Passing of the Baton Stein Fjell Contacts Juletrefest

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Passing of the Baton Stein Fjell Contacts Juletrefest PASSING OF THE BATON JULETREFEST (CHRISTMAS TREE PARTY) Kathy Browne, President-Elect Sunday, December 8, 2 p.m., Loveland We are installing new and returning officers at the Come to Stein Fjell's Juletrefest and enjoy food, Jule- December meeting. It is important to have some continui- nisse, singing around the tree, the Christmas Story in Eng- ty in leadership roles, but it is equally critical to change lish and Norwegian, and more. It also is your last chance some of the key positions each year. Fresh perspectives this year to buy Christmas gifts at butikken. The Juletrefest and different styles provide vitality, which is important to will be held at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 2919 Wilson the survival of our lodge. This is true even when the out- Avenue, Loveland. going people have done an extraordinary job. Think of it Please call Barbara Nolin at 970.667.7641 by as a relay race where one runner is able to hand the baton December 2nd to let her know the number of on to the next runner, allowing the team to maintain its children you will be bringing, so Julenisse forward momentum for a longer time. The lodge is in can provide for them. Bring your children, need of a new editor for Posten. We could lose this critical your grandchildren, and/or your neighbor's communication link if no one steps in to accept the baton. children. Along with this annual changing of the guard is the For the potluck dinner, if your last name begins with need to confirm what lodge members are thinking. To A - M – please bring a main dish and salad, and if it is help in planning for 2014, a Planning Survey was handed N - Z – please bring a main dish and dessert. out at the November meeting. Additional copies will be We look forward to celebrating with you! available at the December meeting and Juletrefest. You will find a copy of this survey in this issue of Posten, as well. Take time to answer the three questions and return your survey to me, Kathy Browne, before December 10th. You can hand it to me at the December meeting or Juletrefest, email it to me, or send it by regular mail. A special thank you to all who have already responded! Each survey is being read and considered. Discussions have already begun on how to honor all that we value while having more fun and less work. Watch for an- nouncements in the next Posten. t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t STEIN FJELL CONTACTS [email protected] – Roxanne Storlie – 970.412.5713 [email protected] – Rod Skaflen – 970.484.5459 [email protected] – JoAnn Kison – 970.581.2348 [email protected] – Marianne, Bill Nesse – 970.330.7183 2 DESEMBER KALENDER MEETING REMINDERS FROM RAS *Official Norwegian Flag-Flying Day Rasmus Erdal, Stein Fjell Host Coordinator +Norwegian Public Holiday Our December 5th Refreshment Hosts are Jane and 2: Deadline, Camp Skogfjorden Registration with 2013 Alan Strand (chairs), Claire Grinager, Roxanne Storlie, and tuition price (November 2013 Posten, Susan and Gary Zook. This meeting includes the installa- tion of our new officers for 2014. 5: Lodge Meeting, 7 p.m., Installation of Officers, Pay For Vær så god . and Pick Up Ordered Christmas Lefse Looking forward to 2014! . the Refreshment Hosts Trafalgar Square Tree Lighting, London (tree from Oslo) for the January 9th meeting are Marian and Ras Erdal (chairs), Carol and John Baldo, Kristi Quinlan, Jane 7: Fjellheim Christmas Tea, 2 p.m., (p. 5) Yestness, and Nissa Yestness. Fjelldalen Lutefisk and Lefse Dinner (Nov. <13 Posten) Tusen takk for hjelpen. 7-8: Loveland Lights, Sat. 9 - 6 p.m. and Sun. 1 - 5 p.m. (p. 4) KULTURHJØRNET (CULTURE CORNER) 8: Juletrefest (Christmas Tree Party), 2 p.m. (p. 1) Nancy L. Dunn, Cultural Director Vestafjell Meeting, Jul Celebration, 2 p.m. (p. 5) Due to the installation of officers’ ceremony, we will 13: Luciadagen (Saint Lucia’s Day) have a short cultural program – the second part of the DVD on Viking Ships, including the history of the Vikings’ 14: Vesterheim Jul Party, Potluck, 4 - 7 p.m. (p. 5) travels from Scandinavia southward into the 15: Posten Submission Deadline NOTE EARLIER DATE! regions of northern Fjelldalen White Fence Farm Lunch (p. 5) Europe. The program explains how the seafaring 21: Trollheim Jul Fest, 12 - 2 p.m. (p. 5) Vikings were able to travel Vintersolverv (Winter Solstice), shortest day far and wide during the 8th Tomasnatten (p. 4) and 9th centuries because Exhumed Viking ship, Viking of their highly evolved Ship Museum, Oslo, Norway. 22: Fjellheim Julebord (p. 5) ship-building skills and Credit: age fotostock/Super- navigation techniques. Stock, Ency. Britannica 24: Julaften (Christmas Eve) SAVE THE DATE – JANUAR 2014 25*+: Første Juledag (Christmas Day) God Jul! 26+: Andre Juledag (Second Christmas Day), St. Stephen’s 1: Registration Begins, Camp Trollfjell – Day, Boxing Day 3: Application Deadline, Colo. Ski for Light – 9: Lodge Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Memorial Service – PLEASE 31: Nyttårsaften (New Year’s Eve) NOTE DATE AND TIME! Deadline, Stein Fjell Scholarships (p. 3) 11: Zone 8 Leadership Meeting, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., th Trollheim New Year’s Eve Party, 6 - 10 p.m. (p. 5) Trollheim Lodge, 6610 W. 14 Avenue, Lakewood. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. GRATULERER MED DAGEN! 12: Norwegian Language Class, 2 - 4:30 p.m., Trollheim Charles Knutson – 303.860.9025 / 303.726.6470c HAPPY BIRTHDAY 16: Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Kathy Browne’s home 18: Stein Fjell’s 38th Anniversary Potluck, 11:30 a.m. - 2 Makenzie Kvasager 16 Rus Knutson 2:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Ch., 815 E. 16th St., Loveland 11 Rick Bilstad 19 Ras Erdal 31 - Februar 2: Colorado Regional Ski for Light, Snow 11 Inger Froyland 24 Tami Bothwell Mountain Ranch, Granby – Contact Brenda 11 Paul Fuglestad 28 Bill Nesse Bertrand, 303.789.8342, [email protected] 13 Nancy Dunn 31 Blaine Johnson J ? J ? J ? J ? J ? J ? 14 Stephanie Sikes 31 Paula Sutton 15 Jane Strand Names, Phone Numbers, and Addresses must not be redistributed, or used for commercial purposes. 3 DITT OG DATT (THIS ‘N’ THAT) SOLSKINN (SUNSHINE) Marian Erdal i It's time for Christmas baking! Get your Solo Almond Paste for those delicious almond bars from Marian We all wish Joann Harris a speedy Erdal (970.225.9035). At $4.50/can, the price is much recovery from her knee surgery. As this is lower than at the supermarket. She’ll have them for written, she is recuperating at the Life you at the December 5th meeting. Care Center in Greeley. She would love a i Congratulations to all of our newly-elected officers! card from you, sent to her home. One change was made prior to voting – Jane Robbins is our new auditor. REGARDING CULTURAL SKILLS i Annette Freeland, 22-year Stein Ras Erdal, Cultural Skills Director Fjell member, was honored as the Female Volunteer of the The next meeting of the Hardanger embroidery group Year for the J.C. Montgomery VA will be on Friday, December 13, from 1 - 3 p.m. at the Medical Center, Muskogee OK. Erdal home. If there is anyone new that wants to begin Annette volunteers at the learning Hardanger or join the group, Muskogee main information please contact Midge Parkos desk five days a week, helping (970.356.7489) or me (970.225.9035). Annette, May 2012 veterans and family members. Please call reasonably well in advance i Don’t forget – Stein Fjell Member and Community to join us. After all . seating, lighting, st Scholarship applications are due December 31 . Send and refreshments are involved. applications ( to Keith Robbins. i Barneløpet will be held Februar 22 at Snow Mountain TUSEN TAKK . Ranch. See the attached or inserted flyer. Marianne Workman-Nesse and Bill Nesse, Editors i Mike Erickson says “Hi!” to everyone. He’s leaving in January to live in Deep River, Ontario, Canada and . to everyone who provided information, pictures, work at Atomic Energy Canada Limited. and articles for Posten during this past year. You are i CORRECTION – Patty and Mike Breien are living at appreciated! 5748 Donegal Drive in Shoreview MN. (Chalk it up to . for making our 2014 Membership Directory as Moving Mind Muddle – not quite the same as a accurate as possible. If you have a change in address, Vulcan Mind Meld . wish we’d had one!) phone number(s), and/or email, please let us know ASAP. i Possibility of a chaperoned train, Denver to Coalfax Directories will be available at the January lodge meeting. CA for Camp Trollfjell – contact Executive Camp Di- . for the support and encouragement we have rector Erik Peters, Vesterheim ([email protected]) received during our time as Posten editors FROM PATTY AND MIKE BREIEN . – this is our last issue. We have been happy Thanks so much for the heart-warming card from to be of service to friends at Stein Fjell Lodge. It was a nice surprise to find a Stein Fjell Lodge during piece of real communication in the mailbox, and so this enjoyable (OK, OK, welcome! We think we've found a SofN lodge in St. Paul sometimes challeng- where we can feel at home. It'll never be the same as the ing) and creative one we left, but a new opportunity, and life is all about experience. It’s change. surprising what can We're discovering the fringe benefits of living in the happen when you say, suburbs of the Twin Cities.
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