Legislative Assembly Hansard 1938

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Legislative Assembly Hansard 1938 Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 9 AUGUST 1938 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Queensland Parliamentary Debates .. i.egislatibt ~ssemblp. FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY -EIGHTH PARLIAMENT Appointed to Meet AT BRISBANE ON THE NINTH DAY OF AUGUST, IN THE SECOND YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE VI., IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1938. TUESDAY, 9 AUGUST, 1938. empmYc·ring him, the Hon. Percy Pease, and the Hon. Maurice Patricl< Hynes, or any Ollf' OPENING OF PAR-LIAMENT. or more of them, to administer to all or any members or member of the House the oath Pursuant to the proclamation by His or affirmation of allegiame to His Majesty Exccllenry the Governor, dated 11 July, the King, which commission was then rend 1938, appointing Parliament to meet this to the House by the Clerk. day for the despatch of business, the House met at 12' o'clock noon in the Legislative Assembly Chamber. RETURN OF WRITS. The Clerk of the Pnrliament read the The Clerk informed the House that the proclamation. writs for the various electo•ral districts ha,[ been returned to him severally endorsed as follows:- COMMISSION TO OPEN PARLIA:YIENT. Albert-Thomas Flood Plnnkett. The Clerk acquainted the House that His Aubigny-Arthur Edwarcl Moore. Excellenry the Governor, not being able con­ Bar coo-Prank William Bulcock. veniently to be present in person this day, Baroona-William Power. had been pleased to cause a commission to Bowen-Ernest Joseph Rim·dan. be issued under the public seal of the State, Bremer-Frank Arthur Cooper. appointing the Hon. William Forgan Smith, Bris bane-.T ohn Henry ~f::tnn. the Hon. Percy Pease, and the Hon. Bulimba-George I-Iemy M:uriott. Mam·icc I'atrick Hyncs Commissioners in Bnndaberg-Bcrnard :\IcLean. order to the opening and holding of the Buranda-Ed1Yanl Joseph Hanson. present session of Parliament. Cairns-J ohn 0 'Keefe. The Commissioners so appointed having Carnarvon-Paul J erome Remigius taken their pluees upon the dais, and the Hilt on. Clerk having read the commission, Carpentaria-.Tolm 11ullan. Chm·ters Towers-vVilliam .Tohn Wel- The SE~IOR COJ'!Il'IUSSIONER (Hon. lington. W. Forgan Smith, l\Iackay) said: HoB. mem­ Cook-Harold Henry Collins. bers, we have it in command from His Excel­ Cooroora-Harrv Jh·eclerick \Valker. lency the GoYernor to let you know that, ns Cnnningham-vVilliam Arthur Deacon. soon as the members of the Parliament of Dalhv-Anbrcv Robert Slessar. Queenslnnd have been sworn, the causes of East" Toowoon1ba-Hcrbert Yeates. this Parliament being callecl together will be Enoggern-George Cuthbert Taylm. declared to you; and, it being necessary that J<'assifern-Adolph Gustav :Muller. a Speaker be first chosen, it is His Excel­ Fit7,roy-J ames Clark. lency's pleasure that you proceed to the Fortitude Valley--Samuel John Bras- election of one of your number to be your sington. Speaker, and that you present such person Gregory-Georgc Pollock. so chosen to His Excellency the Governor at Gympic-Thomas Dunstan. such time ancl place as His Excellency shall Hamilton-Hugh J\IcDiarmid Russell. appoint. Herbert-Percy Pease. The Premier thereupon produced a com­ Ipswich-David Alexander Gledsou. mission under the public seal of the State, Isis-William Alfred Brand. 1938-B. .M~embers Sworn. [ASSEMBLY.] Election of Speaker. Iihaca-Edwa•rcl Michael Hanlon. Jllmcan :\Jacdonahl, Esquire. Kelvin Grove--George AlfTec1 Morris. J~dmund Bcde :'.Iaher, Esquire. Kcnncdy--C'ecil Ge(Jl'ge .lesson. J olm Henry 2\Iann, Esquire. Keppel-D~1Yid John .Marlais Daniel. George Henry J\Iarriott, Esquire. Kurilpa-Patrick Kerry Copley. liaay 2\f:assey, Esquire. L1ogan-J olm l nncs Bnnvn. Bernard McLean, Esquire . .:\Iackay-\Villiam Forgun Smith. Artlmr Edwanl :'.Ioore, Esquire. i\Iaranoa-Charles vVilliam C'onroy. Georgc Alfred .:\!orris, Esquire. J\hrce-\Viili"lll 'l'homas King. A1lolf Gustav Muller, EsquiTe. ?.Jaryhorougj1-D;:rl"icl Fa•rrcll. (,eorgc Frnncis Reubcn Nicklin, Esquire. liTcl'tilyr-.fames !'atrick Kcogh. Thon1as Ninuno, Esqnirc. ~!irani-,E<1w:url _JDlm \Yalsh. .Jolm 0 'Keefc, Es']nrrc. _:_,j unrbngou1T3-~J ohn Dash. Thomas }'lood Plunkett, :F:squire. ~~.'lulT1111l1Jn-Georgc Yranel~ Reuben The Honomable Gcorge Pollock . .!'\icklin. \Villiam Pmvcr, J~SfjUiTe. N anango--Jmncs BraithYOOI] Ellwards. Emcst ,Joscph Hiordan, Esquire. 1\ Dl'Bl:1llby_-rJlh<nll:t~ _,_q_lH1l'P\V _Folcy. IIngh ..\:cDiannitl Husscll, }Jsquire. Numbh-John ·Vincent Hayc•. Aubrcy l(ohert Sle·,snr, Esquire. O:.:ley-Tl1o1nas Nin1n1o. GcoTge Cuth!Jert Taylor, Esquire. Port Curtis-Th(Jmag Lewis ·\Villian1s. .Har•ry }'rederick \Y alker, Esquire. l?ockhDu1p1o11-J an1e~ La·rco1nhe. Edwurd JoReph Wulsh, Esquire. Sandgnte-Hol:m<l William Hislop. Hcrbert vVilliams, Esquire. So nth Bris1nlnc--"Vjneent Clair Gair. Thomas Lc"·is \Villinms, Esquire. Stonlcy-Dunrau J\.l(iCdonald. Herlwrt Y catc~;, Esquire. 'l'lw Tablclnnr1-Uemy Adam Brnec. 'i'ooiYong-H ~n·ry :\IasRe". .ELEC'riON SFBJAKER. Tomvoomba-.Jnhn E1lninm1 Dnggnn. Or' Townsvillc--:Unmice Patrick Hynu. )!r, (Rockhampton) (12.20 Wnrrego-~Hnndolr'h Betlforc1. [J.Ht.) : I have very much \V .. nwiek-J aim .Toseph 0 'Connor Tfcalv. p!('nsure in n1o·dng·- \Ycst :\Torcton-1~dmnm1 Bede :\laher. · , 'That ::\Ir. George Pollock do take the Wide Be1y~-Erncst Henry Collet Clayton. chair of the House as Speaker.'' \Yinclsor-Herbert vVilliams. GoTermnent ~Iembers: Hear, hear! Wymmm-vVillinm Lognn Dart. lU:r. LAUCOJ!JH~: In 1932, when the hon. member for Gregory was first elected to the J\IE:J'.IBEHS SWORN. chair, I had n similar pleasure to that "hich The Commissioners, '"ho, with the Hon . I am no'.' experiencing. On that occasion I •Tohn 3-fullan, Hon. Frank Arthur Cooper, expresser! the opinion that he possesse<1 the Hon. Edwarc1 M:ichael Hanlon, Hon. Thomas ability, judgment, studious habits, and sense Amhe\\' Folcv, Hon. Henry ~\dam Druce and of impartiality that are essential to the satis­ Hon. .John 'Dash, other" members of' the fac:tory rliseharge of the duties of Spnker; :'.Iinishy, had been swmn in before His Excel­ anll hi.s rceonl in the chnir has justified that lency the Govnnor on 4 August, 1938, and opiJ<ion a ud fulfilled my expectations. He subscrihefl the roll, then administered the oath has proved that he has outstanding qualifica­ m uffirmntion of allegiance to the following tiolls for occupying the position of Spenker, other members, who thereupon also subscribed and he has been, highly successful in that the roll:- offiee. Randolph Bedford, Esquire. The fnct thnt the Opposition haYe never Samuel .T ohn Brassington, Esquire. opposc<l the hon. member's candidature for .John Innes Brown, Esquire. the chair, but always supported it, is a grace­ 'rhe Honournble Frank William Bulcock. ful tribute and compliment to him, and it ,Tames Cl ark, EsfJUiTc. confirnu my opinion. But the Speakership Emest I-femy Collet Clayton, Esquire. record of the hon. member for Gregory is the Harold Henry Collins, Esquire. best recommendation that it is possible to Clwrles vVilliam Comoy, Esquire. haYe for my motion rmd ample justification Patrick Kerry Copley, Esquire. for the Government Party's aga.in choosing William Lognn Dart, Esquire. him as their nominee. \7Villiam Arthur Dencon, Esquire. The hon. member for Gregory has been ,T ohn Eclmund Duggan, Esquire. Speaker continuously for a period of apprEJxi~ Thomas Dunstan, Esquire. mntely six ycrurs, hns discharged his duties James Braidwood Edwards, Esquire. ably ancl well, and has protected the rights Dnvid Fan·cll, Esquire. of hon. members, to whom he has ahvays been Vincent Clair Gair, Esqurrc. willing to giYe useful advice. Finnlly-and llDvid Alcxan<1er Gledson, Esquire. whnt is very iriipm·trmt-he has insisted upon l•Jr[,rard ,J oseph Hnnson, Esquire. order in the House, thus preserving its .rohn Vincent Hnycs, Esquire. rlccorum anrl helping to instil into the public .T ohn J oseph 0 'Connor lT ealy, Esquire. mind that respect foT Pnrliament which every Paul .T eTOmo Remigius Hilton, Esquire. hon. member of the House should endeavour Roland William Hislop, Esquire. to inculcate. Cecil George J esson, Esfjuire. Therefore, I submit my nomination to the ~J ames Pat•rick Keogh, Esquire. House with confidence. I hope and I belieYe vVilliam Thomas King, Esquire. that it will be the only nomination put ,J ames Larcombe, ·Esquire. forward. Election of Speaker. [9 AUGUST.] Elec:tion of Speaker. 3 llir. lHJNSTAN (Gympie) (12.23 p.m.): I appointing me Speaker of this Parliament; desire to second the nomination of l\Ir. G eorge therefore, without more ado I submit myself Pollock for the office of Speal<er of tl1c to the IYill o£ the House. House. I am Yery pleased at having the :Jh. SPEAKEH was escorted to tlte chair opportunity of doing so, and my reasons for !Jv the mover and seconder of the motion, that rleasure are more than ouc>. aiH1, speaking from the dais, said : }Ion: There is more than formal or party pleasure members, having been ''forcibly dragge·l '' to in electing our Speaker. Every one of us, the chair, I must now thank hon. members h:lYing just emerged from another kind of for their kindness. election, realises the personal pleasure and ::'\Iemhers: Hear, hear! (and honour of being able to hear his Yoiee from the chair, and eYen of being callecl to order by the gentleman \Yho, S[lCilking less than any 'l'l1e PRRThHER (Hon. W. Forgan Smith, of us, always speaks to the point, alHl \Vho, :Jinckay) (12.28 p.m.): I rlcsire to congra­ unlike yon, J\Ir. Dickson, is enm permitted to tulate you, 1lr. Speaker, on being C'lccted for speak without any point at all. (Laughter.) the third time to the high office of Speaker During the period of my unsought.
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