PAGE THIRTY-TWO - '■ llanrbfH fer ^n^ning Upralii TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 Kymngt Jkdfy Net Pmsb Rm \ v A;-: V:-' a m im , u e The Weather Tonight cloudy and cool with occasion^ light rain. Low about 15,459 60. 'Tomorrow-shoiwer laoba- billty decreasing, ramaining M anchester— 4 City o f F tfto fe Charm VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 284 cloudy, cool with high about 80. \ • • (THIRTT-lbx PAGESt-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1969, /■ (CHaaalfted Advertiataig ou n i ^ SS) PRICE ^TEN CENTS N ixon Move : Stirs Wrath Ctf Governors "/ Calm / COLORADO 8PRINOS, CXrto. (AP) —President mxon plana a masaive cutback in federally !!• nanced conatrucOon projecta— an InflatloD-tlglitlngf noore 'which itirred dlamay amonf the na> tlon'a govemora. “I for one am not going to The city council voted to take it aKUng down,” aaid Dem- . maintain a citywide curfew ocraUc Oov. Jcdm N. Dempaey Pike’s W allet for a second night, ,.bot of Connecticut, who threatened scheduled it to start two to aeek an, immediate ptoteat 'hours later at 9 p.m. and to from the 6lat National Cover, la.st until 5 a.m. nora Conference in aeaahm here. Found by Sea Vice Preaident Spiro T. Ag- State police troopers' JERUSALEM (AP) — were also Asked to lend new told the govemora of the Searchers today found Itie potm- «ln»lnlatratlon plan at a cloaed port and waUet of Dr. James their forces again to help MaUm Tueaday and awore Pike, former Episcopal bishop restore peace. They were ^ thtm to aecrecy. But the newa of OaUfonda mtoaing in the bar­ set to resume patrol with leidmd almost immtdiately. ren Judean wUderneas neflh- city police at 4 p.m. The imroal announcement of west of the Dead Sea. the cutbth^ U expected Friday, Army officJala sgM Pike's be­ although tfdmlniatratlon repre- longings were tound in a diy HARTFOI^D. Conn. aentativea at the govemora river bed or wadi about a mile (A P )—Torn by 30 hours conference aaiAthat timetable eart o f hki abandcxied oar. - of looting, firelximbings la not Hrm. \ Four Camden, N. J., police officers surround a young: man as they moved in on The officMls aaid they expect­ The Nixon plan' re)>ortedly a disturbance which saw a 22-year-oId police patrolman and a 13-year-old Ne^ro ed to ,flnd Pike soon "dead or and occasional sniper at­ .would cut off new federal con- alive.” tacks, the predominantly ' atmctlon projecta immediately, grirl slain by sniper fire. At least one other person was injured. (AP Photofax) Pike, 60, and his Sl-ycor-old Negro and Puerto Rican 3 and halt federal aid for auch third wife were motoring 'section.s of Hartfo.rd’s state projecbi aa highway build­ through the area when their car North End were quiet this ing effective next April i. broke down Monday night. The morning. couple set out on foot to look for Sourcea at the weatem White state police were pniaeil to House in San Clemnte, Calif., Sniper Fire Blazes in Disorders: help, but Pike collapaed after -two hours walking In the heat move back into the troublad said the cutoff would affect 7B area If .yiolance resumed, and per cent of now projects in both and sent his wife on alone.'*She said ahe left him on a hlllalde. city offlclala were meeting to de­ categories. Administration offi­ cide If another overnight curfew cials stiU in Colorado Springs Jersey Polieeman, Teen Killed After walking all night, Mrs. Pike met aome highway guarda would be called. total By THE ASSOCIATED IVE SS tried to break up a fight among calmed but early Tuesday and they took her Slgnx of a return to normal cutoff, with exceptlona only for A white policeman and a la- a number of luvenilee Polios. ^ i ^ ie d to atop the to Bethlehem. IncludecI the reopening of public emergency projects. year-okJ Negro gir were * o t to r a e T ^ r o “ P " ’ The police immediately began BchooU In the city on schedule The adikilnlatratlon was re. death Tueaday nlg^nt In an out- aixl rocks by the voutha o m ln ^ ly area three a search using helicopters and today, ami rraumpUon of bus port^ly planning to work out fi- broak of sniper firin CanX,. to ,„iper ^ planes. Pike's car was found service through the UUared nal details at a Cabinet meeting Sniping incidents-.with mi f i r o ^ l d e d l S S r S ^ y r N a ' Tueaday afternoon. • streets. ™ ^ a y in San Clemente. reported injurito recurred in Uotial Guardmen and police ' (See Page Fonrtoenl Mrs. Pike was under a doc­ The violence had spread Tuea- The goverora were confuaed Hartford, Conn., and Fort Lau- jrmge ronrteen) tor's care at their hotel room tai day night h> a predomtoaiftly aa to exact terms and unhappy, derdale. Fla. --------------- ----- ------------------- ----------r-------------------- --- r ___________ Jeniaalem. ^ Puerto Rican area of Hartford'a "Nothing shocks people faster Tbe Camden vtoUms were Pa- In Santa Barbara, OaUf., South End. No Injuries were re­ than news that the old buck isn’t bx>lman Rande J. Chandler, 22, ____ f . Pike's mother,. Mrs. Pearl ported to three sniper tocidanU coming from Washington,” said *•*** B®*® McDonald, both' ap^ CSiambcrs, sold her son and In the South Mato Street area. Gk)v. Dempsey, chairman of the PorenUy hit by the same voBey daughter-in-law went to' the One suspected looter wma DemMratlc governors caucus. during the second night of diaor- Teaehers.Defy Order Holy 1-and to study the origins woumled In ttv- buttocks In the 2,000 better jobs are being filledi^iow! Anbther Democratic gover- ‘tom in the south Jersey city of of Chriatlahity and the Dead Sea North End Tueaday night. Pay rates have never been higher, benefits have nor who asked that hla name H7,000. Scrolls for a book he was writ­ ArrcMa since Monday evening not be used, said Agnew de- BoHoe said Chandler was one To Report to Classes ing. Pike told friends that he reached more than 360, 162 of never been better. and there is a wide variety of scribed the admlnlstraton plan aevem patrofaneh assigned hoped to find documents or an­ them condng between s ajn cient records that would provide S as a move designed to coipbat to char debris (hat had been new jobs open at the Aircraft! Right now, we have EAST HAVEN, Oonn. (AP) — school systems with teacher and U p.m. Tueaday. the spiral of steadily rising *tox«vn Into a street Aa the pa­ more Information bn Christ. Some 1S3 of thooe wer«- . orders for more than 1,200 engines for the giant new w n e e* andwn. prices.ytivcm, trolman approache*^'spproacnet^ more a^udents were sent home from walkouts to four. New Britain. Pike was brought up In the charged with curfew' vtolarions Homan Catholic faith but be'- superjets, and production, experimental and overhaul This governor said the vice toarit, rocks and botUes began public schools this morning when «nd Groton school TTioy luvl others also were prerident•--------— ..MPvalso reported theuie nailhalt "^tog and then the shots rang about 80 per cent of the eitvs toachers also decided not to came on agnostic during hla col­ charged with looting, cerrytog a lege days. Ht took law degreea work is in full swing on our other aircraft, marine and Into federal constructionconetnictlon should •* teachers le^dIgnored >a court ..JLorder wUbout contract agree (^ g e ro u s weapon, resisting ar. r e le m manpower and material ****** «wme predominantly to report’ to classes. mients with their boards of edu­ from the University of Califor­ cret, breaking and entering, lar­ industrial engines. There’s plenty of action and plenty cation. nia and Yale and then worked ceny and IntoKlcaUon. ' fSoe P a r . Monday ,Ught a The East Haven situation for the Securities and Exchange .Two men explain to a HartforH policeman why they of opportunity at the Aircraft!« . .. ) ee broke out when police brought the total of Connecticut A high percentage of East (tommlssion in Woohlngtoh and are out after the curfew which went into effect at A 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew at Haven't! 6,700 pupils had report­ first ftolsdl lo control dsntruc- ed for cla sM , but only about taught at George Waahlngtoa 7 p.iii. la.st night. This picture waa taken alifiut Univeralty, I live tssn-sgars ' and poung Lack experience? Trainees earn fuii pay! 20 per cent of the teachers were in.tile soutli ehti of the city. The men were adulto. City potfes,- besfod up there. TTie others attended a He joined the Episcopal not urreHteti. (Herald photo l)y nuceiviciim) by too trcwpers, raoortad to fJhurch during Wbrtd War n Maybe your experience has been in school shop or meeting of the East Haven Edu­ shooUng isar-gaa 'and arresting cation Association to decide on when he was a U.8. naval offi­ persons to the dosena to rsstors fixing things at home. If you’re handy with tools . or. their 'future steps. cer. After the wur he was or­ calm to this city of ISO,000, one Hanoi Radio Says dained from Union Theological C it y 1h C a lm would like to be . come on in. We can train you at The order Issued by Superior quarter of whom are btaohs. Court Judge John Clark FlU- Seminary and served as a rec­ In the dMurtiancca alxiut 70 full pay! Courses last aiiywhere from three weeks to Gcrold Tuesday provides poe- tor and teacher until i962, when stores burned or.
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