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1KVI9C CBnt»n (OtTMMi tiMI MT XB IteMtetas* Xr«ry ft* jimr U* jU • ,1—it. Oi»« week......... Cimair l«M of CUBIM CvatfJ. Twtfwb..<t. Turst wares.... oorbit T kstks , *mmIte ., 4 U> • att It M» IS <«l Tbrre moaiill , ft AU § OO' 7 On IS M> tU 0>> H) OH OMx His mouth* .... ft ft ' fl UO 10 OU 1« 0» SO M (IS a ire moat ha... Twalv* m*mlh* TERMS. ir»»ss«»s-ss I Minding posUirr. |i ll la advfaca. fur nuiM Lagal Adx-rtUemeota ttaUtnte Wa. ••ui (Mt of Ut county. an«l ftl-SO for Umm la Sm creaky. Marring* and l>vai h ft oticoa fr«*. H All m*4MKi tor patiUauoa nui beta Xau4 Boalaaaa Card*, ftv* Uhm or under, 0 p*ry*« nuaalog fc> puMPare* >.« ST, JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1877. WHOLE NO. 555. Local Baatne** Nolle** lo cant* a line fur Aral, and 6 caau far Liu*. on the field and many others were known MULTI) M 151 PAIVO. wiry. Ilia weather-beaten face la Uncertainty of Riches Rxeapllfiefi Is the evsttitag of ftutadaiy, April 49, a rvueitiN uottHir. ern people, lie g!v«w tiie latter credit for LATEST NEWS. to have been killed. A herd of 450 ponies shrewd, knowing and merry. His the Case ef Here# 1 ibotiretwer came up, anuan u atal almut tm no gcMMl thing; chargr* ite m with harlior- was captured and an abundance of agency Most any man oan net up a leach. eyea ate small hut keeu< his mouth oak ift passed ova* JHackensack. Ol*KRATfo?r* for the removal *f Ing ail manner of /reigns upon the Fed I MF OfcD WOftlD. eral Treasury, aud pursue* them with (lie goods. The band htlaii|e*l to the M»n M Taa 6rjt nf wp a *tngls Wtr tins large, and between it and his T iie recent death of one of the old- The• firehsa uf lightuing; were very Cleopatra’s Needle have liegun. Ota Ilia 'Jtaili, two Ru rebut < •fliorr* ex iat* lltau »bedding k «sTtfiSSR* vindictive hatred which ia one of hia lead Of kutin4I f*i pug nose —rather redder than the time merchant urlucre of lioston, who vivid Id, and tiie thunder han twen heavy. The entire expense to England of ploded torpedoes under lb# l row of aTork- net onfoOs, and Here lad by tha Chiefs ing characteristic*. M Have a care of a aileut dog and rest of his face—is a tuft or whisp leaves an insolvent estate, and the Mrs. (Joaokeubustfe who was some- tiie Tlchbomu claimant's prosecution L»h monitor, cautiug her to sink, with all Lame Deer and Iron Star, of whom the The whole purp#»e of Morton's letter i* •till water," aaya the maxicn of straw-colored mustache lfis still more recent failure of an ohl-es- what aarvoufi, waanmii ug up in her was $300,000. oo board. forme? Waa kitted. Tiie troops lost font had to establish cordial relation* with the Ad long, thick, straight hair matches his tabliftiied Boston house theta beu-rcroom. An unusually sharp flash N ine servants of the Marquis de ministration, which can lie of great *erv- tilted uwtf eight sroatu'ed. A TiHHt.K-howN ark—American mustache in oolor, awl is cut sheer weathered the three financial A ivumiiino to a Vienna telegram of the public ardi-Hectare. of lightning caused her to start up Saint Mauraw, iu France, were recent ice to him in tbe way of d'alrihutiug *>at. ‘/Tih, the Omnmmhr of ih# Turkish N otice was given, on the 88th, by rttn!- round by the nape of his neck. He storms of itftT, 1*57 and 1*73, recalls quickly trow* her chair. The thunder ly conveyed to a hospital in a dying ronage a* he desire*, and at tiie raiue time Five yearn of lot Ion* and far# pow- wears a round oilskin, beak leas shako to the Traveller some remarkable in forrei at Em room ban notified the Porte fetary Shermsa. that tiie pritK'i]sil and followed, and with the crash Mrs. state, caused by too free indulgence in In keep on good term* with the Section- accrued interest of $10,000,000 additional deni will ruin any woman ’s com with a knowing cock to the right, stances of financial ruin caused by Quackenhuah felt a snapping m her ear* aiiats in the Republican party. He plead* that he would have U> abandon that posi plexion. snails. couj*on b<mds of 1805 ($4,000,000 regis to maintain which angle there i9 speculation in untried flelda. and as the reverlierations of the thun for a solid North to oppose the *olid South tion. an Uie Kuasiana had appeared on bin A Wkrtktin j«mrtawl Ivwfots time was A French blacksmith filled a large tered) will be paid on the 28lh of August a strap round his chubby chin. In 1M* there wn* a large firm en der rolled away she was surprised and and to suatain tiie Reputffican party, per flanks, and were likely to ca{>ture bin never married or he wouldn ’t have any tube with hammers, chisels, bits of ceiving that the dar* of his influence are next, interest to ceaac on that day. The Below* the neck the Cossack is all gaged in the boot and shoe business, delighted to find that she could hear army. If be remained. forelock. boots and greatcoat exteriorly. Tbe probably it that time the largest in the ticking of the clock in hsr room, lead, iron and gunpowder; then put numbered unless the sections can be kept •Secretary also gave instructkins that on his head in one extremity, and applied A California lady has purchased a Boston, which concluded to dls.«>lve., in aniagonittm. Perhaps it dki not occur Hot mama baa appropriates! for tiie use greatcoat, which is of thick gray TV* 1 after tiie noise of the fpniily a hot har of iron to the other. The the close of the month (May) an amount FreerhX'oukft fog a huel>aiitl. Ct*t, blanketing, comes down below* The aggregate of the avatiahle cash alieut the house and in eonver- to Mr. Mortoo, when he wrote hi* appeal of hur army Uto PUD,000 franre tribute result was that lie knocked off his head for sectionalism, that in hi* own State of of greenbacks should be added to tiie $100,000. 4 his knees; lib Iniots come up to them. meaoa ut tha firm was $1.200,•**>. Ti»e hitics that moment she lias UHually paid to Turkey. KS1 and blew up his forge. Indiana iu the fall of laid year every special fund, under tbe Joint resolution A mkuica In willing to furnish Eu- He b more armed than any man of hie senior partner invested hb money in been ahlerto converse eawibr with lier Thk ('aar han ianued an Irajieriai J#- hustinga rung with the appeals of orators Tj Ike Issue of silver coin, which, with n»|K» wiUi wheat, but no corpses.— inches in F.urope is our little Cossack paving securities, and died a few years friends, and to enjoy tiie con vernation A strange lingual difficulty has of the biofidy.shirt per»uasioo; that a cree forbidding the granting of U tters ,000,000 already set apart, would R>ch t* Ur Pc hu *rr if. friend, and could afford to lose a afterward, having doubled hia capita); of others when carried on in a distinct arisen In the Liverpool workhouse, campaign with money and the bloody, where, a few days ago, there suddenly thh bring tiie fund up to the amount called Why is a man lifting aside of bacon weapon or two and yet tie an mvemge- tbe junior partmw did the saiMe. and manner, and not too far away from shirt was prosecuted with all the energy A O dnst AKT itaOPL* dispatch of the for at this time—about $7,000,000—that off a hook to be pitied. Because he’s ly-dangerous customer. Weapon num w lien lie died be had nearly trrbh d the her. 8he has never received medical appeared a pariy of emigrants, men, st the command of the Republican party, 28th reports the recapture of Ardahan by being the legal tenders received in ex a poo$ creature (i»ork leat lu r.) ber one b the long black tingles* lance, amount. The other partner acceptedaccept attendance with a view of recovering women and children, whose language and that, spite of these, Indiana took iter the officials were unable to understand. stand as a champion of reform and recon the Turks A council of war had asked change for the silver held for the re Wii at adds to Uie aadnabs of the with its venomous head, that seems to the honorary potitienof Preeafenfo her hearing, as it was sup|Mised tiie Mukhtar Panhn what hi-* plant were, lit be itching to make daylight through bank, aft! be< aifie interested in Wildwl failing was a natural decline, a suspen Interpreters were summoned, and the ciliation. That lesson seems to have i*e* n demption of fractional currency. Southern Hotel disaster is the fact that strangers were addressed in French, lost upon the Indiana Senator. — iMruit replied that a scheme wan in progress BO hotel-clerks were consumed. somebody. He carries a carbine, slung cat speculations in aiiaing and new in sion of a faculty which could scarcely KurrCWYH Harter , tiie sole surviving in an oilcloth cover, on hb liack, the ventions, and to-day he is almost a have been expected to remain entirely German, Italian.