School NewspaperDISPATCH“T h e b e a c o n o f t r u t h s i n c e 1 9 7 4 ” Issue II, Volume 47 Huntington High School Oakwood and McKay Roads Huntington, NY 11743 INSIDE THIS PAGE 3 PAGE 8 PAGE 16 December 2017 ISSUE:

IN MEMORY OF JOEY MANAKER Merriam Webster defines the word hand dealt to him in life bring him friend as “a person attached to an- BY ABBY down—I never saw him without a gi- other by feeling of affection or per- SEMELSBERGER ant, toothy smile. He didn’t let his sonal regard.” By this definition, Joey circumstances define him. Manaker was a friend to every single finale was a song called “Happiness.” I urge people to follow the student, faculty member, and mem- I have found this to be extremely fit- example of Joey Manaker, and take ber of the Huntington Community. ting to who Joey was, as despite ev- some time to be kind, loving, and Joey was loving, kindhearted, and al- ery obstacle thrown at him, he still open towards others. Appreciate how ways ready to offer a warm smile or found a way to exude happiness, and lucky you are to be living your life a hug to anyone he met. He spread bring happiness to everyone he met. and all the opportunities you have joy, love and happiness to everyone Joey’s permanent smile and been given. I have been inspired by he met and our lives are all a little magnetic positivity made me realize him since I met him in the Finley less bright without him here with us. I could be happier in my life if I was Middle School auditorium, and it is Joey loved to perform. I was just more optimistic and as kind to my sincere hope that everyone here lucky enough to have met Joey dur- others as Joey. He did not have an at Huntington can spread a little ing our seventh grade musical, and easy life, by any stretch of the imagi- “Happiness” now that we don’t have we became fast friends. The show’s nation. However, he did not let the Joey to do it for us.


WANT TO SEND 2 Editorial 3 Op-Ed SOMETHING IN? 4-5 Op-Ed SUBMIT ANONYMOUS ADVICE QUESTIONS TO ROOM 239 6-7 Views on News | Op-Ed 8-9 Travel Google Classroom Remind 10-11 Artist Spotlight 12-13 Spanish | Español i731smb Text @dispatchhs To 81010 14-15 Science 16-18 Entertainment 19-20 School News Instagram Email @HHSDispatch [email protected] The Dispatch 2 December 20 Dispatch GERRYMANDERING: DEMOCRATS HEED THE CALL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BY MAX ROBINS Max Robins Tuesday, November 7th was an November 2012 election with only important day for Democrats 39 of the 99 total seats. Granted, LAYOUT EDITOR throughout the nation. From tak- Democrats have also been guilty; Erica Vazquez ing two governors’ mansions (Vir- Illinois, for instance, is rather COPY EDITORS ginia and New Jersey) and flip- slanted towards the Democrats Samantha Sgrizzi ping or making notable gains in as a result of their gerrymander- Zach McGinniss numerous legislatures throughout ing. Nonetheless, the numbers SPANISH EDITORS the nation, to smaller yet key mu- speak for themselves: Congressio- Ariana Strieb|Rocío Rivas-Lizama nicipal victories, the Democratic nal representation in the United Party is widely considered to have States is significantly skewed to- CONTRIBUTING STAFF come out on top this election day. wards Republicans, despite Dem- Afroditi Mountanos, Brian Moreria, One particular race of note ocrats often receiving more votes Christian Bellissimo, Craig Haas, was the Virginia House of Del- in Congressional elections. Diya Rai-Gersappe, Dominick Stanley, egates contest. The state’s lower Should the 2018 midterm Hannah Bailin, Kerrie Joyce, Kiara Gelbman, Kyra DeSalvo, house drew national attention elections follow the trend we’ve Luca Perna, Luke Farrell, Madelyn Kye, after the degradation of the Re- seen this past Election Day, as Nicholas Rowley, Shaye O’Beirne, Peter publican’s super-majority over the well as in Alabama’s Senate elec- Ciccone, Amelia Maggio, Gaia D’Anna, body. Entering the night holding tion, the Democrats will be on Julia Giles, Daniela 66 seats to the Democrats’ 34, the target to control redistricting in Ramos, Marilyn Menjivar, Quinn Black- Virginia G.O.P. was shocked to far more than just Virginia, come burn, Maddy KYE, Rocio Rivas-Lizama, 2020. With great power comes Nolan Piccola, Amelia Reilly We would soon be great responsibility. Just as the ADVISORS living in an America Republicans shaped this decade, the Democrats will have their op- Ms. Aimee Antorino, Mr. Edward Florea, and that’s incredibly portunity to shape the next one. Mr. Steven Kroll skewed to the left. If Democrats were to act watch its hold on the house dwin- by precedence and follow the dle to a near loss of its majority G.O.P.’s actions, we will soon be The Dispatch is Huntington High School’s official stu- with Democrats flipping seats left living in an America that’s incred- dent publication. Written for over 1200 students at- and right. ibly skewed to the left, politically tending HHS, The Dispatch is distributed to all stu- dents, staff and school community members at the The final tally for the Dem- disadvantaging Republicans. Po- school free of charge. ocrats’ gains and the Republicans’ litically gerrymandering to any The Editorial Board is the newspaper’s decision-mak- losses has yet to be determined; degree results in the disenfran- ing body, organizing and directing its operation. The incredibly close margins of victo- chising of voters, a reprehensible Dispatch staff has adopted the following editorial pol- icy to express the rights, responsibilities and philoso- ry in three districts have triggered action for which our founding fa- phy of the newspaper for the 2017-2018 school year. recounts. The current tally stands thers roll over in their graves. The

The Dispatch of Huntington High School is a public fo- with the G.O.P. leading Demo- Democrats would finally have the rum, with its student editorial board making all deci- crats 51-49, according to the Elec- chance to take the moral high road sions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials ex- press the views of the majority of the editorial board. tion Day counts. Regardless, the on this matter in two years. recounts pose a good possibility While it may be politically Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be pub- lished as space allows. Letters are preferred signed, of a shakeup in house leadership. tempting to act as the Republi- but may be published by request. The Editorial Board If the Democrats take con- cans did and disadvantage their reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and clari- ty, and all letters are subject to laws governing obscen- trol of this body, they will have adversaries, The Dispatch implores ity, libel, privacy, and disruption of the school process, the tremendously important task Democrats to act otherwise. For as are all contents of the paper. Questions, comments, and letters to the editor should be sent electronically to of redistricting Virginia’s legisla- once, a party will have the pros- [email protected] or submitted to The Dispatch tive districts come 2022, follow- pect of setting a proper example mailbox located in the main office. ing the 2020 census. on this issue. By choosing not to Opinions in letters are not necessarily those of the staff, In 2010, after a conservative gerrymander in 2020, the Demo- nor should any opinion expressed in a public forum be sweep of Congress and many state crats will be doing what is right, construed as the opinion of the administration, unless so attributed. legislative bodies, Republicans not what is simply politically ad- controlled the redistricting that vantageous to their party. Their The Dispatch’s goal is to provide readers with inter- esting content in a wide variety of areas. Such areas would shape the next ten years. goal should be to create fair and include the news coverage of school and community They then proceeded to politically evenly drawn electoral districts, events, as well as features on relevent topics. In addi- tion, The Dispatch will provide opinionated editorials gerrymander those districts to un- not ones that favorably advantage on controversial topics, as well as provide previews precedented levels. one party over another. and reviews for upcoming school and professional sports seasons and other forms of entertainment. Take Wisconsin, where Re- If Democrats have the op- publicans controlled redistricting, portunity to do so in 2020, let’s for example. Despite clearing a hope they’ll make the right choice solid majority for the overall as- and let all of the voters’ voices be sembly vote, Democrats exited the heard. The Dispatch December 20 3 #METOO & WHY WE NEED IT effect on , Tracy Lysette, Viola BY JULIA GILES with many victims Davis, Charlyne Yi, of sexual abuse and McKayla Maroney, If you’ve gone on- assault coming out Maureen Ryan, Janis line at least once about their expe- Hirsch, Laura Dern, during these past few riences using the Anna Faris, Jessica months, you know “#MeToo.” The Barth, Gabby Doug- that many Holly- phrase was first con- las, and so many more. wood sexual preda- ceived by activist Ta- If that list de- tors are being outed rana Burke in 2006 presses the hell out to the public, and for to spread awareness of you (which it very good reason. should), don’t worry, It all started in ...most of the most of the people October when The people who ha- who harassed them New York Times and rassed them are are being proper- The New Yorker re- being properly ly called out. Ac- bravery of those tape that he harass- vealed that Harvey called out. tors such as Kevin coming out and the es women and even Weinstein, a famous Spacey and George actions being taken bragged about it, and film producer and Takei have been re- against those who yet he was still elect- co-founder of the of sexual harassment vealed to have made have harassed people, ed and hasn’t been Weinstein Compa- against women of unwanted sexual ad- this issue is not going held accountable for ny, had sexually ha- color, but has since vances towards peo- away anytime soon. any of these remarks! rassed, assaulted, and been reintroduced by ple (in Spacey’s case, Roy Moore, a former That is why we even raped dozens actress Alyssa Milano a 14-year-old), as well far-right judge and need this #MeToo of women in Holly- to show the scale of as comedians Louis the Republican can- campaign: to make wood. the problem of sex- C.K. and Al Franken didate for Alabama’s sure that all women More than 80 ual harassment (don’t (the latter being a sit- Senate seat, has been are safe from humili- women have con- worry, Milano has ting US senator). accused of sexually ating and disgusting firmed these claims, credited Burke for Some actions harassing multiple mi- treatment, to stop including Angelina the phrase). have been made nors (he also report- people who treat against the men be- those with less power ing accused, such as Even though with disrespect, and Brett Ratner, a pro- the #MeToo to let women be com- ducer accused of fortable with telling sexual assault, being campaign doesn’t have a the world about their removed from the abuse. Even though Wonder Woman sequel clear solution, it the #MeToo cam- and Roy Price, for- still gives paign doesn’t have mer head of Amazon women a voice a clear solution, it studios also accused still gives women a of assault, quitting edly met his wife at a voice and is a step- his position. Just sev- recital when she was ping stone to make eral days ago, Senator 15), and didn’t lose sure that nobody Jolie, Gwyneth Pal- Celebrities who Franken announced any traction in the gets treated like this, trow, Lupita Nyong’o, have come out about his retirement from polls for some time! regardless of their Lena Headey, and harassment include the Senate. Even the Presi- fame. many others. Wein- Reese Witherspoon, Despite the dent has admitted on • • • stein denies these al- America Ferrera, legations, but he has Jennifer Lawrence, since been fired from Molly Ringwald, the Weinstein Com- Lady Gaga, Gabrielle Are You Feeling Passionate pany and removed Union, Evan Rachel Wood, Melanie Lyn- About A Topic? Write About It! Some actions skey, Björk, Patricia The Dispatch is always looking for writers and photog- have been made Arquette, Isa Dick against the men Hackett, Hilarie Bur- raphers to submit articles they feel passionately about. being accused. ton, Terry Crews, Drop in during one of our Weekly James Van Der Beek, Javier Munoz, Jenny Wednesday Meetings after school from the Academy Slate, Rosario Daw- or of Motion Pictures son, Anna Paquin, Art and Science. Anika Noni Rose, Contact Max Robins about submit- The Weinstein Debra Messing, Feli- ting your work for The Dispatch. accusations have re- cia Day, Kimya Daw- sulted in a snowball son, Ilana Glazer, @[email protected] The Dispatch 4 December 20 UP IN ARMS: THE GUN CONTROL DEBATE THE LIBERAL PERSPECTIVE hear the secular left to address “mental every abortion reg- gle step without a BY doing this thing, health” and guns— ulation and restric- hall pass from the ZACH MCGINNISS it’s no wonder you are godless athe- tion. One can only NRA. have so much po- ists. fathom how Ryan Even worse Republicant second larization and dis- That’s not would respond if is the fatalism of amendment abso- unity in this coun- only cheeky of liberals offered pro-gun lawmak- lutists have recent- try when people him, but it’s decid- “thoughts and ers. “You know, it’s ly decided to do think like that.”’ edly un-Christian prayers” for those hard to envision their best imitation -House Speaker to question crit- slaughtered by ter- a foolproof way of “snowflakes” Paul Ryan ics’ faith. Actually, rorists, but refused (the derogatory Ryan would many of his critics to vote for effec- Prayers are no term referring to like to have us be- are deeply religious tive measures to re- excuse for re- those who need fusal to act in “safe spaces” and the like to avoid a responsible soul-crushing of- manner in ad- fenses). They have dressing the decided to feign menace of gun offense at Demo- violence. crats who have had to prevent indi- enough of the hy- vidual outrages by pocrisy in the wake evil people,” Sen- of mass shootings. ate Majority Leader The topic is the Mitch McConnell, hollow “thoughts R-Ky., declared. “I and prayers” Re- mean, last week in publicans offer up New York you had in lieu of respon- a person who fig- sible legislative ac- ured out he could tion. kill people by driv- “It’s disap- ing his automobile pointing, it’s sad, Paul Ryan rejects calls for new gun control legislation after Texas church shooting. up on the side- and this is what lieve that those folks who are ap- duce the threat of walks. It’s a very, you’ll get from the criticizing his re- palled that “pro- terrorism. very challenging far secular left. sponse—his utter gun” now takes Republicans thing.” And yet, People who do not capitulation to the precedence over pretend (although Sen. McConnell, have faith don’t “pro-life.” Ryan’s the question arises: you do take ev- understand faith, Republicans will critics are people do they pretend, ery reasonable ac- I guess I’d have to use any excuse who understand or are they pro- tion—including say. And it is the that prayers are no fessional victims sending young men right thing to do is in the book... excuse for refusal to of “elites” safe- and women to fight to pray in moments to avoid having act in a responsible ly within the Fox terrorists abroad— like this, because the debate about manner in address- News bubble?) that to diminish the you know what? gun violence. ing the menace of Democrats have terrorism threat. Prayer works. And National Rifle As- gun violence—not suddenly devel- In fact, Republi- I know you believe sociation and his just mass killings, oped an objection cans have devised that, and I believe stubborn refusal but also the day- to prayer. Ryan all sorts of entire- that and when you to-day suicides and couldn’t be further ly non-responsive murders across the away for the truth. measures (e.g. the country that are the Democrats are ex- anti-Muslim travel consequence of the pressing their fury ban) because they pull of a trigger. at the post-mass feel compelled Imagine how shooting ritual in to do something Ryan would react if which “thoughts about the threat of liberal lawmakers and prayers” are Islamist terrorism. offered “thoughts supposed to show Gun control and prayers” for the pious empathy would not be the the unborn, and of those who re- CONTINUES ON THE Liberal Perspective on Gun Control. then voted against fuse to take a sin- NEXT PAGE The Dispatch December 20 end-all, be-all of recent Las Vegas in the book—Not reasonable mea- grasp of the gun5 violent crimes and massacre may have the right time! Dis- sures to reduce gun lobby, and to show “individual outrag- still occurred in respectful to the violence, includ- the same concern es by evil people.” some other fash- ing suicides. Now and legislative de- No one is contend- ion, even if Ste- But isn’t there they want to shame termination that ing that, liberal or phen Paddock was the high pos- critics who would they demonstrate not. However, it is unable to get his sibility that at point out their cra- in the war against impossible to al- hands on guns— least the terror ven hypocrisy. Islamist terrorism lege that these out- who knows! But Of course, of- when it comes to rages couldn’t, at isn’t there the high he caused could fer prayers for the mass killings in Las the bare minimum possibility that at have been victims of gun vio- Vegas, Texas and even be stymied by least the terror he minimized? lence. But also pray elsewhere. the slightest degree caused could have that lawmakers dis- of increased gun been minimized? dead!—to avoid cover a sense of • • • control. Republicans having the debate moral obligation to Maybe the will use any excuse about concrete, break free from the THE CONSERVATIVE PERSPECTIVE Throughout the Along with the brav- BY night, heroes were ery and willingness CRAIG HAAS born, as people per- to help anyone at the Just a few weeks ago, formed acts of brav- concert, the country people who trav- ery and compassion subsequently came eled to the Las Vegas towards complete together to mourn Route 91 Music Fes- strangers. Mothers for all of the victims tival with the intent and fathers not only of the shooting. of submerging them- shielded their chil- As the week selves in good music, dren but shielded went on, findings and were greeted with a others as well. People observations were re- including assault ri- per year. tragic turn of events. used their personal leased. The shooter fles that had bump- Gun-free zones While Jason Aldean vehicles to transport was found to be Ste- fire stocks, which only help people feel was in the midst of the injured to the phen Paddock, a man modify weapons into safe while they, in performing during hospital due to am- with a background something compa- truth, don’t protect what was supposed bulance shortages. free of crime and rable to an automatic people. This is be- to be a night of fun, Taylor Winston, a violence. Paddock’s rifle. As news of this cause gun-free zones gunshots rang out Marine veteran– who family made a small spread across the aren’t enforced; peo- from a Mandalay Bay was also a concertgo- fortune through real country, people be- ple aren’t checked for hotel room into the er– told KGTV that estate success. His gan to wonder why guns in the middle of a man with no crimi- public parks, public nal history would be fairs, and public out- provoked to commit door events. If a per- the largest shoot- son wants to commit ing in U.S history. an attack using fire- Consequently, many democratic and liber- Gun-free zones al leaders jumped on only help people the change to used feel safe while the massacre to push they, in truth, their gun-law agen- das. don’t protect The critical people. goal for Democrats was to create a sense arms, nothing stops of urgency for strict- them from doing so. er gun laws and gun- Signs that merely The “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign is surrounded by flowers and items after shooting. free zones around warn against the use large crowd. With no the country. They of firearms in a par- shelter, people lay he “looked for vic- father, once a bank argued that gun-free ticular area are inef- on top of each other tims with the most robber, was actually zones would prevent fective. If a person is to save the lives of serious injuries first, well-known to the future attacks and going to open fire in those they’ve never loaded them into FBI, having made it significantly decrease a public place, a gun- met before. 58 peo- his truck bed and onto the FBI’s Most the amount of fire- free zone is the saf- ple wound up dead, drove them to Des- Wanted list in the arm violence in the est place for them to while over 500 end- ert Springs Hospi- late 1960s. country. The Dem- do so, as every other ed up with injuries, tal Medical Center,” Investigating ocrats also argued law-obeying citizen some life-threaten- making two trips be- the hotel room that that stricter gun laws wouldn’t be carry- ing. fore ambulances ar- he stayed in, the FBI would decrease the rived on the scene. found 23 weapons, number of guns sold CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 The Dispatch 6 December 20 CATALONIA: AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE FOR THE SMALL PROVINCE vote, Spanish federal counted, amounting velopments unfold, French and Arabic. BY DOMINICK police were sent to to a 43% voter turn- one might wonder Catalonians celebrate STANLEY cities and towns all out, with 90% of the what instigated the their own holidays over the province, vote going in favor independence move- and traditions, such On the Morning of attacking polling sta- of independence, ment in the first as September 11th, October 1st, 2017, tions and arresting and 10% against. place. Given the their national holi- the people of the those who had been Millions fun- overwhelming speed day, and even their world were getting up attempting to exer- neled out into the in which events are own foods native to for work or school, cise their democratic streets in cheers of transpiring, much the region, such as and beginning the rights. Police broke joy, as well as fits of can take place be- the Calçot and Es- day like any other day. down doors, beat the rage, now even more tween when this ar- queixada. However, unlike the crowds of Catalo- steadfast in their con- ticle is written and The people of rest of the world, the nians waiting in line victions of indepen- when it is published. Catalonia are dis- people of the small tinct from the peo- Spanish province of ple of Spain, just as Catalonia were get- the people of China ting up to partake in are distinct from the a province-wide ref- people of Japan; they erendum that asked have a unique way the simple question: of life that is differ- “Do you want Cata- ent from every other lonia to become an culture on the planet. independent state in Many see this as why the form of a repub- Catalonia deserves lic?” freedom from the The vote was approved by the Cat- Catalonia’s alonian provincial story is com- government months plex and forever prior to the vote tak- changing as ing place. However Catalonians celebrate independence. time goes on. the Spanish federal at the ballot boxes, dence for the land To begin, ten- authorities began to and seized complet- they call home. The sions have always Spanish Central Au- publicly speak out ed ballots to prevent vote itself prompted been high between thorities. against the referen- them from being Puigdemont to pro- Catalonia and Ma- This is not the dum, citing it as trea- counted. pose independence drid, primarily due first time that Cata- sonous, and illegal In total, it is es- to the Catalan Parlia- to the heavy cul- lonia has tried to se- according to Spain’s timated that over 700 ment, where it was tural differences of cede from the rest of This is not the people were injured approved by a large each region. Cata- Spain. In fact, many first time that and/or hospitalized majority on October lans speak a language secession attempts Catalonia has from the brutality of 27th, 2017, officially called “catalan,” a have been made the police, and hun- declaring itself its distinct language throughout the last tried to secede dreds of thousands own country. from Spanish that is CONTINUES ON from the rest of of completed bal- While these de- heavily influenced by NEXT PAGE Spain. lot papers had been seized by the state, constitution. Howev- therefore nullifying er, Catalonia’s Gov- the voices of those ernor, Carles Puigde- who had chosen to mont, chose to push partake in the vote forward with the earlier in the day. vote. Despite this The argument however, millions of over Catalonia’s ballots were snuck democratic right to through the back push for indepen- rooms of buildings, dence from Madrid and even dropped originally seemed like from windows into nothing more than a trucks were they minor dispute on le- could be counted gality, yet would turn elsewhere. In total, much more serious. 2.3 million votes were The morning of the Catalonians fight for independence. The Dispatch December 207 CONTINUED FROM Catalans, seeing the Civil War. When An- experimental country forever changing as PREVIOUS PAGE Spanish as invaders archists and Commu- would last three years time goes on. How- few hundred years. themselves, teamed nists saw the Repub- from 1936-1939, un- ever, as time goes on, The first of up with the French lic of Spain as being til it was crushed by so does progress; as these was the Reap- to kick the Spanish a weak entity, they the Spanish General freedom and democ- er’s war, which last- out, although this overthrew the gov- and avowed nation- racy become the lan- ed from 1640-1652. would eventually end ernment of the region alist Francisco Fran- guage of the world, it Caused when Span- in failure. and declared inde- co, who would serve becomes even more ish troops were sent The most re- pendence, setting up as dictator of Spain fitting that the peo- to the region to fight cent Catalan bid for a state that matched from 1936-1975. ple of Catalonia get invading French independence was their idealistic social- Catalonia’s sto- their chance at it as forces, the native during the Spanish ist worldview. This ry is complex and well. STARBUCKS HOLIDAY CUP-TROVERSY However, in primarily those who BY KERRIE 2015 the chain re- celebrated Christ- JOYCE leased a plain red mas, were extremely cup for the holiday passionate about the Over the past twen- season, which sur- controversy, even ty years, the popular prisingly led to out- naming it “Cupgate.” coffee chain Star- rage from many cus- A slew of people bucks has released a tomers. Some felt went as far as boy- new festive cup ev- that the removal of cotting the company, ery November as the Christmas trees was including then-pres- holiday season ap- an attack on Christi- idential candidate proaches. The cup anity or an exclusion Donald Trump, who usually features holi- of religion. proposed boycotting unity. Again, the color in with which- day or winter designs While most the company at one company faced out- ever colors they such as snowflakes, customers didn’t of his campaign ral- lash from many cus- pleased. The newest Christmas trees, mind the cup or its lies. tomers who felt that cup design has not snowmen, ice skates, design, some people, The follow- the cup wasn’t fes- yet received much etc. ing year, Starbucks tive enough and, like criticism, hopefully released their new the previous year, meaning the chain holiday cup design, was participating in a has reached a solu- different from all of “War on Christmas.” tion to their multi- their past designs. As a result of ple year saga of cup Featuring a green the many past con- drama. May we all go background and a troversies over their back to drinking our drawing of a crowd cups, the company re- lattes in peace! of people, after fac- vealed their 2017 cup ing criticism, the to be mostly white, company released a covered in festive statement explain- doodles. The compa- ing that the cup was ny released the cup to meant to represent be their first cup ever that customers could THE CONSERVATIVE PERSPECTIVE CONTINUED FROM before publicizing ple to prevent revolt actions from happen- should be ashamed PAGE 5 their beliefs against against their authori- ing and to give the of themselves for ing a firearm to use guns and the restric- tarian and tyranni- people the right to using the recent at- in self-defense. The tion of firearms. The restrict the power of tack on Las Vegas as ideology of a gun- 2nd Amendment was The ideology of their leader to avoid a platform to pro- free-zone does not made to protect peo- a gun-free-zone tyranny. Even though mote their agendas. make sense on the ple from government does not make the United States They should likewise basis of ensuring the tyranny and give peo- sense on the ba- possesses stable and be ashamed of them- safety of the general ple protection from sis of ensuring excellent leadership selves for trying to public. home-intrusion. in today’s times, the persuade Americans When looking back the safety of the amendment may very into following poli- These Dem- general public. ocratic officials into global history, well become useful cies that leave the should familiarize cruel leaders such as in decades or centu- public open to such themselves with the Adolf Hitler and Fi- cal governments. ries to come. horrific attacks. 2nd Amendment del Castro took guns The amendment was The Democrat- away from their peo- made to prevent such ic and liberal officials • • • The Dispatch 8 December 20 THE FLORIDA KEYS: THE ‘KEY’ TO A GREAT VACATION take a closer look it have a business Conch is so famous joy food from local BY KIARA has many differenc- called the Key West that the Keys earned vendors, be amazed GELBMAN es making it unique! Lime Pie Compa- the nickname, “The by local magicians, As you jour- ny, which not only Conch Republic!” jugglers and musi- The Florida Keys ney down, you can’t serves homemade Besides the cians, and most im- are an archipelago miss one of the pie but makes it for specialty food op- portantly: watch the of islands located most popular food other destinations tions that are found sunset. Many tour- off the southern coast of Florida. This beautiful This beautiful desti- destination is nation is known for its gorgeous seas, known for its incredible scuba gorgeous seas, diving, fishing, and incredible hot temperatures. scuba diving, While there fishing, and hot are many different temperatures. Keys on this long chain of islands, one ists also enjoy tour- of the most popu- ing the house of lar is Key West-- Ernest Hemingway, the most southern a prominent twenti- point of Florida, eth-century author, an extremely popu- and former Key lar tourist destina- West resident. tion. While this 7.24 Another pop- square mile key may items in The Keys: in Key West. throughout the ular activity in Key seem small, there Key Lime Pie. At Another food town, Key West’s West is scuba div- are many things to almost every res- staple that you will culture makes it dif- ing and snorkeling. do and places to ex- find is conch, com- ferent as well. Due There are a pletho- plore. Conch is so fa- monly found in the to its sizeable Eu- ra of dive compa- The town of mous that the form of conch frit- ropean population, nies throughout the Key West is primar- Keys earned the ters, which is conch there are a diverse town. While diving ily one incredibly nickname, “The covered in dough. range of beliefs and with Captain’s Cor- long street, Duval This can be found viewpoints. While ner Dive Center, Street, with other Conch Repub- lic!” as an appetizer at you may think these for instance, I saw side streets branch- many restaurants differences would turtles, moray eels, ing off. While Du- taurant in the Key and specialty conch only separate the crabs, beautiful fish, val Street may seem West, this delicacy restaurants like community, it does and many other sea reminiscent of typi- is served! They even The Conch Shack. the opposite. Jake creatures. You can cal towns, when you Rushent, a visitor also dive the Van- of Key West, said, denberg, a sunken “It has a unique sort ship in the area! of culture there. While Key Everyone does their West seems like a own bit to make the fantastic place to island the way it is, travel, there is one which you wouldn’t major problem. Fol- normally see in tra- lowing Hurricane ditional tourist at- Irma, a category tractions.” three hurricane that Mallory hit the Keys with 74 Square is also an ex- mph winds on Sep- cellent place to visit tember 10th, the is- in the Key. Every lands are struggling night, the Square, a to rebuild and recov- gorgeous waterside er. It is estimated by location, has the the Federal Emer- Key West Sunset gency Management Celebration. Here, Agency that 25% of tourists go to en- CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE The Dispatch December 20 9 the houses through- According to a Keys out the Keys were tourism website, destroyed. Key West wouldn’t In Key West, be ready for tour- the interior of the ists until at least Hemingway house October 20th. Fol- survived and is ex- lowing the fantastic pected to reopen trip he and his fam- soon. On Duval ily had, Mr. Rushent Street, many restau- said, “We were actu- rants are still board- ally looking at going ed up, but the streets back in February have been cleared but not anymore af- by public works em- ter the storm.” This ployees. shows how much Besides all of Hurricane Irma will the destruction that affect the beautiful occurred to proper- Florida Keys not I also was able deep dish pizza! go up until spring ty, the tourism mar- only now but into to experience a his- When I arrived at so the best thing to ket took a huge hit. the future. toric hockey game Pizzeria Due to pick do is stay inside and in which the Vegas up a slice of pizza, eat cheese curds,” Golden Knights I learned that deep showing the promi- played the Toronto dish pizza is freshly nence of cheese A ‘BRECK’ Maple Leafs for the baked and not a fast as well as the cold first time ever in the food like in New weather’s effect in Air Canada Centre. York. After waiting, Wisconsin. I got to Before leaving, I I received my circu- taste cheese curds FROM tried a staple food lar, individual pie. and found them de- from Canada, Pou- The crust of this licious and similar to tine—french fries pizza was crumbly a mozzarella stick. and cheese curds and similar to pie Following REALITY covered in gravy, Wisconsin, we drove which was delicious My family and through the South BY KIARA GELBMAN and very different I left our life Dakota Badlands than our common in Huntington which is 60 miles After saying many different. fries with ketchup. and began the worth of sedimen- After three tary rock with many goodbyes, on Sat- Nine hours journey across urday, November later, I arrived in days in Toronto, layers and colors. It we continued west the country to was gorgeous and 4th, 2017, my fam- Toronto. Although Breckenridge, ily and I left our its population is to Detroit. This like nothing I had life in Hunting- much smaller, this once thriving “Mo- Colorado. ever seen before. ton and began the Canadian city is very tor City” and loca- As I continued journey across the similar to New York tion of the start of crust. Although it driving, all I saw country to Breck- because of the sky- Records is was delicious, I pre- were flat fields with enridge, Colorado. scrapers and sports currently run down, fer pizza from New roaming animals. York. Most towns had in- From Chicago, credibly low popu- we continued to the lations, one being University of Wis- just four people! A consin for dinner women from a town with my cousin at a in this area men- restaurant in Madi- tioned to us, “I can- son called Graze, not imagine living where I tried a Wis- in a place like New consin specialty: York City with such cheese. Almost ar- a large population.” tisanal, this the best After already cheese I have ever seeing so many dif- eaten, and was far ferences throughout more unique than the country from the typical cheese our hometown of we have on an ev- Huntington, I can- eryday basis. not wait to see what Leaving town, we teams. I dined at the and is very different When my wait- awaits me while passed Huntington top of the CN tower, than our town of er, Trevor, arrived at living in Brecken- High School and I a skyscraper rising Huntington. our table, he greeted ridge, Colorado. realized the next six 1,815 feet—higher Our next stop us by saying, “How Stay tuned for what months of my life than any building in was Chicago, where do we feel about this comes next! will be extremely ! I tried the famous new cold? It doesn’t • • • The Dispatch 10 December 20 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT SIGRID CASSELL

My name is Sigrid Cassell and I am a senior. Ever since I was young, I have always been very fond of artistic expression. I generally gravitate to- wards drawing and ceramics. However I do ex- periment with other forms of art as well. Before I start on a new project, I usually have the idea already set in my mind. My pieces always have an inspiration, and I tend to draw whatever I have a passion towards. For example, my water color piece was inspired by Michelan- gelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel; I have a lot of appreciation towards the way the work is depict- ed. My “Survivor” piece is inspired by Ka- kashi Hatake, a main character in an anime se- ries I’ve followed for a few years called Naruto, which I very much enjoy. Although my pieces are usually based off of other ideas, I always add my own touch to them, such as how I’ve added the light and dark contrast in my watercolor piece to symbolize Good v. Evil. Similarly, in my Survi- vor piece mostly my own creativity is displayed, besides the clothing design and eyes, which were based on the character. I committed to SUNY Purchase late July. The school is definitely more on the artistic side, and I feel that it is the best fit for me, being a place where I will be able to improve my art and ideas. The Dispatch December 2011 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT KENNETH FAJARDO

My name is Kenneth Fajardo, and I’m in 12th Grade. Ever since I was young, I’ve always loved taking pictures, and that passion has stuck with me ever since. In my photography, my primary goals are for the viewer to either feel emotion, look at a story unfold, or enjoy the natural beauty of the moment portrayed in the photo. The first image depicts a protest for the crisis in Puerto Rico located in front of the capitol building in Washington D.C. It was amazing to see such a large group of people protesting for the right to be treated as citizens of our country, yet also heartbreaking to see that this is what our country is coming to lately. The remaining two pictures are both from a trip I took to New York City. The fast-paced movement of people in the city makes for an excellent representation of how quickly our lives are changing, and how important it is to slow down every once in awhile to take in everything that this world has to offer. It has always been a great interest of mine to capture the world in candid moments, achieving its true reality. Whether or not that reality is the one people believe in is up to the audience. What matters most is being able to send those messages through my photography. The Dispatch 12 December 20 LAS PÁGINAS EN ESPAÑOL TRANSLATIONS BY ARIANA STRIEB PELEANDO UN CAMBIO tros y caricias se ciedad llena de sue- mentes, y a la vez por una vida perfec- POR MARILYN habían borrado de ños nunca traídos consuelo las almas ta al estar rodeada MENJIVAR mi mente. Los re- a la realidad. So- perdidas de tantas de sus seres queri- cuerdos herían lo mos competitivos, personas llenas de dos. Pero al crecer y Detallamos nuestras insondable en mi egoístas, y racistas. odio y egoísmo. llegar a tener sufici- vidas con tanta per- corazón y se Quisiera que hubie- Me puedo co- ente conocimiento, fección que nos olv- partían en trozos de se dió cuando que idamos de nuestra realidad. tenía espinas. Era un propia creación. Soy Soy una niña rosa bella con hojas un ser en este mun- no muy distinguida infectadas y espinas do agobiado por una por esta sociedad. puntiagudas, las cu- sociedad frecuente a Soy común, como ales la incomodaba la lengua, oprimidos cualquier otro ser. cuando su mayor a tener opinión, sin- Sin embargo, mi meta era ayudar y tiendo satisfacción imaginación es in- abrazar al que más lo por mirar a los otros creíblemente mon- necesite en los tiem- caer. Ruego a nues- umental. No me pos de ansiedad. Así tra sociedad a llegar diferencio, pero mi mismo, encontró su un punto de con- orgullo hacia mis propia manera en ciencia hacia cada raíces las tengo en la cual se pudiese uno de nosotros. alto, y lo hago de tal comunicar con los Vengo de una manera porque esta- demás. Las palabras historia pasada lle- mos establecidos en son muy poderosas, na de problemas y un mundo lleno de me di cuenta. La es- hambruna por salir insolentes segrega- critura una estrate- adelante, crucé fron- cionistas intentando sen otros términos nectar con la vida gia para liberar Mi mayor obje- jubilar la sangre roja para que no se es- de muchos, al igual lo que mata a mi que cada ser huma- cuchase tan fuerte y que ellos yo tengo mente. Encontré mi tivo es crear un no contiene alred- decepcionante pero un acento, diferente camino y el cuidar cambio en esta edor de nuestras es la realidad. Mi tono de piel, dife- de los demás satis- sociedad llena venas.Desearía pod- camino está lleno rente rasgos faciales, face mi ser, así tam- de sueños nunca er tener suficiente de miedos tan fre- pero soy igual. Tuve bién espero poder traídos a la re- supremacía para cuentes que las an- que renunciar a lo entrar en muchas alidad. levantar en alto el sias de caer en un que en toda mi vida mentes, y cambiar orgullo por mis ras- lago de lágrimas son había trabajado para los intrigados sue- teras prohibidas, gos, los cuales serán tan fuertes que en que fuese exitoso y ños que algunos llore en los mares mortales y quedarán ese mismo lago de ahora estoy acá cre- mantienen. y desiertos por ob- marcados en una lágrimas lloro por ando nuevas metas. tener un milagro en sociedad perdida. fuerzas a no darme Dejé una vida donde • • • mi vida y llegar a Mi mayor ob- por vencida. Llevo la tierra me miró conocer a mi familia jetivo es crear un en mis hombros crecer como una desde que sus ros- cambio en esta so- el peso de muchas rosa roja fortalecida

ha sido el creador de Sin embargo, POR DANIELA las guerras, las bom- no es del todo mal RAMOS bas radioactivas, (el ser humano). ¡EL TIEMPO las armas, creador Hace 100 años, una edificios, la cura a de las enferme- carta tardaba días muchas enferme- dades, la hambruna, e incluso hasta se- dades, la electric- el calentamiento manas en llegar de SIGNIFICA idad, el internet, los global, la corrup- una ciudad a otra, libros, el álgebra, la ción, el sufrimiento, hoy en un segundo justicia, la democ- la injusticia, la luju- le dices a alguien en racia, la ciencia, las ria, el odio, el ren- China ¡hola!, eso es PROGRESO! teorías, el amor, la cor, la desigualdad, evolucionar, pero si Todo lo que existe creador de lo que paz, la armonía, la hasta hoy es obra de hoy en día nos sos- la discriminación, y es esto así, ¿Por qué igualdad, la felici- de un sin fin de co- nuestra especie, el tiene, creador de los dad..., pero también CONTINÚA EN LA ser humano, el autos, los grandes sas más. SIGUIENTE PÁGINA The Dispatch December 2013


nología porque “los han logrado un de- raleza. avances de hoy sarrollo, mejorando ¡Tal vez esto ayudan al mundo del muchos niños es- ya lo sabías! Pero mañana” y “ mejo- yo sólo quería re- ran nuestras vidas”; El ser humano cordártelo para no pero ya tenemos es capaz de olvidarlo yo tampo- suficientes apara- tantas cosas que co. Por eso es que te tos tecnológicos. Al sin darse cuenta digo que tú y yo se- parecer no hemos guimos aquí y prin- comprendido que se está cipalmente por eso estamos acabando destruyendo a sí quiero que sepas con nuestra propia mismo... que ¡El tiempo sig- CONTINUACIÓN DE LA tantas cosas que esencia. Que aunque nifica progreso!. PÁGINA ANTERIOR sin darse cuenta se estamos mejorando tán muriendo. Y nos destruimos con está destruyendo a al mundo, estamos que aunque este- • • • tanta facilidad? sí mismo, se ha en- acabando al plane- mos contribuyendo El ser hu- focado en la tec- ta. Que aunque las a la ciencia, estamos mano es capaz de estrategias políticas matando a la natu- FIGHTING A CHANGE ality. petitive, selfish, and perfect life, a perfect in which she could BY MARILYN I am a girl, not racist. I wish they life surrounded by communicate with MENJIVAR very distinguished had other terms so your loved ones. But others. Words are by society. I am that it would not while growing and very powerful, I re- We detail our lives common, like any- sound as loud and once reaching suf- alized. Writing is with such perfec- one else. However, disappointing, but ficient knowledge, a strategy to free tion that we forget my imagination is it’s the reality. My I was given thorns. what kills my mind. about our true pur- incredibly monu- path is full of fre- It was a beautiful I found my path, pose. I am an indi- mental. I do not dif- quent fears that fall rose with infected taking care of oth- vidual in this world, ferentiate, but I have into a lake, that this leaves and sharp ers satisfies my -be overwhelmed by a heightened pride same lake of tears is thorns, which made ing, for also I hope society full of lan- what forces me to her uncomfortable to be able to enter guage, oppressed in Words are very not give up. I carry when her greatest many minds, and opinions, satisfied powerful, on my shoulders goal was to help and change the intrigu- for watching others I realized. the weight of many embrace those who ing dreams that fall. I beg for our minds, and at the need it the most in some maintain. society to reach a towards my roots, same time I comfort times of anxiety. point of awareness and I do this in ev- the lost souls of so Likewise, she • • • of every single one ery way because we many people full of found the best way of us. are established in a hate and selfishness. I come from a world full of isolat- I can connect history full of past ing segregation try- with the lives of problems and flee- ing to retire the red many, just like them ing from famine, blood that every I have an accent, a crossing prohibited human has in our different skin tone, borders, crying in veins. I wish I could different facial fea- the rivers and des- have enough power tures, but we are the erts trying to get a to raise my pride for same. I had to give miracle in my life my traits, which will up everything, ev- and trying to get be deadly and will erything in my life to know my fam- be marked in a lost that I had worked ily who’s faces and society. for to be successful, caresses have been My biggest and now I am here erased from my objective is to create creating new goals. mind. Memories change in this soci- I left a life when the hurt the unfathom- ety full of dreams ground watched me able in my heart, never turning into grow like a pink rose which begins my re- reality. We are com- strengthened by a The Dispatch 14 December 20 HURRICANES HAVE THEIR ‘EYES’ ON US These four same year. It was has set the record other factors, not BY KIARA hurricanes set the also the first time of most storms solely the storm’s GELBMAN record for the most that two storms (in since 1893. strength. This in- ever hurricanes to this case Irma and After seeing cludes a higher sea The proximity and hit areas in the At- Jose) both occurred all of these records, level resulting from strength of the re- lantic Ocean in one in the Atlantic you may be think- cent hurricanes in month. Hurricanes Ocean at the same ing, “Why are there Overall, this the Atlantic Ocean Maria, Irma and time with speeds so many hurricanes hurricane have set new re- Harvey set the re- over 150 mph over this year?” This season has set cords regarding cord for most cat- the Atlantic. has to do with the the record of these tragic storms. egory four hurri- Outside of weather and heat. most storms Between August canes to ever hit the the United States in During the course since 1893. 25th and October nation in the same Puerto Rico, which of this hurricane 8th, 2017, four hur- locations. As a re- had only previously season, the Atlantic climate change ricanes hit the Unit- sult of this strong endured four cat- Ocean’s tempera- which can lead to ed States—the high- hurricane season, egory 4 or stronger ture has been much a higher risk of est amount to hit storm surge. Here, the same area since winds from the 2005, when four storm push water storms also devas- towards the shore, tated the country. which combine with On August the normal tides 25th, Hurricane to greatly increase Harvey, the first of the water level. An- the four, made land- other likely reason fall in Rockport, for these storms is Texas as a category 4 global warming, as storm. On Septem- rising temperatures ber 10th, Hurricane may have caused an Irma made land- increase in rainfall. fall striking the first These fac- Cudjoe Key with tors all lead to this 155 mph winds, just storm being consid- shy of being a cat- ered an “Extremely egory 5. Hurricane Active” Atlantic Nate first reached Hurricane Season. land at the bottom According to The Hurricane many United States hurricanes in total warmer than usual. National Oceanic Maria struck weather records since the year 1928, This contributes to and Atmospheric on October 10th were broken. Hurricane Maria hurricanes’ strength Organization, an Hurricane struck on October because storms ab- extremely active with winds of Harvey and Hur- 10th with winds of sorb heat from the hurricane must have 155 mph. ricane Irma set the 155 mph, making it water causing the 152.5 units of ac- record for the first the strongest hur- weather system in cumulated cyclone of the Mississippi time two hurri- ricane to hit Puerto them to churn at energy (which mea- River in Louisiana canes in the Atlan- Rico since the year a faster pace. This sures the intensity with 85 mph winds tic Ocean hit the 1928. Overall, this gives the storm of a storm), and on October 7th. United States in the hurricane season more power and must satisfy two can cause the cat- of these three fol- egory of the storm lowing conditions: to change due to its having thirteen or increased strength. more storms that This season was were given a name; also ENSO-neutral, seven or more total meaning it lacked an hurricanes; three or El Niño which has more major hurri- previously provided canes. All of these wind shear to rip factors contributed storms apart. to the records that The devas- were broken by the tation caused by recent hurricanes in these storms was the Atlantic Ocean. also caused by many • • • The Dispatch December 2015 THE FIRST MEETING OF THE NATIONAL SPACE COUNCIL BY HANNAH timonies from the cial and internation- missions. NASA ac- line that NASA civil space, com- al partners to enable tually stated that they should lead a hu- BAILIN mercial space, and human expansion will be “working in man mission to an On October 5, the national security across the solar sys- close coordination asteroid as the next National Space space industries’ tem.” A possible ap- across the govern- human spaceflight Council met for the representatives were proach to this could ment through the milestone. first time in 25 years. present. These in- be the Deep Space new National Space Now, NASA This was possible dustries will be able Gateway, which was Council, and with will be able to go because of the ex- to provide NASA hinted in conversa- our commercial and back to the moon, ecutive order Presi- the aid they need to tions with the coun- international part- and even send as- ners, we are going tronauts to Mars for to chart a new fu- the first time. How- ture in space with ever, the impacts of opportunities for this first meeting are all.” yet to be seen, and This opens up as the months go many possibilities on, the public will for NASA. One such possibility would be This opens the utilisation of the up many Moon as a “stepping stone and a training possibilities for ground” for future NASA. missions, as stated by Mike Pence. come to learn what The Deep NASA has planned Space Gateway in terms of missions paired with the new and technology. For spacecraft that will those who want to be produced by know more, NASA Boeing and SpaceX has provided vid- will send humanity eo coverage of the deeper into space meeting of the Na- dent Trump signed build spacecraft and cil. This project is than ever before, tional Space Coun- on June 30 to re-es- other technologies predicted to begin and catapult the U.S. cil here: https:// tablish the National for future missions. within the next five forward as leaders Space Council. For the past years, where astro- on this frontier. By videofile. To see The meet- six years, NASA has nauts will bring the bringing the space even more from the ing was held at the relied on Russian first elements of the business back into NASA team, check Smithsonian Na- rockets to transport gate out into space. the U.S., the Trump out their website, tional Air and Space their astronauts to The Deep administration has https://www.nasa. the International Space Gateway will opened doors for gov/ , or their Ins- On October 5th, Space Station. With serve the purpose NASA, such as the tagram, @nasa. the National the help of Boeing of an outpost that modification of the Space Council and SpaceX, Ameri- could potentially existing National • • • met for the first can astronauts will support future ro- Space Policy and re- be able to fly into botic and human moving the guide- time in 25 years. space once again. With their new con- Museum’s Steven F. tract with NASA, Udvar-Hazy Cen- both companies ter, chaired by Vice will help to develop President Mike spacecraft that can Pence. Pence made fly astronauts even it evidently clear farther into the cos- that “space is a na- mos. tional priority,” and Pence tasked called for the United NASA to “develop States to renew its a plan for an innova- leadership in space. tive and sustainable To make this program of explora- leap one again, tes- tion with commer- The Dispatch 16 December 20 TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017


Originally written at a writing camp with in mind, 1. Shape Of You Sheeran and the other instead chose to refer- Artist: Ed Sheeran ence Irish singer Van Morrison. The song broke a Spotify Album: ÷ record for streams in a single day when it was played over Genre: Pop six million times in the first day, breaking One Direction’s previous record with “Drag Me Down.”

“Young Dumb & Broke” finds Khalid convincing a love 2. Young Dumb & interest that their youth allows them to be “young” and Broke “dumb.” Though Khalid feels like there’s no need for ro- Artist: Khalid mantic commitment, he still has love to give. Album: American Dream Genre: R&B/Soul The remixed version of this song comes with an emotional 3. Unforgettable backstory from Montana in an Instagram post, where he Artist: French Montana describes his family’s immigration from Morocco to Amer- ft. Swae Lee ica. French Montana actually spent a massive $600,000 out Album: Single of his pocket on the song - $300,000 to clear the sample Genre: Hip hop, dancehall and another $300,000 to shoot the video. John Gourley has explained that was this song was inspired by Bernie Sanders. Gourley explained, “The fact at all that 4. Fell it Still Bernie had to run as a Democrat is kind of what the song Artist: Portugal. The Man is about.” Album: Woodstock Genre: Alternative/Indie

5. Havana In this fantastic song, Camila Cabello pays tribute to the capi- Artist:Camila Cabello tal of her home country of Cuba. The pop star moved back Album:The Hurting.The Healing. and forth between Havana and Mexico City as a child before The Loving. settling in Miami. She sings about her Cuban heritage and also Genre: Latin, Pop muses about a former flame she left back in her native land. A fusion of Afro-beat, Reggaeton, Latin pop and Elec- tronic, Balvin has told E! News that “Mi Gente” is a song 6. Mi Gente that embodies a special moment in music: a new sound of Artist: J Balvin/ Willy William a Latino culture on the rise and being embraced globally, Album: Single by erasing barriers of races, colors, continents, genres or Genre: Reggaeton languages. 7. Something Just An incredible song, the Chainsmokers explained, “This is Like This about a relationship that doesn’t need to be superhumanly Artist:Chainsmokers & Coldplay perfect, an ordinary love, a love everyone deserves like the Album: Memories...Do Not Open boy on the cover art whose childhood memories are now Genre: Dance/electronic boxed up.” This song features Chance the Rapper, Justin Bieber, Qua- vo and Lil Wayne all bragging to the ladies in their lives 8. I’m the One that they are “the only one” for them. The Biebs handles Artist: DJ Khaled/Bieber/ hook duties where he tells his girl he’s “the real one” be- Quave/Chance fore Quavo, Chance and Wayne slide in with verses of their Album: Grateful own. Genre: Pop music, Hip-hop/rap Post Malone is joined on the track by 21 Savage, where both 9. Rockstar artists brag about their extravagant rock ‘n’ roll lifestyles, Artist: Post Malone ft 21 Savage which incorporate copious amounts of sex and drugs. Taking Album: Beerbongs & Bentleys after “Sex and Drugs and Rock And Roll,” the debut single of Genre: Hip-hop/rap/trap English singer- Ian Dury, both songs describe the hedonistic lifestyle of rock stars.

Born Belcalis Almanzar in the Bronx, Cardi B first earned 10. Bodak Yellow money as an exotic dancer, before becoming an internet Artist: Cardi B celebrity. The rapper references her past as a stripper in Album: Single this song, and her more current occupation. Genre: Hip-hop/rap The Dispatch December 2017 TOP 20 SONGS OF 2017


The lead single from Demi Lovato’s sixth studio album is a savage, “girl-power” anthem about rising above those 11. Sorry Not Sorry trying to bring you down. A song aimed at the haters, the Artist: Demi Lovato lyrics make themselves clear, saying, “I am good now, I am Album: Single sorry I am not sorry that you may not be loving where your Genre: Pop life is at the moment.”

12. Wild Thoughts DJ Khaled recruited R&B singers Rihanna and Bryson Til- Artist: DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna/ ler for this summer-time tune. Virtually a cover, the new Tiller and vibrant lyrics distinguish song from Carlos Santana’s Album: Grateful Maria Maria. Genre:Contemporary R&B This song finds Shawn Mendes singing about a relation- 13. There’s Nothing ship that’s helping him feel free to be himself. This girl Holdin’ Me Back makes Shawn feel so excited, especially when she’s acting Artist: Shawn Mendes crazy, he stops feeling self-conscious and is willing to be Album: Illuminate taken to places he’s never been before. Genre: Pop rock

Dan Reynolds sings about having big dreams of being a 14. Thunder star on stage as a kid. He recalls being laughed at by his Artist: Imagine Dragons classmates for having such lofty ambitions, yet in the sec- Album: Evolve ond verse, the Dragons’ frontman flips the script on those Genre: Synth-pop who mocked him.

With this urban jam, Liam Payne became the final member of 15. Strip That Down One Direction to release solo material. Recorded at Rokstone Artist: Liam Payne ft Quavo Studios in London, the track features Quavo, a founding Album: Single member of the US hip-hop group Migos. Genre: Pop, R&B

Eminem has never been shy about expressing his anxiet- 16. Walk on Water ies, but he’s never questioned his skills or his legacy like Artist: ft Beyoncé he does in this song. With Beyoncé on the hook, Eminem Album: Walk on Water comes down from the heavens to explain that he’s just a Genre: Alternative Hip-hop man, not a god, and he cannot walk on water unless it’s frozen. In his debut album, In the Lonely Hour, Sam Smith found 17. Too Good at himself writing songs about unrequited love and loneli- Goodbyes ness. Three years later, Smith dropped this lead single from Artist: Sam Smith his sophomore record, which finds him still singing about Album: The Thrill of It All failing relationships. Genre: Pop Since 2015, this is Selena Gomez’s first new song: a col- 18. It Ain’t Me laboration with Norwegian DJ Kygo. Together they creat- Artist: Kygo & Selena Gomez ed the tune with former California Breed guitarist Andrew Album: Stargazing Wotman, Korean-American songwriter Brian Lee, and Ali Genre: Dance Pop Tamposi. The song finds Gomez having lost patience with her lover staying out drinking all night. Hus told Vice the story behind this song: “I went to this BBQ with my one friend in his black Benz, and my other mate 19. Did You See picked me up in his white car and took me home. It’s just Artist: J HUS what happened, and I was singing that line the next day, and Album: Common Sense my manager was like ‘That’s hard, record that.’ I went to the Genre: Afrobeat,hip-hop, studio and recorded it.” Dancehall, R&B A fantastic song that just bumps, A$AP Ferg explained to 20. Plain Jane Genius how the song originated: “I wanted to create some- Artist: A$AP Ferg thing on that original new Juicy J joint. That’s what I wrote Album: A$AP Ferg the song to, and then I used that as the skeleton, took it to Genre: Hip-hop Kirk Knight and I was like, ‘Yo… make it happen.” The Dispatch 18 December 20 BY QUINN THE BLIND PILOT EXPERIENCE BLACKBURN Going to see your find myself photo- a terrifying airplane favorite band is one graphing Blind Pilot, flight for most, to me thing; being on the an American indie it was one more thing guest list is another. folk band. to be crossed off my On October 12th, I While Blind Pi- bucket list. Perform- was lucky enough to lot might seem like ing at Irving Plaza in New York City, a comfortably sized venue, the nationally renowned band was able to exude an inti- mate vibe. perspective of the rhythm. Opening the stage to shoot from. I went back to show was Charlie Blind Pilot be- general admission Cunningham. With gan at 9:00 and I made after the first three just a guitar and mic, sure I had a good spot songs but was still able Charlie gave a short in front of the gate, to get front row spots. and welcoming per- competing for prime Their set consisted of formance to warm placement with the fourteen songs, and the crowd up for the other three photog- two encores of “New “feels” night to fol- raphers. During the York” and “One Red low. first three songs, all I Thread” would end His set ended did was continuously the concert at around early, giving my friend shoot, moving into 11:00. It’s safe to and me time to roam different spots and say the concert was the upstairs area. We getting angles to cap- a complete success, took pictures in a free ture the perfect shot. leaving the audience photo booth to pass Their opening song, with total euphoria. the time, and the ele- “Go On, Say It,” • • • vated position allowed got the crowd cheer- Original Photos by Quinn Blackburn. me to get a different ing with its upbeat MAKE-A-WISH THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! BY MADDY KYE Their first year they raised $350, and their Gaia D’Anna, Maggie Giles, & Erica Vazquez raise $1,863 last year days before hitting $2,000. In seventh grade, second year they be- of Huntington and to my community and our efforts.” Maggie Giles, Erica gan selling cards in- Suffolk County for a sense of hope that This year, there Vazquez, and Gaia stead of just asking their efforts. When carries me through are three different card D’Anna started fund- for donations, raising they were freshmen, the season. This op- designs. A card with raising for the Make- $1400 and being rec- they brought the holi- portunity to give back a heart on it created A-Wish foundation. ognized by the town day card sale to Hun- is what makes the hol- by Eli Mollineaux, a tington’s Key Club, idays my favorite time Christmas themed with the event having of year. I know our card designed by Julia grown significantly Key Clubbers will go Giles, and black and last year, with $2000 above and beyond as white card depicting a being raised. $2000 they always do, and I forest with an owl by is the goal for this hope to see the fun- Josie Fasolino. year, but the Key Club draiser carry on after A single holiday hopes to surpass that. we graduate. There is card is $1, and it costs Now a senior, nothing I love more $10 for a dozen. Or- Maggie Giles said, “It’s than receiving that der holiday cards this sad to think that this letter from Make-A- December, and help is our sixth and last Wish each year, show- make a child’s wish year with the event. It ing us whose wish come true!

Designs by Josie Fasolino, Julia Giles & Eli Mollineaux. has brought me closer came true because of • • • The Dispatch December 2019 ANNUAL WINTER PLANT SALE plant. Balsam wreaths BY AMELIA REILLY are also available, starting at nine dol- It’s the holiday sea- lars, and come either son, and the annual undecorated or deco- winter plant sale is rated; they range from upon us. This sale is ten inches round to once again hosted by thirty inches round. the Science National There are also assort- Honor Society, dedi- ments of holiday dec- cated to providing a orations, live Alberta sense of community spruces, and roping and spreading science garland. to all. All proceeds These beautiful from this sale will go plants will be com- towards scholarships ing from White Post for science students. Farms of Melville and There are a wide are lively and healthy. Science Honor Society officers with Karen Miller at the Science Honor Society Induction. variety of plants that Mrs. Forbes, co-ad- also commented STEM education, we members, including may be purchased. visor of the Science on the importance do our part to support myself, are looking Poinsettias are starting National Honor Soci- of scholarships for the endeavors of our forward to selling and at six dollars a plant. ety, said, “who doesn’t STEM (science, tech- youth.” receiving these high- These come in either love a good plant?” nology, engineering, SNHS Presi- quality plants,” said red, white, or pink, adding that “the win- and mathematics) stu- dent Rachel Moss Moss. She encour- ranging from a four ter plant sale has been dents. She said, “As expressed her excite- ages everyone to help inch single-branch one of our most suc- the cost of a college ment about the up- the cause by buying a plant with over three cessful fundraising educations rises, it is coming plant sale. “All plant. blooms, to a ten inch ventures.” important that as a of the Science Na- • • • large, multibranched Mrs. Forbes society dedicated to tional Honor Society SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY AWARDING SCHOLARSHIPS ships will reward stu- ication have continu- BY ROCIO dents with financial ously benefited from RIVAS-LIZAMA need, and will help these scholarships. them accomplish a Erick Joya, a Hun- The Spanish Honor professional career. tington senior, and Society is awarding The Spanish this year’s president scholarships to se- Honor Society con- of the society said, niors of Huntington tinues this program “being part of the students meet these myriad of fundraising High School at the annually as plenty of Spanish Honor Soci- requirements, their events for this very end of the 2017-2018 students that show ety has proved to me eligibility can be en- purpose. At the same year. These scholar- valiant effort and ded- that what we do helps sured. time, they involve the students with college One might won- students in activities and gets them closer der how the Span- that break school’s to the community.” ish Honor Society is normal rhythm. “We At the end of able to provide these raise money through the school year, the scholarships; where school activities such Spanish Honor Soci- as bake sales or soccer ety will open spots for These scholar- tournaments,” Erick students that want to ships will reward Joya said. At the end apply. Erick Joya com- students with of the day, the Span- mented, “the only re- financial need. ish Honor Society quirements are that is able to supply ad- students need to be exactly are these funds equate funds to sup- enrolled in a Spanish coming from? The port any Blue Devils class an have a 90+ answer is simple; dur- in need. average.” Once the ing the school year, • • • Spanish Honor Society Members at their monthly social group. the society holds a SCHOOL NEWS HUNTINGTON ROBOTICS RECEIVES OVER $15,000 AT ANNUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT many others that can BY be found on the bot- NOLAN PICCOLA tom of the team’s website (team5016. The clang of metal to aid those who are com). Throughout against metal. The attempting to form the night, the team screams of hun- various start-up presented their guests dreds of fans cheer- companies and busi- with a wishlist, which ing on their robots. nesses. The venue consisted of all the The sound of mu- was kind enough to items they hoped to sic blasting in your rent out their area to buy with the funds ears at every direc- the Huntington team generated from the Team 5016’s Robot. and dedicate their re- The team fundraiser. sources for the night. At the end senior Bella McGin- The results that reached their Over 75+ of the night, over niss, Head of Pro- followed were un- goal for the guests were invited to $15,000 in funds was motions. “It’s safe expected, and Hun- night and re- the event, including raised for the team. to say that this year’s tington Robotics was ceived enough team sponsors Gell- The team reached fundraiser definitely money to buy exceeded our expec- tations, and we are everything on sincerely grateful for their wishlist. that.” tion. These are the This year’s fun- common sounds of draiser was just one a FIRST Robotics of the few remain- competition. Before ing events Hunting- they can become ton Robotics will be a reality, however, conducting this year. Huntington Robotics The team is also pre- must prepare for the It’s safe to say stressful months of that this year’s building, construct- ing, writing, and fundraiser planning ahead. definitely On Wednes- exceeded our day, Nov. 1, the ro- Members of Team 5016 expectations, botics club hosted amazed at how many and we are their annual fund- erman Orthodon- their goal for the people stood up to sincerely raiser at LaunchPad, tics, LuHi, National night and received support their cause. grateful for that. a coworking com- Grid, CDFS (Carter, enough money to “The fundraiser was munity located in Deluca, Farrell, & buy everything on very successful, and I Huntington meant Schmidt, LLP), and their wishlist. This paring for the annual am glad we can start includes a 3-D print- invitational hosting off our season with er, a vinyl cutter, by Half Hollow Hills. a large portion of and a robot control The team will be able our budget raised,” system. All materi- to compete with oth- said senior Lindsay als will help the team er teams at the event, Saginaw, Head of the during their build and will help them team’s Business divi- season, which begins prepare for the rigor- sion. “I am so grate- early January. “With- ous competition sea- ful we have such gen- out our sponsors and son to take place in erous sponsors; it was the generous parents the spring of 2018. definitely an amazing at the fundraiser, we last fundraiser for wouldn’t be where we • • • Huntingotn Robotics Members and their robot. our seniors.” are as a team,” said