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• Vorrt~f)irt. BO\VERBY BRIDGE• &c.· SADJ)LERS. Normington James, Elland edge SURGEONS~ Ackroyd Edmonson, Sowerby Bridge Normington Mary, Elland edge Brook William, Staiuland Crawshaw .John, Elland N01th Mary, Ripponden Deuton James, Rippondert Hemingway Joseph, Elland Parr J acob, Sowerby Elliott William, Sowerby Bridge Hemingway Stephen, Elland Parson Henry, near Soyland Hamerton John~ Elland Sturzaker James, Ripponden Pearsoo Johu & Co. Stainland Hiley James, Ellaud Wallis John, Sowerby Bridge Pearson Joseph, Elland Hiley John Simoon, M. D. Elland SCRIBBLERS AND CABDEBS. p, iestley Jonathan, Stainland .Marchant James, Sowerby Bridge Clegg Ely, Elland Priestley Joseph, Staiuland Maude William Stott, Elland (::ookson William, Stainland Quarmhy Eli, Stainland Parr lsaac, Sowerby Edleston Wm. & Co. Sowerby llrid~e Redihalgh Josepb, Sowerby Bridge Robert!'lhaw Thos. Sowerb1 Baidge Foster John, Stvles,near 8owerby Hiley Eli, Barkisland Robinson John, Ripponden Hartley Samuel: Sowerby Bridge Rushworth William, Sowerby Slater Joseph, Elland Lister Luke, Stainlaud Scbofield John, Rippondeu SURVEYORS. Ma1·sden Richard. Elland Shaw James, Sowerby Bl'idge H oi!'Oyd Stephett, Stain land Mitchell & Kay, Elland Shaw John, Rippondeo Pearsou Gem-ge (roads), Rippondeli Rushforth Joseph, Elland Shaw Jonathan, Ripponden TAILORS. Slater Jonathan, Ellaud Shaw Joseph, Rippondeo Berry .Elizabeth, Sowerby Bridge Stansfield Charles, Sowerby Bridge Shaw ~amuel, Rippondeo Bligh F. Sowerby Bridge Stott John, jun. Greetland ~haw William, Greetland Brook Joseph, Elland edge Shepherd Joseph, Rishworth Sykes John. Elland Burrow John1 ~taiulaud Walton James, Sowerby Jlridge Smith John, Sowerby Carte•· John, Sowerby Bridge Whittell Beujamin, Stamland Smith Isaac, 8owerhy Bddge Cockcroft Samuel, Hipponden Wilsoli John; Ellaud Stott Ely, Barkislantl Cooper I~ac, Sowerhy Bridge SHOPKEEPERS & :bEALRS IN Sugden James, Stainlaud Davidson James, Stainland GROCERIES & SUND lUES. Sutcliffe John, Sowerby Gaukroger John, Sowerby Bridge Barraclough Silvanus, 8owerby st Swift Jobu, Ellaud Glecihill .loseph, Ellaud lletry Beujamin, Ri~hwortb Sykes Beujamiu, Stainlaud Hallo well J awes, Ripponden Be~·ry Joseph, Rishworth Sykes Jonathan, )uu. Sowood Hill Joseph, Soweri.Jy st Bet·ry Wilham, Oreetland Taylor Benjamin, Staiuland Hiuchcliffe William, Stainlancl Bottomley William, Sowerby Bridge Taylur Joseph, Barkisland Hindson William, Sowerby st Briggs Jonas, Sowerby Bridge Thomas Thomas, Ripponden Keaton John, Greetland Brook John, Elland Tiffany Joseph, Elland edge Kirby William. Sowerby Bl'idge Brook Richa1tl, Elland T~rner 1\Jidgley, Sowerby Brldge .Mortimer John, Rippouden Bmok William, Ellaud VICkerman Joseph, Elland edge Robinson Thomas, Elland Bmoke Charleg~ Elland edge Waddington John, Sowood Rushworth Charles, Sowerhy Broomhead Betty, Elland edR"e Waddington Nicholas, Stainland Rushworth Johu, Triangle Charlesworth James~ Sowood Walker Henry, lWand ed~e Rushworth Thomas. Triangle Cheetham William, Style Whitehead Arlll l\1aria, R1pponden Schofield John. Rippondeu Coates Thomas R. Elland Whitehead Samuel, Sowerby Bridge Schofield William, Ripponden Cockeram John, Ripponden Whiteley Eli, Rishworth ~haw Joshua, Elland Cookson Jonathan, Ellauq Whiteley Elleti, Soyland Siddall John, Sowm·by Bridge Co-oPERATION SociETYt Sowerby Whiteley John, Soyland Slater Abraham, Elland Bridge-John Rowe, agent Whiteley John,. Mill bank Smith Rowland, Elland Whitworth Henry, Sowei:by Bridge Crossley James, Rippondeq · Smithies William 1 Elland Crossley William~ 8owerby Whitworth William, Ripponden Stansfield John; EUand Crowther Hannah, ~tainland STONE MASONS. W aller John; Sowerhv Bridge Crowther James, Triangle Bentley Richard, Elland edge Wood Thomas• Gt·eetfaud Crowther ~amuel, Elland Halliwell James, Stainland \V oodhouse Benjamin, Stainland Culpan James, Sowerby Jagger John, Stainland Dawsou Jo;;;eph, Sowerby TAVERNS & ~UBLtC ROUS£S, Ja~rger Thomas, Stainland Bath Tavern, Samuel Tweed, Elland Dysou John, Ripponden Melior William, Elland Black Bull, Thos. Rnshforth,Elland edgtf Earfishaw Hehry, Sower·by st Riley James, Ripponden Black Horst!, Benj. Holroyde, Stainland Elliott Henry, Sowerby Brid~e Riley Josepb, R1pponden Bnll•s Head,Geo. Parsom;, Sowerby bridge Farnell Francis, Sowerby Bndge Scholfield Thomas, Elland Hutchers• Arms, William Barrett,Sowerb.J Fan·a1· John, 8oyland Coach & Horses,Jos. Wrigley, RishwDrth Stott Miles, Ripponden Cross, John Ainley, Barkisland Firth James, Sowerhy Bridge Wild Major, Sowerby Crown & Anchor, JosephHanson., Elland GaukrogerJeremiah,SowerbyBrldge STONE MERCHANTS. Dog & Bull. James Akroyd, Stainland Gledhill Hannah, Gt·eetland Marked thus* are also Quarry Owners. Dog & Pattridge, Philip Clegg, Sowood Gledhill JameS; Sowood Duke of York,Raehael Walker, Stainland Greenwood 8arah, Ripponden Aspinall David, Sowood Fleece, William Simpson, Greetland Heap Ann, !\lill bank Aspinall James, Sowood Heece, Ann M aria Whitehead,Rippondea Hirst Hnmphrey, Barkisland As,r:inall John & Co. Elland edge George & Dragon, Thomas Casson,Elland Aspinall K. Elland edge Golden Fleece, William Wooler, Elland Hirst Joseph, Triangle Golden Lion, Thomas lloyle, Rip]1oltdeJI Hitcheo Juhu~ Sowe1·by HeaumontJ no. & Abnn. Elland edge Griffin. Christopher Fairbank, Barkisland Hitchin Da\'id, Sowerby Bridge *Heward James, Barkisland Hare & Hounds,Hannab Gledhill,Sowood Holroyde Eliza, Harki:lland Holroyd Jose ph & John, Elland edge Hawk, Daniel Whiteley, Barldaland Hoyle Joshua, 13arkisland *Olrovd and Schofield, Barkisland Holroyde Arms, John Bradley,Rippoudea Marsden Abraham, Elland edge Horse & Jockey, Thos. Townsend, Elland Hoyle Samuel Dyson, Ripponden King's Head, John Sutclitfe, Sowerby lugham William, Sowerby Bridge Mitchell Samuel, Elland edge Malt Shovel, Joseph Ma.rsden., Ellancl Iredale Richard, Elland Pitchforth Charles, Elland edge Masons' Arms,Phil. Kershaw,Elland edgt~ Jackson George, Sowerby *Rawnsley John, Harkisland Masons• Arms, Sarah Thorn ton, Ell and Kenwot1hy William, Sowe1·by *Rawnsley W. Barkisland Mexborough Arms, John Cragg, Elland Rhodes George, Elland edge Nag's Head, Thos. Townsend, JUD.Elland Law Margaret, 8tainland Old Bridl(e End, Hannah Scholeiield, Law Peggy, Stainland Sykes John, So wood Ripponden .l\1ann Sarah, Oreetland Walker Matthew, Sowood Rawson•s Artns, Benjamin Sh!!ard, Binna .l\1arsdett Charles, Ripponden Wood J oseph, Elland edge Red Lion,J as.Ashworth Denron,Stainland STRAW HAT MAKERS. Red Lion, Josepb Hir:st, Sowood Marsden William, Elland edge Rose & Crown, Wm. Gledhill, Greetlana l\1arshall Reuben, Elland edge Brook Naomi1 Elland Rose & Crown, Jos. Smith, Elland [st Maude John, Gn~etlaud Helm Sarah, Sowerhy Bridge Royal Oak,JohnAtkill8onCbild, Sowerby l\Jitchell David, Greetland Hollingsworth Mary Ann, Elland Royal Oak, Charlotte Lister~ Staiuland Noble N. Greetland Royal Oak, Joshua Lumb, Elland e-dge :Mitchell Jawes, Greetland Royal Oak, William Marsde"' Barkisland l\1itchell John, Sowerby B1idge Pilling Fmnces~ EUattd Shears, Joseph :M ann, Elland . Naylor Joshu._. t'iowet'bt Stn!th Mary, Sowerby Bridge Sportsman, George Bowes, Greetland Noble FralciSj ~nd Sru1th Sarah, Ellan<l Sportsma~~, l:li Sntctilte, $Gyland 362 .