¥Otftssfjirt. SO\VERBY BRIDGE, &C
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¥otftssfJirt. SO\VERBY BRIDGE, &c. ~lattr't'S WOOLLEN CLOTH MANU· Smith Jolm, Greetland MUTUAL IMPROVEMENTSUCIETY1Stain. FACTURERS· Smithies John & Joseph, Elland land-F. Waddington, secrftary Marked thus • are also l\lerchants. Peel Cornelius, pawnbroker, El land Stansfield Charles, Sowerby Bridge Riley Abraham, dealer in 8ritisl.t wines, /1 rkroyd J ames, Greetland Stott J. & J. Greetland Sowerby Bridge 1hkroyd James, jun. Greetlaud Stott John & Samuel, Greetlaud Shaw Joseph, railway & general valuer, Ackroyd J on. & Sons, Copley Mill Sykes James, Elland Barkislan d [EIIand Ainley Joseph, Elland lane Sykes John & Sons, Gospoth Steward \-Vm. fishmonger & fruiterer A tkinson Saml. Sowerby Bridgel\1 ill Stillings George, droggist, SowerbyBdge Taylor Benjamin, Stainland Tonge John, news agent, Elland Atkinson Thos. Sowerby Bridge Mill Taylor Isaac, Barkisland [Mills Turner Willism, farrier, So"werby Bridge Balmforth William, Ell and Townsend&Phythian, Brow Bridge Willey Tht>mas, whiting manufacturer, Barrowclough John, Elland Whiteley Samuel, Greetland Sowerby Bridge [Bridge Bottomlty Benjamin, Elland Whiteley Samuel, jun. Greetland Wood James, umbrella maker, Sowerby Bottomley Charles, Elland Whitelev Thomas & Sons, Stainland PLACES OF WORSHIP, Bottomley John, Elland Whittel' Sarah & Sons, Beeston's AND THEIR MINISTERS, Bottomley John,jun. EJiand l\1 ill, Stain land Brook James, Gospoth Wilkiuson Ely, (Executors of), CHRIST Cnu acn,Sowerby Bridge-Rev. Charles Roger~, incumbent Bmok John, Gospoth Broad Car, Elland ST. GEORGE'S CHURCII, SowerbyBridge Casson Thomas, Elland Wilson Cassnn, Ell and -Rev. Thomas Pitts1 A.B. incumbent Clay James & Sons, Hollins Mill, Wilson John, Elland ST. PKTER'S Cnuacli, Sowerby- Rev. Sowerby Bridge Witham Robert & Co. Old House Lewis, A. W. Bean, incumbent Cle2g & Stott, Stainland CHRIST CHURCH, Barkisland-Rev. Wm Mill, Norland Tatlock, incumlunt , Cookson ~lary, Elland Wood Saml.& Sons,Sowerby Bridge ST. ANDREW'SCHURCH,Stainland-Rev. Edleston Wm. & Co.SowerbyBridge WOOLLEN DRAPERS. J. H. Gooch, incumhe?lt ,.Edwards John & Sons, Washer ST.M AR y'sCnu Rcn,Elland-Rev.Edwd. lane and Ripponden Brown John, Sowerby Brid~e Sandfurd, incumbent Ethrington William, Elland Townsend David & Luke, Elland ST. BARTHOLOMKW'S CHURCH, Rippon. Walton George, Sowerby B1idge den-Rev. Jnmes Sandars, incumbnt e Firth Samuel, Greetland BAPTIST CHAPEL, Blackley, near E!land Fletchcr J oscph, Ell and WORSTED SPIN:NERS. -Rev. Joseph Hirst Fletcher Thomas, Elland Foster John, Styrs, Sowerby lNDI!PENDI!NT CHAPEL, SowerbyBridge Foster John, Stye~, Sowerby Hopkins James, Sowerby Bridge -Rev. H.itchie 1\loffatt Fox John, West Vale, Greetland Maude John & Co. Greetland INDEPENDENT C HAPEL,Stainland--Rev, Greenwood James,Sowerby Bridge .Morley Moses, Sowerby Bridge W. Spencer Ball INDEPENDENT CHAPEL 1 Elland- Rev, GreenwoodThoma~,sower by Bridge Morris William & Arthur,Stansfield John Rheeder Haigh Beuj am in, Greetland Mill, Triangle W ESLEYAN CHAPELS, Sower by Bridge; Haigh George, Blackley, nr. Ellantl Nicholls J oseph & Co., Stain land Stainland; Elland and Greetland Haigh Joseph, Blackley, nr. Elland Stansfield Charles, Sowerby Bridge PRIMITIVJo: l\fETHODIBT CHAI'EL, Sow Haigh Simeon, 13lackley, 11r. Elland erby Bridge Stott, Porter & Sons, Greetland UNIT ARIAN CHAPE L,Eiland-Rev. Thos. Hartley Bernard, Sowerby Bridge Walker Eli & Sons, Stainland Stew art •Hartlty Samuel Fielding, Milner Whcclw 1ight J. W .&Co.Rippondcn royd, Sowerby Bridge Wood~amuel & Sons, Hollins Mill, REGISTRARS Hemingway Stephen, Elland Warley OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. H oyleMichael, Berry Mill,Dean head WORSTED TOP MAKERS For Son•erby Bridge - Jonathan Ulley, Ircdale Eli, Elland Sowerby ll ridge Gledhill John & James, Sowood Kaye Sarah & Son, Elland For Ripponden--J osephShaw,Barkisland Nicholls Joseph & Co. ~tainland Fur Elland -Thomas Fenton Lambert, Law Charle~, Stainland Stott, Porter & Sons, Greetland El land Law Eli, Stainland Walker Eli & Sons, Stainland Law John, Greetland COACHES. MISCELLANEOUS. l\Iarsden Richard ( & yarn), Elland To HALIFAX, the Royal ftiail, from the Maude John, Sowerby Bridge Barlow Edward, hat manufacturer, Sow- Holroyd Arms,Rlppunden, every morn erby Bridge [ kioland & HOLY ing at ten and afternoon at five, and an Melior Benjamin Sons, Baxter William, high constable, Bar WELL MILLS, Stainland, near Omnibus, from the Red Lion,Stainland, Bottomley Charles, hard"are dealer, every morning at tl'n and afternoon at Halifax . s~werby Bridge a quarter-past fonr Mitchell John, Sowerby Bridge Bottomley J oseph, card nail er, E lland To HUDDERSFIELD, the Rocking Norcliffe David, Stainland Bradley John, licensed to let post horses, ham, from theN ew lnn, El land, every •Outram Benjamin (Executors of), &c. ltipponden morning at half-past nine and afternoon Burley Joe, wine and spirit dealr. Elland at half. past two Greetland Mill Crowther Richard. agent to the Halitax Pickles A nt!rew, Sower by Bridge f'lour Society, Triangle CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Priestley John, St;~inland Den ton J ames A. licensed to let post Stations, at SoWERBY BRIDGE,ELLAND Raddiff John, Sower by Bridge horses, &c. Stainland and NoRTH DEAN, on tile Lancashire Ramsden Charles, Greetland Oyson John, music seller, Elland and Yorkshire line Fox Samuel, police constable, Elland CARRIERS. *Rawson William Henry & Co. Gas Works, Sowerby Bridge- Joseph Sowerby Bridge Walton, clerk To BRADFORD, John Jaggar & Som, Schofidd Charles, Sowerby Bridge Giil Thomas, nail maker, Triangle from Ellnnd, Th•usday Shaw J nseph & Grorge, Brooke & Grayshan Robert, shuttle maker, Sow- To HALIFAX, William Jack.son & Suns, erby Bridge from Sowerby Bridge, daily, John Rawroyds Mills Smithies and William Sykes, frow & Hall Howartb, currier, Sowerby Bridge Shaw Joseph Sons, Elland Hamer Wm. silk dresser, SowerhyBridge Stainland, Saturday Shaw John & Sons (& sergesj, Hanson Elizabeth, lime burner, Ell and To HUDDEBSFIELD, John Smithies Brookroyrl Mills, Stain land Haycock Thomas, veterinary surgeon, and William Sykes, from Stainland & near Elland John Jaggar & Sons, from Elland,Tnes Sheering Edward, Elland To ROCHDALE John Smithies, from Jackson Samuel & Co. salt merchants, 1 Slater Abraham, Elland Stain land, and John Jaggar & Sons, Smith Charles, near Elland Sowerby Bridge J ennings David, temperance hotel, Sow from Elland, Monday Smith Dau, Broad Car, Elland erhy Bridge CONVEYANCE BY WATER Smith Ely & Co. (& serges & army MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, Elland- William Jackson & 8on's Bor1ts pass rloths), Greet land Thomas Turner, secrttary Sowerby Bridge af]JI. Elland, daily 540 .