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YOU ARE NEEDED NOW—JOIN THE Glengarry ACTIVE ARMY Alexandria, Ont., [Friday, July 25, 1941. $2.00 A YEAR VOL. XLK—No. 30. Bishop Brodeur Olficiales Coming lo Canada Hew Industry May Start Second Battalion Baturas Music Besults Issued At New Flax Syndicate In ■.L Operating Best Week from Summer Camp St. Margaret's Convent Dainusle Staline Area f ill first Confirmation NO. 4 COMPANY’ TO RESUME ALEXANDRIA PUPILS MADE PROCESSING PLANT NOW UNDER 160 CHILDREN RECEIVED HOLY SEWING MACHINES ARE ALREADY WEEKLY TRAINING SESSIONS FINE SHOWING IN CONSTRUCTION TO HANDLE SACRAMENT AT ST RAPHAELS INSTALLED AND FINE NEXT MONDAY NIGHT EXAMINATIONS 3,000-ACRE YIELD ^ SUNDAY PROGRESS MADE Following a three-weeks’ camp at Candidates who successfully passed Construction got underway, Mon- Hig Excellency Most Rev. Rosario Britannic Converters, manufacturers day, on Glengarry’s third flax pro- of windbreakers, parkàs raincoats, Connaught Ranges, members of the their examinations from the St. Mar- Rrodcur officiated at his first Confir- cessing plant as the newly formed leather coats, machinaws, etc., may Second Battalion, Stormont, Dundas garet’s Convent School of Music, here, mation Services since his recent con- Dalhousie Station Flax Syndicate be- start production as early as next week and Glengarry Highlanders returned are listed below. Dr. Harvey Robb, secration as Co-Adjutor Bishop of gan erection of a $9,000 mill on the in the opinion of H. H. Towers, thelon Saturday to their homes, officers Principal of the Western Ontario Con- Alexandria, when, on Sunday he visit- property of D. J. Bathurst, Dalhousie owner, who is in Alexandria supervis-1 s,hd men looking keen and fit follow- servatory of Music, which is affiliated ed historic St. Raphael's Parish. Mills. This latest addition t Glen- ing the work of converting the Glen-GnS their-stay under canvas. Col. W. w*th. the University of Western On- 0 Bishop Brodeur was accompanied by J garry’s rapidly expanding flax indus- garry Inn block, station, into suitable - Franklin, o.C., was able to tell the tario, was the examiner, the tests be- Rev. Dr. W. J. Smith, Rector of St. un Iry will process the yield from 3,000 working quarters. No time has been ' ^ following the inspection on Wed- ing held some weeks ago. Finnan's ,who assisted at the Confir- ,nesdla last acres of fibre flax grown by independ- lost in renovating the budding’s m- y that Brigadier Armstrong Pass was 60 to 69;. Honors, 70 to 79, mation Services. ent farmers of that district. terior and Alexandria’s new industry ‘O.C. Military District No. 3, h ad been First Class Honors, 80 to 100. His Excellency said a Low Mass at The North Lancaster Flax Co-Oper- will begin production ahead of sche-' favorably impressed and had declared PIANO SECTION 10 o’clock, St. Raphaels-’s Church be. ative pioneered the growing of flat dule. | the battalion to be “a credit to the Senior III—Isabel Dolan, Maisie ing well filled for the occasion. The Hope. I in this county two years ago and since pastor. Rev. D .A. Campbell, welcomed Ah-eady partitions have been torn Military District, 1 No 4 Company under Ca t Senior II—Ralph Logan, First Class FILM STAR IS A GOB that time Glengarry farmers have him to St. Raphael’s on behalf of the down to make but one room of the . ’ F G*»- » N Kinloch Honours; Ida Morris, First Class Hon- Robert Montgomery’s movie studio become steadily more flax conscious parishioners and the Bishop replied first floor and a complete new light- ‘ ’ ’ arrived in Alexandria is learning that when a star joins H.R.H. THE DUKE OF KENT, 1 aboard a ours; Madeleine Sabourin, Honours. I This spring the Chisholm Flax Group briefly, touching on the importance tag system is being installed There special car on the 5.35 train, the navy he’s definitely lost to brother of King George VI. who will Saturday afterno011 an Junior V—Patricia Dolan, Honours.' Hollywood for his term of service. was organized by farmers of the Alex- of this historic centre a sthe cradle of will be modeim fluorescent lighting ' ’ d andria area and the Dalhousie- Station visit Canada “shortly”, it was an- 1 wfre met by relatlVes and friends Lit Junior IV—Margaret MacLeod, First Montgomery finished a picture just Catholicity in Upper Canada. Following throughout. Work benches are in ' ’ - before he joined. The studio want- Syndicate also came into being. More nounced at Ottawa yesterday. Prince tle time was l0st marchin Class Honours; Janet Gauthier, Hon-' the Mass, which was served by Rev. place with 32 sewing machines in S direct ed to add a scene, and sent a re- than 6,000 acres of flax are being George will come here primarily to to the Armourles f0r a ours. quest to the navy to borrow the Dr Smith, many of the parishioners readiness for use and electric cutting , "d inspect the progress of the Common. many Junior III—Carol Graham, Honours; star for one sequence. Montgomery, grown this year throughout Glen- were previleged to meet their new and pressing machines are to be in- townspeople, who were expect- the navy replied, is on a training garry as a result. Wealth Air Training Plan and will be ing a para Beatrice Macdonald, Honours; Anita Bishop. stalled without delay . | de downtown, were dis- cruise, his whereabouts unknown. D. J. Bathurst, prominent resident in Canada about a month. „, I appointed in not seeing the Company Macdonell, Honours. I The studio will use a double for Some 160 children of the parish re- Mi- H. Carmen of Montreal is to be The march to the Armouries was Junior n>-Vivian Graham, Honours. the scene, keeping his back to the of Dalhousie Mills is President of the ceived the Sacrament at Confirma- foreman in the plant and he will be .headed by ^per Angus D. McDonald Junior I—Ann McIntosh, First Class camera. new Syndicate which has 15 members. tion Services held at 2.30 pm. Among Evelyn I. Whyte Is Bride the only outside workman brought taiT(ho had ,a.ttended camp. Honours; Mary Dolan, First Class Adelard Chatelois of St. Polycarpe, members of the diocesan clergy pre. Some 50 workme* will be employed, Capt Kinloch ^resesd the com Honours, Edna McKinnon, Honours. I an experienced flax man, is General sent were Rv. A. L. McDonald, Wil- this year and Mr. Towers hopes to, brieflyi thanking ^ ranks ^ ^ THEORY SECTION Manager and other officers are to be llamstown; Rev. C. F. Gauthier, Of Arch. S, Macdonald double that number within a year if pirit of comradeship and co-operation History of Music, 17th Century— Morrls-Byan Miptlals appointed at a meeting to be held this Apple Hill, Rev. A. L. Cameron, Glen 1 plans mature. which had made the stay in camp Betty Morris, First Class Honours. j week. 4 Nevis, and Rev. J. H. Ouimet of Com" At a quarter to eight o’clock on Saturday morning, July 19th, in St. We welcome him to Alexandria and such a happy one. He announced the Theory II—Claire'Macdonald, Hon- Halil In fineklanil A |two-storefcr cement block build- wall. Joseph’s Church, Lancaster, Ont., the he may be assured of the full co- i ext parade for Monday evening, OUrs. I ing which will measure 110 by 44 o 1 marriage was solemnized of Evelyn operation of our citizens. July 23th. Theory I-Mary Frances Gauthier R^da^mïof ^ J^es RT^S ! f; ’fir Isabel Whyte, daughter of Mr and Mrs 0 Of sixteen members of the Second and Ida Morris tie. First Class Hon- the late Mrs Ryan, firs! Battalion Pipers Clement P. Whyte, of Lancaster, ^d,/j Fmhpptf Battalion who signled for Active ours; Madeleine Sabourin, Honoures. Edgar Morris of Hawkesbury, son of! Mr. Archibald Stewart Macdonald,I'JU 1,11 c* LiUUfCI g Service during the camp period, 6 were Introductory Grade — Janet Gau- Mr and Mrs Peter J. Morris of Alex- Ovila Guerrier of St. Telesphore has Win Honors In Competition son of the late Archibald J. Macdonald 1 AriMVPC OvPrCPfic f:om No. 4 Company, Alexandria, W. tlner First Class Honours; Carol Gra- andria, took place in Holy Trinity the contract and work should be com- a former M.P. for Glengarry, and of 11 * V_ F. Campbell F. McDonald, Ji. McDon- ham, First Class Honours; Patricia church, Rockland, Monday July 21st pleted within a month. The pipe band of the First Batta. Mrs Macdonald ,of North Lancaster ald and G. A. Pigeon enlisted for sendee Dolan -First Class Honour; Vivian at 10 o’clock, white gladioli adorned A tow scutcher and other machin- lion of Stormont, Dundas, and Glen- Gunner Roderick Emberg has ar- 1 Rev. Father D. A. McPhee performed' in the First Battalion, Highlanders; Graham,^ First Class Honours; Anita the church and Rev. Father Rene I ery have been ordered and ore ex- garry Highlanders carried off top rived safeI the ceremony. ■ | y> overseas according to a A. Bolvin, Maxvllle, joined the Cana- Macdonell, Honours. pected to arrive on schedule. honors in competition against the Chene officiated at the ceremomy. | « 'J . .. • . cable message received last Friday bvy dian Armored Corps, while D. J. Mc- -o- bunds of some of the foremost units The bride’s only attendant was her,, * | Miss Lafleur presided at the organ m Donald, Alexandria, chose the Army! ÇntnillU FlltffVCfPniPnfc hi Canada at the Antigoçish High- sister, Mrs Fergus Hickey, of Mont- j °ther, Mrs. James Emberg, Gfpen ( and cousins of the groom were soloists Service Corps, in which he has two' V-U,,,,,,5 Ellgdgvllieilla Constable Hawkshaw Starts land Games at totigota^r^NOTa'sco-1 ^ ^ Mr.