Alice Crabb. left, and ( Tat O’Hair checked over Liggett *}}cit‘S i/Jo Jem 1 liinelt the timetable at Michigan for Central Station yesterday Has Annual Page November 1943 THE OETROIT TIMES afternoon before boarding 10 the tram for Toronto, where they *Vill spend Thanksgiving with Pat's Program Mrs. Reginald Jones. iiayfair aunt, LIGGETT SCHOOL was to hold its traditional Thanksgiv- TAa> CJ^cupJLtuenn ing program this morning at 11 II o'clock. Miss Betty Roehm was - ¦ In¦ - - ¦ t- ¦ r~l • • r 1 f 7-r~- to read the President’* annual AN IMPOSING group of army, navy and ajr force officers Thanksgiving proclamation. ....from American. Canadian and British posts located in The students of the ninth will be on hand to welcome the officers grade el#>s were to present Detroit and Windsor "Bird Cage Maker" with the fol- posts, .-.and to meet other officers .. .at of their respective lowing girls in the cast: m- w the United Nations officers’ dance tomorrow night .. Joyce Steinbach. Julie Mar- The Spanish Room of the Fort Shelhv Hotel, which is to shall. Joyce Crawford, Phyllis Fraser, be the setting for the first social affair sponsored by the club Barbara Reynolds. Doro- being gaily thy Remy, Audrey Castiglione, . own . clubrooms is since it gave up its Elaine Cotruro, Patricia Sillo- . decorated with bunting and flags of the Allied nations. . . wav. Barbara Blossom, Phyllis There will be no formal receiving line.... Sehlitters, Bert me Whitney, Dolores Wilson. Barbara Law- Members of Reception Committee son. Betty Osborne, Caroline Smith. Nancy Roehm, Isabelle THE RECEPTION committor is composed of Lt. Comdr. fIErHMf W Baxter, Ann Laser. Cathryn Patrick Jackson of the Royal Navy. Squadron leader Denis Jackson. Ann Boeghold. Chris- p J-* y-

.. *?*..i Mrs. Forrest McMillan.... Mrs. Lionel M. Woolson Mar- of Sorrento .avenue, Miss Jeanne garet Bradford. .. Mary Blaney. who also is general chairman Mann of Tracey avenue and Patricia Perry of Crane ... Helen Robertson and I»is Bowman.... Mrs. Max llHhrruht avenue, students at. Hillside College, have been pledged by Mrs. John Charles Griffin was Miss - Gwendolyn Hostesses at Dance .. • IBk4kj«» / Assisting **&k .#i® tf&^'’the Sigma Mu chapter of Sigma ..^-•’fe'^^^.y^^jMff. v^ffSPß#^.s fi fIE -JET/» WfMW’HP/ ’^* MRS. DWIGHT D. EDWARDS is chairman of junior host- Alpha lota, national sorority. Fleming before her marriage Tuesd

esses . and Mrs. Thomas L. Joyce Jr. is chairman of senior

hostesses ...

Among assjsting hostesses are. .. .Nicole Garduit....

>-' ..* / Charlotte Wilt.... Joan Gamsau. .. .Patty Hi11.... Martha Mfcjjb *,is set &\S! ji/# f sOe; Jaf^tJBSSRIRi&

... MARGARINE HAVE Barbara 801t0n.... Ken- THE Nancy WOMEN Russell... .Shirley Hern.

nedy Mary Acker.... Rosemary Sanders. ... Betty raull ' x Rp * • Cv RSJ.;.'^ f MrgJm* %mt .5 JHjsf 4 ‘*Sßr*v ....Eileen Kunze. .. .Barbara Dahaney.... Kathleen Morrison Schulte..., .... Helen Jacobs... .and Loretta DREAMED OF HAS ATLAST COME TRUE! Among officers and their wives who will be presented are ....Col. Victor L. Colson Col. and Mrs. Italic Gordon Capt. and Mrs. R. Thornton Brodhead. .. .Capt. and Mrs. Jack- Gwendolyn son L. Flake Maj. and Mrs. Thomas De Mint Flying Officer and Mrs. E. M. Walker Lt. Mitchell. RCNVR. and Fleming War II Mrs. Mitchell Lt. and Mrs. Joseph E. Canning Lt. and World Mrs. Francis C. Cart Lt. and Mrs. N. B. Tompkins All commanding officers in this area have been asked to Married be patrons.... BLACK DIAMOND: HUGE VASES of white chrys- Family Thanksgiving Party anthemums and candelabra MRS. RALPH HARMAN BOOTH is giving a family bolding tall white tapers deco- Thanksgiving party and will have as her guests . . her (iaugh- rated Visitation Church yester- f&isS&i ter-in-law, Mrs. John I>nrd Booth and her grandchildren, day morning for the wedding of

Doreene. Winkie and Jackie. ... Miss Gwendolyn Fleming, daugh- Lt. Booth is stationed at Norfolk. Va ter of Mrs. Kathleen Bateson Fleming of Longfellow avenue, Grosse Pointe Games Party and John Charles Griffin, son MANY OF the same people spotted at the DACs pre- of Mrs. John Griffin of Mark avenue, the Mr. Thanksgiving games party Monday night.... turned out again Twain nnd late Yacht Club's games party. Griffin. V last night the Grosse Pointe The Rev. Fr. Raymond Flem- The hope of winning one of those enticing-looking gift ing. uncle of the bride, offici-

baskets .. and the jollyinformality of this type of party. ... ated. The bride is also the niece attracted hundreds of members who dined at the club and of the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. John DoyTCT played : The bridal gown was fash- There were numerous large parties.... ioned of brocaded ivory satin Among those who had reservations were ... Commodore with a long fitted bodice having and Mrs. Ward Peck, who had a party of eight... Mr. and a deep yoke of silk marquisette Mrs. Lawrence Peez, a party of 10....Mr5. George Brett and looped satin The skirt was a long flowing Shaeffer, six Victor Sincere, reser- full with and a table for Mr. and Mrs. train. vations for six Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wettlaufer, a party of 12 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Frantz, a party of eight ...the Wears Illusion Benzins, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Fredericks, six Elmer The bride wore a coronet of ....Dr. and Mi's. Alex Stirling Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fleck. French imported orange blos- Mr. and Mrs. S. Clifford Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Marion soms and an illusion bridal veil Zwolinski the Cliff Warners Commodore and Mrs. H. J. of fingertip length. She carried Woodall, a party of seven.... Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Koeble, an arm bouquet of gardenias centered with a large white or- lour,, , four th» Rny Frneha.iifs— .the. Fitzpatricks, , Liebolds, chid. the John Tullins, a party of seven....the E. G. The maid of honor, Miss lone reservations for eight....the John P. Frasers, three ...the Reuter, wore an ice-blue satin

.. gown, styled with a deep heart- So delicious, so fresh, so sweet, Richard Degeners. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Chat low’. .the Owen shaped neckline, and short R. Skeltons. ... sleeves. The skirt was \er> lull The H. Murriy Northrups entertained 11 guests . . Mr. and gathered to scalloped hip we dare suggest the hardest test of all and Mrs. John H. French had a table for four .. .the Andrew line and was embellished with L. Malotts, a table for six....the E. A. MacDonalds, a table scrolls of deep wine velvet. She for four Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams, reservations for six wore a tiny calot of matching — "//or-zvop a shoulder- save by r/isrzresr"/ wine velvet with Help to coal ....George M. Frishkorn. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ed T. Bartel.... length veil of the same shade • "It’s true., folks'" says Blue Sue. “A fresh pasteurized skim . . . from hne the Leo Bartemeiers Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wettlaufer, reser- of jylk all f and carried an arm bouquet smoking-hot food is the hardest test of nil for a Ameritan farms. And we toiled for months over for Mrs. Herman the W. H. Farrs, in blending vations 12.... Koestlin.... chrysanthemums conserving electricity margarine. For nhen a margarine is hot and melt- the recipe so you folks can h;y <• a mil tablc-tf>read a party of five... .the H. R. Nickersons, a party of five. ... autumn shades. ing. your taste w ill tell you instantly how good it is. —chock-full of fresh, sweet flavor... jam-packed

nourishment—food-energy, . . • DIA- ‘‘That’s why I’d like you folks to try my new with \it.imin A ChTWon Velvet Gown L? required every >nu see, mv new Blue Bonnet Margarine is put •t ¦ It w»« l»r> VyH a bridge party early in an extremely full skntVand Jnousunuto oi ions oi tow n _ s hy tyiake wore a ()utch in the same day plants to make the electricity out the same people who Heischnunn't “Remember—it's Fie is*luv-inn's Blue Bonnet January' in one rtf the downtown hqtels. .. . in Edison power We oils . . . streamers extending least. use rich, nutritious vegetable Margarine!'*’ meeting included.... Mrs. Roger* V’. Walker shade with v used by war plants- and homes and business Those at the the length ol her gown. She use **....ldrs. Ben Page). .. Mra. Julius Huebner. .Mrs. Fred T. a bouquet ol places in this area. If you less electricity, carried simple Murphy... Mrs. Harry Gillespie... Mrs. Roland Athay...* autumn blooms. less coal willbe burned: The problem is as Jr. was Mrs. W. D. Bachman. ... Mrs. A. W. Humphrey.... Mrs. Mor- Raymond W. Springer as that. Anything you can do to save electricity best ushers were Ted ris Silver.... Mrs. Frank Kuhn .. Mrs. Archibald McKay... man. The also saves coal. Robbins, brother-in-law of the Mrs. K. F. Montgomery.... Mrs. Elbert Harwich .. Mrs. Rog- bridegroom, and Norman That is why the Government asks for the^utmost ' Simonds. .. Mrs. A. M. Smith. .Mrs. Colin Hun- Charles C. . . ers. use of electric power. Be care- Jewell.... Mrs. Gunner Karl- conservation in your gerford... Mrs. Winfield Scott Mrs. Fleming chose a rov al ' . .. ful in your use of electric appliances and equip- atrom. .. Mrs. J. A. Mrs. K. A. Wooten... blue cre|>e gown with sequin off immediately when the task is Mrs. Kathleen Snow’ Stringer. Mrs. Kdson P001....Mr5. trim, a with royal blue ment—turn plumes and an orchid corsage completed. In home or factory, Grant Sturgis... Mrs. Sterling Sanford . Mrs. Alfred Whit- or office turn-off bouquet. lamp taker... Mrs. Theodore Leonard Jr Mrs. Frank Bohan lights not in use. Clean bulbs and reflectors the turned on when . regularly. Don't leave radio ... Mrs. Duncan Bentley and Mrs. James Lefer. .. Alice Blue Dress not listening to it. "Share the light" so that one ' " Aunt in Mrs. Griffin wore a dinner lamp can serve two or more people. Visits Toronto dress of Alice blue crepe with PAT O’HAIR and Alice Crabb seniors at Liggett.... a matching and orchid cor- These things are small in themselves. But this who went to Toronto to spend Thanksgiving with Pat s aunt sage bouquet. conservation program, which includes ALL utility Mrs Richard Bateson, grand- . . Reginald are the second generation of their services, tons Mrs. Jones mother of the bride, wore an will save thousands of of coal vitally families to be friends and Liggett girls all-black outfit with jet trim. needed for war. The Detroit Edison Company. Pats’ mother. Mrs. Walter Reese O'Hair, the former Willis Her flowers were gardenias in a Watts . Mrs. Jones, who was Phvliaia Watts. and Mrs. corsage bouquet. the former Mary Shedd. went to Liggett together.... A breakfast for 50 guests w as Crabb. held the home ol the brides Mrs. Jones were graduated at the same in Mrs. Crabb and parents. CONSERVE ELECTRICITY time.... Mr. and Mrs. Griffin loft for a short stay in Chicago. Mrs. Even a 5% saving in the monthly use of electric- Henry Keane Visits Parents Griffin traveled in hrown-and- ity by Detroit Edison customers wifi save about whlte-cheeked wool suit and a KEANE who is in the technical air school at **H's HENRY perky brown hat and brown ac- /Votu&na/Jb &&umiazj£/ f of* V Patterson Field, 0., surprised his parents ..Dr. and Mrs. eessoi ies. She wore the orchid ijll[liiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimnioPfi William H. Keane by coming for a pre-Thanksgiving visit from her bridal bouquet on her Crowing Children and plenty * > 190 CARLOADS OF COAL PER MONTH active workers need of ?. eoaf lapel ... but had to return before the holiday energy food—every day! Kleischmann's Blue Bonnet Dr. and Mrs. Keane Leontine. and Joseph. whe\ is in is one of the richest sources of food-energy. There isl m 1,800 14,000 are high school, will be alope this Thanksgiving Born ,i,| actually J.. 100 food-energy units and 9,000 units Daughter TRAIN - MILES MANHOURS of Vitamin A in every pound! Mary Louise, who goes to Manhattanville College, has only "U It II ?.#/*/ IF Yet, Rlue Bonnet Is wonderfully economical. It • and spending it with a classmate and her one-day holiday is To Warrens saves you about half what you pay for the most e«- family in New York ... \\ ) pensive spread—and It takes only 6 ration points per pound Bill, who is in the field artillery, is in California. . . DR AND MRS. KENNETH instead of 10. Get some—today! WARREN announce the bitth, Mrs. Keane is hoping that Bill will be able to come home Monday, of a daughter. Sally. A PRODUCT OF THE MAKERS OF FL E ’ .. I S S YEAST for Christmas. as he has been away on Christmas for two Mrs. Warren is the former C HMANN years. Ann Trimble.