Psychotic Press, .PSY Is Issued for Trades, Contributions and 251
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I I. 1- - , . - IOTSlEI "PPIEe IAT/ON ISSUE .:'..' '~~O!;'iI March-1968 . ): L.lii: TIC ........"".", " ",..".." ,,.,.., :.:..:::"';:'4"~ ··..··ff;; Tho Socret Masters.2 :...:i ':", PSYC H Fanz;ine CONTENTS Published on the Clunkety-Whunkl Psychotic Press, .PSY is issued for trades, contributions and 251. THE COUCH---by tho editor who talks up a storm with himself cOVER BY BILL ROTSLER -- BACOVER BY J.D. BERRY and loses tho argument\ pge 3 INTERIOR ART BY Bill Rotsler--3, 71 8, 10, 13. 16, TOTEM & TABOO---by Norman 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 32, 39; Ri~hard Flinchbaugh~- Spinrad who thinks science 6;, Jack"41; John D. Berry-l4, 15,'-- fi·ction'is worth fighting 30, 41; Steve Stiles--23; Bjo--25, 26; Andy Port- for ••~as adult reading. pge 7 er--36; Ray Nelson--48, ~9; Carol Peters--51. AN UNTITLED POEM---by Rick PSYCHOTIC is a product of the Norwood ••••••••••••••••• Pge 11 fevered (but not high.) mind of the maQ hermit of Venice. DELUSIONS---Book Reviews by Richard E. Geis the editor. Two likes and 5 Yrestminstar Ave. one yecchL ••••••••••••• Pge 12 Venice, California 90291 STUFF & FANAC---a column by John D. Berry in which he Remember: no mail addressed t9 ItPsychoticlt asks the fannish question ••• or "T,he Mad Hormit" will reach me. ,It all ..... ... .. • • •. • . •Pge 141 goes to Chai~n Mao. DANGEROUS VISIONS--A PER- Blue paper for this page because I have a ream SPECTIVE---By Norman Spinrad of it and want to see what it looks like pintnered. who Disagrees With Evers ••• •••••••• ~••••••••••••••• Pge 17 THE VIOLENT l'lARD---fanzine revi ews by the editor •••a. place for a favored few this time, alas •••••••••••••• Pge 21 STEVE STILES' PAGE---Yes, STAR TREK has came to this •••Pge 23 , SECTION EIGHT---where all the secret Masters shout the magic word: "Buf lshi.ti ;" •••••• Pge 24 A PRIMER FOR HEADS---by Earl Evers who Tells All about MaTyjane~ ••••••••••••• Pge 47 fir SECOND SESSION---Where the editor rambles on and' on again •••or yet •••Pge 51 Th-th-th-that IS all 'ransl THE COUCH~ rnwre tne editor rambles on and on "Late again" eh, Mr. Geis1" ' "Get on with it, Geist" "Yes, well ••• 1 have a lot of good ex- "---I thought I'd suggest him for cuses, though. 1 had this book I had to a Best .,FanArtist ATtard this year. finish, and then my stepfather died in Ghod knows he earned one years ago. Portland and 1 went up for the funeral and It's about time ...--" stayed eight days helping m::r mother through \ "Hey, what if' he's already been the Bad Time, and " , C given· t\D. award? lih~re does that leave "Yes, 1 know, .I know. And I suppose you?" t~e zine ~srunning longer than Y9u hod '~still grateful and••• ignorant. planned again.". .. And beSides, if he's got one••• he de- . , . IIROW' didyau guess'll" . serves another onel If he hasn't got '. tt'~'in psyohio l Listen, l:!llt;i.en!. 11ve one ••• ROTSLERFORFAN ARTISTOF THE had it vdth you dragging in here days, YEAR1" weeks latel -I'm feeling vioious tonight, "STOP THATSHOUTINGI YOU'LLWAKE so be \'Iurned Lit UP---you '11 wake up the monster in the "Hey', as a psyahia tri st, ;'fou're not basement." ' supposed to---" "You've been shouting a;; moh as . i'SII.ENCEl Get up on that coucht I I haveS Bes,"des, he hasntt done anr-: . 'expeot you'r~ readyinG exeuae s for, your thing in years." . next late issue. I, "Because we keep him pacified, -IIIf' I answer honestly you'll---" idiotl If we stopped---" "TELL1AE I" "let me talk, will you? I tva got "All right... I never hoard :of a . all kinds of things to discuss." psychiatrist who browbeat hi~ most. loyal "Faneds ~It patient like you... rle11, now that you "Ye6_ I'm a Caned and proud of itL mention the ,likelihood of being late with Did you know a fanad cr-eased "\;heDela- PSY #25.. • See, I have a book to finish, , ware ,'lith Columbus? Did you know the and-- ••" first faned was a caveman who published '~BUTYOU JUST SAID YOUFINISHEDITL." on slabs of rock? True. A.."ld---" "That was liThe Love Tribe." This now "You 'want a clop on the jaw" is one -is called "The Left Side of Love" and that 'what you want? Get on with i tl II its deadline is March 20th and I'll never "Mmummbble•.•. dirty razzerbasst ••• iiii'ke that, not in a million ••• " ~lrightL I have to announce that there t1stop blubbering1 GhodL '\'/hy do 1 are no more PSYC:IOTIC23s available. put up with you?" C Dut I do have some of i~2l and {}:22." "'Je're trapped inside the same skull." "Ifl random is thrilledl. tI "Bosides that, I mean." "Yout VEl al't'tays hated me, haven't (Snickering) you~ Alright---I'll continuel I'd "Go ahead, then, start lnAking your just like to mention that ,Fritz Loiber's announcements. I'll just sit here, long -up-coming GALAXYserial, "/\ Speoter Is suffering, anq draw dirty pictures.~ .IIaunting Texas" sounds like it's going t. "Oh••• okay. As you can see, this is to be a zinger.· a r-eal, great one l" the ROTSLERAPPRECIATIONISSUE,"'Jhieh is "1Thosays? tl about time, I feol, since the man has beon "He saysL . Hr. Leiberl He lives draW!ing for fam ines for as long as J: can only a blook and a half away. You· re~ber and fandom obviously takes him too ought to go see him sometime." much for grantod." "Can't. I'm Il hermit, remember?" "That's true l He always obliges fan- "Oh, yes. Ue both are.· Well, eds who write to him for i1108 and covers." anY"ro.y,the serial will ,be in the JulY', ilCertainly he helped me when I wrote August, and September issues of GALAXY. and asked. So I just thougnt"---" - 4 and m,ything by Fritz Leibor I've got tore ad•1\ . C an and will be writ ten in whioh the se clrugs IIpersonally, I like--':''' influence future societies and indivi.duals." "Time now to discuss Earl Evers' "A lIyou got lost in that sentence, didntt Primer For Heads" which starts in this you?" issue of PSY. Rick Sneary has put pen itAlittle bit. But you knowwhat I to thoughts whioh perhaps are shared by mean. And if there are any fans who are . a number of other fans, so I'll read thinking of trying pot or LSD; reading Evers them aloud and we'll argue. Okay?" will be a benefit, if only to wipe out any "ReadIII romantio illusions and stories they've heard. "Rack says: 'A thought on policy It should be remembered. however, that Earl -matters. • You announce an artiole on Ls IIpre-drug" • His attitude comes out in drugs by Evers. A subject of interest little ways, and is natural, but it doesn't to a number of fans and frequently";" intorfere with his obje-ctivity and truthful- brought up in fanzine s. • But seeing you ness .11 " obvious ly have . no" shortage of material "Your eyes are still alive. You have, or willing writers, and you have suggest- more to say. It ed the opinion that Psy is: something of IICynic! Pseudo-psychiatrist 1 Yes,. I a service to Fandom(which at its ourrent think IIA Primer For Heads" is highly relev~nt r abe it" certainly .rill be), wou'Ldn ' t it to" f'andomtoday, and more SO to s-f pr odom, be better to hold to topic~ of greatest today. For instance, I v~ote a book calle~ relevance to the professional science SEXTURNEDONand sent a oopy to Earl for his :f>iotion wor-Ld and active Fandom? (I'm opinion. He properly chewed mil out for vn-it- not suggesting that you not use the Evers ing about LSDbadly, out of partial 19nor-' article, but talking about future policy)" ance , Than he sent me his "Heads" article. Youwould not want of course to addopt Since reading it I have written another book to hard a line as to what you would or in which I desoribe an aoid trip, and this; would not use; but as a very likely meet- time, as a result of utilizing what I lear~ed ing place for the Secret Masters of Fan- from Evers' article, I did a 300%better job don. Inc , , if you editorially leaned your of it." . blue penoi l, to favor mater.ial efecting "You sound like a testimonialt" events and opinions in Fandom.t" "All I'm saying is that F:vers' articlE! "Your first impulse was to tell him gives information I'Ve hever seen in news- to mind his ownbusiness, wasn't it?" paper or magazine articles, .or even books." "Nope. I'm flattered he has taken "Alright, you've made your point. But an interest in PSY, and I welcome suggest-I wouldn't touch LSDon a bet." . Lons, I've adopted a fevi already, like - "I'd like to try it once, under the numbering the pages and doing one or two right conditions, provided it was legal long reviews of special fonzines.11 again. Samewith pot. o~t of curiosity and "Howabout the I'answho suggest you for the experience." : go f'uck yo'ursalf?" "Uhhuh, So I suppose ••• What is the: "Well••• sometimes I wish I could. It first installment of his article about?" would make my hermit's life mora e OlI"- "Pob, , •grass ••• " plete .'1 ill suppose that makes this issue of PSY "You've got met" the hash-ish." "Yes, my trusty right hand•.• 11 IlAAAARRRRGGHlYouhad to, didn't you2" "Very f'unnyt What the hell are you ""Carefull---get back on your stooU .