E4 bus time schedule & line map

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The E4 bus line (Elland - Barkisland) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Barkisland <-> Elland: 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM (2) Elland <-> Barkisland: 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM (3) <-> Elland: 4:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest E4 bus station near you and nd out when is the next E4 bus arriving.

Direction: Barkisland <-> Elland E4 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Barkisland <-> Elland Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM Road Stonelea, Barkisland Tuesday 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM Cricket Club, Barkisland Wednesday 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM Road Primary School, Barkisland Thursday 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM Stainland Road, Friday 7:55 AM - 5:25 PM Scammonden Rd Greetland Road, Barkisland Saturday 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM Greetland Road Abbotts Royd, Barkisland

Lightcliffe Royd Farm, Barkisland Lightcliffe Royd Lane, Ripponden Civil Parish E4 bus Info Greetland Road Garden Ln, Barkisland Direction: Barkisland <-> Elland Stops: 32 Spring Rock Ph, Greetland Trip Duration: 18 min Rochdale Road, Line Summary: Stainland Road Stonelea, Barkisland, Cricket Club, Barkisland, Scammonden Road Primary Rochdale Road Sports Club, Greetland School, Barkisland, Scammonden Rd Greetland Road, Barkisland, Greetland Road Abbotts Royd, Rochdale Rd Dog Lane, Greetland Barkisland, Lightcliffe Royd Farm, Barkisland, Greetland Road Garden Ln, Barkisland, Spring Rock Ph, Greetland, Rochdale Road Sports Club, Rochdale Rd Turbury Lane, Greetland Greetland, Rochdale Rd Dog Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Turbury Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Rochdale Rd Scar Bottom Lane, Greetland Scar Bottom Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Moor Bottom Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Martin Green Rochdale Rd Moor Bottom Lane, Greetland Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd School Street, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Asheld Road, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Martin Green Lane, Greetland Rochdale Road Crosshills Mount, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rochdale Rd School Street, Greetland Road, , Rochdale Rd, West Vale, Long Wall, 222 Rochdale Road, Elland Elland, Jepson Lane Victoria Ave, Elland, Jepson Lane Victoria Rd, Elland, Victoria Rd Burley Street, Rochdale Rd Asheld Road, Greetland Elland, Southgate, Elland, Hudderseld Road, Elland, 182 Rochdale Road, Elland Briggate Eastgate, Elland, Elland Bridge Gas Works Lane, Elland, Park Road, Elland, Park Rd Plains Lane, Rochdale Road Crosshills Mount, Greetland Elland, Park Rd Park Road Mills, Elland, Park Road, 120 Rochdale Road, Elland Elland Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Greetland 3 Clay House Lane, Elland

Rochdale Road, West Vale 14 Rochdale Road, Elland

Rochdale Rd, West Vale 53 Rochdale Road, Elland

Long Wall, Elland

Jepson Lane Victoria Ave, Elland Jepson Lane, Elland

Jepson Lane Victoria Rd, Elland

Victoria Rd Burley Street, Elland

Southgate, Elland Southgate, Elland

Hudderseld Road, Elland Hudderseld Road, Elland

Briggate Eastgate, Elland 18 Hudderseld Road, Elland

Elland Bridge Gas Works Lane, Elland Elland Bridge, Elland

Park Road, Elland

Park Rd Plains Lane, Elland

Park Rd Park Road Mills, Elland Kinnaird Close, Elland

Park Road, Elland Direction: Elland <-> Barkisland E4 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Elland <-> Barkisland Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM Park Road, Elland Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM Park Rd Plains Lane, Elland Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM Park Road, Elland Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM

Briggate Eastgate, Elland Friday 8:30 AM - 5:35 PM Briggate, Elland Saturday 9:55 AM - 3:55 PM Hudderseld Road, Elland Town Hall Street, Elland

Southgate, Elland Town Hall Street, Elland E4 bus Info Direction: Elland <-> Barkisland Victoria Rd Burley Street, Elland Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 28 min Jepson Lane Victoria Rd, Elland Line Summary: Park Road, Elland, Park Rd Plains Lane, Elland, Park Road, Elland, Briggate Eastgate, Jepson Lane Victoria Ave, Elland Elland, Hudderseld Road, Elland, Southgate, Elland, Victoria Rd Burley Street, Elland, Jepson Lane Long Wall, Elland Victoria Rd, Elland, Jepson Lane Victoria Ave, Elland, Long Wall, Elland, Rochdale Road, West Vale, Rochdale Road, West Vale Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Milner Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Asheld 14 Rochdale Road, Elland Road, Greetland, Rochdale Rd School Street, Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Greetland Greetland, Rochdale Rd Martin Green Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Moor Bottom Lane, 117 Rochdale Road, Elland Greetland, Rochdale Rd Scar Bottom Lane, Rochdale Rd Milner Lane, Greetland Greetland, Rochdale Rd Turbury Lane, Greetland, Rochdale Road, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Dog Lane, 167 Rochdale Road, Elland Greetland, Rochdale Road Sports Club, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Asheld Road, Greetland Spring Rock Ph, Greetland, Greetland Road Garden Ln, Barkisland, Lightcliffe Royd Farm, Barkisland, 164 Rochdale Road, Elland Greetland Road Abbotts Royd, Barkisland, Rochdale Rd School Street, Greetland Scammonden Rd Greetland Road, Barkisland, Scammonden Road Primary School, Barkisland, 222 Rochdale Road, Elland Stainland Road Stonelea, Barkisland Rochdale Rd Martin Green Lane, Greetland

Rochdale Rd Moor Bottom Lane, Greetland Upper Martin Green, England

Rochdale Rd Scar Bottom Lane, Greetland

Rochdale Rd Turbury Lane, Greetland

Rochdale Road, Greetland

Rochdale Rd Dog Lane, Greetland

Rochdale Road Sports Club, Greetland Spring Rock Ph, Greetland Rochdale Road, England

Greetland Road Garden Ln, Barkisland

Lightcliffe Royd Farm, Barkisland Lightcliffe Royd Lane, Ripponden Civil Parish

Greetland Road Abbotts Royd, Barkisland

Scammonden Rd Greetland Road, Barkisland

Scammonden Road Primary School, Barkisland

Stainland Road Stonelea, Barkisland Direction: Greetland <-> Elland E4 bus Time Schedule 13 stops Greetland <-> Elland Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:30 PM School St Rochdale Rd, Greetland School Street, Elland Tuesday 4:30 PM

School Street Higheld Ave, Greetland Wednesday 4:30 PM Higheld Avenue, Elland Thursday 4:30 PM Rochdale Rd Asheld Road, Greetland Friday 4:30 PM 182 Rochdale Road, Elland Saturday Not Operational Rochdale Road Crosshills Mount, Greetland 120 Rochdale Road, Elland

Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Greetland 3 Clay House Lane, Elland E4 bus Info Direction: Greetland <-> Elland Rochdale Road, West Vale Stops: 13 14 Rochdale Road, Elland Trip Duration: 9 min Line Summary: School St Rochdale Rd, Greetland, Rochdale Rd, West Vale School Street Higheld Ave, Greetland, Rochdale Rd 53 Rochdale Road, Elland Asheld Road, Greetland, Rochdale Road Crosshills Mount, Greetland, Rochdale Rd Clay House Lane, Long Wall, Elland Greetland, Rochdale Road, West Vale, Rochdale Rd, West Vale, Long Wall, Elland, Jepson Lane Victoria Jepson Lane Victoria Ave, Elland Ave, Elland, Jepson Lane Victoria Rd, Elland, Victoria Jepson Lane, Elland Rd Burley Street, Elland, Southgate, Elland, Hudderseld Road, Elland Jepson Lane Victoria Rd, Elland

Victoria Rd Burley Street, Elland

Southgate, Elland Southgate, Elland

Hudderseld Road, Elland Hudderseld Road, Elland E4 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved