¥otftssfJirt. SO\VERBY BRIDGE, &c. ~lattr't'S WOOLLEN CLOTH MANU· Smith Jolm, Greetland MUTUAL IMPROVEMENTSUCIETY1Stain. FACTURERS· Smithies John & Joseph, Elland land-F. Waddington, secrftary Marked thus • are also l\lerchants. Peel Cornelius, pawnbroker, El land Stansfield Charles, Sowerby Bridge Riley Abraham, dealer in 8ritisl.t wines, /1 rkroyd J ames, Greetland Stott J. & J. Greetland Sowerby Bridge 1hkroyd James, jun. Greetlaud Stott John & Samuel, Greetlaud Shaw Joseph, railway & general valuer, Ackroyd J on. & Sons, Copley Mill Sykes James, Elland Barkislan d [EIIand Ainley Joseph, Elland lane Sykes John & Sons, Gospoth Steward \-Vm. fishmonger & fruiterer A tkinson Saml. Sowerby Bridgel\1 ill Stillings George, droggist, SowerbyBdge Taylor Benjamin, Stainland Tonge John, news agent, Elland Atkinson Thos. Sowerby Bridge Mill Taylor Isaac, Barkisland [Mills Turner Willism, farrier, So"werby Bridge Balmforth William, Ell and Townsend&Phythian, Brow Bridge Willey Tht>mas, whiting manufacturer, Barrowclough John, Elland Whiteley Samuel, Greetland Sowerby Bridge [Bridge Bottomlty Benjamin, Elland Whiteley Samuel, jun. Greetland Wood James, umbrella maker, Sowerby Bottomley Charles, Elland Whitelev Thomas & Sons, Stainland PLACES OF WORSHIP, Bottomley John, Elland Whittel' Sarah & Sons, Beeston's AND THEIR MINISTERS, Bottomley John,jun. EJiand l\1 ill, Stain land Brook James, Gospoth Wilkiuson Ely, (Executors of), CHRIST Cnu acn,Sowerby Bridge-Rev. Charles Roger~, incumbent Bmok John, Gospoth Broad Car, Elland ST. GEORGE'S CHURCII, SowerbyBridge Casson Thomas, Elland Wilson Cassnn, Ell and -Rev. Thomas Pitts1 A.B. incumbent Clay James & Sons, Hollins Mill, Wilson John, Elland ST. PKTER'S Cnuacli, Sowerby- Rev. Sowerby Bridge Witham Robert & Co. Old House Lewis, A. W. Bean, incumbent Cle2g & Stott, Stainland CHRIST CHURCH, Barkisland-Rev. Wm Mill, Norland Tatlock, incumlunt , Cookson ~lary, Elland Wood Saml.& Sons,Sowerby Bridge ST. ANDREW'SCHURCH,Stainland-Rev. Edleston Wm. & Co.SowerbyBridge WOOLLEN DRAPERS. J. H. Gooch, incumhe?lt ,.Edwards John & Sons, Washer ST.M AR y'sCnu Rcn,Elland-Rev.Edwd. lane and Ripponden Brown John, Sowerby Brid~e Sandfurd, incumbent Ethrington William, Elland Townsend David & Luke, Elland ST. BARTHOLOMKW'S CHURCH, Rippon. Walton George, Sowerby B1idge den-Rev. Jnmes Sandars, incumbnt e Firth Samuel, Greetland BAPTIST CHAPEL, Blackley, near E!land Fletchcr J oscph, Ell and WORSTED SPIN:NERS. -Rev. Joseph Hirst Fletcher Thomas, Elland Foster John, Styrs, Sowerby lNDI!PENDI!NT CHAPEL, SowerbyBridge Foster John, Stye~, Sowerby Hopkins James, Sowerby Bridge -Rev. H.itchie 1\loffatt Fox John, West Vale, Greetland Maude John & Co. Greetland INDEPENDENT C HAPEL,Stainland--Rev, Greenwood James,Sowerby Bridge .Morley Moses, Sowerby Bridge W. Spencer Ball INDEPENDENT CHAPEL 1 Elland- Rev, GreenwoodThoma~,sower by Bridge Morris William & Arthur,Stansfield John Rheeder Haigh Beuj am in, Greetland Mill, Triangle W ESLEYAN CHAPELS, Sower by Bridge; Haigh George, Blackley, nr. Ellantl Nicholls J oseph & Co., Stain land Stainland; Elland and Greetland Haigh Joseph, Blackley, nr. Elland Stansfield Charles, Sowerby Bridge PRIMITIVJo: l\fETHODIBT CHAI'EL, Sow­ Haigh Simeon, 13lackley, 11r. Elland erby Bridge Stott, Porter & Sons, Greetland UNIT ARIAN CHAPE L,Eiland-Rev. Thos. Hartley Bernard, Sowerby Bridge Walker Eli & Sons, Stainland Stew art •Hartlty Samuel Fielding, Milner Whcclw 1ight J. W .&Co.Rippondcn royd, Sowerby Bridge Wood~amuel & Sons, Hollins Mill, REGISTRARS Hemingway Stephen, Elland Warley OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. H oyleMichael, Berry Mill,Dean head WORSTED TOP MAKERS For Son•erby Bridge - Jonathan Ulley, Ircdale Eli, Elland Sowerby ll ridge Gledhill John & James, Sowood Kaye Sarah & Son, Elland For Ripponden--J osephShaw,Barkisland Nicholls Joseph & Co. ~tainland Fur Elland -Thomas Fenton Lambert, Law Charle~, Stainland Stott, Porter & Sons, Greetland El land Law Eli, Stainland Walker Eli & Sons, Stainland Law John, Greetland COACHES. MISCELLANEOUS. l\Iarsden Richard ( & yarn), Elland To HALIFAX, the Royal ftiail, from the Maude John, Sowerby Bridge Barlow Edward, hat manufacturer, Sow- Holroyd Arms,Rlppunden, every morn­ erby Bridge [ kioland & HOLY ing at ten and afternoon at five, and an Melior Benjamin Sons, Baxter William, high constable, Bar­ WELL MILLS, Stainland, near Omnibus, from the Red Lion,Stainland, Bottomley Charles, hard"are dealer, every morning at tl'n and afternoon at Halifax . s~werby Bridge a quarter-past fonr Mitchell John, Sowerby Bridge Bottomley J oseph, card nail er, E lland To HUDDERSFIELD, the Rocking­ Norcliffe David, Stainland Bradley John, licensed to let post horses, ham, from theN ew lnn, El land, every •Outram Benjamin (Executors of), &c. ltipponden morning at half-past nine and afternoon Burley Joe, wine and spirit dealr. Elland at half. past two Greetland Mill Crowther Richard. agent to the Halitax Pickles A nt!rew, Sower by Bridge f'lour Society, Triangle CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Priestley John, St;~inland Den ton J ames A. licensed to let post Stations, at SoWERBY BRIDGE,ELLAND Raddiff John, Sower by Bridge horses, &c. Stainland and NoRTH DEAN, on tile Lancashire Ramsden Charles, Greetland Oyson John, music seller, Elland and Yorkshire line Fox Samuel, police constable, Elland CARRIERS. *Rawson William Henry & Co. Gas Works, Sowerby Bridge- Joseph Sowerby Bridge Walton, clerk To BRADFORD, John Jaggar & Som, Schofidd Charles, Sowerby Bridge Giil Thomas, nail maker, Triangle from Ellnnd, Th•usday Shaw J nseph & Grorge, Brooke & Grayshan Robert, shuttle maker, Sow- To HALIFAX, William Jack.son & Suns, erby Bridge from Sowerby Bridge, daily, John Rawroyds Mills Smithies and William Sykes, frow & Hall Howartb, currier, Sowerby Bridge Shaw Joseph Sons, Elland Hamer Wm. silk dresser, SowerhyBridge Stainland, Saturday Shaw John & Sons (& sergesj, Hanson Elizabeth, lime burner, Ell and To HUDDEBSFIELD, John Smithies Brookroyrl Mills, Stain land Haycock Thomas, veterinary surgeon, and William Sykes, from Stainland & near Elland John Jaggar & Sons, from Elland,Tnes Sheering Edward, Elland To ROCHDALE John Smithies, from Jackson Samuel & Co. salt merchants, 1 Slater Abraham, Elland Stain land, and John Jaggar & Sons, Smith Charles, near Elland Sowerby Bridge J ennings David, temperance hotel, Sow­ from Elland, Monday Smith Dau, Broad Car, Elland erhy Bridge CONVEYANCE BY WATER Smith Ely & Co. (& serges & army MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, Elland-­ William Jackson & 8on's Bor1ts pass rloths), Greet land Thomas Turner, secrttary Sowerby Bridge af]JI. Elland, daily 540 .
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