Havey to Release UM's Top Salaries
Vol.S2No.22 KridaVaNovember 12. M'To IM. J:;i inn ••/ used tn believe mstariei " I It, I HIi, i .ii\ i. n ,,,,,, trerr private. I don't anymore. profit ,,t num.till,in in,,I ,1 ll,, Hull ni the tntteisity limits IHS inn1*, it,, ml,,t milium tome Irani students mill the pnltln iii,,.. ,,t, ilu remmto- other hull trnni jnihln ninn ies." — Sue lla\r\ |.,lm l.i "/ itniilil lime In ask itlml ll lit, I, ill fit (Ml • I II HI. Ill mirpote it will sertc except tn lm. ih i nil tl li, mill., tin. fiiiti- erenle snine inlet e.linn, ilisens- In Hfli '"i! 'In I tiliii.tti sinn. tin I nil ersil\\ BOIttion • I,.,,,I,I,, i in// mil niter." — Bill lii.r I. • "»llll|. > II, -> Mill k Havey To Release UM's Top Salaries By Al AN MAKC I S situtf private information and Idilar should nm be considered like a CM Yunis Finds poration with stoi kholders Student (imeninienl I'M". nmu-r s.ud hr has mixed feelings Susan Have) nM On will mak< •DOU) il thai it was more Hi,in a DO public ihe salaries ni the lop I in litk al e»en 1st and Ihe highesi s.ii ( Treatment versitv emplovees and officers he- ilea were probabl) at tin- Medical fore Tuesdav si hool Havey had requested ihe mtorma- Dr Blltler sanl the salaries nt the tion from the Internal RevtntM Set tWO new vice presidents would nm For Cancer vice under the I reednm ol Informa 'ii i mil.lined in Ihnse salaries tion Act.
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