Oa" Te [Osfzozo Ln Exercise of the Power Conferred by Sections 12 and 17 of the West Bengal Panchayat Elections Act, 2003 ( West Ben
FORM A [See rule 23(1)] Order N" 303 oa" te [osfzozo ln exercise of the power conferred by sections 12 and 17 of the West Bengal Panchayat Elections Act, 2003 ( West Ben. Act XXI of 2003), read with rules 22 and 23 of the West Bengal Panchayat Elections Rules, 2006 , I, the District Panchayat Election Officer and District Magistrate of the district of Darjeeling, as the prescribed authority appointed by the State Government in the Department of Panchayats & Rural Development under notification No. 5316/PN/O/1/'lA-3/20'10 DATED 01.07.20'10 for the purpose of rules 22 & 23 of the said rules, hereby publish the draft of this order to determine for the Grams specified in column(1) of the Schedule below, the total no. of members, Schedule Castes members, Schedule Tribes members, Backward Classes members and women members to be elected to such Gram Panchayats specified in the corresponding enlries in columns (2a), (2b), 2(c), (2dl and 2(e) respectively, to divide the area of the Grams into constituencies with serial numbers assigned to them specified in the corresponding entries in column (3), to allocate to each such constituency seat or seats specified in the corresponding entries in column (4), seat or seats reserved for the Schedule Castes or the Schedule Tribes or the Backward Classes persons specified in the corresponding entrres in column (5) and seat or seats reserved for women specified in the corresponding entries in column (6) of the Schedule, for information of persons likely to be affected thereby.
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