President Lobbies for Arms Sole
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24 - THE HERALD. Sat.. Sept. 12. 1981 Apartments for Kent 53 Otfices-Stores tor Rent 4ulos For S ite 61 M otorcyctes-BIcycles 64 ROCKVILLE - Two WORKSPACE OR SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, 1976SUZUKI 250-Red, low Realty seminar Stocks score bedrooms, laundry, yard STORAGE SPACE FOR;:'. TRUCKS. Car Inventory mileage, very clean, sissy for kids, carpeting & more. RENT in Manchester. No valued $2143 sold for $100. bar with seat. Asking $700. $260, G. 11 647-8412, lease or security deposit. Similar bargains available. Telephone 643-2509. A free seminar on real estate will be sponsored Reasonable rates. Suitable Call for information, 602- by Merrill Lunch Realty/Barrows Co. Sept. 23 from big gain after for small business. Retail 941-80Vi4, Ext, 7816. Phone 7 to to p.m. at 3,58 Burnside Ave., East Hartford. MANCHESTER - Plush Legal [Noliei* one bedroom. All bills paid. and commercially zoned. call refundable. Speakers will include a banker, an attorney, and Appliances, laundry. Only Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. iNM i vno> TO nil) an accountant. There will be a question and answer $190. 236-5646 Locators. EAST HARTFORD PUBLIC period. Refreshments will be served. For reser prime rate cut Fee. Telephone 646-2924 after 4 SCHOOLS vations phone 647-1000 or 289-6881. p.m. Ask for Mike. BID DRIVERS EQUITATION By Frank W. Slusaer WINDSOR AREA - Fully BASEMENT STORAGE carpeted one bedroom, ECONOMY CARS must be Inlurmation m^iy be obtained Irom UPl Business Writer Warm today, AREA with dirt floors. sold: 1974 Datsun, B 210, the Division of Business Services, Manchester, Conn. pool and much more. $150 First room I8V2 ft.xl5 ft.; 110 Ixing Hill Drive, East Hart Guest speaker 236-5646. Locators. Fee. excellent running condi NEW YORK - — The stock market, wrapping up cloudy Tuesday second room 23 ft.xl5Mi ft. tion, and 1966 Volkswagen ford, Ct. U6IU8 until bid opening on Monday, Sept. 14, 1981 $30 monthly. 649-0717. September 23. 1981 at 2:00 P M, HARTFORD — The Connecticut Tooling and an uncertain week, scored a big gain Friday after EXTRA LARGE FIVE Beetle, good running con- THE EAST HARTFORD PUBLIC Marine Midland Bank cut its prime lending rate. But — See page 2 25 Cents ROOM duplex, garage, diton. Make an offer. 646- SC H O O LS IS AN EQUAL Machining Association will hear William Burgess, modern appliances, enly 5,000 Ft. Will sub-divide in 4221 or 646-5535. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER first vice president of the National Tooling and trading was not enthusiastic. $200. 236-5646. Locators. Small Sections. 35 Oakland 023-09 Machining Association, discuss “Save Your The Dow Jones industrial average, which jumped 8.56 Hanrliratrr Umlh Street, Manchester. Heavy 1973 VW BEETLE - 31,000 points ’Thursday, climbed 10.37 points to 872.81. The Fee. traffic area. Excellent Assets" at the association's dinner meeting miles. Excellent condition. Tuesday at the Lord Cromwell Motor Inn, closely watched average, winning for the third con parking. Low rental fee. $2200. Telephone 649-0653. LEGAL secutive session, gained 11.13 points for the week. SILVER LANE - Air. 646-3251. Cromwell. The dinner meeting begins at 6 p.m. carpeting, dish washer, INOTIGK Bureess. who heads Liberty Tool and Die Co., of Most of the gain in the Dow and other averages came appliances. laundry & 1974 PINTO WAGON. 4 cyl. Notice is hereby given after Marine Midland Bank lowered its prime lending MANCHESTER - Several good condition. Rebuilt Rochester, N.Y., will discuss how to plan, manage more. Now $310. 236-5646. Industrial Locations for that an order dated August rate a half point to 20 percent. Chase Manhattan and Locators. Fee. transmission, new brakes, and measure a tooling or machining company's lease. $1.10 per square ft. needs tires. $1400 firm. 25, 1981 has been issued by final growth. First National Bank of Chicago took a similar step last to $2.40 per square ft, 600' Telephone 649-0277. th e undersigned week. EAST HARTFORD - to 9,000'. Hayes Corpora »• President Spacious two bedroom authorizing the name of the The New York Stock Exchange index gained 0.83 to home, modern kitchen, tion. 646-0131. 1973 AMC HORNET - air- oil screw ROVIS I Official 70.32 and the price of an average share increased 35 m children welcome, $350. conditioning, power Number 545899 owned by Free workshop cents. Advances topped declines 1,122-400 among the 1,- MANCHESTER - 5 room steering, automatic Matthew M. Moriarty of 879 issues traded at 4 p.m. EDT. 236-5646. Locators. Fee. office suite. 1200 sq. ft., A-M transmission, 6 cyl. $1500. which Hartford, Ct., is the Landon Saunders, speaker on the Heartbeat radio Big Board volume totaled 42,170,000 shares compared first floor, high traffic Telephone 742-7091L J A T . MANCHESTER - Fur area, central air, parking, home port, to be changed program,' will pre with 47,430,000 traded Thursday. 'I \ ..| nished apartment, 2 to AUTOMATT. Despite the rally, analysts said the market was likely lobbies for centrally located. sent a three-night bedrooms. 2 full baths, 1969 CADILLAC to struggle for direction over the next several months Telephone 643-2121. CONVERTIBLE .- Like P.F. Jones workshop in personal sauna, pool, exercise since interest rates remain at record or near-record u '^1 room, 2 parking places. No new top, needs body work, By director of the relationships in East ♦ levels and don’t show signs of coming down dramatical children under 16 as per by- Wanted to Rent 57 $1,000. 643-5193. Officer in Charge Hartford on Sept. 14, laws. $475. Multi- Marine Inspection 15 and 16. ly in the near future. ' Condominiums. 646-0505. MANCHESTER Area - 1978 FORD VAN, U.S. Coast Guard His presentation is The Ams|h;an Stock Exchange common stock index Working brother and sister Econoline 250. AM-FM, 016-09 titled “Feeling Good rose 4.49 to 331.05 and the price of an average share in By Nancy Thompson arms sole MANCHESTER - One looking for two bedroom tinted glass, dual air con About Yourself.” creased 22 cents. ’The National Association of Securities ditioning, carpeted, dual Herald Reporter bedroom condo. Available apartment. Reasonable Saunders will speak Dealers’ NASDAQ index of over-thecounter issues '.Ij WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi cedes it will lose the battle in the Immediately. $325 plus rent, heat, hot water, fuel tanks. 742-9273. Legal Nolice gained 2.26 to 189.81. at the East Hartford Like Jesus Christ feeding the mul dent Reagan invited 27 senators to House, but hopes to win the Senate utilities. Telephone 646- appliances. Telephone DEPARTMENT OF Texas International Co. was the most active NYSE- 1974 RENAULT 17 High School titudes with a few loaves of bread the White House today in what vote. 6973. after 6 p.m. 228-3987. ENVIRONMENTAL listed issue, off 3% to 2746. IBM was second, up 1 to SSYz. GORDINI, Good condition, Auditorium, 777 and some fish, area Catholic schools appeared to be the opening of a lob "We have presently 51 votes that 'PROTECTION Northwest Energies (ex-dividend) was third, unchanged DOWNTOWN MAIN MIDDLE AGED COUPLE front wheel drive. 40,000 STATE OF Burnside Ave., are filling their classrooms to bying campaign to win con we can count against the transac STREET - Extra large 2Vz with pet looking tor one miles. Telephone 640-2940 beginning at 7:30 at 52%. capacity despite the dwindling gressional approval for his proposed tion, " Cranston said. "However, the after 4 p.m. CONNECtICUT Exxon, Tliursday’s volume leader, gained % to 3346 in j> iv f t ' room efficiency. Complete- bedroom apartment in AIR COMPLIANCE UNIT each evening. number of available students. arms sale to Saudi Arabia. president's very persuasive. He will ly remodeled, heat, Manchester area at a The workshop is a heavy trading. Other energy issues also scored gains. AH local Catholic schools reported The senators were reported to be work hard. He may be able to tip the parking. $250. Security and reasonable rate, 872-7459 1972 CHEVY IMPALA, 4- E-PE NO. 9499 On the Amex, advances topped declines 394-188 among door, PS, PB. one owner, free public service experiencing a trend toward in among those who have yet to make balance the other way." references. Telephone 646- 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. NOTICE OF DECISION made possible by the 770 issues traded at 4 p.m. EDT. Volume at that time 1642 after 4 p m. weekdays. $800. 643-5873. creased enrollments in recent up their minds on the arms deal, Reagan, asked about Cranston's ON APPLICATION FOR sponsoring grants. totaled 4,620,000 shares compared with 5,350,000 traded which' includes controversial Air remark, said Sunday, "I just hope A POINT SOURCE years, with the schools filled to Homes-Apts. to share 59 There is no charge Thursday. capacity or beyond this fall. borne Warning and Command that they will not get their feet in Homes tor Rent 54 OPERATING PERMIT Delhi International Oil, which soared 946 points for materials at the At East Catholic High School, a System — AW ACS — aircraft. concrete until I have a chance to ROOMMATE WANTED - The Air Compliance Unit, Landon Saunders Thursday, was the most active Amex issue, off 46 to VERNON - Heat included. workshop. “Feeling larger than usual freshmen classes, The session with the senators was explain my case. " Nonsmoking female, share 1980 PLYMOUTH CHAMP of the Department of En 6246. Houston Oil Trust was second, up 146 to 2146. North King sized three bedroom Bolton duplex. Carpeted - Excellent condition, Good About Y ourself is offered in different cities combining with an influx of transfer scheduled for 2:15 p.m.