

Ngisratiht Council anib gtgislatibt 4 sseii&1g.



50 EDWARDI vii.

VOLUME XXVII. (flmW sflmSZ.)


6th July, 1905, to 5th October, 1905.



Page Legislature of Western Australia ...... v. Ministry (The) ...... Members of the Legislative Council ...... vi.

Members of the Legislative Assembly .- vii. Public Statutes of the Session ...... viia. Bils of the Session...... In.

Subjects, Index to...... fl. Speeches, Index to...... xiX. Debates Reported...... 1-8n4 Divisions (see under each Subject of Index).




MINISTRIES (2): FIFTH1 PAXLIAflENT-ERCON4D SESSION. THE DAGLLSH MINISTRY: (The Daglish Ministryj resigned, and the Eason Ministryj appointed, 25th August, 19O5..j

Premier and Colonial Treasurer ...... Tu: How. HENR DAGLISE, M.L.A. Minister for Mines and Railways Tint HOW. Wm. DAHTNRLL JOaNsoN, M.L.A. Colonial Secretary and Minister for Agriculture Tu: How. Jon9w MICuInAP DREW, M.L.C. Minister for Justice and Labour ...... TEE How. ROBERT HAsTiE, M.L.A. Minister for Lands and Education .. TIRE How. ThoMAs HENxRY BATH, M.L.&.

Minister for Works . . .. Tu: Hon. PATRIC: JOSEPH LYNCH, M.b.A. Minister without Portfolio...... Ta: HON. Wa. CAnns ANOWIB, M.L.A.

THE RASON MINISTRY. (Appointed 25th Ai4st, 1905.)

Premier and Colonial Treasurer, also Minister for Justice ...... TEE, How. Coawru WAITE HECTOR RAsoN, M.L.A. Colonial Secretary and Minister for Education THE HOW. WALTER KiNOSEILL, M.L.C. Minister for Mines and Railways .... THE How. Hswrr Qnsoor, M.L.A. Minister for Works ... .. Ta:z HoN. FRANK WJLSON, W.L.A. Minister for Lands and Agriculture ...... Th: How. NEWTON Jni~s Mooau, M.L.A. Minister for Commerce and Labour.. . Tm. How. JOHiN SYDNEY RICKs, M.L.A. Minister without Portfolio .. .. TEE HOW. MArra~w Lswis Moss, M.L.C. Ti.

THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL: FIFTH P'ALLMENT-SECOND SESSION. Acting President and Chairmn of Committees :-The HoN. HENRY Baxaos.

Member. IDate of Election, j Province.

1. Bellingha~m, The Honourable George ...... May, 1902 South 2. Briggs,* The Honourable Henry...... May, 1904 West 3. Brimage, The Honourable Thomas Frederick Outridge Sept., 1900 South 4. Clarke, The Honourable Ephraimn Mayo ... .. May, 1902 South-West 5. Connally, The Hononi-able James Daniel ... June, 1901 North-East 6. Dempster, The Honourable Charles Edward ... May, 1900 East 7. Drew;* The Honourable John Michael .. ... May. 190 Central 8. Hackett The Honourable John Winthrop --- May, 1900 South-West 9. Hameraley, The Honourable Vernon .. ... August. 19D4 East 10. Haynes,* The Honourable Samuel Johnson...... May, 1904 South-Eat 19 0 4 11. Kingemifi,* The Hon. Walter ...... May, , re-elct. M't'p'n Sub'n 12. Lane, The Honourable Zebina .... May, 1904 M't'p'n Sub'n 13. Langeford, The Honourable Joseph Wood ... .. January, 1904 Lttp'n Sub'n 14. Laurie, The Honourable Robert...... December, 1901 West 15. Loton, The Honourable William Thorley ... .. may, 1902 East 16. McKenzie, The Honourable Robert Donald ... .. may, 1904 North-East 1.7. McLartyl, The Honourable Edward ...... Hay, 1904 South-West 1S. Maley, 'The Honourable Wesley ...... May, 1900 South-est 19. Moss, The lHonourahle Matthew Lewis .... May, 1902 West 20. Oats, The Honourable William ...... May, 1904 South 21. Patrick, The Honourable William ... .. M.ay, 1904 Central 22. 1Piesse, The Honourable Charles Austin .. . May, 1902 South-East 23. Randell,* The Honourable George ...... May, 1904 Metropolitan 24. Shenton, The Honourable Sir George, Kt. (President) May, 1900 'Metropolitan 25. Shell, The Honourable Eobt. Fredk ...... may, 1904 North 28. Sommere, The Honourable Charles ... . . may, 1900 North-East 27. Stone, The Hononrable rnmk Mend@ . ... May, 1900 North 28. Thomson, The Honourable Joseph Anus . ... May, 1902 Central 29. Wittenoom, The Honom-able Sir Edward Bornes . May, 1902 North. 20. Wright, The Hononrable James William ... May, 1902 metropolitan

Nora.-Otar (6) after name signfies re-election at the end of hla term ended ApiL, 1904. Tfit.


FIFTH PARLIAMENT-SECOND SESSION. Speakmr:-The Honourable MATHIESON HARRY JncoBr. Clsairm of Comittee. :-T. P. QUINLAN SQ.

Membter. I When Elected. I District.

Angwin, William Charles, Esq. .. June, 1904 Fremantle, East Bath, Thomas Henry, Eq. June, 1904 .. Brown Hill Bolton, Harry Edward, Esq. June, 1904 .. Fremantle, North Brown, Harry, sq...... June, 1904...... Perth ± York Butcher,* William James, Esq. .. June, 1904 ...... Gascoyne Carson, Henry, Esq...... June, 1904 .. .. Gerald ton Connor,* Francis, Esq ...... June, 1904 .. .. Kimnberley Cowcber.George Stanyford FraucisEeq June, 1904 .. .. William, DaglishP*Henry, Esq. . . . June, 1904 .. .. Subiaco Diamond,* Arthur James, Esq. .. June, 1904 Fremantle, South Ellis, Henry Augustus, Eq ...... June, 1904 .. .. Coolgardie Foulkes,* John Charles Griffiths, sq. June, 1904 .. .. Claremont Gim, Frederick, Esq ...... June, 1904 .. .. Balkatta Gordon,* William Beattie, Esq. .. June, 1904, Canning Gregory,* The Hon. Henry .. .. June, 1904, re-elected Menzies Hardwick, John Edward, sq. .. October, 1904 .. Perth, East Harper,- Charles, Esq...... June, 1904 .. .. Beverley Hastie,* Robert, Esq...... June, 1904 .. Kanowna Hayward,* Tlkomas, Eeq. .. .. June, 1004, Wellington Heitmau, Edward Ernest, Esq. . June. 1904..... Cue Henshaw, Ernest Percival, Esq. .. June, 1904 .. .. Collie Hlicks,* The Hon. John Sydney .. June, 1904, re-elected Roebourne Holman* John Bartell, sq...... June, 1004 .. .. Murch ison Hopkins, John Marquis, sq. .. June, 1904 .. .. Boulder Horan, Austin Alis, Eq...... June, 1904 .. .. Yilgarn Isdell,* James, Esq...... June, 1904 .. .. Pilbara Jacoby,* The Ron. Mathieson Harry June, 1904 .. .. Swan Johnson.* We,. Dartnell, Esq. .. June, 1904 Kalgoorlie Keyser, Charles Christopher, Esq... June, 1904 Albany Layman, Charles Henry, Esq. .. June, 1904 Nelson Lynch, Patrick Joseph, Eq...... June, 1904! Mount Leonora, McLarty. John Pollard, sq...... June, 1904 Murray Moore,* The Hon. Newton James .. June, 1904, re-elected Bunbury Moore, Samuel Fortescue, Esq. .. June, 1904 .. .. Irwin Morsni, Charles John, sq...... June, 1904 .. .. Perth, West Naneon,* John Leighton, sq...... June, 1904...... (4reenough Needham, Edward, Eq. .. .. June, 1904...... Prenmartle Nelson, Wallace, Esq ...... JTune, 1904 .. .. Hianas Fiesee,* The Honl. Frederick Henry.. June, 1904 .. .. Katanning Quinlan,* Timothy Francis, Esq. .. June, 1904 .. .. Toodyay Raoen,* The Ron. Corutliwaite Hector Juno, 1904, re-elected Guildford Scaddan, John, sq. . . June, 1904..... Ivanhoe Taylor,* George, . q.. June, 1904...... Mount Margaret Thomas,* Albert Ernest, sq. ... June, 1904 .. .. Dundas Troy, Michael Francis, sq ...... Jue194.... Mount Magnet Watts, Alfred John Henry, sq. . June, 1904 Northain Wilson, Albert Jaines, sq...... June, 1904...... Forrest Wilson, Francis Ford, Esq ...... June, 1904...... Perth, North Wilson,* The Hon. Frank .. .. June, 1904, re-elected ISussex

Norrs.-.Stw (l)ote mne I..afIes Lbe Member ant in last Assmbly. t Mr. R. 0. BlurMeslecesed. V11t.



SUPPLY Aar (No. 1), £648,628-Paesed all stages; Assent given. SUPPLY Aer (No. 2), A9l,375-Introduced after resignation of the Daglish Ministry, passec all stages; Assent given.




AnOoucs ACT AxsEmxsrr BILL- Introduced in Council by the Colonial Secretary (Daglish Ministry), 16th August; not proceedec with.

DBFAATION BILL- Introduced in Assembly by Mr. W. Nelson (Hlannans), 9th August; not proceeded with.

ELECTRIC Liowrso ACr AxuNnnwrN BILL-- Introduced in Assembly by the Premier (Daglish Ministry);- passed all stages. Received ir Council, reached Committee stage; not cnmpleted.

FsRxLTLIeuas~ AND FEXDINGATuF~s ACT AxINI)gnrr BILL- Introduced in Council by the Colonial Secrqtary (Daglish Ministry); passed all stages Received in Assembly, passed second reading; not completed.

LEGIS1LATIVE CWouecn RrnuenzDux BILL- Introduced in Assembly by the Premier (Ron. H. Dagliseh). 2nd AuLgust; first reading opposed passed on division (23 to 20); change of Ministry made 29th August; the new Premier (lion C. H. Rason), after stating the Bills to be proceeded with, moved that the Counci Referendum Binl be dicharged from Notice Paper (then standing for second reading), motioij defeated (18 to 16) ; the Governor dissolved the Assembly next day for election of new House

LICEsiNG BILL (consolidation and amendment-

Introduced in Assembly by the Premier (Hon. H. Daglish). 8th August; second readin 8 debated; not completed. Ix.

Maxixux EzCuwr Hoca1s OAT BILL- Introduced in Assembly by Mr. AL.J. Wilson (Forrest), 2nd August ;'not proceeded with.

METRO0POLITAN WATRwORs ACT An~nDm rr BILL (Mount Lawley Reticulation)- Introduced in Assembly by the Minister for Mines3 and Railways (Daglish Ministry), 8th August; on Second reading, point of order raised as to involving a Contingent Charge on public: revenue, but allowed to proceed on promise of intended amendment, and reached select committee stage; not completed.

MIRES REGULATION BILL- Introduced in Assembly by the Minister for Justice and Labour (Daglish Ministry), 2nd August; second reading not completed.

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS BILL (consolidation and amendment)- Introduced in Assembly by the Premier (Hon. H. Daglish), 8th August; second reading mcved, the debate adjourned for three weeks; Bill not completed.

PERTH MiNT ACT AMENDMENT BILL-- Introduced in Assembly by the Premier (Hun. H. Dsglish), 2nd August1 passed all Stages. Received in Council, reached Committee stage; not completed,

PUBLIC ED)UCATIONz ACT AMENDMENT BILL (chiefly to amend School attendance provisions)- Introduced in Assembly by the Minister for Lands and Education (Daglish Ministry), 3rd August; passed all stages. Received in Council, reached Committee stage; not completed.

WORKMEN'S WAGES ACT AMENDMENKT BILL- Introduced in Assembly by the Minister for Justice and Labour (Daglish Ministry), 2nd August; In., 2a., Committee stage passed; Bill not complete.






Explanation of Abbrr-viaions.-Ia., 2R., SR.' First, Second, or Third Reading of aBi-Co , Committee of the whole House.-Lnterj., Interjection in Debate,-n., Motion-q., Question to a minister.

A.-INDnX TO SUBJECTS. ADDRESS-PERONAL EXPLANATIONS IN DR- (For Speeches on Subjects. see later list.) DAT-conttnued. Coancil-Moved by Hon. B. D. McKenzie 3, Aborigines Act Amendment Bill- seconded by Hon. J.4A. Thomson 8; second Council-Intro. O59 day of debate 19. third day 56, fourth day 172, fifth day 246, presentation of Address 260, 3'7g AsoaxoNiEs IN TEE, Nonva- Assembly-Dr. Roth's Report, q. Mr. Connor ADJOURNMENT OP Roust (Special occasions)- 77, 122 ; in. papers Mr. loran as to officers Assemblyr-Want of quorum consequent on and censure 529 members attending funeral of ft. G. Binges Council-in. papers Hon. R. F. Sholl 806 830; Ministerial re-elections (change of Government), adjournment for five weeks ADDRESS 807,828; Rason Government, after m. to dis- iN REPLY TO Govaaetoa'e OPENING charge Referendum Bill (Council), division on adjournment 843 Assembly -Moved by Mr. Needham 10,1 Council-Remarks on adjournment 68, 75, seconded by Mr. Watts 18, Notice of amend-' 269, (395; Obituary, B. G. Binges 880 ment (want-of-confidence) Mr. Bason 15; second day of debate, amendment moved- by Mr. LRsson 31; third dlay 78, Premier's AGEn Pool&, BIGHT To 'VoI- speech (mainly on finance) 78; fourth1 Assembiy-g. Mr. Needhiam 120 day 138; fifth day 198, farther amend-' went movred by Mr. Moran 245; sixth day,,i APPLICATIONS FOR P0onST LAND (See "Forest) statement by Premier 270; seventh, day; 321; eighth day 380; ninth day 430, second: ASSENr To BLLnS- amendment withdrawn 474; tenth day U9,; Assembly-Messages 319, W4 division on Mr. Eason's amendment 518, Council-Message 269 presentation of Address 54

Annaxfn-PERsoNAL EXPLANATIONS 11K DZ- B.-INnnEx TO SUBJECTS. RATE- Assembly-Mr. Moran as to Independent. 819, (For Speeches an Subvjects see Waer list). 384, Dr. Ellis as to leaders "conferring" BILLS INTRODUCED BUT NOT PASUED-(See lis 456. Mr. G regory onVNorth Coo~gardieHerald at the beginning) 387, Premier (Mr. Daglish) on Mr. Holmnan B ILLS PASS1ED ALL STAE-(WC list of ",Statnltes as a Minister 518, on Mr. Taylor as a of the Session," at the beginning) Minister 488, Mr. Taylor as to Cabinet policy 470. Hon. F. H. Piesse as to Inde- BLNDu INSTITUTE, MAmLANDS-- pendents 364 Assemnly-q. Mr. Keyser 541. MI. CHA XIL[INDEXCHA TO0SUBJECTS.)]N HNG

0.-INEX TO SUBJECTS. DEFICIT FOR Ynkn 1904-6- (For Speeches on Subjects, see laer list.) Assembly-Statement. by the Premier (H1on. 1H. Daglish) 91, Premier's remarks in CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES, ELECTION- debate (see " Address-in-Reply ") Assemnbly-Mr, QinlanRI elected 124 DEPUTY CRAIRMEN OF Coxmaunns, NoxzNA- CHARGES AGAINST MEMnRS BY A MINISTER AT TIONfi- KALIGooRLEE (see "Privilege ") Assembly-Nominations by Mr. Speaker 18

COALITION CONFERENCES, LABOUR MEMBEaS DISSOLUTION OF AssrXncY- AND FOUR INDEPENDENTS (Assembly)- Message from the Governor 844, Proclama- Conference in 1904 (first Session of Labour tion read 844 (see "1Prorogation " Government), between the Premier and the Independents, as stated by Mr. DRAUGHTS CHs MEHa- Thomas, policy defined in 8 planks 350, 1 IN Conference of Delegates in 1905 (second Assemby-Remarks by Members 696 Labour session): Premier's letter inviting to a meeting of Government supporters 852, statement by Mr. Thomas of the sub- stance of what each speaker said a53-6 E.-INDRE TO SUBJECTS. Questions as to Labour Government con- ferring with Rason Opposition 427 (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Expiation by Mr. Moran as to Premier- ]EDUCATION BOOK WVITHIDRAWN- ship 429 Assembly-rn. papers Mr. Scaddan ais to with- Explanation hy Mr. Thomas as to details of drawal of " Story of the World " 64.8 Co"nference W4-38 Explanation by Dr. Ellis as to "1conferring" 456 Eduncation Act Amendment (see " Public ") Questions by Mr. Thomas, as to Govern- ment conferring with Opposition 427, Eight Hours Bill (see " Maximium " Premier's answer 427 Ruling as to questions re Conference 427 EIGHT HOURS, PRISON WARDSES- ComrsioNuus FOR AFFIDAvITS-- A ssembly-rnM. Mr. Needham 529, negatived 619 Assembly-is. return Mr. Horan 532 ELbECrION oF ACTING PnESIDET- COxNmITus1 FOR THE SESSION (for Select Council-Hon. H. Briggs elected 1 Committees see " Select) Assembly-in. Premier 81 ELECTIONS, MINISTEIRIAL- Council-n. Colonial Secretary 66 Assemnbly-Re-election of new Ministers, namely-Brown Hill, Hon. T. H. Bath 10;i Mount Leonora, P. J. Lynch 29 ; Guildford. COPPER SMELTER, REPORTs-- C. H1. Rason, Menzies, H. Gregory; Roe- Council-in. Reports by Mr. Miug and the bourne, J. S. Hicks; Sussex, Frank Wilson, State Mining Engineer 55 801 ; Bunbury, N.J. Moore 844 Council-Re-election of new Colonial Secre- ConnurvIow rMPUTEI) AGAINST ROYAL COM- tary, W. Kingsmili, Metropolitan-Suburban MISSIONERS- 829 Assembly - Mr. Diamond's explanation as chairman 428 Eletric Lighting Act Amendment Dill- Assembly-Introduced 10, 2n. 519%Coin. 540, SE.641 D,-IwDn TO SUBJECTSA. Council-Received 646, 2a. 690, Corn. 690 (not (For-Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) completed) DAY Loua, PIPES MANUFACTUR- Assembly-tnm. details of cost Mr. Rason 583 EMPRESS oF COOLGARDEGO.M. LEASE- Assembly-m. papers Mr. Horn 529 Defamation Bil- Assembly-Introduoed by Mr. Nelson .577 ENfGIN-nrzvns- Assembly-Board of Examiners, (I. Mr. F. F. DEFEATr OF GOvERNXBNT (se -"Ministerial Wilson 697; Certificates, in. papers Mr. Changes") Hleitmann 631 ]MR FIX-NI~(INOetx TO SUBJECTS4LA LAN xiiMt.

EX-MINISTERS' STATEMENTS 0O' THEI= Posi1- 'I.-NDEX TO SUBJECTS. TION- (for Speeches on Subjects, see later Zist.) Assembly-Mr. Holman's statement in debate on Address-in-Reply 485, 6, Mr. Taylor's ICIATIO N- - statement in debate on Addre-in-Reply Assembly -Commission of Inquiry, g. cost Mr, 368 (see also "Personal Explanations," VISO FoutLkes 120; Resatriction and language test, "Ministerial Changes") q. Mr. Horan 697; References in debate (ae " Address - in - Reply" under Speeches of Members)

F,-IznsEx TO SUBJECTS. IRELAND, LOCAL SELF-GOVERaNMENT- (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Assembly-n. Mr. Nelson to affirm 73 1, amend- Fertihisers and Feedingetuffs Act Amend- ment moved 7A0 withdrawn 742, division on main question 743 ment Bill- Asssmbly-Received 730, 2R. 838 (not omr- pleted) IRRESULAIIITIES IN Paocsniuas (Assembly)- Council-Introdueed 3, 2R. 647, Corn. OtT, 3a. Metropolitan Waterworks, Mount Lawloy 690 extension, as to a contingent charge on revenue 633 FINANCE, remarks in debate (see "1Treasury Midland Railway, Premier's motion to pur- finance") chase ruled out of order 5'72-6 Questions by Mr. Thomas, as to details of a conference for arrangig a Coalition FIRaEWOOD Tuanwnx, SOUTH OF~ KALGOORLIE Government, ruled out of order 427 (see "Railway Permit ")

FORST LAND APPLICAIONS- Assembly-n. return Mr. Heushaw 64S J.-IN DEE TO SUBJECTS. (POT Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) 35 NDAROT RAILWAY-- G.-IDEXTO SUBJECTS. Assernbly-q. Length and cost Mr. N. J. Moore 198, (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) q. extension Mr. Needham 622, q. traffic M1r. Bolton '799 GtEARY, WARDEN (see "Mining '

GOLDFIELDS WATER EXTENSION- *Assembly-q. particulars 606 K[.--INDEX TO SUBJECTS. (ForSpeeches on Subject;, see laster list.) GOOMALLINO TO MOUNT MAONET RAILWAY KIMBaEELEY TICKr RESTRICTION- PROPOSAL- Assemly-sn. papers Mr. Connor 717, amend- Assemly-rn. to cons'trnct, Mr. Horan 531 ment by Mr. Butcher 728 (see also " Stock Route to Laverton ") GovERNMEWr BUSINESS, PRECEDENCE- Assembly-n. Premier (Ron. H. Daglish) 31 L.-I'DEX TO SUBJECTS. GOVERNMENT O'HANISES (see "Ministerial ') (For Speeches &a Subjects, see later list.) LAKESIDE RAILWAY PERMxIT- GovrnN-nr PeoaSBA xE-Daglish Ministry, Governor's Speech I1; Rason Ministry, Assembty-Mr. Hopkins's criticism 106, Min- Ministerial Statement 882 ister's reply 271

LANDS TiTLics OFFICES- Asembiy-q. as to unhealthy position of H,[-hDEX TO SUBJECTS. deeds rooms 30 (For Speeches on Subjects, see lager list-) Council-q2. as to lift M4 HOME Rvu1 FOR IRELAND (see under "Ire- land ") LANDS RECLASSIFICATION- Assembly-Hon. F. H. Piesse's suggestion to HTOSPITrAL PATIENTS, MINING A.cCIDEN9T- clasaify according to distance from railway Assembly-rn. return Mr. Seaddan 780 and productive Talne 297, 8 nIv. LAN[IDXTSues.(INDEX TO SURMOTS.]

LANGuAGjP Trvr (see 11Immigration) MIDAN RAILWAY COMPAN- Assembly-g. shares Mr. Gill 198, q. lands Mr. LA~vzRToN S. F. Moore 270, g. Dr. Ellis 643, q. Mr. (see"1 Stock Route to ") Horan 64

LLEE or ABSENCE To Muxusas (Assembly)- MINES AND MINING GENERALLY (Assembly)- Mr. Nanson (Greenough) 270,5641 Dredging claims, q. Mr. Gregory 644 Mr. MeLarty (Murry) 380 Exemptions West Boulder, q. Mr. Scaddan 427 Lays or ASENCE To MEMBERS (Council)- Kalgoorlie Mines, men employed, mn.return Mr. Scaddan 731 President (journey to England) 15 Regulations, q. when published Mr. Gregory Hon. C. Sommers (North-East) 55 77 Ventilation, .q. Mr. Heitmanm 120 Legislative Council Referendum Bill (see "Referendum ) MINING GENERALLY (Council)- Copper Mines Smelter, Reports ordered 66 Licensing Bill- Assembl~y---lntroduced W4,2n. 636 (not com- Mines Regulation Bill- pleted) Assembly-Introduced 634,2un. 545, 662, ruling as to detail in Speeches 665, resumed 666 (unfinished) LIFT AT LANDS TITLES OFIIIES- - Council-q. Hon. 0, Bellinghiam 646 MINISTERIAL CHANGES, course of events (Assembly)- Daglish Ministry-Reconstruction and re- Lzioa INSPEOTIO1N AND ANALYSES- arrangement of portfolios (see remarks by Assemly-q. Mr. Diamond 799 'Members in debate on Address-in-Reply) Want of Confidence, Amendment moved by Mr. Rason 31, negatived 618 Independent Members (4) -. Amendment M.-IxnnX TO SUBJECTS. moved 245, treated as hostile 270, with- drawsl objected, to division 474 (For Speechaes on Sub~jects, see later list.) Premier's reply on first amendment 78, on Maximum Eight Hours Day Dill- second 471 Midland Railway and Lands, m. by Premier Assemby-Introduced by Mr. A. J3-Wilson 634 to purchase 558, procedure irregular (point by Mr. Moran) 572, ruled out of order 676. Fresh motion by Premier tb Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment approve purchase 744, amendment by Mr. Bill (Mt. Lsawley Reticulation)- Quinlan 7B8, withdrawn 796, main ques- Assembly-Introduced 545, 2a, 585, 628, point tion negatived without division 799 of order as to money 6.31, Mr. Speaker's Pilbarra Railway: References in debate (see ruling 633, resumed 635, select committee -"Address-in-1Rly ") appointed 635, pomsona] interest 635 Personal Explanations: Mr. Moran 384, Mr. Gregory 887, Dr. Ellis 456, the Premier re Mr. Holman (ex-Minister) 518, the Pre- MIDLAND ]RAILWAY AND LA.NDS Punonas E- mier re Mr. Taylor (ex-Minister) 488, Mr. Assembly-Papers as to purchase laid on Taylor re Cabinet -policy 470 table 30, Notice of question Mr. Horan 380, Resignation of Daglish Ministry 803 answered by Premier 380, q. Dr. Ellis as Statements by er-Ministers, Mr. Holman to land sold by company 543, q. legality of 485, 6, Mr. Taylor 868 Reset %istsii7 formed 807, Bills for the session 832; Defeat of Ministry on en. to Daghsh to''2aprov fprhse68 on discharge Referendum Bill 834-43 - Dis- Solution of Assembly 844, Prorogation of q. Mr. Carson titles to land V76. q. Mr. N. Parliament 844 J. Moore plane 576, in. Mr. Carson return as to engines 577. Fresh motion by MINISTERIAL CHANGES (Council)- Premier to approve of purchase 744, amend- Boson Ministry formed 805, Ne-election of ment (arbitration) moved 738, withdrawn new Colonial Secretary 829, prorogation 796, main question negatived 799 (no by proclamation 844 division) CounCil-s4n, Hon. W. Kingsnil report of MINISTERAL STATEMENT- valuers 16, Hon. 3. W. Hackett full report Assembly-Boson Ministry, statement of Bills 167, adjournment 379, resumed 646 for the Session 832 MIN [INDEX TO SUB1JECTS.] PIP XV.

MINISTERS TO BE ELECTED By AssuaLy- ]?.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Aswnhbly-n. Mr. Nelson to affim 534 (For Speech"s on Subjects, see later Nast.) PAT CONFERENCES (see"1 Coalition " MONEY GaNwrS To AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES- Assembly-Return Mr. F. F. Wilson 697. PEEL ESAn E amendment 698 Assembly-q. as to offers for purchase 121

MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS RELATING TO RETURNS, WHEN FORMAL- PESONAL EXPLANATIONS (Assembly)- Assembly-Mr. Speaker's direction 533 Cabinet Policy attacked by er-Minizter, explanation by Mr. Taylor 470 Independents and the Government, explarna- MUNICIPAL CORORATIONS BILL- tion of Mr. Moran's position 46, ns to Assembly-Intro. 545, 2a. 687, division on controlling the policy of the Government adjournment 689 384, personal Scheming 819, not opposing the Premier on personal grounds 840 Leader of the Government and leader of the MUNICIAL DEPUTATIONSs How EGULATED- Opposition, explanation by Dr. Ellis 466 Assenzbly-q. Mr. Ban 619 North Coolgardie Herald, explanation by Mr. Gregory 887 Report of Select Committee on Timber Industry, explanation by Mr. A. J. Wilson N.-IDEXTO SUBJECTS. 367 (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Mr. Holman and the Cabinet, explanation by the Premier 518 NEGOTIATIONS FOR A COALITION (se8 "Coali- Mr. Taylor and the Cabinet, explanation tion " by the Premier 488 Personal Sc-hem ing as to Portfolios, explana No-CoNPnrnvcs AMENGmENTs (see " Minis- tion by Mr. Moran 319, by Hon. F. Hf. terial Changes ") Piesse 364 Pilbarra Railway, explanation by Mr. Hen- NORsEmA.N RAILWAY PROECT- shaw 618 Assembly-s. papers Mr. Gregory 643, refer- Premiership, explanations by Mr. Moran ences in debate (see "1Address-in-Reply" 319, 429, 434, 840, as to duplicity 432

PERSONAL INTEREST IN A SELECTrCoxInrnE- 0.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Assembly -q. Mr. Needham 636 (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Perth Mint Act Amendment Bill- OBITUAR, R. G. EuBoss- Assembly - Introduced 534, appropriation Assembl-Adjournment of House conse- message "l,, 2a. 641, Corns. 542, Sn. 545 ue nt on members attending funeral 830, essage of condolence 831 Council-Received in. 64G, 2A. 690, Corn. 691 Council-Remarks 829 (not completed)

OPENING OT PARLIAMEfNT- PERTH SEERAG- Assembly-Proclamnation, Governor's Speech Assemly-q. cat Mr. H. Brown 576 10; Address-in-Reply 10-15, two amend- ments (want of confidence), debate ended tenth day, 15 to 618, division on Mr. FILEARRA GOLDFIELD MAP- Moran's amendment (Independents) 474. Assembly-n. Dr. Hicks, 620, 8 on Mr. Rason's amendment 518 Council-Proclanmation 1, Election of Acting PILBASRA RAILWAY PaJonr-- President 1, Governor's Speech 1 ; Addres- Assembly-q. tenders Dr. Hicks 576. mn.return in-Reply, debate 8, 19, 56 Dr. Hicks showing mnmber of mining leases etc. 620, references in debate (see ORDER Or Dussnes- "Address-in-Reply") Assemly-Order for 2B. Referendum. Bill, m. to discharge 834, division 843 Counil-After resignation of Daglish Minis- PIPES MANUFAcTuRE- try SO Assembly-n. details of cost Mr. Rana 533 xv1. POL [INDEX TO SUBJECTS.] ROY

POLICE FORCE ASSOCIATION- QUOTATIONS FROM STATE PAPERs- Assembly-rn. papers Mr. Horan ws to request Assembly-Point of order by Mr. Gregory by police 529 407, Speaker's ruling (later) 409

DonrBam' REINSTATEMENT (866 under " Pub- lic Servant " R.-NDEX TO SUBJECTS. POET HEDLAND-NULLAGINE RAILWAY (see (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) "Pilbarra ") RAILWAYS GENERALLY (Assembly)- Brake Vans, q. tendering Mr. F. F. Wilson t'ERENTING PAPERS, HOW REGULATED- i 622 Bridge at Frenmantle, q. Mr. Needham 74A Council-Acting President's direction as to Cars, Suburban lines, q. Mr. Gifl 744 procedure for disall[owing regulations made Duplication, q. cost Mr. Foulkes 75 under Worker's Compensation Act 55 Firewood for Mines, q. railway permits 8(1 Goomnalling to Mount magnet proposal (see PRISON WARDERS, EIGHT HOURS- Jandakot, q.Ilength and cost 198, q. exten- Assembly-m. Mr. Needham 529, negatived sion 022, q. traffic 79 819 Norseman Railway project, ma. papers Mr. Gregory 548 PRIVILEGE Or PARLIAMENT (Assembly).- Oil Fuel for Goldfields, q. reduced rates 270 Railway permit, Lakeside, Mr. Hopkins 106, Charge against a member (Mr. Diamond), Minister in reply 271 appointment of Privilege Committee 428, Rate Book Alterations, q. Mr. Frank Wilson report presented 534, Complaint by Mr. Moran against Mr. Please V5reduced, zone system, Northam v. 319, reply by Mr. Piesse 364 tnning, criticism by Hon. F. H. Piese Remarks by a Minister (HOD. W. D. John- son) at Kalgoorlie, complaints by three I Railways Act, as to amendment, q.Mr. members and the Minister's explanation Horan 76 199 Timber Railway, q. as to permits, Lakeside South 30, remarks 106, 271

PROROGATION BY PROCLAMATION 844 RAILWAYS GENERALLY (Council)- PUBLIC RAnzaRIzs (see " State Batteries " Passenger Rate Anomalies, q. Hon. M. L~. Moss 167 Public Education Act Amendment Bill- Assembly-Introduced 541, 2R. 557, 585, Corn. Referendum Bill (Counci)- 628, SR. 64 Assembly-Motion by Premnier (Hon. H. Dag- Council-Received 646, Ea. 691, Cone. 694 (not lish) to introduce Bill, division 634, 1R. Completed) .534. After change of Government, motion by new Premier (Hon. C. H. Rason) to din. PUBLIC SRVAN'S C~onuLSOR RETIREMENT charge Order of the Day 834, division 8S (see " Ministerial Changes ") (Pombart) - Assembly-rn. Mr. Moran to reinstate Mr. Pombart 699, point of procedure 709, REGULATbONS, TO RESCIND (see under" Workers' resumed 710, amendment 712, withdrawn Compensation") and motion passed 714. RESIGNATION oP DAorLaSn MINISTRY (Bee "Ministerial Changes")

Q.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. RETIREMENT OF CORPORAL TYLER-. (Par Speeches =nSubjetsi see leter list.) Assembly-In. return Dr. Ellis 714 QUARRY LEASES, Beta- Assembly-n. return Mr. H. Brown 677 ROYAL COMMISION- Assemrbly-Corruption imputed against mesa. QUESTIONS TO MINISrERS (see Subjects in ban of Ocean Freights Inquiry, Chairman's alphabetical order) explanation and reply 428. Select Com- mittee's report presented 534 QUORUIM N~OTPRESENT (see" Adjournments ") ;Council-In, return1 cosat Of CommAisons 16 RET RET~[INDEX UTO SUBJBCTS.3 UNH XVIT.vi

RETUR&NS, REPoRTs, A1ND PAPERS ORDERED BT STATE SMIELTER- AsSEBZL- Assembly-q. particulars Mr. Rason 120 Aborigines Commission, papers as to officers Council-Reports by Mr. King and the State and censure 629 Mining Engineer, i. Hon. W. Maley 55 Commissioners for Affidavits, return 582 Education Book "Story of the World," papers as to withdrawal from schools 648 STATUTES OF THE SESSION (see list at the Empress of Coolgardie G.M. Lease, papers beginning) 629 Engine-drivers' Certificates, papers 581 STEAMERm SuavicE, ,.Tuha Percy "- Engines on Midland Railway, return 5777 Assnnbly-q. Mr. Carson 697 Forest Land Applications 648 Hospital Patients, mining acocidents 730 Kimberley Tick Restriction, papers 717 STOCK ROUTE To LABURTON- Mines at Kalgoorlie, men employed '181 Assembly-To construct route, in. Mr. Gregory Mining Warden Geary, papers 541 620, 649, amendment 649 (see also under Money Grants to Agricultural Societies 697 "iKimberley "') Norseman Railway Project, papers 648 Pilbarra Goldfield Map 628 STORY OF THE WORLD," School Book with- Pipes Manufacture, return showing cost 533 drawn- Police Force Association, papers as to per- mission 529 Assembly-rn. papers Mr. Scaddan 648 Quarry Lease at Boy a, return 577 Retirement of Corporal Tyler, papers 714 SUNDAY FOOTBALL - Sunday Football, papers 529 Assembly-in. papers Dr. Emls 529 if RETuRxs, REPORTS, AND PAPERS ORDERED SY Supply Bills (2)- CoUN0I- Assembly-All stages 123; No. 2 Bill 803 Aborigines Inquiry, papers 806 Council-All stages 169; No. 2 Bill 805 Royal Commissions, cost 16 State Smelter, Reports by Mr. King and the State Mining Engineer 55 T.-I~NnEX TO SUBJECTS. (Par Speeches on Subjets, see later list.) Tca: lRxsTaiLarIoN (see " Kimberley ' 8.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. (For Speeches on Subjects, soe later list.) TIMBER INDUSTRY GENERALLY (Assembly)- APPOINTMENT- Lease Conditions. q. Mr. Henshaw 648 SAvINas BAN Inquiry by Commission, mn.Mr. A. J. Wilson Assembiy-g. Mr. Needham 644 520, 609, withdrawn 619 Reserve (Flora and Fauna), q. particulars Mr. Needbam 622 Snx~icvCowxrrruumsAn'oiNTsD BY AsSEBLY- Timber Areas, Lakeside, q. s to permits Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Mr. Rason (for Mr. Hopkins) 30 Bill, 7n. to appoint 635 (inquiry not com- pleted) TRAMWAY Comcsssion, LAKEIDE- Privilege: Charge against a member (Mr. Assembly-q. Mr. Hopkins 3; Railway permit Diamond), mn.to appoint 428, reported 534 Lakeside, Mr. Hopkins in debate 106, reply by Minister 271 Sirrizie DAYeS AND Houas- Assembly-rn. Premier 81 TREAsunR FINANCE- Asseinbly-q. Loca Inscribed Stock cancella- Council-n. Colonial Secretary 5 tion 122; Reimbursements to Treasury. q. Mr. RAson 121; Mr. Rson in no-conl- STATE BATRSas- dence debate 32, Premier in explaiing Supply Bill 131, in no-confidence debate Assemby-Inspector how appointed, q. Mr. 78 Heitznann 76; cost and erection g. Mr. Gregory 77. slines, Leonora, q. Mr. Gregory, remarks in debate (see " Address-in-Reply" U.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. STATE PAE QUOTATIONS- (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Assembly-Point of Order by Mr. Gregory UNHEmALTHY Roome, LANDS TITLES (see under 407, Speaker's ruling (later) 409 "Lands ") XVIII. VIC [INDEX TO SUBJECTS.] WOE

V.-INnnX TO SUBJECTS. WoaKSRus COXn NSATioN Acr, Regulations- (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) Assembly -Resolution from Council a to VIcroRIA PansR TrMs- rescinding of 246, mn.to concur Mr. Raaon Assembly-q. 593, withdrawn 609; Bush Workers, mn. permission to run 30 Mr. Henshaw 714, amendment 714, mn. to transmit to Council '717 W.-INDEX TO SUBJECTS. Coundil-Regulations, mn. to disallow 17,. Acting President's direction ato procedure (For Speeches on Subjects, see later list.) 56, discussion resumed 69, In. transmission WANT - O - CONFIDENCE AMENDMENTS (See to Assembly 167 K1binisterial Changes ")

WARDEN GEART (see " Mining ") Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill- Assembly-Introduced 534, 2a. 542, 653, 677, WATER EXTNSION. (see " Goldfields," also Con,. 623, reported 628, recommittal 648, "1Metropolitan") report adopted 833 (unfinished) XMX.


Explanation of Abbreviations-lR., 2R., 3t., First, Second, or Third Reading of a ttill.-Com,, Committee of the whole House.-Interj., Interjection in Debate.- In., MOtion.-q., Question to a Minister.

A.-Snuconss. EOLTONr, Mr. H. E. (ontinue)- (For general Index to Subjects, aee earlier list.) Public Servant's Compulsory Retiremnent (Fowbart), should be reinstated 710 Ac'rIxo PRESIDRRT AND CHAr&MAN OF COX- Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Dill, MITTUES, LEGISLATTYS COUNCIL (Hon. Corn. 627 H. Briggs), remarks on order and procedure- DaIXAGE, Hon. T. F. 0., South Province- Address-in-Reply, order 58, presentation of Address 379 Address-in-Reply 27 ; points stated Election as Acting President, acknowledg- Advertising: Newspapers should be sub- ment 1 sidised to advertise mining 28 New Ministry announced 805 Goidflelds water scheme should be Workers' Compensation Act, procedure to nationalised 27 disallow regulations 65, order 70, 73 Midland Railway Purchase, price too high, 29; purchase money would be Rnun:- better applied to Agricultural Bank, Regulations, as to disallowing:- Regula- 29 tions made under an Act are bound to be laid on. the table; any member objecting may move that an Address be Baoww, Mr. H., Perth.- presented to the Governor pitying that Address-in-Reply, 149; points stated:- the regulations be disallowed 55 Indictment against Labour Government was more what they bad not done, 149 A.NOWlz, Mr. W. C., East Frenuzntle (see also Drastic legislation proposed was enough under"1 Honorary Minister " for remarks to turn them out, 149 as a Minister)- Borrowed largely, yet starved the pnblic works to reduce a deficit, 149 Adjournment of House for Ministerial re- land and Income Taxes should be elections 827 opposed, 150 Ministers turned adrift, inexperienced men put in, 150 Preference to unionists without guarantee B.-SPECHFE. of skill, examples of unionist tyranny, (Far general Index to Subjects, see earlier list.) elderly workers crushed out 160 Democrat newspaper, how supported, 161 BIILLINGHAKE, 11o1. G., South-re ymC6- Congress wanted all Government foremen Lift at the Lands Titles Office, q. 646 to be unionists, 151-2 Day labour more expensive, samples, 152 Expenditure BOLrON, Mr. H. E., Northf Premantle - on labour items was reduced, 162 Address-in-Reply 430; points stated- Perth sewerage scheme and day labour, Position of parties, "why turn us oat" 440 162 Freedom of voice and vote on some ques- Perth Markets mismanaged, 163 tions 431 Perth Park water supply, cost increased, Independents holding balance of power 153 430 Land Tax is class legislation; no room for Floating Dock, would prefer a graving it where land is rated, 164 dock 431 Midland Railway lands, how rated, 154 Labour Government alienating State Janidakot Railway Traffic, q. 799 lands, 154 Midland Railway Purchase, should be op- Monopolies, leasing a Government quarry, posed at the price 797 156 Peel Estate, q. price 121 Inngration policy a laughing-stock, 156 Public Education Act Amendment Bill. lUpper House should be maintained, 156 Corn. 625 Pilbarra Railway construction, 16 XX. BRO [INDEX TO SPEECHES.] 0OL

BuowN, Mr. ir. (continued)- CASON, Mr. H. (continued)- Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections, Old age pensions, a Commonwealth matter, seconded 807 159 Kimuberley Tick Restriction, competition Council Referendum, party spirit would should be encouraged 724 bias, 159 Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Midland Railway purchase, price too high, Bill, 2a. 589, point of order 634, select 160 committee (as to personal intierest) 636 Mallet Bark land, no real settlement, 160 New Minimtry, seconded mn. to declare seats vacant 807 Midland Railway and Lands Pnrchase, q. Personal interest in a select committee 636 as to titles 576, mn.retrnma of engines 677; Perth Sewerage, q. cost 576 Premier's motion to approve purchase, Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, seconded amendment for arbitration 790, Mr. Pombart was treated fairly 710 speech 192 Quarry Lease, Boy&, in. return 577 Steamer Service, q. "Julia Percy " 697 Workmen's Wages Act Amendment bill, 2a. 581, Corn. 626, 7, 8 CHAIRMAN 6P COnMITTESz AND Dsxrnn BUnGEss Mr. R. G., York (deceised, 1905)- Spn&sx is Aesarnury (Mr. T. F. Quin- lan, Teodyay, see also under " Quinlan" Address-in-Reply 198 for remarks out of the Chair) - Draughts in Chamber 696 Goomalling to Mount Magnet Railway pro-. Address-in-Reply, on order 441, remarks 442 poas, objections 632 Chairman of Committees, election 124 Midland Railway purchase, objections 793 'Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, Money Grants to Agricultural Societies, mn. order 649 amendment 698, 9 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Pombart should be reinstated 705 CLAaKE, fiON. E. X., SOUTH-WEST Psovuics1- Address-in-Reply 185; points stated - BUTCHER, Mr. W. J.,:Gosc&ijns- Mining and Coa industries, against State ownership 185, 6 Address-in-Reply 497; points stated: Financial position, reckless spending 186, Independent Members, absolutely square .7 and honourable 497, position explained 'Royal Commissions, poor results 187 602-3 Land taxation, not wanted 187 Land Administration, experience neces- Midland Railway purchase 187 sary to success, 498 Brands Act, trespass fee a mistake 187 Loop or spur railways necessary, 4198 Aborigines Bill no dual. control 188 Midland Railway purchase "1on equitable State hotels, reasons against 188 terms;" the company should not be Pilbarra. Railway, inconsistent policies 189 hampered, 498-9 Pilbarra. Railway construction, by private enterprise, should start from Point COLONIAL ScaRaTARY AND MIIzSTERx FR Sampson, 600 AoeuLTUas to 25th August (Hon. J. Royal Commissions, no practical results, Mi. Drew, Contrel Province)- M.P.'s should not be on. them, 500 Aborigines Act Amendment Bill, mn.lit. 690 Address-in-Reply, remarks on adj,)urnment Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections, 68, speech 264; points stated:- amendment moved 807 Independent M embers, coalition conference Financial position, deficit explained 265 etc. 497-503 Midland Railway purchase 266 K~imaberley Tick Restriction should not be Homestead farms, C.P. selections 268 removed 727, amendment moved 728 Immigration policy 26%, '7, 8 Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill;' University 267 21L. 580 Sanatorium for consumnptives 267 Royal Commissions, foes to members 268 Lunatic Asylum, new building 268 Aborigines Bill, intentions 268 C. -SPiECHES. Land Tax, intentions 269 (For general Indes to Subjects, see earlier list.) Adjournment of House, remarks 68, 75, 095 CAnsoN, Mr. R., Gertzldt on- Cdmmittees for the Session, in. 6 Election of Acting President, mn.I Address-in-Reply 158; points stated: Electric Lighting Amendment Bill, %n.lR. Public works proposals. mooney not avail-. 640, mn.2a. 690 able, a deceptive policy, 159 Fertilisers and Feeding-stuffs Act Amend- Land Tax proposal, objections stated, ment Bill, mn.lx. 3, in. 2a. 647 immigrants deceived, 159 Leave of Absence to a member, wn.15 Liquor Law, local option, 169 Lift at Lands Titles Offlae, reply to 9. 640 COL [INEX TO SPEECHES.] ELL inT.

COLONIAL SECBMTART ANfl MINISTER FOR D.-Sncnm'. AesIcuLTUsa (continued)- (For general Index to Subrjects, see earlier list.) Midland Railway and Loads, explanations 16, 168, 646 DAGLISH, &r. H., Subiaco (see also under Perth Mint Amendment Bill, mn.Ist 646, as. 1Premier ")- 2B. 690 Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections Public Education Amendment Bill, ms. Is. 817. 828 646, qn. 2R. 691. reply 698, Corn. 694 Railway Passenger Rates, anomalies, reply to q. 167 DSMI'T15t, Hon. C. E., Bast Province-- Sitting Days and Hors, mn.55 Address-in-Reply 246, points stated: Supply Bill, m,. Standing Orders 169, ms.2a. Mining progress, prospectors 246 169, Corn. 170, 1 - Land settlement, grazing leases 247 Workers' Compensation Act. Rejulation8 Finance, deficit, public works 247 lad on table 17, on Mr. Moss's motion to Midlankd Railway purchase, reasons against disallow 69, explanation 74 248 Referendum (Council) 24$ COLONIAL SEORLETARY, Hon. W. Kingemnill, Old age pensions 248 Met ropolit c-Suburban Province (for -Aborigines protection 249 remarks prior to change of Governmen t, State hotels, reasons against 249 see under " Kingamill. ")- Preference to unionists, against 249 Obituary, B. G. Surges. 829 DIAMOND, Mr. A. J., South Fremantl&- CONNOLLY, Hon J. DI., North-East Province- Address-in-Reply, explanation as to cost of a Royal Commission 501 Address-in-Reply 258; points stated.- Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections 819 State hotels, disastrous experiment 258, Corruption imputed against Royal Com- liquor trade restriction 258 missioners, explanation and reply as Companies Act needs amendment to check chairman 428 mng swindles, recent scandals 259), 60 Liquor inspection and Analyses, q. 799 Privilege te charge against members of a Adjournment of Honse, remarks 695 Royal Commission, statement in explana- Leave of absence to a Member 65 tion and reply 428 Midland Railway purchase, as to reports 168 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Mr. Pombart should be reinstated 701 CouNos, Mr. P., Kimberley- Dasw, Ron. S1. XE, Central Province (see also Aborigines in the North, q. as to depreda- under "1Colonial Secretary ")- tions 77, 122 Address-in-Reply 469, on amendment 518; Ministerial Changes, in response to com- points stated: plimentary remarks 806 Speeches, a time limit 4,59, Members should be reduced in nuzmber 459 independents much abused, but he would not support the Opposition any-way, E.-SPEECHEIS. 460; reply to Mr. Piesse, 461-2 (For general lndex to Subjects, see earlier list.) purchase was aLswindle Midland Railway ELLISr, Dr. H. A., Colgardie- defeated by the Independents, 460; settlers on Midland lands without Address-in-Reply 411; points stated- titles, 462 Opposition tactics criticised. 411 Coalition Government, comments, 462 Railway finance, the Auditor General 412, Mr. Rason's desertion from the Slorganas auditors' reports 413 party, 463 Hick. v. Gregory libel costa 418 Postal voting, worked unfairly, 483 Treasury finance, bank balances 413-16 Pilbarra Rtailway, would support private Mines Department fina-nce, how managed enterprise, 464 416-li Cabinet should have one Minister not Lands Department finance 418-21 bound by the Labour pledge, 404 Savings Bank accounts 421 Dissolution the only remedy, 518 Mdidland Railway purchase was dead 428 Cabinet reconstruction, scuttling the ship Adjournment of House for elections (Eason 423 Ministry) 820. Premier's appeal for loyal support 424 Independent Members (see "Address-in- Labour pledge should be insisted on 424 Reply ") 460, coalition 462 Leader should be defied if necessary 424 Kimnberley cattle tick restrictions, mn. 717, This hopeless compromise for office 425 explanation 720, reply 728 Labourists throw mud when o6 colleague Midland Railway, to approve purchase 796 rebels on a question of principle 425, as' Stock route to Laverton, point of order 650 when the leader makes arrangements xxfI. ELL [INDEX TO SPEECHES.] GRE

ELLIs, Dr. H. A. (continued)- with the enemy 426, or tries to destroy (For general Index to Subjects, see earlier list.) his allies and break up his own party 425 GILL, Mr. F., Balkatt,- Leave "1honour" out of the argument 426 Address-kn-Reply 156;- points stated: Explanation- The Premier "conferred Opposition leader's speech disappointing with " the Opposition leader 466 156, little in it 156, nothing but froth 158 Hospital Patients, mining accidents 730 Office-seekinF was the motive 157 Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Mr. Hopkins s blank cartridge 187 Bill, 21a. 690, on point of order 632, n. Mr. H, Brown's remarks, a reply 157 select corn. 635 Contract jobs, results in Pertb 168 Midland Railway Purchase, q. land sold 543, q. legality of purchase 544,* on Pre- Midland Company's shares, q. 198 mier's motion, to approve purchase, objec- Railway Cans, q. suburban 744 tions to it, company's discreditable history, 745-73 Party Coalitions (see I'AdIdress-in-Reply") Goanois Mr. W, B., Canning- 423-5 Address-in-Reply 138; points stated: Sunday Football, m. papers 529 Failure of Labour Ministers 18 Supply Bill, Committee of Supply 128, 136 Unemployed end the reduction of the Timber Industry, seconded na. to inquire 529 cost of living, both questions neglected Workers' Compensation Act, objections to *13& Council's resolution for disallowing new Lmvng cost is dearer here, therefore regnlations BOO local maufatures are handicapped Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, 139 Corn. 627 Nonalisnation of land, impracticable 139 Tikcattle, Mr. Copley's enterprise, cost Ticf mneat must be reduced 140 Labour Congress, Labour difficulties, Mem- F.-SPnEcnES. bens in bondage 141 (For general Juder to Subjects, see earlier 1Ws.) Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections, m. FoULKES, Mr. .. 0 ., Clarevwnt- 807, on amendment 819 Address-in-Reply 393; points stated:- Kimberley Tick Restrictions, stock should Want of confidence shown on all sides in ittal through to southern markets 725; speeches, but votes ncertain 393 stock route to Laverton, amendment Too much protestation of honesty 393 moved 649 Labour Ministers elected by a minority Leave of absence to a Member 270 394 Miniterial re-elections, m. to declare seats Labouriste charging Premier with insi- vacant 807 cerity, with a.utocratic and brutal action Stock route to Laverton, amendment moved 394 649; Kimberley tick restriction, 726 Loyal to the pledge, not to the Premier 394 Cabinet reconstruction, indecent method Gassoar. Mr. H., Menzies (before appoint- 395 ment as Minister)- Preference to unionists, Premier opposed to it 395 Address-in-Reply 321; points stated-- Mr. Taylor's actions as a Minister, self- Independents dictating a policy 321-2 styled leader of the workers 396 Conference report, not the truth 322 Australian loyalty. how discredited 397 Mr. Moran's amendment, a special indict- Pipes mnanufsaeture by day labour, discour- ment 322-8, Opposition would not aging to local industries 398 support it 326 Immigration scheme secured the support Midland Railway Purchase, price too of the Independents, but the Premier's high 324 promise not carried out 398; Govern- Immigration policy 824 ment not sincere about it 99 Mining Industry, capital wanted 325 Midland Railway Purchase, reserved his PibrsRailway, support private enter- opinion 400 Political saviours of society, not broad- Yo'ung lady fidthe four suitors, 326 minded 400 Land Purchses at Fremantle, inquiry Tyrannical masters behind the Premier promised but not carried out, corruption 401 still imputed 326. 484 Pipes manufacture by day labour, inquiry Adjournment for Ministerial ne-elections 815 promised but not carried out 327 Immigration Commission, q. coat 120 Administration and financial position, Party Coalitions (sea " Address-in-Reply) results compared 327 895 Factory inspectors, wasteful system 328 Railway Duplication, q, cost 75 State Copper Smelter 828 - GRE GRE[NDEX TO SPEECHRES.] ERxiiHAR XXIII.

GaxEoonT, Mr. H. (continUed)- HlAMERSLET, HOn. V., East Province- Battery System, reports kept back 329 Address-in-Reply 56; points stated:- New bookkeeping system, "cold "tar 329 Financial -position, deficit, enormous Old battery plants purchased, bad admin- in- istration. 329-30 flation of expnditure 56 Inspector of Batteries, power to dismiss Land tax will check settlement, non- men summarily, nO appeal allowed 331 alienation a splitting of straws 57 Slines at Mount Leonora 331 Midland Railway purc-hase desirable at a Loan Bill to develop new industries, par- fair price 57, a ticulars wanted 382 Referendum (Council), franchise should not be lowered 68 Rteferendum (Council) 332 Nonalienation of land, inconsistent Old age pensions, a Federal question 58 policy 332, 339 Aborigines, protection for both races 59 Railway concession, Lakeside, unfair Immigrants, how to help them on arrival treatment 332-3, suppression ofE facts 59 332. Supply Bill, Corn. 170, 1 Feeling of insecurity, unemployed more- numerous, capitalists and anarchists, 334 H&anwicK, Mr. J. E., East Perth- Companies Act, Mining Regulations, 334 Address-in-Reply, speech 98, explanation Tribute in mining 335 114, state of the House 347 ; points Sunday football and charities 335 stated- Cabinet reconstruction, inerperience 338 Old Age Pensions 837 Political situation, true picture 98 Preference to unionists, give them Premier a " cunning man," caucus domi - freedom 337-8 nation, a clique 99, i0dj Labour ideals mean socialism, not State Union pledges not carried out 99 commercialism 339 Democrats in Opposition 100 Mr. Moran and his amendment 339 Independents and Labourists, an imptos- Sends at Mt. Ida, explanation 344 sible blend 100 Where is the consistency, the tail wagging the dog 101 Goldflelds Water Extension, q. 696 Independents and Coalition (see "Address- in-Reply ") 321, 2, 3 Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Land Purchases at Fremantle, inquiry pro- Bill, 2a. 635 mised but not carried out, corruption still imputed 326, 484 Midland Railway Purchase, objections to HAmSEa, Mr. C., Aevrly- the Premieres second motion 784; Address- Address-in-Reply, in. adjournment 475, rn-Reply, price too high. 324 speech 492; points stated:- Mines Regulation Bill, 2R. 652 Why he voted to try a Labour Govern- Mining Dredging Clams, g. 54-4 ment 492 Mining Regulations. 9L publication 77; IrrJs?Jndittc body behind Labour Mem- Address-in-Reply 334 bers 492 Norseman Railway project, in. papers W4 Chan~es in the party platform 492 North Coolgardie Herald, explanation as to Judges to be elected, or a Judge 493 ownership 387 Congress means coercion 493 Points of order, state paper quotations 407, Mistrust of one another, must signsapledge actions of a member in another place 482 494 Royal Commission not appointed, promise Ministry have done good work 494 broken 404 Referendum (Council) and after, 494 State Batteries, g. cost and erection 17, re- Labour party might then pass any ports kept back 329, old plants purchased measure, and never go out of power 495 330. q. sines at Leonora 77 Taumany Hall machinery 495 Stock Route to Laverton, in. to inquire as to P,,reference to unionists, get it by first advisability and cost 620 deserving it 495 Party Goverment, a most abominable thing 496 Immigration Commission, an expianattion H3.-SPEECHES. (For general lades to Sutdscts,. see earlier list.) HAcKETT, HoN. J. W., South-West Proinice- Election of Acting President, seconded in. i Money Grants to Agricultural Societies 693 Midland Railway purchase, as to reports Obituary, R. 0. JBurgea. 832 wanted for information of members 107,9, Referendum Bill (Council), should be dis- m. adjournment 379, remarks 840 I charged 84 XXIV. HAS XXIV.HAS[INDEX TO SPEECHES.]Ht HOL

RJLSTIR1, Mr. R,, Kanewna (for remarks as a HImINSnW, Mr. E. P. (continued)- Minister see under "1Minister for Justice Forest Land Applications, mn.return 648 and Labour ")- Ministers to be elected by Assembly, Referendum (Council), reasons against seconded mn. W4 discharg of order W4 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Mr. Pombart should be reinstated 702 Timber Industry: Inquiry by Commission, HAYmxs, Hon. S. J., South-Est Province- reasons for 616; lease conditions, q. 64 Address-in-Reply 189; points stated:- Workers' Compensation Act, in. to extend Policy of great magnitude, not practicable, Act to bush workers 714, in. to transmit no reason for increased taxation 190 resolution 717 Midland Railway purchase, caution re- Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, Zz, quired 191 579, Cow. 624 Referendum (Council) unconstitutional, unfair form of questions 191, claptrap 194 Old age pensions will not encourage HICKSt, Dr. J. S., &oebouru. (before appoint- thrift 191 mnt as Minister): State hotels, liquor supervision 192 Pilbarra Railway: Tenders for construction, Pilbarra Railway, proposal unsatisfactory q. 6713, in, map of goldfield 620, mn.return 192 620 Finance, enormous expenditure proposed Workers' Compensation 192 Act., as to disallow- Immigration should be encouraged care- ing regulations 603 fully 193 Less legislation, less experiments, en- courage private enterprise 193 HOLMAN, Mr. J. B,. Murchison (ax-Mini ter)- Address-in-Reply, explanation 110, remarks Midland Railway purchase, reports wanted in debate 475. speech 475; points stated:- 168 Opposition attack, very weak 4,76 Midland Railway deal, price too high 476 Railway administration, defence as ex- HAYWARD, Mir. T., Wellingt on- Minister: details stated 476, railway Money grants to agricultural societies 699 finances 477, relaying sleepers 478, duplication 479, water purchase 480, Collie coal 480, timber rates 481 H1EITMANN, Mr. U. E., Cue-. Relations with the Press, unfair treatment Engine-drivers' certfcae, in. Papers53 by Morning Herald 470, 8 Goomallng to mount MAgnet RaILY, Preference to unionists 482 seconde n. to construct 532 Potosi Mine dispute, his action as Labour Midland Railway Purchase, price too high, Minister 482 would vote against, 793 Refusing to tegister a Chinese "factory" Mines Regulation Bill, 2S. 681 483 mines Ventilation, q. 120 Fremantle land purchases, leakage 484 State Batteries Inspector, q. how appointed Lakeside railway concession 484 78 How the Premier deposed him as a Minister: was his administration weak 485, resignation demanded by wire 405, HESxsnw, Mr. E. P., Collie- unmanly treatment 486 Address-in-Reply 212, remarks in debate Coalition Ministry should be opposed 487, 441, 2, 7, 9, 450, explanation as to the quoted Burke o; "1political outcasts" Premier 618; points stated in speech: - 487 Government finance, straightforward and As to voting against the Premier 488 effective 212 Perth railway offices, how authorised 212 Fremiantle land purchases by previous Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections 816 Government, disgraceful lealkage 213 Er-Minister, statemant as to how he was Labour methods London newspaper ex- called on to resign 405, 6 (see also tracts, commercial dishonesty 214 "iAddress-in-Reply ") Opposition members s-nd their ways 216 Midland Railway Purchase, oii Premier's Collie Coal, inquiry into fires, too many motion to approve:; Never consulted abeut expenses in working 215-17 it as a Minister 781, price far abeve the Timber L-eases, loose system, railway rates, value 781 the Combine's unused leases, hewers Privilege Motion:- Remarks by a Minister 217-19 at ;algoorlie. the charge of corruption Opposition tactics, no case 220 denied 799, did not give party secrets to Collie-NarrOgin. Railway, land good for the Independents 800; Remarks after Mr. settlement, Collie traffic 220 Johnson's reply 801 Donnybrook stone, railway wanted 222 Workers' Compensation Act, s to disallow- ig regulations 604 RON [INDEX TO SPEECHEis.] KEY XXV.

HONORARY MINISTER to 25th August (Ron. W. HOPKINS, Mr. J. M. (contiud)- C. Angtvin, Bast Premaantl)- Midland Railway Purchase, on Premier's is. Address-in-Reply, point of order 338, speech to approve 790; also Address-in-Reply, re- 402; points stated:- marks 108-9 Midland Railway purchase should be made Railway Permit or Tramway Concession, a question of confidence 4601, 8 Lakeside, q. as to Government's inten- Loan authorisation, Mr. Rason's frivolous tion 30; remarks in debate 106 charge 402 Mr. Taylor's complaints. Sunday concerts 403, shipping charges 404 HToUAN&,Mr. A. A., Yilgarn- Pipes manufacture by day labour 404 Aborigines Commission, officers and censure, Immigration policy 405 ms. papers 529 Floating Dock 406 Commnissioners for Affidavits, mn.return 532 Lands Administration 406, 411 Empress of Coolgardie G.M. Lease, mn. Audit of accounts in departments, adverse papers 529 reports read, previous Ministers blamed Goonialling to Mount Magnet Railway, mn 407, 8, 9 to construct 531 Immigration Restriction, q. language teat Irelanrd, Local Self-government, reasons for 697 leaving the question alone 741 Midland Railway Purchase, notice of q. 380, Workers' Compensation Act, as to disallowing 9, Midland lands 648 regulations 607 Mines Regulation Bill, 2.&. 664 Workmen's Wag-es Act Amendment Bill, Police Force Association, ms. papers as to Corn. 626 application for permission 529 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, HoNoEAnt MnnsTsa, Hon. M. L. Moss, West Mr. Poinhart should be reinstated 703 Province (for remarks prior to change of Railways Act, q. as to amendment 76 Railway rates, q. oil fuel 270 Government, sea under " Moss ")- Mlinisterial Changes, in, to declare vacant seat of Colonial Secretary 805, remarks complimentary to retiring Minister 800

Hoy~Nwe, Mr. J. M., Boulder- (For gemta Index to Subjects, see earlier list.) Address-in-Reply 102, explanation as to ISnELL, Mr. ,J., Pilbarr-- rabbit-proof fence, 117; points in speech:- Stock Route to Laverton, remarks in sup- Labour Ministry opposed even by Labour port 651 Members 102 Stable Government not yet attained 102, an outside organisation. dictating the policy 103, East Perth election showed change of public opinion 103 3.-SPEECHES8. Definite political opinions, quotation (For gene -f? INdez to Subjects, see earlier hat.) from Lord Salisbury 103 Present policy of expediency, surrender- Y'Acosy, Hon. St. H. (see under "1Speaker") igeerything on which they were elected 104! JOHNSON, Mr. W. D., K.algoorlie (for remarks Premier's loan financing, borrowing as a Minister, -lee under "Minister for largely and making a deficit 104 Mines and Railways") - Rabbit-proof fence built oat of loan, millionaire squatters making large Obituary, R. 0. Burgos 831 profits 105 Referendum (Council), reasons against dis- charge of order (after change of Gov- Land administration, appointments 105 ernment) 83 Lakeside Railway Concession,.how mis- managed 106, effect on Norseman Rail- way project 107 Midland Railway purchase, how Govern- ment were rushed 108-9 1K.-SrenCHES, Casualty Ward for Boulder, shelved 109 For general loIda to Subjects, see ealier tist.) Railway administration, 600 men employed on work not required 110 KHTveR, Mr. C. C., Albany- Address - in - Reply 318, explanation 368; Hospital Patients, mining accidents, en in. points mtated:- for return 730 Reasons for supporting Labour Ministry, Ireland, Local Self-government, not a ques- the Coalition conditions 313 tion for discussion in W.A.. 742 Private enterprise, Pilbarra. Railway 314 Kimuberley Tick Restrictions, the conces- Midland Railway Purchase 815 sion to Copley & Co., denial of favouritismn j and Taexemptions to equalise burden 719 XXVI. KEY [INDEX TO SPRECHIES.] MAL

KnEsm, Mr. C. C. (continued)- ILAURIN, Hon. R., West Pro.Mwe,- Mr. Moran's claim to a portfolio, the Address-in-Reply 250; points stated: party conference 316 Referendum (Council) a farce, as in Case Immigration policy, absorb all who cme of Frenmantle tramway voting 250 317 Old age pensions, resons for 260 Financial position, his conditional sup- Arbitration and preference 261 port 318 Filbarra, Railway 251 Party Government proved a failure 318 Floating dock will not satisfy 251, ex- planation of his previous action 251, Adjournment for Ministerial re-electioins as to shipping Coming up to Perth 252, 823 dock at Wellington 253 Blind Institute, Maylands, q. 541 Public Servant's Cornpulsory Retirement, Workers' Compensation Act, as to disallow- Mr. Pomnbart should be reinstated 709 ing Regulations 70 Referendum (Council). reasons against dis- charge of the order (after change of Government) 839 LAYMAN, Mr. C. U., Nelson- Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, Mining Warden Gleary, m. papers 541 Corn. 626 LOTON, Bon. W. T., East Province- KINOSXILL, Hon. W., Metropolitan-Subwrbaa. Address-in-Reply 261 ; points stated:- Province (see under "Colonial Secretary" Finance, deficit, extra tassation, mor e r- for remarks after change of Government)- rowing 261, 2, last loan disastrous 268 Address-in-Reply 253; points stated:- Midland Railway purchase, reports not Proposals flattering but vague 253, airy, presented, why keep them back 262 sketchy, picturesque 255 Land and income taxes, bad effect on ims- Democratic Minister, how defined 251 migration and settlement 263 Filbarra Railway proposal 254 Referendum (Council), franchise is liberal Referendum (council), also Royal Com- enou Fh 263, Federation referendum missions, shifting responsibility 254 shon d be a caution 264 Finance, new taxes, bad effect 254, 5 Mint is earning a profit, not losing 264 Race meetings, too many 254 Midland Railway purchase, caution needed, Midland Railway purchase, seconded m., for spend the money in bettor ways 255 full report of valuers 10, speech 167, 8 Old age pensions 256 Supply Bill, Coin. 170 Aborigines ]Bill, a fair measure 256 Floating Dock, not for Perth shipping 256 LYwN, Mr. P. J. (see under "Minister for Immigration, not a word in the Speech, a Works ") mistaken course 256 Education, University, no reference to these 256 Lunatic Asylum, slow building 26 M.-SPEECUES. Prison labour, facilities wanted 257 (For greneral Inder to Subjects, see earlier list.) Sanatorium for Consumptives wanted 251 MCKENZIE, Hou. R. D., North-East Province- Preference to unionists, if it means that, 258 Address-in-Reply, m. to adopt 8; points stated: Midland Railway purchase, mn.full report of Finance, more taxation not desirable, valuers 16 should be kept in reserve 4 Public Edlucation Amendment Bill, 2a. Land settlement progressing 5 698, Corn. 695 Mining industry, results not recorded Supply Bill, Coin. 170, 1 suffciently in newspapers, legislation Workers' Compensation Act, as to disallow- premise 5, 6 ing Regulations 70 Mint, no chance of paying 7 Referendum (Council), opposed to it, should reduce the franchise 6 Old age pensions, Aborigines, Liquor Laws, 6 (For general Indie to Suljects, see earlier list.) Floating Dock, sufficient 7 State fire insurance should be started 7 TLtyosron, Hon. J. W., Metropolitan- Norseman Railway, firewood traffic 7 Suburban Frovinrcer- Pilbarra Railway by guarantee 8 Address-in-Reply 25; points stated:- Midland Railway purchase 8 Ship of State is in dock 26 Railway rates should be amended 8 Railway proposals large and important, revenue diminishing 26 Land settlement lectures do good 26 MALEY, Bon. W., South-East Province- Referendum (Council), shifting responsi- Address-in-Reply 10; points stated:- bility, not a safe Course 26,?7 Finance, a deficit. Loain Bill foreshadowed, Old age pensions 27 railways projected 19 MAI M~~t[INDEX~ TO SPEECES.] bNxv'MIN XXV11.

MALEY, Ron. W. (Continued)- MINISTRu FOR LANDS AND EDUCATION (con- Midland Railway purchase 19, 20, will tinued)- cripple our borrowing power 21 Mr. Moran's Amendment, his ambition Laud settlement slacking off 20, better 288, taxation and revenue 2839, develop- promote dairying 21 ment policy 290 Midland Railway purchase 290 Public Education Amendment Bill, 2n. 692, Immigration and land settlement 290, Corn. 695 Canada compared, its wages going down State Smelter, mt. Mr. lug's report 55 291, Eastern States and New Zealand 292 Financial] ways and means 292 I1141STenL FOR JfUSTICE AN LAsous to 25th August, Hon. R. Rastie, Kanotosa (see Kimberley Cattle, precautions as to removal later remarks under " Hnstie ") 720 Address-in-Reply, explanation 331, speech Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment 34; points stated:- Bill, on point of order 632, 4 Midland Railway, question defined 340 Midland Railway, reasons for purchase 782, Pibar Railway, he accepted the position only a BUi could bind the House, not a motion to approve purchase 783 ; remarks Mines administration 341, 2 in previous debate 290 State Smelter, how managed 3,2 Peel Estate, price, reply to q. 121 State Batteries, publishing returns 343, Public Education Act Amendment Bill, mt. cyaniding 343, decrease of coat 344, 2a. 557, Cow. 628 reducing staffs 84.4, Mr. Powell's ap- Stock Route to Laverton, need for caution pointnient 344, 5, Second-hand batteries as to tick 649 346, Slimes at Leonora 347 Timber lease conditions, reply to g. 84 Mining regulations and schedules 348 Workers' Compensation Act, as to disallow- Prospecting areas 348 i ng regulations 605 Wrkmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, 2a. 579 Midland Railway, reply to q. as to legality of purchase 544 MINISERs Fos MINS AND RAILWA'rs to 25th Mines Regulation Bill, ms.2a. 645, reply 685 August, Hon. W, D. Johnson, Kal goorlie Municipal Deputations, how regulated, reply (see later remarks under " Johnson") to 9. 519 Batteries (see 11State") Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Empress of Coolgardie G.M. Lease, papers Mr. Pombart bad been offered reappoint- 529 ment under ordinary conditions 704 Engine-drivers' certificates, 531; Board of Workers' Compensation Act, as to disallowing examiners, reply to q. 697 rgltos5917, explanation60 Jandakot Railway Traffic, reply to 9. 799 Workmn'sages A Amnmnel Binl in. Kalgoorlie Speech, remarks on Members W2a. 542. rel 83 on 624.5, 6, 7, 8, explained, regret 801 recommittal 64R, 9 Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Bill, mt. 2R. 588, on point of order 632, 3, 4 Midland Railway, reasons for purchase at MuNISEa FOR LANDsa AND EDUCATION to 25th price stated 779 August (Hon. T. H1.Bath, Brown Hill)- Mining generally-Dredging claims, reply Address-in-Reply 271; points stated.- to q. 544; Regulations, reply to q. 77; Attacks from more than one party 271 Exemption West Boulder, reply to q. Lakeside timber railway permit, Mr. 427; Ventilation, reply to q. 120 Hopkins's complaint answered 271-80 Pilbarra Railway Tenders, reply to g. 576 Norseman railway and timber traffic; 278 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Creating new departments, how 280 Mr. Pombart's claim 708, procedure 709 Labour vote at elections 280, theory of Railways generally-Brake vans, tendering, government 281 reply to q. 622; Bridge at Fremantle, Opposition indictment, abortive 281 reply to q. 744; Duplication cost, reply to Mr. Frank Wilson, change of views 282, 3 q. 75; Cars, suburban, reply to q. 744; Public Service classification 282 Rates for oil fuel, reply togq. 270; Tariff, Mr. Rason's pledge to Labour party, when explanation of new rates, reply to q. 76 and how 283,4 Privilege, Remarks at Kalgoorlie on Memn- Preference to unionists, Mr. Frank bers, explanation and regret 801 Wilson's attitude 285 State Batteries-Cost and erection, reply to Treasury advances 286 q, 77; Inspector, how appointend, reply 76; Labour pledge, what it means 286, aged Slines at Leonora, reply 77 workers 286, boy workers 287 State Smelter, particulars, reply to q. 120 Narrogin-Collie railway, speculative land- Timber Industry, as to inquiry by commis- selectors 287 Sion 609 Timber Combine, areas worked 288 Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Dill, 2a. Repurchased estates 288 582, Corn. 625, 7 XXV111. MIN XXVIII.MIN[INDEX TO SPEECHES,] XORO

Mnz~i voi Woans to 25th August (Hon. MooRaE, Mr. N. J. (cotinued)- P. J. Lynch, fouat Leonoa)- Collie-Narrogin Railway not completed, Address-in-Reply 504; points stated: settlers discouraged by neglect, effect Opposition case mainly financial 504, on prices 145 slaves to aspiring ambition, Burke's Timber Industry needs assistance, Flora definition 505, united only in opposing and Fauna Reserve for timber cutting 607 145-6 Party government inevitable 50$ Works expenditure, not economical 146 Labour differences 507, canons rule 507, Midland Railway Purchase, doubtful 146 Labour ideals 608, economic wrongs 608, Financial irregularities, confused accounts Labour in New Zealand 508, Labour 147 platform, bending to exigencies of the Labour Members hobbled, not free, con- times 509, as to control from outside trolled from outside 1.47 615, Labour legislation 616 Financial administration, as to over- Jandakot Railway, q. length and cost 198 borrowing 50W, value of stocks as a test Midland Railway Purchase, on Premier's=i. of confidence 509, 10, croakers injuring to approve 797 the credit 610 Municipal Corporations hill, 2a. adjourn- Land and income taxes 510, how mining is ment 689 taxed 611, workers taxed 511 Timber Industry, as to Inquiry by Commis- Works expenditure, as to not spending sioner, remarks on the outside market, full amount voted 612 how to promote trade 611 Metropolitan sewerage and water, as to Workers' Compensation Act, as to extend- dilly-dallying 612, waterworks manage- ing to bush workers 716 ment 615 Rabbit-proof fence pushed forward at all costs 513, seven times faster 514 Moosnz, Mr. S. F., rwin- Labour organisations, do they control the Midland Railway lands, q. 270 Government 515, Trades Congress and Employers' Association 516 Alliance with Independents or with Oppo- MORAN, Mr. C. J., West Perth- sitioniste 517 Address-in-Reply, explanation of his position 46, speech 222, amendment moved 245, Draughts in Chamber 696 request for leave to withdraw amendment Electric Lighting Act Amendment Bill, we. 474; points stated:- 2a. 519, Ma.Corn. 520 lndepsndspts as a party opposed the Goldfields Water Extension, particulars, James Government, put the Labour reply to q. 696 Government in power, gave them Ireland, Local Self-government, reasons in generous snpport, must now oppose snpport 737 them 222-B Jandakot Railway, length and cost, reply to Labour party's rising power, rising arro- q. 198 gance 223 Title Deeds Office, unhealthy position, reply Independents largely believed in their to 9. 30 policy but not their methods 224 Victoria Park Tramway, reply to q. 30 Labour policy should resemble that of New Zealand and not be exclusive 225 Results of Labour legislation 225 Minsrn wona Woaws after 26th August, Hon FakWilson, Basses (wee ealir e Mark - time speech first, jibbing - horse speech second, 225 marks under " Wilson") Labour Ministers lack grip, the financial Referendum Bill (Council), reasons for dis- system needs overhauling 226 charge from paper 840 Taxation methods, when necessary, too much revenue collected 227 Protectionist sll his life, but a federal MoosEi, Mr. N. J., Bunbsry (before appoint- protection policy must hurt W.A. 227 ment as Minister)- Land taxation, do not strike at the poor Address-in-Reply 141; points stated: who prefer to invest in land, a home of Position of parties, Ministers lost sup- their own 228 port 141 Industrial position, gold-mining is termnin- Ship of State, a mutiny 142 able, agriculture is permanent 228 Immigration policy, how Canada attracts Land alienation conditional on using it, population, wages increasing 143 do not stop alienation 229, 241 Land Tax threatened, yet official assur- Upper House has never blocked anything, ance that no land tax exists, deception nor is it a great cost, but federation must hurt the country 143-4 leads to one Chamber only, though no Financial position, a deficit, new taxes, hurry for that 229 exemptions 144 Boom policy of Labour Government, after South - West land settlement, why marking tine 230 neglected 145 Opposition attack too much on details 231 MOB [INDEX TO SPEECHES.] NEE XXTX.

MORAN, Mr. C. 3. (continued)- Moss, Hon. M. L., West Prcivince (for remarks Midland Railway purchase should not be after change of Government, see under rushed, price too high, tax the land to Honorary Minister)- stimulate settlement 232, 3, 4 Address-in-Reply, im. Ajournment 68, speech Amendment to be moved against the Gov- 172; points stated:- ernment programme, must have infor- Taxation proposals, large deficiency, vast mation before voting for Government revenue 172, 3, large borrowing 174 or Opposition 234, Amendment moved Additional department created 173 246 Loan in excess of authority, a protest 174 Pilbarra Railway, private enterprise, in- Public policy, how alluring, larger ex- COnuiBIODcy of Labour policy, duplicity penditure projected 174 about it, Ministers withbout followers Jandakot Railway should junction at 235, 6,7 Armadale 174 Norseman Railway project, timber tram- Floating dock, parsimonious 175 way should not compete 287, 8 Immigration, Trades Hall instructions Aitcultural railways promised, no infor- 178, Canada compared 176 mtion 238 Midland Railway purchase 176 Immigration policy, a serious omission Pilbarra Railway, reasons for 176 239 Referendum Bill (Council), dangers of Timber industry languishing, Government popular referendum 177, need for the propose nothing 240, 1 Council 177, against reduction of fran- Ministers new to office, performances chise 178, effect in protecting credit of fairly good, Premier deserved great the State 178 credit, selected his colleagues like the Royal Commissions, rave abuse in lady with many suitors 241, 2 appointing Government supporters 179, Cabinet reconstruction, portfolios re- expenses quoted 180, a gross scandal arranged, not fair to the country 242, and abuse 180, correction of figures quotoed 183 Ocean Freights Commission, Mr, Sand- over not called as a witness 180, sworn affidavits as to primage sad rebate Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections, 181 seconded amendment 807, on order 819, Supreme Court Judges, not sufficient, on motion 828 acting by commission 182 Conferences: Government and Opposition, Industrial disputes, Government taking a q. 427; Independents and Labour Del~e- side 183 gates conferring (see" Address-in-Reply ") Lunatic Asylum 183, slow building at Ireland, Local Self-government, in support Claremont 18" of motion 733, on amendment 741 Stamp Act, need for amendment 184 Kiinberley Cattle, reasons against removal Race meetings unregistered, evil effect of tick restrictions 722 185 Midland Rfailway Purchase, point of order raised to Premises procedure 672; on Railway passenger rates, q. anomalies 167 Premier's later motion, remarks against Workers' Compensation Act, %. to disallow regulations 17, 69, reply 72, as to pro- purchase 716, explanation 782; also "Address-in-Reply " 232, 3, 4 cedure 75 Su kply Bill, seconded suspension of Standing Personal Explanations: Elected as a direct Orders 169 Oppositionist 46, on charge against a Member 319, personal scheming as to portfolios 319, as to Premiership 429, 434, controlling the policy of the Government 384, duplicity 432, trying to bring about a N. -SPEECHES. coalition 432, remarks by a Minister at Kalgoorlie 802, 3, not opposing the (For general Index to Stsbjwts, see earlier list) Premier on personal grounds 840 Na~zuHx, Mr. E., Prennwtie- Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Address-in-Reply, motion to adopt 10, ex- ms.to reinstate Mr. Pombart 699, procedure planation 356, on amendment of no-con- 7 10, on amendment 712 fidence 431; points stated:- Referendum Bill (Council), against dis- Miigad other industries 11 charge of order 837, explanation as to not T= nsAusrla Railway and Federal opposing the Premier on personal grounds visitors 11 840 Taxation proposals 11 Stock Route to Laverton, reasons against a Council Meerendum 11 survey at present 660 Old age pensions 11 Supply Bill, Standing Orders 123, Committee Preference to unionists 12 of Supply 124, 133, 6, Ways and Means Mining laws consolidation 12 137, Committee on Bill 137; Bill No. 2, Midland Railway purchase 12 Supply 8G4, Committee on Bill 805 Metropolitan water and sewerage 12 XXX. NEE XXX.[INnnx NEE TO SEECHES.]PI PIE

NiEDHLM, Mr. E. (continued)- NKLsoY, Mr. W. (continued)- Railways and works proposals 12 Speeh on Mr. Moran's amendment, posi- Amendment on no-confidence, a waste of lio of Independents, on Coalitions, as time 431 to control by Congress, 464-70 Coalition with Independents or Opposi- tionists, be would not touch either party Ireland, Local Self-Government, mn.to affirm with a, 40-ft. pole 431 principle 731, reply 742 Mr. Moran's charge of duplicity 432 Mines Regulation Bill, 2R. 683 Mr. Thomas' misstatements 432 Ministers to be elected by Assembly, in. to i affirm principle 684 Aged poor, q. right to vote 120 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Ireland, Local Self-government, 'reasons in reasons for amending the motion to rein- support 735 state Mr. Pombart 708 Jandakot Railway Extension, q. as to report Referendum Bill (Council), in favour of promised 622 discharging the order conditionally 836 Independents and Coalition (see " Address- Supply Bill, Committee of Supply 136 in-Reply ") 431, 2 Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment Bill, select committee, point of order as to persona interest 63 Midland Railway, reasons against Premier's motion to approve purchase 798, protest (For general Thden to Subjects, ac ale list.) against attacks on Government 798 Prison Wardere, mn.eight hours 629 PATRCK,~n.W., CTent ral rtvne Public Education Act Amendment Bill, 2a. Address-in-Reply 21; points stated:- 686, in explanation 618 Industries not so satisfactory as stated in Pnblic Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Governor's Speech 212, why not greater seconded in. to reinstate Mr. Fomabart 700, expansion 22 should also be compensated 702 1 Finances not satisfactory 22, taxation Railway Bridge, Fremantle, q. 744 should not he increased 23 Referendum Bill (Council), discharge of Inmmigration and land tar 23 order, he opposed this as a challenge f rom Midland Railway purchase, inclined to new Government 339 support 23 Reserve (Flora and Fauna), q. timber cut- Referendum (Council), reasons against 24 ting 622 State hotels, against the system 25 -Savings Bank appointments, q. 644 Old age pensions, a Federal matter 25 Immigration, change of policy 25, men and money wanted 25 MNSON, Mr. W., Hanuan- Address-in-Reply III, explanaition 209, on Mr. Moran's amendment 464; points Pisss, Hon. C_ A., South-East Province- stated.- Address-in.-Reply 63; points stated:- Mr. Hopkins criticised Ill, 116 to 18 Settlement progressing especially along Government and the Independents 112 Great Southern Railway 63, Bridgetown *Caucus and control, each party holds to Albany district should have close secret caucus meetings 112 settlement 66, also east of Albany 67 Pledge is necessary, members not pledged Finances, land tax and income tax not are not honourable 113 wanted 63,4, as to exemptions 63 Labour Members, 3 out of 22 refused to Repurchase of estates desirable 63 vote confidence in the Government 118 Midland Railway Purchase, company had Selection ballot objected to but imitated god work 64 114 Referendudone (Council), should not commit Opposition attack was not on principles suioids 65 but details 114, speech worthy of Mr. Old age pensions, noncommittal 6.5 Rason 119 State hotels, railway refreshment rooms land tax, income tax, both necessary 115 65 Labour principles in New Zealand, results Arbitration and preference 65, sham 115 pretence of skill by wandering wasters Re-elections, Labour principles predorni- 66 nant, confidence in Labour Government Land Act Amendment, power abused by 116 withdrawal of second and third-clas Midland Railway purchase 116 lands from sale, retrospective effect 66 Finance and deficits 117 Spur railways wanted 67 Rabbit-proof fence, reply to Mr. Hopkins Immigration, Agent General's pamphlet 11-7 misleading as to land taxation, cost of Director of Agricultur, howapine clearing etc. 67 Lakeside tramnway cnesorply18 1 Cafsalty ward for Boulder, reply 118 Pablic Education Amendment Bill, 2a. 692, Hand-workers and brain-warkers 119 Corn. (59 PIE P~~tri[NDEX TO SPEECES1PIExx PRE xxxr.

Pumsas, Hon. F. H., Katatming- PREMIER, T&RASUtan, A.ND MINISTER FOB Address-in-Reply 293, explanation as to Mr. JuErrc (continued) - Moran and a portfolio 364; points stated:;- Ministerial Statement, Bills to be proceeded with (after change of Government) 832 Midland Railway purchase, reasons in Obituary, R. 0. Barges 831 support, information wanted, no hurry Referendum Bill (Council), m. to discharge 293, taxation pressure 296 order (after change of Government) 831, Immigration policy delayed, but caution reply 812~ a aLdjournment of House (con- necessary 294 sequent on adverse majority) 843; Message Financial methods, Opposition case sup- produced, dissolving Assembly 844 ported 294, 6 Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, on Mr. Moran, his amendment and his am- report 833 bitions striving 295, 305 Administration of Labour Ministers, general approval 296, 302 PaEMIER AND COLONIAL TREASURER to 25th Taxation and Referendum proposals, not August (Hon. H. Daglish)- in favour 290, land taxation will deter Aborigines in the North, reply to q. 77; settlers 297, income tax not now neces- Depredations, reply 122 sary 298 Address-in-Reply, on Mr. Rason's amend- Land reclassification desirable, according ment of no-confidence 73,explanati-on 103, to distance from railway and productive explanations in debate 270, 366, remarks value 297, 8 376; on Mr. Moran's amendment 471, Totalisator tax not desirable, gambling explanations in debate 488, 518; points evil should be suppressed 299 stated in speeches:- Old age pensions, a sentimental plan 29. land-blocks with houses for old persons Mr. Rason's no-confidence Amendment, would be better 29 no foundation 78, as to not disclosing Referendum (Council), people easily mis- the financial position, examples 78, 9 led 300 Deficiency, how caused 79, 80 Land Laws consolidation, graz~ing leases Savings Bank funds, how used 811 5, 6, 7, 8 300, country lands and town properties Loan f unds, Treasury bills 81, 2 as security for advances 301 Policy speecese, first and second 82, com- Railway Rates reduced, not done with parison with Mr. James's programme sufficient knowledge 302, selfishness at $3, 4, niot a "1reckless gallop " 84 Northam as against Katanning 802, Subiaco town halt, the promise 85 should give preference on zone system Loan authorisation, was it exceeded 85, 303 Savings bank reimbursed by paying Public works policy, floating dock not cash for stock cancelled 85, 6, paid out suitable 303, 1 of loan funds, same as Mr. Gardiner Labour Government not satisfactory, domi- had done 865,Auditor General's opinion nated by outside pressure 305 87, not a technical breach of the Act 87, 8 Politics degraded by intrigues 305, ex- Rabbit-proof fence, how transferred to planation 384 loan account 89, 98 Treasury advances made to Departments 89 Adjournment of House for elections (R5.son Old age pensions, why proposed 90 ministry) 815 Preference to unionists, power to the Midland Malway, to approve purchase 785 Court 91 Money grants to agricultural societies 898, Norsenman Railway, mode of inquiry 91 amendment 099 Confidence in the Government 91, if no Party Coalitions (see " Address-in-Reply " confidence in leader, the members free 295, 805, explanation 364 to vote against Government 92, prepared Title Deeds Office, unhealthy position, q. 30 to resign 92, voting for Government Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, meant voting for their policy 95 2a. M8 New Department created 92, no increase of staff 92 Public Works, cost of administration 93, Faublin, TREASURER, AND MzINSER Fo officers transferred 94 Juavics (25th August onward), Hon. C. Loan flotations. comparative results 94, 5 H1. Rason, Guildford (see under "1Rason " Credit not injured by Labour party 94, for remarks prior to change of Gov- injured by others 95 erment)- Mr. Rason once swallowed the whole Change of Government - Ministerial State- Labour platform 94 ment 832, Discharging the Referendum No policy disclosed by Opposition 96, dill (Council) from list of business, troop of savages s icking a city and motion negatived 884, Adjournment of quarrelling over the spoils, 96 House (to consult the Governor) 843. Close administration, previous examples, Dissolution Me--sage produced 844 secret land purchases 98, Perth railway Fertilisers and Feeding-stuffs Act Amend- buildings 97 ment Bill, a. Za. 88 False return, there was no falsity 98 XXXII. PRE XXXILPEE[INDEX TO SPEECHES.] BANA

Paixian AND COONIAL TREASUaRER (con- PREMIER AND COLONIAL TREASURER (Con- tinued)- tinned)- Adjournment of House, debate should be Steamer service, "1Julia Percy," reply to q. concluded 488 697 Aged poor, right to vote, reply to q. 121 Supply Bill introduced 123, 4, 130, 3. 7, in Blind institute, Maylands, reply to q. 541 Corn. 137, 8, Bill No. 2 (introduced to Chairman of Committess, mn.election 124 facilitate change of government) 803, 4, 5 Committees f or the session, mn.31 Treasury Finance, local inscribed stock Conference of Government and Opposition, cancellation, reply to q. 1-23; also debate reply to q. 427 on Address-in-Reply 86 to 88; 'Ireasury Deficit for year 1904-6, statement 3 L, also reimbursements, reply to q. 121 " Address-in-Reply " 79, 80 Electric Lighting Act Amendment Bill in- troduced 10 Q,-SwECsIonS. Government Business, m. precedence 31 Hlospita patients, mining accidents 780 (Far general Index to Subjects, see earlier list,) Immigration, cost of Royal Commission, reply to q. 120; Language test, reply 697 QUIELAN, Mr. T. F., Toodyepj- Ireland, Local Self-government. no right to, Address-in-Reply 489; points stated:- pass such a motion in a colonial House of Labour Government controlled by Con- Parliament 736 gress, Ministers acted honourably and Jandakot Railway Extension, reply to q. 623 well, but a Labour Cabinet cannot Legislative Council Referendum Bill intro- represent all interests 489, would duced, it. 634 support them if a majority obtained Licensing Bill, mn.2z. 636 492 Liquor Inspection and Analysis, reply to q. Coalition Government desirable 490 799 Land tax on unimproved value to break Midland Railway and Lands Purchase, re- up large estates 490, income tax not yet marks as to correspondence lad on table reqird 490 80, replies to q. 270, 380, company's shares Midln Railway land should be taxed 198, land sold 544, legality of purchase 490, Railway should be purchssed on 544, land titles 576, as to plan vf company's fair valuation or by arbitration 491 land 577, acreage W4; purchase of rail- Laud revenue should f rn a sinking fund way and lands for £1,li0,000, Mn.to ap- .to repay loans 490 prove 658, on point of order as to pro- Pilbarra, Railway, private enterprise 491 cedure 676, fresh motion to approve of Perth water and sewerage, too much purchase 744, explanation as to not in- delay 492 forming Agent General 760 Ministerial Changes-Mr. Taylor and Mr. Midland Railway, to approve purchase 788, Holman removed, portfolios rearranged amendment moved to purchase by arbitra- (see "Address-in -Reply"), Resignation of tion 788, withdrawn 796 Labour Ministry 803 Municipal Corporations Bill, explanation as Money grants to Agricultural Societies, as to pairing 689 to supplying return 697, 8, amiendnient Party Coalition desirable (see "Address-in- moved 699 Reply ") 490, 2 Municipal Corporations Bil', am.2.u. 687 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Perth Mint Act Amendment Bill, nt. 2R. Mr. Powbart should be reinstated and 641 compensated 702 Perth Sewerage cost, reply to q. 576 Prison Warders, eight hours 619 Privilege, charge against a member (ocean R.-SPEFHES. freights inquiry), statement 428, 7s. select committee 428, report presented 534 (For general Indez to Subjects, see earlier list.) Public Education Act Amendment Bill, 2P.. RANDELL, Hon. G., Metropolitan Province- 687 Address-in-Reply 194; points stated- Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Mr. Pombart was offered a new appoint- Finances, starting with a surplus, the deficit could have been avoided 194. ment, not reinstatement 701 Large borrowing, more taxation 195 Railways Act, reply a to amendment 76 Immigration Railway Permits and settlement 196 for Timber Areas, reply as Midland Railway purchase 198 to Lakeside 30, 31 Referendum (Council) unsatisfsctory 196, Referendum Bill (Council) introduced 5346 franchise should not be lowered 196, Reserve (IFlora and Fauna), timber cutting, revision and check necessary 197 reply to 9. 622 Liquor legislation, a moderate course 197 Resignation of Ministry, reasons stated 803 Arbitration Court, Judge should not be Savings Bank Appointments, reply to q. 544; attacked D117 Savings Hank funds, how useu, also debate Pilbarra Railway, supported the proposal on Address-in-Reply 81 to 88 197 Sitting Days and Hours, ms.31 RAN RAN~[INDEX TO SPEECHES.] RASA XXXITI.xii

RANDELL, Hon. G. (contiinued)- I RASOir, Mr. C. H. (continued)- Obituary, R. 0. Burges 830 Caucus majority. how obtained by Minis- Public Education Amendment Bill, 2u. 094, tees 48, should Parliament be ruled in Corn. 894, 5 this wa19 Supply Bill, Corn. 171 Immigration, promise made to Inde- pendents but since dropped 49 BksoN, Mr. C. H., Guildford (for remarks New departments created, more expense after change of Government, see under 60, decreasing revenue and increasing 1Premier") expenditure 50 Address-in-Reply, notice of amendment 15, Works Department, Minister hais not spent moved Amendment of no-onfidence in full amount auchorised, after promising Dagliab Ministry 31, explanations 85, 94, to spend full amount 51 108, 162, point of order 165, explanation Metropolitan water and sewerage 52 214; Speech on Mr. Moran's amendment Loans raised, comparative cost 52, re- 880, point of order 409, remark 410, ex- markably bad financing 53 planation 413; remarks 480, 514; points Question for Members to vote on 54 stalted - Secend Speech--Mr. 'Moran's Amendment Amendment of no-confidence, political and 380-4 not personal 31, hold the balance fairly Party Negotiations, explanation 380, 1, on 32 Mr. Thomas's report of party conference Finance: Credit balance when Mr. Dag- 381, did not go cringing to the Premier libh took office 32, no financial difficulty 383, only questions of policy were dis- to start with 33, ma~rk-time speech and cussed 384 stoppage of works 33, reckless-gallop Midland Railway proposal, a non-party speech a6 year later 33, has now lost quetin, holdnot have been included touch with the financial position and cannot carry out half the works pro- mised 50 Chairman of Commtittees, seconded mn.to Borrowing policy, two millions raised in elect 124 10 months and more millions for works 1 Draughts in Chamber 696 proposed 33, borrowed in excess of 1 Independents and theirtacties (see "Address- authorisation 34, scrip not valid 35, 37, in-Reply ".) 46-8 inconsistency of a non-borrowing party Ireland, Local Self-government, reasons 42 against discussion of principle 737 Subiaco, should build a larger hail, help Merplitan Waterworks Act Amendment prmsed by the Premier 34 Billo2n 628, point of order raised as to Savings Bank funds, a forced redemption, money 631, 5, speech resumed 685 very expensive 35 Midland Railway Purchiase, on Premier's Rabbit-proof fence, whore is the money to first motion (out of order) 575; on finish it 36 Premier's second motion to approve pur- Other works promised, not enough money chase 773 36,7, 8 Money grants to Agricultural Societies 698, Charging rabbit fence to loan expenditure, seconded amendment to extend the re- extraordinary financing, an insulti to turn to societies generally 698, 9 one's intelligence 38, 9 Municipal Deputations, q. how regulated 519 Deficit on first year, starting with a sur- Pipes Manufacture, =n.return of cost 530 plus 40, Treasur-er absent too often and Privilege, Charge against a member 428, not enough supervision 41 seconded ms.for a. select committee 429 Changes in the Ministry, want of know- Public Education Act Amendment Bill, 2K. ledge in administration 461, 46 1585, Corn. 628 N~ew taxation, old age pensions 42 Public Servants Compulsory Retirement, Midland Railway purchase, Pilbarre. Rail- Mr. Pombart should be reinstated 704 wAy construction, also Norseman, not to Railway Permits for timber areas, q. Lake- be party questions 43, 44 side South 30 Preference to workers, to unionists 43 State Smelter, q. particulars 120 Government in a minority, depending on Stock Route to Lavertion, seconded mn.for a third party not pledged to Labour survey 620 platform 45, dare the Government at- Supply Bill, Standing Orders 123, Committee tempt to carry out the pledges 40 of Supply 127, 133, U, Corn. on Bill 138; Independents (4) defined by a Labour Bill No. 2, Supply 801 champion as Mlembers exercising no in- Treasury Finance, q. reimbursements 121, fluence 46, ignored in reconstruction of q. ancellation of local inscribed stock 122 Ministry 47, present position an outrage (see also debate on " Ad dress-in -Reply ") 47, must be altered 48 Workers' Compensation Act, Council's reso- Mr. Daglish's position, some Labour lution to disallow regulations, mn.to con- Members say they have no confidence in sider 240, ma. to concutr 593, reply 607;i tbeir leader 48, yet must vote to keep Bush Workers, as to ertending Act 716 him in or must break the pledge 49, his Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, 21s. lack of sincerity and lack of graep 50 558, Corn. 632a,4,56, 6, 7,8, recommuittal 040 1(3-sl. SCA [INDEX TO SPEECHES.] SPE

5.-SPEECHES. SPEAKER or LuoxsL&,rlvs ASsxxnnr (ems. tinued)- (For general Index to Subjects, see earlier list.)I New Ministry announned W07, adjournment Soanflap, Mr, J., Ivanhoe- f Or Ministerial re-elections, order 819,821, Address-in-Reply 147; points stated; 2,8 Indictment against Government, game of Personal Explanations, M9r. Moran and Mr. ins-and-outs 147, 149 Piesse, order 319 Preference to unionists 148 Privilege: Remarks by a Minister at Kal- Immigration, should be careful 148 goorlie, order 8W0, 1. 2, 3 Narrogin to Collie Railway 148 Public Servant's Compuls-iry Retirement Nothing to answer 149 (Poinbart case), order 706, 7, procedure 709, 10 Stock Route to Laverton, order 650 Education Book withdrawn, m,. Correspond- Supply Bil, remark 803. ence 648 Workers' Compensation Act:- As to dis- Hospital Patients, wining accidents, mn. allowing regulations, crder 598, casting return 730 vote 600, order 600 Ireland, Local Self-government, reasons against discussion of the principle 740, amendment moved 740, withdrawn 742 Rulings and Directions:- Midland Railway Purchase, on Premier's Amendments: Amendments of an im- motion, price too high 781 portant character cannot be moved on a Mines at Kalgoorlie, in. return showing motion for papers. 728. Mover or number of men employed 731 seconder of amendment, having spoken Mines Regulation Bill, 2s. 669 to same, cannot speak again unless a Mining Exemption, 9. West Boulder 427 farther amendment is moved, 828. In- struction to Committee of the whole ffouse to amend a Bill must be moved, SHOLL, Hon, R. F., North Province- not on the second reading, but before Aborigines Inquiry, mn.papers 806 Comnmittal1, 634 Adjournment of House 665 Anotber Place, referring tot* Member Public Education Act Amendment Bill, 2nL. cannot criticise anything that may have 692 occurred in another place, 483 Royal Commissions, in. return of cost 16 Casting Vote, on motion to adjourn Supply Bill. 2R. 169, Corn. 1711 No. 2 Bill, debate: The practice is to give the Sa., reasons for not moving the rejection casling vote with the Noes, "0 805 Caucus Matters should not be brought before the House in the form of ques- tionis to members, 800 SPEAKER Or LEGISLATIVE Asesasu, Hon. Charge on Revenue. contingent:- Bills H. Jacoby, Swun (see,' under "Jocoby"' forll creating a contingent liability on Con- speeches out of Chair)- solidated Revenue must be brought in Addruss-in-Reply, order 99, 108, i11, 157, with a recommendation from the 165, 202, 9, 214, 19, procedure 270, order Governor, M3 286. 314, 15, 16, 18, 325, 3939, 368, 404, 9, Clauses of a Bill should not be discussed 10, 12, 432,7, 8, 449, 450, 1. 6, remark 401, in detail, but only principles, in secon d- order 471, 4, 5, 483, 003, procedure 518, reading- debate, 665 presentation of Address 540 Conference between Opposition and Gov- Deputy Chairxhen of Committe~s, nomina- erment (see I"IQuestion irregular ") tions made 138 Decision from the Chair, a to casting vote, Drsughts in Chamber, explanation of action must not be questioned, 600 taken 696 Denial:- Member must accept any mem- Hospital Patients, mining accidents, order ber's denial, 1081 after denial, the 730, 742 statement objected to must -not be Ireland, local self-government, order 731 repeated, 325 Kimberley tick restriction, order 720, 9 Divisioni:- over and seconder of an Metropolitan Waterworks Act Amendment amendment, unlesi calling for a divi- Bill, 2n. point of order as to Mlessage from sion, may vote in whichever direction G~overnor 633, 4, select committee pro- they choose in the division, 475. If cedure 635, personal interest of a member, only two members are on one side in a ruling 635, 6 division, the numbers need not he Midland Railway and Lands Purchase, counted formally, 475 ruling as to procedure on motion to E~xplanations, by way of interruption:- It is approve 575, order 764 not right to rizeto a point of explanation Mines Regulation Bil, 2a., direction that when another member is speaking. 322. principles and not details should he Member mnay make a statemuent Of Tact discussed at this stags 666 in explanation, but must not then reply Money Grants to Agricultural Societies, to arguments by bringing in additional order 698, 9 arguments, 471 SPE SPEFh'LUDEX TO SPEECHES,- SPEE XXXV.EY

0PEKE'o LESLsATIVE ASSEMBLYT (con- SwEArsa OF, LEGISLATIVE As6sEMBLY (con- tinued)- Rulings and Directions (continued)- Rulings and Directions (continued)- Formal Notices of Motion, if so indorsed, Money Motion: A motion pledging the may be treated formally by being House to any expenditure must be placed as "Formal Motions" on the brought in with Message from the Gov- paper before Orders of the Day, and ernor, and be considered in Committee such motions Should not be debated, of the whole House, 575 533, 541 Motives imputed: It is not right to im- Instruction to Committee to Amend pute improper motives to a member, 404. After some debate on the motion for It is not the duty of Mr. Speaker to second reading of a Bill, the Minister in suspect a member of imputing improper charge desired to amend itby nmoving an motives:- if a. member imagines im- instruction to Committee of the whole proper motives are imputed to him, it House to amend the Bill in a certain is his duty to call attention to the fact, direction. Ruled by Mr. Speaker that 720 (t ee also " Offensive words") such motion could not be moved at this Offensive or objectionable words: As to stage, but that the member in charge "Stifling discussion," 600; "Treachery" should intimate his intention to move, imputed to a member, 819; " Untruth- before Committal, an instruction to the fult "absolutely untrue," 437,451, 603; Committee to amend, 684 " Vile and malicious satlements," 608; "Lies:' 432 (see also "1Motives" Irregularities in Procedure. i, Motion to Papers laid on Table may be removed if approve purchase of Midland Railway required in a law case, 529 and Lands, see under -"Midland." 2, Personal Interest: A member personally Question (notice of) to certain un- interested in an inquiry by select com- official members as to details of con- mittee should not sit on thes committee; ference between parties, see under the House must decide, on point raised, "1Question irregular." 3, Metropolitan whether a member is personally inter- Waterworks Act Amendment Bill, Mount ested, 635 Lawley extension, as to contingent Privilege: On a point of Privilege, a charge on Consolidated Revenue, 633 member is not within his province in Lies: Member must not accuse another attacking anotber member, 319, 800. of telling lies, 432 If on a point of privilege a member Metropolitan Waterworks, Minister acting wishes to call for explanation or to as Board: On 2a. of Metropolitan make one, he has a right to do so; but Waterworks Act Amendment Bill he has no right, iu doing so, to make a (Mount Lawley extension), the Water- personal attack, 800. If atmember wishes works Board having been previously to bring forward a matter under privi- Superseded by the Minister as executive lege, he must do so in connection with authority under statutory powers, and an accusation made against himaself as the board having also borrowed certain a memnber of the Assembly, 800. Matters money from Mr. Copley for Mount dealt with in caucus should not be ILawley extension, a written agreement brought before the House on a question being wade thereon to repay part of of privilege, as by asking questions in the loan and to expend certain moneys relation to caucus Matters, 600. When in extending the Mount Lawley water remarks objected to have been with- service, the Bill was brought in to vali- drawn, any continuation by the object- date the written agreement and author ing muember is out of order, 802. ise certain farther expenditure. Point putting the Question: -When Mr. Speaker oforder now raised by Mr. Rason, thatr has put the question before the House, as the Bill would entail farther ex- a member is not in order in addressing pendliture out of Consolidated Revenue, the Chair, unless he was inadvertently the Board's borrowing powers being overlooked when putting the question, exhausted, therefore the Bill should be 475. accompanied by a recommendation from Questions Irregular: Any question to a the Governor to provide the necessary member relating to a Bill, motion, or funds. Ruled, that as the amounts other matter connected with the House, authorised to be expended under the would be out of order if pat to an un- Bill might be paid out of any funds at official member, as when Mr. A. E. the Minister's corumand, not necessarily Thomas gave notice that he would ask funds of the Waterworks Board, a re- certain private members to state the commendation from the Crown was re- purport of speeches made in a cenfer- quired, 633. If the Minister's intention ence between the Opposition and the (as intimated) was to limit the expendi- Government, 427 ture to the funds of the Waterworks Quotations from State Papers:- To enable Board under hia control, he should quotations to be made from State papers, move, before Committal, an instruction it is the usage that the papers Shall be to Committee to amend accordingly, 634 laid on the table of the House, unless XXXV1. SPE xxxvi.INDEXSPE TO SPEECHES.]TH THO

SPEAKER oF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (con- TAmoa, Mr. G. (contitued)- tinned)- Colonial Secretary's Department, reorgan- Rulings and Directions (continued)- i ised by him 372 of such a confidential nature that a Casualty ward for Boulder 873 motion for their production would be Midiand Railway deal, no farther confi- opposed, 409. A member quoting from dence in the Premier 378, the Premier State papers should say when he in- kept him in the dark 374, & tends to lay them on the table, 409 Caucus and Cabinet 874. duties of Minis- Reading from Notes: A member is in toes375, 8 order in reading from his own notes of Loan in excess of authorisation, the any remarks made in the House, 48 Premier's technical blund er 376 Reflecting- on the House in a disparaging 31r. Holman, how treated by the Premier manner is out of order, 456 376 Reflections on Public Officers: It is not in order to refer in terms of disparage- Kimberley Tick Restrictions, risk of relaxing ment to any public officer, unless the them, seconded mn.papers 71.9, speech 726 member is prepared to do so on a sub- Labour Party and Coalitions (see "Address- stantive motion for his dismissal, 410 in-Reply ") 368, 9, 377 Second-Reading Debate: It is not strictly Money Grants to Agricultural Societies 698 in order to refer to clauses of a Bill by Privilege, remarks by aLMinister at Kal- numbers; principles only are supposed goorlie, attacking certain Members S03 to be discussed at this stage, 666, 6 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Select Committee on a Bill cannot be Mr. Pombart should be reinstated fully moved for before the second reading is 7J11 passed, 635 Treachery must not be imputed to a THEOMAS, Mr. A. B.,* Dundas- member, 819 "Untruthful ". It is highly disorderly for Address in-Reply M4, explanation as to one member to accuse another of stating party conference 432, p rocedu re 6 18; points what is absolutely untrue, 410; or is stated:- untruthful, 437, 451, 503; or has told Independent Members and the Labour lies, 432 Government 349j conference with the "Vile and Malicious": It would be out of Premier and at policy agreed on, eight order to accuse another of making vile planks defined 350 and malicious statements, 603 Conference in joint meeting of Govern- Withdrawal: Mr. Speaker may sk for the ment supporters, Labour and Inde- withdrawal of an offensive assertion pendents, statement of the substance of regarding another member only when what each speaker said 353-7 that member denies. it, 449; as to Complaint as to lies and gross misstate- whether the withdrawal is sufficient, wents 357 Mr. Speaker must he the judge, 819 Inspector of Batteries, hew appointed 359 Midland Railway purchase, history of the company, shady proceedings 359, market value 862 T.-SnEcuns. Member for Katanning, a reply 363 (For generat. Index to SmzIJectsr, see earlier list.) Adjournment for Ministerial re-elections, on amendment 813, on order 819, statement TAYLOR, Mr. G., Mount Margaret- alter the division 828 'Adjormn ofHueposed adjIournen.t Coalitions:- Conference with Piemier 353, Conference of delegates, details stated teria re-letonas hnge of Government) 348-88; Questions as to Government opoe dournment o os1 conferring with Opposition 427 Address-in-Reply 368. explanation as to hr. Midland Railway Purchase, Premiers motion hour charges 396. 404, as to Cabinet policy to approve 796. also " Address-in-Reply" 470, 1 ;points stated in Speech 359-62 Party coalitions, Mr. Thomas's report was Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, true SOS, 878, Labour leader treating Pombart should be reinstated fully 707 with the Opposition and prostituting Railway Permits for Timber Areas, q. Lake- every principle 368, 9, alliaLnce with side 31 independents weas reasonable 377 E-Minister, his 'Ministerial actions ex- plained 369, how the Premier treated T'AoMsoiq, Hon. J. A., Central Prorince- him 370,38,4, 5 Address-in-Reply, seconded mn.to adopt 8; Sunday concerts and football, differed poit stted: from the Cabinet 369-70. -Mr. Johnson's Milad Railway Purchase, price exces- action on Sunday sports 370 sive 9. will prevent other necessary Harbour charges, what he did as Minister works 9 370, 1 2 Liquor legislation, more Stats hotels 9 THO [INDEX TO SPEECHES.] wit XXXVII.

'THOMSON, Hon. J. A. (coninued)- WILSON, Mr. A. J. (continued)- Esperance Railway should be made 9 the Government on land tax exemptions Pilbarra Railway, questionable 10 308, on alienation of Crown lands 308, on Pilbsan'a Railway and private enter- prise 309 TROY, Mr. 11. F., Mount Mag~net- Premier's invitation to vote against him Address-in-Reply 384 - points Stated.- if not loyal to him as leader, a threat Coalition Conference, in favour of making that he would resign 309, knowing every honourable terms 384 Labour member was bound by decision Mr. Rason's Amendment finance and of caucus 309 works 385, 6 Pilbarra, Railway construttiou, Midland Private enterprise sad contractors 386 Railway purchase, questions of prin- North Coot gardie Herald's charges 386.,7 ciple 310 Lands administration 387 Cry for reduction of wages, many unlem- Mtning administration 388 ployed, public debt increasing 311 Midland Railway purchase 389 Timber industry not assisted as it ought TMrades unions, the Member for Perth 390, to be, no inquiry made 311, 12 preference to unionists 391. Land tax should allow no exemptions, no Labour party did not harmn the credit of class taxation 312 the country 391 Loss of confidence in the Premier, his Member for Forrest, disloyal 391 treatment of Mr. Klolmnan and Mr. Mr, Taylor condemning the Labour Gov- Taylor as Ministerial colleagues 313, ernment 391, disloyal and bombastic chucked out in. a dirty way 313 392 Adjournment for M1iniete rislre-elections 825 AdjournmentfIor Ministerial re-elections 822 Party coalitions, reasons against sacrifice of Coalition Conference, see "Address-in- Labour principles 306, 7, 8 Reply" 384 Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, Midland Rtailway purchase, Premier's motion Mr. Ponibart should be reinstated 711 tin approve 797, see also "Addreas-in- Reconstruction of Cabinet, remarks on the Reply " 389 treatment of Mr. Hlolmau and Mr. Taylor 313 Referendum 13111 (Council), as to discharg- ing the order, protest against denying IV.- SPEECHES9. the right of referendum 837 (For general Jades to Subjects, see ear-lierlUse.) Timber Industry, inquiry by commission, WArre, Mr. A. J. H., Northam~- tn. 520. reply 619, also "Address-in- Reply " 311 Adds ess-in-Ruply, seconded ni. to adopt 13, Victoria Park Trains, g. as to permission to on no-confidence amendment 466; points run tramns 30 stated: Workers' Compensation Act, against the Legislation proposed, Labour principles 13 disallowing of regulaiong 603; as to Midland Railway purchase 14; second extending Act to bush workers, moved speech 458 amendment 714 Attacks on the Government, ruthless and Workmen'is Wages Act Amnendment 'Bill, unworthy 466 recoDmm.ittal 6409 Railway rates altered, Wodtham vm.Katan- ning 456, 7 Cabinet reconstruction, bitter results 468 WILSON, Mr. PRA NK, SBSes (See also under Independents and coalition 4.59 "Minister for Works ")- Ireland, Local Self-government, reasons Address-in-Reply 433; points stated:- against interfering 741 Party conferences, details should not be brought before Parliament 433 Independent Members (4), their leader's WILSON, Mr. A. J., Forrest- ambition 434, a Premier should not act Addres s-in -Reply, adjournment 158, seeon- without salary 43-5, policy of Indepen- ded amendment of Independents 246, dents criticised 436, 7, 8, 9 speech 305, explanation 367, remarks 889; Opposition not responsible for what the points stated:- James Government did 435, charges Out of harmony with the bulk of Labour against Daglish Government 443 members 305 Labour Government controlled by caucus, Policy of expediency, Ministers anxious to class representation, therefore should remain in office, principles not adhered be turned, out 436 to 306,7 Dr. Ellis's attack on the Premier, playing House as a whole should elect Ministers the game unfairly 436; his attack on 307 previous Ministers, Auditor General's Coalition methods unsatisfactory 308 explanation of accounts 436 Premier's two programmes Dot in accord Confidence of investors, how to be re- with Labour pledges, Congress censured stored 440, 450 XXXVIII. WIL [INDEX TO SPEECHS.] WIT

WILSON, Mr. Prank (continued)- WiLsoN, Mr. F. F. (continued)- Preference to unionists 440, 1, cases else- Opposition attack, to get office, lamentably where 448, Timber industry and die- weak, 161 pates 442, 452, Arbitration Court 446, Labour policy justified. 161, 2 Collie disputes 447, 9. disloyalty of nions 460 Aborigines Commission, seconded in. papers Power to dismiss employees without as to censure of officers 629 notice, point for unionists 442 Engine-drivers, q. board of examiners 697 Premier condemned by Labourists, al- Money Grants to Agricultural Societies, mn. legiance to cauicus or Cabinet 448 return 697. 8, on amendment to extend Finance, borrowing at high rates, Savinlgs scope 699 Bank funds, lack of security, nkilful Public Servant's Compulsory Retirement, management 444, 5, 6 Mr. Pombart should be reinstated 703 Depression under a Labour Government, Railway Brake Vans, q. tendering 622 loss of confidence, effect on mining Workers' Compensation Act, to be extended 460,1 to bush workers, seconded m. 714, Speech Railway rates altered, effect on coal and 716 timber industries 452, preferential rates Workmen's Wages Act Amendment Bill, 458, railway management 454 Con,. 626 'Unionism restrict, the output, increases the burden on industries 45 Immigration policy, where is it 455 W=EnsOOx, Hon. Sir E. H., North Province- Socialistic measures 4.56 Address-in-Reply 59; points stated:- Agricultural expansion, private enterprise not encouraged as it should be 60, some recent legislation driving capital away Railway Tariff, q. as to effect of the altered 60 rates 76; remarks on rates during debate Immigration, no sincerity 60, howv he used 452,38,4 to assist immigrants 61, exhibitions of Timber Industry. as to inquiry by Com- our produce, but information not die- mission 614; remarks in debate, timber tributei 61 Midland Railway purchase, how it could disputes 442, 452, railway rates 452, 3, 4 Worme's Wages Act Amendment Bill, 2a. have been effected 61, company had 577 done good work 61, adverse effect of Government land policy 62 Aborigines in the North, epidemi6 of revolt 62, Dr. Roth's crude reecommenda- WILSON, Mr. F. F., North Perth- tions 62 Pilbarra Railway, supported the proposal Address-in-Reply 160; points stated: 62 Change of Government would be a mis- fortune 160 Obituary, R. G. Barges 829