Using Interlinear Glosses as Pivot in Low-Resource Multilingual Machine Translation Zhong Zhou Lori Levin David R. Mortensen Alex Waibel Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
[email protected] Abstract We demonstrate a new approach to Neu- ral Machine Translation (NMT) for low- resource languages using a ubiquitous lin- guistic resource, Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT). IGT represents a non-English sen- Figure 1: Multilingual NMT. tence as a sequence of English lemmas and morpheme labels. As such, it can serve as a pivot or interlingua for NMT. Our contribution is four-fold. Firstly, we pool IGT for 1,497 languages in ODIN (54,545 glosses) and 70,918 glosses in Ara- paho and train a gloss-to-target NMT sys- Figure 2: Using interlinear glosses as pivot to translate in tem from IGT to English, with a BLEU multilingual NMT in Hmong, Chinese, and German. score of 25.94. We introduce a multi- lingual NMT model that tags all glossed resource settings (Firat et al.(2016)Firat, Cho, text with gloss-source language tags and and Bengio; Zoph and Knight(2016); Dong train a universal system with shared atten- et al.(2015)Dong, Wu, He, Yu, and Wang; Gillick tion across 1,497 languages. Secondly, we et al.(2016)Gillick, Brunk, Vinyals, and Subra- use the IGT gloss-to-target translation as manya; Al-Rfou et al.(2013)Al-Rfou, Perozzi, a key step in an English-Turkish MT sys- and Skiena; Zhou et al.(2018)Zhou, Sperber, and tem trained on only 865 lines from ODIN.