zu Fuß Report 2017 ( on Foot Report)

Facts and Figures about Pedestrian Traffic in Vienna

Survey 2017 hub Enkplatz. The Viennese like Vienna is a city to move in their city on foot – and feel safe doing so. The for walking “Vienna on Foot” report for 2017 documents pedestrian traffic in the Austrian capital. It is based on the evaluation of 4,600 personal interviews with people travelling through Vienna on foot and describes how pedestrians Short distances, attractive view their situation. This survey strolling promenades and among Vienna’s population – the safe streets most comprehensive of its kind conducted so far – is part of an Vienna is a good city for walking. ongoing monitoring process on To make sure that even more pedestrian traffic, in keeping with people can enjoy discovering the Vienna City Council’s Vienna on foot, we do our best to What conditions motivate “Decision of Principle on further improve the city’s pedes- people to opt for walking Pedestrian Traffic” taken in 2014. trian infrastructure. The findings of in the city? The report is complemented by the “Vienna on Foot” report help additional facts and figures about us to identify the requirements of What do people like about walking infrastructure. pedestrian traffic so as to take suit- walking, and what annoys them? able political measures – after all, What do they wish for? These Petra Jens target-oriented policies need to and other questions are asked Representative for be underpinned by sound figures and answered by us in this Pedestrian Matters of and arguments. “Vienna on Foot” report. The the City of Vienna findings show that walking is Maria Vassilakou viewed positively by citizens – Deputy Mayor of from the historic city centre to the City of Vienna suburban Essling, from busy Mariahilfer Strasse to local traffic

2 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 3 And this figure does not even include walking as a part of multi- Today, more modal trip chains: Fully 98 percent of all trips with public transport are trips are taken combined with walking. in Vienna on foot than by car. Modal Split: Different means of transport in 2017 vs. 2014

How do the Viennese move through their city? 2017 PT On foot 38% 28% The transport choices of Vienna’s population are monitored on a yearly basis. This modal split 26% provides an overview of the 39% different means of transport and 2014 their use. 7% 28% Vienna’s share of walking in the modal split is 28 percent; it has Car Bike remained largely constant since 27% 7% the mid-1990s. While the shares of cycling and public transport Wiener Linien: Modal Split – So sind die Wiener have grown, that of car traffic unterwegs, https://www.wienerlinien.at/media/ Walking in has decreased. files/2018/modalsplit2017_236124.jpg

Today, more trips are taken in Vienna Vienna on foot than by car.

4 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 5 How often do people choose to walk?

Close to 90 percent of pedestrians either like or even like very much to walk for trips of over 10 minutes. It is therefore hardly surprising that many people enjoy walking. You have only been somewhere 70 percent of respondents walk every day; 25 percent, several if you have been times a week; 5 percent, several there on foot. times a month. Only 1 percent walk less often than once a Johann Wolfgang von Goethe month.

Looking at the level of education of respondents, it becomes clear that graduates of universities and ling on foot on a daily basis only kilometres are still travelled on Short trips are taken universities of applied sciences drops markedly after 71 years foot – even for distances bet- on foot participating in the survey choose (48 percent). ween two and three kilometres, to walk most frequently, with a pedestrian traffic attains a Length of trip Share of walking share of 77 percent. Distances of up to 500 metres respectable share of 14 percent. Up to 0.5 km 99 % (corresponding to 16 percent of 0.5 to 1 km 77 % Pedestrians aged up to 29 years all trips) are almost exclusively The average distance travelled 1 to 2 km 32 % most often make daily trips in covered on foot. For distances solely on foot is approximately 2 to 3 km 14 % excess of 10 minutes on foot (79 between 500 metres and one 800 metres.1 Source: Omnitrend GmbH: Zu Fuß gehen in Wien. percent); this share drops to 66 kilometre, too, pedestrian traffic is Vertiefte Auswertung des Mobilitätsverhaltens der Wiener Bevölkerung für das zu Fuß gehen. percent for persons aged 50 to clearly dominant with 77 percent. Final report dated 10 November 2015 59 years. In the next age bracket, 1 Omnitrend GmbH: Zu Fuß gehen in Wien. the share decreases to 71 percent. As many as close to one third of Vertiefte Auswertung des Mobilitätsverhaltens der Wiener Bevölkerung für das zu Fuß gehen. The percentage of persons travel- all trips between one and two Final report dated 10 November 2015

6 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 7 Automatic counting stations were the city centre and the surround- set up on both sidewalks in central ing Gründerzeit neighbourhoods In 2017, 14 million Rotenturmstrasse to monitor the cover 36 percent and 38 percent, pedestrians were number of pedestrians. Around respectively, of all trips on foot. The 14 million passersby were recorded share of trips taken on foot in the counted in Roten- in 2017, equalling an average Gründerzeit neighbourhoods in the turmstrasse. of 38,621 persons per day – this outer districts is somewhat lower corresponds roughly to the number (29 percent). In areas dominated by of inhabitants of the Upper large-scale housing estates built Austrian town of Steyr.3 post-1960, it drops to 26 percent. can be reached on foot, the more This percentage is even lower often people choose to walk. Inter for newly developed areas with alia, this is also influenced by bench- Where do people small-scale structures (23 percent) es, façade greening, the vicinity of

choose to walk? or areas with singlefamily homes/ parks, leisure facilities and sports 2 Omnitrend GmbH: Zu Fuß gehen in Wien. allotment gardens and villas (21 grounds. Citizens who are not satis- Vertiefte Auswertung des Mobilitätsverhaltens der Wiener Bevölkerung für das zu Fuß gehen. 2 The extent of walking is decisively percent each). There is an obvious fied with the local infrastructure will Final report dated 10 November 2015 influenced by the local settlement link with satisfaction with the local tend to walk less often for lack of 3 Evaluation of automatic counting stations, Municipal Department 46, 2018, Rotenturm- structure. Thus inhabitants of infrastructure: the more destinations attractive destinations. strasse, nos. 8 and 17

Modal split share of walking by type of residential area 36% 38% 29% 26% 21% Source: Omnitrend GmbH: Zu Fuß gehen in Wien. Vertiefte Auswertung des Mobilitätsverhaltens der Wiener Gründerzeit Gründerzeit Post-1960 Zones dominated by Bevölkerung für das zu Fuß gehen. neighbourhoods neighbourhoods largescale housing single-family homes, Final report dated 10 November 2015 City centre in inner districts in outer districts estates allotment gardens and villas

8 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 9 Three quarters of all Vienna is a city of Once a year, pedestrians feel safe while walking pedestrians go somewhere you have never In this respect, there are big differences between individual been before. districts: in the 21st municipal Dalai Lama , this share is 88 percent, while the percentage in the 11th municipal district Simmer- ing amounts to only 41 percent. People who often move around 85 percent of people who walk Vienna on foot enjoy this activity every day feel safe, while this figure and feel safe doing so – in brief, is only about half (51 percent) for this is the answer to the question those who walk less often than about the degree of satisfaction of once per month. In the age group Vienna’s pedestrians. 88 percent of of up to 29 years, this share is 83 respondents state that they enjoy percent, dropping to 57 percent walking much or even very much. for those over 70 years.

Clearly more than half of respon- There are also differences regard- dents moreover claim that the ing the level of education: 65 situation of pedestrians in Vienna percent of persons who have only has improved. completed compulsory school- ing claim to feel safe, while this proportion rises to 83 percent among graduates of universities or universities of applied sciences. Overall, the scores assigned to safety are high.

10 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 11 Pedestrian satisfaction

75% I feel safe walking in Vienna

73% Sidewalk widths are satisfactory 64 percent of respondents state that pedestrians are treated prefer- 66% Vienna is a city of pedestrians entially over other road users. This The situation of pedestrians in value is 84 percent for 55% Vienna has improved (23rd municipal district), but only Source: Hajek, Peter/Stark, Jennifer: Fußgeher-Report Wien 2017, 44 percent for Döbling (19th conducted in May/June 2017 on behalf of Mobilitätsagentur Wien GmbH municipal district). People who walk Slightly over half (53 percent) of re- The frequency of walking seems this share is particularly high for often also feel spondents claim that “politicians in to trigger a big difference in this the suburban districts Liesing safe doing so. my district care about pedestrians”. respect: 59 percent of people who (86 percent) and Floridsdorf Here, too, agreement is highest in walk every day are of this opinion, (76 percent). The share is lowest Liesing (74 percent). while this figure drops to 18 per- for the inner districts and cent among those who walk less (53 percent each) as well than once a month. For 73 percent, as for (54 percent). Share of sidewalks with a width in excess of 2 meters sidewalk width is satisfactory; Younger and daily walkers are more satisfied with sidewalk widths 85% than older people and those who 82% 80% 80% 77% 77% 74% tend to walk less. 72% 70% 69% 69% 68% 66% 62% 57% 52% 51% 48% 48% 40% 37% 34% 34%

Source: Evaluation of sidewalk width, Municipal District 20th 1th 5th 9th 7th 4th 3th 6th 8th 2th 16th 15th 12th 10th 18th 11th 17th 19th 21th 14th 13th 22th 23th Department 18, 2017

12 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 13 Longer green phases and The City of Vienna also supports What do pedestrians wish for? more seating are main the idea of “parklets” to increase desiderata seating options. In 2015, there 69% Longer green phases were just two such seating areas 66% More seating Over two thirds of respondents (69 set up in parking spaces, rising percent) wish for markedly longer to 15 in 2015 and to 30 in 2017. 63% Much shorter waiting times at traffic lights green phases at traffic lights. Parklets fulfil an important task above all in inner districts, where Source: Hajek, Peter/Stark, Jennifer: Fußgeher-Report Wien 2017, This share is particularly high for green spaces are often rare. Here, conducted in May/June 2017 on behalf of Mobilitätsagentur Wien GmbH Floridsdorf (84 percent). Surpris- people can linger, talk or play in ingly, the differences between age public space, without having to groups are minimal: 67 percent spend money – an obvious under 30 years advocate much difference between parklets and longer green phases, while the pavement cafés. corresponding figures for people aged 30 to 49 and over 70 years are 70 percent and 71 percent.

Two thirds (66 percent) regard Parklets more seating in public space as encourage a key demand, in particular respondents aged 30 to 49 years people to linger, (70 percent) and over 50 years talk and play. (68 percent). This proportion is somewhat lower for pedestrians under 30 years (64 percent). The 13th municipal district shows particularly high demand for seating (78 percent), followed by Floridsdorf (79 percent) and Liesing (77 percent).

14 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 15 Further improvement The lack of shade disturbs above all is possible people in Floridsdorf (43 percent) vis-à-vis those in Döbling (7 per- The overall The overall level of satisfaction of cent) and in Vienna overall (24 per- pedestrians in Vienna is very high. cent). 20 percent of respondents satisfaction Above all those who walk a lot en- are irked by construction sites, with of pedestrians joy this activity and feel safe doing a peak registered in Liesing (31 so. Despite this, several nuisances percent) and a minimum in the in Vienna is do exist. Dog excrement is men- 3rd municipal district Landstrasse very high. tioned as a prime disturbance (42 (3 percent). percent). But cyclists (37 percent) and cars (25 percent), too, are sources of irritation for pedestrians. It is mainly persons who walk very little, as well as respondents from Simmering, who point out these drawbacks. The latter group also complain most (41 percent vs. 24

percent for all of Vienna) about Vienna pedestrian survey used as basis: waste in public space. Unless specified differently in footnotes, the figures cited in this publication are based on: Hajek, Peter/Stark, Jennifer: Fußgeher-Report Wien 2017. June/July 2017 on behalf of Mobilitätsagentur Wien GmbH.

It is the objective of this survey to assess the degree of satisfaction of Vienna’s pedestrians with the current situation and to identify suggestions for improvement. Respondents were asked about their home district; then the findings were grouped by municipal districts on the basis of disproportional quota sampling and weighted statistically according to the different proportions of Vienna’s population. Five clusters were derived from the results for the individual municipal districts; a total of 4,600 persons were inter- viewed, producing a maximum variation of findings of +/- 1.5 percent.

16 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 17 Construction measures Measures for the Continuous infrastructure to promote walking – the blind and visually length of pedestrian zones impaired improvement has markedly increased in recent years Above all two measures are employed to render the city more In 2017, Vienna’s pedestrian zones accessible for visually impaired were 20,256 metres long. The persons: 889 out of a total of number of curb extensions is also 1,180 traffic lights with pedestrian augmented on an ongoing basis, signals in Vienna – i.e. close to rising from 10,775 in 2015 to three quarters (74 percent) – are 11,077 in December 2017. Humps equipped with acoustic signals for which increase the height of traf- the blind.6 Moreover, tactile guid- fic lanes to sidewalk level are an ance systems are likewise steadily important architectural measure stepped up (by roughly 3.8 kilome- to facilitate street crossing. The tres in recent years). Their current number of humps was stepped total length has already attained up between 2015 and 2017 from 43.7 kilometres4. 1,620 to 1,932.4

Speed reductions for motorised traf- 2006 16,513 m

fic likewise contribute to the safety 2011 18,441 m and comfort of walking: in 2017, “Tempo 30” (20 mph) zones extend- 2017 20,256 m ed over fully 1,700 kilometres, as Source: Municipal Department 46: Development compared to only 1,365 kilometres of pedestrian zones, length in metres in 2006. Traffic-calming zones were lengthened from 29,184 metres in 2006 to 37,769 metres in 2017.5 The length of encounter zones in its 4 Municipal Department 28 turn increased from 1,519 metres in 5 Municipal Department 46, Spatial Reference System (Municipal Department 21) 2013 to 2,671 metres today. 6 Municipal Department 33 – Public Lighting

18 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 19 Vienna is a city for who rarely travel on foot. Dirt Key findings and pedestrians and waste on the sidewalks are specifically mentioned as a draw- perspectives And the Viennese are passion- back. It is therefore important to ate about walking. This is hardly further invest in improving clean- surprising, given that walking is liness in coming years. Further well-suited to a city with high desiderata of pedestrians include a quality of life and relatively more efficient separation of side- compact structures. walks and cycle ways as well as longer green phases for pedestrian Walking is also part of Vienna’s crossings. These aspects must be easygoing atmosphere (the prover- given even more consideration bial “Gemütlichkeit”). Moreover, a by city planners to further boost general trend in society towards a pedestrian traffic. more healthand eco-aware lifestyle that strives to cut down on stress It is a welcome fact that the and favours psychological and positive image of walking in mental balance is evident. Healthy Vienna has improved over the nutrition and more exercise are past five years from 59 percent in important elements of this trend, 2013 to 88 percent in 2017.7 and walking complements this lifestyle to perfection.

Pedestrians Paths are feel safe made by walking. The Viennese feel safe when 7 Source: User survey by Factum 2013: travelling on foot – especially those “I like to walk every day”; evaluation report for the Year of Walking by Marketagent.com 2015: who walk a lot. Persons who walk “I enjoy walking much or very much”; pedestrian survey by Hajek, Peter/Stark, Jennifer Friedrich Nietzsche often moreover feel far less both- 2017: “I enjoy/very much enjoy walking for a ered by cyclists than those period of over 10 minutes.”

20 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 21 And finally, one quested by respondents. surprising outcome Conversely, the introduction of such measures always triggers (Architectural) measures that great satisfaction. In addition render walking pleasant and safe, to bolstering the subjective such as curb extensions, humps sense of safety, these measures at intersection plateaux or lower in fact enhance road safety in speed limits, were not often re- Vienna.

are most important – both among Pedestrians those who take decisions at the feel safe in district and city level and among the people who walk on Vienna’s Vienna. streets day after day.

As a result, walking seems to be so much taken for granted in Vienna that people are not yet really aware of the physical structures required. So far, citizens seem to have a rela- tively weak understanding of what good pedestrian infrastructure actually means. The “Vienna on Foot” report contributes to conveying an idea about which investments in pedestrian traffic

22 | Wien zu Fuß Report 2017 | 23 All paths. All senses.

Legal notice: Media owner and publisher: Mobilitätsagentur Wien GmbH, Grosse Sperlgasse 4, 1020 Vienna, www.wienzufuss.at Photo credits: Christian Fürthner, Stephan Doleschal, Sebastian Philipp, Lukas Beck, Regina Hügli

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