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Copyright © 2010 Archive Digital Books Australasia All Rights Reserved Supplement to the Education Office Gazette , February, 1960

Volume LXI 1959

The Education Offfic Gazette QUEENSLAND


QUOD DEBUI DEDI THE Education Office Gazette

Index for Volume LXI

Awards- Clerks for primary schools . 222 Atomic Energy Commission Commercial forms ...... 374 scholarships . 56 Duplicator paper . ... 25 Centenary art competition 194 Duplicator subsidy . 25, 375 Centenary essay . 124 Educational circulating library . 25 Commonwealth postgraduate Enrolment in secondary schools 223 awards . . . .367 Gauze screening .. 25 Commonwealth scholarships 251 Initial-letter charts 222 Daisy Bates memorial prizes. 8 Inspection 222 Dominion civil-service fellowships 279 Inspectors-eligibility 25 Gowrie scholarships 324 Internalrelieving teachers 25 Hamlyn-Harris memorial essay Laboratory accommodation ...... 223 competition ... 146 Mowing of grounds ...... 374 Hamlyn-Harris prizes in natural history 125 Needlework, Allowance for .. 25 London University fellowships 121 Porta gas . 375 Q.C.W.A. bursaries . 253 Remedial experts 25 Saionji memorial scholarship . 251 Returns 375 Scientific temperance essay . 145 Rolls 25 Teacher scholarships . .. 226 Seminars 25 School stock 375 William Forgan Smith bursaries 296 School-supplies quotas . . . 375 Scholarship 375 Broadcasts to Schools- Scholarship centres 222 Anzac Day 52 School-recordcards 222 Books for 343 Show holiday 374 Centenary Year broadcasts 84 Staffing 222 Reports 361 Staffing scheme' 25 Teachers notes 35, 62, 132, 165, 202, Swimming 222 237, 261, 306, 345 Telephones 223 Timetable for 1960 343 Text-books 373 Transfersof head teachers 25 Transfers, Particulars of 25 Conference Decisions— Unanswered inquiries 223 Borrowing books 374 Breaking-upday 374 Examinations- Central schools 223 Class I 53, 83, 278, 366, 367 Cheques by airmail 374 Mid-year (electrical entrance and Clerks for high schools 25 invalidcookery) 81 GENERAL INDEX III

Milk and cream testing ...... 84, 85 Anzac Day ...... 52 Professional cookery ...... 278 Audit regulations, Revocation o€ 278 Scholarship ...... ISO, 151, 191, 332 Breaking-up festivities ...... 365 Teachers ...... 332, 366 Date of birth of pupils ...... 321 Education Week, 1959 .,... 52, 140, 183 Electrical installations ...... 363 General Notices- Electrical repairs ...... 363 Absence through cyclonic con- ditions ... 246 End-of-year duties ...... 362 Free-milk scheme 363 Addresses of inspectors ...... 363 Anthropological Museum- Health rooms, Use of . .. 10 University - . . 280 Jewish festivals 294 Banking ...... 383 Long-service leave ...... 322 Calendar of returns .. 373 Low enrolments, Notification of 362 Centenary historical exhibition 280 Occupation of official residences 322 Commonwealth Day-a message 81 Poppy Week-Remembrance Day 322 Correction 245 Preference lists .. 321 Education Advisory Bureau ..... 53 Proclamation Day ...365 Education I-alternative course 366 Rags, Unauthorised collection of 146 Income -tax returns 222 Reading in lower grades, Teaching of .. 195 Junior Citizenship Month 146 Season tickets .362 Junior Red Cross 10 Interchangeof teachers 322 School committees .. 29, 145 Links by letter .. . 294 School placement of children . 29 254 Lone scouts 6 School-record card Schools-c>mmercial purposes..., 221 Minister thanks you, The . 278 Plays for examinations, Presenta- Smoking and lung cancer . 237 tion of 26 Transport-financial assistance 280 Promotions of teachers 29, 86, 149, Transport services . 50, 281 186, 246, 285, 330, 367 Universal Childrens Day ...... 294 Publications received 41, 70, 138, 177, 213, 238, 271, 318, 356, 380 Positions- Queensland Bush Child rens Health Scheme . . 146 Adult education organizers ... 143 Reviews of books 47, 140, 181, 218, Deputy principals of high schools, 275, 320, 359, 382 etc 277 Road-safety booklet 321 District inspectors 277 School committees appointed 122, Guidance officers .. 5 162, 190, 235, 251, 337 Head teachers- School enrolment return 146 Bardon 6 Schools, Classification of 2, 6 Schools established 6 Bell 4 Station sedans, Finance for 221 Central 1 Superannuation scheme 49 Grosmont 183 Transfers of teachers 225, 326 Opportunity schools 1 TV sets and aerials 245 Westbrook Farm Home 361 Inspectress of Infants schools ... 277 Lecturers, Teachers College 1, 277 General Instructions- Principals of high schools . 277 Aborigines Observance Day 183 Principal, Teachers College, Additional classroom accommo- Kedron Park ..361 dation ...... 54 Regional directors of education 277 IV GENERAL INDEX

Secondment to Northern Territory 50, Handicapped children , Education 51, 362 of ...... 299 Special schools and services ... 245 Reading -development materials 53 Teachers- Remedial teaching experiment 126 Central Technical College ... . 5 School-leavers survey 147, 246, 363 Queensland native schools 49, 321, Speech-defectivechildren, Matura- 361 Transfers- Opportunity schools 50 Secondary teaching 144 School Materials- Batteries, Charging before vacation 362 Batte ries, Payment for recharging 278 Project Clubs- Classroom recordings , Care of 278 Agricultural Journal 339 Folk-dancingrecordings .... 279, 342 Arbor Day- Garden hose ...... 27 Celebration of 17 Garden tools ...... 23, 339 Extracts from reports 55, 340 Gramophone needles ...... •...... 367 Planting of trees . .. . 59 Insurance -teaching aids ... 27 Submission of reports . 82, 340 Libraries, Subsidies on 22 Correspondence courses for Pianos-information required 24 teachers 17 Pianos, Use of ...... 28 Fruit-tree planting . ... . 53 Rain-gauge outfits ...... 23 General advicefor workers 12 Reading books in infantgrades 2 Index . . . 14 Reading-development mate rials 53 Literature 375 School Paper , 1959 ...... 6 Poultry and bees, Supply of 375 School Papers for non-State Projects- schools .._...... 27 Beekeeping 13 School requisites ...... 148, 280 Bird clubs 19 Sport 221 Cotton . 57 Text-books ...... 82, 362 Hybrid maize 58 The Teaching of Reading-a Linseed 56 manual ...... 2 Sugar-cane 57 Winter pastures and fodders 10 Royal National Association SpecialCourses- Camp . .. 82, 253 Diagnostic testing and remedial Summer agricultural school 144 teaching ...... _...... 26 Trees and gardens for vacation, Migrants , Continuation classes for 7 Preparation of . . 339 Project work :...... 17 Trees for planting 16, 18, 339, 379 Summer agricultural school .. 144 Visits by organizers, 1960 377 Swimming instruction ...... 200, 219 Teachers transferring to secondary schools ...... 183,324 Research and Guidance- Technical education ...... 9 Australian Education Index to Vacation courses for teachers 143, Census return 185 144, 323

S. G. RsID, Government Printer, Brisbane Registered at the General Post Office, Brisbage. for itrans sion by post as a periodical 1XIT/be14.Ebucation ire ajt.


Qunh aebui beai.

Vol. LXI. JANUARY , 19, 9. 4•a No. 1.

OFFICIAL NOTICES. VACANCY. Applications are invited from qualified persons for appointment to the undermentioned position in the Department of Education:- LECTURER, GRADE I., PHYSICAL EDUCATION (MALE), Teachers' College, Brisbane, Classification-Minimum £1,525 per annum; Maximum £1,650 per annum (nominal). The abovequoted salary classification is subject to Basic Wage adjustment which at present is an addition of £81 per annum. Consequential vacancies in any position in the Department of Education may be filled without further advertisement. Particulars of the qualifications determined for appointment to this position may be obtained from the Secretary, Public Service Commissioner's Department, Box 59, P.O., Brisbane North Quay, to whom applications should be addressed so as to be received by him by 5 p.m. on 16th February, 1959. (P.S.C. Dept. 80433/58.)

VACANCY- HEAD TEACHER, STATE SCHOOL, BRISBANE CENTRAL Applications are invited for appointment to the position of Head Teacher of the State School, Brisbane Central, a Class IV. school as from 1st January, 1959, with an average attendance in 1958 of 395.1 There is no official residence. The closing date for the receipt of applications is the 28th February, 1959.

VACANCIES- HEAD TEACHERS, STATE OPPORTUNITY SCHOOLS- CAIRNS, TOWNSVILLE , DARLING POINT. Applications are invited for appointment to the positions of Head Teacher at the following schools:- The State Opportunity School at Cairns, a Class VI. school as from 1st January, 1959, with an average attendance in November, 1958, of 35.5. There is no official residence. The State Opportunity School at Townsville, a Class VI. school as from 1st January, 1959, with an average attendance in November, 1958, of 37.6. There is no official residence. The State Opportunity School at Darling Point, a Class VI. school as from 1st January, 1959, with an average attendance in December, 1958, of 32.1. There is no official residence. The closing date for the receipt of applications is the 28th February, 1959. 1 3 JANUARY, 1959.] EDUCATION OFFICE GAZETTE.

Classifica- Average Residence School . tion from Attend- Location. 1-1-1359. auc. Available.

Alberton .. .. V. 41 Yes 5.'1 miles from Beenleigb Bartle Frere .. .. V. 44 Yes 11 miles from Babinda Biboohra .. .. V. 51 Yes 6 miles from Mareeba Binjour Plateau V. 49 Yes 15 miles from Gayndal 10 miles from Mundul: Bongeen .. .. V. 44 No Oakey-Cecil Plains Line from Pittsworth Booyal Central .. V. 42 Yes 14 miles from Cordalba, Dallarnil Line Burra Burri .. .. V. 43 Un- 20 miles North-East of official Caravonica .. .. V. 55 No 9 miles from Cairns Cushnie .. .. V. 45 Yes 6 miles from Tingoora I Kingaroy Line) Eton .. .. V. 46 Yes 20 miles from Mackay Flagstone Creek .. V. 47 Yes 7 miles from Helidon (I Toowoomb a Line) Inkerman V. 43 Single 8 miles south of Home E Teacher's Quarters Isisford .. .. V. 45 Yes 60 miles from Ilfrscomt Maudsland . V. 48 No 7 miles from Oxenford (l Southport Line) Minden V. 45 Yes 5 miles from Marburg (R( Marburg Line) Mirriwinni .. .. V. 54 Yes 5 miles from Babinda Peachester .. .. V. 45 Yes 8 miles from Beerwah Pimpama .. .. V. 45 Yes Brisbane-Southport L miles from Brisbane Pozieres .. V. 45 Yes Warwick-Amiens Bran 32 miles from Warwic Ravensbourne .. V. 47 Yes 10 miles from Hampti woom ba- C row ' s Nes t Redbank Plains V. 42 Yes 5 miles from Goodna (I Ipswich Line) Taabinga Village V. 48 Yes Kingaroy-Tarong Line, from Kingaroy Walkamin Provisional V. 77 No 10 miles from Mareeba Waterford .. V. 45 Yes Brisbane-Beaudesert I miles £som Brisbane Allan .. .. , . VI. 28 Yes Warwick-Inglewood Lir from Stat i on Birdsville . , . VI. 23 No 450 miles from Charlevi Blue Mountain . VI. 24 No 22 miles from Sariiia Bluewater Creek Pro- VI. 24 No Near Argea, 20 miles visional Townsville Boodua VI. 22 Yes miles from Boodua Toowoomba - Goon Haden Line Booubyjan VI. 22 No 26 miles from Goorneri Cabawin VI. 21 No 3 miles from Cabawin Siding, Dalby-Gle Branch Line Coen .. VI. 23 No 247 miles from Cooktow] Comet .. .. VI. 22 No Central Railway, 26 m Emerald Daradgee Upper VI. 21 No Innisfail Forsayth .. VI. 25 Yes 263 Miles from Cairns Foxdale .. VI . 27 Yes 4 miles from Proserp ine Freestone Upper VI. 21 Yes 5 miles from Freestone 86 EDUCATION OFFICE GAZETTE. [APRIL, 1959

PROMOTIONS IN PURSUANCE OF THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 162 AND 163 of THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACTS, 1922 TO 1958." As from 1st January, 1959, except as indicated otherwise. MALES. From Class I., Division 2, to Class I., Division 1. Aspland, Clifford William (B.A., B.Ed.) Lambourne, Frederick Clive Austin, Victor James (A.Ed.) Law, Charles (B.A.) Brady, Patrick Francis Maunsell, James Henry Bryans, William McLaren, Ian Callinan, William Martin (B.A., A.Ed., O'Rourke, Edward Thomas Dip.Phys.Ed.) (A.Ed.) Corfield, Neville James Rackemann, Monte Cronk, Mervyn Smekel, Hilton John (B.A.) Daddow, Colin Archibald Smith, Keith Oswald (B.A., Dalzell, Alfred (B.Sc.) A.Ed.) 18-2-59 Hankey, Ian Salisbury Snars, Frank (B.A., Hayes, Roderick Parker A.Ed. ) Hinrichsen, Leighton Ernest (B.Sc., Strachan, Gordon McKenzie Dip.Ed.) Thorne, Andrew Keith Hirst, Herbert Reuben Twomey, Edward John (B.A., A.Ed.) Horrocks, Herbert Robert Frank Unger, Allan Albert Hunter, Norman David (B.Sc.) Voelker, Leonard Albert Kennedy, John Alexander

From Class I., Division 3, to Class I ., Division 2. Anderson, Angus Samways, Gordon Dickson Ashton, John Kingsley Sharp, Ian Richard Baker, Ronald (A.Ed.) Spearritt, Clyde (B.Sc.) Bowles, John Murray Tree, Allan Roy (A.Ed.) .. 1-4-59 Burn, Eric William (A.Ed.) .. 25-2-59 Turnbull, Robert William Dick, William Christopher Harvey Dittman, Stanley Charles Underwood, Francis Henry Vincent (B.A., B.Ed.) 13-5-59 Eisemenger, Lester (Dip.Phys.Ed.) Walker, Robert Evans, Glen Thomas (B.Sc., B.Ed.) Whannell, Robert Alexander Frost, Mervyn (B.A., A.Ed.) Heber, Colin Francis (A.Ed.) Whittred, Donald Frank (B.Sc., Hilder, Oliver Carlyle (A.Ed.) Dip.Ed.) Howe, James Patrick Wilkinson, William Roger Lougheed, Allan Leslie (B.A.) Willmore, Arnold Henry (B.A.) Peeck, Henry Francis .. 1-5-59

From Class 1., Division 4, to Class 1., Division 3. Beck, John Sydney (B.Sc.) Hansford, Gregory Henry Brady, Noel George (B.Sc., Dip.Ed.) Healey, Kenneth William (A.Ed.) Brown, Joseph Aloysius Jones, Victor Edward Harding (A.Ed.) Butters, John Martin (B.A.) Low, Clyde Percy Carruthers, Ian Robert (B.A.) Mackay, Lewis George Cominos, Emanuel (B.Sc., Dip.Ed.) Malone, Francis Curphey, George Edward (B.Se.) MeTaggart, Neil Innes Curtis, Keith Walter Michael (B.A., Pearson, John Eric (B.A., Dip.Ed.) A.Ed.) Powell, Reggie (A.Ed.) Dale, Ray Reginald Thomas Smith, Keith Francis Duke, Edward Ruben St. Pierre, John Eustace Dunlop, Herbert George Vidler, Leon Albert (A.A.T.D.) 19-6-59 Fahey, John William .. 14-5-59 Wagner, Albert George Finn, Joseph Patrick Whatmough, Ernest Alfred, Foley, Cornelius Eugene (B.A., Dip.Ed.) Ganley, Leslie John Whittington, George Francis Gray, Eric Leslie (A.Ed.) .. 23-6-59 (A.Ed.) Gray, William 162 EDUCATION OFFICE GAZETTE. [MAY, 1959.

SCHOOL COMMITTEES APPOINTED FOR THE THREE YEARS, 1959. 1960, AND 1961. (Regulation28.) The Minister has approved of the appointment of Committees which have been nominated at meetings of parents held in connection with the Schools specified hereunder. This intimation is to be taken as the offieial notification of the appointment as, except in special eases , it is not intended to advise each Head Teacher in writing. Head Teachers are therefore requested to notify their respective Committees of their appointment accordingly. Additional lists will be published in succeeding issues of the Education Office Gazette. Alli es Creek Clontarf Jackson Anna Branch Coalstoun Lakes Jimbour Anakie Columboola Kalpowar Andergrove Comet Kilcoy Augathella Commissioner's Flat Kingaroy Avondale Coningsby Kingethorpe Bambaroo Kleinton Bancroft Coorparoo KooroongarraSouth Bapaume Craignish Kumbia Bardon Cumonju Labrador Barmoya East Deuchar Laidley South Beat ri ce Creek DevereauxCreek Laravale Beerburrum Devon Park Lark Hill Bell Dingo Lethebrook Linthorpe Bellenden Ker Dirranbandi Benaraby Dululu Lower Gregory Benarkin Dundowran Lowmead Bennett Ehlma Lucinda Point Benowa Elimbah Mcllwraith Bingham Road Eton Major's Creek Birkdale Eukey Malakoff Road Blackstone Eungella Mailing Blair Athol Ferny Grove Many Peaks Blue Mountain Freestone Manyung Bluff Freshwater Mardale Bollon Geham Maroondan Bongeen Gin Gin Maryborough Central Boondooma Glen Allyn Mayfield Booyal Central Goodger Memerambi Bowen Goomburra Township Middle Creek Boyne Island Gooroolba Middle Ridge Brookfield Goovigen Milford Brookfield Upper Grantham Millchester Brooklands Granvill e Millmerran Builyan Greenwood Millwood 'eadaberg South Grovely Monogorilby Bundamba Gnthalungra Morayfield Bunker's Hi ll Hampden Mt. Barney Bunya Harelmar Mt. Christian Burleigh Heads Headington Hill Mt. Dalrymple Burneluith Hebel Mt. Gordon Bush Grove Hermit Park Mount Kent Caboolture Hivesville Mt. Larcom Camp Hill Hodgson Mt. Perry Canaga Homebush Mt. Surprise Carney 's Creek Howard Mount Whitestone Cecil Plains Hughenden Mullett Creek Cement Mills Humpybong Munbura Chelona Injune Mungar Chinghee Creek Ipswich Central Girls' and Nangwee Clarendon Infants' Netherdale Clifton Iredale Nikenbah APRIL, 1959.] EDUCATION OFFICE GAZETTE. 119

ADULT SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS. To be granted the classificationof Class II., Division 6. Abel, Keith Gervase Bucks, Norman Alfred Barnes, Gavin Mauri ce Lee, Gordon Arthur Barry, James Alfred Leonard , Joseph Blake Berkeley, John Russell Fitz-Hardinge Martin, James Alexander MacPhee Catling, Frank Ronald Meerdink, Engelbartus Frederick Conroy, Mark Morgan, Warren Sydney Cook, John William Murphy, William Crase, Ian William Murray, Roland James Kingsford Cunningham, Barry Thomas McAlpine, Walter John Davis, Alan Foreman McGuire, Donald Ross Dillon, William John O'Brien, John Francis Dobson, Jeffrey Laurence Peek, Geoffrey Dombrovskis, Egils Rackemann, Christie Karl Duffy, James Michael Rawlings, John Peter Edwards, Milton Charles Richards, Frank Ryman Farnham, John William Ridout-Woodforde, Ian Sydney French, John McKay Stuart, Brian David Norris Garrett, William Charles Susan, Thomas Francis Corwell, Frederick Roy Teasdale, Peter Douglas Gray, Garth Tornabene, Alfio Gugemberger, Louis Trebbin, Edwin Healy, Edward William Walker, Barry Ernest Horrigan, Kevin John Wood, Billie Irwin, James Thomas Wood, Peter Jackson, Derek Colin Woodmass, Robert Keith Kernke, Edward Theodore Hart Wren, Francis Anthony Kerr, Kevin John Wyborn, Ronald Henry

UNCLASSIFIED TEACHERS. To be granted the classification of Class I., Division 2. Mazlin, Clarence Bunker Stowe, Arthur Kenelm (B.A.) 26-8-58 (B.Sc.) .. .. 3-2-59

To be granted the classification of Class I., Division 3. Kincaid, David William (B.A.) .. 3-2-59

To be granted the classification of Class II., Division 2. Bull, William Bertram (B.A., Dip.Ed.) .. 3-2-59

To be granted the classification of Class II ., Division 3. Cunningham, Kaye .. 17-2-59 To be granted the classification of Class II., Division 6. Phillips, Brian John Torpie, Francis Leonard

FEMALES. From Class I., Division 5, to Class I., Division 4. Cameron, Margaret Agnes Maginnis, Maureen Jessica Foster, Sadie Elizabeth Moore, Patricia .. .. 24-2-59

From Class II., Division 1, to Class I., Division 6. Galbraith, Agnes Henderson Kenyon, Nancy Joan

From Class 11, Division 5, to Class II., Division 4. Clifford, Maureen Joyce .. 5-4-59 Gaffney, Grace Edwards, Margaret Williamson Goodwin, Mary Patricia Ann (Mrs.) .. .. 1-3-59 Green, Lesley Jean Faragher, Stella Mary Lisle, Helen Morgan

Fro m Class II., Division 8 , to Class II., Division 7. Coutts, Ruth Anna Fisher (Mrs.) .. 26-2-59 td TRANSFERS OF TEACHERS (PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION 130)

Following is a list giving the appointment of teachers to vacancies in the Head Teachership of schools , together with part iculars relating to their seniority, as prescribed by the regulations under "The Public Service Acts, 1922 to 1958." The appointments are made in accordance with the terms of "The Public Service Acts, 1922 to 1958," and the regulations thereunder.


From- To- Present Maximum Date of Promotion to-

Classi- Name of Teacher fication Date of School Class School Class Amount Appoint- Class I ClassII ClassIII ment thereto

Atwell, Gordon Alfred 1.6 Paluma.. 7 Hampden 1,330 1-1-59 1-1-59 1-1-51 Beecham, Brian Terence 11.7 Noonga.. 7 Harrami 1,225 7-4-58 .. 1-1-68 Brimble , Ronnie Allan 11.2 Petford 7 Ku ru mbul 1,225 7-4-58 .. 1-1-55 Cart wright, Russell Georgge 11.6 Warwick Central T. Watsons Crossing 1,150 7-4-58 1-1-65 Christiansen , Donald, A.L. 1.3 Brookstead h 5 Cunnamulla 1,585 7-4-58 1-7-55 1-7-47 Compton, Lesil Herbert Alfred II. 5 Top Camp 7 Thornville 1,225 7-4-58 ., 1-1-56 Cooper, Ernest Donald . II.6 Runnymede 7 Yandina Creek 1,225 7-4-68 .. 1-1-56 Vitzsimon Thomas Joseph 11. 6 Sunnyside A* .. 7 CCreditton 1,225 7-4-58 .. 1-1-57 1,225 Goodsail, Sidney Phillip 11. 6 Rannes Kokotungo 7-4-58 .. 1-1-57 Ha rt , Colin Stanley 11.6 7 Mount Abundance 1,225 7-4-58 3-4-57 Hearn , Leo Patrick Wallumbilla 5 Inglewood ,. 1,586 7-4-58 1-7-61 1-7-44 1-9-41 Hughes , Wilfred Rent II .1 Haigslea 6 Grantham 1,280 7-4-68 .. 1-7-44 1-7-28 Johnson, MichaelVincent II. 6 Wivenhoe Rocky Hill 1,225 7-4-68 .. 1-1-57 Marshall, Charles William 11. 2 Don River Yaparaba 1,225 7-4-58 ,. 1-7-62 McCubbin, Frederick 11. 6 BroviniaCreek Kariboe Cress: 1,225 7-4-68 .. 1-1-57 Rowe, Reginald Sidney II. 5 Lockyer Upper Clayton 1,226 7-4-58 .. 1-1-56 Royle, Mervyn James Fraser II.6 Closeburn HeadhlgtoA_Hill. 1,225 7-4-58 1-1-57 Seaton Alexander Lennox, A.Ed. I.1 Kuranda CleveHnd 1,6 85 7- 4- 59 1-1-51 19-8-46 1-7 31 Shea, Leonard I. 1 Iona Maudsland 11,526 525 7-7-4-584- 58 1-7-48 1-7-44 1-7-40 Shield, Albert, B.A., A.Ed. I. 1 Queens Beach Herberton 1,686 7-4-58 1-7-44 1-7-40 1-7-34 Stevens , Lionel Whittington I, 1 BerserkerStreet Parramatta 1,770 7-4-58 1-7-44 1-1-42 1-7-32 Sydney,Percy Kenneth 1. 1 Cooranga North Ravenshoe 1,586 7-4-58 1-1-49 1-7-44 1-1-40 Thompson , K evin Martin Henry 11.6 Coalbank 7 Conroy West 1,225 7-4-58 .. 1-1-57 . Williams, Allan Victor .. 11.5 Oak Park 7 Irongate 1,226 7-4-68 1-1-56 .. 234 EDUCATION OFFICE GAZETTE (Jun.-Y, 1959

THE WORLD'S BEST PORTABLE EMPIRE Aristocrat TYPEWRITER HIGHESTQUALITY! 1W LOWESTPRICE! The reasons:- AB British product. Quadrupled utFactory. £ 3 3 Preferential Tariff. %1-, Terms All these benefits are given to the buyer. arranged. There should be an Aristocrat In every home. Write, phone or call for illustrated brochure. MACDOUGALLS (PTY.) LIMITED 303 Queen Street, near G.P.O., Brisbane - Tel. 2 9498 SYDNEY • MELBOURNE • ADELAIDE • BRISBANE

Teacher Fe llowships A number of Teacher Fellowships tenable at the are offered each year to male candidates at the Senior Public Examination. Applications for these Fellowships or for further information concerning them should be made to the Secretary, State Public Service Commissioner's Department, Box 59, Post Office, Brisbane North Quay. Junior Teacher Scholarship-holders are eligible to apply for these Fellowships. Each Fellowship-holder will be required to complete satisfactorily the prescribed course in the chosen faculty at the University and to complete a one-year course of professionaltraining thereafter. During the currency of the Fellowship in Arts or Science the following allow- ances will be paid to students: Living away Living at home- from home- Per annum Per annum First Year of course £208 £312 Second Year of course .. £234 £338 Third Year of course £260 £3b4 During the post-graduate year the students will be paid allowances at the following rates: - Per annum Living at home £312 Living away from home £390 Upon the completion of the full course, Teacher-Fellowship-holders in Arts or Science will be appointed to the staffs of schools with commencing salaries as follows: If holding a Pass degree or a degree with third-class honours-£1,050 per annum. If holding a degree with first- or second-class honours-£1,100 per annum. (The salaries quoted are award salaries subject to basic wage adjustment. The basic wage adjustment is at present £99 per annum.) (Trng. of Tchrs. Var. 43301/59) General Tips

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