1KVI9C CBnt»n

(OtTMMi tiMI MT XB IteMtetas* Xr«ry ft* jimr U* jU • ,1—it. Oi»« week...... Cimair l«M of CUBIM CvatfJ. Twtfwb.. • att It M» IS <«l Tbrre moaiill , ft AU § OO' 7 On IS M> tU 0>> H) OH OMx His mouth* .... ft ft ' fl UO 10 OU 1« 0» SO M (IS a ire moat ha... Twalv* m*mlh* TERMS. ir»»ss«»s-ss I Minding posUirr. |i ll la advfaca. fur nuiM Lagal Adx-rtUemeota ttaUtnte Wa. ••ui (Mt of Ut county. an«l ftl-SO for Umm la Sm creaky. Marring* and l>vai h ft oticoa fr«*. H All m*4MKi tor patiUauoa nui beta Xau4 Boalaaaa Card*, ftv* Uhm or under, 0 p*ry*« nuaalog fc> puMPare* >.« ST, JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1877. WHOLE NO. 555. Local Baatne** Nolle** lo cant* a line fur Aral, and 6 caau far Liu*.

on the field and many others were known MULTI) M 151 PAIVO. wiry. Ilia weather-beaten face la Uncertainty of Riches Rxeapllfiefi Is the evsttitag of ftutadaiy, April 49, a rvueitiN uottHir. ern people, lie g!v«w tiie latter credit for LATEST NEWS. to have been killed. A herd of 450 ponies shrewd, knowing and merry. His the Case ef Here# 1 ibotiretwer came up, anuan u atal almut tm no gcMMl thing; chargr* ite m with harlior- was captured and an abundance of agency Most any man oan net up a leach. eyea ate small hut keeu< his mouth oak ift passed ova* JHackensack. Ol*KRATfo?r* for the removal *f Ing ail manner of /reigns upon the Fed ­ I MF OfcD WOftlD. eral Treasury, aud pursue* them with (lie goods. The band htlaii|e*l to the M»n M Taa 6rjt nf wp a *tngls Wtr tins large, and between it and his T iie recent death of one of the old- The• firehsa uf lightuing; were very Cleopatra’s Needle have liegun. Ota Ilia 'Jtaili, two Ru rebut < •fliorr* ex­ iat* lltau »bedding k «sTtfiSSR* vindictive hatred which ia one of hia lead ­ Of kutin4I f*i pug nose —rather redder than the time merchant urlucre of lioston, who vivid Id, and tiie thunder han twen heavy. The entire expense to England of ploded torpedoes under lb# l row of aTork- net onfoOs, and Here lad by tha Chiefs ing characteristic*. M Have a care of a aileut dog and rest of his face—is a tuft or whisp leaves an insolvent estate, and the Mrs. (Joaokeubustfe who was some- tiie Tlchbomu claimant's prosecution L»h monitor, cautiug her to sink, with all Lame Deer and Iron Star, of whom the The whole purp#»e of Morton's letter i* •till water," aaya the maxicn of straw-colored mustache lfis still more recent failure of an ohl-es- what aarvoufi, waanmii ug up in her was $300,000. oo board. forme? Waa kitted. Tiie troops lost font had to establish cordial relation* with the Ad ­ long, thick, straight hair matches his tabliftiied Boston house theta beu-rcroom. An unusually sharp flash N ine servants of the Marquis de ministration, which can lie of great *erv- tilted uwtf eight sroatu'ed. A TiHHt.K-howN ark—American mustache in oolor, awl is cut sheer weathered the three gte.it financial A ivumiiino to a Vienna telegram of the public ardi-Hectare. of lightning caused her to start up Saint Mauraw, iu France, were recent ­ ice to him in tbe way of d'alrihutiug *>at. ‘/Tih, the Omnmmhr of ih# Turkish N otice was given, on the 88th, by rttn!- round by the nape of his neck. He storms of itftT, 1*57 and 1*73, recalls quickly trow* her chair. The thunder ly conveyed to a hospital in a dying ronage a* he desire*, and at tiie raiue time Five yearn of lot Ion* and far# pow- wears a round oilskin, beak leas shako to the Traveller some remarkable in ­ forrei at Em room ban notified the Porte fetary Shermsa. that tiie pritK'i]sil and followed, and with the crash Mrs. state, caused by too free indulgence in In keep on good term* with the Section- accrued interest of $10,000,000 additional deni will ruin any woman ’s com­ with a knowing cock to the right, stances of financial ruin caused by Quackenhuah felt a snapping m her ear* aiiats in the Republican party. He plead* that he would have U> abandon that posi­ plexion. snails. couj*on bture bin never married or he wouldn ’t have any tube with hammers, chisels, bits of ceiving that the dar* of his influence are next, interest to ceaac on that day. The Below* the neck the Cossack is all gaged in the boot and shoe business, delighted to find that she could hear army. If be remained. forelock. boots and greatcoat exteriorly. Tbe probably it that time the largest in the ticking of the clock in hsr room, lead, iron and gunpowder; then put numbered unless the sections can be kept •Secretary also gave instructkins that on his head in one extremity, and applied A California lady has purchased a Boston, which concluded to dls.«>lve., in aniagonittm. Perhaps it dki not occur Hot mama baa appropriates! for tiie use greatcoat, which is of thick gray TV* 1 after tiie noise of the fpniily a hot har of iron to the other. The the close of the month (May) an amount FreerhX'oukft fog a huel>aiitl. Ct*t, blanketing, comes down below* The aggregate of the avatiahle cash alieut the house and in eonver- to Mr. Mortoo, when he wrote hi* appeal of hur army Uto PUD,000 franre tribute result was that lie knocked off his head for sectionalism, that in hi* own State of of greenbacks should be added to tiie $100,000. 4 his knees; lib Iniots come up to them. meaoa ut tha firm was $1.200,•**>. Ti»e hitics that moment she lias UHually paid to Turkey. KS1 and blew up his forge. Indiana iu the fall of laid year every special fund, under tbe Joint resolution A mkuica In willing to furnish Eu- He b more armed than any man of hie senior partner invested hb money in been ahlerto converse eawibr with lier Thk ('aar han ianued an Irajieriai J#- hustinga rung with the appeals of orators Tj Ike Issue of silver coin, which, with n»|K» wiUi wheat, but no corpses.— inches in F.urope is our little Cossack paving securities, and died a few years , and to enjoy tiie con vernation A strange lingual difficulty has of the biofidy.shirt per»uasioo; that a cree forbidding the granting of U tters ,000,000 already set apart, would R>ch t* Ur Pc hu *rr if. friend, and could afford to lose a afterward, having doubled hia capita); of others when carried on in a distinct arisen In the Liverpool workhouse, campaign with money and the bloody, where, a few days ago, there suddenly thh bring tiie fund up to the amount called Why is a man lifting aside of bacon weapon or two and yet tie an mvemge- tbe junior partmw did the saiMe. and manner, and not too far away from shirt was prosecuted with all the energy A O dnst AKT itaOPL* dispatch of the for at this time—about $7,000,000—that off a hook to be pitied. Because he’s ly-dangerous customer. Weapon num ­ w lien lie died be had nearly trrbh d the her. 8he has never received medical appeared a pariy of emigrants, men, st the command of the Republican party, 28th reports the recapture of Ardahan by being the legal tenders received in ex­ a poo$ creature (i»ork leat lu r.) ber one b the long black tingles* lance, amount. The other partner acceptedaccept attendance with a view of recovering women and children, whose language and that, spite of these, Indiana took iter the officials were unable to understand. stand as a champion of reform and recon ­ the Turks A council of war had asked change for the silver held for the re­ Wii at adds to Uie aadnabs of the with its venomous head, that seems to the honorary potitienof Preeafenfo her hearing, as it was sup|Mised tiie Mukhtar Panhn what hi-* plant were, lit be itching to make daylight through bank, aft! be< aifie interested in Wildwl ­ failing was a natural decline, a suspen ­ Interpreters were summoned, and the ciliation. That lesson seems to have i*e* n demption of fractional currency. Southern Hotel disaster is the fact that strangers were addressed in French, lost upon the Indiana Senator. — iMruit replied that a scheme wan in progress BO hotel-clerks were consumed. somebody. He carries a carbine, slung cat speculations in aiiaing and new in ­ sion of a faculty which could scarcely KurrCWYH Harter , tiie sole surviving in an oilcloth cover, on hb liack, the ventions, and to-day he is almost a have been expected to remain entirely German, Italian. h|>anish, I’olish, Rus­ Free Press. w hich was certain lo Insure success, and memlier of the original New York pub­ Havana exports 85,000, ooo cigars stock downward. In hisbelt is a long pauper. unimpaired in a person of such ad ­ sian, and. finally, all the other Euro­ begged to be 1st alone. The ministerial lishing house of Harper £ Brothers, died annually, and lW6,00o,000 of them are and well-made revolver In a leather pean language*, hut not one w ord did Who Is to Blame I consumed by the Hint* d State* alone. About forty years ago a young man vanced yearn. Although no medical crisis cordiiitied, ami the at>dication of the in that city on the 2tith. He was seventy - case, and from tbe belt hangs a curved began as t>ortrt in a large roncem on opinion lias been sought, it i* tielieved they understand, aud their names, >taltaa wan cxpvttta. two man old. Tnr New Tork World says tliat tiie sword with no guard over it* hilt. South Market street; he rose grail ual I y by physicians who have heard of tiie history and purposes are likely to re­ The Republican papers are engaged iu Tut Turkish CYunmandcr has notified safe hasn ’t been made yet which a Through tbe chinks in hb great coat from Qim position to another till he case that the cure may have i>een main a profound mystery. A similar a spiteful little ouarrel about the respon ­ The mystery surrounding the diaap buiglar can ’t smash to pieces or blow sibility for the destruction of the Repub­ the luhabitauU of Hustcbuk, Varna, are visible glitn|*e* of a sheepskin un ­ l.tadwb'ltiifed knowledge and money wrought under peculiarly favorable difficulty recently arose at the Liver ­ perance of W illie Dean, of Chicago, was open. dercoat, with the hair worn inside — enough to Mart for himself, ami he conditions of tbe atmospliert, proba­ pool Sailors’ Home. lican party. The quarrel itself presumes hhumls and Hitretri* that all persons wlio solved on the 2tith, by the niiUm* that the party t- destroyed, and tte ( Tiif.rb ought to bo pease and good to-day at noon the thermometer was chose the then new field of St. l/ouis. bly by electrical action. Mrs. tjuack- A lady , cloeeJy veiled, hired, not have not provisions for al leant six months body of the boy between the Tailroad w ill on tbe !>trtttihe’, for the Russian* tion is. Who killed it? Two Southern over seventy in the sun. His whip By industry, application and shrewd ­ uubush lias been congratulated b> long ago, in the suburbs of Duna, a States that were Republican, or, at least, iiiuntk leave within twelve days from tracks and the breakwater at the foot of are reports ns .shelling Marrfatx. completes his personal appurtenance#; ness he became ene ol the loading many ef her friend*, to whom she re­ May ft*. Russian city on the River Dunaberg, a were made to give their Electoral votes to Twentj.&r*t at reft in that city. JSoup-pea-rior ganr>ery. he weaiw no spurs, lie rides cocked merchant* of thateity. Al*>ut twenty lates with pardonable glee the wonder ­ carriage, and, dumping a box securely the Republican Presidential ticket, are G en . G rant and party arrived safety ^Tir* f^sblfitaAat Wanhlngtan decided , on Money doesn't make happiness. A up on a high saddle, w ith a leather years ago he decid**i to retire from ful recovery which she has ex|»eri- corded into tbe vehicle, ordered the now firmly held in the Democratic grasp; at Liverpool, Eng, on tiie 38tb. The the ?0th ult., Iba; a letter should be ad- |»«‘!inilt ‘H.s Detroit boot-black has heaps band strap|ied over it, a wiry little rat active bus!neea anu return to his native enced. Her sister, who diet) in her driver to atop at a shop where, as she one other, Mississippi, that was claimed Auitiimu ik/iuul General at London and tirt-fla**! to |ho Mexican Goversaii nt by of tun i»aintiHg isinp- posts and seeing of a pony, with no middle piece to State. He had a clear cash fortune of eighty-eighth year, wa* in most re­ said, she had to make some purchases. to be Republican on a fair vote, and that other jironiiucnt ciii/.ens of the United loafers nib tiie raw material against speak of, with an ewe neck, and a $moo ,uim ). Purchasing a beautiful spects at remarkable a woman as her­ The driver stopped and waited, but wa* to have been reconstructed had tha the Becretaiy of 8tate, notifyingthat Gov- their I»acks. gaunt, projecting head, with raggod estate within twenty miles of Hutton, self, retaining completely all her ordi ­ new Congress teen Republican, has been tSUteT, gave hits. a suitable r< osptkm. emment that it mifat take 1 tamed lav step* the lady did not return. Then lie Wiikn the Sultan avows his readi ­ flanks, loose hocks, limp fetlocks, and adding thereto by elegant and nary faculties until the day of her asked the shopkee|*»r to allow him to abandoned to the Itemocrats; one Noith­ HcvkiiAL. of Uu 'Wtota and ortlt itN co*- loprewnt r aid a aero* > the Rio Grande shelly feet, and a general a*pect of costly buildings and outbuildings death, s few years ago. Mrs. tju.u k- em Republican State—Mr. Hayes'own — ness to walk right up to Uie cau#ivn ’s leave the box. Fermission was denied, is virtually conceded to tbe Democrats in * armid in the recent etneuU at Cotantanti. into oiherw ise our military com­ mouth lie talks like the true Muzzle- knackerism — the sort of animal in line and conservatories, he settled eubush’s days of u*efnines* are not hut, on consultation, the box was nople have been expatriat* <1 mander in Texa* wouid lie histruen-d to dow*n to enjoy himself. But over, for she has been for many years, the next election ; and in another, Penn ­ man that he is.—N. Y. Commercial for which a oos ter monger would think oj*enod by the two men. when tiie sylvania, the Republicans, under the A CoxnTANTTNon r. teiejiram o# tb<- follow marauder* into Mexico and punish Advertiser. twice liefore he offered "three quid” he was not satbfied. Jle saw and still continues to be, industrious body of a dead infant wa* exposed. Oamerons, are so uUhntisfied with the pol- JDth sty* the Russians bad evacuated the them u |m>q that territory Time softens all things. If you for it at the northern Tattersalls. on that others hud more than he pos­ with her needle, and lias in her ex­ The driver did not know what to do, icy of the Administration tliat serious sessed ; he could net go heck to the old whole coast line of Ahaaia. The little schooaer New Bedford, only don ’t believe it, go down ui the cellar the outskirts of the Metropolitan cat­ treme old age constructed with rare fearing that he would be arrested for doubt* of its fidelity are expressed. Who tle market on a Friday afternoon. But druJlgeiw of business tii increase his neatness and taste a great number of Tut Cabinetof King otho, of Omre, twenty feet long, sailed from New Bed ­ and stick your hand down in the last murder. Theitoopkeei* r advised him is to blame for all this? The Grant ad- the screw is of indomitable gameness pile, nrd in (tin evil hour heewme across bed-quilts, in which she take* pri.l* a* herents say Hayes—the Hayes supf*>rt- roaignod ou the* IhRli. ford, Mata, on the 2tilh, having on board barrel of cabbage* you stowed away to put the box hack in the carriage, last fall.—Hut Uueen drive to the market place, and leave it «rs say Grant. “ It is Hayes who gave Tucrk was great excitement in Crete (.'apt. Crapo and bis wife. She is bound horses would starve, b fresh when ed out to him the sure way through busy for nearly a century, and which Louisiana and ftouth Carolina tip to tbe A HALooK-KBrrEit named his resort Ulltattended while lc ate dinner, in the on the 20ih, and at a meeting of the nota ­ for London, England . most other horse* are used up, atad b which by a single stroke he could may reasonably be expected to serve expectation that some one would steal Democrats,” charge the implacable*; *• it “ Nowhere,” so that when his ina/iied was Grant who allowed the Republican ble* it was decided to give the Turk lab A call has been lasued for a State Re­ tustomers wreWt hrnne late and their lit to carry its rider across Europe, as double his fortune. He yielded, and this venerable dame to the completion the box. The driver took the hint, Cossack ponies have done liefore invested hb all in a patent that was of a full hundred years.—S. Y. Timm. Stale Governments of Lmi»iana and CiOXf-XuuujU twenty days in which to x^. publican Convention to meet at Harris wives wanted to kiMiwr where they had and tiie 1m»x disap|»eAred. Neither South Carolina to play out,’’ ntort the ad ­ Ureas their grievanens, failing which as burg. Pa . ou the 2Uth of Augiuit. been, they con Id safely tell the truth. to-day. Tbe Cossacks seem to lie used not worth the pa|«r it was wrjtten on, ladv nor de;ul ixxly has since been indiscriminately for all kinds of work. and tliat man to-day is laboring hard AC«ie for Hydrophobia. vocates of the new itgnne —and so it goes appeal wouitl be made lo U m> Groat Ppo.vnF.NT writes that, for A tor respondent of the London charges between the factions of the divided nla. They nde about alone with dis- family. ^ party. stone, under the title of the ITince of in the Panhandle of Tcxus, had been cap- isn ’t what coiicvirs our prairie Gener ­ pulchea, they escort sUHpected spiv*, In in/vfi one of the leading Commis­ thirty years past, a farmer named Fry, Times furnishes a useful suggestion residing near Allentiwn, Fa., lias for preventing suffocation by smoke, It’lsnoneof our fight; but there arc Crete. lured by Apache Indians, and all the al* most—they are afraid Ire will dis ­ keeping the head of their lance care­ sion dry goo*b merchants In Bo*ton aorne facts we may take the lil>erty of sug­ -Tiie Turkish positions at Batnum were stock in the town run off. Severe fighting cover their whereabout*. — Detroit fully withiu easy distance of the small overreache«l hu comiwlitors in trade ' Deatsd hydrophobia with unvarying which is commended to the traveler who sojourns in ‘the many-storied gesting to facilitate the settlement of it. again attacked by tbe Husnians, on the between sixty bunion* and tw ice that num ­ Free Frees. of the suspect's back, to be handy for and made himserf whole in that terri- success by the following simple method; When Grazp. was re elected io 1N72, thirty hostelry. He say* that a pillow-case, 30th ult. The result was a Russian de ­ Tiie world would sympathize more skewering him if he should attempt hie UnaiM.ial crisis, w hen most of our The patient is to be kept free from ex­ of the thirty-seven States voted for him, ber of Indians is also re ported, thu Indian* citement of every sort, es)>ecially fr«*in well saturated with water, and having feat, after ten hours* fighting. being virtually defeated with considerable with tiie man w ho lias a cold in his escape, and Cossacks are placed on leading houses went to tiie wall. As and twenty-eight of them were regarded hca«l. if it wasn ’t for the insufferable guard over tiie ships at the Galatz collateral sectiiity for notes given for that caused by the visits of sympathiz­ a small hole torn in it to look through, as really reliatily Republican. Th» re w hs Ex Prksihknt G rant was received by loss on their side. ;iir of superior sanctity and calm, un ­ quay, to event their attempting de ­ almut $.*io,«HNj, he t'R>k share* in an ing friends. The medicine is to lie placed loosely over tbe head, will lie a Republican majority of 10# in the the authorities uud citizens of Manchester, Ex-Gov. W \KMoTif, of Loolsiarui, and complaining martyrdom that he puts parture, Dismounting and shackling uncompleted railroad connected wi$h prepared by taking one ounce of ele­ found an admirable impromptu respi­ House, a two-thirds majority in the S«u- England, on the 90lli ult., with Ten great Mias SttUjc Duxan«l were married at Nt w- ou and sila around in. his pony by a hobble on each foreleg, a c**al iu:ue. Disoovenng that this campane root, powdered ; one tea*i»ooii- rator in the densest smoke. Yic«*- ale, anil a popular majority of 7b2.!firi in enthusiasm. At the corporation dinner, ark, N. a tew days ago. connected iiy a leather strap w ith an ­ ful of madder, and one quart of new Admira) Jernmghatn, while in com­ favor of Grant in the country. In 1*77, TnE other day a father *dd to his stock UeUi as collateral nmresented when Grant w-ent out of office, there were Gen. Grant made a graceful and appro­ other 1 nibble around the left hindleg, more than a majority of life w hole milk, and boiling them altogether mand of the Cambridge gunnery train ­ Mat 30 was generally olwerved a* Dec fiyc-y car-old boy, w ho came in late to ing ship at Plymouth, made the first only eighteen of the thirty eight States priate tact now lodgement of the attentions Th* dinner fnan ?w*l*ool, “Robbie, why are aliove tiie hock, tiie Cossack take* np Stock, he employed brokers in Wall slowly (in a water-l>ath if possible), oration Day throughout the country. until reduced to a pint. The do*e is exf**riraent with this pillow-case les- that eouid be called reliably Republican, shown him. cerrmonire at Arlington were participated \ou so bite? Didn't you hear the a posltlou on the extreme edge t># tiie street to l**ar the stock and buy it up the other twenty being Democratic; there 1*41 Y” 41 Yes, fatlier,” replied Robbie, jetty, with his lance pointed in the di ­ tar a song. He succeeded, aud he one wineglassful a day for three days; pirator. He had twelve pound* of i. Loth hop Motley , the American in by the President and M*» Hayw end loose powder exploded in a confined is a Democratic majority in the llou»e '* but I couldn ’t hear it plain. ” rection of the ship, as if he would afterward admitted that lie cleared then iutermit for three days; then re­ elect; tiie Republican inalority ii* the Sen ­ historian, formerly United States Minister the Uabiuet, the President end his wife, peat, and intermit again, and again re- part of the ship, which, although TiiR early bird which caught the transfix it should it attempt to escape, $400,000 by tiie operation. The war ate is reduced to three, and there is a|H*p- to the Court of 8t. James, died in London, with flowers brought by tU«rtta«BH< *, dec- and there he stands, self-contained, came on, anil he succeeded in obtain ­ | petat; that is, nine wineglassfuls are screened off with fearnought, emitted ular Democratic major.ty of 2u0 0UC in tiie England, on the 30th ult., of paralyds. orating the graves of deed aoltllcrs, end worm will henceforth have only pro­ taken in all, and there are three inter- so dense a smoke tliat those outside country. Who is to blame for this? Cer­ verbial interest. Anv bin! with good affable, alert, and with a general a*- ing from the Government several large He was sixty-three years old. es^iecielly the tuonuiient to the unknown. pert conveying the idea that he is contract*. At the close of the war he i mission*. luid to lie down on the deck. A com­ tainly not Mr. Hayes. He c »nnot be credit can now go to the store any time mon pillow-case, with a small eye-hole, The Russian Telegraphic Agency re­ Ail the Government office* in Weshinglon patronizing that section of Christen ­ could chink out at leant two million* lu support of the efficacy of this charged wilh a lo>sof party strength that during the dav and order one of the 1 treatment, it is staled tluti. thirty was placed over the head of a man, took place under the Administration if ported, on the Jlst ult., that Servia had were closed on that day. newly-invented rubber worms. dom within lib purview. He will ac­ of dollars in *ol»d cash. But he was cept a cigarette, and tender you a not satisfied. Tlwre were sticJt men years ago. Mr. Reed and Daniel Mer- w ho, w ith the hose in his hand, went his predecessor —nor can he lie chare* d definite'y resolved to maintain a strict Gov. Ci’LUiM, of Illinois, h%* vchdxl It *eetin ?i.« if each child in the fam­ sbon were bitten at (vermautown by a inside and remained ten minutes, with the Jos* of even Louisiana and neutrality. light from hb in the friendliest man ­ a* Oakes A me* and John B. Alley, of South Carolina, forthese States * ere D m the bill paaeed by the late Legislature, to ily wanted twice as much bread as ner; hut you will never coax him to the Union Pacific; Tom SuotL of the mind dog; that Mr. Reed was treated when, to assure hi* friend* outside of A V ienna telegram of the 31st ult. an ­ make »ilv«r coins a legel-tcmler for the when flour was down to five dubii>'on. ditional column to its emptiuens, on the , avenue, under similar treatment re- 1 situation It fs neeesrery to look at Uie t>er had advised the recall of Midhat Two rERHoNs, named Mullina and kan fur with a scarlet busbv-bag, scheme* were all the rage, and he . principle of the Irishman who ai- went in, seeing in the future his two 1 covered from the dreadful disease, letter a* near ax may be from the stand ­ Hughes, who and tlieir greatcoat b black, having point of the Senator himself. He is The Adventures of a Trapper, Pasha. aUempted, several umutha j tenifited to make a big brass gun by it* bosom slashed with a receptacle for millions swelling to ten millions, II,,! ab-rtjt twenty years ago; and, in 1358, ego, to steal thee remains of «x President #>r c« timr x hi, ire liole and ihRirimr the his a policeman, so far gone with hydro ­ recognized a» one of the leaders of the Thk Catholic Church in Weischea, erecting a Urge hole and pouring the cartridf es, while they carry their car­ has lost his own money and led Republican party in the Natioo, more Grand Duchy of Preen, Was struck by Lincoln front his tomb at Springfield, 111., braa* around it. phobia as to be held in tbe carriage in A letter from Roscommon, Mich., to bine in a cover of Astrakan fur.—(Ja- neighlHifta to ruin, and is to-day an ob­ e*|*«*ialty of w hat are known as the ex- the Detroit Tribune sa>«: 44 A mail lightning, on the 31st ult., during the have been adjudged guilty and sentenced Mrs. QubeKENBUM, of Harken- laU Cor. London Daily Net re. ject of pity. which he wa* driven through German ­ ' treinist*. He i* an ambithHi* m m. and is to the Penitentiary for one ysmr each. town to Mr. Fry's residence, was also commonly known by the title of ‘ Pan ­ service. Mix persons were killed and ita k, N. J., ninety-two years oW and Thirty yearn ago a young and prom­ ! looking forward to a Presidential nomi ­ cake Jack' arrived in town the other very deaf for twenty years, recovered treated with entire success. A num ­ nation in Uie not distant future. At the seventy seriously injured. The house of Alexander Snyder, in Britiah Hoaxes. ising law yer w a* retained by a railroad ber of additional cases are quoted, in day with quite un episode attached to Portland, Ontario, was burned on the her hearing during a thimder-sform a cor|*oration in New England, then la- late *c**ion of the Senate, his place as the V ienna and Berlin telegrams of the 1st all of which the remedy descrilved i* leader of the extremist* wa* in a measure his advent. lie, together with a man night of the 30tb ult. Two of hit chil­ few nights ago. And now they pro- 1»oring under great difficulties. He say the recent peace minors were the in ­ fNwe to introduce tlmnder-storm* into Tiie London correspondent of the claimed to have effected complete cures. ' wrested from him by an even more named Hayes, began trapping in part­ Sheffield Daily Telegraph writes: soon got at the true inwardness of tiie vention of continental financiers, intended dren pertain'd in the fUm< s, and his wife all tbe ear Infirmaries. —Chicago Tribnn*. audacious, though perhaps leas politic nership, about the 1st of Novemlier, was seriously burned. The sea-*ori**nt story was clum*ily situ atiota, and availing himself yf the rival, who went further and was bolder lH7ff, down the South Brandi of the Au only to affect tbe stock markets. A Xiw Y orker lias s*nt $5,000 to knowledge, invested right and left in Montreal , Can., was tinted by a de- managed and most people would have A SelM'leanlng City. and more aggressive in hia onslaught Sable River, forty or fifty miles from The Russian Army on the Danube is to Phillip* ’ ExeteT Academy, N. H., its securities at low figures. Thosese-^ i upon the mip|Hwed conciliatory policy of here. Good Iwk seemed to attend -truelive flre on the fifth oil. Sixty houses without telling Ida name. He catne seen through it. It arose in tbb way: l>e increased to 4Oo,0U0 men, and provision At Oban, some time ago, th**re wiw an curitle* afterward became apprecia­ \ O k the whole array of latter-day the Adminiatration than Morion thought it their effort# np to a short time pre­ contracts for this numlwr have been made. were burned, involving a loss of nearly fnutft New IfatupeMve. This accounts tive values, and he found himself sl­ enterprises which challenge our admi- prudent to be. Morton *ae» Blaine at the vious to Christmas, when 4 Pancake for hia Mtafuhftr suppression of his earthquake, or w hat seemed to I* one, $500,000. and tiie event was described by a cor­ ue wt a mlUhuialre. He purrhsaed a ! ration at once for their novelty and head of the “ irreconcilable**' or “ Im Jack’ was taken suddenly ill, with a A C#nstantimoflr telegram of the 1st Tn* next Ohio DemreTRtlc *tate Uon- | name. Native New Yorkers don ’t do splendid estate. becAmea ll'oeral patron placable*," and, wily politician that he is. says an unpleasant condition of affaire respondent in a letter addressed to the useful lies*, the palm must lie given to terrible pain through his head. Hayes vention is to be luUl at Columbus on the auth tuiitai*,- -Ej-‘E*mw. a , of the arts, a leading agriculturist, and . he sect tliat it is necuasary for him to fake made up his mind to come up here, get prevailed in that city, and the col lapse of h •* Aiti yotathere. my love* ” he wliia- editor of a Glasgow newspaper. The a cleansing system adopted by tiie a somewhat different tack lo oorae out aotii ef Jalv. W " editor was Incredulous about the earth­ Wiis esteemed for his lienevolence. Health Bored of Manchester, England, some necessary things, and return to the Administration was hourly expected. I'eml tiirougl* a hole in tne fence of His income was almost princely, but ahead of the hrnator from Maine. A A sen< jol *tea < her in Hartford credulity, tiie local correspondent, ing that city ’s offal pay for it* own re­ , half of houthern Republicans, affords him venience. (aiming up. here aliout street?, and the bead of tiie Grand Vizier j w’Rs the reply; 4‘jump right over> ” lie still young. Ilia iml.ition was to bitten by a dog on tbe 30th of last April. conceiving that hb character for moval. Everything that goes to make , die pretext for defining hisptaulion, which Christmas, he did not go back at all. and tbe expulsion of the t'bristiaan were did so, and altghtad in the presence of truth fulness was at stake, wa* very mount to the top, and in one brief dirt and breed disease, from tenement- is antagonistic to that of Biaine simply in ‘ Pavieakf Jack* in the meantime was loudly demanded. It was recently reported from Waaliing an enraged mother, a broomstick and indignant. How ever, he concealed his year, from being possessor of hotuw garbage to paj>er rags and broken this—that Morton excuse*, if he does not growing worse. A high fever had set ton that all re prase o t^tiuas on the subject a blue-coated guardian of the night. The Prrtich Cabinet bus forbidden all m rat 11 until a fltting occMion pnwntad * “• h* W1“ *° f'1MM‘ U>ttie*, i* collected in wagons and ustify, Uie course which has been pursued in, the pains through his temples and of the Ctiiiiiiia uisasm had heco referral died a recipient of charity. political meetings of over twenty ftersous. M Yoft ought to he a rieh woman, ” itself. Jo due time he invented the taken to the public yard* on the out­ y the Administration, while the late*! back of his head increased, reducing to Ally.-Gen. Devens. who would examine (Jiaervtfd he. as lie stepix-d into the sea-serpent, with most minute details Ita 1*4*, a yotaig nan from a neigh­ skirts of the town. Each load, on be­ public utterance* trom Blaine, and the him to almost complete helplessness. tiie laws for the purpose of ascertaining yard. ”How taoF* fifkedj^e. as ahe and incidents. This description he ad ­ boring town, who had been a fur»,u- ing dropped, is carefully sorted, and private sentiment* which he is credited Days crept into weeks, and still Ilayes THE ft ft II' WORLD. whether there is any authority for the atopjRnl a moment from her carpet- dressed to the Glasgow pa^.r, erhich nate business man till the crisis of Uie report of a single week’s gather­ with expressing, are of a character to remained away. The sfioyv bad fallen O h Uic night of the 36th, the dwelling tieating. "You are such a hand at 1"S7. started afresh. A four years ings which ifiay be taktm a* a sample show that he considers Hayes ’ coarse to the depth of three or four feet, and Federal Courts to interfere. The f$ecre- swallowed greedily the fiction, w|i)e neither excusable nor justifiable. of Henry Tower, of North Clarendon, iary of Stgftt had taken pan ir the Ulvaati. raising tiie dust, ” replied be, alyly. it had thrown doubt uj*on the fftet found him at thoti»pof the ladder, his —comprised : Paper, one ton ; rag*, it was with extreme difficulty that credit gtHHi and bis trail*action* irn- Morton doe* not write as a man having Mass., was burned ami two of his chil­ gatlo* hectabw of the fact that the British Then alia s-tid aim’d , raise the dust ” WlHin the local oorre*(>ondent had three tons; dead dogs, cats, rats, love fur Hayes ’ policy; and although it 4 l'ancake Jack’ could secure firewood on him if lie didn't "dustaround ” and tn$iWo; he had aot|ulred a second and Guinea pigs aud other animals, two enough to keep himself warm, and the dren, aged nine and eleven years respec authorities complained that one of the achieved this feat, and everybody wun L evident that it is not hega»i houses and fish-shops, sixty Ions; Hayes deprives the latter of all credit for da>s. At hist provision* ran out, he United States Marshal, at Breton, during $2.230,:I02,211; cash in Treasury, $1W.- In man or woman the face and the article it contained was a copy of tiie again at the iNKtern, find laid the foun ­ broken i»oU. bottle* and glasses, eighty high and worthy motives in hit rtiuthern was fourteen miles from any habita­ Filature's administration, and turned ovei XM.HrtW; debt lesa cash in Treasury, person lose power when they are on Glasgow newspaper which had the dation for a third fortune, which was b»ns; vegetable rcfu*at door-mats, |K>7icy. Morton say* the question pre­ tion, three feet of snow on the ground destined to be threefold greater than sented to Mayes was. he yield to to the Savsunah authorities, under lit* $2,003,377,342: decrease duriag. May, train to exprere admiration. A editor's comments throwing doubt table-covers, floorcloths and old straw and more falling, no wood, and him­ Fugitive blava law, has been appointed man makes hia inferiors hia superiors upon the story of the earthquake. This the other two. But he wa* a man mattresses, inn tons; fine ashes, 1.230 the loevft itde or proceed only to Inevita ­ self continually growing worse What $fl.Wl,*T4. 1 v tf Jfv Jfl ble defret? He interprets Heye* ’ policy messenger in Gen. Devena* Department l»y heat. Why need you, who are not indigestible paragraph had killed the never to he natisfled. Three years afn tan*; cinders, 1,400 tans. In sho|>s to do in tv is dire extremi.y he did not The tarifT for passenger travel between be could have sold out bis immense front this: jo t If he Is comet in his in- know. Thinking of his hunting dog, a gossip, talk as a gossip?—Exchange. animal. owned by the Board, all of this stuff terpretation Have* ha* d«i»e nothing but A t iJbe recent session of tiie Grand (.feirag* and New York and Boston has real estate and realized $3.MX>,0ty. which nan lie worked over into useful he conceived the idea of attaching a I/»ige of the flood TerapUn of the been r«duc*ti jo $15 and $1fl respectively. The City Foresteiv ef Boston, has A much cleverer hoax was that sacrificed right' to expediency. He ha* come to the defense of the maligned played on Sir Erakine May. Some Three months ago he was forced to bor­ commodities is treated in that way— string and paper to the dog's neck and World, at Portland, Me., the following row money from his friends for the iH*t dose well because he ha* it in hit TrE fltrftftoii, the Halt Lake corre- English afUtiTow. He my M|M their time ago he received an official letter, the furnaces lieing run without ex­ heart to do wtall, hilt because he feared he sending him to the nearest koine . Tiie wefft elected ofTW ers for the ensuing year : indent of tbe New York UerekA. state* introduction there was aillB with or what looked like one, purporting to actual necessities of himself and fam­ pense for coal, as the cinders idtawl could not do anything else. Or, to put it faithful animal performed his enand, Theodor* |k Kataouae. of Wisconsin-, G ihat an attempt was made to aaaasainatat Wnflpta. ali)*n calcn- come from the authorities at ronstan- ily.—Boston Dost. —ni supply all necessary fuel. The prod ­ more on the Mortonian theory, he h»* but when he arrived at. tiie house the W C. T,; Revi Hl4 fdx n Todd. ol En him on the evening of tbe 28tb ult., ial rpil- tinople, dealrtag to kwow whether he uct* of the dirt-heaps j include a val ­ suffered wrong to be done simply because paper was gone, having been wrenched N' C A fttraag* Rtacererj. gland, R. W. G. C.; Mra. A. H. Brook- tgaiu on tlu> 31*1 ult. An investigating nit stilt kc Mr i entes would be prepared to undertake the uable patent manure, paj*er pulp, a be feared be would not be permitted to off by his passing through the snow Uok. U. W. G. V. T.; W. 8. Williams tl..»» ttefi fiptari<»ws lii'ilest «-r fliterfeie task of framing a Parliamentary disinfecting powder, a kind of mortar sustain the right. Certainly, Uiis is a very and thick underbrush. The inhabi ­ the 1st corroborated the atnftetnctata of Mr. which proves to be of great use to ignoble attitude in which to present Mr. tant, one Mr. Ball, wits sick at the of Napanee, On!., R. W G. H.;IU 8 Htillaon. It is believed the attacks were with any oilier bird. Thousands of scheme for Turkey upon the British A BTjmfGK cure of an inArm ’ly dollars, he adds, would not pay the which bad aJfiioted for many year# a builders of brickwork, bone $>r the Hayes to the country ; vet this is precise­ time of the faithful messenger's ar­ Scott, of St. Louis, Mo., R. W. G- T.; instigated by Mormons. model. Sir Erakine, as you know, is ly what Mr. Moiton has done; and be city for their loss. tbe author of anelaiiorate work on the lady of advanced age, effected, it is ■neehtanlc arts, filling for P»$d-bed*, rival, but he immediately concluded Mrs. M. B. O’lkmnell. of Lnwville, N has doue it. ton. while striving to do Mr. that something was wrong. A few 41A ------w ■■■ "Practice and Procedure of Parlia­ supposed, by the action of electricita, and scrap-metal* of every tort. All Hayes a kindness ! It is said that in Ad- Y., Chief Super a tend an* of Juvenile VUE Httatatafa. hut without scientific or medical In ­ the odd bits that can be turned to no dsye succeeding tiie arrival of the dog Templars. The report of the Grand The ( oaaacka of the Doi. ment, ” It therefore seemed most fit­ ministration circles at Washington great N ew Y oke , June 1^—Flour—White ting that he should be appealed to in tervention by nhysicians, took place in good account are passed through a satisfaction is expressed with Morton ’s Mr. Ball had recovered some what, and Seer eta r> showa a membership of 4M),000 W}\enX Extra, rf ftfitoftafi* Wheal—No. 2 A little way ' farther along the •*nrh h r**e. IToWever, hs it wa* nee- Ksefritawn ekr S.J., al»out a fortnight " carbonizer ” and reduced to harm- htter. and as this is what the Indiana was calculating to start out for the Stat krtart Ttaowraoir, of the Navy Chicago Spring, fti $5; jlf'8 M11- road we met a detachment of fkte* in Thoaer* o in wlioul this afftic- lsssness ; and the whole process, or Menatnr wa* driving at, he is undoubtedly camp of * Fan rake Jack’ when there Department, baa tmnsnistted orders U waukeee, 91 TtkVt re Oats Western sod sacks arnMing alone, one of tHelf t&re rsj tJttKst tieu reakied, un«| who wtasnta suddenly combination of processes here de- -••uluni. He Itate, however, as we have was a disturbance at the doc. and United States Naval Commanders lo for 4tate, ¥WTMc Coro—West4-ni Mixed. » number making a noise on a whistle, in mntftpta*^' was also necessary ftr.it and agrwably w#ier>xl, Isa lady named, scribfxL is conducted without creating shown, by the sheer toroe of hi* logic be- 'Pancake Jack’ himself walked in. anp otMittap smells or *moke worth He was wet from head to foot mid cov ­ eign waters to stmw suitable attention to AM»;xe, Pork—Mft-aa. $M 7% 1-M4-S9 ftftft while the others sang to tha not whol­ he ahotfrd ♦mtairr-Tremission trom the Mrs. Quackenbush, living on Sttate , HtiWvh he mao 1st sought to J cater U 4h Cettls—4HI tV/rlt Jfr idr Son# to fci mentioning. —Y. Evening F high author it id* gave their and six months old. She was born in sistency of Henator Morton in hie treat­ and emaciated, a wild, maniac glare regards hit tour of observation. Gold closed at 10*\ . Pompton. N. A, where aha lived for ment of tbe two questions wf tbe Louisiana shot from liis eyes, and he trembled ( onaarks hereaboutare (oeaackaof jhe itaipn reeridy, taut Bill. Erskme —M. Parone, of Turin, proposes a Scnatnn»hip and the Louisiana Governor Wwir t. a lighter laden with oil was East LftaRRTV, Cattle — Beat, many years, and ift beTroifth and mid- like an aspen leaf. Mr. Ball saw h;s Don, descendants of the fellows who made preparations for his departure; very simple method, as com;»ared with atatp could he clearly shown. In speaking being unloaded in tbe North River, In tentKglfilft; atedlua. f5 2meft75. Hc^w- in the early years of the eenttirv M- but. before starting, he went to the die age was a woman of peculiar come­ any others now in use, for rendering condition, and he was wrapped in , of the former he insist* that subsequent warm blankets, ami had tie* best of New York, on the afternoon of tbe 23th. Torkers, 95*Mt*»; PkUadrlpbfa, 9599^ lowe (l*gr»H** which elected him to the Senate. Suppose whieh 'Pancake Jack’ hovered lie- tween life ami death. Upon regaining g1..MHra*|#o>. yt »n.3 > ««h glades of the Hols de Boulogne. 0 *#n «> r#(pif% fta»tai f’on- her faculties. For six or seven years Fahrenheit, te^ and one-half pounds t he had applied (he same proem of reason- flames. When tbs flames man extin ­ his reason he said he could not remem­ guished it was found that three men bad ter HiVft Otta N( the Don Coeeaeh it eo like anotlier ttasple fdk Bit efirednlvok tad vice, she has lived in Hackensack, at the of gum I so, and shaking the liquid tilt ] ing to the ewer of Phckard, whefe would Visa la difflcnlt to get Tidal that they house of her nephew. About twenty the gum lac is completely dissolved. hhe have come out? ber a thing whieh had passed for a bean burned to death and another fatally «a*h,87<7 1« retter J »s*s i»n fit rk CeUkt $1«M4.60 dlately iried, end shot within twenty- constant reader. Is rather fine and try- ■ mm* rmiftiM dkafll He teeh* for cow*ter and «mt?agv, and village no Liitie Muddy Creak, ninety he came up here and is improving, al­ tallies from the month of Tonga* River -Oo<*4' to (fii<4eft hu d i'wbk awsis, d to choice. 9H0OJIA.O0 Houtk, wth Jtepuhllcao rule, to q*iietand than we can do im regard to the Ge- that this summary execution will put h fmpafre# fteat 4he eonM reilv bear tures with a brush. order, with i ►••w.x ratn meerndemy 1 be carious. Hayes, bis partner, came to took to the hllla, where a brief aland was —The re tab taU drains. Friend Comack is e llttie i stop to these precticre. Wfilch caused j the lowWwt sounds, and conversation I latter ponteu of hia teller I* dvented en ­ town, hired out st a lF»Cel here, and made »od where Gen Nibs attacked dren in Gonn mmeszs to chap, about. flvre#ec4-fire, even on hi* so muah sufThring to the Russian apb j coujkl ^ maintained with jier In —Tour i* human, to stay at home tirely to an endeavor to stir up Ill-feeling did not go near his suffering com­ »h«-*n. FntirUwn deed Indians warr found sixteen rear* • |«a r hefK blit $t wee stuidy and dleve during the Crimean war. utalllMlu taMettanig On divine. —fNwWWtwrff Ratnrilay Night. 1 in the Northern teftfl again*! the South­ rade, ” MOT

nvml tovrhobipe of M»ty at tbe an- T*®tMmfRr. v«m with CSBVD tte l# «1 I* ROWELL 4 CO.,< Ka«r ^•BTUAIlK •Ailt.-Vbi PA mIi k^Vtwe.ior p.mt.i.u-t ui tee gm>~ nos'nJt~ ing Swn w»A« |i Ik* MnJltlwsof a mmtmXm anal temusbip aaM i» LolJ ou tka tUmeVMU * Jti dnaoiH showing fflAJ# t0* 0V. ■>a4* ■ *4 vavruivt K> -imtmrmMi *IW ftvai Mom«U> inti ^£rti,April, iu itoiyemr; fotolfVV * seat e^ir—Meiag. [j *2 * J70. MO* tlA a . bU niU.ot Ik* [ILSOR, ■. D , that lU w>l f l«» vu»kip 01 OAivv. cvuti GLAD TIDINGS tftrhjMM, M A...... ' SL'KORteo la M. •d u |mm» ilia Pub Irowu Drug Blow, lliai *•<><• •• ALI TMVMSDA X, Jl'XS r, IK7. of HI. Joints ■Mil TOlLOAlV ali not, Sorlk • f 1». I. frtiok1* (coyp>y».)j| ^ o k*uaa, MtoUtgai. ABA If i i Con j ItoeW «e (wen ea naieeumbdpfot and vr**iproductive M ______P- cumx ctrm. thrr# SIROR HCRRCS, R. 0.4 TNK BCWin 6.»ACIIIM! WAl. al ih« itaiv *»f il l. no«*c* . f r pni,*!y,l and Ittlvr All A4J " , All Uu*t n |, k 1 «•♦«, ih* inn ol iiw buiturrd *m; iowr Aviteia and Waaipkalla, Mick rfml » ! filfy rnt'»,(UW 11), btMitri mn at1 or it-y l*» REYNOLDS &, LONG of thirty A o IImx * i9.1o>a» lor in caid uaur » J H FCOCWA 'Assisted The• ■maerienila Pert leeietaeti la a" .r, *» on»d Mfy »»*«♦€*■«■ .itigr Iv litkrn lO kMvhW) ■%^3«S-mbSivalap* It bp Ida taiceiew SIWIw 9• weeeweeaetltastlmas. "eea — Cheap Suns for thePtople MONEY TO LOAN j ib« Atui \v'l-»*«» 10 |-ri).«aiUi*< a* i»v Tl'OKMICV sod Couaavllor at Law. aad Boi* llav* the General Agency lu this section for the sal* of the laflu ttMMrcHi Mew fleei Wllaee VeMMayteaieeer A m Double Mhot (ill**, fn»o* *•#*• Ur.eeli load oriiiswaiiy bevit tekva !•< morn lit* rum ! _ loiter la t'haae*r> . Alto. Agrol slated I hammshlug the AleetMlr in* Hhot Onto, ItelA to 91 A# Mingle fitu»t Tba und. ralgurd h*\ lug Wva tpyo tir( agrnta oarokAikooa aad sola of raal o.laio. vVo.ipkaiia, At the adjourned eeaeioa of the Board of 'of moii<-y >)>w on the m<| mortgage, or n«» ;«ii . M»-hligsa. - A rakllcc Maeafacier. Oum , all stnd*, 13 to 924 Klflefo Mu**W*».d # of Iko Iihrrvof, Iitritfor**, ihj O cc la iirrvLy gireii. ' CELEBRATED Suporriaort, bald iu January, 1861, the ac- Brsssh Leading. ulngi* and It>• »* t.i I. 1. IS and | Itial l > v If'lti of llo|towri |i( ctMlIoiOrd U« t* »' ALSaiOOC. if. a. w a uni ihj ■ oouut of Jamea Twu, of H-W, U*»t ol The red lapse of the unholy inotiopo- )| iloultn. U««»Uin, S, A and 7 *hi*q'iTSiff I B4UITABLX TBU8T COMPANY ! ^ai'l iu«r*| |v, )..AJltr'l v% . *haM »*ll al ' L. A Pratt, of f* SO, for Matching the lu- j ly lit sewing machine patent* has been to f* 0. Good* #rnt by Ktprt-M U. U 1 public Min-ntn to Uir t,tgl.>«< M4«tvr, an llr privllogs Is nisitir. Pri*f • free Add rro*. j H. A H. E. WALBRIDGE, ,li*a «mm at the Uuic at thu death of 5ii»- tuurih day •! Vrpriulrr, A 1» l*77. t awueiuiuwd mil h lu Uiu paat fun day a, hrtal Wwifra Una tksvte, Plus* • MV MAI LOkiVOAi. . --r- - . i .( IS w’ckM.k noon wo luol itev. *1 iht itoal duoi A 1' iiiitM fc ^ a ad Law aad Bollaitera ua Lkaw- Toady Michigan, waa audited and or I«red and a song of thanksgiving thereat has hnr|li| B 1 ■t| llr mm lloua**. a> Ht. Johua. (Minion county. iXm;. LolioctiuDa aud I 'oavayaactng. paidL Mr*. TUfgV MWu*« | arisen from press und people up uud 1IMP. ei.B ANB ALWAYS m • 4rsa graf n*|gtrodradSw So maka laatitload* on laijarorrUiiugrorrUPanpITi Micltlgi.n, llr prv»it*«« ilarnM In a«l tnu< h ilrn.pf ra .lialt br rnmmmty to oa*««. OBoo in Maagar'a aaar block. Ht. Johaa. ot ira)Artal,HI Infacul istra.I IV* katr at o«i i atilrfy iIt miu «at 4ur on aiA wart|»|», ihr wair Mich. out wee literally roaeted alire at an Ind.au | ly |ut„re,iad in preserving a few en- command al*o large anppli«-a of olh*r Eaatarn and riMita i of aaid aal«? and lltv attorney fr« ggfgm___located____ in the woode,M a little eeet of t c|eiJl common to all Mwlng- fund* tor loaning ou F«r»«i l'n>(»»rij- In aumati* aforra. Id. aald prrmiwa being drarnbrnla* tnilatr, the Fair Ground in thte village. The In RET.TABLE aatt an4 fart la* at arro4ot i»*d kaovn OR. GEO. E. BLISS, machines tonglillg persistently in favor I Mlbr W**l halfof theBouth a- Palled tUIra PllaO a apecln.iy ; cue. a of 3U year# etandlng object. Hut the good sense of those 111 CENTER MARKET -urvry of |lu Slate of M kl'Vg in. —l>al«d May JMh, apeedily eared. ee severely botmcel that the died m teiribi* authority at Washington, hacked by <•77- Al.rttKh W mitliiki .l. agony euoo after the fracas uocurred. the uiinusvverable argument* of au 8. If. Haastit, A||*>. Mengag.v. A. T CROSS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Maseru. Toes and Pratt had Wen employed honest mantifactuier nnd the whole­ TIB nil SHE MONET I lUUNkiY AT lt, W found wtll W. reda> , Hi* 'JJI day 1 Bar. In the year j Ol.ll MAC IIINh* t]taken In exchange. sowing machine* must take their place MRS. H. J. SPRAGUE, row lug Machines neatly :tn«l warranted. on amoog them that ao iu formation a* te •Iscked with a groat variety of the best ot mnJi on* I l.ouaand Hflit liondrrd aud *• venty-oev. a. REPAIRING of ill done, with other staple commodities, und by Prt «wul, Jo«l II. Cranaon, J ud«c of Probate. 1IYHlClAN A3U Ab’a'UUUla, mill at NTCW i'AKTS fumislisd for n 11 mchiuss. who did the deed could bo obtained from competitive excellence of manufacture Wifikes & Pittm, In ihe in .tier . f the ea'i.te ef |).lvID tend all night aud day call* A apet ui*«wara. Olive 1 dowra Sonlh of hank v\ ■ il-.i keep in ato(’k N’EKDI.ES mud ATTACH If EKTH i<>i ill Mseklssi. them when they became sober, and they and fairness of price earn whatever IIP4ft, Urragud were allowed to depart without and**station AT THE On lead in* *n«l tiling lbt|i«titiuM, ef KArlii D. ! Up *ialra, bt. Johua. Mich. U4 tf Also, lH»»t quality of MAt'IIINK Oil,. public favor they obtain. lYebaicr,!Adoiuiiatr«iM of aaid katnt-r, praying » The Board of Bupcrviaore elected in the that hi* Anal Adoiint*ira(lu!i aooet i.l'ma) ba «g- •pnng of 1003, was composed of the follow­ Of the well-nigh innumerable atroci­ L. A. LAWBASON, g. D Oftll oue ii it cl fill und mcc our* new Miid HIims ties perpetrated by the monopolist* mi­ aiained and allowed, ikal tha naidna of aaid k. j I >il YrtlClA N AND MPHfikON. OfBea ou ing named gentlemen, vis : ta«e may b« aaoigaad lo the |>« ravna eat I tied th*re- . A Balu Mireei. I.wni, Mirh. 442 ly Rets,...... T. J Woodman ller the old rvjiim«, we have neither See Here STAR to, and tbnl ka in ay be dlaeharged from the farther Vicier,...... I. V. Bwaitheul time nor space here to ti^eak. It was a I y».u cao gftt rtWJtliibf in 'La line ot I'ail u , rare of aaid rotate. ■ARYP. HAVENS, R.D~ Duplaln ...... Job !>. Hekla* mammoth system of plunder, in which r,c•turca^r7 ar.dk kJ !f*1c»u*v ?<%e rKram*a.r.*T^ at Pallvn ’- Thereupon It ia Ordered,Thai i haraday, the Idtli REYNOLDS A LONG, He Will,. P- B. Head i Mac, w r*t ; GROCERY day af June, 1S77. at |U o clo. k id tba fore­ I wo doora Ka»t of »'.*•! Ofilco.fit. John#, Miek. Olive, ...... A U. Alsesndev two or three companies robbed alike j ^ ^ M(4lo «it», mum tbuck i noon, b<- a-atgned for tba hearing of akid petition, MerviCi* reudere.1 to gt oeral praetleo, Uhau trKa Watertown ...... Geo. C. J arv»a the helpless public aud Mtcb Inventors Sitedsiun I torfor «sAS cont*.rvni*. Asio.eired.1*10, flltod, >030 cento.rr- - ri.Ptulure TllkY II A VIC TUX and the eawmiaatloa aad alTowama of mid and IhaeaMM of Cuihlrvo. W) 1 ST. JOHNS, MICH. Bingham...... H M. Perrin* as succendod In improving uj>on the fetklMtit Moontauf ullilua.oa k%ad or urn lo to | | nvreunt, at ike I’rabota Ofllra. iu the Tillage of Ml. Qrecnbmh, ...... Miron Kllu order, Valvvt Krata***, »tr»v»»av*»pya aid Vi# Jobnr. And It ia fairher oiuerod that notice be DR. A. J. WIGGINS, Riley...... I.jams Uungerford I'ossli patculs. They made other com­ good acopo with *land only || V> r’ora) Ilntcfeota, given of the |en4*«cjf of anld pitliiou. aud tba hearing thereof b| auali.g a ropv of tine order aUKUfcON A ACLOILHE- Be ngal,...... i 1 ra we panies contribute to their already Ammeiti aad Feruenea. (Mutten and Pot Trel*ilLASSEST STOCK ^ t-HH. HpeciallieaDuoaae* of V4 ouiru aud LfbUMS...... A* P Johnson gorged coffers, and levied assessments liaoa, a«. Purttl aro o.adeand rrpairod, vwd u*> ' to bo publtabed lu the Ciitilen ladepeadrBt, a nursery, .V ig«t < all* promptly alt ended. Coo- Office at Head of Clinton Avenue, in Building formerly Reel...... H M V.necoj kolatrrlng *1 rauacnabla lariua. \V infow Oort leva j TSS B2ST ASSOBTMSNT, newapaper print.-d nnd eircnlated In aaid ooonty of ruUalioa 1Muora 1 «to II a. U.; I to S and 7 to ft ao pTttlleaaly that nearly everything In l*olea ano King* mad* 11 t>rd* t. Paper llanglnc, 1 Clinton, for three aueneaaive week# prevteu »to aaid Ragle...... C. M. Derby »l»ue r. I. Offlco.owr 11 uuq A Lptou’a. ou Clinton occupied by J. N. McFarlan, Esq. Wertphali* ...... Mowe Barlowthe shape of competition was out of the Oalaomlatng.----- I L..I ■aad aM ■klad* I a# ggnaral )akbf*g And a* they eell fur CA8 II, duy <4 hearing. A YEiiue l>aiUe,...... -OjnManUoe Ureler question. They had a tyrant law be­ «ori. ilon ’l forgot tka pUi*«, but call on m* ba- JOKL If. ( ttAMBOM, Judge ot rrohatr. Ovid ...... Wm C. iK-anvit fore purchaalni; rIVwherv. A tree *opy. hind them, and like tyrants they used WM K. STRICKLAND At the October acaaiou, 1863, It rn vo- mu.**. The LOWEST Prices. A W and Ubaiauery oumueaa Partlculai at tml by the Board that the auui of $ 15.000 it; the buyers of machines of course ■ OBJTK IIMUliU — Mtale ol B IchigBb hohrg the final invariable sufferers. county he coaxed or driven inside thia on MonJny, tbe XU day of Bay In tbe vear; purebaae of land . Office at raaldvac* M. M. Corner citadel of monopoly. One heavy cow* | 4VIM* rnrrhu*ed Bit*a Bnardmaw'a Is ULTIMATUM! oBetbouaarxl eight hendrefi and •••*enty-e»* . Conti HooeeM^uare, Ml Jonna.Bteb. 87* held in January, 1864, County Treasurer , teroat ia the pauy alone fought the gigantic •will*** ■ H Hreeent.Jaalll . Craoion . Jufiae of Probate. Kipp was instructed to accept, ou the part In Ike waller of Ihe ealeta ol CltAKl.KM DENTISTRY. of the______county, lota__ 1 and 2, block 17, >n the tile tooth Aud nail for years, refusing, ft. B< Kr.K, I)irr»**d. il X HP* I 1M TIIL tllA APEVr ! vtlUgt ol StTjohna. from Mr. Win. Sickles, utterly to be levied upon by the ring, • Hi rredtetfood ftnng llx duly vetlfled, of Alp “UPPER MARKET.” J*au.* A BeKee, prajrteg that an iit*u«e«til el- T iu exchangeobc Uabsc for the oouutydHiuty poor Urm^bfi* and selling Its excellent machines at Bay be procured ol Dk.O. X. CORBIN for at w« woulA prsprvtfal'y rninorw* ts Ih* rHl**t* , edited Al »rrh 0|h \177, may be proTcil end admit- litllemouey aa at any oflieein Uicblgan. liurd ’e in# 100 acres of the uoKh-weat quarter of rates «o decent that the extortionists ' ted to (irobate, oath* 'a* ’ «iN aud !<-et-ru« tat of aaid Building.Hi Jolint jag jy ofC Mt Juhim and lit* •urrom ittug r«»nntiy that ( -“Lit Hi Have Psiw!” section 10, in township 6 north ol range 2 raged nnd thnlr minions imaglo‘ «l vain «iki ke**p the veil •(«*« krj vlih •leraaaed. Tb«oing business on MEATS, Times Cease. of Mt Jobt.e.and »h*>w cauar ,if any ! bare be, v by ! ^^Moiicitorin Oksneery,Mi.Jobss, Michigan. . uud mil tb*fO si ft very *i*<*n m*igin fur CauB 'the will ahould not he approved' And It la1 A their respective townships upon the H<>anl a va»r capital, and having at its head a Further Ot.lered, that notice be (lv«n to the, L. W. FASQUELLE, M D„ of Supervisor*, vi* man clear-headed in the right and just or It* cqaitUra*. Glvv u« « trlsl. m i - UI KSKI.L A vn.l l.. ptiaont lot*1< tireatrU reeled Inin aaidaat*i e*lair,oiestate, ol tbeme peti niflicita up mvioi. OUice al hie rveidcnc* [ iatb, ...... | slwhlitf enough to enjoy a good fight y ;)*■,() oi the bearing ’herevf. I> vaualng [ I ooon WaikerWalker street,atrect, metaoat of ClintonClioton Aveuue,Avenue, StMt WILSON M*y m. 1*77. Ah* Victor o bSSS 1 the wbim company a ‘•opy «f Ibla erder to he publiahed In Johns, Michigan. ^alia“ “ promptly attended to 12*4 Ovid, the CMnlon Independent, a newspaper printed , Sbbb mib m l>«pl»ln...... John T. UI*««on was the worst sort of a thorn iu the READY-PAY and circulated i u aaald rounlv of Clinton for three SPAULDING A CRANSON, !>•* Witt,...... A. O. Ooomtoo side of a sewing-machine sw indle from Sewing Machines ,.c^lv.-ok.. .rroBMKV».,idOu«.^ll«,.., Uw,.ad*a Co. Mlcb . Ilingtosm...... G* «*. K. Hunt i the very outset. Mr. Will. Wilson, its WILL WIN! GRAND PRIZE Grvent»u*b...... AdrateCoor ; f- i ihrl’ounty «» t nli ’K,holdea AND* a****, ...... * ...... r. a. Vaiecoy j or bluffed. Selecting the buslnefis 1*1 the Prebat* office, I ig< of Mt.f#b*at Khll'J ft. It...... and geogr lphicul «*vn( :ae of the r*.un UrooorioM, i oa Tueeda y, the ttth day of B*y, la ibe year ' WMUlulu,...... Ju*rph Bokr , joaethoeaar.detgh t huodredaadsert-nty seven. AFI411. flilh, l§77 . Dalis*...... Wm. M l>o» try ’s trade for his t*empHtiy ’s hesd- Preaent,Joel II Cranaon Ja*lg« of Probate. j Cnlilturtber uotice. train* will leave Hiint Lvbauun,...... Chart** bmiuiu quarters, ( hit ago he *oon securod nine- : Proviwionw, !n the matter ‘of tbe Kaiate of ANNA £. Johnpas under: CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION 19Z8 . The amount paid out by the county ou ten lb* of the public patronage und the Flour, Food, HL’NDAT, Deceased Wfe.8T — volunteer reliet orders duriug the year end- w hole of the public esteem, lie de ­ On readKnr and fill .* tl»e petMou.duhr verified, Through Freight at * M a. m AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. iug October, 1864, was $ 16,3(J3 38. of Warner Bun lay, praying that he imy he a£ ' Mixed at SAS a.a. for Grand Rapidfoaly, It* -ompetitor* receiving only an award for aoiua *y1 nted adminletrator of the cat.te et Anna NigbtKxpresa. with stoepioi. if ear. at S VT a m The sum of 920,000 as a voluutcer relief ments from him for the use of devices dlnwH-warc, Sunday, deceased. for Urend Rapid*tpida andend UraodGrand Haven.1 fund was voted to be raised by the Hoard which he knew were held by Illegally- Theieupon It 1# ordered, Thai Friday the fifiJ ^ Meil at 1 11 p.m. for Grand Haveu . fur the year ending Octoj*r, 1865. •lay of Juae, 1977, at t u'rlerk la the forenoon, rest ?V cam boat Kxpre** Ship. ra. The World-renowned Wilson Shuttle Sewing extended patents, and which he fur­ ofany kind, be assigned for tlie hearing of aaid petition, Mixed, for'i/Au t il tren. Roedaes only i.iu The sinouut of relief orders issued by the ther knew ought to be common proj>er- : nt the Probate Office, la the village M ACHIN K baa unlimited caparliy fo dn ail kln-i- of /amlly Sowing and Mar.ulact itring. Supervisors of ths several township# ot the ty as much as the air and sunshine. Call at the ttore ot tk« eodrtelgned. who Will of Ht. John# ; And It le farther ordered, that no- I GOING EAST- county from Oct 10, 1863, to Oct. 10, 1S64, lie* he given to tbe persona interest'd in stud ' 1 eat Steam bo* i Lxpre" • JO a. a. ITB FATK8 T AlTONATIf **C*9'T OIT’1 rn the hand wheel prevent# the-roachit.# They tried to discipline him In the : f-ooda and Prices iu anil (hr estate* of the pendcory of avid petition, and I Mailatl.XOp ui. for ifetroit. from running backwards, aiol obviate* tbe bectMiiy of taking the we k lien ihe machine to wind was as follows, \u : f lines. the heating t»t*n?of, hy causing a copy of1 Mixed et S-4e p.m,forGworse. thread on th# bobbin*, whieb rou*t be dene with all(oth*r Meamg Maehln»s. to th* great *nn« 3anc* Duylain...... • • 9 1,10^ ^ courts, and wc have recently referred I of Ibe operator,especially in lucking, hemming and ruffling. It dro-a ope.third more eork in a given to certain biincouie suits at law brought1 T O this order lo he publleiiea In the ('1 acblne With «very mol lot of the loc>t lb* machine o>ak<* asses...... 1fiS by eastern cabal to compel him to join county of Clinton, fur three successive week* pro- < Though Freight kju p. m. •lx atl'chea. Three Wilson Mocblnee will do *e much work In one day a* f nr nttif-r llarhfne* Lebanon...... A-t al their nefarious ring. But he laughed Corn, Oats, Potatoes, vton* to aaid day of heaiiLg Delia* ...... h&6 00 Having a few Machine* on band, 1 have secured JOkL II CR kNSON. Judge of Probate. day ftPKKssi Bengal •• —...... Ml 00 at law-suits, and hit viciously baclc by Doans, Dried Apples, E. m. SMITH, Agent* It las ham ...... W* showing up the animus of the assaults, the ten Ire* of 51 r. M. C. U9ENC19 toaaaiat A trac copy. JMTTbrougbt ticket* to all point# East and Gvi4 ...... ;,soo u> rae In cloelof nttl ray entire erock 1 have author Butter, Eggs. &tc., &c„ w oat can ba purchased at tbe Depot aud by joining directly in the work .j\th*<«by gi'cn. i hat bp t In uc aud in poisuauce I *f«em4«p Car. oa mil Night Truirnm, ST. JOHNS, MICH. 1 lc lor...... —...... tl* OS i tied Mr. Preneh te five each bargains a* have And receive Refreshment* at Detroit. Owoesu sod Grand Olive ...... 1,440 00 of defeating the attempts to again ex­ • oflicenae an I etclionty |miit»l to me, the under- > Alley...... 1 244 tend the worn-out patents. Indeed It never before been offered. Wond taken In eg- Haven, and upon Company ’s Fsrry Hummer on .Wmchlme* uoay he seen hi L. Herd A Con More. i43:Cm Y *S pkaLis ...... 14*9 lb charge or lime glvea. ; o«illi*M*l«) or May, A D 1*77, by tbe | teteil Riysr. Comfortable hotel sbsvs depot Xagle...... 1,041 AS is a matter of common knowledge at ! Jo4«* af Prihate ef Cll .louCnuuly, Wu ln<*r. . to et Grand Haven. CASH or TRADE w'l real ** *t# lelontin* to Burti* II. Beet* d-- Ceaaerrua*-At Detroit, with Greet West­ ...... 7S4 oo Washington und elsewhere that the! • c*w**- l. I will *»-M hi aurtloa «* tbe blub- j D* Wilt...... J,S7o:i Wilson company did more than auy ; T. I^OXtU For the same. ern and Grand Trunk Railways for ail poinU Bet h.. 1h* eel bidder ou the itita day ol Juor, A D. 1S77, •** at , East and Mirb. Central sod )iicb.Jii Southern R'y. ether one cause to expose the folly and Nt. John*. 9lirh.« bead el CilMlwn one o'clock p. m at the I’robHte Office, te ’■•J Passengei* for Great Wooferextern Railway, go on wickedness of the monopolists ’ claims, Arrnati Tillage of M:. Jubue, in Mid rminty, (Muhlerl to ; the. Company_ ------’s f erry Hteamermer it l».4k ||,R. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS lutal...... 921,963 90 luc«wt»rai»ce*, aad le ibe unaeeiuned dower In- On January 12, 1865, Mr. iAston moved and to upset forever the attempt to re­ Dock at 9.40 and li.«tili.tfu a.m. aad S.te p. m. HI RD k PA1\E. | lercat ihereiu of lb* U’ det plctir-1, ee wi ;ow of aitd AA. J2.H. VALLA< Al WAT, that Wm. C. Bennett, Supervisor of Ovid forge their chains of extortion. derenaed ) th«- nodtvWed hall cf the south halteef ______Go n oral y ------OF IHTFMST TJ EVERY 0ME. GRISWOLD’S •ration aer*n seven (7) nerth ol Gsneral Superintendent. ■ township, be prosecuted for neglectiu£ to Now that the national government ranee wttcMl) weal. In Clinton County, Michigan comply with the requirements of the law has refused to longer shield these har­ Ai*o the «Ml b«lf ot the north mat uoarter of Great Western Railway relative to the Assessing of * ‘dorgt” in said pies, the Wilson company is H|*rially ! eerllon thirty-two (Rj in townehlp six (I) north of OK CANADA. 1st. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR. township. The sictiou prevailed; but j favored. Owning certain features of ; range three tl) weo«, iu aoid County and Miat* with an adjustable bock, made to support tbs bock of ths utter whilev At* II ;4i, fl\el£), andaixsSi In A PHlEHttEB TRAINS lenve DU Iran in j forward is tbe ordinary position for playing, and by a tom pie j whether or not Mr. Bennett was so pruee- coucecUed superiority in its machines, ; RESTAU RANT Attention, , block flt*fS) Id tbe »ll age of KmmonsTtlie,Clir ’.oo ■*TROIT DAILY, for Mu-peneton Brtdgr, Buf­ cuted for ignoring the canines of Ovid, does w hich cannot be imitated ; using noth- I Countr, Klrbn*r». — Dated, Bay 10th 1*77 falo, Rochester Albany, New York, Boston, and ' arroRfetDent, which give* it a backward aad at tha asm* tune a down, MAKAll X. HXKHH. allomntatatbe Kastern Mntre and ('am* word movement, follows hia motiooa and support* him iu any position not appear npon tbe record. _ ing but the finest material; advantage ­ Administratrix of tbe rotate ef Hurtle II. Heera, in the spring of 1865 ihe following uxm- ously located in respect to shipping fa- | dreeaard ______without interfering in the least with tbs freedom of bis movement*. ed gentlemen were elected aa members of - Farmers! Allanllr Expreau-144 a. m. (Monday* ciJitu -, xnd blessed uitli generous fl-j you feet UuiuM «ui ii-ir* lir.Kirr'N HAI.K.-Fl.llo ItemiTt«ton,et included |, from foot of Third atreei, arriving ht onr county legislature, vir : iiaucial resources, It U likely to make ; poHubi# («r the tuner inau v i«ii at *1^ **. Loyal W. Illll. By eirtu# of a writ ot Muanenoion Bridge 114 i. «».. New York 7 00 a m hath,• T. J. W uOilmiB itMdf more of a favorite than ever with Si fieri facia* tseued out of and under »ral of tbe CirBidrrollman­ Palace Oar* through to New York Duplaut,..—.. •— ...... A lmon brawn cuit Court for the couni* of C. in ton, State ef Mtcb- ou this train. Do Vltl,....M....~>..M...... Cbarlw Day the people, and more disagreeable than ' ifan, to me directed and delivered, a(a1o*t tho »•! Kiprets -»40i ra foal Third atreot Olive...... - ...... M. U. Alexander ever to its enemies. LEW. GRISWOLD’S Your allradoti la hereby ra!lr. 1077, lee> Y ork 12 30 n. ra K valor 4-90 p.m. Bengal, ...... U. K btowell tiuuu U» uihtw hU |>eerk‘»« inxcblnes to RE8TAURANT, upon ar»d sclxr all the light, title and int*ro*t of ^ ffiwf inlw Ex wress—12.20 boos , foot of 94L A PLATFORM ROCKER Xaetx,...... K fl. V iimO) tin s«*l«l ou credit ax nceommodation to lx>yal W. Hill, of. In and lo the following deaertb- Third street daily (Muoday* excepted j. 1100 noon , ON CASTORS, with tbe lorg ea*v m«vr- Kafir, ...... W. F. Jettison Just North ef the Llbkt llwuer, ed real estate, V> wit: The Kaet half of the North* toot Brush atreot. Has attached I’ulnnaiDiaw- Weet pBalia, • . . §•• IIueee Hoi tow responsible parties. Tho poor work- j log Room ( are from Detroit to Buffalo, kuna via oient of th* old style, without the projotic; Where )*v« may be Hntd with U ARB er COLD wrat quarter of arctlea seven (7). In town «eecn mckers lo mar otb' r fumi ure and tbe ba««. of Dallas,...... R. hie wornxu, .mil others, to whom h goofl Agricultural Winbu »7 >. north ol rang* four i4> we*t,ln Della*. Clinton Air Line through Ml. Tbotnva and over Interna BRA LB. Moral Bridge, arriving at Buffalo at # 20 p. m. rooww: being. In f*rt, the only Platform Rocket LebABop...^...^...... li. 1). labor ms wing machine is an imperative neces ­ county, Mtcblgxn ; all ef which I dull expo*# for b-ad* that ba* a perfectly satidactury movroient. VMor,.^...... J. W Scckw.lli sity as a meant of etti ning a livelihood, or— •ale at public ancUon or rendue tothehlfheot 1N«W lurk Express- 4B p ra foot Third Bmgbam,...... -..-O K lioat Regular Meals, 20 Cents. bidder, as llie law direct*, at tha west frontdoor street (Mandaysexcented). « 20 p.m. fool Brush Raatohf«are4 tor ihe Tm4* hy Kiiey,._...... __ ..Horace Wilson will al*o continue to to cared for; be­ ot the Coart Houee for Clinton eutintr, Michigan, street,arriving at (faepenaion Bridge 4 00 a. m Ovid, ...... • V C Bruit ell ing allowed the Wilson machine* at re­ Vegetable* und nil hinds of Frnts* lo tbe Tillage of Mt. John*, In aaid county, on BTfuUmi'a heat Mloeping Car* on tbi* train ALBERT BEST ts CO., through to Rocbootar and ftlorneiiaviJie, At the October seaaion, 1865, Mr. Ben­ duced rates by Installment (uiymonU. kept In their aeaaen. Raturdaii the reurfeenlk ef BUFFALO. N. Y.. nett presented * petition from dtueus of J. II. C OHBIT JalF* A. 0. 1177. atone o'clock In the after- Train* arrive mg Detrelt from the Every rare ie excercifced bv Mr. Wil­ niton of said day. —Dated fit. Johns, May 29th, Ka*t 7 00 a. m ,R40 a. m , 4 44 p. m., gM p ra. a vl for *U* by the principal dealer* through©* I the village of Ovid, pray iug that that vil­ son and his managers In his choice of 1977. GALCMIIA I’RNN KLI.. Mherifl. Tffirwmgas Tirkrta t.» all pelau East by th. I uitol M«u». f' lage might be incorporated under the law canvassers, “dead-beat ” agent* never Walker Nlraat Wr»l, rrmtill A Caaaeow, Atty'a. tbi* I'opular Root* and Mtaeplng Car Mccmnixla /'free* mrfuv tkst mil tf our Rorktrt m t enabling the Board te take such action. liens Secured by tetewraph hy applying ts motA< d ri(A cur nets* mud tlaU of fMh ut. rhcelving a chance to handle Ids ma­ New Liven Stable. ionX INSIOS CMte NOTICE* — w* TMOXris RHOni Fl , Tha prayer of tbe petitioners was granted, Agent D A M K R.. fit Johns. trr I f n t V« pt I yr *ny tkilrr In your aivit, chines, aud only trustworthy men be- / the uridrr«taned, having been appointed by •wiJ te u. I* r Pi 10 List aad t'*Ul>yiia and Win. C. Bennett, J. Q. Patterson and NT. JOHXN, thoC Judge of Probote, of Clinton oounty, Michigan W. II. IIRTII, ing permitted to canvas*. __ Western Fs-eenger Agent. E. Nelson Fitch were appointed inspectors Thia company being a natural leader Commissioners to roeelve, examine and adjust nil of the first election held under the uew claim* end demand* agaloat Benjamin Hawkln*, in fighting for low rales, is certain to WLere may be foetid all Ibe docensed. Notice I* hereby given that we will meet charter, on the first Monday in Novem ­ rule the trade even mom than In the at the residence of Ormaa Pray, lo Greonbuab, on ber, 1865. LYNCH & the 12tk day of July, 1877, and oa the 72J day of CANADA SOUTHERN GEO. G. WHITCOMB, l«*t, now* that low rates are to be per­ Noremt.ee. |977, at 9 oVIock on each of said day* RAILWAY LINER. The total amount of war bonds issued by otat.es tx tha oounty up to October, 1866, including manently in fashion. There always for theparpos* of rase!ring and examining claims SL Jobs Marble Works. was trouble in the sewing machine Latest Improvements against said deceased, A nd elx month* from the Tht Only American Eontt through tha interest thereon, was $16,685 86. Tha date ef this notice 1* allowed to creditor*. In amount of relief orders redeemed up to that world whenever Mr. Wilson donned which lo prearni thelrclaiin* for allocraneo. — Dat­ Canada. his war paint,--and he kept It on most BENEDICT i In the AfrlcuFerwl !»epartm#et I e'lll *aa &fi*c| ed May 2*1.1107. MYRON I.IVKKAY, WINES AND LIQUORS, date was $36,298 42. At this session of of the tinv». Now that he proposes to lot fbe ORMAN PHAY, Short and Quick Lina to the Board the sum of $25^OCX) was voted to Commissioner* the lauroDsani's Aev BnlMli*, be raised, with which te pay tbe indebted ­ sell his perfectly-made marfdnes at lluvr preanauently *v*bl>pl>*d « East, via Buffalo or H. S. TOWNER, Proprietor. ness of the county ou order* already and to fairer prices than the antique and lOVini be paid daysfur the purpose of receiving and adjusting viy-i. in yaariy instalments of $100 each with — The license for a circus exhibition all claim* against said deceased; and six The Passenger huulpmert of the Canada Booth Cherry Brandy, MS is o usurpsasedrd 10 the■ rountry. Jamnlra Bittern. interest payable annually. Tbe report was months from tho date of this aaftteo is ths time Fine Chsve Ing and Nmoklni in any town in Texas la $300, and allowed crodHova lo which to present thetr accepted nod adopted. w hen old John Robinson thinks about Particular Attention paid clai rn* for »-JJa*t mrr.t — listed April fiSth, 1977. Tbs Canada Bout hern iu geographically situated At the same session of the Board Mr. it he Is mad enough to bite a spike. Wh . h kic A ahdmon , so oa to bo abio te offer a larger list of route* to Use# on hand end for sale tbo 'argest and moat TOBACCO, Jemsoa offered the following, which was to the wants of Commer­ HTJCPIIKN M. IIOBY, •elect from than say ef Its competitors, aud being ©oraplete stock of Marble ever brought late this The Celebrated E. **. and XI. E. PLOWS! th# last of the Qr»-at Through linn constructed, iinaoimcaaly adopted, viz : ______Commissioner* eoostry, end at piiree that rfe/V compeUtlon. wm cial Travelers. ~7 LIN roV CMiNTV. - Probato Coart. oomfono* ell (be modern applies?e# for the safety CIGAHS. JUmAred, That the Chair appoint a com­ S4t Sm______Wtkh Vf new atkneeidgid hy evert ere t« be • nd comfort of its pa rare. Mt. Johns, Jan 23th, 1977. U* If mittee of three to take into consideration C J Estate of Caa|>*r Fink, Docoaeod. Noti/e Is Ticket* on sale at all office* af connect!rg lines. hereby given that all okums and demands against For any Information eddreee Monuments, the project of erecting a soldier ’s monu ­ •aid d« erased will be receiv'd, examined and ad ­ W K.MCIB, FRANK X. BNOW, ARE YOU ment in thiv oounty, to the memory of onr The Best Plow in Use. justed by Ike uodereljrni-d at the Probate Offieo- Uou’i Manager, Uen ’l Pees, fo lick. Aft.. decea sed soldiers, and report to thia Board In Mt. Johns, in aaid oounty, an lb* litb day of DETROIT I Martin Smith .1 uly . 1971, and tho 17th day of November, 1977, at Eton aa soon an practicable. Messrs. Jettison, 10 o'clock a. m. on each of aatddayu; and eti tlwajr month* from the date of thlo notice lo allowed GOING TO BUILD' Hunt and Day were appointed such com­ the agency of the J i#tly eeiehrateJ mittee by the Chair. IMMEDIATELY Uinataeti.m ef creditor* In which lo present ibnr claim* for ad ­ Tablets, just maul.—Dated May 17th, 1977. BAH CORINTHIAN Al the adjourned session of ths same Any quantity of JORL II CRA.XMOW. Or anything!* ray !!*• furmahed at the faeeesf THE ST. JOHNS Beard, held in Janaary, 1$66, Mr. Jemsoa, Jndge of Pre bate. liming rafea. 1 have worXraee who unJeretand PAefr hnoinrom and no alnp work la allowed lv chairman of the. committee oa n soldier ’s Pwsh Butter and Eggs, Opeu and Clo«d gTATfcffr 9$IC»rokK>0knuM couV loo** the *bop I have also secured the ran ree* ot submitted a report, in which l^ty. Probate Coart for anld cwuaty. In tbe mat­ , Mr Beatei, who has verved some sixteen ymraui ] CD-UPERATIVE CO., ter ef t be aetata ef Morris Rough'.on, Decosaed. onument Buckeye M , ' *he trade, and rank, oorwHd to none on fln* rarv i__ __ . ... »„lV „ „ . ttee recommended that the ooun ­ Notice la hereby given that all claim* and d-roan da >»g er lettering. Port tea wbo wlah anythin,ot !,0rl>‘ °T lk* K< PB ' ty of Clinton donate n suitable site on ths ■g«Inst sold deceased, not heretofore odloated, Cfoel from Purs Raw Jersey Slac, the kind will please give rue a call before poreha* are now reedy far tbe building earn blic grounds belonging to amid oounty, REAPER A MOWER, will he adjusted and exam toed by the undersigned, tho reler ef tog eietwhee* They will Bad it to #Aofr • slerret paigu of 1977. with s sice line of Cf mid monument ; but recommended that at lbs Probate Office. In Ht Jokna, In eatd county, tedo *0 We can smurv them of pood fre«f- , aaid monument be erected hy private sub­ oa the lgtb day af Jane, lfi77, that being th# last mmsnt. whether they buy nr ne». and shell fa* Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lath, day of the Uot limited for prruanltng clalir* pkwaedsl all Hew te k * yea Kero, other onr scriptions in the several township*, and not WhI.h I m **Mn| at prk^i that defy compelW against said deconsed. Dated April flet, l§77. lien. A fall Hue ef POLISHED GRANITE, work Is ail iefehed up \ 4 Soar mrrording to bv raising a fund by aaassameat and tea. ---JCIIIUMS JoXf. H CRANBON, rontrmrt. We dm us. f aril 1 ou m fflwr thiuglss uud Isusmnsd I.umber. T ne report was accepted and the committee HATS, CAPS, •fudge of Probate. tmmt foeeuuset mud dsllrsr you u 1 And ns reeognhlfonr* to Sheet Fine. Hi 9mm* ees, neither hove we hnd JOBBING and BUILDING discharged ; bat no fund was raised by pri­ Light and Heavy Wagons, mny etmnm rsfessd fmr wmnt mf uoi vate subscription or otherwise, so far ns hmlng feed wmrk mud according done promptly sad eetiefoctoi liy. our knowledge extends, te be expended in TRUNKS, *• mmntmm*. Bat a word 10 the Wise «■ enift IMPLEMENTS when v*. w.*t elent. Bern era berths piece, in ereatteg n mean meat to the memory of ths Bt. A lssus , Vf.,N«v 27, 197S A GOOD FEED MILL dead heroes of Clinton conut) TO BUY After ee exneneaes of slxtoen years ie tbs mar Sleighs, CaftmAe. hfe hiiolaess. I mm *atl*ffed that 1 have found Is In enneeeilon. In tbe spring of 1666^ the following turn ­ FURNISHIN8 6000$, A• veers 00 tend, smoog which are im loded too oom tm m mmm. am m m mamromo m. fo ffiffii B tllffths Frosted line Moaumoats a’’superior” substi­ 4523 I ' tuteleu for *U qualities si atone for cemetery pur­ Wade’s Old Stand, CO-OPKkATIVK CO. ed gsatlsmen were elected as members of Far whinh __ market rates will he allow- poses . and oa a proof ef my sincerity t have this Oppoet'e Peel (iffico, it. Jobna, Feb- 1, 1977. M7 ly the Board of Supervisors, via i nd. Ainu a *m*[; stock of arAri.k Kingeg msX*m •r, day pur*kes*4 the antral of their solo la alas Bath,...... •• •• mJoha B Kwatea ALL KINDR OK Ylhretsr Terse- ______:!scounties (MX In the Plate of Vermont sod three iu CffNR AMB BEE IS. B8U|«S V Uwaithout J I. Cate Thresher, the State ef Mew York), end shall peeh their sale C. TURNER * SONS, ►M»T I1TIL v«r HAVE Jala A Fetter Bird emit Thresher and ■M to tbe “eweiwdea ef ell other materiel*, ” believing II. 8 . TOWNER, Pro]i’r. wSHBA* • ««#••.... .,.«•**»•*•,,• X Betkaway Dry Goods, lion 9F.E9 If BT9HTL.' they will rapidly sapereeda ail kind* of Marble D* wlttt-,,Parte Busts and Granite as fost as tbrlr ’’great merit* ” become ■t Jebas.Ka »>b, 1970 4f0tf BtteS,...... a U Alexander Which will be sold by tbo piece at J. O. MOORK ...... O LMpnsldlng JOB BIX9 Cl “«asSSfeTi...... -iMsmmS BOLD IIY M**r>...... DL Wilson ...... Bins bewgktea Wkolesale Rates fir C»k. PROMPTLY DOME. I I have at all lime* a iarwsR G,...... -..8 F Kn**iand soeh a* II4 r hence for SCYTUKO, B29ATH 4, CK a DLKB. which I sell A NPKCIALTY. GEO. T. BALLINGER, »*#***•' WF Jeasssa at the hem market price. Ndtov BLACKSMITHS, Itessssssssei Mesas Be n ew •9* Jmhne. Mkh I shall allFFii keep on band o fall stock *••#•# _Sf* *• ...OXIUee• • « CGI IMM.CAMKETM, foe., oed a T. JOHIfR Is J. Stitts’# Old Shop, >MeM«*Gat « i ••••••• .Okevtss Beekwwa s At tbe Oetober esesien of tbe Board, 18$$, Thee# geod e are mil sew aad laleet styles If yew HORSE-SHOEING lie. Jvuieen offered a rseeintieu which was west STOVES! GOOD ow wxffT walkbb btrfkt. adap ted, (14 te 1^ te the effect that tbe A SPECIALTY. FOUNDRY Are prepared le Be eM work ia their line at en- To vrstt se Fnnemfs. Bepalrleg, Ac, dome AND # NTdlegfy LOW rlOUfiKi oounty ef Clinton proceed to erect n Court BABOAIN8 CWI sad examine my stoefc ef wstl-koown MX*. .IOIINN, House and jail, at a out not te ex ward Agricultural Works. $40,000; that tha qaaotio* of raising tbe GALL AT OMCI. MK it II ITT. HORSE-SHOfclNi, • Specialty. Webevea epleudld NFto NEABBE, end ere now prepared la attend fhaoral* either in sum of $90,000 for aaid purpose by tax, to Bt Job no. Dee., II7A OO 492 Lamer leulm mad 9lai* Rirrrie, Jewett fo Moot Make. ■Ill Bmerlag 1 A m tweed t* aider Bt. Job so. Oel. 16th. lib tbevillnge or reentry . We keep n good seeniv hi five equal emeael in- L. HALL Ac Co, THA V. - Cams Into tbe enaloaars sf tbe oschtef tbe first te bn whoa Tiber, one mils soot sf tbo Fairground Stmt lB«e end ell ktndeof Hmebloary aE two-year-old■ OA.( Tbo ovrwoe will ptoses prove « sbacl settee, Retletesdss Ji« FBINTIIG Rftdj-Made Coffins on hand. taxable property of tbe eannty hi NT. JOHNM. Pries* Guaranteed and Sat­ mod lake it awvw. gecuarno-eedaramseee. J807, be submitted te tbe pey ell charge# sad■■»«**«« I BXOXIA R19T0V, Proprietor* fftetly dCbseplf dmmo rr. JOE MB, MICK. Mayftd, tVT7. Ud-if isfaction Warranted. All emlle prmmstly mlteuded le Bingham, Mty Idtb, 1*77 ATTMIIorilGI •I9ffimr day er eight Ml PMBATB fiBrnUh - Rtat* *f M Mh—a. PocfKts Ye. Jail*. —Three jouug Um« !Iita*KA4.~-Du HtUinUjr night J, C*eety of Chetoe. 4 ill aaesAea erA* I men named Bella were brought here l«M, Mwnii 10 ami II o'clock, a Ger­ Jhf JUNdtpenitHt BOUND TO .SIU- from Ovid on Saturday leal aitJ lodged S8 1 ia v* man about tl vnr« of in, u anted John wr.'f* wsr ii, Mf.n w .,n JfiO upon a charge of stealing from Jacob*, aud alio.... resided with...... hit uucle, _ o*., ...... el Of on WMe—jr. tk*$S mi lie, le tfcv veer NEW OPENING! fi« Bs^sMpo,•»«..«..«««..*••• *. x $s P—et, laJlTotaMoa, Jadf* ol Pi Important Faota for tht Poo* the |x>caeU of certain individuals lii |Oeu. FulHiig, about three miles north hweitd if HtteOsI,.-.. It I* la the bib tier of th* —nt* of DA^lB 1>4 Malt, Ctnly, u4 r | that village. : west bf tbls village, bung iilinseffln wtneN. tetuieu see swob *. P‘®' ^ijr } ------'■«<>»«------— - ' his uncle's barn, riom what facta we TtftfiTii O d eOas et Mv. Meals— a. ike —el —•»- vsfU*4. - ... . 9l. Fonoear. —PhillipMeKlnstry, an ohl 'can gather i^oncernlug the terrible act, te •* X*rtk Mi IMt*k esr* 4ir*ct*a to Mnrtl e r Wllti*M MnrH*. pM/laf tbu M IBkf MM Sent adalafotaator of O* rotate *f David Lfo- — The new Baptlut church at Owon ­ V ■ reaident of Oreenbusli township, wa* it appear* that the deceased bad for for s*ei*4 fr«>eo(*l« Nr sattiag a esWet tu ui4 to wu dedicated May 17th. The Wool mmmmon and arrested and lodged In Jail on Saturday some time past been In very poor health, D lleh. Tirreapault Je Ordered .that Thursday, the Sit h nrnn ! 9+m 4 rlrsntaeaa night last upon a charge of forgery.— I and that the real cause of his alBlctlous It la asserted that the pearh Oa eska »( Mr. lUflaia tlelUnlel vude day of June, |ffTT. at • o’efoak to the tereooea. qniaguli Ilf waived examination and will lie had ballled the be aadgood fine the bearlac of aaid pet I Goo along the lake abort* will be abundant. ' skill of our lent pliy- r*cU4 t* prw.*c«I st *ue« «o b*II4 1 w* M>4f«s *orw* -...... — * — J held until the next term of the Circuit. ■ sicUus, ns well its those at Aun Arbor, al UwVaabolo Ofooa, In Ifo vllfofo ef St. —* Any ou«* wUhtiig Insecure a Hover lk* V*rtk M4* Ditok, la a«**r4aeo« vuk lh c*a Johns; Aad ft to Further Ordered, that no ­ r *•,» . »_ 1 It Is thought he will be released ou at which phut* they told him that if traitMma th* ailifi of at. f*h*o *n4 t. W. lle# ba flfm U the persona interested la aakd an Helper 4liotiI«l not fall to be at Hi. Johns _ 1 ‘ " " '' * a< ^hat we lutve I |t It thought that since the death i the gtedlclae they hud prescribed did tat# of th# pendent.y ut aaid peUtioo and the June 10th. There are only 90 coining, fairly entered the wool season, and of Ids wife he has become reckless iu , not help him, they would then think Mlkka. hearing thereof, by eaumag a ropy of and they will go lively. 2w Oa Motion of Mr. llufoun th* Manktl vu in* this ordor to he published la the Clinton |n4vp#u that I have fully deteiraiaed to >'*» manner.. ____ hi. «*** IimmUm. II, retiiriinl to III. dent,a newspaper printed aad circulated to aatd An Elegant Stock lUacttJ to proM*4 M oa«« l« «*Mpl*t« lk*N*rth — The first strawberries raised iu - * | ------—* _____ , XXT_ , home, uixl as ho received no eneour- county of ClTotou for three successive Weeks, pre­ 22 reduce my stock very much with- K k -asrksikd .—A men named Wm.; gg©mont from the medicine, he resolved Ilk Oilrh, froMth* north «I4* at Mt*«l *tr**« t* It* vious to aatd day of hearing. Michigan the present season t*rmia*i. JOEL It. URAMSOB, Judge of Probate. i|imrU) were shipped from Stt. Joseph jin the next thirty day**, those who Aasey «|/e# Peasley, who w a* impi I*- [0 |,|M Aiif1\‘i ing*> hy terminating hla A true espy. . ______to Chicago on Friday of' last week _ r .i , .'owed here about a year aago upon a ‘ow n life. At one time he attempted to niroan or imwaa coeairvBM. r*ceiv* money for their wool, andi cl„rf, „f rr„„i, ,MoW Th* CoesMlltv* on Clale* r*p*rt*4 In foror of ^ATKINI * HIBBKI«r — Hampton Mi eh, Weaibr«*ok broke jail and ^>*,1 himself In Grand Hlver, hut **» deaiil»*Mira>re toIn purchasemircliaiui goodsurrwwh in mymv linelin#* mademail* goalmvul Mshla escapeaai>niu> onnno iliathe 4th of July from some agency, wan prevented from allow inf all th* aa*otuU Shk n*aiBf rreniiH -OF— of Ionia, and T. F. Moore, of Adrian, Uc countv , WU., aad th* aooounl of W. Oahore. *f $14. ARCHITECTS have been appointed managers of the withi the same, I would invite at-; was fount I in I>od doing so. Hut a short time since he , . , * au.if1*®*'* which idace BlierlflT I'ennell -#■»- intermediate prisou at Ionia. tent ion to my large Stock and tnc I BpgMg||$ him on Saturday Inst. He wan had arranged to engage in the grocery and confectionery loudness with Mr. Th« CoounitU* am lirwu i*p«rt*J tn foror of lupfirinfendenti . — Mr. Smith of Herrteti county, following sample of low' prices at! lodged ill Jail to await the next setting Klair, and was to put in $100 as Ida fraatiaf th* prsy*r of th# p*tUfonersroioiiv* ow ns a farm with an expensive mire whiidi I am selling. I venture the of the Circuit Court, one-half of the capital. Ue |»ald I11 $20 to (r*4ta| Ut|hin iRr«*t, t Rfo *r«ataf pr***nU>4- Nad.1.8 aodS.McEwan BuildingiCoatarfit. hole upon It. Week before last he lost ----- — and wax to arrange for the balance, hut Report laid on th* Uhl«! oily BAY CITY. MICH. five horses that mired in It. assertion that they cannot be beat Ice t Ice I Th* OoneiU** 00 Cair*rt for tk* Worth 0t4* ! whether the co-partnership was ever 4th of July. — John O. Sloat and Ed. Hurd chal­ for the name claas of goods in this 1 have received communication* from iconsummated we are unable to say. Ditch roport*4 a h*B and fpocUfoation* for th* lenge any two of St. Johns profession ­ section. I>on't buy until you have parties w ho desire to ship goo*l ice here Mr. Fhlling and his family have been mm*, which were adopted bj th* Board. als to play them a game of croquet for given me a call. d'liiug tin? warm weather. Parties severely cen*ured for allowing Jacob’s Oa motion the Board adjoUru*d. $5 a side. Who accepts? desiring ice during tho “heated term" form to remain In the barn until buried. J. H.'COLLI WS, Clerk. ANNIVERSARY BALL, —- Whitney, who escaped from the Prlaac* 7c. will please call and leave their orders Hut they, like many other*, may have iff SPRING STM S pairs of heavy lotion Iloee for -AT- Jackson prison with Eugene Bentley, with me by the 0th day of June, stat­ su)>en*titioiis notion* about |**ople who ralav SOc. ing the quantity desired dally. This meet death as lie did. A*ide from this Mobba V RvSB*a«, Jun« 4, 1177. but a short time since, was captured IO piece* of kinoll cheek Slaf* near Eaton Kapida last week. Ice is from Hay City and perfectly they had been very kind to the deceased, lb#Board a«t, and was o#ll#d to ordor |bjr Ik, COLEMAN’S HOTEL, haui*, fa clo*c, at Sc. pure. The price will not exceed — Mr. Xormau Allen, of Ovid town- always giving him a hospitable recep­ Ft# MioaL BrNsbaiht Heaatlfal Shawl* at 7 5c. cent per pound. K. H. K mmox *. Roll asl!#d-Pr###at, Tra#to#s Eaton, U o Imm, diip, recently had one of his eyes, tion to tneir home. The Sett Drets tiaatf• tier «hawn llolton, and It#nd#roon. —IN— w hich was diseased, removed from Ids Judging from the surrounding clr- Wtdnmdcy It#., July 4,1877, la thl* market, at if*c. Tiik G eowiho W hut Crop .—Our cuinstances, this last was a well devise*! The auautMof to# loR ■tne«u#( «#m read sad head, by Ovid doctor*. j CLOTHING. Duplaiu correspondent says that in that plan to end Ills earthly career. He •ppr«veS. Good music ha# bean secured. — Mr. Kills, of South Ovhl, who township wheat at this time of year rsaatMTATiox or rirmoaa. crawled up the ladder adjoining the Bill $•, some time since wandered from home The finest und best line to select never looked better than at present. — bay, and fastened one cud of the rope A paitUoa aigaad by U. P. Wickn sad 4 oUitta* F. COI.EMAN. PropY under ttie Ulrtuence of temporary In ­ from to be found in St. Johns — The only fear Is that the grow th of around a timber, and the other end prajlag that Otlova suaat ba opaaad, fr#M Bald- sanity,mu * , n"hass been1 • found. •, / | • j 1 it , • strawMl .1W will INis*’ tooiw illluxuriant, resulting about his neck in such a manner that oiaatroat to Hturgu air eat, waa praaaatad , a ad Ayer ’s Ague Cure, — The Grand Ledge Imiepemlent says ^ 8n, 'B a * lml> anrt tt" Rt l>n " in lodging, rust and a skrlnkiug of the the knot struck just back of the left referred to the Cuaalttat oa Street*. Tor Favor and Ague. Intermittent Fe­ that Sam Gordon of that place, w ho'is ‘och greatly reduced. berry. Bailey has not come up well, ear. When found Ids form was cold ribtn i ai to# or CLAIM*. ver, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, in the lumber reglou, has sent home Linen anti Cambric Suita for j * !*d early aow 11 o*ta do not look prom- and motioide>s, amt Ids toes barely The lullovtai akoounta war# praaantad Bad re­ Dumb Ague. Paruxltoal or Bilious Fe­ $50, saying that the red ribbon had r ,* , 1 • s f rjLii.i Islng. Those who planted corn early touched the hay and chaff which lay ferred to tba Committee oa Claim#, ti« : ver. Ac., and Indeed ell the affections saved him that and a good deal more. 1 An * L,men 111 1 ^ have found it necessary to replant. — which arise from malarious, marsh, or upon the barn floor. It is believed he Ace't of C. W.Olda...... #40 00 m loom a tic poisons. ten. Home, however, have delayed planting never made a struggle after lie had “ J. D. Ueaderwn * Bro ------13 17 — The association of general tteket •• 1‘rraaatad by C. W...... 71 11 EFNfe No one remedy ia louder agents of ti»e railroads o|>erate 1 In AI ho , many other attractions in till quite recently, apparently to good taken up all the slack in the rope Iu his ■ ■ failed lor by ttic ue#e»Aitivv advantage. More jiotatoes have been Tali. ■lacsi Laaaava atatsaa#. Michigan kill hold a meeting at the the way of goods nnd prices at A bond from TLm D. Craqaa A Co., uadar tba of the Aiumuin peepje th.tn Embracing all the Novelties ot the season. An exam­ planteil than usual. The hug* are 011 Justice Adams held an inquest, and ■ 8BF • a A&n' and #i«ia rare foi Lansing House parlors in ljuising to- narr Liqaar Lav, vaa praaaatad, and referral to a ination of which will pay you before mak­ a ax HEivr.sRirii'Si hand In undimlnised numbers. the Jury rendered a verdict nearly in JL fever aad Ague. Sin h Special Committee appointed by the Preeidtnl. ing Spring purchases. dajr. June | IN77. accordance with the almve facts. M ue are now enableil to offer, urvtn or mrwiro corrintu. — A. II. Herron, formerly of the j ***■*— —— A kuicj »tei> for Stealing .—Frank II. The remains w ere decently interred with a |>erfret certainty that Clinton ftejtHUcnn, and more recently —The Manufacturing Co., have j 8tevensoil, who is alnnit 21 years of by the uncle of the deceased on Sunday . Tba Commute# Jon Claim# r#|orted back to tba It will eradicate tbe disease, and with assur­ canvassing agent for the Detroit Sr'-n- gjmj down for invoice amt repairs. age, and who has for a number of years Board all of tba toregotof aeucunte, with tba rec­ ance, founded on proof, that no harm can ommendation that they ba allowed In fall; inf .V««,T» »o 'v «tel.«the ont.l.l, bn.l- _ th, 11>0|>tll ,(f M,v „,err past been a clerk in the dry good* store 4 ROB TIA4S. nriae from it* use in any quantity. nets for the Kalansasoo...... Telegropk.,#'—■** «.r,- in.,^1 IJ0.3W barrel. <>r -»li of G. W. Stephenson A Son, ami w ho Which report «u adopted. Thai which protect* from or prevent* thin We h.v\e received a letter from Aiau- disorder mu#f be of inimen*e nervlco ia the — Messrs. Wicke* A Patterson were was discharged some two or three The Committee oa Grades and Walks reported from the wilt wells of Saginaw. i months since, was arrested by them a son Giladet, for many years a resident a profile for the putter# of Walker •treat, wbirh communities where it prevails, frtvrntion Good, Nice Styles, Fast Colors, the first to imitorl strawberries into of this county, ami who about two U better than cure; for the patient escape* tbe this market the present season, l.aat — Ju«t received at Wicke* A Patter- days since upon the charge of profile waa adopted far tba grade of aatd gutter#, son ’-* a fine line of saltwater fish | having stolen a pair of cuffs from tlielr years since, removed to Klee, Navarro ■onoaa, BBeoLVTiea# ana sortcaa. n»k which he must mn ia violent attacks of week they had a jinaH quantity which this baleful dfotemprr. Tbi# ** Ct sk ” expel* California tutlinon, Labrador herring, store. Ills examination will take county, Texas, where he now reside*. In Oa motion of Mr Hendaraoa, the report of the the)* sobl at 20 cents a quart. the miasmatic poison of Fvwr and Ague Georgia bank cod* iu ull shapes. place before Justice Stout to-day. It tills letter lie ’•peak* in complimentary Commit!*#oa Street#, iu relation to treating tba — |)r. Akin, the Grand Jlapid* spec­ terms of the climate ami soil of Texas, from the cystem, and prevents the develop- — The amount of wool in this section is the intentions of the complainant* petition praying that the action of the board in meat of tbe disease, if taken on tbe first ialist, has “bitstel’* ami made an as> Is about the same as last year. The to prefer other charges against him as hut says the present spring has been relation to grading Htgbam afreet be racaaardarad^ approach of tta premonitory eymptoma. A -ignmeut in favor of his creditors, the prices offered yesterday were: Fine soon si this one la dii|M>sedof. 1 rank very wet and backward. The grass vaa taken from the table. great superiority of this remedy over any majority of urhhdi are the laxy newa- w lib-li w ere so very thick and PM11ITS wools, 2Sc. to 35c.;combing, 3Jc.to40c. [ always appeared to b*» very faithful to Mr. Eaton moved that tba report of the commit­ other ever discovered for the speedy aad cer­ p;tpcr puMishers of northern Michi­ tain cure of InteniiiUenU ta, that il eontains — As may be seen .V,',. nui.ii.hMl ''I* emplor*r ’»; '.lit hi, .trl* of Itrlng l..ntin K tin.. I.ave . tee La not adopted ; gan. !:.j ; J, ha l . tlaniagliig Inltnem-e. , nearly all n the 27th of May, corn by it are lefr aa healthy aa if they had never will !*c held at the Indies' Tenip*»r- the full width of the street. for doing the work of grading lltgham atroet ; bod the disease. aiico Hms, on Wetlnesf, •* Out of the Old j stood w aist lii^li ami had a dark For Six Cents. Which motion prevailed, aud tbe bid# were opaa­ Peter an d Ague la not alone tbe son* next, at w hicli time straw l»errie* and — Dr. Topping** lecture at Newton (bouse) Into the New."---- T lie average healthy color. Mr. G. *av« he never llall, la«t Friday evening, ow ing to the daily weight of milk received at the ad and read, and ware aa follow# . sequence of tbe nun#matte potaon. A great ice-cream will be aerve W Rota,...... TOO SO officers plav poker, Hitting Hull loafs present w riting. D 2,175 pounds. ----- menced on the 27th, and with tlie ex­ ours is not a lecture loving multitude, John N. Hildreth has made several Im­ Mr. lloffmvu m >ved that tbe bt4 of R M Steel, in the shade, and the bo*oin of Mad- 1 ception of some few piece* injured by Test hall was partially filled, hut those of $7fid, f ir gradlug ltigham Mreet, ba accepted ; rat I.ake is motionless as the venerable portant improvement* upon his place, the “hopper*," is good, nnd i* very am. Pnlpifottea, Palafol A present ap|»eared to be w’ell pleased Which motion prevailed. •f the Spleen, Hysierice, Fata lm “Old Fish Man ” holds •• Yon" sleailv which add to tiie comfort of his already free from foul stuff. with the doctor ’* addre«s, as well a* pleasant home.- —The third quarterly He further saya: “It is a great grax Mr. lIoBmaa moved that the praaldant ba au. Bevels. Colic. Paralysis,and derange-144 Sheeting Six Cents, as he paasea by. 1 g|l9 great earnestness he lias in his : meeting of the M. K. Church society Ing country —the grass is now km e t Horlaad ta entar into a contract with K M Steal ment of the fttomach, all of which, when — The Reform club w ill hold a rout- : n orji> took place here on Saturday and Sun* high nearly all over the prairie, dotted for grading Iligkam atrael —avid grading to ba cent- originating in thia cause, put oa the inter ­ . ig meeting at New mn Iw* — Tuemlay evening of next week tny last. Piesiding Elder Bang*being plated oa er before tba firvt day af July neit; mittent type, or become periodical. This witli Iteactlful fioweia, making a be >u “Ci kk ” expels the poison from the blood, «lay evening next, at which lime *|»eak- _ . * , ? ...... , DeWitt, Which amtion prevailed the genuine and original Will I.. absent Rev. J. A. Gulick, of tiful ami lovely scene of mother card . and consequently cure* them all alike. It la ers from abroad will be present ami I! Smith’s Swiss Bell Ringers and Orig- was chosen Presiding Elder pro-teni. Horses ami cattle graze here the y. Mr. HoCaian mrvrd that the Committee cn make the occasion splrlre*! and profita­ aa invaluable protection to immigrants and ‘ Inal Concert Company, will ap|>ear at —An infant son of Mr. A Mrs. Clin ­ round, ami are usually fat. ExcelP »•* tirade# and Walk# proceed ta open tba bid# for l»er«oii» travelling or temporarily residing la Same as sold for 8c. ble. the Opera llall, in their entirely new ton J. Hill,of Bcnsrul,died on Wednes ­ beef can be bought here for four to fiw* furnishing tbe Corporation with lumber for tba the malarious districts. If taken occasion ­ — Mr. Gooilyear will give au Ice- and varied programme which embraces day la*t. cents a pound. I think this is a go00 rnauing year; ally or daily yhile exposed to the infection, « ream ami strawberrj* festival at his rich, rare and amusing features. Ad ­ R!e«* tittle fcsbjr, »feej> | country for young men, land can lie Which motion prceatlad. and the Mde ware opaa­ that will be excreted from the system, nnd In tnjr giassy rntt, cannot accumulate in auflrJent quantity to rtH—s, on to-morrow, (Friday) even ­ mission 35c, children 20c. Reserved Not in tl>jr cradl* bed. purchased at from three to six dollars ad and read, and were aa follow# : ing. at which time his numerous seat* 50c, for sale at Tripp’s music Hot ob thy mother's brr*#t. l»er acre. With our good markets land Bid miime. B llendermn for furtitaking hard ripen into disease. Hence I# t# even more friends are expected to be present and ! store. Ox Pit. slid produce must necessarily advance. wood lumbar, delivtred, $10 por M . valuable for protection than cure; ami few will ever suffer from lutcTUuttenU if they enjoy the first treat of the kind the 1 am located one amt one-half miles Bid af St. Jabna MTgCo.for hard wood lam The Reform Movkmkm in Elsie.— avail themselves of the protection this ram­ present season. row LI K. , from the depot at Rice, and eight miles ! bar, deliver ad, $11 U par M. The teni|>eraiice work a*. Elsie seems to i' ly afford#. Ji ne 4th. —Gn the 2U Inst, a house from the county seat, and on the east Pina lumber ta tba rough, eaved and deh#e-ed, — The Commissioner# of the new be in a prosperous condition. The red For Ijver Complaints, arising from torpid- State Asylum, at Pontiac, met last week occupied hy Jaa. Dundeon and family, line of the Ten* Central Railroad. I $11 per M. Planed one dollar vatra. two miles south of here, was consumed ribbon club have succeeded In complet­ Ky of the I.trer, It is an excellent remedy, A LARGE LINE OF and examined the proposal* for plumb­ ; have now in a fine growing condition, j Bid of Ca-aparative Co., pfna lumbar, dr«w#ai stimulating the Liver into healthy activity, hy fire, with nearly all its contents. — ing a neat and commodious hall, in ing and heating that building. The *< acres of corn ami 15 acres of cotton, j and cut off, lit to. and producing many truly remarkable curve, The family was absent at the time. which their meeting* will he held in The longer I stay the more 1 like it.— where other medicines fell. <‘outract for plumbing was awarded to future. The dedication of the hall on Hough and cut off, $11 00 Cause unknow n. No insurance. Mr. The morals of tiie country are good;1 rnrr abf .d bt Sami. I. Pope A Co., of Chicago, their 1 Tuesday afternoon of last week, was Rough, 912. bid being $h .54J; and the heating to Dundeon being dependent upon days crime is punished, ami the health ofj On moOon •! Mr. lloffman, J#me# B. llendereon Dr. /. C. ATKK A CO., Lowell, Maes., Crane, Breed A Co., of Cincinnati, at work for a livelihood, the Grange and ■ "•? r?"f,0,'M' l7 r* ,!'7 ‘ uTl'h« country t, Rceralljr *o«J. Tl* tu awarded the aentract for fuiaiahmg the Oor- Proof leaf mmd Maalgfie#/ Chmmistm. the ,neighbors are trying to make, up l,<-re. .tcnt. 0ftl,.tpUn,ant.n llthr v- Kr,,ate.t f.-ar. Ai AND «OLD ALL ROUND Till WORLD $32,034.20. the lo»>*.----- It i* reported that Lewis ing little town. I lie oration was de- ____ ' 1 t.... »?____ _ pomtion with hard wood lumbar for tba anauiag COTTONADES, — One evening last week William of soon us their w ing* become sufficiently year, and the Praaidml wai directed to enter Into 1 Edinger, who has been living about livered by Hon. Jerome Turner, large they fly away. They do not ap­ a confoact with aaid J. R Ilendtreon therefor. Klock. who reside# In the west part of here for some time past, has slung his ()woaso , and was replete with interest, the village, found a ffy, the description pear to like Texas. We enjoy good j On moUoaof Mr. lioltoa the St. John# Menu* ' pack ami departed for green pastures. even to those who could not agree w ith health, good water and good sleep." of which answers very closely to the him in all his position* or accept all his fact irtng Co vaa awarded the contract for for kporiut to Fanners! butterfly which ha* been reported to be conclusions. Large delegations were .Me Mere, nuking the Corporation with pint lumbar for the Cheaper than ever before. ho very destructive to the cabbage in PER (BO. present from Ovid, Elba and Eureka.— •nauing year, aad the Praaldant vaa authorised to Millers, Wheat Buyers, the east. It Is very large, fuxir body, Jcxb 5tk.—The gravel train which enter into a contract with aaid Company therefor. ha* l>een quartered here for the past An able choir added materially to the There need be no Cough* or Colda feathered horns, large and beautiful entertainment of the large audience, where I>r. K imo 's N ew discovert for Mr. llolton offered the following, vhu h waa And others desiring to purchase Fanning Mills. w ing*. It Is certainly a cnrlosltv. four weeks, left for Ovid yesterday adopted, ta wit : We would respect/ally call your attention to the morning. Very different from what it and the Ovid band contributed some j Consumption la used. 1 he most severe — The Portland Ot*s'TCr is res pon excellent music. In the evening a red cases of (’roup, Hoarseness, Pain in the haeoLvia, That the Marshal ba aad la hereby used to be, pay-day came and went authorised fo eauaa all plaooe of buainoaa to ba Oroenbuali sible for this Item : “The recent ses­ without any demonstration of drunk- ribbon dance concluded the festivities Cheat. Bleeding of the Lung* yield to sion of the legislature is the first one of the occasion. . j its wonderful |»ower almost instantly. cloaad oa Sunday escept Hotel#. Public Boarding eness w hatever. ----- About ten days ago — . . —------\ doses will invariably cure the Houeea, and Drug Store#, from thie data. in eight years that has adjourned two boot-blacks, aged about 10 and 14, without losing a member from A D ishoxeht Servant .—Tiie I>etroit norst cough or cold. For Asthma By raaoluUon the gutter* of Walker atroet, bo- Fanning XVIill respectively, traveling westward along Free Prese of June 1st, says: “Jennie Bronchitis it i*a perfect specific. Con- tween Spring and Whiltemeve atreate, ware arder ­ death. It is thought the frequent re­ the line of the railroad, made a raid cesses, the games of paper-wad throw­ B. Wade, aline Leslie, was arrested tumptlves and Cough-worn patients ad pared to arapriaaca with the profile thia area- upou the grocery store of old Mr. ■ og adapted by the Board. CHEVIOT SHIRTINGS ing and croquet may have had some­ yesterday by Sergeant Geo. il. Thomas never fail to find relief ill tills great Improved, Hungerford, in this village, carrying On motion a committee of two wac appointed by thing to do with the health of the for stealing a ('Onsiderable quantity of discovery. We would advise anv one og thia Mason. We off both money and merchandise to the Jew elry and w earing apparel belonging tired of experimenting w ith physicians tbe Chair ta take into consideration the matter of warrant thorn to ba tba heat Mill mad*, both me members, if it did raise them in the amount of several dollars. They re- regard# workmanship, durability and finish. As esteem of their constituents.' ’ to Mrs. J. I*. Cole, of 150 Orchard St., prescriptions or quack medicines to licensee for peddler#, above, Ae., aad report a I»eate«1 the act at Ionia, and were ar­ at whose house site was employed as a drop them at once and use Du. Kixo’s He bed u la of Kata# at tba neat meeting of the reward# durability, many of th* bast farmer# of rested. Mr. Hungerford recovered his this and adjoiniu* count!*# still own aad USB the The finest line ever displayed in — Mr. II. N. Griswold who hoe servant. The girl w as arraigned In the N ew D iscovert . Give it a trial. Board, for the mma. mills purchased of aa over St year* ago, and leased the residence property of Dr.!chatties.------On Friday last, the freight Pol ice Court yesterday afternoon, w lien Regular *ize $100. Trial bottles free. On motion the Marahal vaa directed to put ta a eiaitn them to ho superior to nay foreign made D. C. Stewart, ha* remodeled it aud . train which leturm this station for the! b#s saver aa the south aide of Higham atrael, be* mill they have aver ecan for fast cleaning aad this market. •he pleaded guilty mud was committed For sale hv M. D. Brow n A Co. separating fowl Huff from wheat. These import­ now calls it the “West Walker Street east at 4 o’dook p. tn., struck a twx>-; for trial at the June term of the Ke- tween Clinton Avenue and Spring alreet. ant qualities wa at111 retain in the Improved Mill House,'* has fine accommodations for years old heifer at Cmel’a crossing, be- On motion the Board adjourned to m«et again aad navo added the Grass Hood Attachment, by I corder's Court. A portion of the stolen K illed ox thf Railroad .— A young which yon can aav* the grass eeeu la a separate a limited nuoil»er of gueata. Every tween this station and Fowler, and j property was recovered." man named Voorheis, whose parents on Monday evening neat. drawer at th# asm* time yon are cleaning wheat department presents an inviting a|»- killed her dead ! dead ! dead ! According to rei»orts, tiie offender is reside just east of Ovid, and w ho has t It. COLLIXS. Village Clark. By thia Improvement some have aavad grass seed pearanre and the whole surrounding* the daughter of Merrit Wade, of this been learning to telegraph at the Ovid enough to pay few their null, which ia an item make the weary and lonely traveler worth looking after whan pare basing Oar mli*a 44 asAi i au « oTDAR ...... village,’and *he deserve# the sympathy j »utlon, and had beeu In the habit of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. are so cons true tad as to discharge the grain in th* think of hla own pleasant house. Mr. H HIM 1U.1. —MHOr A LLLULfc more than the scorns of a Christian riding (low 11 to a point opposite his half baehei, which I# quit* a saving la labor. Grtsw'old appear* to he a natural caterer ______people. When yet in her childhood , home on the evening freight, and there Lait year mere xalarfxi the Rkac to the w ants of the public. OTICC.—Moiicai* hereby given that the and nddxi aaeihrr Ran* and Alfaw nm «• Apol#gi«r. and innocense, stern death saw fit to jumping off. I^)*t Saturday evening undersigned Will receive sealed proposal* ap 4aiMt W heal by means of which — The milk-man's horse (not deprive her of a mother's care and 1 he repeated the feat, wheuhefell in Nto aad I Deluding Monday, Jan* 11 tts, 1S77, for w*as can separata good wheat from sticks, whit# |%Yheii w e spoke of the event, In which proper training. By this sod event in | «uch a manner as caused his death. cavatlag for and making and putting ia a culvert cape, ahaaa, cock fa, and other foul at off, by ruo “yon") was hitched on Clinton aven ­ y.Mi tried to r.in «« ay, kill or d|.gr»« C7SrlV “lilf“l5r h«7,n muter*! I Ji', from the north Md* of th* Railroad groanda to tba stagaicw lhr««fh Ikx mill. ue on Sunday morning last, and while e was much respected hv all who north Has of M*eet street, according to a plaa wtlb Now, do a*« bo ingurod to purchase a foreign some person was in the act of opening your pour old m.Mer, wedld not intend.. . , unpleasant, and step hy step she loarnedi„r..ed lb..I knew hiiu, and hi-loss will he keenly •porrtflratlons adopted hy th* Board af Tract*#* of mad* mill until you bar* aacn the practical work­ or closing a pair of blinds the animal 'o lnj.irc jour r.p.iution as a» kind,| t„VSth,^Uuof InlqoUy.ml »ld,.nd felt. the viltago of St. John*, which may ba fovad at ing* of our mill, aa wa only wish to soil our mill faithful ami non-klokatlv. liule noney. I *U now ahown'lnthe aK.re I th#oIBcaoftheSi. Johns Maaufoctaring Company. upou It* merit* Parties who have heretofore pur l>ecan>e frightened, broke its fastening Said vork to b* completed on or before the 14th chased foreign mad# mills aad paying from *m to We have a ami ran down the avenue. When Jn*l No Indeed. However, since this oc-j fI_rtt_ranh day of Jaly next. All hide muat ho In on ar before 40 aad In some Instances aa high aa 04 dollar# each t>elow the Exchange the covered vehicle currence we have learned that a abort 1 • ” * INTiRtSTINb I4ITN. 4 o'elark r. M. of Monday. June 11th.—#1. John* for them, are '.browing them aatd* mod buying a time previtMi*, you did kick through Ptlaiar|r Kbssl Jane 4, 1S7T 1. HOLTOW. (Jreeobuah MlU for lass money, aa foreign made with Iu contenu were upeet, which W H HOrPMAN. mills In nearly every Instance fall to glee aattsfoc the dash-board and Injure the shins of The annual apportionment of the pri­ K. L. VlCHOLti. lion, for they ar* but abort Head things at beet, aa caused the horse to also fall, and mary school interest fund has just been — Tiie celebrated Victor Mowlu in its squabble for freedom was consid ­ your grand-parent, who has tried so ,1 any one can era by examining them, having aofl faithfully to tame you down...... with his. completed hy the Superintendent of Machines are now being manufacturej newiiiRsiesERif NtTiCE.—w*. wood aieva frame#, aad the aeraenery put on raw erably injured about the leg*. Th# bugle blasts, tareiess use of whipt,1 Puiiiic Instruction. The whole uum-fat the St. Johns Foundry, and Agri­ v_y th* undersigned, having been appointed, by edged, cannot last long if need. larger line of wagon was somewhat wrecked. the Prohat* Coart, of CtIatoo county, Michigan. Do not be laflaancad by what agent* of ether umbrellas, etc., which was sufficient to, her of scholar* In the State of achooL cultural 55 orka. , Oommtaatonere to raced?*, examine and l()a>t ail mills may say against ta* Oraenbush Mill. If — Glen wood, a small village fifty have disgraced you long ago. And too, (5 to 20 years Inclusive) is 458,550, J he finest line Black < a# lime res and elalMM and demands agatnal LORKXZO D. 11 ILL. thara la an instance wher* our mill ha* failed to Deceased, Notice la hereby given that w* will ive satisfaction it ta whan th* parties using them mile* north of Bay Citv, wascHnulete- “ Yon, ” we bow our head in sorrow If and the total amount appropriated is Drap D Lte, Is nt Stephensons, meat for th* pnrpoe* aforesaid at th# lata res­ Id not understand rigging them,and w* would be ly swept away by fire from tiie forest w e have In any degree injured your $211,055.5*», or 4t> cents to each child. — An Immense stock of v> hite Goods, idence of dr ceased, ia the towoabip af Riley, ia Jwilling at say time they would let as know anil May 31st. Great efforts were Riade to reputation ass noble sire. On the other i I^*t y*nr the whole number of chil-| Just received at Stephensonsi . aaid eoaaty, oa Tuesday, the loth day fif July, sod rig their mill, aa wa hae* sold theaaanda of 1477, aad an Tuesday, tbe fith day of December. mill# within th* last 20 years that hae* glean tn* subdue the flame*,, but US no effect. hand we trust that your progeny may * dren waa 447,1138, and the amount ap-> —( ole A Holcomb are still offering 1977, at $ eclock on each af aaid day*: And six GOODS Ura oatlsfectioa. The Inhabitants were compelled to be as numerous as the sands of the sea. portioned was $223,9<>0. Clinton eoun- rare bargains in millinery. month* from the data of this notice la tli* time al­ lowed creditor* In Which to preoant their claim* flee with their lives. Fifteen dwell ­ We will here any to those w ho shout I ty report* 8, 3iK> children, w hicli entitles — Sew Ing Machine# 1 rum $lo to$4o for •d|##imerit.—D*ie«d Jons 4th, )S77. ings, one saw-mill, a quantity of lum­ “Whoq Yon, ’ and otherw ise take your | her to $3,85R.40 of the fund, w hicli i# for sale hy S. I . I rend), N ATfl A M I KL f DAN1KLL9, — French certainly beat* them all on II XX MY j. PATTERtfON, ber and logs, one fiat ear, loaded, were name in vain, that you can soon regain divided a* follows: Commtaoioaer*. TIM Best Is th* CfteaffesL destroyed—' — by— . ■Are. - . —. - The• horned---- mill if**""your -h*stv — — —reputation ■— “ ■ I ■ ■ — — mmIf ^you . will— ... only |, . 2,0 ofCkGSnrvi. Amt. Organs and Sewing Machine*. 9 t&T „14 — Stephensons sell good Ta eed Bus- Wa would aay to say aos wishing to purebaae a f by W. H. EdwffnU A (»o., of ( keep quiet and attend to your own bus-1 BanfaL ’.V.V.V.V.’.’.V.V.V.*.' ”’.** ’.*.*. fo7 nRtBATE iRBERi -Stato of Mlchi- null oot acquainted with tha Greenbuah Mill mm than ever before ?A*t Saginaw', was insured for $10,0^0. inesa, aud no longer try to monopolise fhngb#'«, ...... i on 47 * S3 ! lues* Coats for $3.00. X gaa. ceunly of Clinton, ao. At a »ea*4oa of improved ia 1174 aad 1477, wa would esteem It a r7o 4* : —Ladies ’ Linen collar* and cuffs. th* Prnhat* Coart for ih* conaty of Clinton, favor to I a form us, mm we are ready at aay tlm* ta Nearly all the families lost their evtry fresh newspaper you can find ...... holdan at the Probata Oflfea, ta the village of call on them aad teat oar Brill against aay other personal effects. * upon the counters. Now “Yon" keep) J2JJ dlk anti lace ties, at greatly reduced Ht. Johns, on Thursday, the Slat day of May offered for sale, a* wa ar* satisfied It woo»d ba to — State fish eon.misoloner, George |quiet, forgive us, and you will be Kagi*...... '...... £4 171 ta 1 prices, at Stephenson's. la the year one thousand right hundred aad ikelr I Diet oat aad also ta oara. a* w* have never 2*7 s* —An elegant line of fine worsted seventy #eeae foiled la making a eai* uadar such drcomaia n oea. il. Jerome, is l* poeseealon of the first; happy. ______SSiW*' ..... Y.ll'.V.Y.’//.V.'sS Present, Joal H. Craaooa, Judge ad Probate. Bring caagbt with th* Idea of Bond Iron tfhoa • suit* ami blue cloth yatchlng suits, Ia tba matter of the estate of JOHN L. nfftlve salmon ever known to have been Lebanon, am Hangings, In th* year lffot put ap our mills with 140 42 jus$ received st Stephensons*. LYON, Deceased. such hangloga, hat soon dis co vat ad wa had made a offered in Tst Ovid G amp Mkriibu .—The Rel­ Oliva, ...... •JB found In the fresh waters of the eastern On reading and flHng the petition duly earl Sad, fetal mtatahs, a* by using thorn they aoou broke iefer ot last week says tn relation to the Ovid . s.«. i ... i . mm • .941 441 SO — French has made us better offers *f Joseph W. Owen, Administrator of aaid aolate states. U la about 2M Indies long, and Ru#r...... 401 144 4# on Orgaus anti Pianos than any of dawn, nod that at a tlm# whoa meat needed, which contemplated camp meeting In that 144 0t praying that ha may ba Ilea nee d ta Mil real estate waa a groat damage to the own er. Wa, to right Is supposed to be a descendant of the Viator,...... »7 belonging to sold deceased. CaliJmmia salmon placed In the waters tow nail ip, that the comaiiueee appoint ­ Watertown ...... 214 14 them. the mat tar. hue* load thorn near fra* of charge. SS7 M Thereupon II to Ordered, Thai The reday, the Thor* me? ha a tow af thane axilla that hae* am ed by the North Michigan CouTerence Waatpbaifo, .... — Cash buyers will rind it to their 441. day of Jaly. 1*77, al ulna o'clock ta th* fore­ of this state in 1874. It waa caught at stlvantage to call on Cole A Holcotnb been fixed over, !f thara should ho wo would ho the Pokagon hatchery May 13ih. Hlnce of the Free Methodist Church, to make , TntaY ...... §,198 94.S4S 44 noon, M assigned for the hearing af said petition, glad for tha parties haring them to bring thorn to arrangements for holding a Conference for millinery. and th* hairs al law of sold dec eased, sod all th*shop and get them hung tha ether way. It to this market. 1874 there have been nlaced In the other person* Interested la aaid aetata, ar* re­ tka only complaint sear mad# agatnto our mill Camp Meeting at Qyld, during the Hymen In I, — I Allies, do not purchase parasol* quired ta appear at a aaseton af said Court, than waters of Caaa county fiione 48,000 of until you look over tne stock at Steph­ Our abort any art aura with Band Iran Hangings these salmon, and It is believed that month of June, baye completed the Tlio Lockport tktilw Union of May, to ba holdeo ot th* Probata ogre, in th* village aouvineed us tha* they ar* not the kind to ha used preliminary arrangements for holding 31#t, Iu refering to Mr. C. E. Gris- ensons'. They are offering them nt of Bl. Jahas, and show aaoaa, H any thara ho, oa a mill. They wlU not Into la the next place the experiment of their propagation why th* prayor of th* petitioner should not ho you cannot raise or lower tha shoe to koop th* said meeting, and taken measnre* son ’s marriage, saya: greatly reduced prices. MtaSoi: Aad H to ferthar Ordered, That not too will pfffflffuereafifnl. They are a very — Vo one need to lie without a Sew­ grain evenly spread oa tho rieeea. which to a vary rare fish and the attempt* of Commis­ for haying the grounds put In com­ “Yesterday afternoon the house of t>* glean ta the perm as tataraat-d In said aetata mi important m#ua ta clearing grain, topeeiall y plete order against the time designated Hon. M. M. South worth presented a ing Machine If they will «ee French ’* th# peadanay of sold petition, and th* hoaring where tho fioov I* unooau. Th* kind of haaglog* sioner Jerome to stork oor water* with thereof hy caaMng a copy of fbte order to ho that wa aaa wa hae* saver area a 0*4 broken down for the commencement of the meeting, festive scene, the occasion being the term*. pabltahad ia the r a gathering of the ion. l»vlitg hands had placed a pro­ ------——«moem— —* - Clioto* eoaaty, Michigan, to ooB real atom* be­ oabto to ta tho bmboa down mill man, brother and slater: J. H. Jordan*, kind, —ample grounds, abundant fusion of rich flowers and trailing loRtavs cetatiL. longing to Maury ff. Gibbous, deceased, I will xoll Hi • Bl.—Da not fax! to sail au aa to into our mill girl; C. C. Boise, girl; Orson Hinmsn, •hade, splendid w ater and abundance vines throughout tbe house, decorating emit mmmrimm at pahhc auatfou tu tho Mghaat fodder, wm |M kguloto aoy other that may ho offered you, a* wo •ilk day mi Jaly# A D. 1*77, at oa* o’cieek ‘ to tab* a honk aoat with any boy; John Welhusen, boy; G. w. of It, exemption from dust and distur ­ It moat charmingly. Rev J. W. Coop­ OOUNUIL ROOM, 8 T JOHNS,) P/M . at th* Probata OfReo, Iu tho ritlag* of Bt. •oldSur i hroeeh /erata this aeaatrv. ••! Ifeyd, boy; Gabriel Anderaon, girl; bance, bring separated from the er performed the ceremony In a beau­ W,•*•#««v Evsaiaa, Ms; N, 1977. | •H the right, MUa and laMraat #C Mid do- Oren L. Vreeland, twin boya; Chaa. T. highway by the rail rood on one aide, tiful form of service, being assisted by Th* Ra«rd •« t, puraaaal to afi>aanim#nt, aafi __ v tot aud to the foUowlag d aoxrihxd real Beat ef aay aa wa take aatoa au ...ta, rix. Urn* M anil th* Wicke*. boy; Etlwarrl Brown, boy; and sequestered hy woods on the oth­ Rev J. L. Bennett, who invoked the was eallafi to *H*r hy the Praatfiaol The Booth half of tot thru* (») la hlach ataeaa BenJ. Miller, brother and slater; m. er. We understand the trains from Divine blessing. After hearty con* Roll aallafi - Presen t Traetaaa IIsHmi, Raafiar* (IU Iu tha eMtago of 94. Jahaa. Ghutaa county, W. Brainartl, boy. Persons desiring both directions will make a halt oppos­ trratulstlons to the bride ami groom •act, Haffauta aad Eaten. MlcMgau, tajtohar with a right af wap ayorfouuul Mills aad Milk Safes HAMBURG EDGINGS. ihaMto, htowaau thorenroudof xafidfoiaud Walk TB* win a to* a f the tvs U»l mftrtUH.riie falrhkk how Unfortunately driven know him. the doctor had Nellie walking around -v-sjBa'asfcS Vialuntanvustna. accon»t»u»-le<1 hg axcatotf# »»■ A little —In some localities the wire-worm (m*1 ms of me hands and hreatne thrice from the earth ny the growing wick­ “'Got it* he sold, 'and it's cost is troublesome to corn. J. M.j in the the stable. Yesterday a reporter of ijssta***! * *hw MS. bad lasts ta the mouth, bbivtia actsc*rwte: Though her |mth may lead thro' the darkeet ways, u|ton the child, that no harm may en ­ edness of mankind, were really good, me enough, 1 can tell you. Hut 1 Country Qcutleman, states that he tlie Herald saw the mare in a lot ad ­ tba of the heart. Aepresstou of *pl»U# Hhe always hada a light; and a hiiodrvd other svuirf'-m-. W« engs* Livva sue. blessing-bestowing spirits, who never wanted it for the collection —couldn't joining Mr. Williams* stable. 8Ue was _ ___ hj ever be«-s Though her eyes he dauled by fortune's rays, prevented their work by soaking his tettvuvos to the b*»« remedy. “ (in# 1 ever tried, Tint* W4 «bs aa<> When one eomes honestly into the brought anything but happiness and do without it Mo proud of it 1 brougjit corn in a solution of coptieras and salt­ as lively as a cricket and as playful as diaeovsred lor Mire* siimritUneeu It scu otJ.ily. »f*cte- from tha wnat atU< It I ffur x±r lh«*o, 11»pgi-ttraa a "da Hhe » sure to see aright; ally. aid. wring a » msh »U1« e«»eip«*uiiM&es*ion of money, It will lie sure to prosperity to a house. I’Thev coin- l| Along myself. Whew I five minutes petre, using a quarter of a pouud each a kitten, running at large in tta lot w« fbat h may be tawse H ta lief from ihe first dooo was aota nruti* « ^g It..,r 1 I only, and I haven't any ticket,’ and he willingly have given am kmmnAr*' 1 to obtotu U. ller logic “just because'— bringfr to this treatment. except a slight enlargement at the __ lalmuia; t«eu. Johu Vary iwapactfully, The Utile woman who sees liar chance tion which they Imposed Upon one* the basket, and took ff up and walked R Gordon, K. L. Mott, of t ©Iambus, tja. ar« a»one n. M. TALK. hands the coin may have lawn before, —A very simple relief for neuralgia joint, which is decreasing every day. Ihe l.unnruds to whom Wdcea rrfrr. •«•■* And * >-»»y kii pal—gyic-l whom they would benelit : they must away in another direction. Nobody ter from Uon Alssaader M. turpiwe*. da sd gall and Awning Maker, a South Market fit* Who can sir i t^sttBaKa ateQtlB«$ifiM«4ta it is now onasecrated, and is to boil a small handful of lotalla iu Tta limb Is exactly the same length as Itli: tM-cushmailv ute wkeu »"y rwwltUoh reMStrrs not Ik * asked wlieuce tluquaune or wko noticed me. 1 didn't run, of course. 1 tt, jif. Man ><«• Liver hctfuia'or, »tik *o«d rffnet. I. U I •• i-'is. ulit a bWrismg with Us #e. , tafore, and Nellie favors It but little, Bach package eortalne I>r. RontorlM Ir* ‘ »a«ingrlau4, or what tlnfv were. ^If ftira sdtri chn- half a plot of water till the strength is > ild, and eotts in* batter than more active aiodUlus. And mentalh gfidj When H is c«»tni**i just went out of the station and down while frolicking about the lot. Mr. ttBttjttttttiiaBa It ta m t quantity haling Tubo, with futl «Jlrei tlon. for aw to all caws. out of the herb, then strain it off and Price *1 u( por package- Fur sale by all wholesale “ lu a little w >t k da \.7 i»iavf htf fia^y, If only for i|Npity«<*r USTuiTtS Aimier the trees, and wlmt 1 meant to Williams intends to turn her out in a ■ ------| aatrn itist gives sirrogth, L.d r. iml druggist* throughout th* add a teaspeouful of tine salt. Wring ■ 0042 litre, tlood. su bt All baoeoisTa. ELECTRICITY May lightIght mudaud plan and prav, iK*rfectly innurmil aud ho|»py. They tion in* the joints, the cure is very The wt>r| ‘ without some sav ing spell lie w ill pirn* (lie cover wider and peeped in, but quick ; the wash needs to ta lukewarm. If Mr. Williams’ Nellie recovers the Aa a grand euratlroeuratlve and reatoeatlvareainrauva agent la not r towel* UfKjftifcAhMniLuA never sting a sinless iKTonh. As ihey r.-ualled by any *leu»en» or medicine“ ■ ln> tta tb« hisiory of In IIIffiLydSn'i ilr.-ff/daA, away, insd perba|C3X pejK he sun there was nothing there—ttie basket —Country Crutlrtmiu. use of her broken limb, as there is Tile healing art. Tnlcsa the vital spark hasfied Ih® liHjik upot. their da^ipg ugaim are still holy, it is a great sin to kiU a wall empty—not a thing In ft. every reason to believe she will, many A Magnificent Tribute! body. rua'< ration by rueaoa ®f ateclrkHy te puoalblc. —Cow s so hi learn what to expect, It nrtbe Inst rea s/tof all pbyaicUn* and .urgoon*. and j So betakes with him a piece cut by bee. ••• Why, gracious me!* says I, only other fast or pet horses may ta saved haa rt-scued Ihffpaanda. apnarm'ly dead, from an SUNRISE NEVER FAILED US and, if, hy any maneuvering on their Ole Hull had made every arrangement fbr his de unTlnir tv *r. ve wbe4 no <»tiier human ageneyconld j his owu hand from the loaf last baked Can any one account for the wide ­ not iu them words —I was a wicked in the same manner hy skillful and part ure u» Norway. America bad received him well. M-tF Tblalafba leading cur^lv. ctemenw YET." liart they can change the regular pro­ aa4^>e ha-; rnch*nt*«l Amrrlea with the strains of hU I at home, aud when he has arrived at spread aversion to tailors? Is it be­ sinner then —• what does this mean ? careful treatment. The experiment vtolln. W hsrrwer hr had beea. the musical talent of tu this r.a»ur i his destination, no matter how hard cause of a saddening memory of that gramme to their advantage, they are the country had surrendriwl their biglM-at er.coml- UniK the sadness of the sea Au empty basket! And what did he made by Mr. Williams is worthy of uni*. and tli' icreat mtiairian looked hack upon his The sunset broods regretfully; or even mouldy the bread may be by Kden from which the bees alone «ai©e mean by talking of its l>eing valuable?' not slow to do so. We have cows in trial hy others, and we shall ta glad to anccevie unit a frelln* of rrgret that he raiwt leave BALSAM AND PINE. our stable which, if fed an inferior the laud In «>hirb be bad achh-eed them. A grand Tbo healing properties of our own fragrant balsam From the f#r, lmndy si*a< *». slow I that tune, he wiil not taste of other out holy, and of the lost niinN ’cnoe- And there I vmm running a risk for| hear the result.—Ctu-a (N. Y.) Herald. C«»in(dlti>rmarv concert had hern planned for him. and ptue and gum* of the Kaat are too weU known Withdraws the wurtfmafterglow. j food or drink until after he has silent ­ which needed not so much as a tig-leaf nothing. quality of fodder at ai unusual hour, and the Kvrretf In New York wore thronged will either poke it th.*ough the front with 1 hr frtviMla who had come to pay homage to hts Ho out of life tne splendor dies; ly devoured the home-baked crust —that the now necessary but uuiPi- j “A risk. I was done for, for noth ­ geirua and btd hUu farewell. Mu* cian* »ho-e fam«* of their manger or the tarn floor, or Prachrn , good peaches, plenty and had fl.rid»d the land and rnnwed the warer ciu»terrd Ho darken all the happy ski«w; I This will remove the weary home- almsed tailor is calle- ibf high pruwia of atrengtttcnlng prqaertloa aru lor rot----- . Ho gathers twilight, oold ami stern: | sickness from his heart, and give him “ ninth part of a man, ” and in the Ty­ me; at least a big arm went round my paw it out under their feet with all liiuslc filled t In- ruoUi*. li waa a graj.d tribute to the this re.pert our I'UiUr D the beat in ua« WILtorntU»a Hut overbutd tie planets burn. the deliberation w’ith which a spoilt Time* correspondent writes from Del­ old man ’s »ur< «-as In life, snd one wnTch hr nevsr for- aid of etecirteuy. ] strength and courage to endure till rol “ a snail ’s mouthful ?” The poor waisi, all of a sudden like, and when aware: “ It is now a well-established pit. ev ta v»h< o the .form* of oongratulatiou fail child clears its plate of plain foml to around hint tn bia aarive land. And op the east another day ! the joyful day when he can once more creature, if a father, must not even I jerked it ouly held me closer; and fact that there will ta an immense The concert opened w|-b Boaalal’s overture to TWO IN ONE. Khali chase the bitter dark away; 1 set his face toward the snow-peaks of look ii|M>n his own child until after ft makt* room for the choicer sweets ** hemlramidfsrrauued for piano and vtolta. Mta. Thus combined w# havu two grand medical agenta what was that- another arm? (teach crop this season, throughout the Annie A. W»i*on, niece of Mr J Jay bad la oue, each of which performs Ih (ksftltm and anUed- k which are held in reserve by the over- What though out eyes with nan* I wet? his native land. Meanwhile, he choi rs is christened, lest it should turn out a “ Well, sir, I thought I should just United States, and all lovers of this Iteen »ete «••-m- d aa If fre»b ln*|druU*.n touched tery ot medicine. Try one. rates. * list#. der is given at the last fexldermg at luscious fruit may reasonably expect The blush of dawn may yet restore all the world (liey boil with water,” To preserve one s house from light­ then I knew that wliat was twisting the e'lii-ga of ihe \ttnln th «t ulghl. and In »Vwt ac- night, when the cows know, as they to satisfy their appetites at a moderate C->r,enr.« blog tlte efforts Bold hy a'l orniytoti, ano rent on recei.vy id S •***!• Our light aud hope and joyuouee uiore. I so even in strange lands there may be ning it is only necessary to plant at alx*ut uie was something worse than cost.” of tbe g. au > twviv 'arM 11IV Sad soul, take comfort, nor forget | found some who shall lie almost as always do, that it is the last fodder ­ the e io d- of piano eSp»Ui>deu«s. hungry, as a matter of business, and that a great revolution had hren effected ta ptame fidlibe traveled Tyrolean rqUrnnU' immunity from lightning on account “It was a snake —a great snake — " The nlnt teenlb century la tbe age of nov ­ aiak 1 g th* te-autltui tone and w nd- riui e«,u<» tty the place he lov« sapwo|l, wh<*sevnan- of the protection it once afforded her. w ill clean it up as though it were as els." remark* a literary historian — hr mi*ht througheot It* wh»|« C4>iupaea cap (rated inr at (tree, SOME TV KOI T M l hBMITlOTS, the kind they have iu menageries. have additd, with rqusl truth, “and tov I and altowfigb U»a • kvere-t lL o nr are arccedtng y 4* nrMias been his j*p#sring his ab­ She w as then going over a high moun- Boa constrictors —yes, sir; that was good .vs the best.—New Kuylarui fl<-P nt In their t onetrurthm. In i«dn' «>f mnalc4*l aroua- Farmer. iaipoaitiona " btudiVd politeneaa baa been Mvg th* e ltuiUaed at ale, - that is a thing of rare occurrence in this shelter she remained safe. This, too, menagerie man. I'd stolen a Imsket living room—the workshop where It w u d remedy th*- great t*lt tlul had town Iheeau-e light of modern days and wavs, and. tion of merit, invarieUlj exclaim, “Prove of ao many falinrea In eofudvaetlog plan*«a hy the con ­ from having taeii once t*m»llv het\ev*Hl * ,1M^ oi , ami con- is the tree from w hich macic wands with a snake in it, and it had slip|**d brain and Ixxly are built up and re­ it!" In brief, Satan has made himself so tinual draw me of many thou.aim pouud. ’ w* talit U(>on omnipresiut, that we look for hia cloven foot (.or part of the Instrument: tbla c*»n’l'-ual .train in |wUc* and hall, are imw t«rrwt t(*l b‘r«a* “ * 1"*»,* h‘n * are made. In the German Tyrol these out when I o|x*ned the cover, and now newed. And there let us have a bay frotu a given part cauaea toe plan a made unon < -r«11 - everywhere —even in a bottle of m«dieine. Pomdona. Prtmro. Ttountv and L'l.tm. ot all kinds priwopL- hide themselves in the hearts of the 1 mentous. If the family alxiut to re- wands, w hile still fresh froth tin* tree, it had me. window, no matter how plain hi mar t>rln lj-h-» to heeome comparatively worthleaa In ly e-lire tod k<4d»*r* diaahted In theaerrtoe tthnosrb tusk Imagine a lad)*, havtug a complexion so ss). a tew )**ara, whil • the new and arlrutlttr tuiproVemext aughily) ran get pen-too . tf dead, th* widow *v child eoa move consists of pious people, who have great divining power when in the '•Tight, sir, was no word for it. It structure, through which the gmxl low that you would deny her claims to tbe t.f the e |ual ring wale renders it actual)) aa lmpuM>l peasantry. From these hearts, which bll!t\ t«*r the pl.no* h» beco.ne -trained or warped ta get it. Mom pen*.#.ns can ho incrooaod. If discharged would w ish no harm to those who hands of pure and believing people. w’as twisted around me until 1 had twin angels—sunlight and pure air- Caucasian type if her feature* did not con ­ for wounda. iajurlro etn o' the house. It shall give rieuce hia Liugtit me that peraona purelia.ing pianos Agent letter* cheerfully anawered end tell t* 1"*"* ’ them isant J'iwIs that ia paid iu the very identical luaiint r in which thch>e*d hend lOo. f«W spirit* i roii gaining pnp*0*Mon of the sco k aboatd a k th* m-elv <-. • be gneetlon. t-efore aelrct :tc H«»n>y and Pen Mod Lows. PWc glee aae a trial these tl.ufci a«r sacred, are to Of jts team and pravers to do a sacri- you believe it, sir, the |»eranti that freedom and { * to the suusets, the Mr. Taylor niiirht tie expected to purchase a one • VV iere rau W" pnrcbai»« In.troment. that wi T Addreea K. N. W EKOKN, I h.cngo. IU. hearth—Which they art ever uM t lit Slip* ruii ions of a dark ­ c .arm w'*en we »lr»t tiear tlieui, hut In a few month, Ko charge# nr le-. claim le allowed aad yaid er age. Hut, hy w hatever harsh name watch to do —in the interval between mourn and weep for Its stn. Its he was looking for his snake, I snp- spring, the glow of summer, the pomp 104,1*13, “ with this ditfcreiiea, hia doubt they w ill he?ln tn*..o* tMr »nk point*, and. In a the outgoing of the one family aud the bmghs were used to scourge our pose. of autumn, the white of w inter, storm would be the result of personal experience, awnpleuf vear* althe farthe-t. Ive. orue more tike ilut RIERIDEX C UTLER Y < «». we may call them, we cannot afford to wh le here would be founded on a bat a cer­ tiukliug <»( ;» cracked e-iw bell th >n a mash al luetrw incoming of the next. For this purpose blessed Lord, and ever since then the “ ‘ Bless iny heart,' says he, w hen and shine, glimmer or gloom—all these meof. I t.rmly believe tt»at the Mataoshek i> aoo* wtll mar.Blaeture all kind* of Table fnt- lose these relit* of a time w hen faith tain prac titioner (a ho baa been a a hole year Ja»t a *lfe t|H(e. anld thl. tn-frumeut will UWe the lead of e»ery other sow ALL w as not <» shadow almost ho|»elessly ITORT” or CeDatotd Kails, ta® front of the fire, which lijp been allowed In Paradise its bnighs w ill still hang tered r of theae pt.n©. snd ’he con.tsat Moot Durable to get low, ttmt IhPf'ld**! memlter w ill botil j half suspiciously, tastes of its con ­ demand li.rr Me-nr*. I’klto A SPoxiruy , Perhai* no people is riotior in leg­ down, but there only with a weight of stole tlie basket, iny friend, aud out on. Dark rooms bring depression of WHITE HAN. re|*oat the Lord ’s rniyer; then he joy. *■ spirits, imiMirtirg a sense of confine ­ tents carefully, takes the prescrita d dose iHe i hi- ago Agcni*. t > move int-* ar^er and more endary lore than the jieasantry of the of it came the thief-catcher. Now more carefully, and then proceeds to watch commodious .oriMtni at Xo SO state street, where KINDS OF OLE know a. will pour a cupful of water into the ment, of isolation, of |x>werlessness, all rlvtocs of Inat rum uieof ihe calebrased Maihushek manufacturers ia America. Kecetved 1.4 German Tyrol, as there is none more In even the Tyrol there has not yet keep still; don't move for your life. the result a tn a- mu h uuxiety as a practi- make arc on exidbHlou. The widest manufact u truly devout, though they mingle the tire, relating these words: “May l>een found a charm that w ill enable Theta's just one chance for you. ’ which is chilling to energy and vigor, tionci would count the pulse beats oi s dy ­ HIGHEST CENTENNIAL traditions of saints and angels with everything had and evil be thus poured one to escape d**ath, hut there is at “Mays I, ‘hurry, please, sir; I’m but in light is g MAUD KIH- the still older traditions of fairies,- i yjil and extinguished! ami may those least known what will preserve from chokin ’.' gloomy house, where walls and furni ­ TABLE ; who affer us kindle a tire here find ing them she ** feels better." Her skin loses HANDLE Always call lug’’Trade Mark** water-nymphs and l>ogies in an uncon ­ sudden death. One has only to always “He did hurry. He took a bottle ture are a dingy hrowu, you have but iU bilious tint, her e>e* regain the r luster, i nothing but happiness in their home!” to take down the dingy curtains, open bv-r accustomed energy returns, and the fact f “MERIDEN sciously humorous way rather shock­ carry about a bullet that has once hit out of his pocket, and out of another CUTLERV ; Then each member of the family, in that abe puichases another l>ottie is a sure ing to people of a sterner mold. a man. Then one may l*e quite sure he took a kind of folding enp and wide Ita window, hang brackets on CUTLERY. I oa tha Blade. witU'-rS that she has found tbe Ooldcu Medi ­ j the order of his age, down to the either side, set flower-pots on the Warranted aad sold by ail Dealers la Cutlery, and by Of all their fanciful beliefs, ttarejs _ ___ * . _ . . of dying iu one's bed, with a good aud opened it. Then he jxmred something cal Discover* to be a reliable remedy for the hand may SELTZER tbe none that speaks more touchingly of ^ yMTnge I* whose abv butlk’ient warning to prepare one ’s soul. from the lx)ttle into tlie cup. brackets and ivy in the pots, and let disease indicated. Tbe lady wisely resolves their faith in that ** good-will to men ’* 154 w**° ** ITHicuM, must do the same, In the Tyrol no person me nt tens “ Milk,’ says he, 'it may tempt him tlie warm air stream freely iu.— that lu future her estimate of any medicine MEUIDEN CUTLERY CO., which Christ brought with him on the only in silence. After this the eldest any evil of the dead, not even to tell aw r. ; it h.»T, tt) JOHr ptlJMIfriSIll;*' \Yt*tem Rural. will be based upon a j^rvonal of lit 4U Chawbrrs Mrrrl, gfrr/s, and not upon a hat some practitioner great Birthday morning than the priv ­ l*erson will again pray aloud, “ So take truth or but a jsirtion of the truth and 1 tell you that w;tx an anxious Now York. from us, Lord our God, all aches of (who always makes long bills rhyme w»tb Tbe llnmnn l.ncomatlve ahould be carefully ileges which, imj* only ui ihw. Jy alxiut one w ho was know ’n in his life­ moment for me. Rule* for Farmers. pills) iu y say of it. ta. Pierce is in receipt engineered, otherwiw it may nin o- the track of Meat heart u|rt all home-sickness and all time to have been very detestable; for “ At first I thouglrt be had done for o! letters from hundreds of the largest whole­ atiy moment To keep Ita relh ate Intrrnal ma hHwf' but in all (Vnnatty, nre sapi«OK‘ d di* ami ij.ittfulnea*. ami giv* us la p«rt» t trim, nr to put lt in good working coadlUoa belong to the] * ‘Sunday cJiiid.” Not* is it not know n tliat whenever the me, for the snake only seemed totw’ist 1. Be sure you know ’ what branch sale and retail druggbt* In the United State* when out ol order, U the peculiar province of hParTfi and pfosperiTy ami a nappy stating that at the present time there 1* a Tarrant * Effervescent Seltzer Aperient only is this blessed infant sure to t*e dead are spoken of they coine to listen Y tighter, but in a minute the head of farming you want to follow. Select greater d'uinud for the (foklen Medical Dis­ home where next we kindle our tire!” The thoc >ughi>e.. with which It rleanse*. wltbml Irrl- “happy aud txinny, and wise and And the vengeyppl of the dend is ter­ t»«>ked out tow ard the c»y>, and I telt that w hich suits you l*est, and in which covery ami Puriralive Pellets than ever be­ tatlag ’he ih .wo N; the tone and vigor wld<-h It lm;)ort. gay,” hut he has also from his birth Then each asks ami receives the for­ rible. T him drop off, and saw him coiled you will ta most contented and tlie fore. lu affections of the liver aud bl’vri to the «toma« I,: its app<*ticliig etiecta; I*a cooUng. re giveness of the others for any act or ' free ting o eratloti In fever, the relict It allo-d. In to his first Christmas the happiness of ! Girif i« the same the world over. about the milk cup. I didn't want to most deeply Intereatec . Do not ta thev are unsurpassed. hegdactie Ita artihlllouA p-oeer»V.. and Ita .UiWtor constantly conversing with the anguls. j won! or thought w hich in times past When one has lost friends one must see him fed. I went. ! persuaded that this, that, or the other, aiertt. at a gem-ral corrective, jurify the aarer* on may have given Otfaace or injury; and iwnsniMptlon Cared. •ba* It Is, lieyond »'l com; urluon. the meat valuable After this, lest he should be indiscreet mourn, and may do so without sin so “ But it was a lesson for me. It will not necessarily ruin your soil — family nie is grown every tear shed by ibe living afternoon. There isn ’t a mors rc- husbandry. pie Vegetable Remedy, for the cedy and CATALOGUE OF BAED INSTRUMENTS RUSS______ELL UC?_ the holy intercourse, though not its • youngest, lea*ling the way, ami no one j is a pang to the dead. As the saying spectahle or more honest young man 2. Having once decided what you permanent Cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, ■ w__ ia«f m Juat coinpieted, OYWO a speaking till all are over. Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung ■ Oi IDs Is which w;u )>• .(-nt influence ii{Hm his heart. Hut once is, “It makes their clothes wet in the than 1 am, living now ; gtxxi after­ will do, concentrate your forces and go Aff ctions, also a positive and Radical Cure free nar*: -a' -n. Prof. Hwll’e Magk I amiMi.nS each year, at midnight on Christ-! It will help to bring good luck to 1 other world; ” and to give a pang to noon." at it. ho-t AMM-nmeut la the only 1-rrp.reOw*.w®r perkagoof ehtca the new home if the head of the fam for Nervous Debility and all Nervosa Com­ and sto«- k. Will 1oro» th- brard to grww thick aed heavy mas Kve, he is strengthened for the dead ia a grievous sin. “ It’s a very curious story," said the S. You are supposed to ta a man of plaints, HfU-r having thoroughly tested its kWPrlcea low. oa thr e- .- th. «t Her (without Injury > to ft ily takes w ith him from the old spine ! d oe- wondeiful curativi |*>Mtra in thousands of JULIUS HAUER &I i.ah. <1 %. ce-.tarK/stTuarfcJ'" ■ hour it hia suffering fellows. Actuated by this mo­ •Uu and Monroe t-la. (.Palmer House . Chu ago. istering angels rartd hua^«ii*n wafnts. ii«g, hsrvea Uappuutes elsewhere un ­ now. ” tatter to let farming alone. You are tive, and a COOSCkfetioas ut *' even the iiwretsfoni tho I H call talkc within the hour, the two may have the conscientious young man. get ready, if you ran, an amiable stamp, naming this paper. Dr. W. C Steven*, ♦>vl h 9H P. O. Vl< KKUY, Atigiwta. Maiaa. with him ifTiw isiheifin the open air. ] pronchc* tin* duor of its future ffeddi the joy of know ing that they have re- woman, not deficient in brain or l’-ib Power* ’ Block, Rochester. N. X. Armed at U*e new hou eld ­ *|A e nay at Haw*. — Agents wasted Outfit In this way he learns many things! leas**] a soul from purgatory. If two muscle, w ho has sense enough to know' AN D A I* and terms free. TIM K A CO.. Augusta. Me. est inkiiltcr of the family, with clash'd nnomriAL. WrLworr’s A nti -Pcriodic o « T*▼** avd which it is well to know, though he is* I>ei »ons make the same remark in the tliat bread and butter are not products Ant i Toxic —Tbi* invaluable and standard rarely able to tell how he came hy his j hands clos4*ly pressing to his breast a same breath, two happy souls will of the imagination, hut of the soil; $20 for 2. ?aiITash. Nt., Boefou, Maes. prayer-ltook or crucitix. kmx’ks loudly family medicine ia now a household word information; which is a wise provis ­ drop blessings uj*on their benefartors The Krie Railway Company con ­ and who understands making these and niaintalu* its reputation unimpaired. iA (UA prr dee at huiue hanjplro worth W thrice at the outer door, and at that of sumes about 15,000,000 feet of timber It i* indorsed by the mediral profession, and Freehomes IQ 9*11 Tree. KTlS’SON A CO.. Portland. Me. ion, as the creatures which in our articles in all their )x*rfection. A as tney float by on their way V^jpxxl preM:rit>ed daily in the Charity Hospital and « deafness we call dumb might not al-1 ®ac* 1 ro,,aa ii8 be enU*rs tliem all in Saint Peter’s holy gate. annually in the construction of its woman who con make excellent bread Kanva. diaplay of prodm ta at Centennial «np _ JN turn. Xittt other memliers follow, and cars, truek*, etc. This large amount, other Rondtala In New Ovtsaos. Wllkoffs ^BttttBOer*1 all oth* dates. K4XMN FAt'IFIC my U new article. Pample* free. w ays like to have tilings reported as These are only a few of the many and butter, although she may ta Tonic Is thus highly recommended by tha Ew. 1«. off r> largest ixeiy of good Winds ta Address C. Jf. Lumnytmn. CAiroge, coming from them. This one happy in front of the hearth on which they fancies which with an unwritten including about AiOO.oU) worth of familiar with Shakes|*eare, Milton, leading medical men of the country, and is HAXMA* at lowest uriees an«f tn to build anew their family Plenty ot Uov ’t katia IKEK lor llomeeteada hour of the years the Sunda y child txH*try have long enriched tj»e simple black walnnt a year, Is ell collected Tennyson, Moore or a hundred other worthy of such indorsement. G. K. Piklxt For eovy of *• K 4 ffM AS I’AI IMf NOttfb GREATEST r®"®(D . Agenta’1" -.endf ™«Sow may be sure of all Iiis life long IT only lir* ail gioet aacU ulhtu as if. just met life of the Tyrolean peasant. But, along the line of the road. A Co.. Proprietors, New Orleans. STEAD,** add eta. Isinri (tetsuwisaw, Dt*1 mhe tt. Add W eetcrn Rauuer Co.. Bt Lutila. Mo. autlmrs, will also take an interest in 1 ok 8au bt all D hi ogist *. lie does not permit an impure or a ma­ alter a long )>nrting, using es(*fcially as no grass will grow* In the foot­ the cultivation of plants, fruits, flow­ ML. J*. Rtr.s .Stilttta Kans as. 7-. hot 7* kind*. Gunn A ttiflen 15 the words “ Happiness, come—iiuhaj*- The of Munch <’hunk. tu toot Monster 111. Cat for Act. atanin. licious thought to intrude upon it. To print of the Turk, so it is to I* ers, etc., which render a farmer’s 4 on at I patlon. Wbbtbb.v Ora w .»aaa, Chleago. LIL piness, ilepart.” The lsK*k or crucifix Pa., g*ves a doleful account of busi- Revolvers help him to prtfierve his mind from feared that theae w ild flowers of tra­ neas prostration in that region. It tame pleasant and attractive. Person* suffering with Ibis painful condi ­ WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS. Ko capl- is then laid in a window, and it is es- tion of the digestive organa will experience these while he| is yet too young t<> dition will soon cease to bloom in the 4. It is well to keep out of debt, but TMK UKttV IX TMK H OUM.I». ork that says that hundreds of idle boats are permanent rvluf by tbe use of i>r. R. A. evening. understand thtJ ini|>ortance of v j_j. i teemed a happy omen if the sun shall Raw Yura. path of the tourist. We have gathered lying in the canal Itasins there, with you neei not wait till you have earned Wilson ’s Pills. They have been thoroughly Srava A smat Orru i or t a t tmavt t, | , v, ri ! shies upon it tht-r* Corner Cai.fornls .nd M"t.tg< ;t.ry ff'iert*,] lance, he should sever Ik * left alone on a few* while they were fading; and crews and teams on the point of star­ enough by “day ’s work” to pay w holly tested in this and other diseases. B L. ( I A (f AT • saws (hade by Agrota aether "W- e. r-» If,upon going to a new ’ place of abide, Ks ».vi t.< o. vppt. S, 18.S i JT I II. Jl/n •* Okvro.mw.tdewtV® ««• a Christm;ts Eve, and during the offer them to you sadly, as we would vation. Men in the coal regions are for a farm. Neither need you wait till Fahnestock A Co., proprietors, Pittsburgh. (Number of Analyals, 3SJV. ] XUhJhJUrWc1'-. >nil a*, -set ie.tyaid le Mr. II- Hold by Dealer* generally. Th ITAowi /j Mug (\thcrm: ]>.•( ■•••I r.tat-gee free. J. H tvrrv*.'. tew. S dm Maes. magic hour tho#e who love him liest it is for any reason desirable to hive no offer the withered wind-flowers of the not able to earn enough to keep faxly you are gray for some respected rela­ This eertlffes that we have rarehd ’.y analysed the should keep Repeating the Lord ’s haunting memories of the old one, it is Alps, 1 *egging you to cherish them in tive to drop off and leave you a legaev. l • <-r,al need In Che construction <-f the > WATCRE8. Cheapest In the kuowa and souJ together, and no encourage­ Kurts Bl4XC> iari >, 122 Clark street, Chi­ Mouumes.ta, and hair found tt to be pur# Wktla necessary to burn the last shred of w or Id. Sa tapis toatek and outfit ft** to Agsntt. Prayer very *iftly, so4^ not to dis ­ memory of U ms boauty they oner pos­ ment in the future. If you have money enough to stock cago, has ju»t puhiitdicd a Map of the North­ Arouse, which Will with#!aud live action of the rle- tig* cWilling worn when leaving it. ir.euu. aud Is exceadmgl) well adapted to the c.»n- For terms addreea Cot’LTua A Co..Chicigo turb the angel visitants. As he ggpO t sessed. It may not be very long ere tye farm you intend buying aud can western btates, size 3Mx.*>0 I cues. It shows rtrurtion of monument, statuary snd a other work. S3 Hstdfx manages the tramp ques­ older the Sunday child Is oonstSifly I or the same cause, Hk * nails must l»e the iieasant. with tourist-sharpened ulake a fair payment dawn, and have a Counties, Towns and Railroads as plain as an or ornauien'sl. exposed to atiauspherle In- rl.hlng nut-d(eer» would do well to accure tlie agency wM tne (Jurahtlltjr of marMe. wr ti.lnk th< < • H HOT8FMu OKD. Kb. WOOUJOOA A iau Main atre t St. L* ala. Mo. cause if evil thoughts are habitually and some men to shave off their us his nitlk and egim and tha views blacksmiths’ and shoemakers’ hills, of it, by addressiug Mr. Blanchard. Monuments Inflmtely .'ipert *r. a. tney will not dt.ln- to public work for not more than six tegrate or crumble to piece* like .tone d to.ll Owed Sw pri m Mas. allowed he will Ik * sure to forgrt ajfd .boards l but these were cases w here from his glorious mountains. For a and debts of this class, you must be­ FALlLANAlt 4 RKI4B, Onto. >■! 0. O. D. u<*kr*. Hair 'vyilM smjfw or sin had i>eyn felt months nor less than one month, or to Rhenasatlam Quickly Cure©. Aeaayere of MeUla fbr the Bute of California. dre^tog OwatM^Ma SS ato, Wigs mold let them intrudf ii|M>n thesai ! * set price lie will present ns a liouqnef ware of. Raise your own provisions; te arS.r and warrentto. of dm!<\ r 1 w work in a county jail. This is the D ukano ’s Riixi ’matic Rrmsht , the gr<*at and the holy ankcls and saints wilfiler of myths, and they shall be more high­ that is what a farm is for. There are AGENTS WANTED pied Counties. K. miRNHAM, affrighted and Shamed, never to re­ punishment that the p-ofessicmaltmmp Jntrmttl MrtHeitte, will piqml Jhau the uuaint faucies we men in this neighlxirhixxj who profess case of RlieumathMn on the face of the earth, Ktkhl 9 tO, 190 Woodward Are., DetrulL HAIR dreads more thau any other. It is to turn to him again. It is mournful to one farm to another it is essential to to be fanners, who yearly buy their no matt r of bow long standing. Price #1 a Send Ibr Ihuetrated and other rlrculara. ADE||T# i of (irr salary per month and expenses • gfwtnd, os the w\ix mse is socaj»e work that he tramps.—Detroit EteR ■ to j or ffflO rommtaaion aelllng oer new remember that In these days very few fortify them against home-sickntss and i>i iglitcr 1 ban th** ■!: i*■* 1 r< *»i*i. but l**ef, pork, wheat, fruit, etc., of their bottle: six bottles, 95. skdd by all drugtdsta. T* Magic e*lf-Cwpy lag Ink, Book and Com Fr*e Prrn* % 8end for circular to II si.ru BM3TI v ■ «k Bear- IOI( R pound ; no prrua need'vf; send atamr for Sunday childrnh of even the devijnt the evil eye. For this it is better are thO Mritts W the real rose neighbors, simply because they are too elm,ur K stmiai Maarrarrusig®<•.. Chteag.*. lit. Druggist*, Wa.-hiug v>n, D. C. PENSIONS ARE DUE the ) Tyrolean )K*iiH4ntsy hov* keyM. (lien he<*Ss;\ry^a|iorlt^ hffoiv* rfe cOntem- than the scentless glcries of ita gaudy It is now ’ ascertained that charcoal, careless to look after these Important WiMIHI and CI41LDRW<| of Deceased Boi- For particular* ,d |ie-« Milo B.Stsvi vv* A Co., happy hirthriglif, though if iswdieved pfatefi ciianfe, t* hihdr from the farm copy.—/ff/te C. Qal*, in LippiwMV » animal or vegetahWv is a tatter agent details of farm economy. —Cor. Cotm- “Mr Pkar ,” s*ld Mr. 8 ——, to h>* bloom­ bo. • Abstract Buiidldfc Detroit. Mick. Advice free. that in by gone! centuries, Iwfore tlie to which they are going a freshly-cut M'lt/oiine. than lime, for the removal of hair try Uenthman . ing helpmeet, “ 1 must congratulate you on world hadgrowh so wickeastiires, and a few’ “ BRW’AHitof pickpockets* ” repeated ties of oxygen from the atmospheric The general impression prevails that the angels they *bad know n so long at use no other." Tbu Ijeffrot and naty relish'd man*/ the SEAT OF drops Af ♦divmlufed from the ft# trees. a benevolent old gentleman, as he air, and the oxygen in this form seems a broken-legged horse is of no use to last came to lead them away to Para­ MAH puMt.hed. Agenta w.nt'-d every where. Vcw This delectable comi*»und is noining- glanced at a plo-ard posted in the cor to exert a chemical influence on the anyone except tlie proprietor of a wa*s Bronchial Troche*. ’* la the time t# make m»ery with our goods All klara, ae rail at the Company*. >dSR(•flier tn i .-tar red prophets, whose decoiated with a wreathw of lowerslx ! there may be pickpockets iu this very in question, finely-powdered charcoal city. About twelve weeks ago Nellie, ItopMa, Iowa, or 9i * r . A t fn|J In visions ami j foretellings would and leaves, that they may kaeforkaefar that is mixed with sufficient water to make Hathora, Mother*, Mother*. MMwleVe florae-Power Rttahlltbi fnrmstmn. It R. Tlekota free to faaJ_ parr hosera, car. I know all ahmit that, sir. I’ve a seven-year-old black Pathfinder ------te-tncli,------IRinchire-h and *la(**tneh Ct Uedera, and *, k'Sf from CMe*# ) aad return J llC*i.nor» Laadt ogi’r. Dna't hul to procure Maa. Win slow * Koots- be of vast uoe to us if only we the change is to be a happy ole; for been rescued from the lowest depths. a thin paste, and the hides are im­ mare, owned by Mr. Griffith G. orS At Herne Towers to match were wise snoHttk -to in ter pert U mmb in tha Tyrol it li untlrratood that the mersed for four or five days, and well mn fix are for all rtiwws of teething in ahll- A Mn* rn A.s •tv wtvrsDN oer I was s pickpocket once, sir.” Williams, had her right hind leg broken dron. It relseves tbe child from pain, earn wind ur lmpro>t tple fiear,” and Improved *rVr $200 Tbres great SR Beaks- The aright. He who ill-treats s madman domestic animals have affections and “ l>ear me,” said the old gentleman, turned. Treated in this manner, no by the kick ofanothtr of Mr. Williams’ ooiio, regulates the bnwela, and, by giving relief pe#d“< WewdberyWo style*, both kind* moan ted eefowv rbeeU. and special Atens tuodr far a, K 10 or IS boraaa. Stsry gf CHARLEY RQ88 will be carried off by the Serpent King joys and sorrows and ho|ies and fears, staring. other operation U required, as in the horses. The accident (»ccurred in the aad health te tha child, gives raet to tha mother* V> live with him tmneath the roots of just the same ss we have, only that lime process, and after being washed terse Fewer Uatlist nar ss4 a fnll account of thl. t.regt My *1 err, artttelinyblii “Pm a respectable person now. early morning, and when discovered Rsahkr , reenood at once to the graeroua ▼ate* Vlbrstof^ hrearatorv, made eipewdy for F-ther Heat* IdohlgRaa ceuao# fn tbrinag tatere-t. ta» wUfojyawi they c*pn"tl#ri/rif|n flo no, soye, i with water, they are ready for tan ­ Mownmm_ Power, with tt Inch cylinder aad ALIdch hep- The 1 Huatrated WaadAwt la Ad /teihye-*. a Com­ , sayr# 1|e Yea, sir. I'm v«jg respectable. Ask the leg WHa found broken half way l*e- offui of Kendall A C n 8eo adv. deed. on the CnflsrTiipMM’ EVg •rater. or*s-lach Cviimi^r and 4* Inch Aeperatiog and plete Accouat of .11 Dcnoin1nst1en« and freed*. ff- The cnn*i l»e. mereljfi HriioJkhlUtrth of hsstpw i rig Horaaww’s HcW Pill* for fever and Agmn ly tmdnw tell d “i>t»»ti•rw* a'sn. oer mat* h- Fail read*. IfiffTlfodV The^ liaoka sell at eight Mai# to thrmna of **}>£**»* if I you that; but I was with the nsrsMary quantity of water, ■ Aieese n «» owa maim. brought up a The lower part dangled hxwely, show- They care at oaoe aad are a preventive. beyond rivalryTkreghrr la ffowwr. Iti ThimbU'ty, Itevy Firing. sad Female Agenta rrdn money on them. P*rtler ’a»a a name uyion the new little InabitAiit have not sfflrfetfliAW tlm right tyriieat » (ftief. I WM born oaottf are said to be sufficient, and tha tem­ rsstH free. CoM— by wall IP sock Jao Ll'otm* 0o..Pmi*. thieves and |ng that the fracture of the tane was Heenty «»f l*e*l«n Perfcd Wi.rhmen.hln, Meytant K,a- of the world, but here, perhaps, more them. r ?£J1 ST *tfT* 10 naturally, and I noed perature to be maintained is sixty-one lah. complete la every detail and la all respects a it Mixed Cards, a 1th___ tame.mw K)0 ---eta.------Samples- — foe k complete. Nellie was a favorite, not compeeloa foe our oe.ehrasod ntenet wpardsar. than in any other country save Ireland, To cure a sick animal rwlth ibe pick pockets when I was ten years or seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Animal only with Mr. Williams and hit fam­ cent stamp. JJ. MTNKLER A4 CO.CO.. NaorouNawuu N r or vegetable charcoal has, of course, Oer “▼IkreVet^* W eye return “afone." made M is esteemed a ceremony oi soul-saving ing clause, “If the tick news tie not : old. You needn't look at yours. If ily, but with tail the ladies and children eapreedy for kmm Power. Mid t«> inasrh to say and LOVELY BIRD CARDS, with name. || efficacy. Until this has been per­ mortal*'), it is only necessary to cut! yoo please, sir. I’ve been converted no deleterious property.—1/. Y, Sun. all other make of Engines, a>ao,iw-cfecflr adapted to eta C VANX Rn 1 ' - t hatham. N V in the neighborhood. ami her owner go with any and all other itskesf II urea rawer a Poer BS Canto, M) tteto, with #♦»*. tfrr. a Royal , i formed many are the devices ami nd Ism over the turf on which it lies, since, and go to meetiqi regular. You at spar angina from tt tn a* lech length of C.jr Under, ©on id not part with her without a and » teas inrhea width of Reperwtlng parte. new dlyla, 9T . J r. fronton Nerth Omiham.H.T stant is the vigilance of its friends to A belief in bo#*** is universal. They could trust me with untold gdld flow, Thb Russians captured eight Turks M struggle. He consulted with one vet ­ Tbe Werld-Wldr Ike petal ten of our march, Ex. flee Mired Card*, with name, (leia.-. 8 fbt preserve the unconscious innocent from are always running about in the light ” But as I said, I was a tnief. and Tiber I brail, who were armed with erinary surgeon, and was told that tt Mfc « » ** t“- •*-- *" 14 "» leaa *■ Vibrator" Thre 4>era for rapid thr*-*Mue per Pet Mate Taavaa A t o . North < hntkam. N T. the ev American rifles firing thirty-fix stats fwr hr—| krnwm been troubled wh* terrofnle. saving, admirable e eonlmr, an vraotage. rlraoll. might hays p oneom yet if it harln ’t was useless to attempt to save the slid Liver t «*mplaint O r thrse rrmn v at»- economy tnn rrpolrn,re poire dnrah'.ldirnkll tr.‘ ease of manmren ^nt /’•J IDfr. OR 1ta« mired. I tints, wtthaame. IB cents. chr M a ftdii■MWi il on< fttekody Ht** Wi'howt reloading. Usaidea the cart­ and a general•ml roper I -rtty in vnrtoea other rrspeeu. * Vtotesplesl-aS stamp. A. Ht^it A Co, Fly month,lad. mare, and It should ta killed. Mr. now fnl!y (.tWmJiel and gen wall y rocognlred. from eimosiry ; ocronni m. where f was sitting waiting ridges In his gun each man carried ixo Williams hesitated, hut finally con ­ Fafrry Card* all rtrln with same. Met* rixESXt'jct.- HI Tbe Acknowledgedged If rad end Pr.al of evil spirits, bad deeds and death, must paid J. B. Il l gTfc.l>. V nlng some wrong doing. To such the for any old lady's reticule, or any for­ more ia his cartridge*box. The KnxJ sulted another veterinary surgeon, <>■rate ■Thi ifnsberv and eaten ally superior ifpas no M nev* 4|priPQ|ltnne 4 be/»> bogie* appear wv-aop^o their long getful person's parcel, or even an um­ si aos ore considerably stir prised tb dis ­ who, after examining the fracture, ex­ damn •FWffkor u WMte fpr^Fl*s, lltnet^y, aad hba • a go d. nr Aecda. MO atoms «*y 12 GLASS CAROS., Mas or TLX l ab t jZ in*dvecV*ace asr -jntem vr^i ftripM hair, which looks Ilka human dothe«. brella or a pocket handkerchief that cover t Uai. thanks to the Unitad States, pressed the belief that the limb could ttata • to h aek. by return mall. sere, f .r iff cent a aad have been r.airwn, the sign Of the cross WOE TIMS •# OOLO Op AUM*OOl*T«. »Mr rtamo. JShko Hear ta the w«rt«, at at y anro. To men they come In the of 1 taighk Us dropatd by clan* For they must fightthirty-eU Turk*, where be set and the mare saved. This Tha Gan triad ’Vibrator'’ Throaber* Owa toys “Ykaowof more ibaa flfRra a. «e e get should he instantly made over the little girls; to womeo they pm- folk* that’s anxious about getting on they expected to encounter but one. pleased Mr. Williams very ranch, and cagdA. and Hka /oo*a Vfft." A ji lirolt gw. CAfywffifri AOl MAOB OFLT IT BUOTHLIO1, 914 Waakt kppcaxaor’ie sfoft handsome , the rightl .'ht trains at tie right time, and he gave directions to spare no pains or 1. l*o batu always desjraJ|*4^i Ac h |ouug TI’i IBn 1 nono nobodynobody to to do do anythinganything hutWH «uuq MIOHOLSp IHCPAUD * CO. —TheMassaab Uurehea expense to accomplish the desired re­ A H. I. fr *. ai*-c X Imy, as it is flmliiiiniiAd iAe will 1*4 to h rrfwri u» {tape a bill allowing sult Nellie wss in splendid condition, Battle Creak, Mtoh. manned isnfm fifeTana MlM, tt tin 9k 3TiThe>: i enti srs oions to seboril-ma’inns after rw enty arid Dr. Taylor belle red that the bones "daemr Mtfiriik ru ^ »rumrim m pSamaa mmy pro sew Clba Adwr.lw ft ir her dowey. creature who has their portable property as they many years’ service. of a horse In good health should knit Oralnra,jnwsrasasffBBttiffMs: fea^H ss spfnssttstL