any strike force of hired 1,000 South Vietnamese troops package. ‘"Ihere Just aren’t addition to her face, one of Deb- 'Tpke. was arrested on a w ar­ An unidenitified citizen wit­ ** t J J t te)Istered by three hours of prl- Stories about the operaUon ble’s hands and one of her legs tal victory” in the waf. ers will drop and their bargain- delay. tribesmen have been forced Into committed to the battle, many sharp consumers.’' THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Ho studied in Hue and Saigon, rant and charged ,wlth aban­ nessed the theft on Unitm PL A study ocmducted by the day morning on fog-shrouded In- vate tutoring.-each ,wgek at her brought Debbie a flood of mall, Is de'torined. then went to Europe at 19 as a ’The statement, 'made on the ing power in coming contraot Agnew had one nugget of good ''®“ ’®®*- 0*dy ®hc enemy soldiers Elsewhere— House Special Studies Suboom- donment of a spouse and co­ at 2 a.m. and reported it to po­ terete 91. , ^ ^ *'°“ ® Soddy, north of including gifts, from around the Her case first came to the at- cabin boy on a French steamer. 15th anniversary of the Geneva negotlaUons will be diminished. news for the governors. He said '^®'‘® 'J® ^' In the coastal lowlands south i^ttee, headed by RosenUial, habitation with another. Court lice. $625 Million Invested worId„ Her favorite gifts, she tentlon of Edward L. Fitch an His goal from that time on was agreements that partitioned the administration intends to re­ Th battle is taking' place in of Da Nang, U.S. troops attack- fcias turned 1 9 600 supermarket date Sept. 16. One governor likened the N ix­ According to pc^ce, James '^ ® ’ Now she’s an eighth grader in said, were a music box and a assistant superintendent In the and drugstore items whose BONELESS Vietnamese independence. Vietnam, called President Nix­ on plan to the temporary freeze commend retention of the feder­ heavy Jungle near the Cambo- ing with tanks and arinored per- Thlbldeau, of East'Hartford, had KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A and their son, Paul 6. The fam- a special education class at purse. County EducaUon Denartment al tax exemption on interest package contents decreased Studying for it, planning it, he on's decision to withdraw 25,000 Dennis Neumec, 23, of 116 of highway conrtructlon aid dlan border about 86 miles sonnel-carriers killed 22 enemy parked his 1965 ’M um t* ’1 ^ record 618 new industrial op'ra- Hy was from Red Bank, N.J. White Oak School. A spokesman Debbie, who has an I.Q. of when a C^iattanooga plastic sur- over the po^ tour years with- - t'cau and plant expaiKions -were worked In the kitchens of the U.S. troops a "trick ” and again Sycamore Dane, was arrested funds Imposed during the Lyn- from state and municipal bonds, northeast of Saigon. ‘ soldiers near Due Gho 106 phy" in front of Union PI. liie A second son, 11-year-old Da- for the Hamilton (tounty Depart- about 120 and is an amateur geon requested home schoollmt He said the administration Oarlton Hotel In London, met demanded the uncorxiltioial ye.-jterday and charged with don B. Johnson admlnlstratlmi'' The fighting was toUched off miles southeast of Da Nang, bike, which is black with green out an equivalent decrease In announced for, the Ttennecsee vid survived the smashup, but ment of EklucmUon said It would poet, has tried to answer all her for Debbie the leading Socialists of the withdrawal of all American and reckless driving, making unnec' as an inflation dampening step. will ask the Senate Finance Sunday when a battalion of H ie Americans suffered four' ’and white fenders and gas tank, P*'*®®' /alley.^^(egten .in 1968. These was listed More than half of ' - was listed In critical condition be a “ translUon room for Deb- mall. She said she has been cor- FUch sal dalmosl all the ooer- time in France, and met Lenin, allied troops. That drew strong protests from Committee to restore this bene- strike force trooyps uncovered an killed and six wounded, is valued at $1,000. the ttema projects represent .m estimated at Yale-Nety Haven Hospital. b’e to get her accustomed to a responding with several GIs In atlons h^e essary noise with a motor veh­ been paid for by Stalin and Trotsky in Moscow. Ho made his last reported icle, and failure to obey a stop the ..gDVemorB Lt, eliminated by the House enemy base camp, ^he South American air cavalrymen had no pice drop at all, ac-^ nveatment by industry of $626 Four other persons were also schcx>l situation.” Vietnam. "But this is worse,” said an Ways and Means Oommittee in cording to subcommittee staf­ ^charitable organizations or gov- PORK For more than 30 years of ex­ Vietnamese were surrounded probing the Jungles of the ene- public appear.gnce June 7 when s l^ . TTie arrest was made about Traffic Troubles hospitalized. Debbie had her 37th—and ” She hopes she can continue to emmental agehcles. unnamed Democratic governor. its tax reform bill. quickly, attacked from all sides my’s War Zone C, 65 miles fer Peter Baraah, ile he devoted himself to organ­ he received the credentials of an hour after Naumec was in-, ■VIENNA (AP) — A young !‘At least we knew when that Barash calls the abrinMng izing an underground'campaign Qommuntet China's new ambas­ volved-ln a two-car accident on The governors already have and forced to retreat. They have northwest of Saigon, rap into a man who tried to hit a police­ freeze was going to end.” He adopted a resolution urging con- been unable to move forward barrage of machine-gun and ri- package a m ajor Ipo{4x>le to the again^. French'rule In Indochl- sador, Wang Yu-Plng. Main St. at Oak St. In that ac­ man with his unlicensed sports said Agnew gave no Indication tinuance of the exemptlixi on since. _ ’ fjg Tuesday for the fourth Fair Packaging and Label­ cident, which (Kcurred at noon, car in a no-driving zone told a of a cutoff date on the reduc­ ing Act (FPLA), which became Naufoc’s oar was struck from state and local bond issues, lest Am erican intelligence officers successive day. In a 10-minute Judge he used the car in the tions planned by the Republican effective July 1 and la designed b^ilnd by a car driven by Craig they .prove difficult to sell and thought at first the camp was Jlght, 12 enemy and two Amerl- zone as there was less traffic. ROAST administration. to ’’obtain accurate informa- Newton, 18, of 187 Brookfield force higher Interest paym.ente the headquarters of an enemy cans were reported killed, He was sentenced to a suspend­ Agnew did riot give the gover- upon the stdtea, regiment. But now there Is spec- U.S,' Marine reconnaisis^ce tton as to (package) contents Teachers Defy Order BoUon. Newton was Issued ed seven-month prison term. and facilitate value com­ ___ __ a written warning for follow­ parisons” tor the shopper. ing too closely. Naumec will ap­ Rosenttaal is also concerned pear in court Sept. 16. To Report to Glasses about a shrinking oenunodity outside tha ttiopper’s domain, Hour BEST BUY 1$ lb ACX7IDENTS (Oonttnoed from Page One) -< one which he says ”in dOUhr Othmar Tyrrell, 72, of 88 volume dwarfa anything else.” 3 tracts. Students in' the 9,400-pu- ing the door open for further Overlook Dr., was charged with Hie Commerce Departnunt'a fail'ure to drive on the right pll system In Groton wore to contract discussion. American laanber Standards In Rhode Island, a tentative side of a highway or upgrade, Cammlttee has proposed new begin claSsee 'Hiursday. A School Oommittee and the following a minor two-car ac­ standards which would shrink spokesman for the Groton Edu­ teachers union so far have been cident at a construction site on H im PAY MORE ? the “two-by-itour,” 'which now cation Association, representing unable to agree on a new con­ W. Middle Tpke. near Haw­ measures 1% inches by 3% IB® UtlO P BBS lim k ! thorne yesterday at 3:30 nearly three-fourths of the city's tract, the union reiterated Ite Inches, down to IVi inches by policy of "no contract—no p.m. The other driver was Rich­ Inches. 489 teachers, said the 'vote was SHOP-RltE'S GOV’T. INSPECTED GRADE "A ” OVEN READY TURKEYS RIB ard Morin, 18, of 06. Glenwood work." The National Bureau of Stand­ unanimous. Teachers in Manchester, St. Court dale ■ for Tyrrell is Sept. 16. SWEET CALIFORNIA ards says the board known as The Groton Board of Educa­ N.H., wore to meet today to for­ a two-by-four has not ajctuailty tion this morning obtained mulate plans in. the wake of a Walter Haberem, 46, of 181 meeaured 2 inches by 4 inches temporary Injunctions against temporary restraining order is­ Bartlett' in finished form since the bur­ the teachers. sued Tuesday. Wells St., was charged with fail­ ure to drive In the proper lane, eau first established lumber Judge Joseph E. Klau In Su­ Mianchester’H "705 public ROAST following a two-car acxddent on Pears sttande!^ In the 1920s. The perior Court In set the. school teachers had threatened URKEYS Cut from First 4 RBm Only S. Main 81., at Charter Oak St., 'board got its name, apparenitly, penalty at tItOO a day per teach­ a work stoppage Dor today. yesterday at 7 ;.30 p.m. The driv­ because at one time it measured er. The teachers met with their Tuesday night the Board of er of the second (air was Wil­ TOM TURKEYS 2 inchee by 4 inches before cur­ attorney today to decide what M ayor and Aldermen unani­ liam Sheldon, 18, of 35 Meadow * ® ing and planning. to do In the lace of the Injunc­ mously approved Mayor John C. 2 29 ’The lumber industry supports Mongan's recomimendatlons as­ Lane. Court dale for Habererri- I lAiTlRNUS atCRAU A ' tions, which order them .to re­ Is Sept. 16. Plump Brood Breasted Up to 22 ll>s. the change, which would peimlt frain from striking or making signing representatives of 'five more boards to be cut from city departments to each school Pototo^s 5 9 * a concerted effort to refuse to the same tree. So does the Fed­ lib to insure the safety of the chil­ Frederick Byram, 68, of 26 fRIISTONI M S.O.A. COVfMPMNT GIAOiO CMOICf VOMMC STf« I render services. eral Housing Administration, dren. Hemlock St., was Issued a vvTlt- in New Doiulon a meeting be- which Is eagef to Increase the ilon warning yesterday for fiid- Peaches 29^ CUT »«cinT9ontAB.n-o tw ron teacher union representa­ School Superintendent Dr. ure to grant the right of way, lim ber supply tor Its construc- tives and school officials was William E. K elly . said School after his oar struck a car driv­ X. - ' tian pleats. S set for later today. Board members will supervise en by Donna ZIckwolf of Meri­ CUT FOe STEW I f buUders do make uP the BONELESS Wallingford teachers also do operation of the schools. Kelly' den on Spruce St., near Wells Steaks 10 to 13 per cent decrease in Invited pdrents to go into the Onions * not have a contract and were St., at 0 p.m. 2 9 Chuck of Beef wood volume the new standards Hchoolsr rativioNt naUAN “ meeting today to decide if they BEEF ^ would impose, aooording to Mat­ will go to work on schedule Superior Court Justice George Gloria Waite of Erust Hartford ^ S tfd k s thew Russo, building commis- R. Grant Jr. Tuesday restrained ^cUdiiiH that her dog dlslnu-icd Prunes 2 ^ 2 9 * DELMONICO Thursday. An arbitration heur- sioner of Hempstead, N.T., it V — ______^ Short Ribs ing on the contract dispute is the MEA from striking follow­ her, and that la- what cjiused ■ONE-iN ”wouId add some $400 to $600 scheduled fo^ Saturday. ing a vote to stay away from her drive her ear Into a util­ ClMch Steak to the cost of the average $30,- classes.. ity pole'to on W. Center St., near Norwalk's Board of Education y FnOZBNFOODS \ Skin Soup Meat 000 home.” Jmtlce Grant held the vote McKee, St., yjiifterday at 12:46 noM etaAa agreed Tuesday night to a con­ Clikkeii SHOP-RITE BONEUSS Present marketing pradtices, was "t- by state arbitrators. Teachers Pepperidge Farm Ow»*eredtes» Smoked Butts or not, add up to massive exm- shlro Supreme Court ruled In Thero„was n two-car ■accident were to vote on the proposal to­ Loyer Cokes INOCUT ramier confusion, which the new (mother Mimclvister case tluit yewtorday at 9 p.m. on W. Mid­ day and classes were to begin 'tabeUnfi act la supposed to re­ state law prohibits teacher dle Tpke., near Brood St. The Thursday. Pork Chops duce. Some progresB has al­ «lr;ikes. drivers wore Clinton Kollnor, West Haven, Seymour and A — ready been, m'ade In cutting The dispute centers on $000 50, of RockylUe, and Paul Danbury teachers voted Tiiostliiy ^am \ the proUferatton of paick- lopped off a proixwcd pay scale Cavagruteo, 17, of 78 Woodstock 6 9 <^ ^ A L L v a r ie t ie s SOUPS WHY PAY MORE’ WHY PAY MORE? ^ to ratify agreements and go to ^ ago sizes, moat nojably In tootti- lb by city officios. Dr. SUNSWEET pattes. Ftfty-seven sizes, ail work on sriiedulc. ^ALL FLA vu g s BIROSE VE Greenwich teachers ■voted 307- Great American Heinz Ketchup less than nine ounces, were be­ P Thoi'o was a, minor accident ing miariteted before the adt No Waste, You Con Eot Evo^ Ounc# 48 Tuesday to approve the mon­ (m .Main 81. near Wadswort^ Prune Juice etary portion of their contract, went Into effect; now there are Judge Delays yesterday at 9:50 p.m. Bdwum five. giving them lAartlng salaries of I’rososky, 51, of PermsyWruila, Pwddiai SO’ 5 m „ $ | o o 3 $ | o o 17,400 and a top figure of $15,010 cons 1 A Q < But, even after reduottons, (uul .lohn O’t'ormor^d:f, of 18 bfi. M there are atlU 66 stzee of oooktee for teachers with doctonU de- Exhumation Gdrnran PI. woiv^tlie drivers. SHOP-RITE CRAC FRENCH OR CUT ■eo«n Pak Clad and crackers, 16 sizes of break- BONELESS . grecs. In Brin* Ught Sh*fHDta Att Grinds " ' Among eommimltles where the tout cereals, and IS bIssb of In Drowning ^ISfPDAINTS Creca yf 9o. A A c SANDWICH peanut butter. opening day ot m-hool was 1’oUca^u.Hixvt a SAVARINdtt u. $ # 3 9 caught up In pay problems were TUNA 4'c^*f The new law's offset Is also (Continued from Page One) IretwSTn two Wlntcrr --St. thefts BAGS « i7o_ COFFEE Springfield, New Bedford, Wat­ WHY PAY MORI’ being blunted by lack of en­ hist night, lictween d l :S0 p,m. CICAMerCHUHK . Shep-lile forcement. The Food and Drug ertown and Braintree In Massa­ Miss Kopechne is buried^^ Del M»nt» Sliceii and 1:30.a.m. tw o i>icnlc benche.s" Orangey g^. orHALVBSf»Uew oi O A c out budget authoriaatfpn hla cash and some botUe-s of liquor atency cannot even formulate sors and directors beipnfrtng to COSO." 5 'c » 1 0 Com were taken after someone broke standards, as ''B7LA orders, the Springfield Education Asso­ But Uie Judge said Uuvl Dlnls Into Uio VFW Home o«i the E, WNVRATMOM) much leas enforce them wMh ciation scheduled a 7 a.m. vote must "sot foitli sufflcdont facts , 9 : ' 9 9 ® Middle Tpke. Monday night. J inspections and ixMirt-' proceed- on a contract proposal offered under Pennitylvanta law to war­ S«dft leeff rant" on autopsy. DAIR V DEPT. tags. AT PARTICIPATING STORES by the Sc-hobl C'onunitUH) Tues­ Ttieiv- was a broak luxl entry Thus BromlnsM adopted tlie ■ • r f c n Meanwhile the Federal Trade lb day nlglil. Details of the offer at tile <'(voi) on Apel PI. last complaint of the Kopechnes that Oommlasiai, responsible tor were withheld. night. P a i»rs wore . thrown Ktcm sAMOKrr. the Massachusetts prosecutor' most of FPLA’s packaging pro-, The principals and udmlnls- around various offices but noth­ must show ''the oircumatimces S«OP R T| vtotona, haa delayed the effec- tratom worked Tuesday but ing luis liiHSi t'(«ported missing. "ttve dkte tor tta enforcement there was sothf doubt they of death (has not beenl.-glearly eatabllshed" and that im autoi>- 12 Popsicles matMUm from July 1 to Sept. would work todky without a aat- Six windows at the near of sy avlll resolve "the itoubt luul 10. Kirk aaid the FTC pott- Isfactory agreement. lilt* Wi-st Sldt^ Rei'tootion C«m- pcsiement haa tied the bonds GROUNB GROUNB In New Bedford, Mayor Ed­ eusplclon s u r r o u it d 1 n g the, death." ,: ' ter (Ml Cedai* St., linvo been of state otdctals who would w ard. Harrington and School lirokeir by BB gun shots. Brominskl did not set (i. date oOieiwlse have begun thstr own Supt. James Hayden said class­ enforcement of FE’DA ^ lott es would open as ^planned de­ for a hearing on Ddnls' original petition, pending receipt of S H o e -n ri .month. spite a 155-61 vote Tuesday by Sooiil Stii^OfitH Proteut FTC attorney Earl 'Johnson th^ New Bedford Educators As­ amendnients required under his I 2 "^- ' order. ^ Cups said the delay was ordered to sociation to strike for a pay hike .... SKOttl, (API South Korean settle claims by manufaxsturera from $5,950 to $6,400. The asso­ • Thus, it.appenrod that, a hear­ students (xintlmuxl deiuonstru- IIOLD-paElB Of PORSl-ClIl that they did hot oome under ciation represents -about 460 of ing cannot be scheduled until tions toda^ (or the third day d,>- sometime next month. 8 9 « FPLA. Every manufacturer the city's 700 teachers. iKMineingyihe gvivemnient's con- who oomplalned was freed from Hayden noted that. a one-day Brominskl noteil that the de­ .stllutloryil anieiHiniont to allow scArooDAcrr tails of the aootdent have been oomiSiance, Johnson siid. The work stoppage by teachers last ITcsldyUt Cluing llo e ^ l’ark to resuR, he .estimated, w ill be a Ik year resulted In an Injunction "read and heard'" by millions M'ck (/ third tci'vr. and that Dlnls had sidveduled tm 60 per cent cut in the scope of ., forbidding strikes, and he adll(X> turned lliem Ixick, also fwoposed what most con­ ciation tabled the idea and de­ l«it thoix' wer\> (») sx-rkiiLs claail- sumer and' marteting experts In(m-w3ybotde& No deposit, NoretumYou cided to wait for a report Sept. ' I eonstder the definitive -solutlaa 25 from its negotiating: teapi. , Fatal Elwlrir Sfatwtk 4 - ■ Alxnil 'Jiki .students o f ' Seoul to peckhglng and labeling de- In Rhode aland, a tentative only come back i&r more. Pepsi is paying easy to> WESTERN QUITO, Ecuador (APJ—ti'^Jo- .N’.stlonal y n iv j^ t y arid 500 oeptkxu:'Unit 'pricing. agreement reached By the Prov­ seph Dozls. 27,- Ekust Hartford. from Korx-a University Staged Unit pricing Is a ooot-per- idence Schoid Committee and Corin._, rwelvod a fatal eltvtric brief .street aomotvstratiorLs fol­ ounoe figure wthefa the RoSen- the Providence T ew here Union get Thke advantage o f diel0*c^8ale:now! shock' la »l week- at the NASA lowing caminis rallhxi. Ihal-Neleoa bill would require averted a possible strike in that trucking attuUon at t’otoptuxl. SO At .StxHil National UniversZty's to tie printed on most cans, Be e city. mllea aouth of here. l.iw (xillegi' 40 stiKk-nts ixintin? bestea, and bottles. But in North Providence, the Offlciala aald Doila,^ on eniS luxl a hunger strike for the third Oonsianer watchdogs are esc- Teachers Union voted Tuesday PBHKOU ployo of Bendlx Corp., which day. ettad about unit p r k ^ and not to r e i»r t fbr.^ work today. operutee the atiUlun. was elec-, AbcHit 2(X) studt’ anu'iulmeni periment srill blunt the oom- mous but a spokesmen for the ’The body was to bi» returnM In Taejon, 80 mlUxt south of plalnls of critics and lobbyists. 11/TOLLAND TURNFIKi MANCHISm teoebera added they were keep­ to the United Statea tor bprjak Stxiul. Ih private,- however, they ooa- I'tor reset Cote Bemtng'Ce e» Meittere-l enngSeie. tee UfWer «aeei»«ti»n e t fveei ^ w C e . le t Nee Te»*. N V . Open Two., Wad.. Sat-.lM 0 — ’ k. F IL M ID cofia that even rnm|iiettilj cisar .■N, . \ \\ ■ ■ ' p a g e e ig h t e e n ^ ^^MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1909 V ■ > • . • { Columbia Section Tfto WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 Pages 19 to 36 Lake Unit Led BROAD BTRECT, ’ < H anrlffat^r EoTnittg By Qementino MANCHESTER Joseph Clementlno was elec­ Also; Promect Ave. and Kane BU, Manchester Bos Change ted president of the Columbia ' west Haiiiord ,! Hospital Notes Keeney School R ub No. 12 Negotiated Price Approved Lake Association at the gn^up’s |i • Open Daily M to M wlU stop at 628 WethereU annual meotlhg Thursday n l^ t GS between stops at 642 Weth­ ) y s M O ^ In the parish house of Columbia • Ample Free Parking ' ereU and 484 WethereU In­ By Referee for Rt. 6 Land ilatetiaedlate Con 8eml- Congregational Church. stead of 260 WethereU as • “ Charge It " With Your C.A.P. er pelvmto, noon-t pan., a a i 4 pjn. Town Counsel John Shea re­ 675 sum, were Atty. Shea for Others elected were Audre^r printed in yesterday's bus C.B.T. Master Charge Card 8 p.m.; private rooms, !• ajo.- ported today that Judge Abra­ the town ’ and Assistant Atty. Miller, vloe president; Nicholas routes. The last stop on the ham Borden has entered Judg­ Moseley, Joseph Ferrlgno, Les- - . ^ - S ,p jn ., an d '4 pjn.-S p.m. General Arnold Sparge for tiw PedkMric^i FareaitB alhnred morning run will be 260 ments in Hartford County Su­ Mate. tw Shea and Raymond Ladd, WethereU as indicated. perior Court, granting the Town emcutivc board members. aay ttme" except noon-S p.m .; Under the agreement and the Send Them Back to School of Manchester $616,676 for Its Roy Ferguson, outgoing pres­ ottere, S p.m.-8 pju. kidgcmenU, the state is paying Self Service: If a-m.-Z p.m., 22K S t Jamea S t; Mrs. Made­ land taken by the state for the $300,900 for 90.64 acres of wa-v ident. is also a member of the now R t 6. executive committee. 4 p.m.-8 p.m. - line G. Messier, 14 Clearvlew tershed land In the Camp Me.eit- The membership voted to in Style and Comfort and , hitenatve Care and Ooronary Terr.; Walter Matkof, 22 Case The sum is $261,500 more than Ing .Rd. area; $300,000 for *1.1 give $50 to the Coiumbia Vol­ Care: Immediate family only, Dr.; Rldmrd B. MaasengiU, 78 the $366,176 originally offered acres In the Mt. Nebo . Charter unteer Fire Department and the aayttme, Umlted to five min- Maple St., Vernon; Mrs. lla ry f by the state. In 1068. Oak Field are®.; and $6,77B tor Columbia Recreation Council. See How Much You Save King's! ntea. N. Lonergau, Itariborougfa; The approved price was nego­ a small parcel off S. Main St., They voted to give $100 to Maternl^: Fafliera, l l a.m.- Mrs. Gertrude M. Lausier, 2660 tiated by Atty. Shea and. by rep- psirchased b y ' the town In 1968 study the fish problem in the U:48 p.m., and 4:M p.m.-8 EtUingtem Rd., Wapping; Mrs. resentatlvee of the state attor­ from the Hartford EHeotric lake. , . ‘ iLm ,; othem, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and Florence B. Jackman, 182 ney general's office. Light Co. To Install Light’ 9 M pim.-8 p.m. Maple S t; Bugene Gunrien, M7 When the town turned down The state’s first offer had A flashing overhead light A g e Um tta: 1« In maternity, Spring St the original offer, the state In- been $209,900 tor the Camp will be installed at the Inter­ U P in ottier areas, no limit in Also, Karen B. Goldstein, 218 stituated condemnation proceed­ Meeting Rd. area, $143,600 tor aelf-oeevloe. section of R t 66, Hennequln Mountain Rd.; John S. GUI. 146 ings and Judge Borden, a re­ the Mt. Nebo-Charter Oak area, Rd. and Pine St. Selectman High St, RockvlUe; BmU tired justice of the State Su­ and $1,775 tor U»e 8. Main St. George B; ' Peters .said Thurs­ The administration reminds Gericfa, 8 Progress Ave., Rock- preme Court, was named area. visitors that-witli construction day night. viUe; Reginald Eaiswxnrth, L.aka referee In the case. The $366,- Mayor Nathan AgostineHl / Peters has been Instrumental V B ie r way, paridng space is' Rd/, Box 117A, Coventry; Mrs. 176 covering the original offer said today that he will reco­ ^In securing the light at an In­ Umlted. VlaitwB are asked to , Helen Doner, 40 Church St.; was paid tb the town, ns re­ mend that A mnjor portion o* tersection which has been the- bear with the hospital while the Mra. Letu L. Crockett, Hebron quired by state statute. those funds from the sale wWch scene of numerous accidents. poridng problem eriste, Rd,, Briton; Walter B. Critmi, The negotiated price, certifi­ go Into the General Elmd be set Quorum Lacks ’’ Warehouse Point; George P. ed by Judge Borden, was ap­ aside for a new rec buUdii«. For the second month, the Pattenta l^klay: MS Cburtlla, 82 Fbxcroft Dr.; Rob­ proved by the Manchester. He sold that Manchester’s ^liimbla-Hebron-Andover Pub­ ert M. Carr, Rhodes Rd., RED Board of Directors on Aug. 6 three recreation bultdlngv are lic Health Nursing Agency ADMITTEiD 'YESTEIRDAT: 1, ToUand; Leroy K. C ara, 84 and has been approved l^' all outiiHried and that a suitable Board of Directors was pre­ John O. Wmrks, 88 Hril S t; MZa. 'Butler Rd.; Mrs. Blvera K. . state agencies involved., location, posstbty In the Globe vented in taking any official Irene W. Walker, RED 5, Box Braxltls, Swamp Rd.,’’ Coven­ Ap^arlng before Judge Bor­ HijUow tract, shouM be desig­ action due to the lack of a Moimtain Dr., Venum; Jay II. try; Mrs. Marie D. Bois- den, and stiputatlng that Judg- nated tor • a modem recreation quorum for Its monthly sched­ •Waltt, 14 Spruce Lane, Wap- soneault, 843 Main St.; William nwnts be entered for the $616,- center. uled meeting: . The beard, has ping; William F. Taggart, 80 L. Barrows, 36 Concord Rd. eighteen members, however S. Adams S t; Mra. Mary B. BIRTHS YBSTBIRDAT: A only eight were present ^ r Its Stevenaon, Hardy Rd., He­ daughter to Hr. and Mrs. EY«d Thtirsday night mooting. bron; John Satiaon, 85 Hamlin Owen, 16 Laurel PI.; a son to Three Ask What Happened . It was pointed out that St.; Barbara C. Sankey, 484 Mr. and Mrs. Daidd Dreselly, laek of a quorum was partly Summit Stf; Mrs. Anna C. Roae, Tunxls Trail, RED 2, Bolton. due to the shortage of mem­ 28 Ib n y Lane,. RED 8, 'rRock- To Weed^KilUng Program viUe; Mrs. Mary B'. HogowsU, bers because of two resigna­ DISCHARGBD YBSTEUtDAY: Two years ago, a woed-klU- the parking lot after 1 a.m. tions fipm Columbia and' two 308 CoIiHiial Rd., Bbtton; Mrs. Mrs. Doris Clark, Bast Hart­ kig program for town ridowriks And a town resident submitt­ Andover^ absences for health Bvelyn M. Rialey, Storn; Mrs. ford; Susan Adams, 134 W. and curbs was instituted-by Di­ ed several recommendaUrisi for reasons. Charlotte F. P^ka, 72 Doane Middle Tpke.; BUzabeth Robin­ Registration Line at MCC rector of I>ubllc Works WUllam at Improving the traffic flow at the Mrs. Howard Stanley of Andi- son, .7 Olcott D r .; Laurence D. O’NeHI. n drew oonslderoble ('enter. Hts suggesUotis, which Also, Robert J. Petereon, 47 “They also serve who pnly stand and wait.” Fortu­ over is convalescing at home Lane, 70 Oxford St.; Mrs. Mar­ have been ftt*other times this sumiper. Over a favorable comment. In town and Include {lavement m arkli^. after a lengthy stay in Wind- Lyneas St.; Loula M. Penning­ garet M. Morris, 68 Crestwood nately for this group of prosp^|^e Manchester three-day jieriod, about 900 admitteti degree stu­ In the Mate and was the sub­ are being relayed to PoNcs ton, 40 Elmily DT.,' RockvlUe; . ham Hospital and Mrs. William Dr.; 'Mark B. SmoUn, Mt, Ver­ Community Collegre students in linregister last ject of on article by O’NelU last, thief James Reardon.^ ' Peter T. Pagan!, Neill Rd., dents registered at the Hartford I{d. campus build-- Kbwialski also from Andover, la Jr Petites Acetate Jersey non Dr., RockvlUe; David Cain, week, the heat and humidity were not what they ing. (Herald photo by Silver) year In Die. American tHty confined to the hospital because Rockrille; Eldward C. New­ RED 4. Box 64G, Coventry; ~ Mognsine, dlatributed coaM-to- txxiat. of a back injury. comb, ^Glastonbury; Mrs. Robert Edwards, Laurel Manor W inther Works night, $0,200 went for the pur­ Reserve Fund, to pay tor n- Mrs. Walter Drew has .sub­ Denise Nan!we,^Twin HIU Dr., Convalescent Home; Mcs. Mari­ Yesterday at a Iksird of Dt- Coventry; Diane>Myer8, South chase of a parcel bordering righl-of-way tor the Lydoll mitted her resignation because on T. Buckler, 47 Holt St.; Mrs. Board Okays rcctofa comment seaslon. man- In Bunk Exhibit “Body Buggers” Windsor; Mrs. Anna D, Murphy, Union Posid, and $40,000 tor the Brook trunk-acwor, which will she and her family tre mrvU’g Lula C. Ballard, 111 Birch Hill I Fire Calk |neil by Mayor Nathan Agostl- An sxhibit of pastel and Ink added costs of Nathan, Hale connect with the Northi'ost Sew­ to Wethersfield. Mrs. Walter A false alarm was telephoned nelll. thrt-e Manchenter resi­ {lortralts by Mrs. Peggy Win­ Dr., Wapping; Mrs. Genevieve Seven Funds School heating Improvements. er Interceptor. Deptula Is the second memlber: to fire headquarters yesterday dents wanted to know why the ther of Somers Rd., Ellington, Oderman, 504 Parker St.; Paul Other additional appropria­ On . a recommendation by who has recently resigned. Slinky, shiny wet-look jersey that clings close at 2:30 p.m. The caller anld I'rognim wa» abandoned after will be on display until Sept. E. -Bramande, Charest ’Trailer The Manchester Board of Di­ tions to the General Fund voted Town Counsel John Shea^ the 1967 The Thursday night meeting there was a fire on Lilac Bt. 26 nt the Cunnecllcut .Bank and to youl The long-sleeved shift with fringed sash Park,' Vernon. > rectors last night, with Uttie last nlgtst, all after public hear­ board approved a $1,440 claim established a finance com­ "Yesterday at 6:08 p.m. flre- Tliey c lliree Mrs. Joyce N. Peterson and p ro v e m ^ Reserve Fund, to be $48,483 for a reading and arilh- Damage was minor. sociation and the Tolland Coun­ Much Unto was spent discus­ About Town rrsIdiMilB that - lie wiaild refer EDUCATION daughter, 85 Faiirfield St. flnoticed by'an Increase in an- metic remedial program tor ap- their coi|i|ilalnUi Ui O’Neill for ty Art Assoclstlon. Her works sing a prospective brochure with The Ladles Guild of the As­ ticlpated revenue from state ed- proxlmately 160 children, an exphinnHon. . of nrt have won prUeia In Mrs. Phyllss Jones, nursing sumption will hold on executive Old Cairn BEYOND ucational gran&. "To the Police Departriiem WREXHAM. Wales (A P I — A resident Of live Plne-Rldge several exhibits. supervisor, milking suggestions meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. In W h ^ the Board of Directors $9,000 tor special Servicca In Prih-e liave been Informed of a - fop its contents ami an iip- HIGH SCHOOL? the Ubrary of the Assumption Sts. area ccnvplaliwid of a de­ adapted the 1969-70 budget last conjunction with special duty at heard of 88 silver coins dating pression In the road at that tn- p n ^ ^ t e sketch for the cover. Junior High Scliool. All oom- B«aX Odd* May. Iit'x anticipated that the construction sites, to be fi- from the relgru of Richard I In teraectiun Hs said that hte Another Huggestlori which w II ^Industry needs ^ FREE mittee chairmen are asked to WlOOlNS. Orio. (A F ) — A General Assembly would author- nianced by equal contributions the l2Ui century and Henry 111 house shakes every time a truck be given more consideration is qualified technicians CABIN SntE be present. Guernsey milk oow on on esri- J IN MAINE ize educaticnal grants calculat- by the contractors of the con- In the IJlh century. They said hits the depresskin. erh (tolonKlo larm bsiU the addition ,of a corresponding ted at $190 per pupil. The As- "trucUon Jobe, and $7,000 for a la rn a certificatB or the coins were found in 1921 by A repeat comiilaUU was from (sida by giving btrtti to trtplets, secretary to the official list. An annual $12.50 fee permits sembly adopted leijslation based computerized accident rocord- VFW Auxiliary will liold ii a boy who did not recognise ah Associate Degree in: you to camp, hunt, fish and spaghetti s u i^ r EYlday from a neighbor of the Dess Katun a bull and two heifers. A vsterl- K was decided, to call a on grants of $200 per piqdl. keeping system, to be financed their .value, pul awhy In a cup- • ELECTRONICS {day In our woocUand and 6 to 8 p.m. at the post tionu*. Ikiiighmit Hhop Hr taimplnln- nnrtan said ths ottonoss ag Mple special meeting Sept ll In order Hencfl„^-the Increase 'hi antici­ by a federal grant. IsMinl and not re-examined until ed of nuisance noises and ac­ to complete, plana for live an­ • INSTRUMENTATION wildUfe reserve. A deed la Dekets may be purchased at Mrttus among csitie are ons In granted ‘'EBffiB” in ex­ pated rovmue. Other allocations ' approved recently tions by youths congregating on almost 107,000 births. nual meeting on Sep 26. • COMPUTERS By kddliig $92,000 to the Oapl- last night are: $2,900 from tile the door. • AUTOMATION change. for building. Build WImlN Isiw for Race ‘'yDunetf" or buy a cabin tal Improvement Reserve Fund, Water Departihent Reserve The Columbia Ijikc Sailing a / from us. We’H construct a the directors wiped out a $24,- Fund, to pay the exists over o«- South United BIHtiodliit Club’s first regatta races of tlie To enroll in September, cabin tor you or permit you 712 overdraw In the fund, and ’ t^toates for a water main In W. Church Council of Ministries call, writa or visit todsy: I^ibor Day weekemi were run to build. We desire portlotis left $67,288 available for netw Middle Tpke.. from Deerfield will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Sunday In low winds. of this land to be developed Dr. to Adams St.;- $600; lUao at the SuHanvih Wesley Hall. University of Hartford allocations.. This year, one-man siillflsh, for the purpose of increaaing And, later in last night’s from tlje Water Department ike- the value of additional land sunfish and scorpion class boats Mens Dr«ss : meeting, they voted a total of serve F ^ d , to pay the (uklUion- Hast Central Council of (Jar- WARD holdings. Dtose Interested , have replaced the larger, more $49,200 In new allocations, re­ at cost of y i water main ex­ den Clubs executive board will CUSTOM KITCHEN CENTER cxpimslve lightening and comet write: Ekhmmd G. Bums. P u 1 length TECHNICAL ducing the Capital Improvement tension in Fern St.; and $2,- meet Monday at l p.m. al boats on the lake. N4«TH. AMBBICAN Reserve Fund to a now balance Sewer Department Mott’s. - , 385 C IN T IR ST. MANCHRSTM zipper, ^ ^ ree ^ A P E B OO. P H O N I 449.7544 ^ From is to 21 boats have been Bell Bottoms INSITTUTE of $18,08|, with 10 months of entereii wich week in the three pockets. BlQe/ Box N 315 Hudson Si„ Hartford. Conn. the new fiscal year still to go. smaller classes, while Uie Angoata, Blaine. teal; g re e i , Tel. 246-7431 Of the $48,2(X) aUocaited lost larger boats, which had’ never yellow; olive/^ THURSDAY. SEPT. 4 been representeii by- more than grreen. Sizes 3 12 entries In |mst years, fotmd 99 to 14. (N o t their number riHluceil by bne- hiilf. 'exactly as In the suilfish-8unfi.Hh-scorpton shown.) "clnss, first race winners Sunday GRAND OPENING Drsti slacks in royon-ocstats blsndi with now 19* were: First John Catalano; sec­ A COMPLETE KITCHEN RBMODaiNO SMVICB ond, Jim j ’reUBs and third, wide ball boltomi. Smart itripst in gray and block. George Hubbard; In the second Waiit lizst 28 to 36,..inMam length* 29 to 32. NEW LOCATION . TO SERVE GREATER MANCHESTM race they were first, Martha Turek; second, Stanley Luques and tlilnl, .Ilm Preuss. IJghtenlngs; First race, Henry Beck, first; Phil Hopper, OF ' .. si'coirf; Paul Merrick, third and Ill" ’ 1 In the 8»-cond race: Hopper, .first; Herrick, second atsl Cor' neliiis Conklin, tlilrd. Comets raq' only once, with \ * Mike Catalano, first^ Ijorry . Hutchins, second and . Henry Beck, third. "niere was not sufficient wind for the novice gitnip Saturday, GIRLS' BACK TO SCHOOL They raced at Mondoy tp WERNE r s : ’ ■ - finish! their regatta, " ^1 ,V*T fe, S '' Hie senior- grou|)s also raced . ____...a lU-fc. Monday nt 11:30 a.m. to wind ..J up thefr setusin. LITTLE MUSIC SHOPPE Mrs. Etieon Williams will bi> teaching si-coml grade at Uie •17W I- Horace Porter School this yinir, replacing Miss Sue Ann Blouses 2 .9 9 Skirts 3 .9 9 W h d r* the catch? There Isn't any- The ’'annual meeting of (lu* 953 M AIN STREET ABOVE HOUSE 4 HALE Street* Burial tlraund As- Tailored shirts in crisp cotton blends . . . ruffles, hi-boy collars, $1799 is the suggeited’relall price at the port ■— o f entry for they W ledon. soi'liitlon will Ih- held, Saturday French cuffs. Bonded acrj'lic plaids and solid color skirts .. . pleat­ nt 8 p.m. nt the liome of th«> ed' and swing styles. Sizes 7 to 14. The price includes the Federol excise lax .and preuldent, Marshall ,Nuhfer. import duty. It olso includes the built-in hepier/defrotijir, Miuu^M'ster Evening Herald, windshield washer, electric wintfshieid wipers, Coltuiibiu isuresisKidenl" tleni- FALL OPENING outside rearview mirror, padded dash, front seat poruT)') Siiwin Ciiriwui lei. 228- heodresis, and seal beltf front and bock. 9221. Free Fine Lln^ - Monday,'September 8th^ N o t to mention the new electric rear-window d efo gger ond the n e w ignilipn^steering lock. Yugoslaviaii PriiicPHs Mlttet Skinny Rib Flair Marker ' U " '■ (W hen the key.h removed, the steering wheel is To.W ed Ikiudoii Banker Mens Permanent Press Pkg Typewriter locked in ploceJ^ __C, ■ ' It's the price o f the reol thing, not a stripped* IXINDON- (A I'i ■ Prinees w IHi m <8 U -Bleck Siip ou s down economy model. Elizabeth of Yugo-slavla an- Paper nouncixi today she would miuTy PAPERMATE W h o! else^do you hove to poy? KITCHEN GABINITS • SmJAilQES Neil R. Balfour,,a Ixmdun bank- Bress Shirts,^ The charge for fransporli/M the cor '(rofn the , port.of entryj The dealer delivery charge.. , er, this momh. A' AfocM ne ^ 5 8 •Pen f6r MICA COUNTERS 1 • n N A N c m o '' The 32-yeur-old daughter of Fashion WathabI* V INCLUDING ALL INSTRUCTION METHOD BOOKS FOR local soles lax. ' y Paul of Yugoslavia wir 8 8 - ' i VOICE. ORGAN. PIANO AND ALL OTHER INSTRUMENTS \ There is one optionol Ihot Mokes o lot ot sense. recently divoi'ced from New Colors! The outomoiic stick shift. (It eliminaiet the Ciuich loot* turbo ocryik'*lip-on twootef whb button trim CUSTOM OESiONINQ • INHALUTION York dress munufactuivr How­ CLEARANCE SALE 6 n PIANO. VOCAL. GUITAR 4 ACCORDIAN pedolJ down the front. White, purple, novy, brown, beny, 77c ard Oxenburg, by wliom slie has P«rmqn*nt pr«ii Dacron'polyeilei^cotton. Non-wilt BOOKS ^ 50% - 75% OFF — SEPT. 8 -13. W ell, that’s if. two children. gold.Sitee34le40. ’ fer.bolh P tn ESTIMATES collar*, Fr«nch cuff*. OMptono* of bluo, brot*, bro'ivn 8-WEEK REFRESHER COURSE IN MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS 4 Xlniesi, of course, you count the cost of gos and- Oxeilburg was married re­ -ind grton. 14M to 17, i Imvoi 32 to 33. oil ii tokes you to get here in your present cor. r' ' ■ cently to Maureen McCliiskey APPRECIATION — TUESDAY EVENINGS ‘ j daughter of New York interior , OPEN FROM I P.M. to 5 P.M. DAILY designer Ellen Ijehmiin Me TED TRUDON,'lnc. Co/ne In and Sdd Our Showroom Cluskey. . : THURSDAY till 9 " ToOaind 'Tpke. — TMcottvillc ' ■ / -X.


; ■ WE CARE I- I popular / A&P ATTACKS POT l i Plus Valuable TOP VALUE STAMPSI X / INFLATION... POPULAR i BAYER^ iSK SAVE MORE ROAST ASPIRI J 4 'M'W.v: ■ *;•/< “Supet-RIglil*’ Beef / ' WITH A&P , Botfl« CALIFORNIA f ’HWAvu f d n illy . € > f % LOW PRICES CUT K)0 H i I m i Clivcli Bene*lR fCXMMWl» -.1 1 '■■■■

X New by TONI POPULAR FRESH BRISKET "Saper-R ghr Qaality "V A i ^ BONELESS BEEF CUTS # 7 SCAHEI U S. Govt •r^-4P i.,-t.- COPFi 1 4 SHORT CUT FROM st RIBS ONLY per- Inspected OVEN hl " SrOKSM H \ Ribs off Beef READY PERU -•f-: f i a t ' s BONELESS—CUT FROM CHUCK Chuck California Rib M ■ .>;X5'5 CROSS Shoulder Chuck Fillet i Beef Roast RIB BONE IN CHUCK BONE IN; BONE IN Boneless Chuck | BONELESS *'Super-Rlght“ Short Ribs BEEF X ' RIBS BONE-IM Beef Fianken * • lb. 59; 89;i99; 99; 99; BONELESS H U c n a | - ”Sup.r.Righf Qu.lity \ r ia f f e B o o t BONE IN 49 c StewirigBeef Cub.> or Strip! F JTi^ UPTON Swordfish Steaks 89* ALL VARIETIES 2 Pack 4 8 0 Z . O A l T enaer & F lovorM Boxes c a n t ^ ^ S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 4 IS h y p a y m o b e Hi-C Fruit Drinks BOHEUSS WISHBONE ITALIAN 4* OFF LABEL 3 ^ ■ -iiT -r . SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. bottle Crisco Shortening WHITE and ASST. COLORS A tolAVIIMmuNATURAL APPETIZER muaeaiwi— BATHROOM roll TISSUES pack Welch's Tomato Juice 3 89‘ DOVELETTES 4 . /V a. /\ /\ >v > 4 KEEPERS CAMPBELL SOUP OCEAN SPRAT CHICKEN lO'/i oz.. NOODLE esa LUNCH BAGS i MONTE SALE! X. 2 39 With MUSHROOMS • ■ • . - J i u u . a e . HANOVER A|P BRAKD fresh m tt IV Pur. l/j gal. TemoteSaucu '* T S ° ~ * r Slicud Vtilow Cliiig______, l b . 40 oz. Gr^ge Juice Pesteuriied bof. Slicud aeutf, or Currulir Noe A Carrolt er M lied Vogt*. CLOROX BLEACH cans SSERVEerve cold COLD «rsr heat HEAT a A serve SI —12 « . eah CLEANS galloa ^ A C PORK and BEANS f YOUR ; OEOIORiZES jia itic Spam luncheon Meat 52 „ _ _ _ _ # linTfSy| 8 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES FOR EVERYDAY SAVINGS! UNDERWOOD IRAND - — ^ ICHOICE! CEHTER CUTS rout *«0I« ! f o r b a r b e c u e KeUen* HunlRli $ 1 Heiuhey OO ROUNDS 2 l e - ^ 4 2 ^ GampbeU-u . lOV.-oi. Deviled Ham 43< ^ 8 CHOCOLATE SYRUP cam ______^ CALO DOG FOOD Chuck Steaks Neblaoo. CHICKEN- * RICE SOl’pO TT^ BREEN BIANT Peter Pan CXWKniS, 8 \eriettM ■ / ' FOR YOUR ISVioz.' L ^ I PEANUT BUTTER 1 .:^ *1.19 6 95* Up Top Sweet Peas 4 89' PET aaok Maxwell House. Chase ft Sanborn. esR 1 4 * fnlif Chuck Roost to. ROSfANT BTE 2 9 t SANDWICH BAGS Box of 80 Mill*. Beech Nut . ^ . BO Count Refill COFFEK 1-Ib.<»n69^ Y E U O W RIPE _ BARTUTT DIXIE cure 4^2 plc*».^lpkfu. 01^ I PEANUTPEANl BUTTER t 9 9 ^ Franco American » 15^-oz: S2 JP *" A C ^ Ctonmtlon BoL• «r SPAGHETTIOS / O cans'mn«’cans * 1 INFLATION FJOHTEE! London Broil ” oo*,^ STRAWBERRY PimEBVBS Jar 4 5 ^ INSTANT BREAKFAST 8^ ^ 7 9 ^ 4 ' * 1 OontadlnaOontndlna ^ . M l SHROO.MS / ‘ ^ c n a . CampbeU’e a lOy^-oz. C« Gem' / ^ * BANANAS TOHATO SAUCE ■ VF- TOMATO SOtrP W nan« ^ 1 COnKrvn nn „ . ^|^aO PEARS / GaL can 1 DoisY — ------LI cli^orl COLU CUTS [NEPCO^e^iSx T 0 <-- P R O D U C E / OUR GOOD EATING DEEP PURPLE / 10 59 "X MM PARKKR aAii IOTN B TTKRMKK R ED A P P L E S 8 VALUABLE COUPON ^ CO\.OH\U. B O L T O N A . J- 3,b. 49» PRUNE PLUMS_ EmkbadBrMMl 4 ul 89* TA|s Bm r m M f t Twraris Tie '■ v‘* n e w CROP ■' ^ . . Ileam . .i. TOl Uverwursl X 'NATIVE---^- ' ■: M M li pkg. 4Be H 9 ; NieAese ef HYGEADESUCEP. ■ W A t ONIONS English Muff inis 27* ;/ 3 ,a 3 9 t ^ t o m a t o e s 6Ji 1 CLEARFIELD AMERICAN ^ ^ AM fM B ~ l4h. Jar Maxwell House co.,for. Sept.Saw- A, l ****9g» VALUAeLC C^OUPON 1 . I I , *• VALUAeLC COUPON Prim uffectivu thru Sot., Supt. 6th, 1969 in Hilt Community and Vicinity. Wo roMrv* tho right to limit quantitioz. j ■HaaBBeamMaHBIMa^^M^BH^^RBBI VALUASLE cog FOI POPULAR MARKETS POPULAR MARKETS FROZEN 3-B POPULAR AAARKETS BETTY CROCKER LAYER Ivory ,$iow Dntt Advaieed All ' C a l l Berbsft GORTON’S Concentrated ALL HEINZ Plain Of Meat , Ivory Flakes Botfs 3 ib..i 01. wiHi CAKE M IXES FOR WASHING FINE FAIRICS FOR washing ia iy clothes C e tM i'M t LaHNdry Deterreat l a N i d r y DfttrgMt Baby Foods Applosaacf Gi'ant Box is p A G H E n i s a u c e I «• FISH STICKS Hii* I O ISHox. O f J iio i.f7 * 13 o L ^ yo lla c « 7 e STRAINED JUNIOR !xs;^ - - < - coupog 15H oz. lot pig • • r79* NEWTON ACRES 59 J boxes bar • • 6*t“-65‘ 6”tr93* 4 ' I ? 9 3 * . 3 20 01 Good thru Sat. 6,1969 w T* coupon Puof-Cut Corn-Puot & Carrots poly bogs Good thru Sot. Soft. 6.1969 ;-'.i \ Green Beans - \ ffl!» t . Limit On'u Pur Customer gnu Pet Cuitoiabr A*»t. Layer Cakes V Pepperidge Porms 69< :.v A •V MANCHESTER SOUTH WINDSOR 7tS MIDDLE TURNPIKE. EAST ' . ' ■ *s TOLLAND TURNPIKB— NEXT TO CALDOR SULLIVAN AVENUE SHOPPING CENTER y make summer ttuin ’ easier. 9 . :/ V to ** V.

■\- |v - "f

■ • ■ ■A'-;. ■ "■ - . ■ ■r’ - PAGE' IWENTY-TWO V. ■■■. A ■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ _ ■ - ...X. MANCHESTER EVENING HERA^. MANCHESTER. CX)NH^ WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1969 - X" MANCHESTER ETVENING HERALD. MANCTTESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1969 altered the log'oung peo­ get actually must rise after ple, it i.s nlway.s good to hear Vietnam. that organization.^ such, as the In a ll the debate over natkn>- Boy S-pe al prioriUes, one element, 1m s groups, are still attracting and been notably absent, however: helping yoiitig.-ders. ^ independent expertise in the A new set of ai.x .atnmp.s by the nuts and bolts of budget alter­ Republic of Guinea honors t)w natives. I'loneerM of Guinea luid their ef­ bn Capitol H6U1, where ques­ forts. to. mold a better life for tioning of military spending In boy*. recent months has generate, Five of the .stamps .show uc- unprecedented heat, a cadre of tlvttios of the boy.s making a analysts is rising among legis­ camp-sito. playing .biLskctbjill. lative aides. Defense has its ex­ marching -in a parade, bo>-s r*'- perts. So does its own master, eelvlng 'award.s ami a Pioneer and nene can claim disinterest. boy in front of his tent. The . The Brookings IiMtitutlon has .sIxUi .stamp ilepiets In brilUanl created a defense analysis staff color the' emblem of the Pto- in qn attempt to fill the void. mwrs and their motto- "We an- 1/ The "staff” at the moment la tlw children of today. tl»e hopes HAWAnAN of tomorrow'■ one man—Professor William W. c o o ia E s Kaufmann, on a year's leave of absence from the Maas- B A R B A ^ DEE . Tl\e l-smiamv of th.' tt.,8 com- achuseUs InsUtute of teclmol- P U N C H inemonvUve airmail stjimp Iton- ogy (M IT )—but within a year- orlng the achievemriU of Apol|o II Is the .sixtlj by the Poet Office it is expected to grow to tour ■lif« French Apple or five. ♦lAWAIlAN IVimrtmenl aince in6<) n'oognlz- ■ Modest in oomperison with a Chocolote Chip • RED lug the M|Miee program "thing-tank" operation like the PUNCH TiH> Initial adhesive IralKxl 1200-member Rand Corporation Assorted F.eho I, the world's first staff (on which Kaufmann Danish Creams • GRAPE ixmimimlcatioiM mdelltte. it was served 199«-61) or even the staff a 4-een( commemorative of 26 at London’s Institute of Iced Cocoanut Ttu' next the Prtrjecl Mercu- Strategic Studies. Brookings'' • ORANGE ry Btamiw of 1962 lionoresl the IXAS nevertheless will provide first orbital nigltl of n U..S as the United States with its first j troimut. John Glenn. private review o f defense The father of inmtern rocke­ spending. try, nr FlotH-rt H. Gixklurd. was |x>rtra>‘'ed on an «:eent com­ "There is not a 'BrookingB r preferred’ defense posture or memorative uirmnll stamp In I I 1964, budget." .Kaufmann was quick to explain. First Tills was followed by Ihe Twin First J?8|mee slamiw in 1967, which ib-. ’"Ihe business is not to sec­ A ond-guess the administration— KRUNCH BARS - plcteit ttie space w«ilk of I’ rujeci BONELESS Gemini Krrenlly a stanip tril)* I think that’s crazy-but rather National Ills' to tta* A|x>Mo H miipilon was to develop scone competence in National SMOKED iHfSHsi at Iltsi.ston Tex showing how one arrives at a H endries particular budget, and how one Stores Stores Ami, now A)miUo U and the makee changes either up or ROAST BEEF SALE! nusin walk' stamj) down. . pkg of 12 SHOULDERS lleis'Inx tin- ecoiiomic union "Since I ’ve been trained in the McNamara tradlthnii I'd of IWIglung tile Nelherliimts ami Uke to say, ‘If you make choice l.tlxeinlKnirK, was estalillsiM'sl A, here, is what it Is likely to. Lean _ in 1944. This year marks tl»e cost us. If you make choice 'B, 251 li iinnlvermiry of the orgonl here Is what it would cost'— Pork ^•illoii ami each of tlw cmmtrWw without saying either A or B li.-is . twilled i| iKmlnge stomp or-C la preferred,” Kaufmann 5 to 7 Lbs isuiiniemoniting th«v occasion Hr said. 'Hie ' Illustration, isinmion to Kaufmann was tor eight each nation’s alamp. fciiliires a- years. a consultant to the De­ OR symlsille detflgn IniUciitlng tlir fense Depaitment under former. 2 ~79‘ TENDER DELICIOUS ixioiieralKm of the Bemdax Secr^ry Robert McNamara KEEBlEBCOOiaES FREEZER xMinlrles The dates ■■1944-1969" and his successor. FIN AST - All Your Favorite Flavors iilso ap|>ear isi each His old boss Is now a Brook­ QUEEN ings tniotes. On July 16 the tt.fl - Iwnied a McNamara,'’^he believes, al­ CHICKEN PARTS cnmtiienioraUve stamp markitw most had A e cost-effeefiveneas the 2<10tJi arailveraar>' of thl- bit in ttie/z mouth of the Pen­ 2 pkg "■ risiiMlIng of Kan lilego. Calif tagon bui^aucracy when es­ BREASTS Hlmiiltannswly with this Issu calation in Vietnam made it 5 ^ 3 9 *^ (im'e, Portugal released three dltflcuit fo resist requests for FRUIT GELATIN THIGHS lO ■ new stnni|M honoring Ihe event any military appropriation vag­ FINAST - Pink or Clear wttii a lieslgn showing the statue uely related to the war'eftort. CRAB MEAT .of .liwo Ibslngiies (?abrllho "What t ’d really Uke to see LIVERS lb TOP ROUND wiilcli starals In Han Diego us (the defense analysts staff) Portugurs twiiianre stem* do,” Kaufmann explained, "is SWEET PEAS " S ” 6™.;: 89.. frtwii the fact that t'abrilho. wfio oast-^ectlveness type of ana­ TOP SIRLOIN or lh«^vrr»-d llie ftny 1 o o 10 01. S I EAT N' JOY giiiX h tw Han thegu Bay, was the /final recommendation.” CAULIFLOWER 4 pkgt I USDAI of I'ortu^ueiw ortgtn. although aufmohn. Tale-educated, at RUMP ROASTS In tile servtce'--->.43» nr*i rimtinuing. upward ami cov . been receiving lately. . All en* prior to ttio 1930a are beconi ‘‘This country faces major In- Veal Steaks'"--' 79‘ pkg ■ lug dlfflriilt to find The nrrom'f / .ternatlonal problems,” he said; Varieties Health and Beauty Aids! printing resw mest-ax.” the first (irtnl^rig'wiis «gi| out la He said that- he would have Mizrach Knockwurst >' c 99 rei-oni tlmji^II is nvniintde for been hard-pressed to come JOHNSON.JOHNSON down firmly on one side or the Bologna or Liverwurst Chunks 69c S5 cer^^Ht your local dealer or ■ other of the ABM controversy. Oscar M ayer All M eat Bologna • PI pkf c First, Kaufmann said, he BART POWDER 55 would study the relationship of anti-baUlstlc mikslles to the Finast Salamj or P& P Loaf «»e'f 37c . Ouim muHl-warhead MIRV. ’’Then I would have tried to lay out the Nepcb Bologna or Liverwurst pil 39c 609 Livi'H O ver main arguments, but I would not have said, ’I ' recom­ Frankfurts = icvalu£^— ' ’ > 6 1.09 .'l-Duvif W eekend i» mend. . ” In announcing formation of Hy ■nir p k e h ii'- the defense analysis program Highway acvldsnls killsd 606 last June, BrookingB said the ■ Fish Fillet Sale! ■ p-noix* agrTMUi the nation over . isiit would prepare an annual the thr««-day Iwbor Day. week­ revlaw of the American defense TABLETS end. I budget, ih. which It-wbuld ’’seek Iexcedrin bti of 100 Hi^bDOCK FILLET The toll fell short of Ihs 6JQ to to Identify and analyze the. pur- -728 the National flaAfy Cotuieil poees of curreot natioryU secur­ 1 .0 0 S iz e had estimated for the holiday. . . ity programs, examine the key FANCY 78fi Over a_ three-day nonhotlday ^ Izmes and alternatlveft involved b U j e f is h f il l e t FANa IOSTOI«!(kpH*D FILLET FANa SKiNLUS (S Ik kpi 2.19 | \k 4Sc AsaoclatjKl Pfesa ^ compAft- grams several years shaiid." 1 . 0 0 S iz e Fl o u n d e r f il l e t HIAI AND SIRVI / •- 89c son with 111* Labor flay figure. It will, in addition, pubUsh ■Hie counting period for tha analyses of defense poUcy con- PERCH FILLET HCAT AND StIVI Ik 6 9 g ^ | labor Iwy weekend began 6 CREME ' 74C p m , local time. Friday ami traveraiea as the^. arise. R IN S E B J Brookings accepts a limited TAME •-n/Jrd midnight Mon^y. amount of government contract The latxM' flay weekend work, reserving the right to ■ inarked the third straight holi­ pubUsh its flndlngrs. The defense day of 1*69 In which traffic fa- . taifilee decreased from IMS fig­ 1 1 analysis staff will do no con­ ures ' tract work, though, Kaufmann Farm Fresh Dairy Specials! ■fa.. said. LOOSE The'toll ifuring the ItW Labort Diiy [lerusl was Ms, highest for Everything the pubkohes any loitxir I9uy weekend will be undBBslfled.vind will be based on unclassified Informa- IMPERIAL ( > ! tlon. Kaufmann said reports CHORNY Family Plaiuiiiig m a r g a r i n e % ' will be“^ written for Intelligent ' CALJACK STICKS Composition •11 f liREKNOCK (A P) laymen, ” ao that people will - A Due. to a shortage of oultabie ^ \ V i understand the kinds of choices IB 1 staff, opening of a fondly plan- that have been made and will be fung clinic at UrteS^hi PrtsaQ. V. miada” -r * pk« ’ tlreenock,.Hcoliand's inty oronv Defense analysis is part of an t i 1 —»a a prlsiin. has bean, poatponad. WUNCO expanded and renrltalljuKl foreign t ■ TTie- Clinic was to advise wxxnvM W astebaskets due fur relaasa. . jxdlcy studies program at -^XTRA SAH GBEEN STAMPS BrooUnga under the direoUon " 1 of Henry Owen. Kaufmann Is with the purckose of One 12 oz pkg ■ s assisting lii three groups study­ RANK CRIOIT ing different areas of major AMERICAN CHEESE Aanerioon International InvotVa- ICAIOS ACqiFYD meid: Blast Asia, Ehirppe and Ihe strategic arms balance. ' t w litk A T# U r tt OpH i t iii W# R»Mr» rW llfbt t» IWt DricM IWwkl.p Tb* tpfA.. 4 . t < n i Npt n . i i ! OtMPWpi Art liApin U imt* tnm llMrt I MmUR' DRUI The first, tsider the chairman- /. ■ FrkM TW« SBtwZi;, 4, » r « i S«,«bm.4,u Art Irta,„ Ftw. 0Me<

■ ^ ■» PAGE TWENTY-FOUR ------V-:,------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEI^ 8, 1969 UofH To Offer MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE Back-To-Collfege REDEEM Program in Fall THIS Applications ore being taken" VALUABLE for admission to the' University OOUPON of Hartford “ Back-to-OoUege h : Program” fall semester classes. Your choice of 17, oz. yellow, 17V^i Applicants are requested to oz. (fouble Dutch, Bpd'SeiiieHIVIPU I | S SUDWICIIHave sandwich a sandwich party party . . . and . SUE! make 'em man- Save make an appointment with \8V* oz. fu d g e ^ sized!sized! Use Use white white brwd brfead or dark.or dark. Soread Spread with, with mufi- mus­ Geojge E. McKinley, UofH ad­ macaroon of IBVz tard or mayonnaise. Add cheese, pickles or relishes. missions director, Auerbach oz. applesauce or banana. Any way you like yours, sandwich-making offers a Hall, 200 Bloomfield Ave., West Tasty plums that will make snack­ time better than e.ver. This low creative challenge . . . and maxi-men offer a host Ha rtford. of tasty cold meats to answer it! Classes begin Sept. 10, and price makes it easy to keep plenty meet on campus three times a l^ufshortciit to great shortcakes! on hand. week for 80 minutes each, or SW * twice a week ( o r 7 8 minutes ./ I CookMt- a Delicious frozen dessert treats! Pbltrgml. Hoi„ J 3 ’ ®* ' dollar each. Clasises are conducted '' * Cerofd BN?' U picQS from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Buddig Sliced Meats many are held between 10 a.m. Del Monte ' . / Cocktd— ' and 2 p.m., when children are Pillsbury Batter Cake Mixe^ Imoorloa— in school. There are no Satur­ Stop a Shop with Morton Cream Pies • 01 Pkg day classes. with this Danish Sliced Ham^ ■ m TTie flexible . retumdo-class- Sliced Peaches YOUR IB *'69' room plan offers credit courses Olivt. PIcklo a PI- in 'Art and music, arts and Bcl- . coupon CHOICE mofito, Limchtoo. ences, buslne-ss and public ad- Firm, flavorful yellow OF 6 California Sunkist Oranges 69 4 Nepco Sliced Cold Cuts Belpgne—4 oi pkg mini.stratlon, educaUon, en­ and any cling peaches in syrup. gineering, ,and .secretarial Sci­ Pile on fresh Stop & FLAVORS ence, S purchose Shop dessert shells and Chocolate, By the piece The part-time study Is de-. crown with a whipped coconut; ba­ Fresh California Carrots 2^29‘ All Meat Bologna Stop & Shop signed for women who -wish to Q C^p6n effective thru Sept. 6. Limit 4 pkgs per customer. topping. nana, straw­ resume their college education, berry, lemon "prepare for -a specific career ^ m m m im w 3 or Neapoli-, cam a certificate to Native Crisp Cucumhers 3 8 J. Ferl)cr of 141 2O 0k|ar cookie break. Bottom Round Mllbimk Avenue, Greenwich. ^ Miracle linderwoiod can

Franco- 15«/4-o z 4 7 W Authoress, 89 Mini-pricing saves you^money every day^f every week! Spaghetti-O'sI American 3 cans “ f Roast flia e W hinr^s Dies in Hospital Evaporated Boneless, waste­ Boneless oven D ro u ln i Shn^pCocktail V'pTSy Cooper Cheese Slices 45* Caterer’s Kitchen Dips t « CamathHi Milk 6 “^rtt* less pot roast. For roast with out­ O U ) 8AYBROOK, Conn. (AP) 3 / T l/s l{i±c(t£l4- a flavor treat, use standing flavor. > COUPON end ■Mrs. Sjiralt MeNeel Lea kwood, ImMrial Diet Margarine Stop & Shop Swiss Slices i," 49* Tolibia Blue Cheese 39* 'Cranapple Season, roast at leae thru Set., author of .-il.x books. Including' Ocean Spray Juice 2 ^.79* vegetable juice or niy. Limit one throo -iM)vels, died Sunday at a BonUo O fV lb SOO", 20 mins, per lb upon per cua- S^p & Shop Fruit Drinks 29* Neufehatei Cheese • 01 pkg MM soup as your cook­ eom-alesoent -hospitul. She was Finland Swiss Slices 41’ pound for rare, 25 lomer Prune Juice Meat Lasagna 59 ing liquid. '. mins, for medium. Countryfln* ‘ SunsweetIt* . ’ * & 42* A native of Iron Mountain, . jn Glory Cookies 3/1 Sliced Swiss Cheese I lb pkg Z 93 V w Swiss Chunk Che^ o5' Lean beef, tender noodles, tomato. 14 oz. pkg. vondovn weight Cranapple 1., Mrs. Ijockwooti grew up In UD: the nvmmining n'glon of Mlrv Ocean Spray Juice isrSd* Top Sirloin Roost ’ 1.0 9 > Eye Round Combinational 3 8 i •eaeeeeeeedefe aeeeeeeeeeueoe**. aeeeeeeeeee aeee«ee ewe. •#••#••••••* ne^oUi ;mlKi>swl ll'at settlrg for Here*'a a wonderful value! Just in time for schooldays! 2 I^MeatLoafn*’ ______^ ___ two or her novj^, "A kTstful Lots^pf uses for these! ^ ^ Ready to bake.^¥ith tomato juice. 2 lb. pkg. of Stars” and ' Thw^Man from Del Monte Peas 4 s 87* MesabI" Sun Glory Margarine Cut-Rite Sandwich Bags lU-r thirvl novel, "The SnoMan Lunch Bags Tapioca r-""* of-the Sn;ike,” was about Uki'' Quality bags that keep Green Giant Peas 4 ^^87* At this low price, Keep some on steak Roast pioneer ilay.s o f the Old West ' sandwiches just-made fresh 3 f l ^ r s . . . vanilla, strawberry, chocolate. Hershey or you pay less thah hand ‘ for the and wus publtxhed In 1989. -till you eat them. Nice for H l l U f ' S Tomato Sauce Mrs. Ij6t'kword . . . I O tiiy Bart Ihll.s, N.Y., Mrs.'isx-kwooWhad Our Just Rite . , . tender, deli­ been at the I'onvalesceny hoe- Crisco Oil 24-oz bottle 47* Trim* eliminates cious and lean. We > this c o u p o n ertd pital here for two years./ exciess fat, giving never, never add purcheae thru Set. 6. only. Limit one ***#aa*aaaaaea • •• • «.• a • • * « you greater valud. larding to any roast She l.s .survived by ly gnmd- Rwff per coupon per eue^ niece. Mrs. Rlciuiixi AjcGirr of Marshmallow 2 '«4"47* Check the trim on at Stop & Shop. Groton. these roasts your­ lb Give the family a lb Funeral services a/ill be held Peanut Butter 56* self. treat, Wednesday at Sty Motthew’s Church. Bedford IJnlls. iHiiiiinlBa»P»Shop Stop & Swiss Steok Roost *1.0 9 > 2 lbs Fretb Ground Round*1.88 Tomato Sauce Shop 10£:9S* eeeeeeee eeeeeee ele••e h r! l & o i f 1 9 : o H Canoe Oeanup Cranberry Fdboleus sMiiclous tpecials nra mum Sauce ^ woMlnx for you at Stop 4 Shop ' EkHNENCE Mo. (AP) — Ragu Oceim Spray 2 'Ss 45* Nrw England Boiled Dmnar Brand More than 100 canoe enthualaste iB Gold Medal Flour Stop & A 1 6 -o zflC # from five / atatee fliiUhed a iC Spoghetti Souce I Cranberry Sauce Shop T cans in f Frash Haddock FilMs TV*. three-day itleanup of a 38-mile (any siie pkg) with this ceopoa (5-lb bag) vvith this coupon stretch at!th e Current River In (15 ox ior) with this coupon Alpert s Corned Beef Round Limit 1 pkg. Coupon effective thru Sept. 6. limit 1 bag. Coupon effective thru Sept. 6. FloaadoroFilMt 88°i. Drake’ s southem/Missouii Monday, i g ~ ------I Limit 1 jee. Coupon •noctivEeffective-thru tnru 5#pc.Sept. e.6. M CampbelTs Soup 4. ■2S i'45* ^ Delicious top quality corned beef rounds at a great low mini-price. They / gathered 288 burkip V sacks ^f trash, mostly beer and ^ DrottoJ SaoHt 4T. Fifflily Packs soft ^ in k cans and botUef,A>:-But Campbeirs^„sss.t.. 6 >°^-93* thery also were tires," • bed _ I Ail* I I WITH this c o u p o n knd spiyngs a lawn mower, a wash­ Sunshine Nabisco a purchaa* thru Sal, ing machine a wheel barrow Tide Thrill Oxydol Ivory Gain Blue Bonnet Bold Cascade Cheer S«oi. 6. only. Limit one Biid a sewing machine. V Old Fashion ■ -I Joy ivory Snow pkg par coupon p«r cue- Applesauce Cookies torher. / The, canoeats came from Ar­ Ginger Snaps Detergent Liquid Detergent Detergent Detergent Soft Margarine , Giant Size Detergent Disfiwashing Powder* Laundry Detergent kansas, Tennessee, bklahoma, Liquid Detergent Soap Powder Liquid Detergent 16k» 3-Jb, I-oz 10c off Kansas and Missouri (or the 22-OZ _ 4c oN 47c/ pkg 0 7 C label 3-lb. I-O* 7 I 12c off 22-OZ 22-OZ 40,. tOc off 34b, l-


Irmts GRAND 'With r i l GRAND lb •Z- ■■ UNION rusBU iU i uMuut ntm ' ' UNION GROUND CHUCK CHICKEN LIVERS IIUVEALLTHEAIISWERSI SUPERMARKETS M J U tm n N U UMI StlOB SUPERMARKETS CHUCK FULET PORK CHOPS A ^SHENANDOAH •V- Rock Cornish Hens llA to READY TO CO O K 4 2 lbs. FULLY COOKED lb. Mw Mnd mens MILD CURED^ na^EHi^p CmCKEN-lN-A-BASKET 7 P»t lb $J99 f--’ A ■ lUrtItlArCAIAMAI .. ' i ■■ W f 5^. .SO* BACK BACON X 65'^ S . - V • 'NAIUlIArCAUJUI ■■TmumsnnEB "'v' Bieu fastBacon U”, 69 FRANKFURTERS .69' EARLY m o r n \;X NEFCO AUL BEEF

FRANKFURTERS ». 79c ' Qi^fioiTuilk'tja ^ / • I lb j^DnoasNouDuzr.MMj^ With Thta Coupon and Furchaa* %!i" ofor vo.wvtft.OO «yr mot Mora ISLICED MEATS 3 i : *1"* S W O R O n S H S t e a k s . 9 9 ' qr ■rp-f .». -'H KING CRAB . H ” SAVE UP TO I0“« ON lARGt COOUDRARt - _ ROAST BEEF 5 9 ' PoeJa"' U R B u m m CHOW MEIN 3ti! . 6 9 ' CHICKEN WINGS m s i h u m p r o u s 2 x 33' SHORT RIBS '' M ®A»ceo^ w \K : .■ G o o d

^RRto CENTER CUT STEAKS 'RRa# 3^. W pWq OR Itto ROAST ORKS lAg l i f e pkq 4 T 4S> S ol 4 ft' SBABF pkq 49< VitOGt 7ASe ^ 0 0 ^ \tb. pkq 2 9 ' 5S< $ ft ftiWT™«'T7nr<»TriJ.T?ijt;K.tuu«ft!fM Aft ft 3 siiSfiftW gL AMERICA'S FAVORITE ------55 PINEAPPLE ***( Heinz Ketchup d j iTJLii»iTO [r. SALAD DRESSING yHuaiK ;dS LIGHT-SOLID PACK With Thta Coupon and Furchaaa a, t v Kraft Mayennaise \il t&.OO or Moro i WMli Tliis And Pyrcli«%a •! OuFO^^ OOOD ',at mp» a.k owem ta.ooa V V DeepRiueTuna GREEN GIANT I Qt Jop Vovr rovovifa irand V’ Nimetscorn *WHiTensH *riKE h PICTURES and • GEFILTE Pi$H INSTANT e b U K I N G O O D t H I U SAT.. SCTT. 6lh.l IN WATER) Nescafe Coffee majuna acaim si KBAFT / CHOCOLATE #- GRAPE JELLY '.‘..'l.'.'.A Jhiy^m ~feotw iM sorT«m-«iiTi Asn / 7 lolK • Hersliey Syrup iTlTl tAir in pVq ^ ■m B athroom T issue GRAND OnOI BOUT-VAinUA CM CO Un STUMROaT 14 nr MR. G. CRINKLE CUT SNOWY BLEACH FIG BARS 239' SCOOTTRPttS pkq 1 OUlBBNNM snsan-REniuR mn CANND) ' French Fries wuT Evmr mENT s n iiid ILliSTRAfEUWORLD BLEACH HYDROX - 4 7 C tlAWBaamfAfHOFFMANN OAisaSODA >7< RITAl-KirnAVORD ^ r u m _ 9-01. PRICED lOWEST DOG FOOD 6 v B n » t T E N A 3 ‘:.:'n<><> m 4 pkg. <>) lli«‘ hiiiMlri‘fls ol i‘ii(ATl<>|HMli:is imlilislii-d in llu* < )l llirsr dirrr liiir riuydoprdias. only the llliis- COFFEE l'iiilf«l Stairs. iMil\ 22 iiu*i‘l till* liiuli staiulanls of Iratod VVnrlci Kricycloprdia is mit sold d«M>r todiMti. proftAsioiial lilirarians and crade Improvement ProKram (SCIP), the MAZOLAOIL TT ( 1 - 1 4 ^publisher’s famous library research service. X qoi rice-a-roni- 3 ONION RINGS X 3 9 6L0R0X IVO O f the 22 raterl'and recommended .encydo|KHlias, WMh TMa Cafbpoii and PurchtMM -/ LOW SUPER MARKET PRICES ON / •« »».00 or Mora ‘only three are sin^IcHl out for the siieciai necAls of ]^«iTiOnoiis 3 '.a;'89^ schoolchildren fnm iTjo 14 years of at»e. The three - h h u r v r e s e ju c i m e m k m h i p little c h e f are lllastrati>d World Encyclopedia, Britanuica MemlKTship in the Student’s (^rade Improvement Junior: Kncy.clopaedia, and the New ft(X)k oi 300 COUNT Program (SCIP). A ten year free answering' service Pizza Pie KiiowledKC. in term.s, of .schoul-suhject research, designed to c a l if PRSIK-MEATED help your child achieve Iretler grades in school, ’llie Filler Paper general public pays $5.00 a year for meml>erslup. ______j« taioupes g o l d e n -r fPE*e ■ p k g It's yours free' with your I'licydopeilia sdT~~ URA m mARTROOtf CM RI Ib'i p a r CW ESECAKE 89' 12S( SELECTED VMNE-fftPENED FILLER TADLET^... 3 9 ' jiSlY JACKS 2 x 6 9 ' COLLECT AU 21VOUMES tAIA UK - j.- Ib Toniai \. ( Mime in, buy Volume 1 lor only 49c . and ilivide for hE m o b o o k s £ ^ 2 9 ' CtOiSAIfT Rous «*« 55' i P V l yoursi'll w bet her or not Illustrated World KikvcIo- ' TAKTRARTirrt petlia'is indeed the wisest investment you can i ^ m !oks £ „2 9' CARROTS pk.000 .scIumiI U L i i i i The complete set...only *40.29 EGGPLANT 19< M t &m si2 ',i:.'.69' subjis ts. contains ii\A*r 4-1 2 million wotds'aud BDIDERS ,1 6 9 ' XT 0. 1..O'' ^ i .000 |ia‘ues, digests ol o\i-i .S.IO works of liteia WANGEmE 5 t- 99' it)'' *L* 2 If you're convinced with volume 1—come m • SO •***•' i lure, phis a coiupli'le iiidiA-sliidy giiiile voliinu'. U* NOW ON SA jn d buy a vo'ume a week lor only J 1 99 each A Soon you ” own the fu'' 21 vo'ume set y / . Hpo&fi ^ Reo y \ i d A V \ ’ \ at a total cost of only $40.29 F L U O R 1S T A N R E G OE^ M r n \ SO ^STAM PS -fA.i ■ ] A AftBteBteSK^^ WUM 6 75 t>», \i sg n wiTHTMBCOUFbN. iPUKHASi Of ; WITH THIS COUKM AND PUKMASC Of $ OMR X4B.PKC • HUNGBT lACX us n OI'ORAOE a - M J R a aS- ANY TM » PKCS. C«ANO UMON 4 t o r •«)»* Crest Toothpaste nUSM ftY MSTAHT saANPM R U L u a a ' m A im a & COOKIES. CRACKERS MASHB rOTATOeS NTIIT0ES.«-..4y COUPON GOOD TWU 7 9 ' COUPON GOOD TNMi With Ihaa Coupon and Furchaao SAT.. SETT M b muuQDKD j 69' mijtON SAT- sarr m i ot »» OO or M or*' idiu“(5« cawlr Rra is io « i.cpyroA PER cuitOMiRl 'flSM PiEuCMCEmATE Iz 99' COTTONSWAK '»29 Aninriuliiiitt / P«KXS Efffcnvt thru VAT- SCPT M> Wf THE bLc MT t o UMIT QUAMTim '■ . 1 . W « « — I M p M / O w t e r . I M M u IiM ORUter, IM M flu t OpM F riilig N iclits te t—A I -.■7 O n i t a n O m OpM f r t iB jr N iffiite U »—AS- C m i Io t Ckmm ■ / /

\ PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 MAtQCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER'3, 1969 \\ PAGE TWENTY-NINE BUG6S BUNNY ' OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Told to Pay ly warned him to get driasail or LISTEN, K &:wj*^3sr( Fluid’Shaped JOHANNESBURG, South A f­ get ou t The Judge ordered him ois&oop,yA , p e t s 3 APAATT rr, AAAsroP, Aatwtr to fm ItM P m it to pay Randa 70, $96, a nMnth to UHiMpeK- M3LTBE OUTCLASSGP/ Shop rica (AP) — Peter Francis Tre- ARF! gUIET 'itau ® B B d «N 6 VUHEN \ME W EOe UJKJrHKa gaskla, sued for alimony, told support his wife and two minor G 0 S 6 0 0 H S I VOUTZe RSHIN’, VUE VUEP6 >1111 the Supreme Court here be children. m n PCIV1N6 ALLTHE FISH F^JLUN'EIA IN FASr- could not pay monthly support AWAY.' I WAS SPOfZTS w m Along 02 THAN A TRAFFIC ACBOS8 61 Simmer ' to his wife and offered Instead RjrSALE BNOUSH t o LET C O P WHO cTUSr LOST 62KU1 n foksale TWJ FISH ALONE/ 1 L ift principto to let her have any of hia.per­ |5ehrOU M USCUN'-IN AW, seaport 31 University in Marianas THE "GIFT OP THE MONTff* SHOP ON ME WITH THAT SILLY WHAT > 0 0 W H A T S 23 School-home it wlU add interest if you cut When a girl team a dress so ASTKOLOGV STUFF OF YOUR8 S Direction Dallas (ab.) IslsHds T A L K IN ' rZER L Ik group (ab.) 9 Human wreck 32 Malayan 936 M A IN STRE ET - A T W A T K IN S oolorfu) pictures from maga- that it cannot be fixed, use a ABOUT? SONNA.PO ABi 49Gaaiic 25 None goddcaa 10 Willow genus gibbon sinee and put one at each plate. pretty iron-on patch. Iron an 26 Mends 50 Send forth T E L E P H O N E '648-6171 11 Orient 33 Living entity 52 Petition Then pane out slips of paper identical one on the undamaged D&t,fIVE STORES OF FASHIOW ■tockinge 19 Health resort 41 Japanese 55 Morning bearing the names o f the pic­ side of the drew If you think 28 Verdi heroine 21 Elocutionift verse moisture \ l Blackthorn tured objects. Bach child will It calls for it. tI Cyprinoid fish 1“ r - r" r ~ r " I” r" 4 r ~ IT IT enjoy looking for the picture 35 6M (Roman) named on the slip of p t ^ r and A " tablespoon of catsup is a li A\*C5<''^'‘=I^ iPllTTINS HIM UNPER PRESSURE • 36 Emporium 14 being the first to tocats his good flavor addltlmi to salmon 37 Everyone IS place. cnxiuettes. 38 Sicilian i4 17 volcano It It h To save the youngsters from Make cover-up aprons tor OUT OUR WAY 39 Force onward BY J. B. WILLIAMS 40MonkcyUke 2i S having to run' in and out from very amall girls from gay Wt- mammal play to see what time It is, chen-slae terry towels. All H ' w e CAME BACK FROM NOT ON MOOR L IF E -I A IN T ABOUT TO 42 Poisonous a sr place a ckx:k, facing out, in takes tor a covenup Is one towel HALF WAY DOWN TOWN RASSLE TH E C O S BACK IN A B A IN / lerpcnt the window where they can about 16 by 26 inches, bias tape TO FIND o u r W HETHER OPEN THE DOOR A CRACK AND HE'S 44M uelace A BURNER ON THE STOVE THROLkSH nr L IK E A e R E A S E P ^ easily see it from their . play and a lltUe thread. ^ S LE F T ON —WHY edgings M area. D A V Y JONES 'EY LEFP and McWILLIAMS (SOINANP 45 Large barrel 5-95 I f 48PoUte 39 Flannel rfUrts, a few sixes too 51 Not dead Press a wrinkled hat veil by large, make excellent robes tor DIO 'iOLi YES, MIKE, DON'T YOU WELL, I KNOW ^ 53 Swiss canton et 44 IT GIFT OF THE MONTH * CROCHET running U back and forth over toddlers. AND I BE­ 1480 SEE THIS KNOW A HOAX PAV Y JONES - A N D 54 Encircled by a a hot light bulb. \ F IS H LIEVE IT HIT ' WHEN Y o u HE WOULDN'T BE A 56 American Flney chopped toasted fil­ STORY, se e ONE 7 PART OF a n y SCHEME, inventor U ‘ 153 When you see what a gay bit of To rem ove the crease tronr berts or almonds make a won­ - - PORIE.2 57 Beset of St w color one of these Swedish styled acetate aiid rayon w o v ^ satin derful addition to a graham- Tlu- fiisy-flowiiig linos of burden u thi.s dros.i ai-o oiiatod by S8SpUt Cbffee Pots makes in your own fabrics, use a steam iron on cracker crust. •A 41 42 a front panol that but­ 59 Condiment kitchen you’ll want to give than to the. wrmig side of the material. -J tons at tho wuistli'no. No. 60 Hebrew letter all your friends. 'White enamelware Ih making white sauce, be It 148'0 with I’llo'ni-oi'lliK is When boiling anorthlng in a (Nevipsper fsterpr/M Xua.) trimmed with black aUd decorated thick, thin or medium, use the in Now Siros 10 to 18. chlorine blecmh solution, avoid with red, blue and yellow rooster same amount of salt— one- bust .'12 ■» to 40. Siio 10, breathing the chloiine steam. tourth teaspoon of sak for each 3’J'» bust . . . 2 '» yards weathervanes, they brew 12 cups at I I Small ciq> of milk used. of 4li-inrh. delicious coffee. Regularly $10.00 for If you run a string through a ttm Is celsi- - fer - eaeti eel- , J I this big size. Medium fere te Im M# nnl-elMi ailll.^ new sponge and make a loop, »••••*« i For variety, marinate cooked 6s* iR!fS*M* MsxckMier T». . U. I. OW~.Atl ( Large the t^mnge la easy to hang up snap beans in a highly seasoned ]^ *siS L ■*niM. IIM AVR. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Price guaranteed through September 30th oi^ainyucas. n k w v u r k . to dry after It has been wash­ French dressing and serve on ed. WAYOUT salad greens. Oanned green 5*y». MSrtn ' vltx HP BY KEN MUSE So in demand this season beans may be served in the CODE, Ityle Hsaker eM tin . . . . the soft capelet! When cooking fish, rub the same manner. Have you a copy o f tho You’ll find thia. one cro­ surface with a cut lemon to Cook poultry thoroughly but 69 Fall A Winter Basic 0 ,RAU cheted in the lovely shell- FASHION? O n ly M)f a e iMf „ HI*, b,. HEROES AREMAOE-NOT BORN stitch. No. 153 has cro­ add flavor and help eliminate do n(R overcook. The meat is copy. chet directions for small, the fiA odor. more Juicy and there is leM WOMEN medium and lar^c sizes shrinkage this way. inclusive. Pack eggs smaU end down to tINB BH IB cell! fer bmIi mI- keep the yolk centered. An egg Use contrast In food colors, SHORT RIBS B Y F R A N K O’N E A L teni to lecliitfB «ainiii|. Elde8t Daughter or covered container helps pre­ flavors and textures. Some Am ® Maachettor We Wont You!' vent lose of moisture through J C5UST SAIV A 'FLV/MS CARPET. brightly colored food and some­ Of Thomas Mann porous shells while eggs areVre- thing crisp, tor example, can IT WA? AY ECONOMY FLISHT/ ffigerated. Ai« you bond sitting at homo? Como and M«t Nmm. iiSvii wHk UP' heighten the eye and appetite Dies al Age 64 CODE MO tlirlo Noskor. appeal of a meal. ‘ join tho fun at SILVER LANE BOWLING CEN­ Send 60< today for the When making your favorite ZURICH, Swltxerland (Ap) new '69 Fall and Winter cream pie, add one-half cup I f an Inexpensive dish seems Erika Mann, eldest daughter of ! shredded coconut to cream fill­ dull, vary flavor with season­ Nobel I'riie winning author TER, 750 Sihftr Lono, East Hartford. coil lUILTt . . . Ipeelol f - ing. Top tilled pie ahaU with ings or combine with' other tl|«t fer untry MO ckllOrM't TlKimas Mann, died in Zurich roMiil Pittoro plKii; OIrto- meringue and sprinkle with co­ foods In different ways. lions for 12. 0104 It 004 « conut. Bake meringue until C!antonnl Hospital last W ^nes- BUZZ SAWYER We ore now forming leagues for the foil sea­ BY ROy CRANE Mp»l , brown. To clean the hose of your day after an operation. It* was vacuum cleaner, place a paper announced Tuesday night. Bhe DID YOLl YEAH, OLD POPS HAS' OKAY, DON'T START GIVING US THE RUN-AROUND son. Openings ovoilablo for loaguot, teams bag over the noxzle and rqn the was 64, HEAR THAT, ■ PE OPED TO TELL FOPS/ AGAIN, I SAID w h e r e ? To braise means to cook slow­ SPOOKYf WHAT HE DIP WITH YES, ' WHERE , and individiials. We hove 52 lanes to accom­ ly In a moist atmosphere. This cleaner tor a minute or two. Mann and his family left Oer-- .^THE JEWELRY. DON'T IS IT ? New Books cooking la done In a Ughtly cov­ many In 1933 to escape the Na- H DESTROY modate you. Come spend a morning or two ered utensil with little or no Sponge and clean chill-sauce rls. Miss Mann and'her brother MY HOUSE added liquid. Meat may or may stains with cold, clear water be­ Klaus toured Europe In a revue OR HURT 'A At Library'' fore washing the fabric. LINPY. enjjoying our, modem bowling facilities. not be browned In a amall "The Pepjier Mill" sallrixlng amount of fat before braising. the Nazis, and then toured Brit­ Fiction . Formality is added to a buf­ ain and the United States lectur­ Can Bob Nurmi — 2B9-6408 Barrett - Love in Atlantis Trim sparingly such greens fet meal by the use of Immacu­ ing against Hitler. Caidin — The Mendelov con- As cabbage, head lettuce, late linens and gleaming silver Miss Mann'moved to the Unit­ spiracy eWekory. Dark outer leaves are and china. ed States Ih 1936 and during the i ’p) 7-3 Especially for yon we have recently completed an all Glllott 7^ Salvage rich In iron, calcium and vita­ war wras employed by several C I W MtA, lac. TM teg. US Pal. OH. Gores/— A time of predators mins. American hoiyspapers as a war new, most modem, supervised nnrsery faculty. A pair of white cotton gloves Kenydn -- The duke's mistress slipped on your hands before cofrospondent. After tho war “ Now, then, ” I assume yours is not a high risk P a J ^ r -— Hlldegard Withers For variety, top cooked rice bathing baby gives a firm grto occu p ation she returned to Germany and i * >.. explosives hauler, deep sea diver, .makes- the scene mixture with tour to six on the Slippery little body.. A f­ then settled with her father In college professor?'' MICKEY FINN 5ILVER LANE Peter — Runaway quartered or sUeed - hard-cook­ ter baby Is removed to towel, Kllchberg. a Swiss village cm BY LANK LEONARD Prisco — A spiral of mist ed eggs. take off the gloves and dry as laike Zurich. —Drive for the green NOr^^TooilTTO SH£RIFF-We'Rt 60IN' TO BUT ^ THERE ARE M L E S — AND IF I ALLOW BOWLING CENnR Tuttle - usual. Mann died In 1966. Her broth­ TALK TO THE COACH N ie o BEEFr IN OUR L INF! COACH, BEEFY TO BREAK THEM, OTHER GUYS Moderate cooking ' tempera­ er Klaus had died In 1949.. Non-FIcdlon MYSELF.' I'LL MEET THE OPENtHG (SAA1E « CAN'T M IG HT GROW BEARDS AND SHOW UP , STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIPF tures are usually best tor rosst- A piece of window screen, two Miss Mann was married: GETT/H' CLOSER EVERY DAY I HE PLAY, Abramson — Negro play­ WEAR/N' BEADS t-AND A LL KINDS 750 Silver Lane Ing poultry, but very young Inches larger than the opening twice Her first marriage to —AND IF HE IS N 'T READY TO, IF HE OFF STUFF LIKE THAT' THIS IS A wrights - in ’ the American WHICH IS THE MARK I AM WRITINO^ p : birda can olio be broiled, pad- a t 3'Dur hot air register open­ Gustav Gruendgens, a German PLAY, HE CAN KISS HIS TUCKS HIS FOOTBALL SW AP—HOT A LOVEHNl, NOW I FOLD V YCH) sURaV HAVE a V PLE A SE CHX >O l« Bast Hartford .theatre, 1926-1969 SCHOLARSHIP (SOODBY/ HAIR INTO OF A WISE LEADER/ A DATE AND TIMS IT AND SEAL IT CONTACT AT THE A6ENT AND SEE IF HC fried or oven-fried at higher ing, and placed under the grate petor, ended in divorce. RrHIili Academy of Political Science, HELMED FOR THE NEXT'TWacH- AND PLACE IT KENNEDY SFACE ..VERIFIES WHAT IIMVS ] temperatures. Mature birds are covering, will catch any small poel W.H-. Auden was her sec­ 289-6408 New York — Urban riots MARER'ROCKETTiST TABLE FLORIDA X.' SEALED INTO TT best braised, stewed or steom:.- objects dropped _ by children ond liusband. ON THIS BtPER-WHICH Agettda for the natkm —P a­ ed. down the register. pers on domestic and foreign policy issues by S. K. Bailey et al Becker —Angel In armor; a A S fo r y Book W adding Pmckaga post-Freudian perspective on w i t h I’fs G uardian Arxga! Counaal- the' nature of man t ^ L . 648-0016’ ing Sarvica is a w rittan Ouarantaa Blasln — The of the gods; of tha batl poaaibla wadding at a thematic study of Ceasare tha lowa»t potaibla ptica or your Pavese's works m o n a y ^ c k MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Bishop — Let the seller beware Boblnaki — G a m e te Libraries DONY SORRY ABIXrr THAT,,. c r Bourne — Nine months is a QADSj ADMIRAL, I'VE 7HERE§^ I FORGOT ID RAY MY i year at Baboqulvorl School NEVER 9EEN SUCH FOG! LI ELECTRIC-LIGHT PILL. Bratton — Tho crim e of Chrlst- Amauran Wtru/a^ A^ttcg I HOPE WE AROUND HEBE WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU ^ , LADIES' DRESS SHOP tendom ' CAN MAKE TDHELP Cailletnc — Tliree billion years - ROUTE 88, TALOOTTVILLE, CONN. Hpritsg* ButIJtng rr BACK. GUIDE US. WhiATiS TAKING HE<5 KAVIN© / H E E X A M IN E S of life Caiidl — The Korean War and 1996 Brnrh Street TOPOBT ePCTTLEeSSO HIE LDNCH... EVEBVTHINS roc Mte.. 'TiiaaL, Wed. 10 KM. to 6 VM, Hmrt foett, C orm et t tcul 06106 American politics SAFELY I LONS? WE'LL N aC R e P O T l - E e s / eEBMSBETOFJE naan, BM. 10 AJL - 0 PJit, — 8aR. B:M AJC. - 6:B0 P.M. Phone .233^626^ • 233-5911 0ONES4-I G E T TO T H E IS A VBQY HE EATS rr/ 0pp. Ckinn. Oatf Land CasaiU — In on iipn time B A L L © A M E / e L O W B X T E C , Chisholm — - The new English Cleage — The Black Messiah SEE WHAT'S NEW IN OUR SMART FALL e p h ^ — Songs of Leonard S. Cohen Davis —Get Yamamoto Furst— The strategy of change PRISCILLA’S POP for business success BY AL VERMEER Gotch — Death ' iiMh Gaunt .— A guide to the under­ T IM E VYOUUDN'J YOU I'D w a n t TO s e e ) < S r o (- f _ [D O W N LIKE TO WIN A ■ THE FELLOW, standing o t painting'- FIRST.' ■DOC Gawronsld — Out o< the post STUDY.' FELLOWSHIP CA\Ayj-l Glassle — Pattern 4n the mater­ JJ. 11 ial folk culture o t the Eastern' United States CAPTAIN EASY' BY LESLIE TURNER Hahn — The cooking of China f o u r LEFT OUT OF $EVRMTV $T0LEW Hpughton — Struggle a|iinat I SOT THRU history s i YEARS AGO'. AS L RBCAU, THEY R mOOTHIVG AWMV 5ISNS NONB-TOO soon: ARE WORTH ABOUT e i4 / 3 0 0 EACH, »O F OiaaiNS, HE STOWS HERBS U M > Johnson — Educatlan law p ^A N P , VmiSH. 3.7 POUNDS 1 THEM IN HIS PLANB. CAR BRINSINS Kantor — Missouri bttterpireet enter the iconderful IRIS BACK FROM Beauty Salon THE DOCTOR'. Kline - 7 Religioua and sntl-re- Uglous thought In Ruasts . OOY 32 CHURCH MANCHESTER W' Koskoff — The dark Mde a t the icorid of wool knits! *^i| bouse L4iS*.e. -u u. T M I.. V t N. 0- •'-3 cuisine The Pefife Beauty Salon Has Two Announcmenfs: The smart young knits play tha Fall fashion Leek — Numerolagy*' ROBIN MALONE gam^ in every way that’s flattering. 100% pure BY BOB LUBBERS Lens — Poverty l*r—W b hava BnlargBd our facilitia-6 for the lacond fima thii yaar and Mlers — The night we stopped FH0C k a t h v , t h is k c h a p . HCSA-mHR[0Le AUCf .Uxr~troi|ley ' , woo) to give assurance of styie, quality, per­ I FAKr-tl.Me STAfttHANP APOJT PeiNG ftOK, AND now kava 5 profassional baautieians at your tarvica; Jaanna Wing' /T' Macdonald — Dwight'Msodoh- ' FULL-Utie PlJ.IOUTH formance . 1 HE TWINKG MOie'OTL^ sld on movlee ARiGCYrmYiGH FCn /} \lar, Paggy Wilton, Nartcy Undarl^l^, Judy Piontak, Milfia t)aFalicaV HI6. HCR L.!!** h ». ai — Review o t groee (top) Long sle^-e turtleneck ^ e a th with two- LITTLE SPORTS ibuah — Man's post: 2—^obuloui Clairol Protting ^pacial, anding Sapf. 6. ,tfl4.S0 BY ROUSON men’s future tone sleeveless long vest. Black with camel, sizes 10-18. "HjOlSr CotoNY Scheffer — The yesu' o t the whale Singla Procafs Mitt Clairol Rafouch $9.50 Sontag — The axtstcntlaU« pro­ Cut $3.50, Stylist Slightly Highar (bottom) Short sleeve wool knit with unique Put Fall King in your wardrobe — with cdorful legomena Eatings and Evaningt by Appointmant Only welt seaming accented with cootiiuit stitch de­ Strickland — SdenlUU In poU- tailing. Purple or black, 10-18. . S M u Separates in a gay, casual mood! You’ll find lots Uoa Walk'Ins Accaptad. of fashi(^..excitesaent in oar new collection — Sutherland — The youngsat r»- // volution* (DELI € H MtA Ini TM ! • » e i fat 0 « ^ CALL 643-0322 -aBBi V ready for you now! ' Vtertal — TTta klndneae a t I f ' strangers ^

e> • :-‘-i r*v :

:v ' \ '! PAGE THIETY' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANGlpiSTER. CONN, ^ '"'I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 pa g e THIRTY-ONE THE -Packers Place 13 Men on All-Star Squad Took 78 Days But Popovich’s Only Hpme Run Herald Angle Year of Rebuilding By National Lcuf^ie EARL YOS7 EoHt Division Finally Caught Up with Cincinnati Sports^ Editor w. L. Pet. G.B. their lead in the Kesslngpr drove In two with his second and scored on Ken Bos- in Ivy League NEW YORK (AR)—It Chicago 84 52 .618 — took 78 days, Init Paul I-eague east to five games over fourth homer and a double. well's eighth-inning single NEW YORK (AP) — dition based In power nnd preci­ The recelring corps is bol­ New York 77 55 .583 5 Popovich’s only .hom er of the New York Mets, who beat . . . \ New Champs in Both Divisions NEW YORK (AP) — Dartmouth has more return­ ky and junior (Jharlte Wllmot Thirteen players who at sion plus total emotional com­ stered by Del Shofner, Charley mitment. PiUsburgh 71 60 .542 lOMi the season finally cauffht o o d g e r .s - m e t s - c a r d s ■ a s t iw s _ Two neW champions have been crowned in the two Last year’s sensational Ivy ing lettermen than any year are battling to succeed Domres. one time or another were Taylor and Gary OoIIlns. plus St. Louis 72 63 .•533 llMi most prestigious events on the annual golf docket at League football finaler the since 1961. who left with One national, three members of the Green Bay They are, however, not alone the peerless tlgW end John Phila'phia 53 79 .402 29 P o le (d n cin n a tl g^me-s behind Idle, first- broke the Dodger record for a before HnSistnn ono,o hoov o« .poach Bob Blackman has two eastern, 12 I\'y. nnd 15 Columbia in gaining distinction. Also earn­ Mackey. \ „„ IvCflS. y place San Francisco-and a half hitting the Manchester Country Club, the club championships. 29-29 tie between Harvard Packers, including quarter­ ing spots on the team were two Montreal 41 94 .304 42 Mi streak set Winners were Patty Torza in the .Women’s Division and Yale that gave both seasoned quarterbacks in Bill offensive records. The receivers back Bart Starr and nin- Among the defensive stand­ On June As In the second - Rome back of Los Angeles In the Wheat and beeame the first in Doug Rader's solo shot and Je- Koenig and Jim Chasey and sol­ are gcxxl and plentiful. other quarterbacks—fenny Jur­ outs named were Deacon Jones, DivlMlon game of a.doubleheader, Popov- NL lyest. ‘ , the majors to hit In 30 straight sus Alou's seventh-inning RBI and Woody Clark in the Men’s Divis’on. Miss Torza is teams a share of the crown, id runners in Clark Beier and Quarterback Bill Arthur, a re­ ninjf l>ack Paul Hornungr, gensen and Johnny Unttns—nnd Alex Karras. Merlin Olsen. Bob San Fran. 75 59 .560 — Ich sparlj<ep-run third in- Houston nipped St. Louis 7-6 slnee Stan Muslal in 1960. But double. the second 17-year-old in the club history to gain the was worth a couple of e.x- Bob Mlakar, plus his entire 1968 serve the last two years, is the were named' today to an all running backs Jim Brown, Le­ Ully. Dick Butkus, Tommy 73 59 .553 1 ■ honor, Cynthia Prior being the -— ------with Popovich sin- *' innings and Philadelphia he struck out with two out and The Astros then won It In the clamation points. The 1969 secondary. only experienced offensive back 1960s team commemorat­ roy Kelly, Gale Sayers and Nobis, Lem Barney nnd Lorry Cirieinnati 72 59 .550 first back in 1956. The two were V/i -fome another run,-tjie Chi- l^lego 2-0 In the only men on first and third in the 11th when John Edwards raced a few fighters who carried out outlook is a game of ques­ At Columbia, sophomores at Qornell. Middle guard Theo ing the 50th anniversary Jolui David Crow. Wilson. Atlanta 73 63 .537 3 the youngest ever to gamer the Cubs built up a 5-f'lead other scheduled. National ninth after the Dodgers had home from third on Alou's in- his word when he announced re­ tion marks. ■ John Daurio and Jim Romanos- Jacobs^ anchors the defensive. season of the National Houston 70 G4 . .522 5 Egad, friends, the mo- p ro ject at edch stop on my in the Gator Bowl on New crown. ov^!r the Reds before the gah4e League action. scored three times to make It 6- field hit. The Victory left Hous- tirement. Can Harvard (8-Mt) replace Football 1/eague. San Diego 40 94- .299 35 football parade is, "Ckui Year's Day, and the polnt- While himdreds of Manchester College Football's Was suspended after seven In- > games back of San ment of truth is rapidly eight defensive regulars from a The oinseos team Is the last Tuesday's Results Goody's Baby Buckeyes bring happy Arkansas Razorbacks, golfing- enthusiasts were In at- nlngs. ' rij.S ■ Kr.J)S — Davis kept his streak alive by Francisco. approaching for the na- team that yeilded only 90 points Cowboys and Jets Paired of five all-star teams spanning Chicago 5-8, Cincinnati 4-2, ISt tien’er II home again?” coached by astute Frank tendfligto at the Greater Hart­ Here ’n There Tuesday night the two clubs _ tion’adelpma’s ski, m ^Tp^n^w ^^^^^ gion nine, said the biggest Hill? team to be announced shortly. . Oniy game.s .scheduled uhirly-schoduled game and built more with a pair of singles and ble and Clendenon si;g i;d stole X to ;;* 'o v e r S^n Dl^go 30, feat, and player-rich Penn State golf team member awL^one of Today's Games heard at widely scattered and in the almost as illustrious “take" (or any home game ■was Waiting for Joe That the '608 are the era of the top newer players ^ the Can surprising Penn (7-2-0) (38 lettermen back), who just $25 with the average between Vince Lombardi and the Pack­ New York (Kooaman 12-9) at points .across the country. Leahy era, 1946-47. tourney scene. come up with a running game to as the Hoople System predicted, ers Is attested to by the (act Lo.s Angeies (Osteen 18-11),-N Top contest on the opening ®"by Bucks who were When Miss TorZa was beati $5 and $7 . . . Tickets for the NEW YORK (A P)—The Doomsday Gang is laying upset Kansas in last season’s complement the Bernie that almost one-third of the se­ Pittsburgh (Ellis 0-13) at At­ Manchester Open Sept, 14-15 day card is the Sept. 13 noc- "8®"®atlonal sophomores” will Isabelle Parciak, 13 and 12, lart ire-season basketball game be- Zbrzeznj to Pete Blumentahl air in wait for Broadway Joe Namath, pro football’s con­ Orange Bowl classic. to-- Philadelphia Fryman 10-11) Air Force Falcons to test the "'J’ long-time friend Woody the heat wave. ThC Hartford W’hlch indicates that the S u ------Wrong-Way Riegels these front runners are such on saibslhls vveekend at Nas- Can Princeton (4-5-0), under 001 who did things the Green 4 at San Diigo (Santorini 6-12), N mettle of the Southern Metho- Hayes but all —kaff-kaff— to resident was just ■ one under excellent teams as Southern ..o- tv. , ®U^ Arms^ Manchester. George new coach Jake McCandless per Bowl hero of the World clinching the 33- liay way. .-\t the 20-yard line, Roy Riegels—captain-elect of Cali­ Chica^ (Hands 16-10) at Cin­ Boros To Defend, dlst lads. This Saturday nieht *"*tlal calculaUons and „ build an offensive line to clear Champion New York Jets Ls in gam e' lnter*leag\Kr fvries. fornia’s 1929 football team—was running free and clear, On offense Uint includca Starr cinnati (Maloney 7-4), N TV show promises to be a sfrfhe °"-'b®-sPo* inapecUons Indlisate o h^^rlm lfna ® ^^“ 1 isV^^ting the eiS- — .1 to bidldlng up big margin, biuon . . . C ^ ^ John Ellis, the way for the superb running for a rough time in the Cotton Kl^ewhere, on Tuesdtw. Ky>r‘ and Hornung, tackle Forriwt practically laughing out loud. In this Rose Howl game, of Montreal (Wegener 4-11) at tin»^e^tintiSA.- _—I,,,. but more of that___ later_the ^be Columbus Columbus lads lads will will fall fall no no Oklahoma, North Carolina State, Syracuse, Army, UCLA, backs? Bowl to D^las Satupcjay night reit Gregg, an lUsHlstant coach, Gregg, guaid Jerry Kramer, all games, chance had picked him to carry California’s San Francisco (Marichal 16-9) Your favorite correspondent Notre Dame, LSU, Florida when the Cowboys tiuigle with re-actlvated a» a pla>'er by destiny. Thursday's Ganas, will Dartmouth (4-5-0), with center Jim Rtogo, flanker Boyd Barkhouse Enters has just started his annual jour- m i^***" the Jels in an exhibition game. Green Bay and may start at A touchdown lay befort^ him, a mere center who had State and Virginia Tech. , Dowler, running back Jim Tay- Los Angedes at San Diego, N 29 returning lettermen, avoid Prosiiects for the biggest name field of golfers in the tr^riinVsrttes”^ N o r t h w e s t ^ , Egad! Wouldn’t It be a treat , ^ Ellis hit .331 with Syrabqse In the crippling Injuries that The Doomsday Gang Is the against Pittsburgh Satur- for and punter Don Oiandlec. nicked up a fumble, but a nagging voice kent shouting at Only games, scheduled name given to the Cowboys’ de- (jgy him above the roar of the crowd: "Stop! You’re running years is good for the 23rd Manchester Open, a two-day powerhouses after having sn^t Wisconsin, Purdue and Miciji- if football were played 52 weeks “ tL e^lem ■ Litemattonal . l i ^ caused the Indians to miss the On defense the line-up shows a year so one could see all these ter me event. ^ ^ Narragansett Park opens fenilve front four who aim to Split end Richard Tmpp was end Willie Davis, linebackers the wrong way!” Aincrican Leaipie affair on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 14-15. Nearly 100 most of the summer t S f Z ^7"' ^ man-killing first division In 1968 for the first great juggernauts In action? Ume In 13 years? rush Namath all owr the place. traded by the Buffalo Bills to Ray Nitschke and Dave Robin­ The voice belonged to Riegels' teammate, Renny t,om, KllNt DivlNlrm • entries have been received for Sept. 14 and more than anonymously in Houston helping CL c cr urday and will run through Dec? You are fortunate, 'my dear 13. There are 1,200 stalls a t the /•Han Columbia (2-7-0) find a He is just like any other Diego Chargers and the son. halfback Herb Addericy who had been desperately chasing him for more than 40 w. L. Pet. (i.ll. a hundred for part-two of the the NASA sclenUsts send 't h i 7°®® of you, who would Short Stuff y readers, that the Hoople Sys­ Thanks to the appearance of Pawtucket, R.I., track, all fill- successor to record-breaking ^ ^ *'*^^*^ them oakhuid Raiders placed qunr- nnd safety Wlllle Wood, yards. At the 10-yard line. Lorn managed to grab him, Baltimore 92 44 .676, — , annual fall fixture on the local Apollo 11 crew to the moon and ®“®b " tem has football experts In all three golfers, Billy Casper, Jack ed with thoroughbreds raring quarterback Marty Domres? all, ^clared George Andrie, a lerback Eldridge Dickey, their All were part of the tradlllon but Riegels shook him off. "Get away from me,” he Detroit 78 56 .582 13 calendar. ^ back — umkumph! With that ' remind you the in- sectlonq^ of the country, ready Nlcklaus and Leo Trevino, the to go . . . Stamford Usts a slx- Can Cortjell (3-6-0) rebuild Its defenElve end Tuesday. "It’s a jggg Uraft choice, on walv- Lombardi Instilled during tlic shouted. "This is my touchdown." Bo.ston 71 61 .538 19 Alex Hackney, club pro, re- asslgnment successfully com- oomparable Hcxjple System tremendous challenge to play to pass along their Inside Info 1969 GHO was a tremendous mile road race Oct. 12 starting offensive backfleld and defen­ Packers’ reign at the top—a tra­ .At the threo-vard line, Loin grabljed him again and this Wa«h’^. 71 66 .618 21’/,! port.s that among the profes- pleted — har-rumph — I can compiled a phenomenal .726 the Super Bowl champs. It to you through our weekly col­ financial success. Although not ait 1 :30 . . . One hundred and sive line? time held on. Riegels finally realized that something was New 'York 67 67 .500 24 siomils .seeking the $750 first now devote my time arid talents average (Z4l victories, 131 means a lot to all of us.” Mie of the three wound up in the one colleges and universities m’e Are Brown’s ^(2-7-0) sopho­ wrong nnd turned around. Rut a wave of Georgia Tech Cleveland 54 81 ,400 •37'/4\ prize on the Monday date will to forecasUng the winners each misses) In 196S-har-rumph' umn. winner’s circle, each had the represented In the training mores as gcxxi as they looked as ' "I’ve been thinking about him players rolled over him, smearing him on his own one- be Paul Barkhouse of Lynn- Saturday for you, my favorite as you know, friends, that Back for a second year with West "name” and color to bring out camps of the National FoothaU 1968 freshmen? the whole off-seayon," com­ yard line. nivlNlon field. Mass., winner of the re­ people. astronomical record was attain- the Hoople Forecasting unit Is Mlnne.sota 81 _; record crowds . . . It was an- League entries with' Notre Harvard ;a strength will be on mented Bob Lilly, another of the 62 .609 - cent Maine and New Hamp- By the way, I wish to pub- forecasting only the Chief Thlnkley, the human He had run 62 >'4irds in the wrong direction, chased l>3^ Oakland 74 A. other great show at Wethers- Dame the leading producer with offense—namely, running backs Cowboy front four. "This has to 57 .565 6 ih ire Opens. llcly deny the vicious cahard top-rated college attractions computer, on loan from NASA. LOm and an incredulous Georgia Tech team, to produce California 50 ' field and the weather — while 19 players . . . Manchester High Ry Horndlower, John Ballan- be tho biggest exhibition we’ve 70 .424 24 Three former winners here widely circulated In Houston "airing the major conference All of my long-time associates what was probably the weirdest play in collegiate football's Kanwi.s City 54 79 ■ hot — did not product any rain Is looking for a ■ hew line coach tyne, Richie Szaro, Gus Crim ever played. I think we will-be first 100 years. .406 27 back for .another try will be lit­ that I was the unanimous choice otubs and the leading independ- —Red Board Daily, Dr. I. M. Chicago 53 79 .402 during the five-day event, which to replace Pete Richmond who and sophomore Steve Harrison motivated a little more because (Newtpop^f InU fpfif Attn i 27'/,. tle Ed Riibis, Ed Laplcrre and" of all NASA employes to be the ®"t teams—um-kumph! Inorbit and Hannibal Wotaburp feattle 50 83 .376 included the Pro-Am . . . Who has resigned, and ends Pete Varney and' of Namath.” .30'/., Ernie Boros. The latter Is the first man to go to Mars. Egad! Who, you ask, will be No. 1 —have been working day anci Tuesday’s Results will win the most valuable play­ Bruce Freman. Frank Champl, "W e’ve gqt It on u.s that we defending champion. I could never afford to take the It'® "ot the Ohio State boys? nlghy confipUing the first fore­ New York 5, Seattle 4, 15 In­ er award In the Hartford Twi­ the hero of the Yale game gets lose games ugairist strong Former touring pros Jay necessary six months away We look for a fierce struggle cast. End of the Line nings light League for the 1969 sea­ first crack at quarterback. tram s, tx> it could neally help us Dolan and Bruce Dobie, out of from riiy desk to make the trip, with several fine teams making For the winner of that open­ Big Test Due Today Oakland at Boston, rain son? Here’s one unofficial vote Ralph Houk tells in Sport of Coach Carm Cozza, despite 15 to beat the Jets and then the Marsachusetts, and Long Is- My business enterprises would strong bids lor the top spot, ing day TV contest matching - /■ Mlnne-sota 5, Cleveland 2 WOMEN’S CHAMP’—Making her first start a suc- for catcher Wally Widhoim of a typical Frank Howard home lettermen, must rebuild Yale’s Colts next week.” l.iTid'fi Jerry - Pittman, another perish. (EMltor’s note; What There are Duffy Daugherty’s re­ the Air Force and Southern Chicago 10, Baltimore 3 ce.ssfiil one in the Women’s Club Cham|)ionship the regular season and playoff run that flew on a line over left- entire offense, which lists only Niunath got a taste of what who bias been on the circuit, desk and business?). juvenated Michigan Staters, arid Methodist, watch this newspa- Kansas City 6, Detroit 2 Tournament ill the Manchester (knintry Club was champion Moriarty Brothers of fielder Roy White’s head before guards Ja ck Perkowskl ' and might be to store (or him wlien For GonzaMs/Ashe have entered. Not too. surprisingly, the first Dan Devine’s powerful MlssounJ^j^per for' my forecast of the Wa-shlngton 2-3, California 0-2, Patt.v 'forzii, lelt. .She troiinced Isahelle I’arciak, 13 Manchester . . . A popular he had a chance to move. "I’m Bart Whiteman as returning he was dumped twice for losses Play the first day will be for que^on asked of your pigskin Tigers that walloped Alabama games of Saturday, Sept. 13. FOREST MILLS. N. V. fXi*)— The l)ig comes 2nd game called 6Vj Innings, iiiid 12 in the scheduled 3()-liole I’inals. 'I’he 17-,vear- choice for the MVP honor would glad White never had a chance starters. Seven defensive regu­ by Minnesota last week, al­ tfkla.v for .Amenca’N twir leailinji tennis |>er.sonnlitieH, amateurs only with no handi­ also be Bob Carlson, the batting to get a glove on it,” said Houk. lars also must be replaced. though he threw two touchdown rain old champ will enter Southern Cfinneclicut. Miss ERNIE BOROS Baiu'Iio (ioirzali's ami ^-nlmr A.slie .Ir, cap limit. Sunday, low handi­ champ, who also graced the "If he had tried to catch It, it pof'sea In guiding the Jets to a , ' Tislay’s Games At Penn, Coach Bo Odell has OKI Piuu'ho, 41. blit Ixmi'M ami 'roi7.a was one under men's p;u' for the first 18. cap - five or under — and the Gas House lineup . . . Death would have pinned him against a solid nucleus of 18 lettermen, 24-21 vlctorjwover the Vikings. Cleveland (llargan 5-11) at muiM'len kUII n rhln ry Ironi a Mlnnc.sota (Bo.swell 14-10) pros wUl takio over the spot­ took a great guy in my book the wall and I would have lost including several exceptional "It was good to get that prac­ .lolui Ni-Wi-omlir of Auatmlln, light. iFimle riiiii|x^n. kiS .,n Oakland (Talbot 5-8 and Durability of Knee Surgery in Rocky Marciano. Thfe Rock an outfielder.'’. . . Can winter be 1968 sophomores. The defense tice to scrambling,” Namath who laid to (tftit off five ant extra day <»f van Iwt'iuim- r In the men’n games, suffered hts sixth loss In nlhg sent the game .Into extra L®" Parson, Bears. date, Wlllle Holman at ends. a problem with chief contenders his last el)'ht deeli Ions as the Imilngs. There were 415 In bust year’s Tlirrr iShrr playrrr nilvnm'ril •luarirr fliuiln ThiirMitay s.mhlen, their West Division But the durability of halfback . Doug Buffone and taxi squad being Major Hazelton and Tom to. tlw mi'ii'H qimrirr flnnlii White Sox erupted for nine, rims Bobby Muccor hit his 22nd L®''1. Including 114 pros. Veteran Jurgensen Key Man On PGA’s • Mnillliiln were to la- itrchled Hundreds counterparts are slartinjf Sayers’ surgery’meridlng right graduate Dan Pride will flank Greenlee, Timnday In the sixth Inning to top Baltl- homer for the Yanks In the ------itbio tixlay In the woniett’a ntn- to do a (land.V imitation. knee is just one of several ques- Ttw-y wrrr MFCond-M-nli'd glen 'I’lw .Mlnnesola 'I'win.iclubbed more for the fh-sl time Ihls year slxtli, a solo blast. Complete Staff tlon marks perplexing Jim Dool­ In Trihiite hi their Iasi meeling of the sea- Money List .Cleveland and hard-luck Luis ey In his second year as coach­ BRIDG EPORT, Conn. (AP) 'riunt .5-2 'I'lieMduv ni"ht for theli' «'"i- SENATORS - ANGEIJt ing successor to Bear owner Extra Gray Hairs for Bauer As ’Skins Look for Winner NEW YORK" (A P I-F o r the third .straight victory, their Chhaigo paraded 13 men to j„„ Hannan pltcheil a three- ~ 'H'® University of Bridgeport Geor^rs.''Halas! first time In recent weeks, there To Rocky ^ A tribute to the many long days sixth In Ki-ven game.s iiiiil ninth ‘ ;'m‘, Sayers’ knee, shattered In a CARLISLE ,Pa. (AP)— were no changes In the Top Ten In the gym Georgetown Uni­ imOCKTON, Maas. (AP) In 11 games. with Hill Melton and Bobby f,rst time this season )ind Frank ®t>6chl"K staff with the appoint- gcrimmage play against the San The Washington Redskins of money winners on tl>e Pro Oakland Has Moon Trouble versity during the off season. , About 7l50 persons, some’ of • ■ That t)jum|)h, eomhined with Kmxip ,mrh s amnilug wo h ts. ,„^ v rd . No. 43, and Mayp, ment of Jo e Roper and Bob Tou- Francisco 49ers last Nov. 10, Is had just finished the rug­ i»oog n’owpll iioiiicrod for tho ...... *•* * Golfers’ Association tour. Only Oakland's ralmmt at lloslon, During the first Intersquad them from the Uixln)' world, OiiolcH, liLs ;i5th of tlir ynar. No. '8, backed^ him with solo standing the pressure In pre-Na- With Ace Hurler Sidelined ged Vince Lombardi grass scrimmage played under game the individual numbers were al­ NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE. Inc widened the Twins’ lead to a fal homers a.s the Senators won the coach Nick Nlcolau. Roper, a Honal Football League tered. filed Into the Hickey Funeral former Bridgewater (Mass.) drills and were about to (fonditlons, a sportscoster who six games over the A’s with just opener.- — notioniLlll.ltlllMlin a Ibt betterli * » I I MTl' than T i m II the T II*» of- I M . -g-, I-I r, I-,. - ___ Bob Lunn, who took the Home Tucsilay night to |my ItOYAI-S . riGEItS — ,3 BOSTON (AP) — The sun good, but I’m,having trouble begin scrimmaging. “Al­ has called the Redskins games a month left In the season. , Ken McMullen knocked In two State star, will be In charge of , gupp^ged to $20,000. first prize Monday In the their hu»t resiK-cIs to retired Joe .loyyind iixikle Ixni Plnlel- hasn’t been shining tw brightly with my rhythm.” He said the right,” roared coach Lom­ commented: "Jurgensen looks Jim Sproul ’I’he 'I\elns have lu'hl first runs with a slr)glc and scored the defensive line. Tousignant, a gpring him loose Greater Hartford Open In a If heavyweight boxing champion la each had ii ixdr of HBI.s as for the Oakland Athletics these postponement didn’t bother him. In tremendou.s .shape. I've never If Ddntn'f Say Ooodydar shire July 6. hut the A's were the other In leading Washington standout defensive back at The Bears, who placed second _ _ _ bardi, “let’s take them four-hole, sudden-death playoff Rocky Marttiano. Kansas City handed World So- to victory In the nightcap, called Springfield (Mass.) College a days, and there also have been "I don’t get really psyched up seen him so quick." only two gariies off the ])aee ncs hen> Mickey liOlleh his . ^ “i® Minnesota Vikings In the gorne troubi'p’rw iih around the backstop.” Lombardi, reluctant to talk with Dave Hill, zoomed from A light rain fell on those who only a week ago. However, Oak­ lifter California batted in the few years ago, will handle the a Central Division last sea- •• until I get to the ball pork,” he It was not an unusual order If Can'f Bn PolyglasI. c'lghth loss In 26 decisions. much about any of his players, 34th place a week ago to 251h Sprout To Get CAose Look had jo wail outs)de tlie funenil land has Uxst alx of Its last seven sixth because of rain. freshman team. problems center said. / from the man who becam e a liv­ Tom Tresh and Jim Northrup TOn with a 7-7 record, hnve the around John "Blue Moon” Mike Nagy (10-2). Boston’s was quick to praise his star with a year’s total of $(82,974. home before filing jiast the games during the 'IVlns string ing legend during nine years closed ciiskel. hit consecutive homers off wln- problem of B riling art,offenslve odom. the team’s top pitcher, candidate for Rookie of the quarterback who, he said, has Hill picked up $11,400 In defeat of Hueress. with the Green Bay Packers. It From Toner with UCorms Djp to tarice the milMge lior Ho'Ver Nelson In the fouilli. one .of the finest passing arm s to and continues to second place The ehamplon's parents, his In other Amerlear Is-aglle ac- interior wrecked by unexpected who tore muscles in his pitching Year, was listed to start the sec- - was typical fare for his players OF OUR BIST OltUNO TIRIS I / • • • developments and trying to in- elbow last week. Odom had ond game. football. with '$146,080. The UnlvenSly of ( Vmnei-ttiia with a gissl ivtlttisle wlto ihay wife, daughter and brothei-s sat to run out the kinks after a tlvlty, n ilcai’o mauled' Haiti-/y,\\'KS PILOTS — Periods of Adjustment Set jert zing In a. Bear passing been the most successful pitcher ______But, Lombardi added, he was Frank Beard, who has played football tmim had wmie Miin- shirt as n llhebai-ker," said bi'side the easket which was more and Dnve MeNiilly' 10-3/ strenuous drill. .lerry Kenney's HIU single In game which was /the' NFL’s on the Oakland staff, with a 16-6 equally impressed with Jurgen- In 25 weekly .PGA stops, re­ lOiester flavor when' tin- Tpner "IliUa |»resenlly llslr.1 os banked with floral tributes. A Kansas City whipped Detroit/(l- tin' 15th gave the Yanke^H vlelo- worst last fall.' „ mark and a 2.80 earned run av- The unusual was that Chris- , , sen’s knowledge of the jfhme. mains No. 1 with $160,869. He UConns reporli-d to I lend ( ’oiu h the No Jr man. but we are lisifc. picture of Marehmo was placed 2. New York nipped SeaUle/5-4 For Detroit Under Schmidt GOOD/VEAR on the easkot. rv over Seattle, after an unusual Dooley two months ago crage. tlan Adolph Jurgensen, the vet­ "It’s almost like haying-another has finished In the top five ot John Toner for Uie beginning of ing far hint to <4lmb up the in 15 Innings and Wnshlj/gtoti olisIructUm |>lay kepi the New Mojor League eran quarterback known as Son- *■ ' assistant coach • out onr the nine tourneys winning two of pro-seanon work Jim Hpnsil. n Outside the white eolonhil fu- took a doubleheader fror' Call- DETROIT (AP) Our were with us prior to the 1966 l^® “ ““ “t® makings of a Since Odom’s injury Oakland,^ Uuldnr Into Uie atari Ing drfen- nenU home, groups of euflous, Yorkeis alive In the 14th Inning. ■ revitalized offensive line. But which was Hi ga'mes behind the ' ny, was the first Redskin to his field,” he said. them. sophomore from Manlius, NY.. jrfve (mil " fnrnla, 2-0 luul 3-2. Pilot- phich-hlller Merritt Ra- '"»j'>-®tment Is bt'hlnd feet end was leading the group mo.stly leen-agers, slooil In front Detroit Is strong In several ‘3®°"8® S®als. only 26. re- toyislon-leadlng Minnesota =^=Leaders= Jurgensen, now In his seexmd Others in Top Ten In-nddKIon Is listed on the pre-semsph ■Altlwajgli Ustn] an a New of a block of stores or on nearby new hail hjshed an RHI single us,'.' .says Detroit Lions Coach ‘ the length oj the Dickinson C!ol- marriage and father'of a young to Board- and Hill are: 3. Gary ihnrt as d right linebacker Who rWIN.S INDIANS departments Farr Nick Eddy dispute and the 'Twins, has fallen six games off American League Yorker, Bimuil can Im (/oisUler. HPOIYGUS URB lege athletic field, around the street corners. with two out In the 14jh Inning Jiv Schmidt. and rookie AlUe Taylor provide summoned .tackle Wayne the pace. The A’s have lost six son, has,never led a team to a Player. $123,897, 4 Geru- L'ttler may become a starter by open­ ed .a Ivime stater since h« won TianI, who wop 2/ games'last Batting (375 at bats)—F. Rob­ baseball backstop in the corner, Marciano was killed when u toglM Suittli a I 3 had. But, in ^ isn’t, Srhmiilt may good !q>ced and talent at run Mass nnd reserve center Rich °ut of eight games on their cur- SONNT jtKOENSEN championship—a' (eat that has $110,787; Ji. Ray Floyd, $109468, ing day. ' ,/ two f/aittjsll letters and won the year, had rheekoee Trevino. $90.532; 7. Bruce (fonnci-tinu opefpr''h nine-game ((arit valuable Itnefnan swanl three hits hi a \-\ tie In the fifth, I ’larki' singled, stole second nnd ' .,'"1, . ' ! middle of the practice area. year we won It In 1960 under .-fenny can do Is throw, a foot- sm an 1 owa-,i(jlr,n,i Sunday night, of other unemployed foot­ eellent, with McC’ullough, San- The offensive line still is an- ‘"Jury Including ? 6-2 loss to ^ ^ ton .320 Crampton. $91807 ; 8, Tommy schedule ;vt Vefniom Bi-jk ’20 .as a Jumor o« Mam header M)g»i when Mlnnestijm oxpimled -for moved to third on n gixnimloiit gmundoiit. vciiem. wiiii niw uitougn, oan- ...... "'C ...... o ,r j Runs — R. Jackson, Oakland But many things have been Buck Shaw, it wasn’t like th l^ ^ .,jj ihi' eve of Ids 46th blrtlulay. ball coaches. dors, and Billy CJnmbrell. And ®“°''®“ 7 veteran Center Mlke ^ < J« ° " Monday, He led the league In 1967, Aaron. ‘$*7,625 , 9. Bill Casper, and will engage Yale In the Iref/jre his family jrnwed 1«* twx> run.s tni^ then d iw e him When Hov While .smaekixt an different for the master passer This is the most orgaplZed g^^j, Former rhumplons Joe Ixiuls there is depth here wUh' B lir ^yl®' b u t'cbnalderable pressure Tu®»day night’s game against 112; F. ■Robinson, Baltimore 99. setting _ thrpe NFL records— $'■6,360; JO. .MllJe'r, $85,134 traditl/syu Yale IViwl game from the ijjfound In the sixth hifiehl gro'umlcr, ■( t’larke was "My t'rsl two years wore Jurgensen since the Washington coac^ I know. , ' Manlius As a senior al FnyHte- and Sonny IJslon were expected Runs batted in—KlUebrew. most attempts, 606; moat com­ tho folkiwlng • Bal unlay iKefil Malinchak, rookie Uirry Wal- "°w is on rookie Rufus MSyea, ^®<* rained out, —, . , arrival of Lombardi, who came d he’s the iqoSt know! vUle-Manlius High where he to arrive here Uxhly anil rem ahi_^ “ '’ '•'''"'I''* ihli'd ami the plate, (,'larke oven- tough, ' he says, "bilv ( m eon- ton, and Phil Odlc. No. 1 draft choice from Ohio ® couple of extra gray Mm^e«>ta 117; Powell, BalU- pletions. 88, and moat yardage. 27). New Hawipehlre, ro-holiler for Ihe funeral Mass fh u r s d iiv ’^ '' si'veiUh tually Was. caught but was de- vlnced now that my third season out of a one-year’s self-imposed edgeablc I've met' because he graduated In lli66, H;mrsil let­ Thursday Anqther strong point is the de- State at one of the tackles. hairs to Oakland Manager Hank ”'7® of' the Yankee' t'lsiferen/e tered smi won all-( bunjy )>nrwmi at St.Coleman's Church. ' ' straight for tlu' Indians. dared safejim l allowed to sfoiv .t>s--,head coach will be even retirement to take over the works harder^/ It. That’s why No. 9’> non-ivinnlng career al- Need Bowlers fenshre backfleld, which, in- Replacing Seals will be a 1968 Bauer’s crew cut. A doublehead- 1«2; Redskins after winning three he/s the mpstsuccessful." . chiimplanshlp with ConnerlUruf. In (otdh/tll, laiskeffatll an/J, biisav Other Hcrvict'S arc scheduled Teri 1 th)aender drove In one of wiu'o Ixiso imipire Ijirry tdO^her." mo8t ended loot winter, before ' ProMrms nrr arising In thr eludes Barney, Dick LcBeau. reserve Doug Kriewald or Ran- Vf^ke, New York 162. consecutive National Football AfterLbmbardl arrived to the battles the Husklen In a lUrlne- boll. He stoo won. Uie "t»es.t (or Friday hi Fort Ijiudenlalc. Mtimesola's sixth-inning cotint- Barn.etl rilled that pitcher Gene. .'Si'hmldt has three years left the arrival of Lombardi. ■ ' Knigbto of f'olumbus Bowhng Mike Weger and Tommy Johnson, switching from g^me starting at U ’Home runs^R. Jackson, Oak- League titles and two Super nattonrts capital lost February, i-omlng Day altractVin' st aUilrte" ttwsnl there Khc.. where Marciano made his ers with a single that extended Brabender had obstnicted of a (ive-year contract, bui talk a.m. ^ - land 45; F. Howard, Washing- "I thougM very 'aeriouely Lragur at Ibr Parkadr rveii. his hilling .streak to 16 games Vaughn. tackle. Qther Interior linemen Bowl championships In Green he'met with’ Sonny regularly. Storrs. Oct 4, to igien ixronh's A business sdfnmistrsUon home for the past several ye'arB. Clark's path tis ttmi unless the Lions can Bauer; who lias a 'four-game iO" 43; Klllebrew, Minnesota 38. about retiring after loot sea­ before the first ball. Is rolird. Harmon Klllebrew prmluced an But quarterback Bill Munson ®®®‘ 10-year veteran Bob Wetos- Bay. ------/-^otog over the game films of libmK. slate of (our games major Hiirrajl stands 6-11 snd Burial will b.' in guee'n of Danny Walton, a minor lengu- Iv.ivo a sucoess'ful sea.son Ihl.s series with the Twins In Oak- Stolen bases—Harper. Seattle son," he aald. "My wife and 1 Hank Wlttkr, K f seerrtarj . trapped In a nin down, between may be the key to Detroit’s I*®- ®oa-xed out of retirement re- "Jlmfiiy Is s hard worker weighs 196 _ , HeavenCemetery,' Fort Uiuder- year owner William Ciay Foixl land beginning Thursday night, 63; Cdmpaneris. Oakland 44. "I was elated when L om jja^ / (968, a ye,ar in which Washing- tgixed about It often. But It was reports a need lor men (or earlier nm to Ixxist his RBI to­ hopes. He had a mediocre sea- ®®"Hyi regular guard Jim Ca- came here.” Jurgens said Ion (imahed with five victories decision to make and I de- dule. may buy out the last two years would have liked four days rest APitching . (13 decisions) two teiuns, with each team tal torn. . •son In 1968,* his first with the iHI®. and Bob Plckens.--C^ while waiting tor file nightly /and nine looses...... elded to try again, of his (vu't. (or each of his scheduled start- —Palmer, Baltimore 14-2, .875, i-onslstlng of five bowlers. l’’ire am i I’olioe IJons. But If he doesn't have the Jack -Concannon has won the skull session after'“^lnner. " It’s/ "The first time he talkrt to I don't know how long I __ can Non-KC members are wel- Dist season Di troll vvotmd up problems which bothered quarterbnek job over Virgil Car- ®™' li89; McLain. Detroit 21-6, .778i a great oppoptt^y to play-for me he told me he wanted me to Hralth/hks'Iii^ lot to wlth a diiuual 4-8-2 record amt . ' ...... ______T . "W ell,” he said in the club- 2.70. romed and are asked to show A liiiu iii (Jiaiiip s last place In live Central Dlvi- last year, plus readjust- t®r and any hope for much-need- s '« .u hl>". ^ »® ' “ “1 L with bow tong you can play. 1 up at the Parkade Lanes to­ ; problems, tL-n he cbuld ®d Improvement In a p a^ ^ trikeouts — McDowell, "I hav^ always triedtto do my "He was man to man vrith me ^ ^ winner, Mr night at •:48. BUY NOW ON OUR EASY PAY PLAN! STAFFORD SPRINGS SPEEDWAY Oompleling only four infilngs Uie National KHilboll -..gpit^uge..ti.e on hU hu fine receiversr.c/Uv.ei game earns must------come- from wlde^’re ' K“®“ °"® j"®' have to CTevCleveland 229; Lollch. Detroit AUTOMATIC last night lit Ml. Nebo bi'fore very-best . contribute what I from the stort. ” Lombanll believes he can make ^ I d as the quarterback." he In *"‘®«^®«f» ^®r hte sp i^ RedakUa a winner , . , that’s darkness set hi. Fire & Police ThetT'*' i Lions i havea beenI, buildingk ooi' *ind make the team an NFL sur- cel vers .Dick Gordon ‘ ‘ “"‘V- ancL ISob R probably w v ■would be Fred _____ / s a i d as he puffed on his plp^ meeUngs w -^ ^ m b a n ll. Ji^ - we rTworktog so hard tor. GOODYEAR BATTERIES defeated Bantly I'll for j)io ,the,iust coupie ot years and it ^ , cauehtsoniv between them Talbot, recently acquired from National League "There’s a different atUtude to gensen wx>uld teU reporters; "I „ g tremendous challenge Benefit Softball / .Mumnl crown. 6-2. seems as If they should be Defensively Defenaivelv the front tour at pf eaugnt#onlVcaught#only 48 nassespasses la«tlast sea-a/>a. Seattle, ...u~who _ was ____ scheduledui/aaue to „ this camp than any one I have know I always wimted to play tranrtormatlo.» to a • IRAKIS •SHOCKS F .tl’ so.oreil Jieavlly In the ready to be a comemler once if ’ “jolnlne a ^ Kttob.froh‘“«r^’ been to before." for a c^ like him. I It ^ ^ Game Thursday CARWASH third and (ourth'Umlngs to over­ again Larry Hand is •Joining Sayers as running The others Bauer listed to start ^ “2; C. Jurgensen, who turned 35 happened long ago, when I had .^^^ in one year ” he said 'Tt come a two-run fourth liuUng by Among the lop players In the’ linebackers Wayne ^cks are Brian Piccolo Ronnie against the Twins were East Hartford's Softball Slow • AUGNMfNT •lALANCING Aug. 23, has been going to my career In front of me^ ^ ooncentrmtton lUmtly. 'Votker Mike Lucci a j^ Paul Bull Mike Hull and rookie, Ro«i Nash. Jim Hunter and Chuck Runs—-‘Bonds, San ^ Fpanciac<^ Pitch Lrsgue has combined professional football camps for ’I ve .leernejl so much from whale%er else goes Into a "It (M il Iw li^ t w ¥MI Mah* it rlipiit" For tlv> victors. Roger T.ilbot 106; Rose. Ctn, Oil- s almllarty comp'>sed*'tcam came through with a wa.s Offensive R.K.klC? of the back who seldom threw th? ball under a handicap, a ertp^e tors j would like to be lto«backer, 'again may be .the year. Including one week when- .. \ from Manchester In a game' to. timely single. Banllyy only two. Year In 1967. while coriierback ^ "t “ Jim Hf I^yed under Hugh DC- 12 j^rs. ” " J* i g,^(j *hen the RedaWni be- « K HONOR \______they played three, "I guess M. AIp^ Pittsburgh 188; lul.-. were \from Tim Nichola s teammate Lem Barney was De- Jim c lr o vore. Buck Shaw and Nick Skor- When Jurgensen reported to wlnber,” be played Thursday night at single and Gar>' Maher's triple. fen.s(ve Rookie of the YeAr ' ' “®btxHigti and Jim Carr have , _ .they’re' used to, M by now," B"®®. ClnctonoU 173. Martin' Park .In East Hartford OPEN 24 HOURS , . .. ,,, »enr. impressive, along with Ich in Philadelphia, was traded preseason training camp, his _____ ^ MTUume Elio iKr I'olu’ m 2 6 ^ “ale Official Bauer said of hts players. ' Home runs—McOovoy, San • to WasWngton In early 1964 usually mod-style todeburns had ^ St 6 in menK>ry of Paul Krebs n a t io n a l IHX) 2- 2-2 Fji I x iZ 'u 7*^* spill-end highly touted second-vear man NPW vnuu- . J**" Lonborg waar. Manager Ffanelsco 41; H. Aaron. AUan- The recently deceased Mr Q • r*i-su6MN» Earl McCulloch was the Frelta.: where his passing aWUty has been trimmed! Hla bright red- 1* W ijM I 3MCI16 ^ •ka I srrriag Charge niath niiarf K iT D4ck Williams’ choice to start ** been the primary weapon under dlsh-btond hair was cut short. BOSTON (AP) — ^^bly b, niato. ^qjjwtertack sto ^ Stolen boae»--Brock. St. itouls Bill MePeak and Otto Graham. And No, 9. who was derisively f*H- eight-year veteran of the playing toember of one of (he BLII^ :$liave Kostor EUst Hartfcird League teama. T han k. F r i liU 8 P.ML d^ro‘^wal'^»lcon7ln^the”tittZ' ro!'d ^ ottlclally ^rton“~LiinborK7'(T-e).~whti Morgan, HoustocrMT’Borxir Now -be was ««itong about jeered as "Mr. Jelly BeUy" by Boston Bruins, has signed hU LNCLCDCS: JET DRY RINSING LAPS—MODIHEDSJ rs wa second in the voting m place ori-Jerry De- soldJvU share of Bachelors in, b t making his 20th start of Son Francisco 38. Ryan's Sport Shop. TelepiMMi* S 4 3 - ll t l m ’EEAi/O. ' Lombardi carefully avoiding the fickle Wastdngion tans arhen 1969-70 emtract. the National Sat. till I PJM. had his last winning Pitching (13 decialons) —Mer- any specUIc comparisons with the Redskins were going badly Hockey League club announced It is hoped by the organizers Rt 140 Stafford Springs, Conn. LRfE PARKING June 8 against Kansas ritt. Cincinnati 164S, ..m 4..17. tUs former coaches but giving during the past few seaaons had today, of the game to'offer the people OUR VACUUMS RUN FOR A FULl ' i A-. WOHOLS^AIIONEBTER TIRE, INO. has had one win in re- Seaver, New York 19-7. .731' enough tnfom^tton to allow a flat stomach. Wertfall. 28. scored 18 goals of Eart Hartford and Manches­ S MINUTES FOR l U C then, and in '12 subse- 2.54. some conchwlons t o be drawn. Trainer Joe Kucso aald; "Jiir- last-year A right wing, Wesrtfall ter a • thrilling match m order „ ----- starts is 0-8. Strlkeouts-^Jtnklns. 'Chicago ' ‘*n>e team orgairizatloo is gensen has never-been-In such also Is one of the BnUns' penal-' to pay s, tribute to Uw memory riamatha brief j^UremenL ’ Lonborg sold he is* "feeling 239; Glbooev St. UiuiM 226. amazing” he added. "Even the g r ^ shape coming to camp.” ty kllliers. of a fine former player

■ -. (, \ .:y .• f .y


Moforeycles Building— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 Business Opportunity 28 Help Wanted— Help Wanted— Help W antec^ PAGE THIRTY-THREE Bfcyctes 11 Centraefing 14 Female 35 TAVERN — Going busineu, a Female 3j ' Female - 35 Help W omed-M ole 36 Help Wonted-Mole 36 Help W a n te d -J d o le 36 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW CLASSIFIED I RUPP Mlnl-felke. 3% h.p.. 40 OARPENTRT concrete steps money maker for the right ^ WHIPPLE Building Matariab 47 Rooms Without Board 59 miles per hour top speed. Also floors, hatchways, remodeling man. Asking only $8,000. (U>n- COUNTER women for evening MATURE woman needed to COUNTER girl, 6 a.m. to 2 MAN WANx'ED to work in lum « ___ w / s ______...W . V S ____A. _____ s. . . ______. . . . . _ ___ * ..% t AS______r_ T\T«p.m., fiAtXlfive /loVB days Q a WAAI week.t Apply A r V n l V Wanted Honda 80 or 86 cc’s Dorches garages, ciosets. cell U ct Mr. Frechette, H.M. Pre: dhlft, 7 p.m. to midnight. work part or full-time in fabric ber yard, must have driver’s ^ for work local dairy SniFTkEV. -WE WRITER. ^ N T A WHOLE A n d A «6 0 0 N a s TNE shore OEAREP AWAV- exceUent buy on THE THOMPSON Houm - OBt- Hilllardvllle Luncheonette,. 303 a u t o MECHANIC engine bottom end _^or com mgs. attics finished. rec chette. Realtors, , 647-9993. Steady work, three to four store. Must have knowledge of Ucenae. Davia ft Bradford store, three evpnlngs plus CAV QLEAHlNO THE 9CRAP OUT OF Hl5 ______: _ lumber nnd plyform used once tage St. centrallvcentrally locatedlocated, termlarge some Sunday work. Call 649- plete. Gall 649-3189. rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ nights per week or more. No sewing. Days or nights avall- Adams St., M^chester. Lumber Co., 200 ToUand St all cleaned and stacked. Call pleasantly furnished rooms, _l______I (Foreign Care) 8017. Aher 6, 643-9707. IgESEARCM files, AND BURNING IT— er related work. No Job too able. Call 646-3323 for inter- i^ R N ISTaSd'^more In famous East Hartford. 644-2427. parking. CaU 649-2368 for over-, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 1967 SEARS 250 cc ’s, like new, experience. Please apply Mr. small Pan Morgn. Builder SPORTSMEN Immediate openings for 2 nlg^t and permanent gueal $80. After 4 p.m., call 643- Donut, 286 West Middle Tpke. brand items. No Investment. IM GETTiNG R id OF ALL IWESE J 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Evenings 449-888C PAINTERS — Experlencedy ei^rienced men, up to NOrtS I TOOk ON OUR TRIP ratea. 2961. ______opportunity for the sports- CLERK-TYPIST — Typing and EXPERIENCED, part - time Help friend.3 shop from home. full or part-time. Apply guper- $4.50 an hour to start. REFRIGERATION Gardan— Form—; CEMENT WORK - No Job too woman to get shorthand necessary. DlversL bookkeeper, typing necessary. Send for free all new catal<^. Many benefits. Apply AFOHANlSTANl AFTER I2 Doiqf Products 50 ROOM for rent, gentleman on COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Intendant d” Insertion. problerii? Well worth nhone RoeSne-SidIne It “ Call 644-8739. Has Immediate Openings: ^neflU . Apply Rolo Machine Aportmaiits Hats SALESLADY, mature, respon­ payments of 88.80 each or pay- call, 742-8282 Co, 55 Elm St,, Manchester. SERVICE station attendants BIDWELL Home Improvemeni sible, top hourly rate, fulU Days: 7 a.m.^to ,4:30 p.m. $51 cash. 622.0981 dealer. Tonoiwnts 63 (RorkvIUo, Toll Free) Write (giving phone number). w o m e n wanted to pack ejgga, wanted. mornings and eve­ BRICK, block and stone work. Co • Expert installation ol Miller Farms, North Coventry, time only, 35-40 hour week (in­ BE ONE experienced Motlel Home Furniture THREE - ROOM apartment, Brick walls, patios, outdoor-in­ lUghts: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. nings. Attractive salary. Ap­ 64^-2711 875-3136 aluminum siding, gutters and ALL SEASONS SPORTING 742-6232, ^ cludes Thursday night till 9 ply Sunset Service Station, 568 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL iktilties furnished. Suitable (or door fireplaces, - sidewalks, trim. Roofing Installation and GOODS CO. DEPT. 137 and all day Saturday). Call TURRET LATHE Seit- CABINET MAKERS single adult person. AvaUable chimneys. Free estimates. OF THE East Middle Ipke., Manches­ 19 PIECES repairs. 649-6495. 876-9109 CLEANING women needed for Mr. Shapiro, 6)3-2128. Casual up and operate. ter. '' Sep«, i3lh. Call 643-0678 after Domenje Morrone, 649-1604. 426 Penn.sylvania Avenue part-time cleaftlng work in the Village Shops, Manchester. Ehccellrat openings. Apply: $297 6 p.m. ROOFING and' Roof Repair Suite 201 HARDINGE CHUCKERS: Manchester ared evenings. FINEST Interior Designer wonts reliable ------:::------Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also Couglin Roofing Co.. Inc.. 843- Set-up and operate. Good wages, paid holidays and SALESGIRLS wanted for after DISPLAYCRAFT, Inc. family or newl>qvcdsnewU^cds to nceerzaccept CHESTER Central, 6- moving large appUam^s Bum- 7707 Fort Washington, Pa. 19034 other benefits. Call 827-3171 or Sever.d excellent opportu­ Manchester — . 643-9557 room cold fiat, second floor, . Inj barrels delivered. U 644 school hours. Saleswomen PRODUCTION MILLE3RS: COOKS deliver)' of complete Model Dis­ apply at Rudder Window Clean­ nities have developed in our Set-up and operate. needs redecorating, $80. a 24-Hour Answering Service 1775 '■ ROOFING, Siding, Aluminum wanted for 10-3 shift. Knowl­ play of Quality Furniture Ju.>.t ing, Co., 167 Charter Oak Ave., edge of sewing essential. See office for full-time. FART-TIME, three to - four month, one child accepted, ea- gutters. Carpentry, additions, DRILL PRESS OPER- hours per day, mornings. Call Short order. F3iU or part- removed to warehouses for Pub­ Free to Herald Readers PAUL’S Odd Jobs Done — Privat* instructions 32 Hartford. Mr. Blake, Pilgrim Mills, 434 lic Sale Modern 3 complete crow Write Box H. Manchea- remodeling and rec rooms. ATORS. 649-6334. time Only permanent em­ ter Herald. Chain saw work, roofing, drive­ Free estimates, R. Dion. GLBRK-Typlst or secretary for Oakiahd St., Manchester. CLERK-TYPIST ployes, no students. Help Wantod— Mak 36 • W anted— nxuiis wlUi the $1,000 look. 8 Warn Inlormutlon on one. ut our clMNlfled adverttHernentH? Pogs^irdi^^tts 41 ways sealed, carpentry, ma­ 4352 small office In East Hartford. SHORT order cook or broiler pc. Convertible living Room. FOUR ROOM duplex apartment No anower at the telephone IlHted? Simpl.v calJ tbr PIANO lessons. Conservatory HAIRDRESSERS wanted, part- Payroll department, must -AU Benefits Apply In person. MANAGER trainee for health or Fomak 37 sonary work, attics, cellars, No traffic or parking worries man, good pay, good bene­ 6 pi', bedroom, 5 pc. Dinette with stove and refrigerator. ROOFING. aluminum siding, graduate. 646-5487. time or full-tinle. Apply Magic be experienced. and beauty aids deportment garages cleaned,' lawns fertil­ with all the fringe benefits of -An Elqual Opportunity fits. Please apply In p5raon, k'OR SAIA>1 Toy Fox Terrier $10 ilown, you may purchase Barking. Nice yard. No chil­ gutters, carpenter work, 30 Mirror, 757 Main SU, M.-inches- for ambitiouscAiiiuiwik/ua maniiiaii Inin rapidrHpiCl • \ , puppies. I'all 649-7787. any room Individually. Im- . EDWARDS ized, etc: Phone 649-6020 for a major company. Call 289- ter, 643-2449. EImployer Willie’s ^teak House, 444 Cen­ HOWARD .lOHNSON dren or pels. Older people pre­ free estimates. years’ experience. Coimectleut Help Wanted^— /: growing company. Excellent FRIENDLY. ICE CREAM mediate delivery or free 6394. CLERKS ter St.-, Manchester. RESTAURANT working conditions including ferred. Available September ANSWERING SERVICE Valley c5onstructlon Oo.. 648 Female 35 FULL OR PART-TIME wait­ -storage. 1st. Call 6490873. ODD JOBS—all typdk. Clean­ 7180. Free estimate Mail room: Small mailing GER.MAN Shophenl, 7 monTjis WOMAN or girl wanted for ress, gxxjd working conditions, - 435 Malta St. CAP ft (X'P Charge Plans ...... ups, . landscaping, carpentry. part-time help In luncheonette, -department, experience not weekends. Apply Moriarty old, fem ale, $20. CtaU 646 0St17N Also, our own Instant Credli HAVE customers walUat pleasant surroundings. Hours er operator. To apply you must 649-2835 Mr. Morreale for In­ Manchest<*r 649-0500 875-2519 miscellaneous repairs, etc. De­ 6-2:30 p.m. Call Morning Glory can be negotiated. 647-1091. necessary. Chevron Service, 270 Hartford have 5 years experience. This (or the rental of your apart­ pendable service. Call 648-7218." Roofing and Rd., Manchester. terview. FEMALE Reagle walker hoimd„ ' and leave .votir message. You’ll hear from our odverttser In Luncheonette, 7-4 p.m., 649- is a smaU alr-conditloned shop. LrirM ------,------1----- ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ FABRIC 8138. DENTAL assistant wanted for ■ Payroll Department: Must Yon will ______i - for tire service and re- MALE and F^IALE thn^e-montlis old, all shots. D IS C O U N T F U R N I’T U R E tate Assoetates, Inc.. •4S-81S9 Jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. Chimneys 16>A You wiU receive over average free to good liu'me. Call fl43- YOU ARE A-1.' truck i.s A-1 have good business arith­ STOCK CLERK full-time, 9 cap shop. Good pay, 45-55 hours a downtown Hartford office, will rate In this area If you quali­ HELP W N ^ Q 1028. ' " " W A R E H O U S E Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ RbOFiNO — Sppclallzinp r;-- RECBP’TIONIST — Some typ­ train. Send resume to Box "E ” metic background. a.m. - 4 p.m. Salary and all per week, all benefits. Must . AUTOMOTIVE NOW 2 RIG LOCATIONS ATTRACTIVE 3-room apart­ ways sealed and small tnick- palrlng roofs of all kinds, new ing, car necessary, 9 a.m'. to 6 store benefits. Apply to Mr. fy. CaU 623-1235. After 5 :30 call Lunch Hour 11-2 ment. heat, hot water, elec­ Automobilos For Sal* 4 LOVERS Manchester Herald. be steady worker. Experience COLLE puppleti, AKC uxirmed 8580 Main St Hartford Ing done A-1 right. Call ’Tre roofs, gutter work, chlnuieyi p.m. daily. Write Box 222, Grocery assembly office: Tp 623-5710. Evenings 7-U or 7-12 tricity, - stove, refrigerator. Katz, Arthur Drug Store, Man­ helpful. Apply Nichols Man­ PARTS MANAGER wlUi slute, miilter 16. complete kitchen, ped, 440, automatic, power pointment. pense! Turn your spare hours company. Rita Girl, 800 Silver ■ \ Main at Call 643-2171 desire to protect their 049-1868 after 6 p.m. those Interested and qual­ BUSBOY-dishwosher wiuited, J. M. Fields ' has several HE \GENTLE, be kind, to the carjietlng, basement. $206 steering, power, brakes. Im­ Dressmaking 19 Lane, East Hartford, 528-9416. PATIENT CARE full-time openings for stock Identity con follow ‘ his Into profitable ones with ified. SKILLED and UNSKILLED m u^ be over 18. neat npp<>ar’- expensive carpet, clean It wIlli URKSSER luul i)oul)le beil with monthly. 647-1346. procedure: maculately maintalhed. Call STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, TECHNICIAN room, cashiers and sales DRESSMAKING and altera­ Avon’s help. Call 289-4922. BAKERY salesgirl, experienced ance, meals and uniforms nine iajstre. Rent electric ))ox Startnlrspring ami iiiuttn'vamattri'wa, iwr>two 872-0666. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. FABRIC FAIR Company offers excellent • Exdiellent wages PAID clerks. Good starting sal- Enclose your reply to tions, zippers replaced etc. preferred. Parkade Bakery, furnished. Apply in person. sham|taxM>r .$1 The Sherwln- .slIiU- .proJectorH 643-5760 AH concrete repairs, both in- wage.s and working condi­ TRAINING ary, liberal company bene-» the box In an envelopeelope — 1987 PO N 'nA C FlroblPd, 326, 4- Call 649-4311. 649-6820. • Full-time Alice’s Kitchen. Brood St. fits. Apply in person. Williams C-o. LKGAL sl'le and outside ralling.s. Land MANCHESTER REGISTER NOW tions, convenient free park­ PROGRAM LIVING n*oni wrllonal And mie address to the Classified speed, power steering plus scaping. Reasonably priced • 6 days per Week M anager, Manchester PARKADE ' SECRETARY must like people, ing and abo^e average bene­ TRUCK drivV — Need ex­ 40 QUART milk cana, plain or HoiMirate clialr I foam runhkm I t many cxitras. Call 643-2940. C,l!l 648 0851 FOR PHONE FOR INFORMATION NOTICE Evening Herald, together pleasant phone manner, excel­ fits. Apply: • Shift differential perienced trucic-driver (or ply­ 820 Silver Lane, antique. Inquire 360 HIdwell at, altw 0x12' Riwk-u-ochI Vlm-one Moving— Trucking— MANCHESTER TOWN OF MANcilESTER with a memo listing the 1968 FIREBIRD, completely au- COMPLE’TE sharpening serv- lent typing and shorthand. Sal­ • Blue Cross GRADUATES OF THIS SPE­ wood wholesaler willing to Moifchester. nylon mg • 'all 6411-83116 any MANCHESTER MEMORIAL East Hartford ZoiilnK lioiinl of ApfxifUfi companies you do NOT tomatlc, power atcenlng and Storage 20 A Division of ary commensurate with abili­ CIAL TRAINING PROGRAM grow with responsibilities,, lime lee. Hand and power moweri ___ HOSPITAL FIRST NATIONAL • CMS win hold (mhlir hrarinff* on want to see your letter. -■brakes, new tires. $2,200. 742- Fabrics National Inc. ty. 289-1688. WILL BE OFFERED FULL­ steady employment,, fringe 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. IMI.K• **a* Li fS4**.4laifl niiuand lofty . oolors ...... Your letter will bo de­ sharpened and repaired. Pick MANCHESTER Delivery-light , STORES, INC. • Life Insurance retain brillianro Ln rai*]>etN floral courh luul Mmulay. Seplriubrr 15. IMO. 8303. r up and delivery Call jjiytlme, SPECIAL TIME EMPLOYMENT. NO benefits, CaU for appointment, stroyed If the advertiser trucking and package delivery HOUSE'WIVES! Good hours 522-0214. X cli-aned with Blue 1 Lustre .9Rent tdmir, oxrrllenl ronilltlon. IlfVO HturtlnK al 7.00 p.m . in the 643-6305. Sharpen, -686 Adams ------8 -W E F K PARK & OAKLAND AVES. • Paid Holidays EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Is one you’ve mentioned; Refrigerators, washers and while children are In school. electric nliampo<>er $1. ■ Plne- 640 8663 Hearing Rtami of the Municipal If not It will be handled St , Manchester, CJonn. FOR INFORMATION PHONE MG 1100, 1963 stKlan, runs well. stove moving, specialty. Fold *iow T ! " ^ NURSES-AIDE Apply at Burger Chef, 236 EAST HARTFORD, CX)NN. • Other Fringe Benefits w«sk1 Furniture Hlmp lliilldtng to hear nnd consider In the usual manner. low St., Monday 3 to B p.m.^ pA T rj THE PERSONNEL DEPART­ CUB’D )M made drilIH-rles, i^llp Beat offer. Call 649-6606. mg chairs for rent. 649-0762 Main St. or .call 649-8161. Situarions Wantod— the following |)«tltlons: MANCHESTER - South Windsor ._____ occasional evenings. Call MENT. MANCHESTER ME- TWO - - - _ ...... FAMILY... 5-5 cover* and ri'iipfittUterlng SCREENED lixim, proresiied .HTATK HEARING AI.»D. Al Marino Services (Formerly — 643*9871 giving references. IKAlNlNCj A progressive and expanding company. MO.RIAL h o s p it a l , 643-1141, - F«m a!« 38 Hiidget Irrnih FslAtall ihril In SALE.SLADY wanted, ■ lady’s EXT.-,243. Older home locuted on Oak gravel, gravel, sand, stime, Pin 1 Shell Oil Company. M & M Rubbl.MhI. Attics, cel­ 615 Parker St., Manchester 1045 Days. 824-(ll54 Trucks— ^Tractors 5 Painting Paparing 21 experienced cashiers' want- specialty shop, Caldor’s Shop­ St. Newly painted exterior, IMI.I.^^ARE for boy. four. In fill. G eorge H. G rlffln g Im "Vrning.-? MHith lilde Spencer Straat, ap- Lost and Found 1 lars, garages, barns cleaned Andover 742-7886 649-7500 r- out; upplIanccH, bulky furni­ B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Soi.s. ed, part and full-time. See Mr. PHONE FOR INFORMATION! WAITRESSES ping Center, days or evenings, Apply Mrs. E. S. Loftus ideal ln\''e8lmenl or economi­ my Ilcemied liome days. I.arge liroxlmiitely 668 feet >WMlt of 1960 FORD pick-up ton Fleet- employe benefits, 646-3100. LOST — Red wooden tool box, ture moved, removed; metal- Interior nnd exterior painting, Blake, Pilgrim Mills, 434 Oak­ CARPENTER 'wunted — sub­ cal living. Asking $23,900. play area. Call 643-6027. TOHACXX) cloth for sale, suit­ HI.()ND OAK (Inipleiif dining Hlllslown Road. Bluings* side, 4-speed transmission, THIS SPE- with tools, vicinity of Andover cardboard drums available. paper hanging. 'Thirty years land St., Manchester GRADUATES OF Now. hiring for after Uibor contractor tor framing of addi­ rmmi tataU- lilnl (our iiplailster Zone II Request Hpeolnl Ex 'radio, heater, safety flasher. CIAL 'TRAINING PART-TIME clerk typist and w a x BABYSI’T 4ays In my l|. able for lawns, bushes, trees, Post Office. Call 040-3400. 044-26,16. ■ experience, four generations. PROGRAM Day. Days or nights, full or MAN — Part-time, from 8-1 BRIDGEPORT Operators— Ex- .I'll chairs, extra leaf $75 Cidl rrpllon to erect gn* station, Parts for rack. C^ll 046-0387 SEVERAL CASHIERS — sales WILL BE OFFERED FULL- other miscellaneous duties. In­ tions, .dormers, etc. Also BUb- HERITAGE HOUSE cen.>)ed Manchester home. Call nnd gross. 672-6087, Route 30. Free estimates, fully Insured. part-time. Experience not' p.m. to work In hardware perienced In aircraft experi­ after 8:30 p m , 640-8745 and Certificate of Approval LDST —Light colored Siamese after 4:80 p.m. *■ openlngs at. Fairway on Main TIME EMPLOYMENT. NO surance Agency experience re­ contractor tor all Interior .yrork. 646-0338 or 646-2010.- Rockville. TYPING done • at home. Will 643-7381 neces.sary. Apply in person store. Apply In person, Eng mental work. Top pay (or top 646-2482 for same. Also, request vari­ cat, around Spring St. and St. Adjustable schedules for EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, quired. Call 643-9656 between Top pay for top crew. Piftnty 1664 CJHEVROLET pick-up, % call for and deliver. Call 876- only. 9-4. land Hardware, Route 44A personnel.. Full benefits. Ap­ of work available. For Informa­ MOTHER with llcenserl home HOHUY 8*11 is now ii mc^ry ifiil ance to erect free-standing Lookout Mountain area. Chil­ NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ housewives, 20-30 hour week. FOR. INFORMATION PHONE ton with plow, low mileage, 9119. Bolton. ply Rolo Machine Co., 55 tion call 643-2771. and fine accommodation*- will She UH4»d Mluo Custre rug ami dren’s pet. Plecme call 649-6610. ing, paper hanging, papef' re­ Apply to Mr. Juran at Fair- 'THE PERSONNEL DEPART- Wanted— To Boy 58 mtiillng *lgW.,cloo«r to street 647-9666. Wa n t e d — Neat, reliable Elm St., Manchester. ______WANTED — Rodc..... man...... for sur- ...... care. for*X*. taiicviaiInfant t$ior tiiiKl,child, Uirthree ijplvol.Hlrry cimnrr, Hrnt rl$»r- line limn |iermllted. moval, ceilings. Qyaranteed way on Main St. No phone calls MENT, MANCHESTER ME- HOWARD JOHNSON woman to help with house- STORJt window and storm door vey piwrty, full*tlme. Apply In to flvo yeiiTM. ('aJl 643-2551. trtr AtmmptMMT. $l Olcott WANTOD Antique furniUire Hem 2 Almnr Enlerprisea Inc., workmanship. Prompt service, Please. ■ MOJUAL HOSPITAL, 643-1141, Installers, one who wishes to person, Field , Office, Arute Variety HU>re. LOST—Keys on chain wijh gold Housahold Servicas HIGH SCHOOL BOYS person, i»'ie*a , urnce, A r u te ------gla»H. |K>>Alcr, oil paliilliign in 240 llm n d Street. Induotrial satisfaction guaranteed. grow with a well established Bros., South Main St. construe- " ’H-J-' CARE tor children In my knife. Call 643-4340 or 626-1906. Auto Acetssories WAITRESS wanted'." Immediate 394 Tolland Tpke. 6647 mornings o f after 6 p.m. POSmONS AVAILABLE o lh e - |i'nllqiU' Itriii ,\ny Zone Request Special Bxcep- < Off«r«d 13-A 9564 (ompany, one who Is capable tion'site. 643-14TI. home day.i. Regular ocen ALUMINUM shrels used as opening, hours 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., SOPHOMORES AND'llly The Hiiri:leia'-, 64.'l Hon (or Cenernl Reiailrent IJ- LOST — Passbook No. E 6104 T ins PART-TIME waitress wanted. AT of doing installation wlthout?.su- sionul. HoU(U) near lUgh Hchool printing plates, .im thick, 23x LIGHT 'TKUCKINQ. bulk deliv- CONTRACTOR Interior, ’ ex- Monday through Friday. Apply SECRETARIES 87)6i. 16,5 O akland Street I'ense and Ueiilflrnte of Ap Savings Bpnk of Manchester. Typists Apply: Vic’s Pizza, 153 pervLslon. For Information call SHEE'TMETAL AND 643-6198. 36". 28 cents rarti o r 8 for $1. cry, yard’i. attics, cellars clean torlor,rloicpalntlng, paper hanging, In person, LaStrada Restau­ JUNIORS „ ECONOMY ELECTRIC provaJ (or same Application made for payment. heeded for work in your area .WAI’TRESSES needed, over 18, Middle Tpke., Manchester. 643-2771. TOOL & DIE N 643 2 y I \ WANTED ANTIQUES, uwd ______* ^ 1062 COMET station wagon, ed and removed. Also odd Jobe Dly&unt on wallpaper, t'-nll rant, 669 Main St., Manchester. SUPPLY ki All (lersons Inlerested may at- and Htirlford. Temporary, full- weekdays and nights, meals WOMAN dcHlrei Interesting ) - furniture, |mrtlal or ixmiplete , 1 moat parts available. 643-9640. 644-8602 ,6$ia-3048. DARK RICH 'o)onrfree loam, "V lime or 9-3 p.m. Excellent pay. uniforms furnished. 'Apply For kitchen work and for AUTO salesman — Experienc- FULL ft PART-’nM E .slllon Manche*ter area. -Gen- eUe -,.le nte*. - (Xilll-n l «**6 3 3’.’300 .days1.., ' ...e646 '‘' “ ring FULL-TIME flvo yiinls. $16 '-^intl, gravel, Announcam^ntf 2 REWEAVINQ of burns, moth- no fee.'Staff Builders. 11 Asy- person. Alice’s Kitchen, dishwashing Job (automaUc • Electrical Counter Man ed,„ unusual opportunity tor OPENINGS eruj office pnM>edure apd 0004 after 7 p .-n ' Zoning Hoanl of Ap$Mole EDWARD R PRICE -PalnlmK NURSES—RN’S & LPN’S lum, Hartford, 278-7610. Broad St. machine.) Must be'wlUing • First (Tlass Sheetmebil ft swliclipoanl Available 9 a m. •tone, fill, manure, pool nm) Charles O Ptrte, holes, zippers repaired. ,yWln- exterior and Interior Paper SALESLADIES right man. Auto Trading Post, JOHN MERZ will be at Rus- to work at least three days • Shipping and Receiving Layout Men to 2:30'p-pi. Ger $1 luke B( . BoHon. 8493M7 ber I960 dellveries, no Investment. CJall ttlQue. Call 1-688-6404. < to make deliveries and to All Benefits—Gvertlme Personals Take advantage now of our torlor I’aper hanging Wall- ^l'“ ne Mr. D.; 289-9671. Paul * I'ninI ft Walli«n|>er S up These Are Permanent, help In store. Call for In­ year-end sale. We must make paper books on request. Fully Small Work on Space luid IJfe GROOMING all breeds Bar ply OFFICE worker wishes ride be­ L.."Tvon,''“ o600rte!:: T r^ ^ m f ol terview. Shpetm<->tal Product* mony HUl. H.C. Chae«. Hebro* room for our 1970 line. Our loss in.iired Free estimates Cnii BURNSIDE Year ’Round Positions BRASS KEY BEFORE you look any further, tween Manchester and UConn Building:— 619 9638, If no answer. 613-6362 ^one^ 1-673-3466, also booking ”WE HAVE PARTS ON "niK Rd.. Bolton. 643-6427 VDI-KSWAGEN motor. 40 h p Is your gain. Buy It right now CONVALESCENT HOME RESTAURANT come to the Klock Co., at 1366 Storrs, working hours 8:30 - nnd prepare for that winter Contiacting 14 MOON" rebuilt by VolkMwagen me­ WANTED Five days, full-time. Apply Tolland 'Tpke., Manchester. We MANCHES’TER DRUG TWO KITTENS looking for 4:30. Write Box "CC," Mnn-~ vacation. We also feature Avn- iNSIDE—outside pnlntllig Spe 870 Burnside Avenue W. T. GRANT GO. '829 Main Street chanic.'-Also Knrrnann ay Wtwk, a to 9. No Hatardoys for , flee estimates. a7d-104Jl.i'' St. ■ train you.' Please apply In per­ East-Hartford, Connecticut Automobiles For Sole 4 Home, Kenson, Elkhart EXTRA CHRIS-rMAS money, »r Hundays. , - PAINTING--^ Interior and' ex­ JIG BORE Operators ^ first, son. SIAMESE kitten, male, seal- Bootsemd AccMsdiri** 46 Travelers and will soon bti HALLMARK Building 'com- $600 salary now until Dec. 20. HOUSEKEEPER and com­ MEN to drive school busea, i^ n d s c a PE laborers full (lolnt. paper* 647-1042 NEED CART Credit very bad" terior. very reiusonable, (ree •econd and third shift. Lathe ------: - grxxl hours and gc>od pay, 7:16- A pply In pncoon i o Kmrf Lansl*, Nervtr* Bankrupt, repossession? Hon sliowlng a line of 'Thorough- pany for home ImpTiovcment, e.sltmates. Call Richard Mar­ 4 hours dally, morning or eve­ panion to elderly woman who FEMALE PRODUCTION operators, second shift. Verti- time, no experience neces­ 14’ ALUMINUM.Crestllnrr. 40 breds very modestly prlceion- n -p ‘;'m. Apply Vernon Bowling be thoroughly exjlertencrd. -r - ^er, will hold any - fuUprovement Secretaries chines. Must have-som e me- Bridgeport operators glne, transmission, . bucket **'‘*wer, hot water, sleeps contraetlng service specializ­ John Verfaillo. 649-5750, EXPERIENCED. ujechanic .Tpke., Manchester, NURSES'S AIDE, 3-H p.m,, full' chanical experience. For FOUR fluffy six-week” oOr' kit­ seats, 13,000 miles also 1962 0. Jwo doors. 643-0686. ing In recreation rooms. - We_ Flexibly hours. free parking. wanted , for. -^general repair nlghU only. Apply In person. ; £ A. "PATTEN CO tens,*’ Free, Kiaiaebrokrn Usll or parT-time. Call 649-4519.- garage. ■ Profit ahaHng , plan panel truck, engine n.e«^s ,5. ^ x iT T Y cariiplng trailer, W<'l>'onic com|H>tUors’ prices. Neveiy-a fee. Vernon Lanes. Route 83. Ver- 3^ Wexherell St.. 6491441. / ----- w. T. aRAiir OPENINGS Free wtlniatcs, Cajl anytime. available for qualified man. work. All for $260. Call 643- brakes toilet, g3i8 re­ Bends— Stock! HOUSEWrVES-Would you like HELP WANTED PABKADB . 289-6546, Call Sonya 522-0492 See 'Mr. Sloem, Sloan Garage, UUU' ... , ’ Manchester SHEET METAL FREE KITTENS, males" and, 7218. frigerator and range with oven, M ortgages 27 to work with beautlijil.people'? SEVIRAL EXCBUENT OPfOtTUNimS Are you interested In no cvcii. Route 83, Vernoni - ' Liberal benefits, first shift,-fre­ female. bla<'k. bU*' k and white Aa E «a a 1966 OLDSMOBILK excellent comlllloh. $1,200, 649- IH1R5IERS. garages porches Open dally 9-5. Mondirv—and t - fabricators MORTGAGES,, 1st and 2nd Ing and creative pert-ttme job? -M-&n-and-M/Uimen HYDRAULIC back lure operas quently working 80-hour week and ! allco <^1 640 4617 any­ Emfieyee HAVE DEVELOPED IN OUK PtKM: Supreme, 4-door hardtop, 0076. ree rooms. nxim Thursday until 7. additions, mortgages— interim financing A television production studio tor. steady work. 643-6927. • time. kitchens. ntld-a-levels, roofing, PRODUCTION LATHE Experienced only, must be white, black vinyl top. Auto­ 1907 YEIJDWSTONE trailer, —expedient and confidential Is opening In the Roclrvllle FULL-TIME — PART-TIME 6490701 siding, general repairs. Quality 100 Constitution Plnzji, Room 800 able to do own layout and matic power. steering. $1,525. 18'v’, excellent ctmditlon. Call service. J. D. Real Estate area. Camera operators, AND 1-428-3911. workmanship. Financing avali- DAYS & EVENINGS set-up work Industrial Job after 0 p.m,, 643-6742. Assoc. 643-5129. graphic artists. floor crews MALE PRODUCTION shop background very help­ CONCRETE FABRICATORS ■ible, Eooniony Bull.lers, Inc.. COUNTERMAN, 'll a m.-2 p m . 1966 CHRY8LF.R, gixid con- WILL. TRAIN and hostesses are needed. No MILLING HANDS ful; Good BtitrUng pay and Have imuiy opcnlnjpi for worfc. No «*• 443-0159 . 872-lH’>47 evening?. LOWER monthly payments. $4,- ^ Burger castle - has vacancies for adults to fill po­ WORKER no experience necessary Ideal ntmAy dition, reasonable. Call tixperlence required. Crews plenty of oveittlme 649- Garage— Sarvico— 000 requires monthly pa>-ments Right person for Dellca- sitions in our Manchester store treated by our Machinery building exper­ for college student with after­ pcrlctice required. Ycur-rnond worli with over- 0964. .\nniTIONS. n-modellng, gs will be trained. Daytime hours. of only $89. Our_ interest rate temen work In Mentown student employes returning to school.. ience needed. Apply In per­ OPENINGS noon- or evening classes Ap­ Sforoge 10 rage tvo rooms, bathrooms store. Good chance to An artistic or musical back­ Unw. Top puy ruten. .Many benefita, ankn ehop. has remained the same (or son. Overtime available. ply In person. Bonanza aieok WARD MFG. CO. I FORD 1966 Qalaxle, 600, 4-dvars. We’ll be glad to Appointments arranged. Lib­ House. 287 W Middle Tpke OPENINGS hardtop, fully equippeil, $1,595. neair.' Ap)0y In person at positions. College background benefits such ^ ‘2 weeks vacation for 1 year’s storage, $7 monthly. Call 643- mem work.' cellar (loon p« eral benefits. , 259 ADAMS BT Ca;il after 6 p.m., 049-4279. ■serve you. Dial 247-8232 or also preferable. Send name, ser\’ice, hospitalization and surgical and major SHIFTS 6491154; ' 8886 after 6 p.m. lios. roofing Call Leon Cles MEATOWN MANC*HE8TEK ■-1,82 Rutledge Rd . Wethersfield. 1816)^ SUver Lane AIJ. AROUND machinist, tape 647-1457 of background and or experi-a Starting rate *at $2.71 per hour machine operators. Bridgeport WOODWORKERS tni back, blue, snow tires, gas .VEWTtlN II SMITH .4, SON Conn. E ut Hartford -ence, to Video Productions, 640 HUllard St. . and up. Apply to: end lathe operators, ample heater. luggage rack, attrac­ Motorcycles Remodeling repairing. «ddl Box 476; Rockville, Cemn. Interviews at riie store, Manchester. Conn. overtime, air ■ conditioned tive and eervlc'eable. 644-8667. tlons,. reo rooms, garages ■ (xmoiuaneo —------— ------.- —------METAL FABRICATORS Bicycles 11 MEN WANTED — port-Ume plant Seg Mfg, Co. Inc.. Dart MBCHANIC—Full or part-time. AVAILABLE porches and roofing No loh 501 W . MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER person. ______, Unon Bcnefito and Puy . too imall. Call 6494144 morninga, for Janitorial dutlea. ■ RCXIERS CORP. Hiii Rd ^ v < a ^ , ,^an stwttsa \ X e r ’*^.“ r i S ’ “ n bra^k^’ TRI^’MPH Daj-tona, 400 APPLIANCE DErt. Cl— ;------?,------...... — Uit ' Lanka, $9 '\Bpencek 8t., Man-y IN THE FOLLOW ING DEPAKTMENTS miles. Going Into sen’lCTe. Call' •$6-4220. (kmUnuoua Work With Overtim* Good running condition. Dofly between 9 A.M. - 11 A.M.. Ml# ft Oakland St*": Man<*he«ter TOUNG MAN. part-time. toV cheater. ' \.' $160. 649-0349. 9A\E MONEY! Fast service. MANAGER 648-6167 after 6:80. MACTflNE operator! capable of Call Marge Hampaon 643-5162 fleet of cars, gc«jd ------^------— ^ Dormers, room additions', ga- Polhher$ Wanted 2 P.M. - 5 P.M., 7 P.M... 10 P.M. 1906 VICTOR SjH'Clal BSA. 441 I'.igas, iSorvhe?, nmflng ami Good Starting Salary Plus setting up own work op lathe ^ v ln g record, knowledge of ~ ^— . MACHINING - BURRING 1964 bSS d club couDe. Chevro­ Good « auto mechanics neceosary. Call ce’s. Will sell (or best offer. siding/ Compare prices. Aro., 289- Paid Vacations A Holidays' rojr finished work on turbine blades and working cocondlUona. Eiperienctd in fininhed curpantry wurii. •km, Chevrolet rear end. $300. Buffing Machine Co., 37 MOLDING and JANITORIAL 0449 Insurance and Above a v e i^ e Iwurly rates, fringe benefits and nings. for JankoriaJ duties 646- KITCHEN helper 743-9774. 1969 HONDA 126 SS. gootl con­ BURGER CASTLE wanted. Execiimt worhinc oemdiUon. Apply to Retirement Benefits profit sharing: plan. Apply at fXJU>TTME or part-time, 4220. nights 4:30 - 9 30 approximate- MEN or women to work , In Opportunity for gro^^th uitd «Wvelo|pin«nt for dition. Must sell. Call 649-2686, Li o r .MKRS, add a level, room * 1966 4-door, 6 cyl­ ----- r' nnd fcmnle cmploytu in the rmpidly axpnnd after 8 p.m. adilltlons, garages. rtxiflng, A Career Opportunity maiatenanoe man, hours can ly Apply Caveys Restaurant. kitchen G s m toSpm. m inder for perU, excellent SYSTEMS, Inc. be airanged. Good starting JANITOR — part-time, 45 E CetJter St modern convaleerent hOfne ing valve thduntry. Apply in p^rwtn, ^ . ALUED BUILOINR SYSTEMS motor, most of body perfect. - siding p»)rches. ' I'omplele Red-Lee Metal/ Finishiag Co., Inc. pay, company paid bene- nings. tCancbester area lumie remoilellng. Financing i t paraAilars call Mr H K B#«t trffer. 648-7362, after 4:80 1969 hONI-BIKE, $100 with hel- W. T. GRANT GO. 69 WOODLAND ST.— MANCHESTER ,5 Nortfi Miami, FtorWa nta. W.T. Grant Oo., Parkade. #«3-8«91, $-6 p.m. only. ^1. “We*^- » Brackett 647 14« 260 TOLLAND TURNPIKE available. Call Royal Custom nlghta per week. 8 p m -10 ___ . __.J______NORLAND PRODUCTS m,et. Call 64S-.6420. Builders,. 646-3434., PARKADE ' o' • An Efpisl Opportunity Employer ’TRUCM DRTV’ER for plumbing EXPERIENCED palnten want- p m Appty tn person. Jane COOK WA.VTEO Viglx w ^k' 1414 TOLLAND TPKE., MANCHE8TER MANUHEilTER, CX)NN. — 646.0124 and beating supplies. CaU 649 ed. Call between 9 7 p.m. 649 n AWen ResUuraiX, TrI-CRy no Sundays Apply at Acadia -4663 for appointment. 4343. Plaza V e n x » ' RaoCaurant CaU •490M*. PAGE THIRTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969

. Business LocdHpns iaANCHEss'rifiK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEk . CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969 H o u s m For Sola 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 PAGE THIRTY-FIVE ______For Renf 64 Out of Town O ut of Town BERBirS WOBLO FOUR-ROOM Ranch with rec ForSolo 75 Uruguay Gives CLASSIFIED SMALL shop,* North Manches­ MANCHESTER, In a central CAPE —' Modem kitchen, liv­ room, treed lot. Near shopping ______For Sole 75 Czech Loan Request: ‘Johuetta’ Found, ter, 2,000 square feet, loading area with bus practically at ing room with raised' hearth and. bus line. Ideal for rrtired dock, heated, sprinkler, elec­ LAKESHONT estate Including TOLLAND — Young and pretty No Rest For the door. Neat four* room house fireplace, formal dining room; or starter home. Braithwalte ten room home with 2-car ga­ tnree-bedroom Ranch, x>n a Teen-Age G>uple tricity, ground floor. Will di­ completely renovated. New three bedrooms, walk-out base­ Agency, 649-4593. Elderly Autos ADVERTISING vide In half. Call 246-4781 after rage. Five bedrooms, bath beautiful treed lot. Cut-stone Soviet Union Gripj,^« heating system, tiled bath, ment, breezeway, attachqd ga­ Enriched by $150 8 out of 10 homes house.«» lakefront, Mr. 2Una- fireplace, bowed window, built- CLASSIF^IED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS S:30 p.m. modem kitchen (stove and re­ rage. Beautifully treed acre LARGE L Ranch. Seven rooms, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay ser, Belfiore Agency, 847-1413. Ins, large dining area, garage. ■TORONTO (AP) — Johnette, MAIN ST. — 4 rooms, all or frigerator stay), basement. lot. $24,900. Phllbrick Agency, fireplace, buUt-lns, 1% baths. Immediate occupancy. Only (AP) — The rusty and weed 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. huge recreation room, garage, F.S. 27B feet ofYakefront. a $2,000 beagle. hSs been' found rent individually, heat and elec­ Combination windows. Selling Realtors, 646-4200. $23,900. (Join t Wagner Realty, growm auto scrap heap—the Purse Strings Tightly hove 0 cold room tor $16,900. T.J. .Crockett, Real­ trees. $27,900. Hutchins Agen­ (3USTOM BUILT — pin.*„... and a teen-age Toronto couple tricity provided. Contact Mr. 875-3396, 643-9088. eyesore of most modern indus­ PRAGUE (AP)—The So\1et tq increase shipments pf wheat COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tor, 648-1677. -MANCHESTER 614 room Garri­ cy, Realtors, 649-5324. trailed Ranch in hlj^i ecwlc IS YOURS ONE OF THE 8 7??? Frechette, H. M. -Frediette, .ZIA. Union refused Czechoslovakia a and. other necessary raw mate- can start married life $150 rich­ Realtors, 647-0993. son Colonial, double garage, 1V4 locatton. BeautUul wooded lot. SOUTH WINDSOR — Price re- trial nations—is nonexistent in 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION $19,900 RANCH. Five rooms, baths, flreplaced living room, MANCHESTER — ’Two-story duced. Newly painted three tiny Uruguay; gold loan In May 1968 piid de­ rlalS'tftom the Soviet Union,” er with the reword tot flndirg Deadline for Saturday and Monday is 4:30 p.m. Frlda.'i home, Awo baths, 4-5 bedrewms, Several extras will stay. Truly BUak continued. "As tor the her. VP.RNON — Brand new office three bedrooms, new kitchen formal dining room, rec room, a Best Buy. Mr. Lombardo. bedroom Split Level close to Along the palm and eucalyp­ manded that Prague first curb Worm up Hurt space available at 30 La- cabinets. Beautifully landscap­ convenient location. $31,900. central location. Newer fur­ Wapping. Wall to wall carpet­ gold loan, they asked us to show The prize-winning dog, owned nace. Lot of house for $20,600. BeMore Agency 847-1413. tus-lined streets of Montevideo, antl-Oommunlst and "oounterre- YOUR COOPERATION w n .l. Fayette^ Square. Rent Includes ed lot. A better buy by Phll- Call Warren B. Howland, Real­ ing. two fireplaces, partial rec the capital city, no abandoned '^‘>l“« « 'ary ” activities, Vasil Bi-' concretely ^ e what we want to use by 11-year-oM Debbie Pankow BE APPRECIATED brlck Agency, Realtors, 646- tor, 643-1108. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. . DIAL M3-2711 Wfeat, air-conditioning, wall to AMSTON Lake — Simply Im­ room, beautiful In-ground and cannibalized autos are to be ("ember of the ruling Pw- answ er^ tiLl q^ratl^ hard-to-heot room wall cariietmg and draperies. 4200. COLONIAL—Ten rooms. First maculate three bedroom swimming pool, garage. Only found. sldlum of the Czechoslovak ^ Canadian National Ex- Will sub-divide. Call 872-0628, / MANCHESTER — , New on Ranch style cottage. Seconds $27,700. Oolli & Wsigner, Real­ loaif TT ^ .1 < Communist party said today openly they will hlbillon dog show Saturday Continued From Preceding Page fl(X)r consists of laige living Instead, 1933 Ford Model-'Ts Riink i Give, us a loan until we set night ( with the new weekdays. market, 6-room Cape on beau­ room wdth fireplace, dining from lake. Beautifully treed ty, 875-3396, 643-9088. MANCHESTER tifully treed lot, central loca­ lot. Mr. Ooe, Belfiore Agency, and H^^Suizas park next to that the tomer llbei^mte^ The beagle followed l«->-ear- FIVE—room suite of front Main room, modem kftchen with Apartments— Flats— tion, near schoti, bus, shop­ built-ins, den, large family 847-1418. •> ^ S Czechoslovak party c^fef ^ ber mon- eHli& CHASIR Apartments— Flats— >. ^ St. offices. 100 percent loca­ HOLLISTER SCHOOL ping, fireplace,’ Jalousied TOLLAND and Cathllacs, room, plus finished rec room a n d er D u b c e T ^ quest^ the ^ ^ Z m e ^r^ u^ n" ! '" ‘"e t didn’t BY IRON FIREMAN Tenements 63 Tenements 63 tion near banks, alr-condiUoii- porch, garage. Bel Air Real COVENTRY, $10,500. 4% room families go for outings to the know who o'wned the deg: until ' ______* ------______ed, automatic fire sprinkler. in basement. Second floor has $17,S00 . . . Come see 'this loan an4 also iHcreased ship­ The interview was published Is Juat one block away from Estate, Vincent A. Boggini, ranch wittiin walking distance, older Cape In excellent con­ beach in cars that were old be­ ments of Soviet wheat, crude she riad about the loss In the THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW DE­ FIVE ROOMS, first floor, mid- ROOMS, very nice, also A.nply Marlow’s. 867 Main St 4 bedrooms. On one acre fore their owners there bom. in both the cqmmimlst party VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT­ 'this csix-room Colonial on Realtor, 643-9332. wooded lot with 2-car attached of lake, neat, clean, presently dition and start pocking. oil, gas and other raw materials newspaper. Chtdir tff$» dle-aged couple preferred, no adjoining office. Can be rent­ rented for $126 monthly. Mr. In Uruguay, all cars, no mat­ daUy Rude PraVb and the week­ ING will keep your cold or chilly room VERNON—BRAND new build­ Delmont St. Three bed- garage. Adjoining land may be Four rooms dowm, txie up, at a May 3-4, 1968, meeting in Janet's boyfriend, 17-year-old children or pets. Can be had ed together or separately. irooms, enclosed paneled MANCHESTER — New List­ Lonrbardo, Belfiore Agency beautiful corner lot with ter how old, are In working or­ ly Tribuna, advanlagtt: warm and cozy, with filtered, clrcuUt- first of September. 649-9836. Main St. Lovely yard, shade ing, minutes from 1-84, 2-4 ing, Five-room Cape, two-car acquired. $38,900. Phllbrick Moscow with Soviet Communist The Interview w-as the latest Peter Box. described the bea­ V OrmUHt flIMrtS vsm ilr. Ini, thermostatically controlled heat. porch, two-car garage. $25 - 647-1418. trees, etc. Vacant. Close to der. And except for a new paint party general secretary Leonid trees. Call 649-9836. thousand sq. ft. clear span 900. garage, nicely landscaped, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. the parkway. Call Ernie job, many look and run as well in a weekly series of disclosures gle, valued at $2,000 by its own- V ISsst rs—m frMi hst wetsr Operating cost up to 7J% less than LOOKING for emirthlng in real celling, will sub-divide into I. Brezhnev and other leaders. iMk «r Mltr. other add-on heaters. Heats cold bath­ treed yard, close to bus line PRIVACY — $25,900. Immacu- EAST H a j^ rd , Seven room Taggart at T. J. Crockett’s as they did the day they were about 1968 Intended to discredit , '"f®' DebWe's father Tuesday V M tMm I MtMUtk estate rentals — apartments, MANCHESTER Two ~bed- units having its own private fa­ and shopping. Only $22,900. H. Raised Ranch with 2-car ga­ Tolland office for this one. ' 'Comrade Brezhnev empha­ the leadership of Dubcck. whose " over the telephone. HnnawtH. room, enclosed porch, attic room, or homes, multiple dwellings, no room apartment, very clean, cilities. $226 per two thousand. late Raised Ranch. (Jountry 875-6279. made at an American or Euro­ sized 'that the Soviet people are any space that needs e.stra heal. ANTHONY G. FIANO M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- rage. Over 2 acres of land, pean auto factory, ten, twenty reforms- were crushed • • - by the - TKverj-thlng matched." said V flMIM, *mH w M|k tees. Call J. D. Real Estate 3135 per month including utili­ Call 872-0628 weekdays. 9993. kitchen, two fireplaces, recre­ ready to share with us their last Peter. tHOKStm tiMaMft. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. 646-0191 ation room, garage, patio, exceptional landscaping. Nice or even forty years ago. August 1968, Soviet-led Invasion, V iMMaOul•Mllul Mk$ M toattO Aseoclktes, Inc.. 643-6120. ties. Deposit and lease requir­ EAST Hartford — $18,200. Five- bit of bread,” BUak recalled. Sheldon Pankow soljl he wlU n41 ' ed. Call Paul W. Dougan, Real­ huge treed lot. Hutchins Agen­ fieldstone walls. Quality built Automobile . Importers estl- I towito. room Ranch, baseboard heat, He added, however, that the fly here to retrieve Johnetta and . SEPTEMBER 1st — Elegant tor, 649-4635. cy, Realtors, 649-6324. by U. 4k R. double closets, mate that out of Uruguay’s Russians also “warned about Phoiw: 649-4539 Houses For Rent 65 ® IM4 NEA, Ik. MANCHESTER — ’Two family basement, trees, near bus. As­ turn oyer the $150 reward. and^ young, five-iwm, first SPACIOUS LIVING large roofed rear deck. The 2(M,000 automob’les. about 22,000 the situation In Czechoslovakia ^ Rare Find IMMEDIATE occupancy due to VERNON 6-6. Central location. City very beet. Mr. Ooe, Belfiore sume e% percent. $133. month­ "We're getting married in a floor apartment. Three bed­ Manchester — are of the prs-World War n vin­ . . . They showed us new facts BRIDLINGTON, England cancellation, , 6-rooms, $110,, 'Th e 'roof' isn't the only thing that has been raised on utilities. Large wooded lot. Im­ Lots For Sale 73 Agency. 847-1413. ly. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, tage. couple of weeks." said Peter, a rooms, all wall to wall carpet­ Superb Raised Ranch, three'' ' In this 66x26’ Raised Ranch. on the activities of right-wing (AP) —The teeth and part of student. "So the money will ing, stove, screened porch, stove, refrigerator, second bedrooms, two-car garage, nice maculate condition. Mid 30’s. 649-5324. FOGARTY BROTHERS, INC. ramous— wait'll yo u see our TUITION fees!" Two fireplaces, 2% baths, -HIGHLAND Park Area — Large Nearly 600 were brought Into opportunists and anU-Soclallst the backbone of an Ichtyosaurus come In liardy.' basement, enclosed rear yard. floor Wells St. 633-6613. lot. Two children, no pets, $260 ■ Meyer Agency, Realtors, 643- paneled family room, alu­ VERNON —6?4 percent assum-"" the country before 1924, Includ­ FUEL OIL • BURNER SALES A SERVICE 0609. _ . lot, could be diVid^ into two able mortgage on this Immacu-. HEBRON—6% room Ranch, 3 forces . . . We could not dis­ sea monster which lived about Johnetta, a prize winner at pen month. Call Paul W. Dou­ minum and fieldstone ex­ ing Ford Model-T’s, Chevrolets, $2:» monthly. _R^ference.s. Se- l 6 \ ^ ly four-rooTn apartment^ ~ y~...... *- building lots.. City utilities. $10,- late Split Level. $160.99 month­ bedrooms, well treed acre lot, prove a single argument or 100 miUlen years ago, have been more than 30 dog' rtuws, fin- 319 Brood 5trB«t • Monchostwr, Conn. ■ourity requhed. Mr. ^echette, heat, hot water, garage. $100 gan, Realtor, 649-4635. Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 terior, two-car garage, exe- 000. Ask for- Mr. Phllbrick, bullt-ins, fireplace, wall to wall Rugbys, Whippets. Fiats, Au- fact.” found in cliffs near this York* H.M. CAPE—Six room, three or four ly pays aH. WaU to wall car­ Isheil second in her class at the Frechette, Realtor, 647- monthly. Prefer working wom­ bedrooms, built-in bookshelves ciJtlve area. Low 40’s. Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, carpeting, rear porch, \ bums, Renaults and other, even ’’It .was decided Immediately shire coastal town. dog rtiow Saturday. 9993. DOUBLE A Zone. Lovely sev------:------peting, thfee or four bedrooms, more remote, models like the an, no pets, references Write and drawers. Wooded lot. Han­ 646-4200. family room, aluminum finished recreation room-small Out of Town en-room Colonial on a "Golf BOWERS School, 6-room Colo- HuprhobUe and the Plerce-Ar- CLEAN, 3-room heated apart­ Box "JJ”, Manchester Herald. nlal with 3 bedrooms and pos­ dy location. $21,500. A better storma and screens. Over % study in walk-out, fuU base­ For Rent Course" lawn with tree shad­ HERITAGE HOUSE CENTER of Town. . .approxi­ ment. Many extras. Ask­ row. ment for middle-aged woman. c-’H'tir' 66 ed and shrub encloscdl privacy. sible fourth. Country-sized buy by Phllbrick Agency, Real­ acre treed lot. <31ty 'water. Call 643-6015. . Puun. ROOM duplex, near kitchen with dining area, 1% tors, 646-4200. mately 2% acres, all in ”B” ing $25,700. Owner, 643-0996. Another 1,500 belong to the hospital. Range furnished. 649- VERNON — NOW Renting. ’Two - car oversized garage. 646-2482 zone. All utilities on the site. Immediately. Mr. Lombardo, 1924-31 era with Ford Mbdel-A’s, "You owe It to yourself to see Screen porch off living room. baths, attached garage. Mid Belfiore Agency, 647-1418. SULLIVAN Ave., So. Windsor. Any of These Conditions May WE HAVE tenants waiting for 2218. COOPER iflU S raet. .C h ^ e ’ Ideal for multiple dwellings. Buicks, Pontlacs. Hudsons, Gra- one of these lovely apartments Three, large and one" small 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Ideal for home and office, 6- your apartment or house. Call tors, 649-2813. west side location. Spotless —z------T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- ham-Palges and Packards Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 649- situated in a srhall apartment bedrooms. Newly decorated custom built seven-room Co- ®®AU^F^JL Split Level, as­ 1577. room Ranch, walk-out base­ among their venerable ranks Furnished complex located in an attrac­ and painted. See it now. Bel- sumable mortgage 5% per ment with 3-room professional 4636. MANCHESTER — South End. lonial. ’Three bedrooms and BOLTON CENTER Another 20,000 date from the Sears tive residential area.” Brand fiore Agency, 647-1413. cent, 3 nice bedrooms, ga­ pffloe, garage. Mid SO’s— Mean You Need New Shocks Apartments 63-A bath up, four rooms and lava­ thirties and pre-1960 autos are LOOKING for an apartment? new 3% room apartment (one Immaculate like new Califor­ rage, large corner lot. Pull Wolverton Agency Realtors, nia styled Ranch home on the tory on first floor, and the Large four-bedroom Ranch e.rt0 $146. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ cy apartment. Apply Marlow’s. water, refrigerator, range, the basement. Loaded with ex­ Mitten Realty, Realtors, 643- rooms in all, tw;o-car ga­ tor, 646-4686. 867 Main St., Manchester. hood, garbage disposal, mas­ we consider to be the best ad­ we’ve ever seen. Priced in the C930. TAKE NOTICE NORTH Coventry — 6% room There are several reasons high 20’s. Hayes Agency, 646- tras like carpeting throughout, rage, tool shed, playroom, ter TV antenna, telephone out­ dress in town. Belfiore Agen­ dishwasher, plus a two-car ga­ Ranch, $127 pays all. Assum­ why Uruguay to a haven tor an SlX-room duplex, $160. per cy, 647-1413. 0131. MANCHESTER etc. Immediate occupcmcy. able VA mortgage. Hurry this antique auto buff. lets; curtain rods, window rage and a lot that affords the Five AA lots, located in ex­ T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- month. References and ge- .ROCKVILLE — 3 rooms, all shades and full bath with won’t last. Pasek Realtors, 289- SlX-rootn Colonial with privacy MANCHESTER —Custom built maximum of privacy. T. J. $135. PAYS ALL cellent area near lo­ ■ curity deposit required. 649- utilities, $126. 649-8861. vanity. Washers and dryers in Assume' the mortgage on. school. Asking $45,000. 7475, 649-6827, 742-8243. cal production and taxes on Im­ 7020, after 5 p.m. behind tall shrubbery^ Central 6-room Raised Ranch. Stove, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. THREE-room apartment In basement (coin-operated) and this fine Intown Colonial ported autos can run as high as storage area. Plenty of location.. Immediate occupan­ disposal, dishwasher, two-fire­ BOWERS School District — Six rooms' with ' garage, FOR THE discriminating buy­ MAIN St. — Manchester. — 6- private' home, recently paint­ places, 1% baths, double ga­ VERNON — $13,(SOO. In service, er, we have just listed a cen­ 300 per cent. An average new parking. For an appointment cy. A best buy lit $22,900. Bel- ’Three-bedroom Ranch. Air- ready, for immediate occu- auto, such as a Ford or Chevro­ room flat with nice adjoining ed, pleasant, convenient, quiet flore Agency, 647-1413. rage. Hutchins Agency, Real HERITAGE HOUSE must sell, cute 2-bedroom ter chimney, authentic Co­ office. Live there and have location, working adults. 643- to see this new lovely apart- conditioned, partially finished , pancy. Call Mr. Bogdan to­ let, costs about $15,000. Few tors, 649-5324. basement, % acre parkllke day for appointment. 649- Ranch. New fireplace, furnace, lonial Cape nestled in the hills business.busln 649-6836. 2880. ™0-family, newly listed. 646-2482 root, storms, septic, landscap­ of Glastonbury In a pic­ Uruguayans cfui afford this. 0529 weekdays for an appoint^ ^^.ftle estate, 2 garages, 5-6 re­ yard, many extras. Helen 5306 or 875-6611. Palmer; Rekltor, 643-6321. ing. Beach privileges. M. H. turesque setting in a prestige In contrast, a 1950 Ford or ONE and two-bedroom dc THREE - ROOM apartment, meat. Rental $135 downstairs, cently- redone. Make an offer. "COMPUTERIZED $145 upstairs (including car­ CUSTOMER SERVICES Palmer Realtor, 643-6321. neighborhood. For appoint­ Chevrolet, In good condition, Ijhce garden" type apartments furnished, private bath tind Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. RAISED RANCH $14,900 — Attractive 6-room ment call PhUbrick Agency, can go for as much as $3,000. entrance. utlllUcb, no pets. 224 peting.) Oct. 1st. occupancy. EAST Side — Choice "B” zone Available now. Call Paul home 2 bedrooms, dining SOUTH WINDSOR 6% room 646-4200. Many'a Uruguayan buys an W. Dougan. Realtor. 646-4636 Charter Oak, 643-8308. Adults. No pets. BRICK Cape — nicely located lot with all utilities for $7,900. Seven modem rooms, two- room, hdt' water l^eboard B & W - T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Ranch, one-third down as­ old model as his first car, then, In public or parochial .school VERNON — Neat 6 - room ’THREE rooms. Includes heat, THREE - ROOM furnished HEBRON Green — 3Vklng lake. In­ H.M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- lems. 161 OAK STREET BOLTON —- Manchester town Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. family room, kitchen with TOLLAND — Treed building lot sulated paneled interior, needs MANCHESTER room Cape with fireplace, Iti 9993. ^ "This U the most difficult 84.10 line, Rt., 6 and 44-A,,. large RELIABLE couple, with two THREE family, newly listed, baths, rec room, walk- bullt-ins and dining area. Mid with excellent -view. Located ■well and septic tank, $3,800. SA"V^ a pair frontage with building. Ideal childri'ii would like 4'or 5 room off East Center St. Needs MANCHESTER— Quaint Cape, 30’s. Wolverton Agency, Real- on Vernon line. f50x200’. Must Meyer Agency, Realtor. 643- COVENTRY — R e s t< ^ spare parts market In the I New spadoiM one and two| qut basement. Assumable' world,” says a local dealer. bedroom apartments. for garden centt-r, roadside apartment first floor or du- work. Make an offer. Belfiore good condition, 2 or 3 bed­ tors, 649-2813. sell. $5,600. Heritage House, 0609. room, 4-bcdroom Cptonial, 6 Segrg ShocJ^AbRorberB.efjual tbe performance iViortgage at 6% per cent. Pric­ rooms, fireplace, nicely, land­ ...... - — ------646-2482. fireplaces, priglnaj/wldc floor Parts arc imported mainly FROM $166 MONTHLY bu.Mlf.ess, retail outlet, etc. p'ex. Reference.s. Call 289-2620. Agency, 047-1413. ed to sell, 20’s. Call C. J. I Included: 643-2880. scaped lot, garage Priced lor MANCHESTER —Your fumi- WEST WlUIngton — Priced tor boards, 2-car garage, 7 acres. from Europe and Mexico, from of new c&r sbocks with standard 1-incb. WANTED SMALL unfurnished HOU,YWOOD Section Splc Conlam, J. D. Real Estate As­ quick sale. $24,9(X). Call Paul ture will all fit in. Older home R(X3KLEDGE -residential zon­ ' quick sale, 5% room Ranch. Bel Air Real Estate, Vincent manufacturers who .specialize In HOTPOINT RANGE - RE-1 sociates, ‘643-8779. pistons, Tney keep your wbecis "Klued" to tbe FRIOERA’TOR - A 1 R | MANCHESTER Central lo­ apartment. Write Box ’AA’ and .span 7-room Ctolonial. One W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. but what wall space 1 What ed building lot, 80x175, with Three bedrooms, biiilt-ins, ga­ A. Boggini Realtor, 643-9332. outfitting vintage vehicles, OONDmONBD - DI8F08- [ cation 5,000 square feet of Manchester Herald. of Manclie.ster’.s desira­ windows 1 What woman city uUlities. $8,000, call 643- rage, large lot. Twenty min­ On the other hand, some road foi/safer, more comfortable drivinp:. AL - WALL ’TO WALLl warehouse space, small office, ble area.s. Enclosed heated MANCHESTER —Country liv­ NEW Listing —Large six-foom wouldn’t want this. Modem 1651. utes to Hartford. $19,900. Phil- VERNON — Three-bedroom items, such as pistons, are pro­ EAMILY of four lklng for 4 ing in the city. Here is a new CARPETING • h o t ! parking area, reiisonable sunporch. Job situation . only Cape. Breeze way, oversized kitchen. Come .see it, meas­ Ups Realty, 640-9268 or 872- Ranch. Wall to wall carpeting duced locally by the 0«rm u» WATER HEAT - PARK-1 terms. Huyes Agency, Il-I04)i;il. or ,’■) room apartment In Man- reiastm for .selling, $27,500. for Ranch built right. Huge mas­ garage. Outside sim deck, new ure it, buy it. Keith Agency, 3214. throughout, garage. Nicely otvned Mahle enterprise. Remlar Alow ING. cla-slcr, iipcdod a.s .soon as ixis- fast .s*ilc. Belfiore Agency, 647- ter bedroom, flreplaced living heating system. Nice treed lot. 648-4126, 649-1922. Resort Property landscaped lot. Convenient lo­ If a part to unavailable, sever­ I Near bus, school, «hurch| alblc. Call 646-1247 anytime. 1413. room, ‘Trent and rear porch, Very clean. H. M. Frechette, For Sale 74 COVENTRY — $15,600, seven- cation. Hurry at $23,900! Call al Itxxil works)Kf>s specialize In rooms and lavatory.lai House & garage, large lot. Keith Agen­ Realtors, 647-9993. HIOHWOOD Drive, better than - room Cape, four bedrooms, IH land shopping. September| WANTED 3 r(Him furnl.slaal Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- manufacturing single tailored lis t occupancy. Call Ibile Bldg. Call 643-2(1117. MANCHESTER ~ai.stom cy, 946-4128, 649-1922. hew, 7-room Colonial with ev­ BOLTON LAKE—Year ’.round baths, built-ins. Immediate oc­ 4535. items. apartment for a nilddlc-agcil room Split, Two ballis, two-ear JORDT St. — Brick Cape, erything, over 2500 sq. ft. of 4Ji room home. Oil hot water cupancy. Pasek Realtors, INSTAIXEII I WARREN E. HOWLANDl INDUSTRIAI, zoned metal working woman willing to pay NEW LISTING modem kitchen, formal dining Mechanics often have to be garags', built - In kitchen, graceftil" living area. Prime Im heat, 150’ ot lake frontage with MLS, 289-7475, 742-8243. BUI WAPPING —Beautiful six- creative to adapt available i.\8TALi.»;n REALTOR building for rent. Also large IIMI. a month. 875-5685, after 4 IN room, IMi baths, 14’xl8’ fam­ cation, top quality and unique ■ trees and privacy. Enclosed Wolcott, 568-1563. 'per Pair P>'R PAIR •U-I168 Jt'". beautiful, near-acre wooded room Ranch. Excellent con­ parts to customers needs. garage, 10’ high entrance. Call lot with privacy and bnxik. SOUTH MANCHESTER ily room, all glass, with rais­ floor plan makes this an out­ porch. Immaculate condition. dition. Consisting of living MOST I'ARS 640-9644. COVENTRY — Bolton Une. UKSroNSHI.K youhK couple Haye.s Agency, 046-0131. 4,65 acres with 461’ fronUige ed hearth fireplace, finished standing offering. Hayes Agen­ Hurry! Hayep Agency, 646-0131. room, dining room, kitchen on two roads, older home in­ rec room in basement .with cy 6H6-0131, evenings Mr. Han­ Pour-room Ranch, fireplace, with 2 children urj^ently need treed, private yard, near shop­ and three bedrooms. Alu­ Baml)bo Seeds; 2d)edi*pom nuHtenitely • prlcetl MANCHESTER Tender lov­ cluded. bar, automatic garage doors, dler, 649-7613. minum siding, alr-conditloning ing care hius been given this extra building lot, beautifully Out of Town ping. Only $15,900. Hayes. Irent. (Mtldioao. M. H. PALMER REALTOR MANCHESTER In dining room. Lot about , one. Its an Oddity 7-room Spill Level by the orig­ 643-6321 landscaped yard. Phllbrick For Sale 75 -Agency, 646-0131. acre. All this for $26,900. Mit­ I inal owner.s. If you appreciate Agency Realtor^,. 646-4200. ten Realty, Realtors, 643-6980. EARS COME IN INCOgE v e r n o n Manchester Line, ANDOVER— Must sell— Three . By BILL 8IMMON8 r " F O R S A L i' Business Property a flue iKXue, gix)d nelghbor- MANCHES’I^ER — 8-room Cape bedroom Ranch. Two - car ______Associated PretM Wfiter lEA V V luxxl, best of con.structlon, this In country setting. Garage, 2 LOVELY expanded Green Aluminum sided t\yo fam- Four bedroomhe Raised Ranch, BY TOWN OP MANCHESTER I ^ For Sale 70 beaiUy' on Manor Ranch features four- double garage, bullt-ins, rec garage, equipped greenhouse ALL WEATHER lOW^O DUTY I dcliglufiilly maul- , ^ths, dishwasher, carpeting. ily. 4 and 4. Add business with office. Acre lot. Only $24,- Wanted— Rcot Estate 77 l o n o k e , Ark. (a p ) —a bo- Jill CE.NT^lR Street, an eight eiired lot is wortlt seeing to­ Ims'ck Realtors, MLS, - 289* bedrooms, two baths, large building. Chty utilities, two ixx»m, priced, to sell, Hayes paneled family .roorn, wall to Agency, 646-0131. 600. Helen Palmer, Realtor. SELLING- YOUR HOME? For tanical rarity la occurring on at MOTOR OIL room home w.lh 2-cnr garage day. Includes wall, to wall eiir- 7475, 742-8243, Bill Wolcott 568- blocks from bus. Spacious 643-6321. iO(’-ntod In buslnes.s II zime petlng,.' alr-cdmllUonlng unit, wall carpeting, beautiful' treed prompt courteous service that torney Roy Prewitt's place on 1563. yard. Lower flat held va­ TOLLAND—Superb and unique A fin* quality tnulti-grade Dwelling could be ea.slly con­ Iwo full baths, one wlUi stall lot. Assumable .Sbj per i cent gets results. Call Louis Dlmock U.S. 70 near Lonoke: Romboo la cant for new owner; imme- fottf-bedroom quality con­ I LANDand BUILDINGS I verted (or p"rofcsHlonal or com­ sluavcr, luul tlu-ge bedrooms, mortgage, owner, 649-4331 af­ cUate occupancy. Worth your WAPPING ' Realty. 649-9823. seeding. f oil with high film strength. 1 7 ter 6 p.m, structed Colonial. Modem but' MANCHESTER, fWrfNECTICUT mercial occupancy. Robert J. reIrK’ated owner is anxious for 2 FAMILY inspection. $33,900. Mr. ALL CASH for your property That woukkr’t. mean much to It keeps engines free of Snii'.li, Inc , 963 Main Street. sale. Asking price can 'be. Lewis, 649-5306, 875-6911. reflects traditional New Eng­ ,New Homes MANCHESTER —New listing. land architecture and decor 'Within 24 hours. Avoid red tape the average clfizen, but to thoae sludge. « I 149-5241 negollattHl. Call .lands Realty -w ith a .swimming jxxjl. Two- 6-room Raised Ranches, 7 A with a horticultural bent it's a Scara Dependable STP Oil Treatment gjanigo. Wall to wall Investment property, 3-family, COMPUTERIZED throughout. Truly a magnifi­ Instant service. Hayes Agency, Sm M bMs for Hm solo of Mvon (7) poreob Co.,. Realtors. MI.24, 643-1121.' 8 room Ooloniials, 5M room 646-0131 true oddity. MANCHESTER 20,000 enrfieting. Im'medlate occu-' aluminum siding, fenced In CUSTOMER SERVICES - cent executive " home in an 8ut>cf Sptrk Phiga for lleiUhy Enginea Ranches, and 6-room Capes. A U.,8. Department of'Agricul­ Bear. I of. kmid, ond IqiKi and buildings In Hm Town square fiKil luusonary ihdu.s- MANCHESTER ii.s.suniablo p an cy . O nly $25,5(K). yard, central location, excel­ executive neighborhood! Too trial building, I'.j acres, cen- morigago $1,000 lent condition. Must be seen many outstanding and special Prices start at $28,900. For tural handbook points out'that 4 8 * * Prtc. • ^ .oeb of Monehostor, locotod os follows: 6 rix>m Colo­ B & W appointment call 646-1117 or tral locatlun, all utilities. nial, Wooded lot .57x160, ga­ to be appreciated. H. M. feature-s to mention,! (Jail for tht flowering and making of Civ# your new car p»p ani_ STT* ml .'idltiv* ii u«ril by I Many |X)sslbllltles, including frechette. Realtors, 647-9993. BARROWS and WALLACE Co, appointment today! $45,500 and 876-8560. seed by bamboo plante "is not vigor by Inalalllng .a »rl of _m»ny (amou* r» i* car drte- rage. Earl Everett Real., PASEK BOY SCOUT Iry It-in your cmr tnna. ITEM NO. 1 ‘ o t land located on the caet side commercial usC'. Haye.s Agen­ Estate. 649-0191. Manchester Parkade worth it! C. B. Govang As­ at preaent” predictable. of ElasUand Drive known a« lot Na 88 726, B U R N S ID E A V E . E. H. LIBER'TY ST., 5-blg, rooms, Manche.ster 649-5306 Hurwit & Simons That ia because years and 'Super riugi Zinc platoi l$-oz Limit. $ p*r fuilom ri I cy, IM6-0131, sociates, 643-9574 , 872-4165 X Roakora Notes and News map or .plan entitled "OAPITOL VIEW MANCHE.STEH new furnace, garage, well years pass between bamboo's 9 HEIGHTS.*’ BUSINESS zone Stone bnlld- REALTORS MLS. kept yard in center of every­ 5>.j-ROOM; Ranch with 3 bed- COVENTRY — Perfect starter 212 TalcottvUle Road. seedings. The handbook said a I -ing eon.sisting . of - four unit 12 R(40MS!! thing,' near hospital, $20,000 'rooms, sunny kitchen with din- home. ' Two~ twin-sized bed­ Rte. 83, Vernon Cub . Pack 1st type Introductd fro mthe Orient ^ Yellow (JearHiiee ITEM NO. 2 The premises known oa No. 47^9 end 289-7475 742-8243 Kenneth Ostrinsky, Realtor, ing area and builtdns, fire- 646-lllV 875-8660 No. 61-63 School Street and buildlngi iipjirtnmits. Three house trail­ rooms, paneled living room.____^ Bowers School Dlstiici between 1890 and 1909 Itod not thereon. ■er (mrklng lota. Excellent In­ Centrnlly loi-ated '2-famlly ----S43H333. plaeed living room, .ilith vail ^at-in kitchen, large treed lot, There will be a . meeting tor Special ~ yet flowered-in 198(t shortly be­ clost* to i>hs, - .-(iioppijig .m ,| I I come. I’hllbrlek Agency, Real-. to wall .carpeting, w'alk-out flew oil furnace, fpll bisulation.' all parents from Last year's fore the section on bamboo irsa 3 Thiit certain piece or parcel located clinrclie.s, Dwner’s side now — .MANCHESTER —• Six * room RANCH Beautifully decorated, basement, 150 x 200 treed lot, BOL'TON — Custom bulK nine- ITEM NO. tors, 919-4200 Colonial overlooking Center mbit condition. 7 rooms all •Can't beat this for only $12,- room'Raised Ranch. Three or pock plus all parents, of boys written. on (!ar Top IlarrierH at Searn on caMorly side ot Vernon Street located vacant and ready' for im­ $23,500. Wolverton Agency 500.- Keith Agency, 646-4126 between No. 107 and 116 Vernon Street Park. IVi baths, two-car on orte floor, wall td wall car­ Roakors. 64^2813. four, bedrooms, large llvln|( interested in becoming a (fob Prewrttfs seeding bamboo to a I mediate ,iH-cu|xincy.' Iilsh- 649-1922. Scout this' year.. Any boy in the Investment Property wa.shor. dl.sixvsal. wa.sher garage, largo . rooms. Immedi­ peting, almost new. staysT'mod- - room with cathedral celling hardy type, called Phylkwto- ITEM NO. 4 nust certain piece or parcel of i*nd with ate oceupiincy. Hayes Agen- em kitchen; formal dining with full-wall fireplace, family, third grade or age 8 to 11 to chys Burea. normally grown in SAVE IS% to 3 0 % and tli-yei- are tneindod In ^ buUdinga .thereon known at Na 1083 j , ; , For Sole 70-A , oy, 646-0131. room, 2 fireplaces, large style kftchen, with built-ins and eligible. Cfonada. near Victoria, BriUah I Middle ’Turnpike Elo^ •price of $27,.MHV Please aril The meeting will be held at MANCHESTER — Modem 949-5309 o r 875-9911. screened porch, Hj baths, 3 glass sliding door, large fin­ Oolumtte I ITEM NO. 5 That certain piece or parcel of tend I SCOTTISH Castle — ten rooms, bedrooms, garage. $32,900. ished rec room with huge stone Bowers School at 7:30 t>m' on The stand 6n Prewitt's farm Main St. building Ineludlng , on 45 acres of land, painstak­ Monday, in the cafeteria. kxiatod on the wosteriy aide of Ftnley^ two stores mid warehouse. Ex­ rO M l’UTERIZED Phllbrick Agency Realtors, fireplace, three full baths, has reached a height of about Street, situated between No. 34 and No. UUSTO.MER SERVICES ingly restored 17th century 646-4200. Mporate tiled laundry room, A representative from the elglit feel, although some of cellent income producer. Rea­ former Grist mill. Waterwheel 70 Finley Street ■ Center St. & Thompson Rd., MancheJter two-car garage. Many extra Blackle^e District will be preo- them are so weighted with eeed sonable, Call for details. Hayes that your own elec- BUCKLEY School — Cape, 8 ent to help get organized for ITiat certain piece or parcel of land X>r’ _ Agency, 646-0131. B & W features. $42,500. U * R Realty that they droop almoet to the . Sedrs Permanent Auto ITIM NO. 6 trieity, picturesque waterfall, rooms. 4 bedrooms. 2 full J-uxury Livmg As You'd Design It Co., Inc., 643-2692. R. D! Mur­ the coming year. ground. oated on the westerly side of Flnlee I H.-\RR0\VS and WALI^ACE Co. with water rights. For further baths. formal dining room, street north of'Ho. 2010 Finley F inley SStreet tr ee t i B dock, Realtor. (fob scouting Is a family af­ The abuTMtenoe of the seed Manoheslor- Parkade i information call Phllbrick modern kitchen, living room One & Two-Bedroom Apartments fair. and in order for your son Anti-Freeze and Coolant m Land For Sole 71 also to unusual, according to the That certain piece or parcel o t i<>. Miihche.stor 949-531X1 - . " Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. with fireplace, full shed dorm­ to participate, you are expect­ handbook, which says the bam­ rated on the westerly side ot HUtetown gANI'OVER 29 lovely woexi- er.,.., basement completely' Free Heat and Hot Water MANCHESTER Hebron, a'p- MANCHESTER - Well land- EAST HARTFORD ed to contribute. Helping your boo makes seed only sparingly. Road south of No. 4T2 HUtetown Road. ed acres. 1,195' frontage. Nice finished off with heat, breeze­ rkerk Sear. L«« Prir*. ixvxlmately 6 miles to , Jnn scajH'd six-room Rjuich. S'* son with his projects at home, Prewitt has four stands of briK ik-sw lm m lng pcxrl p o ten ­ way. 2-car garage; new alumi­ Rental Also Includes Drive. 6-rvx>m Ranch, including Ctountry living in the city, 7- being a den mother, offloer. Ia haady l-gaDoa ran Blda wiUl be vecaivad 4b the OfZloe of the Di- I tial Ttiree miles from new Rt. (H-r eent assumable mortgage, num siding. $27,500. Phllbrick on his farm. He wrel- reo room. I'.j acre lot. with $117 monthly payment includes All G-E Kitchen Equipment rootns, 4-bedPOOfn (3ape quietly webelo leader or committee- comes Ylrttore to shop around reotor of General Services, Municlpel Building, 9. minutes to Hartforsl and Agency Realtors. 646-4200. nestled among a heavily treed mah. joining in pock actlvttlsa U m N I raaa bat VS t’4,\nni. Excellent flnanelng „broi>k an d trees. Could be as- principle, interest and ta.xes. RiUige with Self-Cleaninsr Oven •Two-Door Refriv- and see the plants, wrtrieh he ‘‘d Center Btreeit, Manchester, OonnecUcut, until subH'd. Earl Everett Reajl PViceil mid TO's! Owmer, 944- RANCH —' er-i rooms, first lot, Alexander Drive. Most ex­ are all pari of cub-«couUng. says will grow on any liuitop Iq Detergent Proof I*re-.Mixed Window UK)0 AM., Sepitemtxtf 24, 1969, a t which time i 1throngli owner . M. H. d’almer, ?ratoi'-Fi'eezer^» Di.spreal • Di.xhwastier • Two Air clusive area of Knm. Two full This fli^ meeting to for par­ Sears Permanent Anti-Freeze and Summer Coo', \ 'l l I Ke^lUor, 943-6321. ' ^ E.*itiito 946-0191 ' ' 2234. ^ ^ floor, plus finished rec room Arkansas. Liquid (’fir Wax Wusher .An|i-F reeze they wJU be'opened end reed pimUcly In UU in basement, sunken formdi • Traverse Rixis • Venetian Blinds baths, two firepliaceS. partially ents only. Cfoklvstlon of bamtioo could ant provides year-round prriteition for ypur car'S' r r : Hearing Room. .'ENTRAL h'CatUm, 8 - I'vxim OOBl-RN Road, we liave listtxi PANELED walls and carpeted dining room with beamed ceil­ • Wall to \yall Cai'iietinjr Mu'oughout. TwoDedroom finished rec room!* 2-car garage. be feasible as a crop, he sold', to o l Rrsalar l.te 0 8 < - homo "ivlth five rooms «fRluf»s I tliroc up. t'a bath.s Excellent dontlal street, both have 3 bed, ‘8 full baths, one off master Ample parking, individual lia.sehient storage, master GiH Rrat. about $7 minion worth of bahi- ifost W- n I off, e\tl\ Rftrf re- '{-rtun to 2S’ C'eitns And Wmne, Deecrtptions end other tnformatton may tooms. ganigos. imd are in Cape/ There are three big bed­ I tial inhibitors for added ctfoling system A. Lav At I coiuliUon lltrougluHil. ' .Many bedroom, screened porch, $SS.- ■ CARRIAGE REALTY boo^each year for uae In the •leAfl^Ah >e'Arr tAAT Wr»t HartlarS Ttp Brwad St/*«t Mla.lre R4 lOM Rto. ti T J, Crockett, RoiUtor, 943- 2tX) sKuled lot. $2iUXXi. Wolver­ rooms, large ehcloaed porch defense'.' law and general stud­ the grass family Some species tI$-7UI . 6C-IU1 u » e iu -WeS ,, Sal. 1677. mortgage. Price $24,900. Prin- • treed yird. Low 20 s. Kwth TELEPHONE 646-2623''^'- ton Agency, Realtors, 949-2813. ciples only. 649-0107. Agency 616-4126, 649-1922. with sundeck overlooking lake. ies, and averaged SO per cent th reach a-height of ieily . a few Strut fhem - Sears ' (:Mto'i:36 'nchee. but some, Prewitt said, Oara DaUy • to t:te Oa*a Mm . Ibra b l. Of«a Mm . thru Sal. PhUbrick Agency. Realtora. her exanw. Tbe. men averaged or Yeur Mtmty Bttk *ASk eOOtX* AXn OO Tito... 'Thar... frl. 62 per COOL: go as high as 126 teeL aal. 9'A M. to t r.M. A.M. to S -P.M $ A M to 9:1* P .M. •:J6 to 9 ■ . ■ ' ' . f'



a PAGE THIRTY-SIX WEDNESDAY^ SEPTEMBER 8, 1069 ilanrb^Btrr lEnrntng lifralli Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock publicans, 23 Democrats and no recommendaUon for . the About Town Board Names two unaffiliated. post. OfiSeers and directors of Omar Appointed by the Republicans ’The board toibled two other , Average Doily Net Press Ron last night, in addition to the.., appointments — one to the H u / Shrine Club will meet at 8 ®or Week IMM o’clock tonight at the home of 30 to CAC four • to fill vacancies, are : man Relations Ck>mmission, thfe other to the Parking Autho^y. 9n ie 98, v m ITie Weather / William Forbes, 231 McKee St. Although the Board of Direc­ Walter Fuss, Gllmoure Cole Cloudy , and cool with pe- Frank Sheldon, Fred Bllsh III, 'The vote to table an a])pMnt- tors last night appointed 30 new ment to the' Parking Authority ^rtods of light rain through Fri- ; Friendship ^ Lodge of Masons Richard Cobb, Carmine Flllor- PDBS'U'DGSI members to the Citizens Ad­ was at the request of Democra­ 'day. Tonight's low about 60. To­ wdll observe the fifth anniver­ ano, Sedrlck Straughan, Atty. 15,459 tic Director Williaim FitzGerald. morrow’s high 73 to 80. Outlook sary of Its dispensation when it visory Committee (CAC), it fell Scott Clendaniel and Mrs. Al­ His request appeared to be a ■for Saturday, fair, warmer. opens Its fall s^edule at 7:30 six short" of filling all posts of thea Roberts. Hancheater— 4 City o f yUlage Charm the newly expanded 60-member surprise to all in the Hearing VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 285 tomorrow night in the Masonic Appointed by the Democrats, Room. (TWENTY-FX)UR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Temple. Irving E. Partridge, committee. in addition to their three to fill JosefAi Garman, a Democrat, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1969 (Claaalfled Adverttahig oa Pof* 99) V The 30 appointments included PRICE TEN CENTS past grand master of Masons in vacancies, are: Atty.' Irving had appeared certain of reap­ seven to fill vacancies created Connecticut, who issued the dis­ Aronson, Robert Stone, Edward pointment to a five-year term'. pensation, will be a guest. A by resignations—four Republi­ FABRICS ------Maher, Mary Ann Pazianos, Al­ Parking Authority chairman play, "He Which Is Accused,” cans and three Democrats. fred Werbner, David Winer, David Comins, prior to the tabl­ will be presented by a cast of Those seven are Republicans Atty. Joel Janenda, Miss Bar­ ing action, had asked the direc­ Schoolbells Silent F'liendshlp Lodge members. Ralph Belluardo, James DeRoc- bara Coleman, the Rev. Joseph tors to reappoint Garman. co, Roger E. Parrot and Mrs. Bourret, Atty. Pascal Prigijano, Comins, a Republican, praised Disabled American Veterans Emma Swanson; and Demo­ (Jarman’s tyork on the Parking Hartford Curfew Atty. John Yavis, Granville Ladies Auxiliary will meet to­ For Connecticut Kids crats Roger McDermott, Atty. Lingard, Atty. Dominic Squatrl- Authority. night at 7 :30 at the VFW Home. By The Associated Press postponed- until at least next Lewis Segal and Mrs. Eleanor to and Mrs. Gloria Plante. i Mrs. Richard Gutzmer will be Coltman. Public school in four sought to in charge of refreshments. Rotary Speaker At the request of Town Man­ 75 Cities A dded Of the 23 other appointments communities _ NonvX. ^ Dr. Robert B. Norris, Rotary ager Robert Weiss the board . WASHINGTON —'Ihe busi­ FABRIC DEPARTMENT STG made last night to the CAC, New B ritain working condlUons On Agaid Tonight Manchester Grange will meet district governor, will speak on tabled the appointment of a re­ ness program of Job Opportuni­ wr , London between teachers and school nine were by the Republicans tonight at 8 for a Boosler Night "The Challenge of Our New placement to the nine-member ties has been increased from 60 *4 34 Oakland St., Route 83, Manchester and Woodstock— remained boards hung in the balance of and 14 by the Democrats. When program. Refreshments will be Frontiers,” to the Manchester C-DAP Agency. ’The replace- to 126 cities, and plans call for Closed to a total of about ."e g o U a t^ m Uiree oUier com- A curfew will be imposed ported generally improving con- of dollars in dam an Monday the Ca C’s membership is com­ Open Daily 10 am to 9 :3 0 pm Sat. 10 am to 6 pm served after the meeting. Mem- Rotary Club oh Sept. 9 at 6:30 menlt is for Clinton O’Brien, the. training of 230,000 hard­ 36,000 pupils today be- on Hartford tonight for 'dltlona in the North End. night and Tueeday. ” bers are reminded to bring ar­ pleted, it will consist of 26 Re­ who resigned. Weiss said he has core unemployed by July i970. It was also ivnnounccd that p.m. at the Manchester Coun­ cause o f disputes between Board of Educa- the third night in a row. Scattered unsuccessful .fire­ ticles for an auction table. try Club. state police will return to pa­ bomb attempts were all that ’The local Rotary Is one of B1 teachers and school boards. T New‘" Bri^L.‘*'Utl^ The hours will be the same trol in the city tonight. marred the atiUnesa In Hart- Full Gospel Christian Fellow- in Dr. Norris’ district. He will la t ^ r ^ h remained closed. The dlz as those Wednesday; 9 They had patrolled thc^area ford’a battered North End. po­ ship^ Interdenominational, will confer with Leonard W. Yost, la t^ t school system to Join the pute hinges on a cut-back In in force Wednetclay evening and lice auld today. list of closed schools, failed to funds for education by the Town p.m. to 5 a.m. hold a prayer service tomorrow president, and other club offi­ then were pulled out of the pre­ The bulk of state and city po­ open Its public classroonia to- Finance Board. City Manager Elisha C. F"Veed- at 7:30 p.m. at Orange Hall. cials to obtain information on dominantly Negro and Puerto lice patrols was pulled out of ^ y when marathon negoUation The 710 teachers there de- rnan announced the decision to the group’s plans for its service lUcan nEpn, where the worst the 40-b|ock scone of destruc­ between the Norwalk Teachers elded that their contract was con tin u eth e curfew although activities and to offer sugges­ dlsoMers in the city’s history tion during the night. About KM Association and the board were void because the finance corn- local police and fire chiefs re­ New Flag Flies tions on administrative matters. ciuised hundred-s of thousands state troopers had joined the unproductive by 9 a.m. mittee lopped $1J5,000 off the A member and past president local force Tuesday aRemoon • At High School CAMPUS WEAK The NTA, representing more ^ bool budget, including salaries, o f ,the Rotary Club of Williman- 1969 in an effort to bring a halt to than 900 teachers, reportedly *bat the school board approved, A new American flag will fly, tlc. Dr, Norris, who lives in incldenta of arson, looting and was holding out for an agree- Affected are about 13400 pupils, tomorrow at Manche.ster High Storrs, is dean of Continuing sniper fire. able salary provision In Its con- "^be State Board of Educa- School. Education Services at the Uni­ Police said about 600 persons tact. ' tlon authorized an investigation’ Thief a Poor Give Up Hop o Mrs. Inez E. Mahoney, chair­ versity of Connecticut. He was Sweltering in the darrip heat of a South Vietnamese had been arrested In connection man of patriotic instruction in elected governor at the Rotary Teadiers in East Haven voted ‘*"Pa“ e under a newly Jiid^e of People with the disturbances between IS A WHOLP \i:w riux(j , 196 to U late this morning to ' " “ cted stote law permttUng the jungle, a soldier from B Company, 81st Infantry of the VI’W Aux­ convention in Honolulu last May to p.m. Monday luid 8 a’-m. to­ return to school. stae to ener cases that the Bombs Slam For Dr. Pike A iliary, yesterday presented the and will serve in this capacity of the Americal Division, glances backward as he NEWPORT NEWS. Va. day. Moat of the arfeata aRer 137 *Y X A board could not reaolve. 4 until next June .30. He is one crawls toward enemy emplacements. His unit is 4AP) — "Let’s go, I just curfew started Wednesday night outdoor 5 by 8 tool .flag to a 1“ "* About 5,000 pupils in New Lon- JERUSALEM (AP)—'nie Is­ Lawrence Leonard, vice princi­ of 298 district governors of the a teacheie m ating after an don await resolution of a teacher engaged in ferreting out enemy bunkers and field Gong Troops grabbed a bag of money.” raeli army abandoned Its search at 9 p.m.. wore for curfew viola- pal. Rotary International. Each dis­ attorney for the East Haven dispute there. Wednesday was fortifications in the Hiep Due Valley; 30 miles said the man who leaped Into for Dr. Jams* Pike tonight. tioiis. Sen. Abraham Riblcoff had trict leader is responsible for Tewhers A s s o i^ o n urged the opening day. but teachers- did south of Da Nang. (AP Photofax) SAIGON (AP) — Some -26 the cor. It made the decleton oRer a Some. Incldenta of rock and- this flog flown over the nation’s supervising the clubs in his teachers to observe a court not sbow up for work, more B02 bombers pounded And go they did—right to fruitless, daylong search by bottle throwing ware also re­ Capitol in the name of Manches­ area. 'The International men’s order and return to work. The school board had said it North Vietnamese posltlona the police rtation. troops, policemen and alrplanee ported. but in general the North ter High School. ■ “ I have no service organization has more “How can wc’'teach young- would'not seek an injunction at threatening a key provincial Pbllce sold McEvoy Robin­ of the Judean desert'for the for­ End was much quieter than doubt that It will be flown with than 600,000 members In 600 sters to obey the law when we this time. Talks were scheduled Hope Ho^s Death capital 80 miles northeast of son, 37, of Newport News — mer Bpiacopa) bishop of Califor­ usual. equal pride and dignity in the clubs in 146 countries. disobey the law?” asked Joseph through the week aiid longer Saigon Wednesday night. charged with grabbing a nia. ORIciala held little hope Meanwhile the ClrcuU Oourt future,” Sen' Rlbloott said in a Dr. Norris attended on eight- Pellegrino, the attorney. ”as necessary.” Field reports said flgtnUiM bank deposit bag—was being that he was still alive. worked until nearly midnight letter accompanying the flag. day International asaembly In Some of the tea<*ers planned Although many of East Ha- Spurs War’s End that had raged tor four days be­ pursued by pedeetrions when Pike, 56, has been nUnelng proceaalng the oases of some of M ay'a t Lake Placid' N.Y., to tween Song Be and the Cairvbo- he sought a gptaway driver. since Monday night, after his to return to the schools to pro- 5,7(X)0ptudents showed up ■TOKYO (AP) — Non-Commu­ the hundreds of persona arrest­ which all Rotary governors at­ But there was general agree- dlan border had dwindled sRer rented car got stuck about eight pore for a Friday openii*. de- Wednesday for opening day, the nist Asia reacted with a hope to­ The man he picked was ed since the Monday night out­ Ntvtr Itfira 1* fr lfts i tended in-depth semlnara. 'Hie ment any policy changes by battered troops of the South .lee west of the. Dead Sea. His layed tor two days, tor the teachers caused school day that the death of President Detective Lt. John Bpllng. 111 break. FaN Fall F«aFlaaa4r district conference fot^ the over North Vietnam would not be Vietnamese mobile, strike force' 31 year-old wife left him on a aj^ em ’s 6,700 pupUs. adihlnlstrator to eend them Ho Chi Minh might help end the And, wtlti Hartford ohut down 3,000 Rotarians in his district D,.uii„ V , home. Teachers staying away immediate and the leadership pulled back to regroup, hillside and walked all night un­ Public school openings in New , Vietnam war. that succeeds Ho would continue The B82s dropped 700 tons of tight at 9 p.m.. suburban rea- is Scheduled for next May 3, 4 til .(he reuchnl a riuui. workers’ taurants and bars around the and 0 in Chlcopeei Mass.:' Biitabi and Neiw London were (See Page Tea) to follow for some time the bombs on North Vietnamese camp. , stand he advocatsd. troop concentraUons, base city did a land-office bustoeas. -Mm. Pike told police she and Three civilians were shot dur­ In Tokyo, the Foreign Minis- camps, supply depots, staging Israeli Jets her husband were iloing re­ ing the diaorders, os well os try expressed beUef there would areas, bunker complexes and Saif . search on a book and decided to the one policeman who wnas be no immediate change in Stm poalUons northeast of Song ilrive through the diwert for s FABULOUS North Vietnam’s policies both In Bc- Attack Arabs wounded, police' reported to the few hours to "get the (eel of the Ctty Oouncil Wednesday. Vietnam and at the Paris peace The strike force troops are re­ Judean hills." She said the car talks. But, a ministry spokei^ ported to have suffered 90 dead, Critically Injured with a bullet got stuck in rocks and boulders NEW man added: "There might be 164 wounded and between 17 and In'Jordan wmmd In Uv^ head, it was dts- t about 3 p.m. and they were un- clused Wednesday, was Charlee •ImUmU MstFsl 11111*1 Aait ••t! some changes In the long run.” 32 misMng In the fighting near TEL AVIV (AP) Israeli hi (roe It despite trying tor Jones, SS-yesra>kl chairman of S a«Ftrt BUTTONEER In Bangkok, where he sU^iped Song Be. Five of their American ...... warplanes slammed at Arab "isiut two hours Model Neighborhoods, Inc., an en route to New Delhi, Philip- Green Beret leaders slao have Then the oouple set out on foot pine Foreign Minister Carlos P. guerrilla pockeU In Jordan oiganthiUon seeking to encour­ been woundsd. toward the Dead S«s. After two Romulo told airport reporters, On~ of the Sea o f Gsitlee for age ctUsen participation. In the AHACHES Onjy six enemy soldlera have the second straight day today to hour* of walking. Pike corn- taal talta ar la// Ra* l he envisioned no changes in Ha­ been Model CUiee program. reported killed so far. silence Arab guns attacklmi an plained of leg pains and told his illm Ul iiT W iybi t ma’s pollcliBS. Ho, Romulo said, According to police, Jonim BUTTONS There probably have been Israeli Hettiement, the lahsmll wife to go on without him. bad been ill for some time and more, but the South Vietnamese was felled by a pollce bullet “HeUnoa Is II army reported. ' ” 1 suggested that he take a IN 5 SECONDS North Vietnam had been gov­ have not been able to slay on 'early Tuesday when uHtcers ’TM of the : A spokesman said jeU nap iuid when he got his erned by other Vietnamese lead- the battlefield long enough with­ spotted 10 or 20 men carrying Paten^ Oorpb” streaked aoroSe the border after strength to follow m e," she ers. out fighting to look for bodies. merchandlae out of two stores the Arabs opened fire on the The Malaysian Foreign Mlnls- said. ” 1 left him atop ii small on Albany Avenue. K N tn E R ’S U.S. spokesmen announced farming setUement of Maos try In Kuala Lumpur, however, the lose of two more American 'mountain about six or seven Also wounded by a poUoe bul­ Haim, and that Uie planes re­ expressed hope Ho’s successor aircraft and sold all Ameri miles west of the Dead Sea.” let was James Williams, who WORLD 10 turned safely to their base. X would "open the way tor a con­ Two hundred soldlem and was shot In the buttocks while can aboard were killed. One Israel gave no further details, DRUG COMPANY ManehMter PsrluMle structive solution to the Viet­ troops begsn the search tor taking merohandlsa from a Main was a Hellco^er shot down and there was no Immedlats re­ Main Bt—-«« 8- 5M l nam situation and to peace.” about 20 miles south of Song Be. port from Jordan. (See Page Tea) Echoing tois, Prime Minister Fhur crmvmeh and three pas­ (Bee Fisge Tsa) Tunku Abdul Rahman said that In Amman, the Patsstlne sengers died In the crash Armed Struggle Command regardless of ldeoIoglee.Ho was An Air FV>rce A047 gunshlp claimed Arab guerrillas "one of the great men of the craMied about 40 miles north­ century.” launched Wednesday night their P i PHOTOGRAPHY east of Saigon, killing the eight lieaviest attack against Israeli For a region wMcIi has known Americana aboard. The cause of poHltlons Since the 1967 Middle PORTRAITS little peace this century, many the crash was not known. East war. Israel denied It. Korea Insists U.S. diplomats have expressed hope An Arab communique said Al COMMERCIAL the end of the Vietnam war Two more American helloop- Fatah' guerrillas attacked 22 Is­ would------herald- an era of _ econom______“ p PASSPORTS Ic cooperation and development Wednesday, rael military postUpns along a 14-mile front of the Jordan Rtv- In the area. with one American kUled end Admit Criminality another wounded. But the hell- er’a West Banli for five hours In WEDDINGS Air Chief Mandtal DaweS copter* made It to an American an operation code-named PANMUNJOM. Korea (AP) strayed over North Korea acci­ SALEM NASSIFF CAMERA & PHOTO ChuUasapya, one of ThoUand’a "Speara of Fatah.” most powerful men, predicted In F'oroee' camp three — North Korea said today that dentally s6h4le on a training miles south of (he ftghUr^. Armed with heavy rockets, 991 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER— 643-7369 Bangkok a power struggle It sdll not release the three flight, and that It had no wreap- One Vietnamese "child mortars, bangalore torixrdoe,' would occur among Ho’s poten- was crewmen of an American heli­ ons or. advaiKed navlgatlonai killed and U Vietnamese were machine guns, grenades and ex- copter shot down Aug. 17 unless equipment aboard. Ual heirs with Defense Minister plosive rhargea. the guerrillas Vo Nguyen Glap emerging as wounded early bxlay when two (he United States sdmile (hey He said the-'UJI. governnienl ' 100-pound enemy rockets land^ cut off roods and occupied stra­ Were on a crifninal mlsston. the likeliest successor. tegic poslUona to prevent (lie ar­ Is prepared to express regrsl ”Ho’s passing, may cause a in Hue, the old Imperial capllsl The United Mates said It. over (he Intrusion, but that It on the northeast coast. ' rival of Israeli reinforcements, wnaild admit only that the heli­ struggle for power among his the communique said. was ridiculous (or the North Ko- copter had ent*r*d Oonwnunist proteges, like children trying to It waa one of nine enemy “ 'Other unlta penetrated ene­ sans to claim, that they shot the ^Algbt: Levi’.sA plaid Sta-'Prestdti trimeuts territory Inadvertently In vtola- Y N F ) ^ grab the Inheritance when their rocket and mortaf atlacka re­ my tortUlcatlona after finding helicopter down In self-defense. / permanently pressed, 50^ Fortrel poly­ Crying because their schools were closed in Connecticut? No, these kids hail (ton of the Korean armistice father dies.” said Dawee. ported during the night. their way through mlneflelda I>ee told Adams. "There sdll ester, 50% combed cotton. Sizes 28-38 from Chicago and were wailing as they "entered pre-kindergarten classes there. agreement, and would give os- TTial Prime Minister Thanom Meanwhile, U.S, and South and of>ertng a gap In barbed be a quick settlement If you ■uranoes that such an Incident Kittikachorn look a ’ ’wait and Vletnameoe troup*yinjihed with wire and electric fences,” it give- us a document frankly ad­ ■“"•lOJO would md r*cur. *ee attitude” on the probable ef­ • enemy” eoldleni Inside Oam- added. mitting your erlrhlnal acts. You fects of Ho Chi Mlnh’s death. bodla aRer ,an American heli­ An Israeli army iRmkeaman in Maj. Gen. Lee Choon-eun, rep­ must atbnlt your criminal acts resenting North K orea. at a "As far as we know, N or^ copter w/is' shot down Monday Tel Aviv denied the story ’’from and stop talkli^ oa'iweass. You Vietnam plans to aet up a toiir- and craMied a mile acroaa the beginning to end.” meating of th* Military Armls- are creating artificial dlfftcul- Left: Levi’s® Sta-Prest® flares per­ lice Oommlosion called to dls- man committee to rule the ^^^^rder, the U-S.. Command an­ “ You are welnoms to visit the lles to the seUlement of the manently pressed. In solids, checks, Ho’s Death Briefly country.” he said. ” We have the cues th* relaoa* of Ih* Ihr** nounced today. stripes, plaids.' Sisea 28-38 from arwa and see for yourself,” he 'question.” impression that these four are ’’The. vlolatlbh of Cambodian aaid. Amerlcarui. drnMUided an “ un- rplU In-their views about how to oondlttonol apology” admitting Despite ttM rcRisal of Adame air space was unintenUotati.’’ a Spokesmen In Tel Aviv also to oRer -eny more than an apoto. SI^AKKI I y rule the country. So there may U.S. communique said. announced: that th* helicopter - was on a be maneuvers to strive for pow­ "criminal mission,'' ae w«ll ae a gy. (hers was speculation that W 1 1 II One South Vietnamese and leraell force# killed an Arab eventually the Unttsd BUtes Unites the Vietnams er especially between (Pre- two ’’enemy” were killed, U.S. saboteur near El Hamma, on written am ra nce that there Levi’s® 8tm-Preat® corduroy w ^ d sscure th* rslsose of th* mleri- Pham Van Dong on the beadquartem said, and two the Yormuk River betareen Is- will be no mor* such IncldsnU nares 99.00. Also available SAIGON (AP) — 'North and Ized but It did not say-when the produce a power struggle In Ha­ In the future.. ; ~ airmen by the seme dewlctT'that Sta-Prentt bopsack Mr. Levi’a®^^ (See Page Foniieen) South Vietnam i(re' briefly unit­ rites would be held. noi that would ulUmately affect (See Page Ten) (Sec Page Peurlera) U S Marine Maj Gen Arthur n-**d the crew of thb VM. spy Sizes 3 0 -^ 911. Ebctra size- ship f*ueblo. There was no Indication the course of the war^ H Adams repilsd ” lt Is prepc^ ' sUghUy Idgltsr! ed today by the d'Mth of Ho Chi whether North Vietnam and the 'South Vietnamese and Ameri­ terous to sUto that arc. dis- After the 12 Navy m #^ had Mlnh, united In tKk recognition Viet Cong would coll a cease-- can officials in Saigon expc);t a patchad the unarmed helleopter been held lor 11 -months, ttts on oU sides that one''pf history’s (Ire during the mourning, period. triumvirate leaderahip to wlUfully or with any Imatito In United State* dgned a scat*- dominant figures ha^ left the In San Clem'ente, CAIK., a emerge In the next few montha, tentton " m*M admitting the ship was (grylng In North Korea’s U rrito-. PUYBOY MAN ON CAMPUS stage. \ spokesman said President Nix- made up of Le Duan. the pro- Adams repeated the U S ebh- on would make no comment on Moscow first secretary of the Causes of Week’s Disorder IBven among', his many and untton that the helicopter (See Page Tea) Ho’a death. U.S. military and North Vietnamese Communist PMOG bitter enemies there Is no gloat- diplomatic authorities In Saigon party; Truong Chlnh, the pro- ”nAT«OT, .,*>01 .nS mx Ing- also did not comment. Peking chairman of the Natlop» A Mystery Even to Blacks 4 r«tisc®r®d ®«nrte« Mtkt o(, The 79-year-old president of After eulogizing Ho. the Hanoi al Aawmbly, and Premier u«®4 vlth ^imUalon of, IM North Vietnam died Wednesday broadcast appealed to "the en­ Pham Van Duong. Pukll^tH Co. .Ittc." HARTKtJRD. Oonn. (AP» things up In,the Negro part of of the fremo.-rnllc party of Hart aRer ” a grave and sudden heart tire party, the entire army and Gen. Vo Nguyen Glap. the de- BWC.0O \ n7A.OO Not all the people wondering the ghetto ' ‘ , (ord for many years 'We found attack,” Radio Hanoi reported- the entire people” to ’’contrlb- (enjM minister and chief mili­ The announcement said Ho ute both th^lr minds and their what caused the latest disturb­ They came nufrchlng up her* utd lator there were two whit* tary strategist, may be a fourth tinging Black Panther songs and died at 9:47 a.m. Hanoi time, force to the great task of defea’t- ance in . Hartford’s North Erxl men In there, acered to dosth member. ihouUng. " said ope man, ".We srhich was 9:47 p.m. Tuesday ing the U.S. aggressors” and are white suburbanites. "I went in.there end coaxed EDT. But word of his deatlt was "liberating SduUr Vietnam.” The eight men left on the par talked them out of tutting the one of them out.' aokl Parrish wrlthheld for nearly 21 hours, un- North Vietnam’s top political variouily la Some of them are black reei- places here They wanted to 'Then he totd us there was an- til about 6:40 p.m. EDT Wednes- and (xxistitutional bodies ap- pro-Moscow or pro-Pe­ denU of the .North End burn that building over there i/her (me in. there, ao we went- king. but largely fqr conven­ I pointing across the street I.- but 1^ day. In the Interim Hanoi Radio pealedV to ”our party armed I don’t know about this one. ' In after him '• ience. Many Vt^tnahiM ex\ we I rid. there's people^ living prepared the North Vietnamese forces mid people to. translate confeated a muata'cnloed Negro "Hell, If either on* of' 'em B.M «ns.oo peris have tong laughed at such ufrtslrs.” people for word of the death eoiTow Into revoluttonary acts" » gtip and was teared label* and', called them gross Wednesday. "Wher( Martin Lu\ According -to the Our rin^> jtr Alt ' liii«Ktii« ' Alt srlth periodic reports that hla to a^ leve the "lofty aspiration ;*.* -enoughs. A* Cpuld have shot ua Mk'whrir ur ^uA/AiMrrd 'A^Aintl V*>i> «i»d \ ' W' overslmpltftcattonss The men of ■Ihei King died, hell, yl threw a Tom's Service Station ityMch A. \\ condition wraa getting worse, cherished by President ^ Chl ~ ' '' Cead, " yrliuw (|uld hirALjiff lur line )t«i the Politburo, these experts say. friv bricks myself But I don’t leaks more like an NAACS' head­ "Ehrerydne tried their utmost Mlnh—the 'building of s 'peace­ are pro-Vietnamese Commu-- understand why quarters than a gae-puropti^ opi- snd gave of their pest to save ful, unified. Independent demo­ The generation gap pUyed a nlats. with the InteresU of Viet­ He didn't flnuh the sentence eratton, with Ibe "Rr-gUter and U8K YOUR CREDIT him at any price,” Hanoi Radio cratic, praspertxis and powerful )>art In the Hartford diaorders namese communism coming The coneensus among .the men Vo«e" Signs pisstered on It i (he "but because of his ad- Vietnam. WTule there were the ancient first. hanging around TOm Pantsh's youngeteri were diverted from ’ THE MARVEL OF MAIN ETREET. MANCSlBSrrER” vanced age and serious illnrtH informed sources in Saigon gr.evancea against (he whIU A likely Interim president is iervi(-e station at Main snd Pa­ (iiebombtng at Main and f*a- of the sudden severe heart at­ said it wraa unlikely the North ptoveir itructure, there were al­ 9 0 1 .^ MAIN ^ E F T , MANCHESTER, CON!

