APRIL 2020 Downtown Strategic Vision Revised May 1, 2020 Crozet, Virginia retailstrategies.com | [205] 314-0386 |
[email protected] 2200 Magnolia Ave South, Suite 100 Birmingham, AL LETTER TO THE MAYOR Dear, Roger, Through our Downtown Strategic Visioning Workshop process, we assessed the five pillars of your downtown’s mix: Market Analysis, Design, Tourism & Promotion, Economic Vitality and Policy & Administration, to provide a true roadmap to revitalization. For Downtown Crozet, we identified and created a tailored strategy to enhance, revitalize, and mobilize Downtown Strategies exists to assist your community’s efforts. When properly fueled, your Downtown can be a powerful economic, tourism, and communities in taking the next, or first, quality of life engine and our team of professionals was stepin their Downtown’s journey. honored to help you define your potential and empower you to achieve it. Downtown Strategies’ Strategic Visioning Workshop operates on three key tenets: utilizing asset-based methodology based on the community’s existing strengths and potentials, holistically evaluating the community’s Downtown, and conducting the Workshop with community and stakeholder input. The holistic approach utilized in the Workshop included varying degrees of emphasis on the five pillars: • Market Analysis to uncover and define the economic potential in your Downtown area • Policy & Administration to ensure the recommendations of the plan include a road map to turn them into reality by creating a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort • Design to support a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial district apart, • Tourism and Promotion to position your downtown as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, • Economic Vitality to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive Jenn Gregory, President Downtown Strategies local economies.