As Part of a Bilateral Cultural Collaboration, Artists from China
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2018 CHINACHINA DAILY DAILY| HONG KONG EDITION Friday, November 22, 2019 | 1921 LIFE Colorful touch to cross-cultural bonds Filipino artists The then-Chinese Ambassador to the Philip- As part of a bilateral cultural collaboration, artists from China and the Philippines come together to raise pines Zhao Jianhua awareness about the importance of environmental protection in Asia. and report. (fourth from left), Gover- Li Bingcun Willa Wu nor of the Central Bank of the Philippines, Benjamin E. Diokno (fifth from left), Carlos Dominguez, secre- tary of finance of the Phil- Art has no borders. Both Chinese ippines (third from right) and other prominent and Filipino artists share the love guests kick off the inaugu- of nature and the pursuit of aesthetics. ral ceremony of the In Harmony With Nature What we drew during the trips are not exhibition in the Philippi- only paintings, but also a nes on Sept 28. bridge connecting the art and MIRIAM ZHANG / CHINA DAILY culture of the two countries.” Manuel Baldemor, painter, sculptor and illustrator Renowned Chinese painter Ding Jie (left) pos- The then-Chinese Ambassador to the Philippi- es in front of his works with Filipino Finance nes, Zhao Jianhua (left), tours the In Harmony Secretary Carlos Dominguez III (center) and With Nature exhibition alongside Chinese art- Metropolitan Museum of Manila Chairman ist Cai Zhixin on Sept 28, during which Zhao Joselito Campos in Manila, the Philippines, on perceived the exhibition as a “pioneer” in fos Sept 28. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY tering art and a cultural partnership between the two countries. MIRIAM ZHANG / CHINA DAILY Although it may not be spoken, in deed we share the same language through feelings, through Chinese artists music and through paintings.” Norberto Carating, painter As artists we hope to bring Chinese culture to every country involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. People in the Philippines have a wonderful culture. We Head of the Bank of China, Manila Branch, Deng Jun (first right), China Daily Asia Pacific Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Zhou Li (first left) and artists from China and the Philippines pose for a group photo in front of a collaborative painting in Manila on also bring our culture here to Sept 28. MIRIAM ZHANG / CHINA DAILY strengthen the bonds of friendship and the common bilateral exchange pro- as a “pioneer” in art and cultural exchange programs could help coun- pursuit of culture.” gram between Chinese exchange between the two countries. tries with different cultures to estab- and Filipino artists has “It goes beyond the exchanges lish closer ties. Kuku Chai Bukuk, painter, calligrapher, added a colorful touch to between individuals. It’s also about Growing up under varied cultures, ceramic artist and educator theA people-to-people connectivity of the interaction of two different cul- Chinese and Filipinos share a lot in the two countries, as it has aroused a tures and two different civilizations,” common, like commitment to their spirit of affinity and sparked inspira- says Zhao. families and a desire to contribute to tion drawn from distinctions, partic- The bilateral exchange program their country, Deng said, adding that This program is very important ipants say. was co-organized by the Bank of Chi- these similarities have laid a solid The program, entitled In Harmo- na, China Daily, the Chinese Culture foundation for people-to-people in building cultural ties between ny With Nature, was a two-month and Art Association and the Metro- bonds. China and the Philippines. We can dialogue that brought together 10 politan Museum of Manila. Chinese Culture and Art Associa- China and the artists from China and the Philippi- tion Chairman Zhou Yanzhao says exchange ideas not only about art, but Philippines are good nes. In two separate trips in Septem- Concern for nature the exchange activity has laid the also about our experiences as artists.” neighbors. I hope we can ber and October, they were invited to At the Shenzhen exhibition, Zhou groundwork for deeper Chinese- paint and showcase the beauty of Li, publisher and editor-in-chief of Philippine civilization communica- Rico Lascano, abstract painter and sculptor strengthen people-to-people nature in both countries, with the China Daily Asia Pacific, said the tion and closer ties among bonds through this event.” aim of raising awareness about envi- exchange program, which aims to economies under the framework of ronmental protection. enhance environmental awareness, the Belt and Road Initiative. Cai Zhixin, painter All of their paintings created dur- has fostered Chinese-Philippine col- Florentina Colayco, president of ing the trips, together with other laboration in environmental protec- the Metropolitan Museum of Mani- representative works of the artists, tion. la, called for more such initiatives in have been exhibited in Manila and Through the program, the artists the future, saying that the exchange Shenzhen for nearly a month since. expressed their common wish to fos- program has fostered collaborative The Philippines is The two exhibitions involved more ter a harmonious relationship spirit and mutual understanding than 100 artworks. between nature and mankind, Zhou among Chinese and Filipino artists. beautiful. Art comes from At the exhibition’s inaugural cere- said. Chinese and Filipino artists show off a joint painting they created during the inaugural ceremony of the In Harmony With Nature exhibition in life here. We absorb the energy mony in Manila, Zhao Jianhua, the Another organizer, Deng Jun, who Mutual understanding Shenzhen, Guangdong province, on Oct 26. XIE SHUDAN / CHINA DAILY then-Chinese ambassador to the is the country head of the Bank of The exchange program comprised and inspiration from nature to Philippines, described the program China, Manila Branch, said that such two segments. From Sept 23 to 26, create our art. Through Chinese five Chinese artists, along with their Filipino artist Jonahmar Salvosa five Filipino peers, went on an out- says he has learned a lot from the paintings, we create the door field trip to various island distinctive styles of art of the two beautiful scenery here.” retreats in the central Philippine countries. Previously, all his knowl- province of Palawan. edge of Chinese paintings had been Ding Jie, painter Kuku Chai Bu-kuk — one of the largely theoretical. The trip gave Chinese artists who joined the pro- him the opportunity to learn direct- gram — says she was impressed by ly from the Chinese master painters, This program offered me a the island country’s idyllic scenery, observing their techniques and col- as well as the passion and hospitality laborating with them in creating chance to witness the In the Philippines, we are of their Filipino friends. artworks. development of China. I had been to “After spending several days draw- Salvosa says he has discovered China and I can see how things have learning to appreciate the ing together, I now have a better many “secrets” of brush painting beauty here with the Filipino artists. understanding of their ways of pre- from his Chinese friends during the improved so much here. senting arts and their thinking time they spent together. He held Everything looks a lot better We experience nature and toward life. Although we speak differ- that the essence of Chinese painting communicate together Chinese artist Kuku Chai Bu-kuk demonstrates porcelain painting skills ent languages, I think we’ve become skills, which require a fine control of now than a few years ago.” to Filipino artist Rico Lascano in Liling, Hunan province, on Oct 21. closer at heart after the trip,” she says. lines and refined execution of colors, Phyllis Zaballero, painter through art. I think it’s MIRIAM ZHANG / CHINA DAILY In return, the five Filipino artists are fundamental to all drawing wonderful.” were treated to an art tour of Liling, styles. He believes this art experi- Hunan province, from Oct 21 to 23. ence will help enrich his future crea- Hao Ping, painter During the short stay in Liling for tions. sketching and painting, they drew Another Filipino painter, Rico Las- There has been inspirations from the city’s tranquil cano, says the paintings he had creat- vibe, time-honored history, and art- From left: Chinese artists Ding Jie, Hao Ping and Cai Zhixin draw a painting during the exhibition’s inau ed during the tours showed the good interaction. friendly atmosphere. gural reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Manila, the Philippines, on Sept 28. MIRIAM ZHANG / CHINA DAILY influence of the Chinese artists he Because we learned It’s significant to hold Filipino artist Manuel Baldemor befriended during the exchange pro- this event in the says he was amazed by the art gram. from them, they also atmosphere in such a small city. He ment has designated several build- Inspired by the experience in acclaimed by the participants as a “By talking to the Chinese artists, Philippines. It’s a kind of learned from us. observed that not just artists, but ings in the heart of the city for artists Liling, he is eager for opportuni- tour of cooperative learning and col- I’ve learned more about the Orien- We all are integration in the language of ordinary people as well also share to live in, work and exhibit their ties to have a deeper understand- lective improvement. tal philosophy of perceiving life. I’m art and cultural. I believe it’s an interest in and appreciation of works. ing of the city — which he Besides the experiences of collec- no expert in traditional Chinese beneficiaries art. “Such an atmosphere is very Such an emphasis on art is rare in described as “a heaven for artists”. tive sketching, the 10 artists also painting, but I’ve learned to com- of this very meaningful.” conducive to art development,” he small cities.