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Contents ECMI 2014 28 Mini-Symposium on Spacetime Models of Gravity in Geolocation and Acoustics, Jos´eMar´ıaGambi, Michael M. Tung and Manuel Carretero . 30 Imaging and inverse problems, A. Carpio, M.L. Rap´un. 32 Minisymposium Computational Finance, Matthias Ehrhardt, J¨org Kienitz and Jan ter Maten . 36 Mathematical Modelling in Energy Markets, Michael Coulon and Matthias Ehrhardt . 38 Industrial Particle and Interface Dynamics, Dr. Tuoi Vo T.N. 40 Methods for Advanced Multi-Objective Optimization for eDFY of complex Nano-scale Circuits, Salvatore Rinaudo and Giuliana Gangemi . 41 Robust Variable-Structure Approaches for Control and Estimation of Uncertain Dynamic Processes, Andreas Rauh and Luise Senkel . 48 Online Industrial Mathematics, Matti Heilio, Poul Hjorth, Seppo Pohjolainen, Elena V´azquez Cend´on,Leonid Kalachev, Sergei Zuyev . 55 Simulation and Optimization of water and gas networks, Prof. Dr. Gerd Steinebach, Prof. Dr. Oliver Kolb and Prof. Dr. Jens Lang . 56 Mathematical methods in medical imaging, Ad´eritoAra´ujoand S´ılviaBarbeiro . 58 Mathematical Modelling of Drug Delivery, Dr. Sean McGinty and Professor Sean McKee . 60 European Study Groups with Industry, Hilary Ockendon . 63 2 Young Researchers' Minisymposium: High Performance Computa- tional Finance, Binghuan Lin, Alvaro´ Leitao Rodr´ıguez,Jos´e Pedro Silva and Jinzhe Yang . 64 Non-hydrostatic wave propagation with depth averaged equations: models and methods, A.I. Delis and M. Ricchiuto . 65 Minisymposium: Tailored-Mathematics for the Technical Textile Industry, Nicole Marheineke . 67 EU-MATHS-IN: A European Network of Mathematics for Indus- try and Innovation, Peregrina Quintela Estevez and Antonino Sgalambro . 69 Simulation and Optimization of Solar Tower Power Plants, Martin Frank and Pascal Richter .
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