GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ASSETS Prepared by: INFRASTRUCTURE The Department of Economic Development, Promotion and Labour Market

Przasnysz, April 2012


promocja@powiat 2 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


I. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ …………………………………………………….………….……….. 3 II. TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY ...... …………….……………………………………….…...………….… 4 III. STRONG POINTS OF THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ ……….………………..……………………………….……..……….. 5 IV. SUPPORT FOR THE ENTERPRISE AND THE LABOUR MARKET ……………………..………………….……….………. 7 V. ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ ……………………………………………………….…………..… 8 VI. CREATING THE FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS FOR INVESTORS ..………………..…………………………………….. 10

 AREA NO.1 – THE PRZASNYSZ ECONOMIC ZONE ………………………………………………………….…….……... 11



 AREA NO. 4 – THE PRZASNYSZ ECONOMIC ZONE – THE SUBZONE NO. 2 IN CHORZELE ...... 36 6.1. GUARANTEES OF RAILWAY LINES AND GAS NETWORK ON THE INVESTMENT AREA ……...... 43 VII. ASSETS OF THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ ….……………………………………….………………………………………..…… 43 VIII. MEDICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 53 IX. TOURIST AND LEISURE INFRASTRUCTURE …………………………………………………………………….………………. 54 X. EDUCATION …………….……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………….….. 59

3 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


The County of Przasnysz is situated in the northern part of Province. It covers an area of 1.219 square kilometers, which accounts for 0,4 % of the area of and 3,4 % of the area of the province. The county of Przasnysz borders the county of Ostrołęka on the east, the county of Maków Mazowiecki on the south–east, the county of Cieachanów on the south –west, the county of Mława on the west, the county of Nidzica on the north-west and the county of Szczytno The emblem of the on the north. county of Przasnysz

Map. Transport system on the investment areas in the county of Przasnysz.

4 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Altogether in the years 2005-2011 within the framework of investments co-financed by EU funds 233,295 kilometers of roads were rebuilt. The amount of 66.037.142,04 zlotys was spent on this investment, out of which the amount of 53.147.594,96 zlotys was co-financed.

Map of the transport system on the area of the county of Przasnysz 5 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Roads: Road network on the area of the county of Przasnysz consists of: - national road No. 57 with total length of 47 km, - provincial roads No. 544, 614, 616, 617, 625 with total length of 65 km, - county roads with total length of 424,720 km, - commune roads with total length of 623 km.

Administrative area of the county of Przasnysz includes 7 communes, 2 towns (Przasnysz and Chorzele), 186 villages with the right of solectwo (the smallest administrative unit in Poland) and 255 villages. The county includes the following communes: Przasnysz, Chorzele with the town of Chorzele, , Jednorożec, Krasne, Krzynowłoga Mała and the urban commune of Przasnysz. According to the statistical division(NTS 3) the county belongs to the ostrołęcko – siedlecki subregion. The county’s area is often called „The gate to the Masuria region”. The area of the county of Przasnysz is inhabited by 52.252 people (there are 26.254 women and 25.998 men). 37,5% of the residents live in towns, 62,5% in villages. The average population density amounts to 43 people per 1 square km, what makes it almost the lowest population density in Mazovia region. Most of the area is typically agricultural (66,5%). Woods cover 29,9% of the area; 2,7 % of the area is developed and 0,2% is flooded. Slightly more than 3% of the area is under legal protection, since it’s an area of exceptional natural assets. On the area of the county there are 3.478 business entities registered in REGON (companies registration office); that is 665,5 per 10 thousand people. Among the business entities, 80,6% are natural persons engaged in business activity and 95% are microenterprises employing less than 10 people. Income of the county’s budget per 1 inhabitant amounts to 1 168 zlotys and is higher by 396 zlotys than the average income of counties in Mazovia province. Such index puts the county of Przasnysz on the 1st place in Mazovia province.


Economic sphere: > Dynamic growth of big enterprises (ABB, Bel, Kross, Zipp, Wimest) – increase in production, export, capital investment, employment. > Constant increase in the number of small and medium enterprises. > Growing finacial and organisational potential of institutions supporting businesses. > Low prices and significant amount of investment areas belonging to the county. > Relatively low costs of economic activities in comparision to the costs in big agglomerations. > Large reserves of electrical power (southern part of the county). > Considerable potential of alternative sources of energy. > Good telecommunications infrastructure. > High productivity of agricultural lands, adapting the production to different classes of soil. > Specialisation of production enabling the development of food and agriculture industry. > Improvement of the area structure of agricultural farms. > Good natural conditions for the development of agritourism and ecological production in agri- culture. > Closeness of the markets for agricultural produce. > Availability of natural resources deposits for construction industry and road building. 6 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

> Significant improvement of the county’s road infrastructure (in the years 2005-2011 county roads with total length of 223 km were rebuilt and modernised). > Adapting the fields of education in upper secondary schools to the needs of county’s and region’s economy and dynamic growth of post-secondary schools (Medical Schools Complex) and higher education(College of Foreign Languages and Practical Education Centre). > Obtaining funds from the EU (from 2004 to 2011 - on average 1st place in Poland). > The highest financial expenditures in the province per one inhabitant (2nd place in Poland). > Pro-investment budget and lack of any debt. > Significantly increased and constantly growing (investments and modernisations) county’s fixed assets.

Social sphere: > High percentage of people at working age. > Growing level of education and of professional qualifications of county’s inhabitants. > Constant decrease in unemployment rate. > High rate of population growth. > Modern health care centre and easy access to basic medical care. > High standard of educational base and of sports and leisure complexes. > Steadily increasing number and activity of organizations and clubs popularising and organizing a healthy lifestyle and sport and recreation. > Dynamic development of professional artistic creativity (photography, film, painting, prose, poetry) and increasing importance and popularity of amateur artistic creativity. > Increasing openness of the rural population to the use of modern financial instruments and activation centers. > High level of personal safety of the inhabitants, significant reduction of crime.

Territory: > Location on the area known as “The Green Lungs of Poland”. > Bordering the Great Masurian Lakes District – being “the gate to the Masuria region” > High natural values of national and European ecological system, especially of: • southern part of Kurpiowska Forest incorporated into the area of "Natura 2000", • the Omulew River Valley and Krośnicko-Kosmowski Area of Protected Landscape. > Enabling the development of tourism, leisure and agritourism. > Low degree of land degradation. > High quality of air. > Extensive network of hiking trails, including approximately 60 km of bicycle paths. > Favourable location in respect to the existing and planned national and regional road infrastructure. > Developed network of county roads that not only makes the area of the county easily accessible to both investors and tourists but also improves communication between the communes. > Significant historic assets: several religious buildings listed in the register of monuments and the World Worship Center of St. Stanislaw Kostka in Rostkowo.

7 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Among the largest companies operating on the area of the county are: • Bel Poland in Chorzele. It is part of a group Fromageries Bel, the largest producer of processed cheese in Europe and America. • ABB (ZWAR) S.A. Przasnysz. The plant belongs to the international corporation ABB that employs more than 100 thousand employees around the world. • ZIPP - it’s a distributor of scooters, quads and motorcycles on the area of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. • KROSS in Przasnysz is a leading manufacturer of bicycles in Poland. • Wimest S.j. in Przasnysz. Significant producer of equipment for water supply and a national leader among manufacturers of booster tanks. • Dairy Cooperative "Mazovia" in Chorzele.

Apart from those previously mentioned large companies, in the county of Przasnysz also exist: 607 stores, 11 pharmacies, five banks (and bank branches), 8 sawmills, 13 bakeries, 7 aggregate mines, 5 butchers, 3 mills, 10 petrol stations, 16 companies assembling window and door joinery. The town of Przasnysz is a primary service center of the county. The institutions which provide services are: College of Foreign Languages (a branch) together with the High School, High School, Complex of Vocational Schools, Complex of Agricultural Schools, Complex of Medical Post-secondary Schools, the Agricultural Social Insurance Company, Social Insurance Company, Tax Office, District Court, Labour Office in Przasnysz, Sociale Welfare Centre, Hospital, Bank BPH-PBK, PKO BP, Cooperative Bank, County Office, Regional Dairy Cooperative, powdered-milk factory Mlekoma. The county of Przasnysz actively cooperates with the County Labour Office in respect to the organization of training courses and conferences for the unemployed and dissemination of information concerning the types of active support for the unemployed. Active cooperation with local entrepreneurs is one of the priorities for county’s activities. The Department of Economic Development, Promotion and Labour Market maintains working relations with business organizations in our region - Mazovian Chamber of Commerce in Ciechanów and Guild of Different Crafts in Przasnysz, and individual entrepreneurs, what results in frequent seminars, trainings and meetings regarding ways to support local authorities for local business development activities. The county also cooperates with institutions offering financial support for small and medium enterprises, that is with the Mazovian Credit Guarantee Fund and Mazovian Regional Loan Fund and with business support institutions such as the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the Polish Agency for Foreign Investment and the Agency for Development of Mazovia region.

8 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


The County of Przasnysz is one of the less industrialized areas of the territory of the Mazovia province. However, the actions taken by local government encouraging the development and creation of new enterprises and actively supporting the emerging of economic initiatives meant that in 2007- 2011, the economic situation of the county was on the favourable level. Many new companies have been located here. What’s more, the sector of small and medium enterprises has been developing actively. Currently, 3.439 economic entities conduct business activity in the county of Przasnysz, of which 155 – in the public sector. Number of natural persons engaged in economic activities amounts to 2769. There are also 78 companies , 8 companies with foreign capital, 33 cooperatives, 7 foundations, 104 associations and social organizations . In the REGON (companies registration office) there are also 32 county organisational units listed. The number of entities per 10 000 people is 658. The businesses usually specialise in trade and repair of motor vehicles (28,5%), agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing (14,5%) and construction (11,4%).

9 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

According to the classification of enterprises, the distribution of entities is as follows: • microenterprises – 3277 • small businesses - 146 • medium-sized enterprises – 13 • large companies – 3 The average monthly salary in the county is 2,914,19 zlotys (gross income). It’s 84.8% of the national average salary. The county council is the owner of the pro-investment areas, on which many modern investments will be created and many economic initiatives will be implemented. With the use of funds from the EU there has recently been significant improvement in infrastructure (construction of roads, pavements, parking and bus bays). A great encouragement for potential investors are large reserves of cheap and well-quallified workforce – the inhabitants of the county are practically trained on the fields mostly useful for the economic development of the state and the county. Actions taken by the County Council supporting the entrepreneurs: 1. cooperation with representatives of institutions and offices in order to attract investors, 2. preparation and updating of the investment offer of the county of Przasnysz, 3. creating a database of entrepreneurs and businesses operating on the area of the county, 4. supplying the entrepreneurs and enterprises with information on investment opportunities in the county of Przasnysz and procedures related to this topic, 5. promotion of the county of Przasnysz in the business environment, 6. organization of events, exhibitions, training and business meetings, 7. cooperation with national and regional institutions supporting businesses, such as: the Agency for Development of Mazovia region, Polish Agency for Foreign Investment, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. The pro- development actions taken by the county of Przasnysz bring measurable effects. In the past 10 years the county authorities carried out investments worth about 200 million zlotys. In the years 2011-2015 the authorities are going to invest 350 mln zlotys. Since 2003, the county of Przasnysz has been at the forefront of the most pro-investment Polish local governments. It is confirmed by awards: the 1st place and the title of the largest local goverment investor in 2003-2005 in the category of counties, the 2nd place in Poland and the 1st place in Mazovia in 2004-2006 and in 2005-2007. The latest surveys and rankings have confirmed economic successes of local authorities and effectiveness in meeting the social demands. In 2006-2008 the county of Przasnysz took the 2nd place in the ranking of local governments with the highest investment expenditures, including these borne on infrastructure. The county investment campaign is feasible through foreign funding. Currently, the county of Przasnysz takes the 1st place in Poland in using the foreign funds in the years 2004-2008. In addition, in 2010 our county won twice the 1st position in the finals of the competitions of Local Government Management Leader 2010 -Technical Services and Health Services in the field of transport and health care.

10 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


The framework for the implementation of projects in the field of entrepreneurship in the county of Przasnysz has been defined in planning documents which are a basis of applying for EU funds. The basis of the development activities of the county in the perspective of the EU budget for 2007-2013 is adopted on May 2008 "Strategy for the Developement of the county of Przasnysz for the years 2008- 2020". According to the socio-economic diagnosis of the county of Przasnysz developed in the Strategy, one of the most urgent tasks of the local economy is to make the new investment areas available to domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the top priority is economic development and competitiveness of the county through creating conditions for investment in the area. The key project- "Improvement of technical infrastructure of investment areas in the Przasnysz Economic Zone” in Sierakowo, near Przasnysz - is being carried out within the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazovia Province. The project worth 34 million zlotys involves building inner and access roads, sewage system, rainwater drainage system as well as water supply, telecommunications and electrics systems. The area of the Przasnysz Economic Zone covers 309 hectares, of which 202 ha are assigned for investment purposes and 107 ha for aviation activities. The owner of the area (perpetual usufruct) is the county of Przasnysz, which purchased it from the State Treasury.

The county of Przasnysz, with the Mazovia province authorities support, incorporated a part of the Przasnysz Economic Zone (55,07 ha) into the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Wisłosan. The creation of the Special Economic Zone will be of great benefit to businesses investing in the Zone.

The implementation of the project will significantly contribute to the economic growth of the North Mazovia by allowing the developemnt of economic activities, including the innovative activities. According to the " Strategy for the Developement of the county of Przasnysz for the years 2008 - 2020", in which the project has been included as a priority task, the execution of the project, which aims at improving the technical infrastructure of investment areas in the Przasnysz Economic Zone, will help diversify the inflow of investments to the local market, which is underestimated by the agglomeration - the main beneficiary of domestic and foreign investments. The projects complementary to the one described above are:  the project “Improving the accessibility of the Przasnysz Economic Zone through building the Myszyniec - Bartniki road”. It consisted in reconstructing and modernising the county road No. 2514W with total length of 23,333 km (this road, together with the national road No.57, is now the main access road to the Przasnysz Economic Zone from the Warmia and Masuria region). The project was completed in 2010  the project of the Przasnysz Economic Zone –Chorzele Subzone.

The projects described above significantly affect the implementation of active policy of employment in the county. The use of free resources of the investment areas will activate the local labour market and increase the professional mobility of inhabitants, and, consequently, increase the economic potential of the county. The first effects are already visible - 15 entrepreneurs bought 31 parcels designated for investment purposes in the Przasnysz Economic Zone with a total area of about 25 ha. New investors will offer about 100 new workplaces later this year. The county of Przasnysz also owns areas covering 13 ha which are assigned for housing. These areas may serve the future investors as board and accomodation, and may facilitate the influx of new workers employed in companies located in the Przasnysz Economic Zone. 11 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

AREA NO.1 – THE PRZASNYSZ ECONOMIC ZONE (309 ha, of which 202 ha assigned for investments, and 107 ha for aviation activities)

12 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Investors are warmly welcomed.

The area of the Przasnysz Economic Zone covers 309 hectares, of which 202 ha are designated for investment purposes and 107 ha for aviation activities. The owner of the area (perpetual usufruct) is the county of Przasnysz, which purchased it from the State Treasury. The entire area of the zone is under the valid Land Development Plan, which designates the area as the industrial, commercial, service and air service area.

Fot 1. The outline of the Przasnysz Economic Zone before the beginning of investment works.

Within the Przasnysz Economic Zone area there are no obstacles that may hinder the location of future investments: there are no ecological restrictions, no soil and water (both surface and groundwater) contamination, no toxic waste, no field and underground obstacles as well as no risk of floods and landslides. The county of Przasnysz, with the Mazovia province authorities support, incorporated a part of the Przasnysz Economic Zone (55,07 ha) into the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Wisłosan. The creation of the Special Economic Zone will be of great benefit to businesses investing in the Zone.

Works on providing infrastructure on the airport area are being done. Investors may already purchase plots of lands for investment purposes and also for flat building, since the county has also such parcels in its offer. 13 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Fot 2. The Przasnysz Economic Zone – view from the national- province road No.544

Fot 3. The Przasnysz Economic Zone – the infrastructure under construction.

14 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

15 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Sought-after investors Industrial, commercial, service and air service sectors

The Przasnysz Economic Zone area – 309 ha: Still to be sold: 1. Areas designated as the air service area – 107 ha. Area tenders 2. Subzone of the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Wisłosan – 45,5 ha. 3. The remaining area of the Zone – 86 ha. Areas assigned for flat building – 10 ha. Building of the former airport Property tenders Warehouses. • valid Land Development Plan. • providing full infrastructure for this area • tax exemption( CIT or PIT) – if an entrepreneur decides to invest on the area of SEZ, the profit gained from business-related activities within the zone will be exempted from income tax (CIT –tax on artificial persons or PIT –personal income tax , depending on the legal form of the economic activity), • area ready for any investments at a competitive price, • free of charge help in arranging investment related formalities, • property tax exemption (on the area of some communes).

The property investment benefits: • good location – short distance to Warsaw, , Płock, • highly-qualified workforce, • constant increase in the number of small and medium companies, Amenities treated as potential co-operators and receivers of goods and services, • dynamic growth of production and export as well as the increase in the employment in large industry and service sector companies- such facts vindicate the durability of localization of their business activity in the county of Przasnysz (KROSS, BELL, ABB), • good transport system (including air communication), • the area adjoins the area designated for the grassy landing field as well as for buildings and appliances used in the airline transport, • modern health care base located in the town of Przasnysz (3 kilometers from the investment area), • high quality of education base (high schools, post- high schools and colleges) and the possibilities of education in accordance with the economy needs, • readiness to cooperate with potential investors in the county of Przasnysz, which is highly experienced in gaining funds from EU (1st 16 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

place in the 2004-2009 ranking) on the field of investment planning and investment execution, and especially on the field of geodesic works, activities connected with gaining building permissions, cooperation in staff recruitment and training and enlargement of accompanying infrastructure, • the county of Przasnysz started a cooperation with a gas trade investor in order to build on the area of the Zone liquefied gas piping and cogenerative energy appliances. • beautiful, unpolluted areas near the town of Sierakowo - as a great recreational site. • the Mazovian Winter Sports Centre being built in Chorzele (ice-rink, swimming pool) as an active recreation backup The Przasnysz Economic Zone is located in the immediate vicinity of national road No. 57 (Bartoszyce – Pułtusk) and provincial road No.

544 (Brodnica – Ostrołęka). Location and transport – Nearest railway connection: Ciechanów – 25 km. Road, rail, air connections Grassy landing strip – on the area Nearest international airport : Warsaw – 115 km.

County Council in Przasnysz 5 Św. Stanisława Kostki Street Contact us 06-300 Przasnysz e-mail: tel./fax: +48 (29) 752 22 70

17 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

SITE CHECK LIST 1 AREA NO. 1 – The Przasnysz Economic Zone Business and tourist airport


PRZASNYSZ Location Town / Commune County PRZASNYSKI

Province MAZOVIA 106,89 ha – the area of the grassy airfield assigned for Max. area available (as one piece) aviation activity (4 lots, area runs from 3.8 ha to 72,33 [ha] ha) The shape of the site Rectangle + triangle

Area of property YES. 45,50 ha total (76 lots, area runs from 0,5 ha to 1,03 ha). Przasnysz Subzone area within Tarnobrzeg Possibility for expansion (short Special Economic Zone “Euro-Park Wisłosan". description) 86,16 ha – the production, storage and service area, (72 lots, area runs from 0,47 ha to 22,15 ha). Owner – the County of Przasnysz

Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT 10 PLN

Owner(s) The County of Przasnysz (perpetual usufruct)

Valid land development plan YES (Y/N) Zoning: Property KL1 – airfield used only for aviation purposes, no information building allowed KL2 – buildings and devices for aviation purposes, directing, controlling, supervising and securing the air Zoning traffic; maintenance and repair of aviation equipment; sports and recreation base; offices, gastronomical and hotel centre R – agricurtural purposes, no building allowed. There is a possibility of converting the agricultural grounds into investment ones

R – agricultural areas R III, IV, V, VI, N. The land assigned for investments can be used for non – Soil class with area [ha] agricultural and non-forest purposes (the required

Land consent has been obtained). Ban on investments specification damaging the environment Differences in land level [m] Flat

Present usage Tourist and business airfield / agriculture 18 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Soil and underground water pollution (Y/N) None

Underground water level [m] 1 – 4 m

Was geological research doneY/N NO

Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N) None

Underground obstacles (Y/N) None

Ground and overhead obstacles None

Ecological restrictions (Y/N) None

Buildings / other constructions on Building of the former airport site (Y/N) Warehouses National road No 57 – 7,0 m wide Access road to the plot (type and Provincial road No 544 – 6,0 m wide width of access road) County road 3229W – 5,0 m wide

Nearest motorway / national road Area is located at national road No. 57 Bartoszyce - [km] Pułtusk

Płock (river port) – 110 km Sea and river ports located up to Warsaw Żerań (river port) – 95 km 200 km Włocławek (river port) – 150 km Elbląg (seaport) – 190 km

Transport links Narrow gauge railway – 2 km ( town of Przasnysz) Broad gauge railway – 25 km (town of Ciechanów). Railway line [km] There is a possibility of building a railway siding in Przasnysz, co-financed by the Ministry of Economy

Railway siding [km] Narrow-gauge – 2 km (town of Przasnysz) Broad-gauge – 25 km (town of Ciechanów) Broad-gauge – 30 km (town of Chorzele)

Nearest international airport [km] Chopin Airport in Warsaw – 110 km

Nearest province capital [km] Warsaw – 98 km 19 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

YES. Electricity (Y/N)

Connection point [m] On the site.

High voltage 14 Mw + 2 Mw ( reserve) [ ] Voltage kV Medium voltage 110 kV/20 kv (transformer station)

Available capacity [MW] 2 x 7 MW

Gas (Y/N) In progress.

The distance between the connection point and the On the site. site boundary [m]

Calorific value [MJ/Nm3]

Pipe diameter [mm]

Without restrictions. Available capacity [Nm3/h]

Existing Water supply (Y/N) Yes, in progress (completed by the end of 2011) infrastructure The distance between the

connection point and the site On the site boundary [m] 3 Available capacity To be arranged. Capacity of waterworks - 100 m per [m3/24h] day

Sewage system (Y/N) Yes, in progress (completed by the end of 2011).

The distance between the connection point and the site On the site boundary [m] 6000 m3/24h Available capacity [m3/24h]

Yes. Biological and mechanical sewage treatment in

very close proximity. The maximum capacity of 6000 Sewage treatment plant (Y/N) m3/d Yes - fiber optic cable in progress, completed by the end Telephone (Y/N) of 2011

The distance between the connection point and the site On the site boundary [m]

Comments Additional amenities • valid land development plan. • complete land development in progress • tax exemption( CIT or PIT) – if an entrepreneur decides to invest on the area of SEZ, the profit gained from business-related activities within the zone will be exempted from income tax (CIT –tax on artificial persons or PIT –personal income tax , depending on the legal form of the economic activity), 20 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

• area ready for any investments at a competitive price, • free of charge help in arranging investment related formalities, • property tax exemption (on the area of some communes).

The property investment benefits: • good location – short distance to Warsaw, Olsztyn, Płock, • highly-qualified workforce, • constant increase in the number of small and medium companies, treated as potential co-operators and receivers of goods and services, • dynamic growth of production and export as well as the increase in the employment in large industry and service sector companies- such facts vindicate the durability of localization of their business activity in the county of Przasnysz (KROSS, BELL, ABB), • good transport system (including air communication), • the area adjoins the area assigned for the grass landing field as well as for buildings and appliances used in the airline transport, • modern health care base located in the town of Przasnysz (3 kilometers from the investment area), • high quality of education base (high schools, post- high schools and colleges) and the possibilities of education in accordance with the economy needs, • readiness to cooperate with potential investors in the county of Przasnysz, which is highly experienced in gaining the funds from EU (1st place in the 2004-2009 ranking) on the field of investment planning and investment execution, and especially on the field of geodesic works, activities connected with gaining building permissions, cooperation in staff recruitment and training and enlargement of accompanying infrastructure, • the county of Przasnysz started a cooperation with a gas trade investor in order to build on the area of the Zone liquefied gas piping and cogenerative energy appliances. • beautiful, unpolluted areas near the town of Sierakowo - as a great recreational site. • the Mazovian Winter Sports Centre being built in Chorzele (ice-rink, swimming pool) as an active recreation backup Robert Urjasz – Chief Specialist tel. 0048 22 566 47 83 Offer prepared mobile: 0048 665 910 210 by e-mail: [email protected] English, Polish Jarosław Gejda – County Starosty tel. 0048 29 752 22 70 w. 126 e-mail: [email protected] English, Polish Robert Urjasz – Chief Specialist tel. 0048 22 566 47 83 Contact person mobile: 0048 665 910 210 e-mail: [email protected] English, Polish

Jarosław Tybuchowski – Member of the board of the county of Przasnysz These people have the most important information about fields in Przasnysz – Sierakowo. tel. 0048 29 752 22 70 w. 123 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Russian, Polish

21 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer



SIERAKOWO Site name Location PRZASNYSZ Town / Commune

PRZASNYSKI County MAZOVIA Province 86,16 ha – the production, service and storage area (72 lots, area runs from 0,47 ha to 22,15 ha). [ ] Max. area available (as one piece) ha Owner – the county of Przasnysz The shape of the site Area of property Rectangle + triangle

YES. 45,50 ha total (76 lots, area runs from 0,5 ha to 1,03 ha). Possibility for expansion (short description) Przasnysz Subzone area within Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone “Euro-Park Wisłosan". 106,89 ha- the area of the grassy business and tourist airfield assigned for aviation activity (4 lots, area runs from 3.8 ha to 72,33 ha ) Owner – the county of Przasnysz

Approx. land price [PLN/m2] 18 PLN including 23% VAT Property information Owner(s) The county of Przasnysz (perpetual usufruct)

Valid land development plan (Y/N) YES

P – production, industry, sevices Symbols: - P/S/U1 and P/S/U2, and U – investment Zoning area;

production and service area , warehouses with the appliances necessary for their proper functioning, greenery, offices Land THE DATA ARE THE SAME specification LOOK : SITE CHECK LIST 1 AS THOSE IN SITE CHECK LIST 1

22 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer



Location Site name SIERAKOWO


Province MAZOVIA

Area of property 45,50 ha total (76 lots, area runs from 0,5 ha to 1,03 ha). Przasnysz Subzone area within [ ] Max. area available (as one piece) ha Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone “Euro-Park Wisłosan". The shape of the site Rectangle + polygon

Possibility for expansion (short description) YES, 106,89 ha- the area of the grassy business and tourist airfield assigned for aviation activity (4 lots, area runs from 3.8 ha to 72,33 ha )

86,16 ha – the production, service and storage area (72 lots, area runs from 0,47 ha to 22,15 ha). Owner – the county of Przasnysz

Property 2 20,5 PLN Approx. land price [PLN/m ] including 23% VAT information

The county of Przasnysz (perpetual usufruct) Owner(s) YES Valid land development plan (Y/N

P – production, industry, sevices Symbols: - P/S/U1 and P/S/U2, and U – Zoning investment area;

production and service area , warehouses with the appliances necessary for their proper functioning, greenery, offices


23 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


24 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The county of Przasnysz owns attractively located plots of land designated for housing. Such plots may serve as a great base to the investors considering location of their business activities on the area of the Przasnysz Economic Zone. The parcels are located in Przasnysz, at Ruda Street and Wiejska Street. The county has 68 parcels at its disposal. The parcels cover from 0,10 ha to 0.29 ha – 10,3 ha altogether. Some of the parcels are fully infrastructured.

Fot 1. Developed plots of land in the county of Przasnysz – view from Przemysłowa Street

Fot 2. Developed plots of land – view from Przemysłowa Street. 25 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

AREA NO.3 – The Przasnysz Economic Zone – The Subzone No. 1 in Chorzele

The Subzone No. 1 in Chorzele – area No. 3 – 179 ha (possibility of enlargement up to 400 ha) – areas designated for economic activity, production and storage 26 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Fot 1. A view of the Subzone No. 1 in Chorzele from the national road No.57.

Fot 2. A view of the Subzone No. 1 in Chorzele from the provincial road No.614 27 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Fot 3. There is a railway line Ostrołęka- Szczytno in the vicinity of Subzone No. 1

 Area No. 3 (covers 179 ha) – it can be enlarged up to 400 ha – areas designated for business activity, production and storage, located nearby the national road No. 57 and the provincial road No. 614. The areas for business entities from the town and commune of Chorzele, the county of Przasnysz, Poland and foreign countries will be developed. The area offers opportunities for business development of existing companies and creates new ventures of companies and external institutions. The implementation of the proposed project includes: - construction of facilites for manufacturing, - construction of facilities for business activities, - construction of facilities for storage activity, - construction of a railway siding, - buidling of car parks, pavements and inner roads, - construction of technical infrastructure, - building of exits from the national road and provincial road.

28 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer



Site name Chorzele – Subzone No. 1

Location Town / Commune The town of Chorzele/ Chorzele Commune

County Przasnyski

Province Mazovia

Max. area available (as one piece)[ha] Area - 179 ha Area of property Possibility for expansion (short Possibility for expansion up to 400 ha. description)

2 Price Land price [PLN/m ] including VAT 20 zlotys / m2

The area of the county of Przasnysz and Chorzele Owner(s) Commune with the possibility of enlarging the area by purchasing land from private owners. Property information In preparation. Will be approved in 2012r. Currently Valid land development plan (Y/N) valid location decisions

Purpose in the local land development Basic purpose – industry, services and commerce plan

Soil class with area [ha] V and VI class

Differences in land level [m] 0,5 m

Present usage Agricultural

Land specification Soil and underground water pollution No (Y/N)

Waste materials on site (Y/N) None

Underground water level [m] 2 m 29 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N) No

Underground obstacles (Y/N) None

Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N) None

Ecological restrictions (Y/N) None

Buildings / other constructions on the None site (Y/N)

Building coverage [%] Unspecified

Building height limit [m] None

Building restrictions Buffer zone [m] Unspecified

Others, if any None

National road No. 57 - 7 m wide Access road to the plot (type and width ProvincialrRoad No. 614 - 6 m wide of access road)

Nearest motorway / national road [km] National road No. 57

Broad gauge railway – 1 km Chorzele-Olsztyn - Railway line [km] Ostrołęka Broad gauge – 1 km Chorzele, the county local Transport links Railway siding [km] government is obliged to build the railway siding on the investment area

Warsaw – 130 km Nearest international airport [km] Szymany – 28 km regional airport Przasnysz – 30 km regional airport

Warsaw – 120 km (centre) Nearest province capital [km] Olsztyn – 80 km 30 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Electricity (Y/N) Yes

The county local government commits itself to • The distance between the connection providing the electricity connection to the boundary point and the site boundary [m] of the investment area

Voltage [kV] 110 kV

Available power [MW] 15 MW (+ 2MW)

Gas (Y/N) In progress.

• The distance between the connection The county local government commits itself to point and the plot boundary [m] providing the connection to the boundary of the investment area

Calorific value [MJ/Nm3] Not applicable

Pipe diameter [mm] 250 mm

Available capacity [Nm3/h] Without rescrictions

Yes Existing Water supply (Y/N) infrastructure The distance between the connection point and the site boundary [m] On the site

Available capacity [m3/24h] Without restrictions

Sewage discharge (Y/N) Yes

The distance between the connection The county local government commits itself to point and the site boundary [m] providing the connection to the boundary of the • investment area

Available capacity [m3/24h] Without restrictions

• Limitation of discharge Without restrictions

Discharge of rain water to the existing drainage Rain water discharge (Y/N) facilities by installing proper separators.

Sewage treatment plant in the area or in Yes the nearest neighbourhood (Y/N)

Telephone (Y/N) Yes 31 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The distance between the connection point and the site boundary [m] On the site

Number of available analog lines Without restrictions

Number of available ISDN lines Without restrictions

The property investment benefits: • good location – proximity of railway lines, • land is owned by the county local government, local government at the level of commune and private persons (with the approval of the buyout), however, the county local government may purchase and integrate the land in accordance with the resolution No. VII/75/2011 adopted by the County Council on June 21st, 2011 and make it available to future investor together with the zoning decision assigning the land for service, commerce and industry purposes, • electricity, gas, water supply and sewage system and land drainage – the county undertakes to provide all such infrastructure within two years from the date of signing the Letter of Intent, • building of a railway siding, and acquiring the status of the site as a Special Economic Zone in 2012, • providing sufficient budget resources for the purchase of land and preparation of the technical infrastructure, • good location – short distance to Warsaw, Olsztyn and Płock, • highly-qualified workforce, • constant increase in the number of small and medium companies, treated as potential co- Comments operators and receivers of goods and services,

• dynamic growth of production and export as well as the increase in the employment in large industry and service sector companies- such facts vindicate the durability of localization of their business activity in the county of Przasnysz (KROSS, BELL, ABB), • good transport system (including air communication), • there are neither under nor above ground obstacles that might hamper the location of future investments, • modern health care base, • high quality of education base (high schools, post- high schools and colleges) and the possibilities of education in accordance with the economy needs, • readiness to cooperate with potential investors in the county of Przasnysz, which is highly experienced in gaining the funds from EU (1st place in the 2006 ranking) on the field of investment planning and investment execution, and especially on the field of geodesic works, activities connected with gaining building permissions, cooperation in staff recruitment and training and enlargement of accompanying infrastructure, • very good access to the recreation and sports base (indoor swimming pool, indoor ice rink, stadium, multufunctional sports fields), • easy access to housing and land for house- building.

32 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Subzone No.2 in Chorzele – area No. 4 – 82,5 ha (possibility for enlargement up to 120 ha) – areas assigned for tourism, sport and recreation 33 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Fot 1. View of the Subzone No.2 in Chorzele II – a recreational reservoir in the background.

Fot 2. View of the Subzone No. 2 in Chorzele from the county road.

34 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

 Area No.4 – covers 82,5 ha – areas designated for tourism, sport and recreation. The implementation of the proposed project includes: - sports fields, - sports and recreation equipment - landscape architecture, - artificial rivers and ponds, - squares and places for walks and relaxation, - building of the aquapark with an area of approximately 8000 m / 2, - building of parking lots, pavements and inner roads, - construction of technical infrastructure, - building of an indoor ice rink with an area of approximately 6000 m / 2, - building of exits from the national road.

The areas are an open public area and their development will be carried out according to individual projects. It is assumed that the site will have: a buffer area which can be used as an enlargement of the generally accessible area, a road and infrastructure area with parking spots for 800 cars, gas pipeline prepared by the Mazovian Gas Company, railway siding, sewerage system, water supply and energy networks , access road to national road No. 57 (in agreement with the General Board of National Roads and Motorways in Warsaw) and the access road to the provincial road.

The Council of the town and commune of Chorzele has almost finshed works on the Land Development Study, in which the two investments will be included. The Land Development Study is to be approved in the first quarter of 2012, whereas the Local Land Development Plan will be adopted in November 2012.

35 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer



Site name Chorzele – Area no. 2

Town / Commune The Town of Chorzele/ Chorzele Commune Location

County Przasnyski

Province Mazovia

Max. area available (as one piece)[ha] Area - 82,5 ha. Area of property Possibility for expansion (short Possibility for expansion up to 120 ha. description)

2 Price Land price [PLN/m ] including VAT 20 zlotys / m2

The area of the county of Przasnysz and Chorzele Owner(s) Commune with the possibility of enlarging the area by purchasing land from private owners. Property information In preperation. Will be approved in 2012r. Currently Valid land development plan (Y/N) valid location decisions

Purpose in the local land development Basic purpose – tourism, sport and recreation plan

Soil class with area [ha] V and VI class

Differences in land level [m] 0,5 m

Present usage Agricultural

Soil and underground water pollution None (Y/N) Land specification

Waste materials on site (Y/N) None

Underground water level [m] 2 m

None Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N)

36 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Underground obstacles (Y/N) None

Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N) None

Ecological restrictions (Y/N) None

Buildings / other constructions on site None (Y/N)

Building coverage [%] Unspecified

Building height limit [m] None

Building restrictions Buffer zone [m] Unspecified

Others, if any None

National road No. 57 - 7 m wide Access road to the plot (type and width Provincial road No. 614 - 6 m wide of access road)

Nearest motorway / national road [km] National road No. 57

Broad gauge railway – 1 km Chorzele-Olsztyn - Railway line [km] Ostrołęka

Broad gauge – 1 km Chorzele, the county local Transport links government is obliged to build the railway siding on Railway siding [km] the investment area

Warsaw – 130 km Nearest international airport [km] Szymany – 28 km regional airport Przasnysz – 30 km regional airport

Warsaw – 120 km (centre) Nearest province capital [km] Olsztyn – 80 km 37 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Yes Electricity (Y/N)

• The distance between the connection The county local government commits itself to point and the site boundary [m] providing the connection to the boundary of the investment area

Voltage [kV] 110 kV

Available power [MW] 15 MW (+ 2MW)

Gas (Y/N) Yes

The county local government commits itself to • The distance between the connection providing the connection to the boundary of the point and the plot boundary [m] investment area

Calorific value [MJ/Nm3] Not applicable

Pipe diameter [mm] 250 mm

Available capacity [Nm3/h] Without restrictions

Existing Yes infrastructure Water supply (Y/N)

• The distance between the connection point and the site boundary [m] On the site •

Without restrictions Available capacity [m3/24h]

Sewage discharge (Y/N) Yes

• The distance between the connection The county local government commits itself to point and the site boundary [m] providing the connection to the boundary of the investment area

Available capacity [m3/24h] Without restrictions

• Limitation of discharge Without restrictions

Discharge of rain water to the existing drainage Rain water discharge (Y/N) facilities by installing proper separators.

Sewage treatment plant in the area or in Yes the nearest neighbourhood (Y/N) 38 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Telephone (Y/N) Yes

• The distance between the connection point and the site boundary [m] On the site

Number of available analog lines Without restrictions

• Liczba dostępnych linii ISDN Without restrictions Number of available ISDN lines

The property investment benefits: • good location – proximity of railway lines, • land is owned by the county local government, local government at the level of commune and private persons (with the approval of the buyout), however, the county local government may purchase and integrate the land in accordance with the resolution No. VII/75/2011 adopted by the County Council on June 21st, 2011 and make it available to future investor together with the zoning decision assigning the land for service, commerce and industry purposes, • electricity, gas, water supply and sewage system and land drainage – the county undertakes to provide all such infrastructure within two years from the date of signing the Letter of Intent, • building of a railway siding, and acquiring the status of the site as a Special Economic Zone in 2012, • providing sufficient budget resources for the purchase of land and preparation of the technical infrastructure, • good location – short distance to Warsaw, Olsztyn and Płock, • highly-qualified workforce, • constant increase in the number of small and medium companies, treated as potential co- Comments operators and receivers of goods and services,

• dynamic growth of production and export as well as the increase in the employment in large industry and service sector companies- such facts vindicate the durability of localization of their business activity in the county of Przasnysz (KROSS, BELL, ABB), • good transport system (including air communication), • there are neither under nor above ground obstacles that might hamper the location of future investments, • modern health care base, • high quality of education base (high schools, post- high schools and colleges) and the possibilities of education in accordance with the economy needs, • readiness to cooperate with potential investors in the county of Przasnysz, which is highly experienced in gaining the funds from EU (1st place in the 2006 ranking) on the field of investment planning and investment execution, and especially on the field of geodesic works, activities connected with gaining building permissions, cooperation in staff recruitment and training and enlargement of accompanying infrastructure, • very good access to the recreation and sports base (indoor swimming pool, indoor ice rink, stadium, multufunctional sports fields), • easy access to housing and land for house- building.

39 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


 The county guarantees the railway connection.

The construction of the railway line and the railway siding in the immediate vicinity of the investment areas is planned to meet the demands of potential investors in the Przasnysz Economic Zone and the individual subzones, including the subzone in Chorzele. In this regard, the county of Przasnysz received a statement of assistance from the national government and Mazovia province local government. In the near future the railway line Wielbark – Chorzele – Ostrołęka will be completed. On June 15th , 2011 the railway line Szczytno – Wielbark was reopened. In February 2012, the Polish Railways made a decision about a complete reactivation and modernization of the railway line No. 35 on the section Wielbark – Chorzele – Ostrołęka. Such actions will make it possible for the subzones of the Przasnysz Economic Zone to gain an easy access to national passanger and freight trains.

 The county guarantees the gas network. In February 2012, the county of Przasnysz conluded an agreement with the Masovian Gas Company on providing gas for the town and commune of Przasnysz and Chorzele. In accordance with the agreement the Masovian Gas Comapny has included such investment in its investment plan for the year 2012. The investment activities will begin this year and the project documentation will be developed in the first place. In accordance with the provisions of the agreement mentioned above, all the investment areas will be supplied with medium-high pressure natural gas connections. The investment is due to start in 2012. VIII. VII. ASSETS OF THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ.

For years the county of Przasnysz has taken 1st or 2nd place in Poland and always the 1st place in Mazovia region in the ranking of the most pro-investment counties. The county of Przasnysz, seen at the beginning of its existence as one of the weakest counties in Poland, nowadays inspires respect and wins recognition in the eyes of the local governments authorities not only in the Mazovia region, but in the whole country. An expression of honouring the county of Przasnysz are numerous awards it achieved.

 THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ - LEADER OF PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRE- NEURSHIP On December 10th, 2007, starost of the county of Przasnysz, Mr. Zenon Szczepankowski received a statuette and a certificate of Mazovian Leader of Enterprise Development Programme - Mazowsze XXI in 2007. The prize is awarded by the Association of Employers from Warsaw and Mazovia. Justifying its choice, the Association emphasized the great effort that the county of Przasnysz put into improving the infrastructure, attracting the investors and development of existing enterprises. These activities were mainly focused on improving and securing the needs of businesses and potential investors in respect to the communications business. 236 km of county roads were built and modernised. The county was among the first in Poland that had all roads on its area hardened. What is more, the county is recognised for understaning the needs of investors and flexible, dynamic and efficient help offered to investors in respect to preparation of investment areas for the location of businesses and ventures, as well as handling formal and legal matters that emerge during the preparation of investments for local growth – 40 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

oriented businesses. Such businesses include: powdered-milk factory in Przasnysz, enlargement of the Dairy Cooperative in Chorzele,ABB Przasnysz, KROSS Przasnysz, Novdom Sp. of o.o.


On June 29th, 2008 II Economic Forum "Prospects for Development of Mazovia" within the Promotion of Enterprise Development Programme was held in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. During the Forum the county of Przasnysz was awarded with the statuette for the Leader of Enterprise Development Promotion - the main award established by the organisers of the Promotion of Enerprise Development Programme in consultation with the patrons and partners of the programme. The list of winners is determined by the Chapter of the Leader of Promotion of Enterprise Development Programme. Among the awarded ones are people, companies and public institutions that significantly contribute to the development of Mazovia entrepreneurship.

41 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


The county of Przasnysz, took the 2nd place in the years 2005-2007 and 2004-2006, while in the years 2003-2005 it got the first position in the country as the largest investor (314 counties were classified in the ranking).

• fot.1 Starost of the county of Przasnysz Mr Zenon Szczepankowski is receiving the certificate and the statuette of the King Kazimierz Wielki • fot.2 Delegation from the county of Przasnysz with the received awards – from the left Zenon Szczepankowski, Anna Obidzińska- Wójcik, Anna Tworkowska, Krzysztof Bieńkowski. 42 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Such statistics are published in a a specialist magazine Community based on CSO (Central Statistical Office) data. The statistics include measures acquired and spent by individual local governments and, at the same time, show the activity and competences of a particular local governement. On January 22nd, the starost of the county, Mr Zenon Szczepankowski recived the certificate for taking the 1st place in Poland in the ranking of counties using the EU funds most effectively. The ceremony was attended by local government authorities from the whole country.

43 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

In recent years the county of Przasnysz has acquired and invested nearly 200 million zlotys, of which 101 mln zlotys was spent on investments and investment purchases in the town of Przasnysz. The investments included the hospital, schools, sports halls, playing fields, police, fire department, streets and roads, social welfare homes, institutions of county government, and others. 44 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


Under the honorary patronage of the Vice-Marshal of the Polish Senate , Marek Ziolkowski, and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Enok Nygaard, a conference summarizing the results of the Local Government Management Leader Competition 2010 - Technical Services and Health Services was held on June 22nd, 2010. The contest is one of the elements of the project "Creating the institutional potential of local governments in order to provide the public services in a better way 2007 - 2011". The project is co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and implemented jointly by the Association of Polish Counties, Association of Polish Cities, Association of Polish Ruraral Communes and Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities.


In the category of TRANSPORT the county of Przasnysz submitted the project "Management of the road infrastructure of the county of Przasnysz on the basis of external financial resources." The project aims at adapting (in a short period of time,that is from 2004-2012) the existing road network to the needs of transport system in the county of Przasnysz and raising its maintenance standard. For this purpose, the long –term management of the county roads network with a focus on raising external funds, with a particular emphasis on socio - economic development of the county was used.

45 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

 HEALTH CARE. In the category of HEALTH CARE the county of Przasnysz entered the competition with the project "Development of comprehensive health services as a result of appropriate health policy of the county of Przasnysz and efficient management of the Self–Reliant Public Complex of Health Care Centers in Przasnysz". The project aims at comprehensive development of health services carried out by opening a new hospital facility, the establishment of new branches, specialist clinics and diagnostic laboratories, acquiring highly specialized medical staff and the implementation of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000. The county of Przasnysz has been awarded and taken the 1st place among the counties in Poland in the category of Transport and has been at the forefront of finalists in the category of Health Care.

Certificate of Local Government Management Leader 2010

Mrs Urszula Maćkowska – from Public Complex of Health Care Centers, Mr Jerzy Sadowski – director of Public Complex of Health Care Centers and Mr Zenon Szczepankowski, starost of the county of Przasnysz, 46 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


On October 11th -13th , 2011, authorities of the county of Przasnysz and the County Office, that is Mr. Marek Walędziak - Chairman of the County Council, Mr. Zenon Szczepankowski – the starost of the county and Mrs. Anna Tworkowska- treasurer of the county, took part in the festive gala, during which the county of Przasnysz was awarded with yet another statuette of Kazimierz Wielki and a diploma for taking the second place in Poland in the local government investment ranking in the category "Counties" for the years 2008 - 2010.

This is the sixth title and the sixth statuette. The county of Przasnysz received the title and got the first place in Poland among the largest local government investors in the category "Counties" for the first time in the years 2003-2005. Since that time, the county is still on the podium taking 1st , 2nd and 3rd places. In long –term statistics the county of Przasnysz is placed on the 1st position in the country. No other district has achieved such a long-lasting effect. The statistics of investment expenditure per capita is based on CSO and Ministry of Finance date and published in a specialist magazine "Community”.

 THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ WITH THE EUROPEAN CERTIFICATE IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION AND SECURITY The county of Przasnysz meets European standards in respect to teaching young people in county schools and to security. On September 11th, 2011, Zezon Szczepankowski – the starost of the county, took the first such certificate in Mazovia. The awards were presented during the gala of EURO- , EURO-POWIAT of Mazovia province. The members of the Chapter, justyfing their choice, pointed out that the local government of the county of Przasnysz has created the best standards of premises and offered the best facilities to the secondary schools in Mazovia. Moreover, it has built and modernised the largest number of roads in Poland, what significantly improved the safety of the travelers; it has built and managed to maintain debt-free one of the best hospitals in Poland, what considerably improved the health safety of the residents since 2002. Last but not least, the county has also created excellent working conditions for the police, fire brigade and inspection resulting in the low level of general safety risk. Concluding, the county of Przasnysz has been recognized as the safest county in Mazovia. 47 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

 THE COUNTY OF PRZASNYSZ – THE LEADER OF THE USE OF EXTERNAL RESOURCES. On January 31st , Zenon Szczepankowski, the starost of the county of Przasnysz, received in Warsaw three statuettes for the leader in the use of EU funds in Mazovia. The county was the leader in all three evaluated categories, that is ACTIVITY, LEADER of Regional Operational Programme of Mazovia Province and EFFECTIVENESS. During the festive gala organized by the Marshal Office of Mazovia Province and Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation, the County Office took first places in all categories evaluated by the provincial authorities within the Regional Operational Programme of Mazovia Province for the years 2007-2013 Mazowiecki in the ranking of counties.

48 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer


In accordance with the act of county local government, the county’s responsibilities should include the protection and promotion of health. In the county of Przasnysz the basic medical services are provided by Self –Reliant Public Complex of Health Care Centers. Currently,the modern W Oczko’s hospital in Przasnysz has 12 wards and 2 sub – wards equipped with 282 beds at its disposal.

The medical services for necessary health care services are provided by 12 non-public health care facilities with 54 medical offices . There is a health centre in each commune. In Krasne, Chorzele and Jednorożec Communes the medical services are provided by two institutions of health service and in the town of Przasnysz by four non – public and one public institution.


 The Mazovian Winter Sports Centre - Przasnysz Complex.

On the ranking list of projects awaiting their implementation, there is the project of creating “The Mazovian Winter Sports Centre- Przasnysz Complex”, which will be built next to the Complex of Upper –Secondary Schools situated at Mazowiecka Street. The total cost of the project is 51 mln. zlotys. The aim of the project is to built the multifunctional complex of objects forming the Mazovian Centre of Winter Sports – Przasnysz Complex, which will supplement the regional tourist centre and , at the same time, support the development of active tourism, recreation and sport in the northern part of Mazovia province. 49 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The investment includes: - construction of a sports hall with the artificial ice rink (usable area - 1970.48 m2, building area- 1974.10 m2, cubature - 14.236m3) - adaptation and extension of the existing school workshop building to the function of sports and rehabilitation complex with social infrastructure and catering facilities, - adaptation of the dormitory building; increasing the standard of this facility and designating part of the dormitory for hotel facilities for the Mazovian Winter Sports Centre (1376,4 m2) - construction of a passage way connecting the dormitory building, swimming pool, sports hall ice rink and the surrounding area, including transport routes, car parks, elements of architecture, greenery, etc.; sports field with a circular and straight running tracks and the grandstand for 45 people.

In 2012 the county started the first stage of the investment using its own resources. The works will be carried out in the years 2011-2013.

Visualisation of The Masovian Winter Sports Centre – Przasnysz Complex

 The Mazovian Winter Sports Centre – Chorzele Complex – stage I. The aim of the project is to built the multifunctional complex of objects forming the Mazovian Centre of Winter Sports – Chorzele Complex, which will supplement the local and regional tourist centre and , at the same time, support the development of active tourism (proximity of Great Masurian Lakes, Kurpiowska Forest, Dębowe Hills of the Omulew Valley), education of tourist staff and medical personnel, recreation and sport in the northern part of Mazovia province. The implementation of the project is co- financed with the European Regional Development Fund resources within the Regional Operational Programme of Mazovia Province for the years 2007- 2013, Priority No. 7, the action 7.2 “Infrastructure which serves education." The contract for the project was signed on June 2nd, 2010 in Chorzele. The total value of the project is 12.8 million zlotys, out of 50 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

which 9,999,360.00 zlotys comes from the ERDF funds, while 2.800.640 million zlotys are the county’s own resources.

Visualisation of The Masovian Winter Sports Centre – Chorzele Complex, stage I

The investment is located next to the Complex of Upper Secondary Schools at Szkolna and Grunwaldzka Streets. In terms of technical and functional-utility the project includes the construction of multifunctional sports and recreation complex with an indoor swimming pool, sports pool with changing rooms and a social area as well as the development of the area surrounding the complex.

The complex, designed according to the approved project, is composed of the following functional objects:

• Swimming pool - the water dimension 12.5 x 25 m and a depth varying from 1.20 to 1.80 m. It also has its own sanitary facilities and changing rooms • Swimming pool designed according to guidelines of MYRTHA system • Entrance hall - accessible from Szkolna Street. In the entrance hall there is a ticket office. It is connected to the recreational hall. • Passage way for students – connecting the school with swimming pool facilities.

 My sports field Orlik 2012.

The sports fields, built within the project „My sports field Orlik 2012”, are located in Przasnysz at Sadowa Street. The following sports fields (togeher with accompanying infrastructure) were built:

− Football field 30m x 62 m with the artificial grass surface (it covers an area of 1860m2, the actual playing area – 26m x 56m), 51 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

− Multifunctional basketball and volleyball sports fields (19,1m x 32,1 m) with polyurethane surfaces covering the area of 613,11 m2, − offices and changing rooms.

The „Orlik” sports fields are also located in different communes of the county of Przasnysz

 Hiking and bicycle trails.

The county of Przasnysz, taking into consideration its natural values, started to create hiking trails and bicycle trails. The most important element was the implementation of the Project No. Z/2.14/III/3.1/187/04 “Using the values of Kurpiowska Forest through modernising the gravel county roads”, enabling the use of existing gravel roads as local roads, which are also bicycle trails. The gravel roads supplemented the existing network of local roads and created a coherent system of hiking trails, suitable for cycling. The project co-financed by ERDF included the improvement of conditions of gravel roads through strengthening the existing gravel surface, covering 12 road sections with a total length of 61.051 kilometers with 3 layers of asphalt emulsion and finally adjusting the technical parameters to the standards of L class . The project aimed at improving the 61.051 km of gravel roads and adapting them to bicycle traffic and, thus, creating an integrated system of bicycle paths with total length of 160 km passing through the most attractive areas of the county. The spatial arrangement of routes makes them advatageous for rehabilitation purposes. In future in the winter time the routes will also be used as skiing trails, thus supplementing the leisure and recreation offer of The Mazovian Winter Sports Centre – Przasnysz Complex. 52 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The reconstruction of the sections allowed to create shorter connections between the villages located further inland of the county and the existing national and provincial roads. It is very important because of the huge potential for development of tourism in the Kurpiowska Forest. Plans concerning reconstruction of these roads were included in the development strategy of the County Roads Network in the years 2001-2006. The Northern Mazovia is a region full of tourist attractions, it’s a unique, one of the last so well preserved virginal areas in Europe.

Picturesque bicycle routes – recreational value of the county of Przasnysz.

The area of the county of Przasnysz is varied, with a high concentration of mixed forests. The picturesque valleys of the unchannelled Orzyc, Płodownica, Morawka and Węgierka Rivers encourage people from big cities to buy parcels on the area. What is more, the agritourist business is in full bloom and there are many new agritourist farms emerging every year. Such farms are very attractive for tourists. The number of county residents who care about health and physical condition is also increasing. Such residents are willing to use the opportunities for active recreation. Meeting the needs of residents and tourists the county of Przasnysz prepared pedestrian and bicycle routes which join with bicycle paths in Przasnysz and Chorzele

53 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

Picturesque landscapes in the county


On September 16th, 2009 the county of Przasnysz was awarded as the Mazovian Leader of Education and Security. The county local government create the best standards of premises and offered the best facilities to the secondary schools in Mazovia. The county fullfils the function of the governing body of the following secondary schools and educational institutions.

1. The Complex of High Schools, KEN High School in Przasnysz 2. The Complex of Upper Secondary Schools under the name of major Henryk Sucharski in Przasnyszu 3. The Complex of Upper Secondary Schools under the name of Wł. St.Reymont in Chorzele 4. High School in Jednorożec 5. Special Purpose School and Education Centre in Przasnysz 6. The Practical Education Centre in Przasnysz 7. Psychological-Pedagogical Advice Centre in Przasnysz

54 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The Complex of High Schools, KEN High School in Przasnysz:

Sports hall next to the Complex of Upper Secondary School dat Sadowa Street (so called Agricultural School):

55 The County of Przasnysz – investment offer

The Complex of Upper Secondary Schools under the name of Wł. St.Reymont in Chorzele:

Visualisation of the Practical Education Centre in Przasnysz: