Nicola and Adam believe they have found the one school which could address their children’s very individual and important needs

Nicola and Adam Raven have three sons – Joe, 14, Jacob, 11 and Daniel, seven. Joe and Jacob moved to Greetland Academy towards the end of their primary education, whilst Daniel has been there since Reception year.

Incredible support Nicola’s family live a little outside the catchment area for Greetland Academy and so feel very fortunate that their children were accepted into the school. With an excellent reputation, Greetland is the choice of many local parents and Nicola now realises why: “Since we moved Joe and Jacob there we have seen how incredibly supportive the school is, especially since we had specific reasons for applying.” At their first school, Joe had been bullied and although education but they have responded extremely well and the staff tried to address the situation it didn’t get any it was definitely the right decision. Greetland has a way of better and having witnessed Joe’s distress, Nicola felt making education a creative experience and the students she had to make the difficult decision to take him out react very positively.” before his final year. “The school tried to help but Joe had been so traumatised that I knew he could never be Smooth transition comfortable there again. I’d heard very good reports about Both Joe and Jacob have made a fairly seamless move to Greetland and, when I explained the circumstances to the secondary school largely because, believes Nicola, through Headteacher, she was prepared to accept both Joe and the sensitive handling of the process by Greetland. “The Jacob as I wanted them to stay together.” school makes a point of ensuring that the new setting is made aware of anything which might be relevant to the Embracing the positives child’s particular needs and for us, that was very reassuring. What Nicola and Stuart have come to see is that Greetland’s Joe’s personality can be challenging at times but, treated approach to education is to recognise and embrace every in the right way, he has a lot to offer and we know that child’s very different needs. “Joe has a quirky personality Greetland can take some credit for that.” and doesn’t always fit in with the crowd and that is why he was singled out before,” Nicola believes. “When we A firm foundation for the future made the decision to move him to Greetland it was on the As far as Daniel is concerned, Nicola has few worries. “I could understanding that his individuality wouldn’t be a negative wish that all my children could have been at Greetland issue and that has definitely proved the case. The transition Academy from day one but we are so pleased that Daniel at was handled extremely well, even to the point where his least has had that benefit. The school offers an exceptional class teacher, who was new to the school himself, was able and firm foundation on which to build their future and all to take an attitude of: ‘We’re both new to this so let’s help three of my sons have had that to some extent. All three each other.’” have grown in confidence as well as academic ability and to Clear boundaries for behaviour me,that is of paramount importance.” Most schools have an Anti-Bullying strategy in place but, in Nicola’s opinion, Greetland Academy has a strong means of implementing it. “All the children are given very clear boundaries, right from Reception class. Any inappropriate behaviour is identified quickly and every child involved is listened to and given the chance to put their side of the story before any judgements are made. Anything like this appears to be dealt with in a fair and sensible manner and generally, any problems are nipped in the bud before they get out of hand.” Every support Whilst Nicola and Stuart were anxious to ensure their children’s emotional welfare, they obviously wanted to find a school which would stretch and encourage academic achievement and in this they have not been let down. “All of our children have been given every support we could have wished for,” says Nicola. “Of course we were concerned about moving Joe and Jacob at an important stage in their

Early Years & Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Tel: 01422 372893 Principal Saddleworth Road, Greetland, School Street, Greetland, Fax: 01422 377125 Mrs A J Bennett Halifax, HX4 8LX Halifax, HX4 8JB Website: Deputy Principals Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Mr P Dixon Mr R Shaw Miss D Worthington The Greetlands Academy is a company limited by guarantee and registered in and Wales Company No. 07465343. Registered office at School Street, Greetland, Halifax, West HX4 8JB