AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt FROM MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt Keep fi t and have fun Senior sexpertise Focus on fi tness with Retirement doesn’t Hal Johnson mean ending intimacy June 2011 ACtiVe in the gOLDen YeARs


NOT TO ACT YOUR AGE WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR Zoomer Media’s Moses Znaimer spills his secrets on longevity—and living life with zest. PHOTO: Mia KLein

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STAY AS we reCOMMenD ACTIVE AS Can you afford to POSSIBLE age? Why so many Canadians are outliving their savings. pAGe 7 “Retirement is no longer a situation where people stop working completely.”

Figuring out finances p. 5 What you should look for in a fi nancial advisor. Death planning p. 7 Facing an uncomfortable—and inevitable— truth.

Every life stage presents new challenges, but retiring brings about a new frontier. A strategy is needed to ensure your finances, health and lifestyle endure the transition.

GOLdeN yeARS 3Rd editiON, JUNe 2011

responsible for this issue: Publisher: Pat Craven [email protected] Designer: Penelope Graham [email protected] Contributors: Jeannie armstrong, bill brioux, ida-Jean Mcintyre, Harry reynolds, Daniel shelton, Cheryl swan

Photo Credit: all images are from unless otherwise accredited.

Managing Director: Gustav aspegren transitioning beyond [email protected] Editorial Manager: Jackie McDermott [email protected] Business Developer: Chris Vassallo [email protected] the workplace Distributed within: national Post, June 2011 This section was created by Mediaplanet and re you thinking people, going to the offi ce every day Get set for your “second life” did not involve the national Post or its about retirement? provides a reassuring structure and The Retirement Planning Association editorial Departments. Chances are good routine. However you see it, the non- of Canada (RPAC) is Canada’s longest that the answer fi nancial rewards of working are often established national organization is yes, with a just as meaningful as the fi nancial for integrated fi nancial and lifestyle large number of aspects. retirement planning. RPAC mem- Canadians either So, while it’s defi nitely important to bers include fi nancial planners, life rapidly approaching retirement or make sure that you have your fi nances coaches, professional care givers, A fOLLOw Us On faCebOOK anD newly retired. in order before taking the plunge into lawyers, and others involved in work- TwiTTer! While financial advisors have retirement, it’s equally important to ing with clients to plan a meaningful been preaching the necessity of sav- think about how you’ll be fi lling those “second life”. ing for retirement for many years many hours that used to be devoted Current economic swings, plus Ida-Jean McIntyre Mediaplanet’s business is to create new cus- now, there’s more to life than money. to work. Gardening and golf won’t be president, increased longevity, have spurred tomers for our advertisers by providing read- Retirement is a huge life transition, enough. Will you look for volunteer RpAC National board more people to look for advice in ers with high-quality editorial content that motivates them to act. but it takes more than fi nancial plan- opportunities in your community? reTireMenT 101 retirement planning. The team ning to make the transition a success- Perhaps you’d like to go back to school approach in planning for retirement ful one. to learn about a diff erent area of inter- ■■ How will you satisfy your social, means that fi nancial planners and life est. Working part-time, either in your emotional, and psychological needs planners work together to co-ordinate A successful transition area of expertise or a totally diff erent in retirement? long-range life plans for their clients. There are actually three components fi eld is another possibility. ■■ What will you do to maintain your We at RPAC believe that it’s no to a successful retirement: a solid Then there’s your health. No mat- health and fi tness? longer possible to assume that just DOn’T Miss! fi nancial base, a happy and productive ter how well set you are fi nancially, ■■ Research shows that spending on having a pension plan is enough to lifestyle and good health. it won’t be a happy retirement if you health care tends to replace spending ensure a successful retirement. You Think about all the benefi ts you get aren’t healthy. What will you do, both on travel and sports in the later years. may have decades of life left after you from working. The paycheque’s great, in the years leading up to retirement How will you cover these costs if your retire. Retirement planning today but there’s also the social interaction and afterwards, to maintain your good health declines? means thinking beyond the money to with others, and the feeling of being health as long as possible? And how ■■ Is your home suitable for aging in consider all aspects of the next stage part of a team working to accomplish will you protect yourself against the place, or will you want to move to an of life. a goal. Perhaps you’re in a leadership risk of experiencing a critical illness apartment, a retirement community, We are proud to participate in this role where your skills and exper- or the need for long-term care as you or an assisted living facility? special report: “Active in the Golden tise are widely recognized. For some get older? Years”. Make your health goals a priority

To Hal Johnson, age is an ir- that’s pretty good.” relevant number. He turned 55 earlier this month, but feels Fuel up 19. “My feeling is, as soon as Proper nutrition is also crucial. “There I give into the number, then it are two positive ways to eat. One way has won. It can’t beat me!” he is to eat like an athlete: think about laughs. what fuel you need to perform at your best. The second way is to eat like a Johnson is half of Canada’s famous diabetic: eat small meals, high in com- Body Break duo. Along with partner plex carbohydrates, to keep your glu- Joanne McLeod, Johnson has spent cose or insulin level steady.” over 20 years encouraging Canadians Johnson is living proof that healthy KEEP FIT, HAVE FUN to live healthier, active lives, through Find an activity you enjoy activity can help you defy aging. “I TV, radio, public appearances, the web for added motivation. play hockey three or four days a week. and an expanding line of Body Break PHOTO: PRIVATE I golf about 100 rounds a year. I roller products. blade with my 12-year-old. Never use pill for relief, or you could strengthen “That does’t mean going to the your age as an excuse.” It’s in your hands and stretch those muscles.” gym every night. Do something you Make health a priority, urges John- Canadians must take individual After age 30, muscle tissue dimin- enjoy—hockey, curling, cycling, walk- son. “It’s about setting priorities in responsibility for their own health ishes at a rate of fi ve pounds every ten ing. Doing it with a friend or in a group life. What is important to you? You instead of relying on government, years. Muscle-strengthening exer- environment will help motivate you.” might say your family, or your job. But urges Johnson. “Your health is the cises will slow that rate of deteriora- Make goals and stick to them. “A if your health isn’t at the top of the number one thing you have. It’s up to tion, says Johnson. step counter is a great thing. Set a goal list, you won’t be around for anything you to keep your body maintained. No Boosting aerobic activity will to walk 10,000 steps a day, then work else.” one else can do it for you,” he says. reduce the risk of diabetes and heart towards that goal. Ten thousand steps ((c) daniel Shelton, reprinted with permission) “When you get up in the morning disease, which erode your health, he is the equivalent of fi ve kilometers. Jeannie armstrong with aches and pains, you can take a adds. If you can walk fi ve kilometers a day, [email protected] AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt JUNe 2011 · 3 ChALLenges insPiRAtiOn

HeaLTHY LifesTYLes 1

INSPIRATION Life-long fi tness goals can make longer life

Four years ago, Peter Henningsen was in rough shape. “They discovered throat cancer,” says the 79-year-old.

After undergoing radiation and other treatment, Peter recovered, but the ordeal left him weakened. “I could hardly walk,” he says. Doc- tors told him he’d need a walker for the rest of his life. “That’s when I realized I had to get going.” Peter began a fi tness program that now sees him swimming 40 lengths of a nearby Olympic pool and Nordic walking six days out of seven. It all started with a daily walk around the outside of the Chartwell Classic Residence in Oakville, Ontario, where Peter has lived for two-and-a-half years. He soon stretched that stroll out to a mile-a-day walk at the local YMCA and a physio- therapy regime that would please an Olympic coach. “I haven’t used a cane since,” he says.

The importance of staying active Peter is among a growing number of seniors who realize the import- ance of physical exercise in living happier, healthier lives. Besides boosting mobility, cardio fi tness and overall body strength, exercise impacts health in other ways according to Chris Moff ett, a certifi ed personal trainer and older adult fi tness specialist. “Defeating depres- sion is a big thing,” says Moff ett, whose Staying Strong program is popular with seniors in the area. “Exercise boosts the neuron transmitters that basically make you happy. When they’re turned on, people feel better.” Moff ett says research shows that active people do live longer, and he urges seniors to use the fi tness centres in retire- ment communities. Just ask questions, he adds. Aquafi t and other programs are great, but seniors should consult with a qualifi ed per- sonal trainer to be assessed properly and receive a program designed for their needs. “Figure out what your objectives are,” says Moff ett. “Set a goal to be able to take the stairs instead of the elevator, carry groceries or do more to keep up 1. Stretching it out at Hearth- stone by the Bay. with the grandchildren. bill briouX 2. Engaging in exercise at Del- manor, Elgin Mills. Courtesy of Comfort Life Magazine [email protected] PHOTO: MIKE POCHWAT, COMFORT LIFE

2 4 · JUNe 2011 AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt

insPiRAtiOn TIP 2


PHOTO: PAVEL DWULIT Question: What’s Moses Znaimer’s secret to longevity and a life of purpose? Answer: While genetics and good health are undeniable components of a long life, attitude is also key. A booming good time More life to live LeaDer TO LeaDer PrOfiLe Over the past century, life expectancy has He’s the Pied Piper of the largest increased signifi cantly in industrialized generation in history. nations. In fact, centenarians are the fast- est growing age demographic in the world. Canada’s baby boomers have followed “We’re in much better shape than previ- Moses Znaimer’s lead for over four decades. ous generations and we will stay in much “My early career was identifi ed with the better shape. That’s what history has been boomers,” says Znaimer, the founder of struggling for. It’s what medicine, better more than 20 television channels and sta- nutrition, better education and the eman- tions, including and MuchMusic. cipation of women all leads to,” says Zna- “They were young then, so they were imer. called the youth market. They were Zoomer infl uence becomes more appar- Moses deemed to be important. But where ent with every passing day. “It will change Znaimer everybody got it wrong was that they the culture and run through the economy ■■ Age: 68 weren’t important because they were in a million diff erent ways,” he says. ■■ Position: 1 young. What made them important This generation is 14.5 million strong, founder and was that they were the largest genera- comprising over one-third of Canada’s CeO, Zoomer double over time. unveiled the company’s fl agship publica- tion ever spawned,” he says. total population. Even more signifi cant, Media. CARP champions the concerns of older tion, Zoomer Magazine, now the largest “That’s also true now, except they’re they control 77 percent of the wealth in ■■ Other: Canadians, addressing issues including paid circulation magazine for 45-plus Can- 30 to 40 years older. And they’ve arrived Canada. President of Canada Pension Plan reform, caregiver adians. at a time in human history when they Their political clout was evident in the CarP, Canada’s support, mandatory retirement and elim- The media mogul has extended his will live longer and live better on the recent federal election. “We hauled out largest advocacy inating senior poverty and elder abuse. influence across multiple platforms: whole.” the statistic which shocked everybody, association for These concerns received varying degrees Zoomer Radio, a TV production company that almost 70 percent of the votes in all Canadians over of attention in the recent throne speech. and multiple websites. This fall, Znaimer Adding some zip forms of elections are from our gang,” says the age of 45. “I think we’ve had quite a bit of impact,” will launch Zoomer TV, following his As he once defined Canada’s youth cul- Znaimer. ■■ recipient of says Znaimer, noting in particular the acquisition of Vision TV Group a year ago. ture, he is now redefining the culture “For the fi rst time ever, all three parties the Queen eliza- eff orts of CARP vice-president of advocacy At the age of 68, Znaimer refuses to slow of aging. Znaimer has single-handedly were off ering direct provisions in their beth Golden Jubi- Susan Eng. down. How does he maintain his zoomer transformed the boomers into “zoom- platforms for this generation. We saw it lee Medal (2002), “We’ve pounded away at the issues, zip? ers.” Do all baby boomers qualify? again in the recent throne speech.” Order of Ontario backed that up with practical suggestions “Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll,” he laughs. “No, you have to have zip! Zoomer is (2005) and re- supported by good research—not easily “Mood is very important—some kind an amalgam of boomer and zip—and I Champion for the nation public of france’s dismissed. And fi nally the politicians have of zest for living. I don’t have a particular guess, Znaimer,” he laughs. Znaimer represents his gang as president Chevalier de smelled the coff ee,” says Znaimer. regime, but I have a great zest for life!” “The word ‘old’ makes people nerv- of CARP, Canada’s largest advocacy asso- L’Ordre des arts “We’re not the only voice, but CARP has ous. Old makes you squirm a bit. ciation for Canadians age 45-plus. CARP et des Lettres a big voice because we have steady media Nobody wants to be old. But zoomer has now boasts over 350,000 members, with (2005). behind us, through Zoomer Media.” a lilt to it. It has a kind of optimism and 41 chapters across the country. As aware- In addition to serving as president of drive. People identify with it.” ness of the benefi ts of membership grows, CARP, Znaimer is the founder and CEO of Jeannie armstrong Znaimer anticipates CARP’s numbers will ZoomerMedia Limited. In 2008, Znaimer [email protected] AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt JUNe 2011 · 5 insPiRAtiOn insPiRAtiOn

NeWS time for a plan ■■ We don’t like talking about it and in fact, we don’t like thinking about it. Sure, we will all pass on to the next phase of whatever this whole circle of life things is about, but I never knew how important planning for it was until a good buddy of mine passed away. Frank was a great guy with a great family, and I couldn’t believe how much stress they were under because nothing was prearranged for Frank’s funeral. I off ered to help with the arrangements and the fi rst funeral home we went to was a typ- ical one with a bunch of last names on the sign. It’s what you expected, big and fancy and incidentally very expensive. We felt we needed to look around and since I am a senior that prides himself on being a bit inter- net savvy, I started Googling. What I found is that there are more choices out there than you would expect and it’s important to do your research because prices vary a lot. Prearranging not only means that all of your wishes are in place ahead of time, but also that the prices are locked in when the contract is signed regardless of when the death occurs. This takes a lot of fi nancial and emotional stress off a family and allows them to spend time with each other instead of worrying about the arrangements. It’s important to know that prearrangements can be transferred from one funeral home to another if you fi nd a better deal some- where else. So in short, if you want to do something nice for the folks you leave behind, prearrange your funeral. It will assure your funeral goes the way you want and your family can spend the time talking about what a great person you were for prearranging in the fi rst place.

1. CARP is Canada’s leading association for seniors. 2. According to Znaimer, aging doesn’t Harry reynolDs mean slowing down: simply add some zest! [email protected] 2 PHOTOS: PAVEL DWULIT


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unveiled the company’s fl agship publica- tion, Zoomer Magazine, now the largest paid circulation magazine for 45-plus Can- adians. The media mogul has extended his influence across multiple platforms: Zoomer Radio, a TV production company and multiple websites. This fall, Znaimer will launch Zoomer TV, following his acquisition of Vision TV Group a year ago. At the age of 68, Znaimer refuses to slow down. How does he maintain his zoomer zip? “Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll,” he laughs. “Mood is very important—some kind of zest for living. I don’t have a particular regime, but I have a great zest for life!”

Basic Funerals and Cremation Choices, a licensed Ontario Funeral Establishment. e testimonials provided are paraphrased testimonials from actual families served. e names have been altered for privacy. Please note that the use of the word “aordable” is an opinion based on the comparison of a sample of providers in the industry and does not construethe entire industry as a whole. e use of the word aordable is not to be construed as a denitive value. 6 · JUNe 2011 AN iNdepeNdeNt SUppLeMeNt by MediApLANet tO tHe NAtiONAL pOSt

insight TIP The decision to leave the family home can be incredibly daunting. Many seniors fear the loss of their independence 3 MAKE YOUR LIFESTYLE A and control over their lifestyle. However, choosing to live in PRIORITY a residence can be a liberating decision.

turning corners: Life after the move

arjorie G. and The right care Bob S. would With every change, adjustments have probably be to be made and caring, friendly assist- the fi rst to tell ance makes the world of diff erence. you, “never say With low vision, Marjorie cannot recog- never!” nize people or places until she’s almost That you’re upon them, so acknowledging her Mnever too old to change your life and fellow residents or looking for a vacant never too old to fall in love again. seat in the dining room could have been a challenge when she moved. Accepting changes Marjorie explains, “People are very When Marjorie’s eye sight began to intelligent and kind here. They knew fail and she could no longer drive, her immediately what to do. They tell me son and daughter-in-law suggested their name when they greet me so I she might be more comfortable and know who they are. I still love to hold feel more secure living in a retire- the hymn book when I go to the chapel ment residence. It was not an easy so my friends will turn it to the right decision. Marjorie lived in a beautiful page for me even though I can’t read it. house overlooking the ocean and very We have poetry reading every Monday, little equals having an ever-changing and the group is so kind they help me seascape as your immediate neigh- and read to me.” bour. So when Marjorie first saw Meanwhile Bob, who had moved to Amica at Somerset House, the regal Amica at Somerset House nine months residence majestically overlooking after Marjorie, was slowly beginning to Victoria’s James Bay and surrounded acclimatize himself to his new lifestyle. by fl owering gardens and walks, she “Being on my own, I was looking for a immediately felt at home. family type situation, friendly people, Bob, who had recently been widowed, good food and activities...a place where had also decided a change was needed. I could paint and share my artwork,” he Bob likens making his decision to says. It was only a matter of time before 1 “turning corners.” As he explains, “You he and Marjorie met. We just joined have to come to a decision that as you forces,” laughs Bob.”We immediately get older you’re not the same person you gave each other that comfortable feel- once were, that you need to change how ing of being together and being able to you live. Some people want to main- share things.” tain their same lifestyle even when “We have two hummingbirds out- they fi nd it diffi cult. They don’t like side our suite that come to visit,” smiles change. If you come to a place like this, Marjorie. “… and begonias still blooming everything is always changing—for in the garden. This is a beautiful place, 1. Bob and Marjorie fos- tered a newfound connec- the better.” Like Marjorie, Bob loved the beautiful people... and to top it off I met tion after relocating to a location of the residence and immedi- Bob.” The icing on the cake indeed! retirement community. 2. The Amica Somerset ately after moving in, “bought myself house residence. a scooter that gave me access to all the DaVe JaCobs 2 PHOTOS: COURTESY OF AMICA wonderful places to see in Victoria.” [email protected]

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Available wherever books are sold and online. AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST AN independent SUPPLEMENT by mediaplanet TO THE NATIONAL POST June 2011 · 7 insight news

news in brief Need a financial advisor?

Financial planning is un- regulated in most Canadian provinces, meaning anyone can call themselves a “finan- cial planner” with little re- gard for qualifications.

Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC) is the not–for–profit organization that develops and en- forces professional standards for financial planners who earn Certi- fied Financial Planner certification, and raises awareness of the import- ance of financial planning. FPSC encourages Canadians to use these questions as guidance when en- gaging a financial planner.

10 questions to ask before engaging a financial planner:

■■ What are your qualifications? ■■ What experience do you have? ■■ What services do you offer? ■■ What is your approach to financial planning? ■■ Will you be the only person work- ing with me? ■■ How will I pay for your services? ■■ How much do you typically charge? ■■ Could anyone besides me benefit Can you afford to age? from your recommendations? ■■ Are you regulated by any ■■ Question: Canadians are living “Your comfort level with risk is going organization? longer, more active lives. How can “Retirement is no to dictate your investment choices and ■■ 10. Can I have it in writing? individuals ensure they will not out- longer a situa- dictate whether your goals are going to live their retirement funds? be realistic,” says Quinton. Visit for additional ■■ Answer: The first step is to iden- tion where people If retirement is looming and you guidance related to these questions. tify the retirement lifestyle you hope stop working haven’t amassed a personal fortune, to achieve. don’t despair, says Biscott. completely...” “Look at what your after tax income Retirement as we know it is will be in retirement. Once you’re over Courtesy of FPSC changing. According to Lynn Perry Quintonn [email protected] Vice President, Marketing age 65, you get tax breaks—the age credit Biscott, CFP, president of the Investor Education Fund and the pension income credit,” says Retirement Planning Associa- Biscott. tion of Canada, Canada’s long- others are content to be homebodies. to have,” says Quinton. “Many Canadians will have to con- est established national or- Each retirement lifestyle has a different It’s also important to know what you sider working to a later age. It could be ganization for financial and cost,” says Quinton. own and what you owe, she adds. staying with their existing employer, lifestyle retirement planning. Your age and the number of years you working part-time or doing consulting Biscott also owns Fernwood Determine your degree of risk plan to remain in the workforce will work.” Consulting Group in Toronto. The IEF website, getsmartabout- determine the degree of risk you should Your home can also generate revenue,, offers research-based take with your investments. she adds. “Think about renting out a “Retirement is no longer a situation information, instructional videos and An individual with 20 years remain- room to a university student. It won’t be where people stop working completely. tools to get you started, including a ing in the workforce is in a better pos- a huge amount of money, but if there is A lot of people are now continuing to quiz called “What’s my retirement ition to consider a riskier investment a shortfall, every little bit will help close work, part-time or on a contract basis,” lifestyle?” “The quiz helps to identify an with a higher rate of return, than an that gap,” says Biscott. says Biscott. individual’s retirement goals and sug- individual who will be retiring in just a Selling the home and investing the “You need to have a plan. The sooner gests the amount of savings you’ll need few years. capital in a product like an annuity is ((c) Daniel Shelton, reprinted with permission) you start, the less you’re going to have to facts another option, says Biscott. compromise later,” says Perry Quinton, Although it’s tempting to leave all vice-president of marketing with the ■■ Less than one-third of all Can- the decisions in the hands of a finan- Investor Education Fund (IEF), the non- adian employees are in a pension ■■ Think you can rely on the gov- cial planner, Quinton says “you should Quick tips for profit organization established by the plan and the rate of participation is ernment to fund your retirement? know where you’re going before you Ontario Securities Commission to pro- decreasing. Savings rates across The maximum amount of income meet with your advisor. You want to optimum health vide Canadians with unbiased financial the country have dipped, as have an individual can expect from come prepared with answers so they information. RRSP contributions. government plans, including Can- can do their best for you.” ■■ Oxygen and Exercise. ada or Quebec Pension Plan, Old A 20 minute walk outside daily is an What’s your desired ■■ If you currently earn over Age Security and the Guaranteed excellent way to keep the muscles destination? $30,000 annually at your job, the Income Supplement is $15,000 a and joints healthy. “The first step is to determine your experts at the Investor Education year. The amount may increase if retirement goals. Everyone has differ- Fund warn that you will likely need you qualify for low-income ■■ Drink water all day. ent ideas about where they want to be— additional income sources to programs. Jeannie Armstrong Fresh, pure spring, local water is the some people want to travel the world, maintain your same lifestyle. S ource: Investor Education Fund [email protected] best for the body.

■■ Eat organic, local produce.

N o need to retire intimacy ■■ Supplement. A good multi-vitamin with Co-Q10 ■■ In past generations, once one Cheryl Swan Discarded their body image issues; My own mother’s take on the subject and EFA’s for over 45 years. Glucosa- retired it meant life slowed Certified ■■ Become clear about what they want; is, “Age is a state of mind, we don’t feel mine for joints, and extra magnesium Educator, down— and a new courses Accredited Life ■■ Have greater appreciation for each old, why should we act old!” This new for muscles and stress. was charted in the direction of Coach, Sex & other. attitude indicates a positive change in Relationship a nursing home. Therapist Practice makes perfect and is paying our collective belief system surround- ■■ Smile. off for these frisky golden-agers. They ing ageing. We have this amazing gift of life, and What’s the difference now? report that the quality of their relation- Combined with this new mindset, we as we go through the life cycle enjoy In the last 30 years (the interval of a gen- ships is “most definitely better”. And I now have a host of modern medical and the journey! eration according to of vegetables, take exercise and you’ll be can tell you, better relationships equal holistic treatments for menopause and advanced medical care and improved fine.” better sex. All unresolved relationship andropause (unheard of 30 years ago) lifestyle has created a generation of When queried, my mod-mature issues show up as symptoms in the bed- available to reduce and in some cases uber-vital retirees who feel 60 is the clients, friends and family members room. eliminate symptoms completely. This new 40. This applies to the bedroom too! reported feeling like now is their time leaves modern retirees free to enjoy These early baby boomers are interested to really enjoy life. Where generations Game changers the benefits of an empty nest. With in living life to the fullest and doing past were, at the same age, suffering Retirees who may have felt they origin- fewer distractions and commitments more of what they want, when they the wear and tear of a lifetime of hard ally got married too young—many of they are capitalizing on a richness and want. They have every intention of hav- physical labour, modern life has left them in their teens—are now single- fullness of life that their predecessors ing their cake, or should I say, ‘muffin’ these scandalous seniors with energy tons once more. The ones I have spoken never dreamt of. On the adventurous and eating it too. to spare. I can personally attest to this as to are still hopeful of finding intimacy side, I know of retired couples that have I recently spoke with 82-year-old I attempt to keep pace with my septua- and excitement. “The thinking is differ- started to explore their sexuality more author and sex educator Dr. Betty Dod- genarian deep-water workout buddies ent,” they say. “It may not have seemed since their kids have left home. I am son on Youtube proclaiming that she is every morning! right for a 65-year-old woman to be on told an empty nest is a great place to enjoying sex more than any other time Modern day retirees are also finding the prowl a generation ago, but it is now entertain other couples.” in her life since she turned 70. Her view they are no longer plagued by the sex the accepted norm.” Single seniors are So, let’s applaud these trail- on sex and age— “I consider the 70s to be and relationship issues of their youth. found along with everyone else, brows- blazing post-mid-agers for, if not Kimberly Hunter-Gafur the youth of old age. So all you women In growing older they have: ing for potential co-adventurers on inventing sex, showing us that what RNCP, ROHP, Holistic Nutritionist out there who are afraid of getting older, ■■ Gained emotional maturity; dating sites such as Plenty of Fish and we thought was the end is just the [email protected] just keep your orgasms in place, eat a lot ■■ Learned communication skills; Lavalife. beginning. More power to you! Let the Wellness & Vitality™ Lifestyle of Amica™ Mature Lifestyles empower you to stay fit… and young at heart!

We believe there is no age limit to feeling well and living an active life, so our Wtrademarked principles of Wellness & Vitality™ are at the heart of everything we do. It is that philosophy that helps ensure our residents’ independence and enjoyment of life. In addition to our country-club atmosphere, fresh, delicious dining menus and various social activities, Amica’s exclusive mPOWER™ program strengthens and conditions with a focus on increased muscular strength, endurance, power, balance and flexibility. And what’s more – staying fit has never been more fun! We invite you to look into the all-inclusive, feel good lifestyle of living at Amica. With 22 locations in Canada, there is sure to be one that’s just right for you.

British Columbia Amica at Beechwood Village Amica at Mayfair Amica at Somerset House Wellness & Vitality™ Sidney, BC Port Coquitlam, BC Victoria, BC Residences: 250.655.0849 604.552.5552 250.380.9121 Amica at Arbutus Manor Amica at Douglas House Amica at Rideau Manor Amica at West Vancouver Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC Burnaby, BC West Vancouver, BC 604.736.8936 250.383.6258 604.291.1792 604.921.9181

Ontario Amica at Bearbrook Amica at London Amica at Villa Da Vinci Wellness & Vitality™ Ottawa, ON London, ON Vaughan, ON Residences: 613.837.8720 519.657.7096 905.264.9119 Amica at The Balmoral Club Amica at City Centre Amica at Newmarket Amica at Westboro Park Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON Newmarket, ON Ottawa, ON 416.927.0055 905.803.8100 905.952.0505 613.728.9274 Amica at Bayview Amica at Dundas Amica at Swan Lake Amica at Whitby North York, ON Dundas, ON Markham, ON Whitby, ON 416.977.3177 905.628.6200 905.201.6058 905.665.6200 Amica at Bayview Gardens Amica at Erin Mills Amica at Thornhill Amica at Windsor North York, ON Mississauga, ON Thornhill, ON Windsor, ON 647.286.7935 905.816.9163 905.886.3400 519.948.5500

Plus three more in pre-development in Richmond Hill and Oakville, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta. Canadian Owned and Operated

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