Directory of Radio Stations in the U.S. Huntington Huntsville

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Directory of Radio Stations in the U.S. Huntington Huntsville Directory of Radio Stations in the U.S. prom mgr; Joe Ladd, mus dir; Chuck Wolf, news dir; (77006). (713) 526 -4000. Pacifica Foundation Inc. Bldg., 3801 Cullen Blvd. (77004). (713) 749 -7186. FAX: Andy Hudack, chief engr. Group owner: Pacifica Foundation Inc. dba Pacifica (713) 748 -1212. Univ. of Houston. Net: NPR, APR. Radio. Format: Div. News staff one; news progmg 5 hrs Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Class. KILT(AM) -1948: 610 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -2. TL: N29 55 wkly. Spec prog: Black 15 hrs, Fr one hr, Ger 2 hrs, News staff 3; news progmg 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: 04 W95 25 33. 500 Lovett Blvd. (77006). (713) 526- jazz 6 hrs, Sp 7 hrs, Hindi 3 hrs, Vietnamese one hr, 25 plus. John Gladney Proffitt, gen mgr; Howard 3461. Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. (group owner; Farsi one hr, Erdu 2 hrs, Irish one hr, Jewish one hr, Comelsen, opns dir; Karen Westley, mktg dir & adv 12 -89). Net: Rep: Format: acq AP. Group W. Country. Arabic one hr wkly. Mary Helen Merzbacher, gen mgr; Robert Stevenson, progmg dir; Bruce Dortin, news Rosenfeld, Dickie pres & gen mgr; Bob Presley, gen mgr; Diane Linn, prom mgr; Garland Ganter, progmg dir; David Knodel, chief engr. sls mgr; Rick Candea, progmg dir; Debbie Murray, mus dir; Ralph Perna, mus dir; Duane Burlison, chief engr. dir; Jim Carola, news dir; Dan Woodard, chief engr. KXYZ(AM) -Aug 8,1930:1320 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: KPRC(AM) -May 9,1925: 950 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. TL: N29 42 37 W95 10 29. Box 87190 (77287). (713) 472- KILT -FM-1961: 100.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,920 ft. TL: N29 48 14 W95 16 42. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2222 (77252); 2500. 13 Radio Corp. Group owner: Infinity Broadcast- N29 34 34 W95 30 36. Stereo. Dups AM 5 AM -10 PM. 8181 Southwest Freeway (77074). (713) 771 -4631. ing (acq 4- 21 -83; million; FTR 5- 16 -83). Rep: Format: Country. Corp. $1.5 WESH -TV Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: H & C Com- Caballero. Format: Contemp Sp, talk. Mel Karmazin, KJZS(FM) -See Conroe. munications Inc. (acq 9- 16 -86). Net: CBS, NBC Talknet, pres; Hugo Cadelago, stn mgr; J.D. French, gen sls Texas Net. Rep: Eastman. Format: News /talk. News mgr; Alex Caballero, progmg dir; Rolando Becerra, 16,1944: 790 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: KKBQ(AM) -Oct staff 13; news progmg 23 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. news dir; George Shank, chief engr. N29 54 54 W95 27 42. Suite 2022,11 Greenway Stereo. Spec prog: Gardening 7 hrs, home handyman 6 hrs, Plaza (77046). (713) 961 -0093. Gannett Broadcasting automotive 3 hrs. Harry Shultz, pres & gen mgr; Don KYOK(AM) -1955: 1590 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N29 (group owner; acq 12 -3 -84; grpsl; FTR 12- 10 -84). Rep: Armstrong, opns mgr; Mike Trader, gen sls mgr; Phil 50 38 W95 26 51. Suite 1590, 24 Greenway (77046). McGavren Guild. Format: CHR. Al Law, gen mgr; Stewart, nati sls mgr; Sarah St. John, prom dir; Doug (713) 621 -1590. Noble Broadcasting. Group owner: Roy Laughlin, gen sls mgr; Joe Pogge, prom mgr; Ross, news dir; David Ainslie, chief engr. KPRC -TV affil. Noble Broadcast Group. Net: ABC /C, SMN. Rep: Katz. Randy Brown, progmg dir; John Cook, mus dir; Jackie Format: Motown oldies and more. Jeff Steele, gen Robbins, news dir; Dave Hammer, chief engr. KQUE(FM)- Listing follows KNUZ(AM). mgr; Ross Holland, progmg dir; Darryl Nicquinn, chief engr. KKBO -FM -See Pasadena. KRBE(AM) -Jan 17,1968:1070 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw-N, DA -2. Stereo. 9801 Westheimer, No. 700 (77042). KLAT(AM) 31, 1961: 1010 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. KZFX(FM) -See Lake Jackson. -July (713) 266 -1000. Susghehanna Radio Corp. (group TL: N29 53 47 W95 17 25. Stereo. Suite 400, 1415 N. owner; acq 11 -86; $25 million with co- located FM; FTR Loop W. (77008). (713) 868 -4344. TWX: 510-601-9011. 10- 6 -86). Rep: Durpetti. Format: Heavy metal. Arthur Howe Tichenor Media System Inc. (group owner). Net: AP. Carlson, pres; Nancy Vaeth, vp & gen mgr; Jim Sar- Rep: Katz Hispanic. Format: Sp. Target aud: 25-54. KHYI(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 95.3 mhz; torius, opns mgr; Ellen Cavanaugh, gen sls mgr; Carol Mac Tichenor, pres; Gary Stone, gen mgr; Dan Blan- 6 kw. Ant 328 ft. TL: N33 21 29 W96 36 03. Maple Maher, prom mgr; Dave Mendez, progmg dir; Cheryl chard, gen sls mgr; Gloria Regil, prom mgr; Miguel Communications L.P. Broz, mus dir; Gene Elston, news dir; John Shadle, chief Delgado, progmg dir; Mariano Garcia, news dir; Don engr. Freestone, chief engr. Hudson KRBE -FM-Nov 8, 1959: 104.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,920 KLDE(FM) -Nov 1,1964: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 2,000 ft. TL: N29 34 34 W95 30 36. Prog KWXL(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 1100 ft. TL: N29 W95 30 36. Stereo. sep from 34 34 Stereo. 5353 W. Alabama khz. 408 Jane Way, Lufkin (75901). Radio Hudson Inc. (77056). (713) 622-5533. Entertainment Communica- AM. Format: CHR /Top -40. Adam Cook, progmg dir. tions Inc. (group owner; acq 6- 5 -69). Net: Unistar. Rep: KRTS(FM) -See Seabrook. Durpetti. Format: Oldies. News staff 2; news progmg 2 Humble hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; baby boomers. S ec prog: KTEK(AM) -See Alvin. KGOL(AM) -July 18, 1984: 1180 khz; 50 kw-D, 1 kw -N, Talk 2 hrs, relg one hr, pub affrs one hr wkly. Joseph KTRH(AM) -March 29,1930: 740 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. DA -3. TL: N30 08 21 W9517 24. Stereo. Suite 525, 525 Field, pres; Steve Shepard, gen mgr; David Trusty, gen TL: N29 57 57 W94 56 32. Box 1520 (77251); 510 Lovett N. Sam Houston Pkwy E., Houston (77060). (713) 999- sls mgr; Jay Isbell, prom mgr; R.C. Rogers, progmg dir; Blvd. (77006). (713) 526 -5874; (713) 630 -3622. FAX: 1180 (800) 438 -6311. FAX: (713) 999 -0730. Satellite Sheree Bernardi, news dir; Rick Jones, chief engr. (713) 630 -3614. Rusk Corp. (group owner; acq 11 -30- Radio Network (group owner; acq 5- 15 -87). Format: KLOL(FM)- Listing follows KTRH(AM). 65; with co- located FM). Net: ABC /I, MBS. Rep: CBS. Relg. News progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Wash atty: Dow & Lohnes. Format: News, sports. Tar- Spec prog: Sp 9 hrs wkly. Michael Glinter, pres; Ron KLTR(FM) 1,1964: 93.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,779 -Jan get aud: 25-54. Jay Jones, pres; Joe Thompson, G. Smith, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Bert Salas, prom mgr, ft. TL: N29 34 27 W95 29 37. Stereo. Suite 693.7, 10333 CFO; Laura Morris, gen mgr; Pete Gardner, opns mgr progmg dir & mus dir; David Anthony, chief engr. Richmond Ave. (77042). (713) 780 -0937. CBS Inc. & progmg dir; Richard Fennema, gen sls mgr; Mark Group owner: CBS Broadcast Group (acq 8 -1 -85; grpsl; Masepohl, nati sls mgr; Nancy Jones, rgnl sls mgr; *KSBJ(FM) -July 6, 1982: 89.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 840 FTR 6- 10 -85). Net: CBS Spectrum. Rep: CBS Radio. Susan Coffman, mktg dir; Pam Kehoe, prom mgr; Joe ft. TL: N30 12 26 W95 05 28. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Jazz /new age 6 Izbrand, news dir; Christi Woods, pub affrs dir; Errol 187 (77347); 327 Wilson Rd. (77338). (713) 446 -5725. hrs wkly. Tom Haymond, vp & gen mgr; Lynda John- Coker, chief engr. FAX: (713) 540 -2198. KSBJ Educational Foundation. son, gen sls mgr; Ed Scarborough, progmg dir; Steve Net: AP. Format: Contemp Christian. News staff 2; news Matt, mus dir; Betsy Ballard, news dir; Dave Maytis, KLOL(FM) -Co -owned with KTRH(AM). 1947: 101.1 progm 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -34; young Christian chief engr mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,920 ft. TL: N29 34 34 W95 30 36. adults.Burt Perrault, CEO & opns dir; Johnny Franks, Stereo. Prog sep from AM. (713) 526-6855. Format: KLVL(AM) -See Pasadena. pres; Buddy Holiday, gen mgr; Kent McDonald, dev dir AOR. News staff 2. Target aud: 18 -34 (primary), 25 -54 & prom dir; Jan Collins, mktg dir; Tom Carter, progmg KMJQ(FM)-Feb 1, 1964: 102.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant (secondary). Pat Fant, vp & gen mgr; Muriel Funches, dir; Mike Wilson, mus dir; Roger Greer, news dir. 1,720 ft. TL: N29 34 27 W95 29 37. (CP: 3.2 kw. Ant gen sls mgr; Alan Ecklund, nati sls mgr; Cathy White, 321 ft.). Stereo. 24 Greenway Plaza (77046). (713) rgnl sls mgr; Doug Harris, mktg dir & prom mgr; Sig Huntington 623 -0102. Noble Broadcast Group (group owner). Rep: Izbrand, adv dir; Ted Edwards, progmg dir; Patti Martin, Christal. Format: Urban contemp. `John Lynch, CEO mus dir; Martha Martinez, news dir; Caroline Bargmann, KAQU(FM)- October 1990: 101.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328 & pres; Monty Lane, gen mgr; Ron Atkins, progmg dir pub affrs dir; John Alan, chief engr. ft. TL: N31 20 05 W94 38 13. (CP: 50 kw). Stereo. Hrs & mus dir; Regina Hall, news dir; Daryl McOuinn, chief KTRR(FM) -May 20,1971: 91.7 mhz; 650 w. Ant 165 opn: 24.218 Randall St., Pasadena (77506). Huntington engr. ft. TL: N29 42 55 W95 23 56. (CP: 50 kw. Ant 492 ft.). Broadcasting Corp. Format: Classic hits. E. Leon Phillips, pres.
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    REPORT NO. PN-2-210804-01 | PUBLISH DATE: 08/04/2021 Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media info. (202) 418-0500 ACTIONS File Number Purpose Service Call Sign Facility ID Station Type Channel/Freq. City, State Applicant or Licensee Status Date Status 0000128184 Renewal of AM KOJM 49262 Main 610.0 HAVRE, MT New Media Broadcasters, 08/02/2021 Granted License Inc. From: To: 0000141127 Renewal of AM KZNX 38906 Main 1530.0 CREEDMOOR, AMERICA 08/02/2021 Granted License TX TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. From: To: 0000143137 Assignment AM WSKW 46351 Main 1160.0 SKOWHEGAN, MOUNTAIN WIRELESS, 08/02/2021 Granted of ME INC. Authorization From: MOUNTAIN WIRELESS, INC. To: J. Hanson Company, Inc. 0000150469 Assignment LPD K35PC-D 184635 Main 35 ROCHESTER, DTV AMERICA 08/02/2021 Granted of MN CORPORATION Authorization From: DTV AMERICA CORPORATION To: ROSELAND BROADCASTING, INC. 0000139428 Renewal of FM KXLV 39889 Main 89.1 AMARILLO, TX EDUCATIONAL MEDIA 07/22/2021 Granted License FOUNDATION From: To: 0000154640 License To DTX WNYW 22206 Main 548.0 NEW YORK, NY FOX TELEVISION 08/02/2021 Granted Cover STATIONS, LLC From: To: Page 1 of 18 REPORT NO. PN-2-210804-01 | PUBLISH DATE: 08/04/2021 Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media info. (202) 418-0500 ACTIONS File Number Purpose Service Call Sign Facility ID Station Type Channel/Freq. City, State Applicant or Licensee Status Date Status 0000133305 Renewal of LPD KXKW- 33177 Main 512.0 LAFAYETTE, LA DELTA MEDIA 08/02/2021 Cancelled License LP CORPORATION From: To: 0000138077 Renewal of FM KDKR 14463 Main 91.3 DECATUR, TX PENFOLD 07/22/2021 Granted License COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
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