Alexandria, Ont., Friday, September 7, 1945 $2.00 A TEAS VOL. LIII—No. 36

Church Now 80 Years Old Rev. J. A. Wylie Several Repats Resumes Ministry School Attendance Council Sets Bade Farewell Home On‘Pasteur’ Up Slightly 1945 Tax Rates j Shown Appreciation Glengarry Servicemen Bus Routes To Be • Higher Assessment Of His Work At Arriving Steadily Instituted By l' Lochiel Before Leaving Causes Considerable From Overseas Local Higti School ? Lowering Of Rate Parishioners stt Lochiel and Dal- Several more Glengarrians have A small increase in registrations was Alexandria ratepayers will have the keith honoured their pastor. Rev. been added to the role of those home recorded in the schoools of Alexandria lowest tax rate in many years as a James A. Wylie prior to his departure 1 last week end for his new parish, Glen from overseas, hte ‘Pasteur” wheih Tuesday, when the new term got un- result of the new Assessment inau- docked at Quebec City last week end derway for some 700 students. In Alex gurated this year hut taxes will not Nevis. At a card party held at the home having! several local boys, on bard andriaPublic School only the Junior be lower, in fact somewhat increased in Among recent repats from the Euro- loom reported members of the Senior many instances. The taxing by-law pass of Mr. and Mrs. Angus V. Chisholm on August 22nd, members of the pean theatre are: classes receiving an extra week’s holi- ed at Monday evening’s regular meet- day through the illness of their teach- ing of council sets the tax for Separ- Lochiel subdivision C.W.L. made the Tpr. A. Corbett Kennedy, son of Mr presentation of a painting, of St. Alex- and Mrs. A. A. Kennedy, Centre St, ei, Miss Harriet Campbell Principal. ate School supporters at 42.2 mills and EAST HAWKESBURY UNITED CHURCH which this ander’s Church, Lochiel, done by our Alexandria. Opening of the new term at Alex- that for Public School ratepayers at month reaches the eightieth anniversary of its erection. dria High School brings several in- 38:7 mills, as compared with 68 mills local artist, Mr. Stuart McCormick. Sgt. Leonard Kemp, son of Mr. To mark the anniversary special morning and even- novations, inrluding introduction of a1 and 65 mills respectively a year ago. Ar. address expressing the general re- Thos. Kemp, Alexandria. ing services were held in the church on Sunday, August new course in Agriculture and the pro The reduced mill'rates will apply on gret in h» departure was read by Mrs. Pte. H. ouglas Outhbert, son of Mrs 12th, conducted by the minister Rev. William D. Reid, jected use of school bus routes. Ten- an assessment which appraises the P. J. Hammill. Hugh Cuthbert, Alexandria. and on the following night a successful lawn social wa» CAPT THE REV, NORMAN SHAR- ders have been called for bus routes value of taxable property in Alexandria Following the Mass in St. Paul’s Spr. Joseph E. Macdonell son of held. KEY who returned to St. Columba which would serve the Greenfield area at $ 906 013. In 1944, under the old Ciiapel, Dalkeith, on Sunday, August Mrs. D. J. Macdonell, Alexandria. A booklet, prepared by Rev. Mi'. Reid, is also being 26th, the parishioners bade farewell Church, Kirk Hill, on Sunday to re- an dthe Lochiel area from Lome west system of assessment, taxable property Sgmn. John J. A. McCrimmon, son sume his ministry interrupted by four published to mark the anniversary.. It recounts some of to Father Wylie, addresses in French t0 Fassifern. Ratepayers in the Glen. In the town was valued at $ 831,034 of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCrimmon the historical highlights of the church since it was open- and Fiiglish being read by Messrs. years’ service in the Canadian Army Robertson district are also seeking a The increase under the new assessment McCrimmon. ed in September 1865 and it also tells of the men who Palma Ranger and Robert Walsh. Lit- Chaplaincy Service overseas. Mr Shar- school bus service and it is probable is 70.6 percent. key arrived back in Canada on V-J. have been most closely allied with the progress of the tle Guy Levac made the presentation Cpl. P. Simpson, next-of-kin Mrs contracts will soon be let for all three The 1945 tax bill. wBl ask for 22.5 Day and had since been enjoying a church down through the years. of a purse. Simpson, Maxville. routes. mills for General Town Purposes; 5 well earned leave. Progress will continue, for the congregation now plans The members of St. Alexander’s Pte. Glendon McMillan and Pte. The new department of Agriculture mills for United Counties’ levy; 3.3 Mrs Sharkey and their children ar- Church, Lochiel, honored their depart- Donald McMillan Lochiel. is being introduced this year in Grade mills for Direct Relief; 6 mills for Installation of electricity and an “in Momoriam” tablet. ! rived at Kirk Hill, Saturday, from ing pastor on Wednesday evening, Cfn. Duncan G. Macdonell, son IX and it is expected it will later be Public School rates; 9.5 mills for Se- ■ Beachburg, Ont where they had been August 29th. Fallowing Benediction at extended as required facilities be- parate School rates and 1.9 mills for of Mrs. D. J. Macdoniell Lochiel, .residing. They are being warmly wel- 8 o’clock addresses were read by Joseph Cpl. Arthur M. Britson, son of Mr. High School rates. These rates are all j corned by many friends. come available. The course will teach substantially lower than tn 1944 but Many Tributes County Youths McGillis and Medard Paiement and and Mrs. Eddie Bridson, F&st Front, agriculutre of a practical nature for comparison is impossible because of the ’ the prsentation of a purse was made Cornwall, formerly of Aleandria. the boys only. Its introduction also Increase! In assessment. Increased police ' For Mrs. Campbell Scored In Judging by John A. McDonell. Cpl. Britson is a patient in the Vet- Prime Minister To Be permits the serving of hot lunches in protection, high costs of the assess- ; Father Wylie, in each instance eran’s Pavillion, Civic Hospital Ot- the school from October 15th and it ment and higher costs In the roads Suddenly, in the late evening of Fri- More than 100 Junior Farmers and made a suitable reply expressing his tawa. At Maxville Fair is understod these will be provided by day August 31st, MBS Colin Campbell, Junior girls frem Glengarry and Stor- very real appreciation for the splendid and streets department account for a Sworn into office as Member for the School Board, Principal J. T. Smitù of Laggan, was called by death. The mont Counties attended the first An- co-operation he had received from slight increase In the amount asked Glengarry at the opening of the new B.A. attended a Specialists’ Course at news came as a distinct shock to her nual Judging Competition held in the his parishioners and for their generous for General Town Purposes. United Common’s session, yesterday Prime Guelph this summer which qualifies wide circle of friends, throughout and area north of Cornwall on Thursday, acknowledgement of his work while in Home From Counties’ rates this year are up $ 500. ‘ Minister iKng has indicated his de- him to teach the new course in Agri- while relief estimates are slightly re- | .beyond Glengarry. While she had been August 30th. There were more than the parish. culutre. troubled with a chronic disability for 45 present from the County of Glen- sire to visit Maxville Fair next week duced. Education costs to the rate- Service In Pacific if nothing unforeseen develops to pre- There are three new teachers in the years, no such immediate fatal de- garry. Competition in both the Sen- payer are reduced in the cases of Alex vent his leaving Ottawa. The visit school for the opening of the term: velopment was anticipated, and dhe ior and Junior classes was quite keen. Fire Destroys , Pirst Lt Anne McLeister, u.s. andria High School and the Public will be one of several he has planned Miss Claire Millar, M.A. of Brockville had been active to the very last. Mrs Mr. Eldge Vaillancourt of Glen Roy Arm nmse and School by reason of the Increased gen- 9tn Lancaster Home ! y ' - daughter êf with a view to meeting his new consti- who will teach Mathematics; Miss LH- Campbell’s husband died ten years ago won the Senior competition with a and Mrs. John McLeister, Alexandria, eral grant from the Province but the tuents. lian Callaghan, B.A. of Arthur, Out, Separate School Systems demands this very month; and widespread sym- score of 472 out of a possible 500. R. Tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Fhnile arrived in Montreal Thursday morn- Again this year the Maxville Fair who will teach English; and Mr J. S. Are slightly up. The High School this pathy is for the son, Morlin who D MacLeod, Greenfield won the Jun- Secours, 30-9th Lancaster, was des- ing completing a trip of nearly 10,000 Stark B.A. of Ottawa, who will have year asks for $ 1721.42 as compared has now been deprived of both his ior competition with 418 points out of troyed by fire,. Wednesday afternoon, miles from an island in the South will feature the County Black and White, Red and 'White Show and the the History courses. Remaining from with $ 2709.21 In 1944; Alexandria Pub parents, and upon whom there falls a possible 500. he competition com- with the loss of everything but a few Pacific Ocean, 1000 miles below the last year are Principal Smith, Mrs menced at 9 a.m. on the farm of Wm. Society’s officers have again prepared He School wants $1397.90 as compared tire full responsibility of managing the articles. Mr. Secours estimates his equator, reaching San Francisco in 21 Duncan A. McDonald, B.A. and Mr. farm and Rhe home. a fine day’s entertainment for the with $ 1919.27 last year .while the Leitch, where classes of draft horses loss at $3,000. There was no insur- days. The trip was very pleasant Emile Dubois, B.A. Registrations at and bacon hogs were judged. From ance. patrons. Separate School System is asking The funeral servicej which was very Lieut. McLeister visiting friends #n 15? are up ten over last year. $ 6393.77 as compared with $6,134.46 largely attended, was held in the Kirk there the group went to the farm of The blaze originated at about 5 route in San Francisco and New York, 1 At St Margaret’s Convent a new in 1944. Hill United Church, being conducted Harold Brown where classes of Oxford p.m. when Mrs. Secours left the house Mrs. John McLeister, daughters Edith Superior has taken over. Rev Sr. M. Under the new assessment which re by her pastor Dr E. H. Gray, assisted sheep were judged. From Mr Brown’s to assist her husband in bringing in and Katherine and son Wilfred, met ! Glen Gordon of St Pauline succeeding Rev Sr M. of quired much attention at a series of by the Rev Norman J. Thomas, form- the group proceeded to Donald Earn- seme young stock after she had lighted her at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal I St Christena Sister St Pauline was meetings held in the early summer by erly in charge of the Kirk Hill con- er’s farm where classes of Holstein the oil stove. Flames were noticed returning to their summer cottage at W.M.S. Marks Superior at St. Gabriel’s Academy, the Court of Revision, the total assess gregation. cows were judged. The tour then con- from the pasture and by the time Lancaster, the same evening. Mntreat, last year. ment of the town is $ 1,169,733. Pro- cluded at the Glen-Stor-Dun Farm they reached the house the blaze was A.B. Douglas McKinnon, son of Mr At St Margaret’s School there ara perties exempt from taxation are val- In the course of his address Dr Gray with the judging of Ayrshires. The 60 Years referred to the distinctive features of out of control. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, Elgin St. 160 pupils, slightly more than last year ued at $ 263,720, so that taxable pro- gruop had lunch at the Glen-Stor- Mr. Secours plans to rebuild imme- Glen Gordon Auxiliary of St. An- Mrs CampbeJl’s character and person- West, is home on a 60 days leave, af- and the teaching staff consists of Rey perty valuation is fixed at $ 906,013 Dun. County Farm, after wheih rea- drew’s Prtsbyterian Church, Lancaster ality. He spoke of her administrative diately. ter making a Round the World Trip ; Sisters St. Francesca, Principal, St. This is made up of $ 141,335 for land; sons on the classes which were judged in Glengarry Presbyterial, added an- capactiy her courage her initative and aboard the Cruiser “Uganda.” While Audrey, St Mildred and St Gregory. $ 693,665 for buildings and $ 71,013 for in the morning were taken. Mr A. K. in the Pacific theatre Doug, was with- j ther honorable record, to their work Sr St Audrey is the only new member enterprise, as well as her vigorous en- McMillan, who is supervisor of the businesss. To Train As Nurses in 60 miles of Tokyo. The Uganda saw when they observed their Diamond Ju- of this staff. In the music school, Sr ergy and fervent enthusiasm on behalf County Farm, welcomed the group. action at Okinawa, Truk, Leyte etc.; bilee on Wednesday, Aug. 22, on the St Rose of the Sacred Heart is to be of any undertaking that captured her Addresses of welcome were given also Three Glengarry girls left this week returning to Canada via the Pacific. spacious latvn, at ithe home of Mrk. and joined by Sr St Rose of Cassia. interest. She had a keen sense of hum by the manager and matron of the to enter the training School for Nur- Prepare For The last stop was at Pearl Harbour Mrs. J. A. Sangster. Beautiful wea- There are three new teachers in the or. much relished by her friends. She County Home, Mr and Mrs Simser. ses of St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal. j before recalling the Canadian port of , ther a large attendance of about 80 Alexander School where Rev Sr M. of thought directly, felt strongly, and Other winners were—In the Senior They are: Misses Louise Macdonald, Vancouver. members and visitors, from neighboring St Paul Rene is again Principal. Other Clothing Drive spoke frankly. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. class, Wilfrid McNaughton who was auxiliaries, a well arrangtd programme members of the staff are; Sisters St Said Dr Gray: “Mi's Campbell will FSiroute east Doug, visited for a ■ The Natinal Clothing Collection is second with 464 points; Edwin St. John Macdonald, Alexandria; Helen Chish- honuring the occasion, and true Glen- Bernard, St Alfred, St Magdalena, St be acutely missed by that son for whom third with 461 points; Campbell Mc- olm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- couple of days in Sudbury with his j a united effort on the part of the Can- garry hospitality contributed to the Louise of the Sacred Heart St Angel- she zealously and faithfully planned, brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and adian Allied Relief FUnd, and UNRRA Donald, fourth with 446 points fol- gus V. Chisholm, Lochiel; and Pat- suecss of the meeting. ina St Marcel Robert and the Misses and worked and prayed. She will be lowed by Sidney McDonald, Clarence Mrs. Cameron McKinnon wtro ac- with the assistance of national, pro- ricia McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Miss Hilda Snider President of the FJvelyn Marcoux and Irene Ouelette. greatly missed by the whole community companied him here and spent the vincial and local organizatin thrugh- Fiske, Wilfrid Valiance, Duncan Mc- Mrs. Donald McDonald, Glen Nevis. Auxiliary, presided and cordially wel- New members are Sisters St Louise of neighbors and friends whom she Donell, Gordon Clark and Leslie Clark. week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- out Canada. The purpose of the Cl- cmed the guests and was assisted by St Angeline and St Marcel Robert. helped, and with whom she co-operated In he Junior section Jack MacNaugh- Kinnon, leaving for their home in Sud içction Is to secure used clothing for Miss Mary J. McLennan, Secretary, Registrations at the Alexander in various ways. She will be very ton was second with 413, Audrey Mc- bury this Tuesday. free distribution ito needy and desti- Softball Cup and a group of older members seated School total 317 up 16 from last year. much missed by the Red Cross Society tute children, men and women in war- Donald .third with 406, followed by with her on the verandah, added to At Alexandria Public School Miss into whose work she had put a tre- devastated countries. Douglas Murray, Ralph Watt, Alexan- ihis was the thought of V-J. day and Harriet Campbell is again Principal mendous amount of thought and effort der Smith Francis McDonald, Robert To AppleHill “CUARF” (Canadian United Allied Memorial Service a world at peace which was in the and Mrs. Lauchie McDonald is again and in a very marked way she will be McArthur, Robert McRae and Melvin Relief Fund) which sponsor? the drive The Apple Hill entry in the Glen- mind of those assembled. in charge of the Junior Room. missed by this congregation of whose is the co-ordinating body of twelve Rowe. garry-Stormont Softball League won For Pte. M. Grant The hymns used were “Sun of my relief societies. Mr William M. Birks Ladjes’ Aid Society she was this year’s In the dairy cattle, Wilfrid McNaugh the championship of the League, last soul”, chosen by Mrs. D. D. McCuaig, of Montreal has been appointed by president, which organization owes ton was high with a score of 193 points Friday night, when they defeated St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Bainsville; “Blest be the tie that lier so much for her thoughtfulness, the Minister of National War Services out of a possible 200. Moose Creek 10-6 inthe deciding game Willoiamstown was filled, to overflow- binds,” by Miss Mary Fraser, and the OBITUARY W her faithfulness and her personal ac- as chairman of the National Clothing The official judges were—on horses, of the play-offs at Maxville. Moose ing on Sunday afterno.n, Sept. 2nd, Scripture reading Acts 1 by Mrs. D. 1 ive service for the furtherance of the i m Collection. Clifford Morrow of Maxville; on swine Cie«k were winners of the cup last year when sorrowing relatives and friends, S. Fraser, Almonte and read by Mrs. MRS PETER STUART g»od work to which she had devoted contribute in thi? campaign only such J. R. Ostler of Brockville: on sheep, and they had already eliminated Max- met at a very touching and impres- J. C. Stuart; and especially interest- The funeral of Mrs Peter G. Stoart her heart and her hand.” The Canadian Public are asked to C. C. Tennant of Kemptville; on Hol- viile to recah the fnals where Apple sive service in memory of Pte. Mun- ing was the singing of “Sweet Hour of Williamstown, -took place on Aug. 38 serviceable used dlothing as can be Before the close of the service, Mr steins, Mr R. Grant Smith of Brock- Hill emerged as Champions. roe Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don of Prayer” by the audience, which was to St. Andrew’s United Church and spared from their wardrobes without Thomas sang, very feelingly the beauti rille; on Ayrshire, Mr J. A. Dalry- The winning Apple Hill line-up for aid Grant, who paid the supreme sa- used at the organization meeting at cemetery in that village. Mrs Stuart replacement. ful hymn, “God will take care of you” mple of Kemptville. the final game was: c—Fern Guindon; crifice in Holland Jan. 2th of this the home of Mrs4 Robert Robertson on the. former Jane Stuart, was bora 86 This will be the only one nation- The floral tributes of great variety ®. W. Graham of Morrisburg de- p—E. Sterling, 1 b—R. Rochon; S.S. year. March 4, 1885, and at all anniversaries years ago in St Anlcet, Que the daugh wide clothing collection for allied war were sent by the following friends,- monstrated on the various classes pre- —Lawrence MeCallum; 2 b. E. Leduc; The church was beautifully decor- held since. The 40th and 50th anni- ter of the laje Mr and Mi? Alexander relief to be conducted in Canada in The son, Morlin, Miss Ruth Benton, vious to the judging. 3 b—Keith McDonald; r.f.—Pauline ated with flags and flowers. Hymns versaries held at the home of Mres. Stuart, Mrs Stuart passed away pn 1945 Mr and Mrs J. R. Grant, Mr andMrs Many of the parents also attended Lefebvre; c.f.—J. Guindon; l.f.—Ger- sung were “All people that on Earth A..B. McLennan on March 4, 1925, Aug. 25, Her husband predeceased her The need is great. In liberated Bill MacGillivray, Miss Florence Stew- the competition, and keen interest was ald McDonald—Captain — Lawrence Do Dwell” "The Lord’s My shep- and March 4, 1935 and reports given by some years. European countries clothing is scarce art, Mr and Mrs FTed Neil MacCrim- shown throughout. It is anticipated Leblanc. Other members of the team herd,” “Jesus Calls us o’er the Tu- revealed that only 2 meetings were Rev. G. W. Irvine of WilUamptpwn or threadbare and worn out. More than mon, Mr and Mrs Rod Alex Rory Mac that this will be an annual event in are: Bernie Raymond, Hugh A. Mc- mult”, ‘‘Safe inthe Arms of Jesus’, missed in 50 years, a wonderful record assisted by Rev Mr Reid of Glen Sand- 125,000,000 people in liberated Europ- Leodj Mr Myles Campbell and family, each county. Donald, Glen Munro, Donat Bisson- and ‘Abide With Me.” of faithfulness and devotion record field conduerted the funeral srvice. ean nations are in due need. Of these Mrs Fiwfen Alex MacMillan and family, nette Angus Benton and Rene La- (Continued on page 4) The pallbearers were James Stuart^ more than 30,000,600 are children. I Mr and Mrs Alex MaoCuaig Mr and londe. Rev. G. W. Irvine of the United Arnold Weir, John McGregor, George Representatives of the three Chur- Mrs E. L. D. MacMillan, Mr and Mrs Corrections J. W. Jacques is President of the Church read the Scripture lesson from Jamieson, Stuart Snider, and Francis ches met in High School recently to Dan MacLeod, Mr and Mrs Roddie Mac The following was omitted in the club; H. E. Raymond, vice-president; the Old Testament and led in prayer. Lack Of Ice McPhee. initiate local organization in answer Leod, Mrs Gregor MlacMaster Miss report of Upper School results sub- Angus Jos. McDonald, Secretary, P. Rev. G. S. Lloyd of St. John’s Pres- Being Felt Here Mrs Stuart had long been a member to an appeal from the chairman of Jean Campbell, Miss Margaret R. Mac mitted to this paper from Alexandria Guindon, Manager and Coach. byerian Church, Cornwall read the of St. Andrew’s United Church Mid a 1 ihe National Clothing Collection Cam- Leod, Mr and Mrs Rod M. MacLeod, High School. New Testament lesson, led in prayer With a hot September in prospect, life member of the Women’s Mission- paign. J. T. Smith was appointed and the Kirk Hill United Church La- Marilyn MacPhee got Second Class snd gave the memorial address. He the shortage of ice which developed ary Society. Many beautiful floral of- local chairman and the committee are dies’ Aid Society. Honours in Fh-ench Composition in Special* In Poultry spoke feelingly about Pte. Giant iiere last week, may prove serious. ferngs were received in tribute to the who was just twenty years old on waiting further instructions from Na- additien to the standings reported un- Kenyon Agricultural Society has Weather eonditions last winter adver- esteem in which she was held in thq Fkiday. ne minute’s silence was fol- tional Headquarters at Ottawa. der this student’s name. received too late for Insertion in the sely , affected both the q|uality and cemmunity. lowed by prayer anti tre National An- The Campaign will be from October W.A. Meeting A typographical error in our report Maxville Fair prize lisets special prizes quantity of ice cut by the local dealer. Mrs Stuart leaves a foster son and them and O Canada. 1 to 20 The Public will be Informed of the Middle School Results at Mary- in poultry from J. J. McMaster, Lag- Mr Albert Dapratto and his stock of three daughters, Roy of Alexandria, about the particulars as soon as these j The regular meeting of the Women’s vale Abbey, Glen Nevis, published last gan. Rev. R. B. Nelles of Lancaster and ice was completely used up last week Mrs. Lauchie MacDonald of Alexandria are received. In the meantime pick Association of the United Church, will week lead to the omission of Miss Nora They are: $1.00 for each of five and Williamstown Presbyterian Chur- A small shipment was secured at Max- Mrs A. N. McIntyre of Glen Sandfleld 1 out your USED SERVIEABLE clothing be held at the residence of Mrs. Nor- Quinn’s results. They were—English best exhibits in New Hampshire, Bar- ches, gave the closng message, and ville on Monday but so far efforts to and Anne C. Stuart, of Williamstown. and get it ready to give to the NA- man MacGillivray on Wednesday af- 3rd; Latin 3rd, History 1st, Algebra C red Rocks Rhode Islands, Bantams the benediction ended a service which secure an adequate supply at Mont- One brother, Norman Stuart, of Wil- TIONAL CLOTHING CLLECTTON. ternoon, September 12th, at 3 o'clock. Chemistry 2nd. and best exhibit of poultry. will not soon be forgotten. real have unavailing. li amstown, also •qgflr-es. ^ Thé 01ancux7 M«w% Uex&ndria, Ont., Friday, September 7, 1945 Page 4 T^3" At the Sunday morning service in Miss Myrtle McGregor spent a few Medical Corps in Fbigland, France and the Ninth Victory Loan which open* vader, but thsee cannot be drained. on Oct. 22nd has been set at $1 500,- They will in part at least have to con- St. Andrew’s United Church, Donald days with Miss Maggie McGregor prior Belguim. James infant son of Dr Leslie Mac- to her trip to Smokey Lake, Alberta A dainty lunch was served at the con 000,000, of which $8900,000,00o is ’ the tinue as a base of national currency ! minimum objective for sales to indi- and in the meantime France must Donald was baptized by G. W. Irvine. where she is going as a missionary for elusion of the meeting. Irvine. the United Church of Canada. jviduals. This is an increase of $ 125,- The Searchlight live and must get her industry in i 000,000 over the individual objective shape. F*rance is not asking for char- The sincere sympathy of the com- Mrs Jas Graham and Miss Lillian 9th Victory Loan J..r the Eighth Victory Loan. Because ity and will pay for what. It buys but munity is extended to the family and Hart have returned from the cottage BY SPECTATOR friends of the late Mrs Peter Stuart on Bergin Lake. final victory will mean a material re- needs some measures of credit, until For 1 l-2J5ilIion duction in Canada’s far costs, he said,. such time as the Bretton Woods plans j who peacefully passed away Saturday Mrs Archie McDonald and children evening. spent a few days in Cardinal. ! said, it is possible for the Ninth Vict- Ottawa^-Although the cloud of war | but the plan it is asserted will fail. It for internatnonal monetary stabiliza- . Ottawa, August 31—-Honorable J.L. I cry Loan to meet Canada’s borrowing, tion and aids to international trade or The community extends sincere sym Messrs Chas McGregor, Alex Largoix iisley, Minister of Finance, announced has heen lifted for some time now from : will be a long time before France is needs for a twelve month period. somoe plans along similar lines come pathy to the relatives and friends of John McIntosh and Jas Graham at- today that the minimum objective for Europe, Canadians are just beginn- completely restored, but restoration the late' Miss Jemima Grant who pass- tended Malone Fair on Thursday. ing to get a clear’ view of the havoc will come. All the people of Canada— into operation. What 'the exact ar- rangements made or to be be made ed away on Sunday morning. Miss Sarah Graham spent the past wrought in the countries which were j not alone those who have the racial week with Mr and Mrs R. J. Clyde. and ^ahguage affinity wifeh France with France by Canada are not yet for years occupied by the Germans. known, but it is clear that Canada SHOWERED BY FRIENDS Miss Joan Nicholson, Ottawa is at Tjhme recent visit of General de Gaulle will hope that the return of France to must extend credit on a petty broad Upward^ of sixty guests were enter- home on holidays. with foreign Minister Bidault and oth- its rightful place among the great plan if her aid is to be of genuine tained at a shower for two brides- Miss Joyce McPhadden, Ottawa, re- er government officials and officers powers of the world will not be long i value. elect, Miss Anna MacDonell, daughter turned after spending her hhdays at has helped to throtf some light on con- delayed. It is not a question simply of pre- of Mr and Mrs Dan R. MacDonell and home here. ditions in France. It is not simply a Exports to France sent shipments that is involved. Apart Miss Margaiv t McDonald, St Andrews Mr and Mrs Eugene Lapierre have PROFITS TO YOU... case of economic damage although j When General Do Gaulle was here | from humanitarian considerations, formerly of the Public School staff returned from an extended trip in the this was grievous enough bm the c- he spoke with prime minister Mac- Canadians realize that Canada will here, at the home of Mrs Kenneth Mae United States. I cupation was like a pestilence over the. kenzie King on exports of urgently from gain in future trade with Fkirope if Donald. Miss Rejeane Lapierre visited Ot- ■whole land. The sufferings of politi- needed commodities, particularly food, she plays the game with both genero- The rooms were tastefully decorated tawa recently. card prisoners held in concentration to France. Canada has already made sity and foresight. Canada as has with whitt and maroon flowers and Walter McIntosh, Montreal, spent a camps in Germany for years many dy- extensive shipments, but that is just been often pointed out but the truth streamers. ing and many others with health per- the beginning. General De Gaulle men few days here this week. of which cannot be gainsaid depends^ While Mrs Drolet Montreal played Mrs Christi# Clark Montreal is visit- manently affected by their privations, tioned specifically wheat. The crop in the wedding march the two young end the experience of the throng of France have been poor, and drought for on,e third of her national income ing Mrs Alex Scott and Mi- Scott. on her exports. Canada cannot trade! ladies were conducted to canopied soldier prisoners on starvatin diet have has cut down very drastically the har- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE alone with the Western hemisphere, j chairs. Little Duan,e MacDonald ap- The regular meeting of the W. I. left their cruel stamp on France. It vests of Tunisia in North Africa. The proached with a waggon containing French are without meat, cannot huy She has to foster that trade to te limit j met at the home of Mrs Kenneth Mc- was all part of the Nazi plan to crip- two pairs of woolen blankets, one pair men’s clothes except in the black mar- of her capacity, but there axe hot the Rae Thursday afternoon with the Pre- ple France permanently and ensure for each bride-elect. Mrs Albert Mac- ket at exorbitant prioes and boots are markets on this side of the world alone sident, Mrs H. McMillan in the chair. the continued supremacy of the Nazis ! Donald read the address tb Miss Anna unobtainable except at prices out of to take care of more than a limited Twenty-four members and nine MacDonell and Mpss Eleanor Barrett all reach of the ordinary citizens. Wo- proportion of her sexport surpluses, visitors were present. Seven grand- read the address to Miss Margaret Me m Air Deleaate men’s clothes are still on sale although Europe must be restored if Canadian mothers were welcomed and presented Donald. Both brides-eleet fittingly re- at high prices as the French held fast export trade is to prosper, with corsages- and it is now When Europe is plied thanking their many friends and to the industry for which they axe inviting them to their future homes. A The roll can “The oldest thing I poss world famous. Milk is practically an looking for aid that the foundations of program of piano music was furnished es” was most interesting and brought unknown food in most cities and towns future markets will be laid. That as by Mrs Drolet of Montreal Mrs forward many antiques among wheih of France. In addition to Wheat, France everyhody realizes is juest plain com- ; O'Brien of Sudbury who also contri- was a Church certificate dating 1700 needs ships. Her mercantile marine mon sense. Never has the claim that buted several violin solos and Miss shown by Miss Lila Robertson. was cut down by two thirds during the prevident humantarianism brings divi- Margaret MacDonell. Miss Robertson, convenor of His- war and the ships that remain are in dends been more true than in these An added attraction was the pre- torical Research, read an interesting bad shape. Machinery of various kinds days of Europe’s need. Payment for sentation of a gift (to Lieut Annette history of the McDermid family. Many is also required. The industries of goods shipped now may be and un- MacDonald recently returned from of the present local famiilies arc re- France must be restored and plants doubtedly will be delayed) but ulti- Overseas, by her relatives, Mrs Ken- lated to their family at the present are needed. To give some idea of the mately the dictates of our hearts and neth MacDonald reading the address. time. condition of industrdy De Gaulle men- of our pocket books will reap coinci- SINGAPORE, London, Halifax ; ; : the Watefi tor yenr opportunity and A siunptious lunch was served and tioned that the production of coal dent rewards. Mrs B. Warner received a prize for world’s seaports will soon be handling make the most of it, by using this the guests departed with many ex- having the greatest number of grand- a great flow of peacetime goods again ! mines at the time the Nazis were dri- HE NATIONAL CAPITAL Bank’s services in your business ven- tures. Letters of credit, collections» ven out of the country was down to Jacques Greber, the Parisian town pressions of good will to th,e young children and Mrs P. D. McDermid for Foreign markets aplenty will want planner, who was in Ottawa for some ladies. having the youngest grandchild. Canadian products ... we look forward loans ; : . all the facilities that have one quarter of the prewax output. Now to Canada becoming a trading nation served Canada at war are ready to is has risen to two-thirds to three- time after the last war will be return- ' Mrs McRae convenor of th,c work on a new, unimagined scale . ; . support peacetime enterprise! quarters but industries have no coal ing to the capital. General De Gaulle MARTINTOWN committee of the Red Cross had a fine And Canada’s prosperity will mean Call on our local Branch Managff stocks and last winter countless thou- told prime minister Mackenzize King display of quilts about 50 ready for opportunities for you—no matter for a confidential discussion : : ; you whether your business is large or small. are always welcome. sands in cities and towns suffered se- that Greber would be available for the (Intended for last Issue) shipment to headquarters. This dis- verely from the cold. It will be some job of improving the capital and the Mrs Wlestley McCuaig St Anne’s play was most interesting. 8. S. STEVENS j time before the Saar and the Rhur viemity until it would become a fitting visited her mother, Mrs Wm Munro, Lieut Nursing Sister Margaret Mc- Superintendent of communications mines from which some of France’s permanent national memorial to the recently. Dermid, who recently returned from

"I don’t blame her!" exploded Elmer, the bull. “After hiking for miles in the heat, seeing that tempting picture is enough to make anyone bawl!” “And it’s so life-like,” sighed Elsie, the Borden cow. “I can practically feel that cool, creamy- smooth Borden’s Ice Cream melting ,1’"' on my tongue!” “Stop!” bellowed Elmer. T LADY ALEXANDER LOOKS TO is Field Marshal Sir Harqld Alex- “You’re driving me crazy!” f .THE FUTURE ander, and shown here at their “Cheer up!” smiled Elsie. “We’ll j Canada! At the junction of the home in Berkshire, Ehgland, is soon get some at the first store .< Ottawa and Rideau Rivera lies the Lady Alexander and her youngest that shows the Borden’s natioS’g capital, Ottawa, and Ri- son six-year old Brian James Ice Cream sign!” deau Hall, the home of His Majes- lookling at the location cf their "H it's Borden’s, it's got to be good!" ty’s representative in Canada. The future home in the Dominion. bewly appointed Governor- General The OUngmrry Nm, Alexandria, Oat, Friday, September 7, 1945

Rao and Mrs MacRae and family. : Detroit, Mich. Mi's Hugh Chrisite, Mrs Aiid Campbell, Dan and Harry Mc- J A. Sullivan of Maxville. 1 Hugh, Duncan and Ross McRae, Neil Mr and Mrs G. H. McDougall, Mrs j Mr and Mrs Angus Emberg, Valois, D. J. MacLean, Mr and Mi's Edward COUNTY NEWS A. McIntosh, John Barrett and Mrs A. D. Stewart ^ Que and Mr and Mrs Alex Emberg, Hunter and Jack Hunter of Maxville. MOOSE CREEK Oral, Bert and Gerald McHugh. Sin- visited friends in Vankleick Hill on ^ Moose Creek E. were recent visitors Mr and Mrs William Macintosh had Flower bearers — Burns Robertson, Sunday. < .with their sister Mrs D. D. MacKenzie as their guest. Miss Gertrude Scott, Miss EManor LeVogeur, Ottawa, cere sympathy goes out to the sorrow- Mr and Mrs Henry Wilkes returned and Finlay. • Mallorytown, they motored to Corn- :spent the week end with her parents ing widow and family in this their sad from their honeymoon on Wednesday j Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs wall with their guest on Sunday. Mi' and Mrs Frank Le Vogeur. and sudden bereav,ement. night and have taken up residence with V. Presley and Mr. J. Presley, were Mr A number from her attended re- Mrs Gertrude McGillivray, visited his sister, Mrs Dora Campbell. a.nd Mrs Bill Jackson and family and ception for Mr and Mrs Dan Begg in during] the week end with. Montreal MAXVILLE Mi's R. T. O’Hara and Howard ^ Mr and Mrs Ernest Jackson and family Moose Creek on Monday night. Monkland, Mr and Mrs Hugh Benton, Mends. (Intended for last issue) O’Hara visited Dr O’Hara, Manotick, ^ Mrs Jas Benton visited her parents on Sunday and called on Rev R. W. Miss Ruth Benton and Isabel Christie Mrs Shouldice of Toronto is spend- Maxville. Mr and Mrs Norman McKenzie. ing a couple of weeks with her daugh- and Mrs Ellis formerly of Maxville. ; Mr and Mrs Jas Taylor, Montreal Miss Lillian McIntosh Is spending a . Miss Dorothy Buell is spending a few ter Mrs Carmen Rowe, Mr Rowe and weeks with Montreal friends. visited during the week with the lat- family. few days in Cornwall with her aunt, | ter's mother, Mrs A. A. McLean. Mrs Percy Stevenson. Mr and Mrs Hugh Blair and Mrs W. Mrs D. R. Cameron and Miss Eileen Macintosh spent Monday in Cornwall. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cameron spent a few days in Ottawa Mrs A. D. McDougall left Wtednes- ! rftfaactwe Cst D. M. MacRae, R.C.M.P. Ta- Emery Brunet on the birth oi a baby last week. day for Ottawa for a few days. girl during the week. Mr and Mi's A. E. McRae of Ottawa shme, B.C. who is spending his holi- ID Mr and Mi’s Steve McLaughlin spent Mr^ J. A. Buchanan, visited on and Mr and Mi's J. D. McRae visited J day with his parents Mr and Mrs J. M BRICK fdcU the week end in Montreal visiting their M. MacRae and Angus is spending a Friday with her sister; Mrs Fred Cass daughter Miss Stella McLaughlin of relatives in Malone on Thursday. few days with Montreal friends. and Mi- Cass of Hawkesbury. St. Paul L’ El-mile and attended horse Mr and Mrs W. G. Leaver spent CHUM INSULATION Mrs K. MacCuaig had as her guests Mis,s Eileen McHugh Ottawa spent races at the Blue Tracks. several days visiting friends in Ot- the week end with her mother, Mrs tawa last week . last week her nephews, Douglas and FOR PIPI OR Mrs John Ferguson and Miss Gwen Sterling Robertson, Cornwall. Renew the beauty of your home now, McHugh and sister, Mrs Greening. Fraser Apple Hill were guests of Mr Mrs Alex Banford, Mrs Alex Ban- L ROUINO YOUR OWN f Recent visitors at J. M. MacRae’s you will find Murray Insulated Brick ana Mrs A. D. Stewart on Wednesday. ford Jr. Iroquois were guests of Mrs were Mi's J. Ross and son Edwin of FRIENDS REGRET SUDDEN DEATH Miss Alice Grant returned to Mont- George Barrett last week. Siding economical, easily and quickly OF JOHN N. McHUGH real on Monday after spending a weeks Miss Audrey Grant Montreal is apphed right over old wood siding. The people of Moose Creek and com- holiday with hre mother, Mis Donald spending some time with her mother Gone will be recurring and costly paint- munity were shocked to learn of the MrsD. J. Grant. Grant and sister Mi's Charles Munro. ing expenditures. Fuel bills will be cut Sudden passing on Sunday of John N. Miss Ena Sporring returned on Sat- Arthur Grant, New Liskeard with Finest Quality McHugh who was well known and urday after spending: six weeks in Tor his father Duncan Grant, Moose Creek —your home will be warm in winter and highly esteemed in the community. A onto. visited J. D. McRae on Wednesday. cool In summer. See how soon Murray resident of this place for a number of Miss Hazel MacLeod and Miss Flor- Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Char- Insulated Brick Siding will pay for itself. years, he was aged 56. He retired les Munro on the birth of a son ence Cameron spent a week end in For further information call us to-day. in his usual health on Sunday even- Montreal recently. William Donald, on August 16th. ing hut a short time afterwards pre- Miss Margaret Cameron Montreal Arthur Dupuis, Winchester was a sumed ill and passed away immediat- is visiting friends in the district for week end guest with Mrs Dupuis and SINCLAIR SUPPLY COMPANY ely. Bom in Lemieux, Ont son of late daughter Jacqueline at the home of he j a few weeks. PHONE 63 VANKLEEK HILL, ONT- Henry McHugh, a friend to all and Victors at Mrs Ranald Campbells on mother Mrs D. J. Grant. SALAM his sudden death is regretted by all. Wednesday were Mrs A. Cameron, Mrs Mi* and Mrs A. E. McRae, Ottawa COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES He is survived by his wife the former John Urquhart and Ina St. Elmo, Mrs are the guests of his brother, J. D. SASH AND DOOR WORK, ^ Dora Fitzpatrick three daughters, Mrs McRae and Mrs McRae for a few days TEA & COFFEE D. R. MacLeod; Mrs Robert Grant Disolvo (Stella) of Rochester, N.Y. Miss Christie Grant and Mrs Thos Wiliam Rchardson of Casselman has who wa,s unable to attend Mrs Geo Dashney Laggan. purchased the property of Rory Pilon Greening (Beatrice) at home Eileen of Mr and Mrs Robert Renwick and Mechanic Street East. Ottawa, six sons, Allan of Winchester daughter of South Porcupine visited John of Av-onmore, Pte Donald Mc- DYEK Mr and Mrs Fred MacGregor on Sun- (Intended for last issue) Hugh in Holland, Cpl Howard Mc- day. Hugh Kingston, Cpl Earl McHugh re- Miss Myrle MacRa,e spent a few days I Mrs Fred MacGregor is spending with Mr and Mrs Gordon MacRae, cently returned home Louis of New- a few days with her mother Mrs Wil- foundland who arrived home too late Avonmore. liam Renwick Fournier. Mr and Mrs N. MacCuaig, Duncan for the burial, 2 brorhers: Daiel, Avon- Mrs Arthur Dupuis and daughter more, Pte Harry McHugh, Veterans MacCuaig were recent visitors of Mr Jacqueline, Winchester are spending and Mrs D. Campbell MacCrimmon. Guard, Ottawa. a few days with her mother Mrs Don- The funeral was largely attended on Miss Florence Cameron, Coomwall ald Grant. Wednesday to Knox Presbyterian is spending a few days the guest of TO Dar W. B. McDiarmid and Steev Me is wm Church, the service being in charge her grandmother, Mrs Hi. Alguire and Laughlin attended the funeral no Mr and Mrs J. D. Gumming. of Mr Eldred McMillan, Student Mini- Thrusday morning in Williamstown of ster. The choir rendered the anthem Pte Jack Waterhouse, Montreal spent Mrs Jeremiah Sullivan, mother of Dr -“Does Jesus Care.” Pall-bearers were a few days with his uncle. J. M. Mac

CQHSÜfôÉrS COUPON VALUES 3AT!QN COUPON SEPTEMBER BUTTER • U pound CALENDAR SUGAR - t pound With other groups, you play a part so that everyone gets a fair share. TUES | WED | THURSDAY SAT BUTTER COUPONS 90-115 EXPIRE AUGUST 31 6 Butter Coupon 121 Valid nde ,n nd ° » ood Wf" f bU«er ° ' ,

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ôîxir;” p”'' "* ^— tvf?' and, when meat rationina h er, SU9°r' Preserves meat. Otherwise, he cannot TelT"' °9ain' must paste all couoons on P enish hls stocks. He each sheet with his name S^ee,S and endorse food sales total $2,500 or" more "he'^ ^ m°n>hlY operate a ration coupon hont ' H ’S rec>u'red to give valid ration document, ^ acCount- He must also supplier for every purchase hiQ CheqUe to his food. X purchase ^ makes of a rationed

•k to do. She , has rationing wore jtes of butter, md>ter,hdity and meatexpiry coupons. dates_--S so that she She must know . of these foods last. -— —, and meats, of all rationed preseralternative of the rstand the sugar in order to do as much home canning honey, syrups Still have coupons forI family ration !rves. She must guord for every per- and give up colons . 0f a rationed food.

RATIONING is your assurance of a fair share. It is a protection against waste ; ; ; shortage ; ; ; inflation. That is why farmers are asked to continue to collect and turn in coupons to their Local Ration Boards - once a month - in the RB-61 envelope. The above photo was taken at Lacombe, W-C. Dick Gladden, AFC, and FO Mel Wright, Edmonton, Teslin, Yukon T, r-itcrier, d.uri-:- a Edmonton, Mr. D ’Albertanson, Officer Commanding the Teslin RATION ADMINISTRATION visit, of three weekly news editors Chauvin, S-L. E" A. Sp.ence, Chief RCAF' Station. to the North West Staging Route. Public Relations Officer, RCAF, ui.i.kji.'jjjsim-iMJhs; From left tq right Mr. H. Ford, Ottawa, Mr. Bert Ford, Lacomibe, a*'?. ; mot St naiblidO Page 4 ^ÏW— Th* QOuDgurj News, Alexandria, Ont, Friday, September 7, 1945

remain in the hospital for at least j Mrs. D. S. Ferguson and Donald Miss Isabel McMaster, nurse-in- This campaign is on behalf of 125,- lawn and a beautiful 3-storey cate training in Royal Victoria Hospital ten days. Fergu^m were in Montreal on Thurs- 000;000 war sufferers. Leave your OBITUARY was placed on the dining label by Mrs COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coleman, day. Montreal is holidaying -with her par- donation at any convenient place in E. L. McNaughton. The--honors were Mrs. Ross McRae and Mrs. Hector ents and Mrs Dan McMaster. Maxville and notify Mrs A. D. Stewart • $ Valleyfield, were holler;y visitors with HUGH A. MacDONELL performed by Mrs A. D. McPherson V ! MAXVTLLK McRae, Avonmore, called on friends Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smillie and or Mrs E. S. Winter. f Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coileman. On August 30th, the death of Hugh lighting the candles, while Miss Mary Dr. D. M. Gamble accompanied by Miss Lois McMillan returned to her here on Saturday. children Jimmie and Gail returned A. MacDonell occurred at the old home Fraser extinguished them Mrs. R. J. Mi', and Mrs. Wilfred McEwen mo- teaching duties at Prescott on Tues- Miss Noemi Boisvenue left Sunday Monday evening from a two week’s DUNVEGAN 33-9 Charlottenburg after a lingering Pattingale, cut the cake which was tored to Montreal on Sunday where day. night for Hawkesbury where she will holiday at Camp Bell. illness of patient suffering. Mr Mac served to the guests, and a very happy Mrs. Clark Guild, MMlorytown, serve as a trained attendant in Dr. Mr and Mrs Delbert B. Scott, Donell was in his 83rd year. His wife he entered the Royal Victoria Hospi- Mrs. Russell Morrison and daugh- afternoon was spent by all present. spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly’s Hospital. ■Williamsburg visited her sister, Mrs. Mary Ann MacDonald predeceased him tal for further treatment and opera- ter Anne after spending the summer D. J McLean. Miss Hughette Filion, Ottawa was Fred McGregor and Mr. McGregor on ton years ago. tion, on his leg which was injured in at their home here returned to Mont- a week end visitor with her parents Tuesday. Mr MacDonell was for sometime a a hockey game last winter. He will Miss Edna McEwen, R.N.; Peter- real on Thursday. fcoro, came, on Monday to care for her Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Filion. Ray, Murray and Ellis Hughes have member of the Township Council and grandmother Mrs. P. F. McEwen, Mrs. Fred Currier had with her for returned to their home from Pommier, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ferguson and always took an active part in political who continues in poor heath. On ithe week end and holiday her sons Williamsburg and Ormstown respec- children paid a visit ito Ottawa on affairs. When the parish of St An- Tuesday she attended the funeral f Arthur Currier and Fred Currier, tively where they have been vacation- Thursday. thony was being formed at Apple Hill Gappy Theatre the late Mrs. James Swan (Ethel Mc- Vickers, Montreal . ing, to attend the local school. His many friends were glad to wel- he was ever one of the foremost in Veigh) in Montreal. Sunday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wilfred McEwen was a visitor come back Rev. Dr. MacMillan and bringing to a success any undertaking D. M. Gamble were Mr. and Mrs. to Montreal for the week end. ALEXANDRIA Mrs. Myles McMillan and her sister Mrs. MacMillan. in aid of the new church, presbytery Bert Hurley, Grenville Que. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foster and — ) The Memorial Service was conducted and surroundings. FRI. — SAT.—SEPT 7 8 Miss Rose Malloy of Cornwall, who Mrs. Harry Lalonde, and daughter. daughter Lynda visited her parents by Rev. Dr. MacMillan^ Sunday He leaves to mourn a devoted father is spending a wteek’s holiday with Lois, of Monckland, Ont. Mr and Mrs John D. McRae on morning, when a large Spngregation of two sons, William on the homestead, her, were visitors to Montreal Tues- Vistors at the home of Mr. and Monday. Mrs. Foster and daughter members and visitors attended and Angus of Hamilton and four daughters day and Wednesday. Mrs. D. J. Villeneuve for the week remained for several days while Mr. many beuatiful flowers and plants Margaret of Montreal, Mrs Michael Mrs. E. S. Winter left Thursday end were Edmond Villeneuve, Miss Foster is in Toronto. were placed on family plots in the Curran (Dolores) Chesterviile, Mrs for a week end visit with her daugh- Betty Clark Ottawa, Neil McDonald, Mrs. W. M. McLean and h^iss Mabel cemetery. / Jbhn Daniels (Josephine) Monkland, ter Miss Alda Winter, nurse-in-training St. Raphaels, Miss Gwen Cleary, Corn- R. White returned from Ottawa and in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- Mrs Hugh MacDonald (Ann) Wllliams- wall. Spenoerville where they have been Mr. Russel Morrison of Vankleek real. Hill was a business visitor in town on tiwn. One brother Donald of Superior Mrs. J. L. Breen antf daughter, holidaying. Mrs. D. J. McLean, Mrs. H. A. Saturday. Wis., survivee as do three sisters, Rev. Mary, left Sunday morning to join Mr. Miss Rose Malloy returned to Corn- Sister M. of Nazzareth, Amprior; Mrs Christie and Miss Isabel Christie were Mrs. H:. J. Morrow, Maxville spent Breen at Elmira, Ont.; where his ser- wail on Saturday following a two weeks Allan Kennedy Apple Hill; and Mrs to Cornwall on Wednesday where Miss vices have been secured for the High vacation with her sister Mrs Myles a few days vrith her mother Mrs. D. Christie will remain for some time. Duncan MacDonald, Fasco, Washing- School staff in that own, Mr. Breen McMillan and Mr. McMillan. K. MacLeod. Don’t Forget Mrs. H. J. Morrow was the guest ton. was one of the most popular mem- Other visitors over the week end At The funeral on Saturday morning Added Attractions— on Tsesday of Mrs. Marion Durnin, bers of the staff here and their depar- SERVICEMEN WELCOMED Dungannon, North Huron, who was the home of Miss Bessie Gray were, was attended by a large gathering of Flicker Flashback To Renew Your ture is keenly regretted. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLean acted as Chairman Mrs. Harris and daughter Miss Har- relatives and friends not only from the Reason and Emotion Matron Donalda Robertson of Dun- at a welcome home party in the Wo- vicinty, hut also from Alexandria, J. H. McIntyre, Apple Hill, Ont. for ris of Montreal and Miss Winnifred Canadian Paramount News Subscription to durn Military Hospital, Man., was men’s Institute Hall on Tuesday even- a week. Rosebrook of Ottwa. Cornwall, St Andrews, Wiilamstown, the guest of her sister Mrs. W. S. ing for Cameron Cluff and Archie Mc- Glen Nevs, St Raphaels and Green- Mr. and Mrs. James Kydd and MON., TUES., SEPT. 10, II. MpLean and Mr. McLean for two Ewen recently returned from over- Miss Helen Gilmour after spending field, who came to pay this last tribute daughter, Miss Betty Kydd visited Mr. weeks. FO Jack McLean of Centralia, seas . A musical proogram included vo- tiie summer holidays at the home of of respect and esteem for one who had and Mrs D. J. McEwen on Tuesday. 1 Ont. was also home for the week end cal numbers by Harold Mclnnes and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ferguson return- been a life-long friend and good neigh jntiwiWiut «CTirtit me. «««n Miss Kydd remained for several days reporting to Lachine the first of the Jack Munro with Miss Mclnnes at the ed to her home at St. Elmo. hour. RANDOLPH SCOTT before returning to Ottawa. week. piano, highland dancing by Miss Vel- Mrs. Alastair MacKenzie of Otta- The many mass offerings and spirit- Miss Jennie Currier, who spent the Sgt. Ray McMillan and Pte. Hector ma Cameron accompanied by Willie wa, spent, the week end with her ual bouquets received and flowers sent past six weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Guindon were among the returned Munro on the bagpipes and violin mu- mother Mrs. Grant, her son Grant were also testimonials of loving rem- Dolphus Filion returned to her soldiers who arrived from overseas sic by Louis Lalonde. accompanied her hack to the city and embrance of the deceased. home at St. Andrew’s the end of the on Sunday. An address was read by John Mc- will attend school there in future. The Mass was celebrated by the week. Miss Jean McLean, Ottawa was Killican while Eddie Carter presented Lieut. Raymond Mountenay of Pastor Rev. C. F. Gauthier, Present Garnet Upton was home for Sunday Kingston, and Mrs. Mountenay and in the sanctuary were Rt. Rev. D.R. I i j weeny. home with Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Mc- each of the boys wiht a signet ring on at Lancaster. ,) i\ Singlt Copie» Lean for the holiday. behalf of St. Andrew’s Church. In Miss Margaret Crane of Montreal at- Macdonald, Alexandria Rev. D. A. Miss Hughena McMillan and Miss Mrs. E. Hunter is spending a few their replies both boys spoke in ap- tended services and visited friends here Campbell, St. Raphaels; Rev. N. Mc- can be secured Catherine McEwen Ottawa, were at days the guest of Mrs. Ross McRae, preciative terms of the work of the on Sunday. •Cormick, Greenfield and Rev. A. B their homes for the week end holiday. Avonmore. Maxville peojie in remembering those Mr. Dan MacLeod ofter spending McRae S. F. M., Vancouver. at this office Mrs. M. St. Amant, Moose Creek, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacEwen, in the services and thanked the don- two weeks visiting his brothers Messrs. Those from a distance who attended spent a day, recently with her grand- ers for their recognition of their ser- the funeral Were Rev. Sister M of Na- I At Shirley’s Restaurant Miss Mary and Peter MacEwen re- Norman R. and Duncan R. MacLeod Added Attractions— daughter, Mrs. D. Filion. lumed from a holiday near Chenier- vice to King and Country. left for his home in the West on Tues- zareth Sacred Heart Convent, Arn- ALEXANDRIA Miss Elma Stewart, Montreal^ was ville. Refreshments were served at the day. prior; Rev. Sister M. Teresita, St. Feather Your Nest. [Francis Hospital, Smith Falls; Mrs. a week end visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McLeod and conclusion of the program. Mrs. D. R. Austin of Montreal is AT i Angus R. MacDonell Renfrew; Miss Figaro and Cleo ... family Cornwall moved to the farm of spending this week with Mr. and Mrs Miss Jemima Cass is visiting with L. Carroll and, Mrs. B. Mahoney Today and Tomorrow, McDERMID’S her cousins, Mr. and Mrs Herbert her brother, Alex. Campbell, Domin- HONOR DEPARTING PASTOR George Austin and Mrs. McNabb. ionville which they have purchased. A social evening was held by the Mr. and Mrs. D. H. MacLeod left Smith Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sub: Power Unlimited. Spurr, Montreal. MacDonald, Detroit, Mrs. Duncan Mc- DRUG STORE Mrs. Bill Barton and Donald La- young people of St James’ parish on for Chalk River on Monday after visit Edgar Cass and son Brian of Tor- Leilan Geraidton, Ont., and Mrs. I MAXVTLLK, ONT. groix, Cornwall were week end visitors Wednesday evening in the Church hall ing at their home here. ontoj visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Mitchell, Montreal. WED. ONLY — SEPT 12 rr John Cass, the past week and re- j with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Nap. to honor their pastor, Rev Father M. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carpenter of Lagroix. J. 0’Brien who has been transferred The honorary pallbearers were: Jas. t Thé Prie#—6 Cent#. turned home on Monday accompanied ) Montreal visited the former’s mother Daniels, Ben Munro, Alex. Angus by Barbara Ann who spent the month Frank Pidgeon Montreal, was a week to Finch parish. A musical concert Mrs. M. Carpenter and brother John was enjoyed and games played follow- MacDonald, Angus Alex. MacDonald, With her grandparents. end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carpenter. Their little sons, who spent Andrew Dancause and Jim MacDonald. Christie. ing which Miss Madeleine Morin read the summer here accompanied them an address and Laurier Lavigueur on Active pallbearers were D. L. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. William Hamel Wa- back to the city. nedy, John J. MacDonell, Duncan D. terhury, Vt., are holidaying witb her behalf of the young people presented Father O’Brien woht a subsetantial Miss Flossie Cameron, Montreal A. MacDonald, Alex. Kennedy, Wlal- sister Mrs. J. J. Urquhart. spent the week end with her sister, purse. In his reply he thanked the lace McIntosh and Bernard McPher- ATTEND THE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howden and Mrs. G. Fleming and family. son. son Bobby, and Mrs. Simpson, Grm- donors for their gift and good wishes Mrs. John Hartrick, Montreal, stown, Que. called on Mr. and Mrs. and expressions of regret at hjs de- spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Alex. McGregor recently. parture . Dan Hartrick. W.M.S. Marks Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs On Sunday, his successor Rev. / (Continued from page 1) Duncan Kippen were Miss Margaret Father Neil McCormick of Alexandria, Miss Bessie Gray, Montreal, spent Kippen Sgt. Tommy Turpin, Ottawa; who has been in Calgary for twenty- two weeks holidays at her home here. Only two charter members, Mrs. D. D. MeCuaig nad Mrs. D. S. Fraser, Icslie and Linden Kippen, Montreal; five years, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Whitton, Montreal spent Maxvi e Fair Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser, Perth, Ont. the week end with her. are living but they were unable to at- tend the meeting. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Mrs. Leonard Urquhart, Prescott, CELEBRAED 91st BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pechie and Miss Miss Mary J. McLennan, Secretary, Ont^ also called on Mr and Mrs. Kip- Mrs John Barrett a member of the Bessie of Cornwall and Miss Della of read the minutes of the 50th anniver- WILLIAM GARGAN . pen on Sunday. Over-ninety Birthday Club on Friday Montreal spent Sunday with them. sary and the history of Glen Grodon LEON ERROL Mrs. Jack McMillan formerly of celebrated her ninety-first anniversary Mrs. John D. MacLeod and children of her natal day at the home of her Auxiliary from 1885 to 1935, was read Vivian Austin Milburn Stone Ion Keitb Greenfield, Ont spent Monday with and Miss Norma Catton and Pte Rod- SEPTEMBER 13 » 14 daughter, Mrs G. H. McDougall and by Mrs. Robert Black, President of Russell Hicks ond Bob Allen Mrs. Neil McDonald. I die MacLeod, who had been visitng Mr McDougall with whom she makes Picnic Grove Y.W.A.. Mrs. D. M. INCREASED PRIZE MONEY Visitors with Mrs. R. T. O’Hara Mrs. D. R. MacLeod and family, ac- her home. Members of the family pre- McLennapi read the history of the —AND— on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter j companied Mr. MacLeod, back to sent were Mr and Mrs A. D. Stewart Auxiliary from 1935—1945 and also O’Hara of Manotick and their daugh- l Toronto on Sunday. County Black and White - Red and ters the Misses Frances and Eileen Mr and Mrs A. M. Fisher, Mr and a list of the Life Members and In Mrs D. o Cowan Ottawa ,Mr and Mrs ! Mr. and Mrs. K. Campbell Mac- Memoriams. Mrs. Thos. McIntosh of O’Hara who spent the week end with iLeodKrk Hill, visited Mrs. D. C. her. Wtellington Allen’, Oassburn. Monitreal, conducted the Stekvioe of White Cattle Show ! MacLeod on Sunday Remembrance. Miss Audrey Metcalfe Ottawa, re- A lovely birthday cake centred the | Miss Isabel Stewart, Ottawa, is spend turned . on Monday following a two dining table while a profusion of flow- Persona] gree.tnigs on behalf of the ing her holidays at her home here. following auxiliaries were given the and other Cattle Classes. week's holiday at her home. ers adorned the rooms, Many mes- by 1 Among those home over the week end Presidents; Lancaster, St. Andrew’s Chalmers Hamilton, Montreal was sages of congratulations and birth- a week end visitor with Rev. J. H. day gifts were received by Mrs. Bar- ! holiday were, from Ottawa: Misses W.M.S., Glen Gordon United W.M.S. Calf Club and Swine Show. Picnic Grove, Y.W.A. St. Andrew’s and Mrs. Hamilton. rett who enjoys good health. Many Irene MacLeod, Annie MacRae, Gladys j MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Grant, Mission Band, Gravel Hill and Monck- Miss Elva Montgomery, Ottawa, Happy Returns! SPECIAL GUEST ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON visited her sister, Mrs. Herb Graham j Neil MacLeod and Murray MacQueen; land, W.M.S., Wiliiamstown Women’s on Saturday. RED CROSS from Montreal: Misses Irene Chish- Missionary Society letters were read The eexcutive of the Maxville branch from Dunvegan W.M.S. Skye W.M.S. Miss Gertrude McKay, Ottawa was olm, Gladys Fletcher, Donalda Mac- Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King of the Glengarry Red Cross wishes to ' Phee. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Simpson, Rev. L. H. Fowler, Sault Ste. Marie, home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. announce that the Red Cross rooms Mr. and Mrs. Fted Metchatte and son a former pastor, and Mrs. Loveys, Prime Minister of Canada, Member-elect for Glengarry. Robert McKay for the holiday week end. will be open every Thursday beginning Russell. and several former members. Come and meet your Member. September 20 and work will be re- Mrs. E. E. Preston, Presbyterial Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Mrs. R. Holland and daughter, sumed on that date. Gregor over the week end were Mr. Miss Francis, Ottawa, spent a few President, brought greetings from the days with their aunts, Mrs. Annie Presbyterial and in her address empha- SOUND SYSTEM ON THE GROUNDS and Mrs. Hugh Cameron, Ottawa, and NEWLY WEDS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Archie Hughes, Ormstown. Campbell, R.N. and Miss Harriet. sized the great need for increased ef- A very large gathering of friends fort in our missinary work in our OTHER ATTRACTIONS FQR FRIDAY AFTERNOON Duncan Hoople spent a ten day enjoyed the reception and dance on leave with his mother, Mrs. R. J. world of to-day shattered and tom by AND EVENING Friday evening inthe Agricultural Hall six years of war. Hoople and Clark Hoople before re- when Mr and Mrs Henry A. Wilkes - turning to his home in London Ont. to Miss Elizabeth McLennan a mem- I (nee Bessie Whyte) were guests of ber and Life membre of the Auxiliary resume his duties on the staff of the honour. John D. McRae extended feli- WILL FURNISH MUSIC FOR Sir Adam Beck, Collegiate in that city. in 1887 and later designated as a mis- PIPE BAND THE DAY. citation and Garnet Upton presented sionary in Hepzibah Church, Williams- Mr and Mrs Charles Blaney and the newly weds with a generous purse. daughter, Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. tbwn in her stirring address support- Grandstand Entertainment in the afternoon consisting of Thme Dunvegan orchestra furnished ed by 35 years of missinary work in Singing, Dancing, etc. Merry-go-round for the children. Peter Lothian and family, Vankleek excellent music for the dance. Hill Sunday evening. They were ac- China, and her pithy reference to the Mr and Mrs Wilkes have the best companied by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold un revealed power of the atomic bomb, wishes of a large circle of friends for only now revealed, threw a challenge t le Weedmark and children Stirling and D ANGF , ^ROCKY Show MOUNTAINHall with music RANGERS.. provided by happiness and success in theirtwedded to all Auxiliaries and members, and Joyce of Carleton. Place who were their life. guests for the week end. everyone for power and expansion of ADMISSION 50c EACH PERSON. Mrs. C. H. C. Cunningham Phila- their missionary work. CLOTHING NEEDED Rev. R. B. Nelles summarized the delphia, Penn., is visiting her sister, From October 1st to October 20th STARTING Mrs. John Cass and other relatives in friends and supporters of the Cana- addresses and reports, and expressed gratitude to God for the magnificent MEALS SERVED ON THE GROUNDS Moose Creek, Cornwall and Ottawa. dian Aid to Russia Fund are urged to SWINGS THURSDAY, SEPT. 13 history of missionary endeavr in the Mrs. H. J. Morrow was a visitor co-operate with the United Nations past and a forward look to a great fu- with her mother Mrs. D. K. Mc- Relief and Rehabilitatien Administra- ture. Miss Margaret McCready of St. ADMISSION to grounds, Adults 35c, Autos and carriages 25c. Leod and sister Miss Irene McLeod at tion for the securing of 10,000 000 jTHerheatl-SDR cffiicka STAMPS Andrews M. B. recited “The Nation’s Dunvegan, Saturday till Monday even- pounds of good spare clothing. On’the ' Children under 12 years free. Grandstand Free. MOM Wealth” and the soloist Miss Isabel ing. bases of estimated population Russia ' MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY ! •AMS .d r»*T «rnnS Irons, Toronto, sang “Jesus Saviour Mrs. R. J. Hoople, Clark and Dun- will be sent approximately 25% of the L. J. McNaughton, President E. S. Winter, Sec’y-Treas •IMKTMINT STOkIS • DRUOOISTk Pilot me.” Rev. E. E Preston pro- MATINEES DISCONTINUED can Hoople spent the week end at Conated clothing, clothing is a pri- •tocikt • roiAccoNim nounce the Benediction. Camp Bell along the St. Lawrence. mary need in war-tom areas today. | KOOK STOkn ml «W MTAA nous D 3 A bounteous tea was served on the The Glengarry Mew», Alexandria, Ont, Friday, September 7, 1945 Page S

srs H. Johnson, Doris Seguin, W. T. end with Mrs. W. P. MacNaughton AUCTION SALE IN MEMORIAM Robinson, Alex and Willie Robertson and Mr. Peter MacMillan. OF FURNITURE COUNTY NEWS MacDONALD—In proud and loving SHOP AND ADVERTISE all of Montreal; also Miss M. Cleary Mr. Pat. Hammill, of Toronto en- ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th memory of our dear son and brother, and Miss M. J. McDonald of Cornwall joyed the week end and holiday with At Residence of Auctioneer, Elgin GLEN ROBERTSON Pte. Daniel Alexander killed in action IN OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Miss Lois Taylor and Mr and Mrs An- Mrs. Hammill and little son. Street, Alexandria, WILFRID MAR- in France near Boulogne’, one year Miss Ethel Hambleton spent the gus Lyman of Ottawa. We welcome home Pte. D. G. Mc- coux. 35- Your Ad. on thia page is guaranteed to go ago to-day Sept. 5th, 1944. week end and Labor Day in Montreal En Route from Montreal to Ottawa Donell after four years’ service over- "When the evening shades are falling, Harry Wylie, Alex and Percy Mc- Saturday Mr and Mrs Ted Seguin spent seas. AUCTION SALE into more than 2,000 homes, reaching approxi- At Lot 12-6 Kenyon, 3 miles west ol And we sit in quiet alone, Neil, Ken Me -Delian, Wallace Mc- a few hours here. Miss Jean Hay, of Montreal enjoyed Fassifern, on Wednesday, Sept. 26th, To our hearts there comes a longing mately 10,000 Readers. Rae and R. Tittley were among others Miss Ruth Seguin on Monday re- the long week end at her parental farm stock, implements, etc1., Albert If he only could come home. who. left last week for the Western turned to Hamilton to resume her du- hpme. Faubert, Auct. D. J, McPherson, Prop Friends may think we have forgotten harvest fields. ties as teacher. Misses Theresa and Rita Quesnel of BORN 36-2C. When at times they see us smile MAID WANTED Miss Gertrude Johnson^ Montreal, is Mr and Mrs Alex St Louis, Coteau Montreal spent the week end with j McDonald—At Greenfleld Ont., on But they little know the heartache j For upstairs work. Other help in spending two weeks in town—reason paid the Glen a visit Labor Day. their parents Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Sunday, August 26th, 1945 to Mr. and AUCTION SALE Our smiles hide all the while.” j house, family of three. Private liv- holidays. Mr and Mrs Fred Sabourin spent a Quesnel. Mrs. Clinton McDonald, a son — At Lot 27-6th Lancaster, on Friday, Ever remembered by mother, dad ing quarters, good salary. Telephone Mr and Mrs J. R. Brunet and family portion of this week in Montreal. REPATS WELCOMED William Mark. Sept 21st 1945 at 1 pm., farm stock, sister, and brothers Ottawa 2-1717 collect or write Box L motored to Quebec city for the week Z. Ethier local canner, has no peach Recent Lochlel repats from overseas, implements, etc. Henry Major, Auct- Alexandria. Glengarry News. 36-2c end. of a time with peaches on account of Messrs. Donald and Glendon MacMil- W. J. Major Proprietor. Miss Géorgie Robertson has with her hundreds of baskets coming in at one DR. J. A. SULLIVAN lan, were given the usual welcome IN MEMORIAM Dentist TEACHER WANTED at present Mrs Smith of Montreal. time. He has been forced to turn away home in the Lochlel Township Hall AUCTION SALE Experienced Teacher for School ; 33-35,36,37c MAXVILLE, ONT., Tel. 94 Green Valley beat the Glen team at many customers. on Friday night, when an address was At Lot 13-5th Kenyon, near Fair- In loving memory of our dear little tion No. 16 Char. Duties to commence a game here Sunday, 22-20. niece Shirley Ann Marlene Fletcher P.S. No 12 opened here Tuesday read and purse presented to each. view factory, on Thursday, Sept. 20th SINGING AND THEORY September 4th, 1945. State salary ex- Up for the recent holiday were Mr who departed this life Aiig 18th, 1944 with Miss June McDonald once more Lunch was served and dancing en- at 12.00 noon sharp, farm stock im- MRS R. G. BENNETT pected and qualifications. R. J. MC- and Mrs Dan Lefebvre, Mr and Mrs God thought to give the sweetest occupying the chair . joyed. plements, etc., Albert Faubert, Âuct., A.T.CM. DONALD, Sec.-Treas., Glen Roy, Ont. Ranald Donald and Ale. McDonald, Donald McDonald, Glen Nevis, called Ewan J. Kennedy, Prop.. thing in HSs almighty power 35-3c. Elgin Streep Alexandria. 28-tf. Mrs Annie McDonald, The Misses C. at the Macdonell home Tuesday. He moved the gates of Heaven apart ST. RAPHAELS AUCTION SALE G. McDonald, Kay McIntosh, Anne After spending some days in the and gave to us Dear Shirley. AGENTS WANTED and Cecilia Molhtee, Kay Byron, S. E. Laurentians MUss K. Miacdonell At Lot 28-7th Con. Lancaster, on Hte has taken back our darling placed TENDERS FOR HIGH SCHOOL 800 Dealers earn a comfortable In- Robinson, P. Seguin, Margaret Sauve and M. McCulloch returned home Wed Mrs. J. Both of Toronto was a week Tuesday, September 18th, 1945 a* 12 our bud among his flowers BUS SERVICE come by selling Familex Products from M. Dunn, P. Riley, W. Hambleton Mes nesday and the fish they caught were end guest of Mr and Mrs. E. H. noon, farm stock and implements, Taken back the one he lent us Tenders will be received for bus ■door to door! How about starting that THAT long. Tourangeau etc., ’ Albert Faubert, Auct.j Jos. To a fairer land than ours’ services to serve ALEXANDRIA HIGH a business of your own, in your spare Mr and Mrs. J. D. McRae had as Emond, Proprietor. 36-2c While Angels watch her up above SCHOOL route 1—Greenfield area to time, with the same advantages, in LOGBXEL guests this week end Mr. and Mrs. J. Please God just let her know Alexandria High School; route 2 — the district of your choice? F»r free E. McDonald and Misses Catherine and AUCTION SALE That we down here will ne’er forget. Lome area to Alexandria via Quig- details and catalogue; FAMILEX, 1600 Mr. John McKinnon, Vankleek Hill At Bishop Street, Alexandria, on ley’s. Annie Laurie McRae. Saturday, September, 8th, 1945 at 1 We love and miss her so. Delormier, Montreal.” 33-36-36-37-38-e and Mr. Alex. McKinnon, Vancouver Any or lowest tenders not necessarily Mr. and Mrs. M. Lowe and chih p.m., High Class Household Furniture, Ever remembered, visited their sister Mrs. J. A. Mc- accepted. PROSPECTORS c'.ren of Grenville, Que. and Miss Mar- Albert Faubert, Auctioneer, Magin Gladys—Montreal and Grace—San Kinnon on Sunday. For full particulars regarding these Required at once for balance of Sea- guerite MacDonell of Montreal, visit- Sisters, Proprietresses. 36-1c Diego, Cal. Our school opened on Tuesday with ed at the home of Mr. A. A. MacDon- routes interview EUGENE A. MAC- son Experienced men—good wages and Miss Murray, of Barry’s Bay in charge. ell. AUCTION SALE DONALD, Secretary-Treasurer, or D. expenses—Phone HA. 5965 Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Bill Halton of Mont- AUCTION SALE J. DOLAN, M.D. Chairman, A.H.S. or write Titanic Mine Holdings Limit- opens Tuesday Bernice MacDonald and Miss Dor- LOT ll-2nd LOCHIEL AT LOT 36-8th LOCHIEL real spent the week end with her othy McDonald of Montreal, spent the Board, Alexandria. 35-2c ed Room 301—215 St. James West, 2 miles north of Glen Robertson Highway 34 SEPTEMBER 4 sister, Mrs. Donald A. MacPhee and Labor Day week end at the home of ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th Montreal, Quebec. 36-lo Mr. McPhee. They had also as guests Mrs. Alex. McDonald. Hie following :—3 choice milch cows, Half mile east of McCrimmon on TOWN OF ALEXANDRIA BUSINESS TRAINING for lor a week their nieces Miss Sandra Highway 34 TENDERS FOR ASSESSORS 2 year old sow with litter of 11, 3 TENDERS will be received by P. A. NOTICE POSTWAR CAREERS McDonald and Miss Margaret Mac- ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th Pie. John Edward Belair, Sr. Alex- WILLIAMSTOWN weeks old day of sale: waggon rack CharleboiS Clerk, of the TOWN OF Dougall of Montreal. manure spreader, fanning mill, Cha- At 12 o’clock noon sharp. Owing to ) andria, Ont., will not be responsible COURSES ALECXANDREA, ONTARIO, or the Miss Margaret McDonald, of Vank- tham; milk waggon, disk harrow such a big sale, we will have to get for any debts contracted by his wife SECRETARIAL ACCOUNTING In remembrance of her birthday NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SER- leek HSU is visiting with Mr. and Mrs seeder, set drag harrows, Deering bin- started sharp on time. Mary Catherine Belair, from this date. STENOGRAPHIC CIVIL SERVICE John A. McDonell. Mrs. Croll received a beautiful bou- VICE File No. 2447, Alexandria, until BOOKKEEPING CLERICAL der 5 ft. cut, new, steel land roller, All Househoud Furniture as well as 36-lp Messrs. George and Lance Hay, Ar- quet of flowers from her son Crafts- 12 o’clock noon, man Douglas Croll, now in Holland. hay rake; set sleighs, grain separator, the following:— 15 High Grade Ayr- Individual advancement. chie, Wyman and Orville MacMillan, shire milch cows, 3 two-year-old Ayr- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1945. FOR SALE Free Employment Service. LAC Geo. Lagroix, Hagarsville, is 2 cutters 2 thirty-gal. milk cans, scra- For the Office of Assesso^ to take Ubald Ranger, Alfert and Fred Jues- jier, set scales,, bench, box sleigh, shire heifers, four 18-months-old Ayr- One sow with litter of 12 pigs. Ap- We are approved for training spending a few days’ leave with his the Assessment for the year 1946 to nel left from this section for the mower, 5ft cut McC; 20 tons good shire heifers, 2-year-old Grade Ayr- ply to VICTOR LAFLEUR, R.R. 2 war veterans. mother Mrs. Maurice Lagroix. be completed on or before November Wtestern harvest fields. hay buggy, sme bee boxes, hay fork shire bull, 18-month-old Ayrshire bull, Greenfield. 36-2p FREE BULLETIN Miss Isabel Grant and her friend 15th, 1945. Pie. Hugh MacMillan, of Brantford and track, rope and pulleys complete; 12 choice Ayrshire spring heifer cal- Miss Tony Quail, Montreal, spent Lowest or any tender not necessar- FOR SALE Write, phone, or call for IMS and Sgt. George Smith spent the week buck saw scythe and snath, set dou- ves, 2 black mares, grey horse, bay bulletin. Office now open for end with Mr. Peter MacMillan. the week end with the former’s par- ily accepted. One Reg. Suffolk ram of choice «inferences and registration. ble harness, single harness, sledge, horse, 16 young pigs, 2 choice sows, Early reservation of desk space ents Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Grant. P. A. CHARLEBOIS, Clerk breeding. Apply to C. J. McRAE, R. Miss Clara McGillivray, of Ottawa cooking stove, sugar pan, 150 sap buck 4 turkeys, 50 Hybrid Hens, FORD- Is advisable. was a week end guest of Mr. and Miss Gabrielle Daoust Montreal, Alexandria, Ont. 36-2e R 2 Alexandria. 36-lp spent the week end at her home here ets pitch forks litter carrier with 60 SON TRACTOR, Massey-Harris Cornwall Mrs. Jas. L. MacMillan. Miss Jean feet of track, shove^ swivel, crow bar, 13 disc drill sbeeder, M.H. binder, MacMillan of Montreal also spent the Misses Flossie McCallum and Au- FOR SALE drey MacIntyre, Montreal were guests shears, buggy pole pump, complete; F. & W. mower, 5 1-2 ft. cut; 2 Bain SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Four piece Chesterfield Suite—rea- Commercial College week end with them. waggons, Deering rake logging sleighs, SEALED TENDERS, MARKED: of the latter’s mother Mrs. Ensile 'V/hifiletreesj double express, new sonable. Apply Rory Pilon, MaxvUle, Misses Anna M. and Marion Mc- “Tenders for School Proprerty and Telephone U» MacIntyre over the week end. cream separator, 2 walking plows and cutter, rubber tired buggy, new M.H. Ont. 36-lc Naughton and their friend Miss Mar- Site, Green Valley, Ont.”, will be re- CORNWALL - ONT. Lionel Payette, Lachine, Que., week many other articles too numerous to hay loader, gang plow, 2 No. 7 Fer- jerrison of Ottawa, spent the week ceived up to 7 p.m. on Monday, the ended with Mr. and Mrs. O. Larocque mention. clval walking plows, single harness, 2 HOUSE FOR SALE The 100-acre farm will also be sold sets double harness, new No. 10 M.H. 17th day of September 1945, by the In Williamstown, 7 room,s basement and family. undersigned Secretary-treasurer of the Mrs. W. Barrett, Miss Eleanor Bar- subject to a reserve bid. Ten acres manure spreader, hay tedder, Diam- hot air furnace; one half acre land, nice bush, good buildings. Terms will be ond drag harrow new “Tripple Unit” Board of Trusts of the Union Sep- shed. House well built and close toi rett and Gerald Barrett left on Friday arate School St. Raphaels, or by for their home In Windsor. made known day of sale. De Laval milking machine, McC-Desr- church and school. Ideal quiet place to TERMS—$10.00 and under, cash; ing l 1-2 h.p. gasoline engine, milk Artell Poirier, Trustee, Green Valley, retire. Apply to ALBERT SEGUIN, over that amount 12 months’ credit rig, 10-inch Fleury grinder, 28 inch Ont.; after which date thetrustees of Lancaster, Ont. Phone 3901. 36-2p Canadian General insulation PICNIC GROVE on furnishing approved joint notes. 3% circular saw with frame, 3 thirty the said School will proceed as author- ! off for cash. gal. milk cans, 4 eight gal. cream ized by law and as provided by the FARM FOB SALE Company Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonald and FRED HAMBLETON, Auctioneer cans, 75 loads of hay, quantity of straw, Separate Schools’ Act to dispose of the 200 acre farm, lot ll-7th Charlotten John, and Mr and Mrs. Tom O’Con- MRS. MARY C. McOORMICK, 350 bushels oats, 90 bushels barley, ; aforesaid property. burg, close to St. Raphaels, on bus nor , Apple Hill were guests of Mr. The highest, or any tender, not ne- routes, good buildings, ample water Proprietress. chains, carpenter’s and farm tools,, 127 HOLLAND, OTTAWA and Mrs. Peter McNaughton on Sun- and many other articles _ cessarily accepted. supply and good bush. Apply to Al- Signed; ARTEL POIRIER for the cide Brunet, St Raphaels. nOt 35-2p day. there with his parents. Miss Florence I am giving up farming, everything Blower Insulation For Occupied Houses Mr. Harry Nye and Douglas of Ot- Sayant and Mr. Rene Quennville mo- will be sold without reserve. Trustees. tawa, spent the week end with Mr. and toring as far as Brockville with them. Strangers will have to furnish good A. A. MACDONELL, Sec’y-Treas. FARM FOR SALE St. Raphaels, Ont., Sept. 5 1945. 36-2c Mrs. Ross Fraser, Mary Fraser and o bank references, if buying on terms. ; 150 acr farm, lot 30-9th Lancaster, ESTIMATE FREE Rebecca Grant. This will be strictly enforced on day of NORTH LANCASTER 7 acres of Maple bush balance under Mrs. Stuart Ferguson of Montreal, sale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS cultivation, good buildings and water In the Eastate of SARAH ANN MC- A. PAGEAU, REPRESENTATIVE, WILL spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs Miss Rita Campeau of Montreal TERMS:— $20.00 and under, cash; supply first farm on side road for Peter McNaughton. over that amount 12 months’ credit DONALD, late of the Township of further particulars apply to OSCAR spefit the week enw with her parents Loehiel, County of Glengarry, Spin- BE IN TOWN Alexander McPherson left for the on furnishing approved joint notes. SECOURS, R.R. 2 Alexandria. TeL Western Parts on the harvest «tcur- Mr. nd Mrs. Evang. Campeau. 5% off for cash. ster, deceased. 14-L-127 Alexandria. 36-2P sion on Friday last. Miss Pauline Major of Montreal, en- ALBERT FAUBERT, Auct. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named Miss Annabell McNaughton left for joyed Labour Day with her parents JOHN N. CAMPBELL, Prop. S5-2c CARD OF THANKS From Sept. 13lli to 20ih Leamington, Ontario, Sunday to take Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Major. SARAH ANN MCDONALD, deceased, Mr Morlln Campbell deeply appre- arc required to send full particulars of over her duties as teacher for the com- After enjoying their summer holi- AUCTION SALE ciates and sincerely thank his neigh- ing year. At lot 28-7th Lancaster, en Tues- their claim and proof thereof to the bors and friends for the unremitting days all the children are back to day, September 18th at 12 o’clock, noon, Phone The Glengarry News, No. 9. Dan McRao, Avonmore, spent a few undersigned solicitor on or before the kindness and sympathy shown him In school. farm stock, implements and house- hours on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. first day of October 1945. After that his recent sudden sorrow. Many boys from this area left last hold furniture. Albert Faubert Auct.; Geo. McCallum. date the Estate will be distributed hav- R.R. 1 Dalkeith. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McPherson week for the Western harvest fields. Jos. Emond, Proprietor. 35-2c ing regard only to those claims which Jean and Chrlstena Condie spent Sun- will have been received. DIED day at Hudson visiting Mrs. Clayton DATED at Alexandria, Ontario, this RYAN—On August 29th, 1945, at San McPherson’s sister Mrs. Dixon and 4th day of September,, 1945. Francisco, Reverend Hugh Ryan, for- Wanted Mr, Dixon. LEOPOLD LALONDE, merly of Fournier Ontario, brother Alexandria Ontario, of the late Mrs. j’. A. Cameron of GLEN NORMAN 36-3c. Solicitor for the Executrix. Alexandria and Ottawa. Basswood for Heading After spending the past two months GIRLS WANTED at the home of her brother Mr. Dune. Size 6” and up, 3 foot long. A. McRae and Mrs. McRae, Miss Ca- therine McRae, left for New York D. Coulthart city this week. Girls wanted to train as sewing After enjoying a few weeks vaca- Wanted—Cook General Monkland, Ont. tion, with relatives and friends in in Sudbury, Mrs. Gertrude Macdonald machine operators-can earn a living returned home on Sunday. while being trained. Very good pros- y Miss Cecile Decosse of Montreal I For family of three in Ottawa. Pleasant week ended at her parental home here. pects of receiving higher wages I surroundings, private living quarters, good Among those who left on the har- vest excursion to the West last week, after the brief training period when g salary. Telephone Ottawa 2-1717, collect, or were Messrs. Dan R. Macdonald, write Box L. Glengarry News. Wanted Donald McDonald, Eddie and Alcide put on a piece-work basis. Only 38-2c, Decosse. MAPLE AND WHITE ASH LOGS Mr. and Mrs. Real Larocque and those who can be depended on as Cut 7’ 3” long, 12” diameter and np little daughter were week end and holiday guasts of relatives here. steady workers need apply. also After spending a couple of weeks i BASSWOOD, SPRUCE, PINE AND 1 l I with relatives at St. Raphaels, Green CEDAR SHINGLES, ASPHALT SHINGLES HEMLOCK LOGS Valley and Glen Normanj Mr. Wm. Apply any day Monday to J. McDonald and little son Brian re- Cut 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet long turned to Brockville on Friday of last Friday at the premises. ROLL-BRICK SIDING week. CASH ON DELIVERY Miss Anne and Master George Mc- NOW IN STOCK SAWING DONE EVERY DAY Donald returned to their home in Guarantee Sport Garment Co., Brockville, after spending a couple of weeks at their grandmother’s home. Main street north Leo Lacombe Miss Janet Sayant left on Tuesday on C. A. TOBIN PHONE 81 ALEXANDRIA. a visit to Toronto relatives. She was ac (the old Glengarry Inn building.) companied by her little nephew Mas- Phone 3801 or 3802, ter Garry Sayant who will remain The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont, Friday, September 7, 1945 Page G

Sundayed in the village with his sis- Carrion Flower Grows in veloping that pattern of behavior sit up in the grandstand. But it can we stop kicking. ter, Mrs Wm MacLennan and Mr Mac Training For Peace which can win the confidence and enly be developed as yuu come down The New South Africa; Smell Bad I friendship of other nations. But every Lennan. lighting with each ether cause® Some plants do not have flowers. We are now a nation trained for war : employer and every workre, every and play the game. Others have flowers, but might bet- Hard training in camp and factory foreman and every shop steward can trouble. Fighting for each other solve® Tokens GLEN NORMAN ter not have them, so far as people overcame the soft habits of peace and start training now to eliminate fric- When we put our best foot forward it. (Intended for last Issue) are concerned. Ferns are among the plants with- put fit men and weapons on the battle tion in human relations, far more de- For Meat Miss Anne R. McDonald of Brock- out flowers/ There is one kind field. vastating to production than is friction viile is .enjoying her holidays at the called the “flowering fern” but it But are we in training for peace? in machines. They can think not who This picture will give yon an idea home of her grandmother, Mrs Mary does not have flowers in the true Have we made ourseves fit as a nation is right but what is right in the in- of what the new meat tokens will look Sayant. sense of the word. in our homes and factories, our offices terests of all. They can think how to like. These tokens will be distributed Mr and Mrs Donald H. McDougall Instead of bearing seeds, a fern and farms to resist temptation to sink turn out, not just quality products, but When meat rationing- becomes effective and Miss Margie McDougall, Montreal plant produces “spores.” When a quality citizens. They can train to spore takes root, a small plant with back in victory? Have we toughened early in September, and are slightly renewed àcquaintances here during the tiny, heart shaped leaves grows up. our montai and moral muscles to fight work as a team—far more important larger than a nickel and made of blue past week. It does not look like a fern, but it on now to secure the peace and build to peace than the work of either head fibrewood composition jsimiar to ra- Mr Edgar Theoret of Montreal produces seeds which will grow into a new world? ! or hands . tion tokens used in the United States. spending soome time with his brother ferns. ! Canadians have a tremendous past. The carrion flower is one of those Just as soft home life softens men “Canada Ration” and “Meat Viande” Mr Lucien Theoret and Mrs Theoret for war, selfish home life unfits them It we train in this way for peace we are stamped on both sides and there which might better not exist. It has can have an even greater future. And Mr Wm J. McDonald of Brockvile good-sized blossoms, but what blos- for peace. Husbands, wives, and chil- .is a small hole in the centre. vsiited with relatives here during the soms ! dren can train together now for the we will have something to export to Tokens may only be used to “make past week. Carrion flowers grow wild in south- j uth-j.-i•***'*f> “He did so, and succeeded, calling ment. One case asked why he could ■ MoCRIMMON it entire, or entire butt; and as it not make coffee any more, as it (the mmmmm was a very healthy and nourishing pot) wouldn’t work—and no wonder, -’rniTOwwf.ff w. i. liquor, suitable for porters and other since practically every hole of the On August 16, at 1.30 p.m. the re- working people, it obtained the basket was plugged with dead cof- gular monthly meeting of the Women’s name of porter.” fee grounds. Institute was held in the form of a What’s in a namel Some pots had never even had a store label washed off the side; oth- Garden Party at the home of Mrs J. ers showed that the tube of the per- The supply of textiles is not adequate to the demand. P. MacLeod, the President, Mrs D. D. colator had not been brushed out, Gibbons in Siamese Forests Fox six years, most of the world output has gone to war. MacMaster presided. If, as some evolutionists think, nor the coffee pot’s spout scoured Roll call, a health building habit was man came from a remote ancestor out since it was first set on the kitch- Victory has not improved the situation. whose family also gave rise to the en range. Indeed, the conditions answered by twenty-four members and There will not be enough textiles in Canada for many months to twenty-three visitors were present. Miss various branches of apes, then the surrounding this one device or equip- come. K. N. MacCrhnmon gave a paper on present day Siamese gibbon shows ment used daily in every home were rn-mm what may have been like the begin- something to call out the sanitation the Motto “A merry heart makes good rings of human family life a mil- squads of every town investigated. fî'-ÎTO» medicine. lion years or more ago. It wa,s decided to hold a tea and It is thought possible that the Bazaar- in October members to bring ■Siamese gibbons have lived about Geological Mystery suggestions to the next meeting. mchanged in their present environ- Geology has absorbed the story of Mrs Standfird MacCrimmon gave a ment for a million years or more. the giant, hairy mammoths which paper on Health, care of babies. The report was made by C. R. were found frozen in the eternal ice ’.arpenter, assistant professor of of Siberia. But even the most re- Guest speaker was Mrs Alfred Brad- psychology at the Pennsylvania lentless scientist has been unable to ley our District President, she spoke Itate college. He studied 93 gib- explain, states Coronet magazine, on Post War Women and their work. cons, in 21 families, in their native how icy death came so swiftly to Miss Penny MacCrimmon favored u* forests. those great cumbersome beasts of with some music and Miss Renwlck Their substitutes for speech are the past. Not only were the car- and Miss Crevier sang two songs. lear human, comprising sounds and casses perfectly preserved, even to gestures. Gestures of friendliness the hair and eyeballs, but undecom- A flower contest was held winners )r the opposite are unmistakable, a posed food was found in the stom- 1st Mrs W. A. MacLeod 2nd Royce sort of sign language. For exam- achs and adhering to the teeth. MacGillivray, 3rd Mrs Dan Crevier. ple, in a friendly meeting the hands Nearly 25,000 years ago the mam- Races for the children were also held are held with backs forward in a moths apparently finished a meal, and prizes given. position unsuitable for striking or and were frozen so suddenly that the Tea wa,s served by the lunch com- punching. food clinging to their teeth remained Canada depends largely on A serious manpower shortage Shortages overseas must be m&mm Their vocal range is near human. almost fresh. How many thousands other sources for raw materials mittee and the meeting closed by sing- Still confronts the textile in- met. It will take months before Sound films, taken of their voices in of the creatures are still locked deep and. for some yams and production is resumed in ■m'wmm ing the ode. dustry of all Allied countries. iwmrn ihe forest, were played back to the in the ice, no man knows. What Europe. ■ same animals. These gibbon audi- super-blizzard, what almost instan- DALKEITH ences seemed to understand the taneous change in temperature, (Intended for last issue) aounds and talked back to the pic- caught those beasts in its white iures. » grip? Miss Flora MacDonald R.N. Detroit is visiting at Dalkeith. Mrs Alex W. MacLeod entertained Dangerous Sharks Liken Channel to Sleeve her son, Duncan D. of Cornwall dur- There are many different species “The Sleeve” is what the French ing his holiday annual last Week. and varieties of sharks that are dan- call the 350-mile-long English chan- Mr Leonard Gutoske relief agent gerous, particularly the white shark nel, an old-fashioned two-puff sleeve 1 j ar man-eater, which is white below with its tight wrist at the Strait C.N.R. has been replaced by the re- .md brown on the upper parts. of Dover, the puffs caught in at gular operator, Mr D. J. Macintosh The man-eating shark is probably its western entrance to the Atlantic, who has regained his usual health. Mr .he best known of the sharks. says a National Geographic bulle- Substantial quantities of aH Domestic demand for textiles Civilian clothing needs of Outoske came here from Barry’s Bay Most sharks, being extremely ac- tin. The constriction at Cherbourg kinds of textiles are still increased sharply during the returning servicemen and wo- required by occupational men are swelling the demand Ive and roving, are found widely leaves a mere 82 miles intervening war. It is still going up. m the early summer and made many here at home. locat friendships. Hstributed in the seas of the world, between the British port of Ports- • •**Wy«*fry** Mr-® Albert Casavant is the guest ot .’here are perhaps not more than mouth and a narrower 50 miles be- ive or six different kinds of them tween Alderney, the northernmost her mother, Mrs Rose St Denis. . are not dangerous, all the oth- channel island, and the nearest point CONSERVATION IS THE KEYNOTE Mrs Margaret Hay has returned from :rs being noted for their ferocity. of the English coast. The western Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, whence Their teeth-fllled mouths, as you “puff” however, widens to a dis- This year, production direotives have again been .she had gone for treatment: have often seen in pictures, are tance of 157 miles between St. Malo fssued to the textiles industry. Mr Robert Walsh is assisting Mr jsually on the undersurface of the and Southampton, Britain’s largest They are intended to divert output to more Perrier in the completion f his feed lead, so that in order to bite con- channel port. The western end of essential goods. veniently objects on the surface of store building. the channel is more than 100 miles be water, they are compelled to wide and nearly twice as deep as the But directives alone cannot cure a situation arising We are sorry these men have in- urn on their backs. eastern extremity. from world conditions. jured their hands recently: Mr Victer Shark fisheries have been devel- Tessier, Mr Palma Meilleur, Mr Ciaude ped in various parts of the world, The answer lies in conservation. More than ever, Levac, Mr Rod MacDougall and Mr gome sharks yield a large quantity Motorists Warned About Lights the need is to conserve, to take care of what Douglas MacMillan. We wish them if valuable liver oil and other prqd- All motorists should make certain there is, to mend, make-over and make-do; icts, such as fins and scales used to turn on théir headlights when re- speedy recoveries. n the manufacture of purses and quired by law, if for no other rea- Mrs A. K. Stewart and daughter, ither commercial objects. son than personal safety, reports the Miss Ruth SteWart, of Ottawa, are public safety department of the Na- holidaying with Mary N. MacLeod. tional Automobile club. The law re- Miss Rita MacDougall of Saranac Wash Thoroughly quires that headlights be turned on Lake New York, visited relatives here Flower vases should always be one-half hour after sunset, during in- > •.horoughly washed with hot soapy THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD//t and at Lochinvar last week. clement weather and such other water between uses. Fill the flower times as vision is impaired. Last Mr Guy Lavigne, of Ottawa is jontainers with sudsyg water, let year 330 vehicles involved in fatal operating Dalkeith R.R. No 2 during itand about 10 minutes, then wash accidents and 7,660 vehicles in non- rSfiSSSS! his holidays, thereby affording his and rinse with clear water. New fatal accidents in the United States father, Mr. Frank Lavigne a brief bouquets will flourish better in a had one or both headlights out. -■lean vase, last longer and retain change of work. Turning on the lights would have .heir perfume and freshness for a prevented many of these injuries Mr Peter D. MacMillan of Kirk Hill longer period. and saved many lives, the National Autombile club believes. TCKOH9 The Glengarry New*, Alexandria, Ont, Friday, September 7, 1945 Page 1

the French blasted the rcoks In the see our work and became suspicious, j defile. They’ll be getting through be- But if you tell us two or three hours before you will take off, then we can fore long and—” “I realize all of that,” Doctor chop down many trees at the end of Overtoil said calmly. “But our first the field.” duty is to the wounded men. We must “In just a couple of horns?” Jerry do what we can to effect their recov- asked. “Can you cut enough in that Front-Line Nurse .time?” ery. Then we must try to get out with them. If we can’t—well, maybe we can “Twenty of us with sharp axes,” the get over the border to Switzerland. Irienchman replied, “we can cut down —BY Bui there’s no point in coming in here a great many trees in two hours. Let to operate, to treat these men, and me be certain I understand. You do then in being so eager to get them out not need the ground clear and smooth William Starrett 'that we kill them doing it.” there?” The next morning they awoke with “No,” Jerry said, “I’m sme my wheels the first light of dawn. Anxiously Jer- will be off the ground by the time I ry peered out and saw a clear blue reach the end of the pastme. But I’m sky. He swore softly, and the likely to be only six or seven feet in CHAPTER IX this. putated that Britisher’s am. Frenchman at his side grinned. the air at that point with the heavy “Lieutenant Smythe?” Laura said. “Par haw long ® time must you have In the last few hours. Jerry had “I know,” he said. ‘We do not lead I’ll have. I need that additional “But maybe it can be saved.” this fire?” he asked. gamed a new admiration for her. like good weather, either.” space up in the air.” “For the time when.I am operat- Working steadily, without a moment’s “I doubt it,” Doctor Overton told herj They washed in the cold waf ers “That ia what I thought,” the guer- accepting some bread and cheese from ing,” Doctor Overton replied. “Un- rest, she had aided Doctor Overton in ' of a nearby mountain brook, and then rilla replied, as his friends nodded in the French leader who came up to til I see 'the wounded men, I cannot the operating tent under the glare of Jerry took a pan of the water understanding. “So we need only to THERE IS NO FINER CARBONATED BEVERAGE him. “Thanks.” Pepsi-Colo" the regitiered trade mark in Canada of Pepji-Colo Company of Canada, limited tell how many operations will be ne- the gasoline lantern. The amputation back .to the plane. There he found a cut te trees a few feet from the ground cessary. I will do them at once—one of Major Compton’s leg, dressing of “When can we leave, Doctor?” Jer- small tin of canned heat, which he le< them fall there. We do not need after the other just as quickly as wounds, probing for shell fragments, j ry asked. “'In the morning?” lit and placed under the pan. When to remove the stumps, to drag away PEPSI COLA COMPANY OF CANADA LTD.- BOTTLER PLAN, everything is ready.” the water was hot, he dumped into trunks and branches?” CORNWALL, ONT. “We shall build the fire,” the lead- it two packets of prepared coffee. “No, of course not;” Jerry saidj feel- er said. “Today there are low-hang- He and the guerrilla leader had ing encouragement in this plan. “And ing clouds. It will be unseen by any their breakfast .together. The French- the path doesn’t have to he as wide OBodhe airplane today. On another man smiled delightedly over the cof- as the whole pastme. either, nly about day when it might clear—well we shall fee. thirty feet wide—I can hit that slot Perfect Diamond Not see.” We have had nothing like this for easily.” Always Most Valuable “Wte may not need it on another many, many months,” he said. “Ah—then we can do that!” the Probably you’ve never suspected day,” the dodtor said. “And now— They’re probably having it up at Frenchman replied. “In two homse we it, but the imperfect diamond may Nurse Blake will you come with me? be far more valuable than the per- the oave, too,’ ’ Jerry said. “We brought can chop a path thirty feet wide and I will look at the wounded men.” in a couple of cases of army rations fect one. If you’re the average almost, as long.” woman who wears a diamond or the The giiant Frenchman then led of various kinds. Doctor Overton and Laura into the “That will give me thirty feet more man who bought it for her you’ve Later .they left the plane and Jerry before I come to the tall trees ! ” Jerry judged it by its whiteness. But that cave. gave the signals all the way back up isn’t the only standard. The gem Several hours la/ter^ after Doctor exclaimed. “I think I can make it, whose crystal-clear sparkle so de- the Roc d’Enfer. Along the way, the then.” Overton had completed his operations Frenchman pointed out two or three lights you perhaps would be worth a great deal more if it were blue, end the camp har somewhat quieted small paths that branched off from The Frenchman got up to speak to his leader about this new idea, and green or brown. down. Jerry sat leaning, against the .the main way, telling Jerry where they Jerry heard the voice of an English- Yet color in a diamond is caused rocks near the cave entrance. He led. by specks. And specks really are man at his side. munched hard brown bread and huge At the cave, he found Laura and imperfections. If they are too small hunks of cheese wheih the French- Doctor Overton making the rounds of “Jolly good notion, that,” the man j they cheapen the stone. But large men had distributed; he did not feel enough and evenly diffused they are their patients inside. When they had said with a smile “Wondered about hungry but he ate because he felt that likely to place it in a fabulous price finished. Jerry asked Lama about getting off with a load. he should. range. The point is merely that in HONORABLE THOMAS Major Compton. “Another thirty feet will do it,” their way the imperfections must VIEN, P .G*, K.C., vice-chairman He was tired, and he shivered slight- giving blood plasma—one treatment “Oh, no-” Doctor Overton said em- “Coming along well,” Laura smiled. Jerry agreed. “Are you a flier?” be perfect. This is only one strange of the National Clothing Collection ly as a cold evening breeze swept up sponsored. by the Canadian United and one operation had followed an- phatically. “Not a chance! Why, Ma- “Better .than the doctor had hoped. “Yes,” the man answered with a truth you undoubtedly will learn and around the crest of the hill. He about glamorous gems now that the Allied Relief Fund, and one of the other. jor Compton can’t be moved for several But Smythe—the Englishman—his arm smile. “Flight Commander Blaiston, active workers in organizing the ■Wondered how Laura was standing all 1 diamond center of the world has Through it all, Laura had remained days. It would be absolutely fatal!” is worse. Afraid it will have to come R-A.F. Happy to help as yom co-pilot nation-wide campaign, scheduled for fled to America from Belgium and October 1 - 20, for the collection of calm, efficient, anticipating Doctor “Several days!” Jerry exclaimed. off. Doctor hasn’t decided yet.” I™ *he way out. I’ve handled those Holland. And now that families fa- serviceable used clothing for distribu- Y.U .. Itiansports of yours before.” Overton’s every move without getting “We can’t wait that long.” How about the others?” JerryT ask- 1 mous for generations as diamond tion by U.N.R.R.A. experts among the suffering millions m liberated When your BACK in his way—and still she never forgot “Wte must wait that long,”’ Doctor cd. “Good!” Jerry exclaimed, TTlbe need cutters have come to live with you. to smile and say just the right word Overton said. “After all, what did Bringing along all the secrets of the European countries. “ All okay ” Lama replied. The big plenty of help at that particular trade; the history and legends of to the wounded men. we come here for? To save these men I Wood plasma right kind of food and moment. It will be a tough one. We ACHES... Doctor Overton appeared from the precious stones. LEOPOLD LALONDB if we could. Then and only then, to I treatment have worked wonders. may need a little handling of guns on One of the two most famous col- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAB* * B»ck»che is often caused by lazy kidney cave. try to get out with them.” action. When kidneys get out of order ezeess I “ILet’s take a little walk,” Jerry the trip, too. The Nazis aren’t likely ored diamonds in America is the ALEXANDRIA. ONT. “How are they, Doctor?" Laura “But every day we’re here,” Jerry to miss us completely on ®ur return acids and poisons renuin in the system. Then i suggested. “I know my way around Tiffany Orange, a square-cut 125% Office hour* 10 to U ABL; S to 4 AJB backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- asked. protested, “increases our chances of carat stone with 101 facets. It was (here a bit now.” journey as they did on our way in. Saturday—10 to 1* turbed rest or that ‘tired out’ feeling may “All right,” he said, but his voice ^ being detected. The Germans have Handle a gun all right?” found in the Kimberly mines in 1878. aoon follow. To help keep your kidneys j They strolled doWn the main path Phona 1*7. did not sound too confident. “Can’t j planes over here all the time. It looks The other, much better known, is working properly—use Dodd’a Kidney Pills. I hand in hand. When they were out “Of course,” the Englishman said. the 44% carat blue Hope diamond Tune-tested, popular, safe, non-habit-form- tell a thing about Major Compton yet; j as if it will b clear tomorrow, for in- I of sight of the cave; they felt close, “We can all handle the machine guns. owned by Mrs. Evelyn Walsh Mc- INSURANCE ing. Demand Dodd’s Kidney Pills, in the blue of course. And I keep wondering If I stance. And every day the German are I relaxed—^together again as man and But here’s our specialist in that field- Lean of Washington. Mrs. McLean Fire, Life, Slckneai, Accident, Atto- box with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 shouldn’t have gone ahead and am- working away at the road block where woman, not as pilot and nurse. Lieutenant Chance.’ is said to have paid $300,000 for the moblfe, Plate Glass, Dwelling, “What are you smiling about, Jer- Jerry greeted the lieutenant, who stone, which once belonged to Louis tare, Theft. Wind & Farm XIV. ry?” Laura asked. strolled up to join in the conversa- We hare also taken over Alex. W “Because I’m with you for a few tion. Jery saw that his head was Kerr’s Insurance Ag.ncles. HE’D LUCE minutes,” he answered. covered with bandages but that other- One Bicycle for Every MORRIS BROS. He stopped and put his arms around *7-tt. Alexandria. Owe. v/ise he seemed in good condition. Four Autos in Country her. He kissed her and then simply “Yes I’m the gun man ” he said. held her close again without speaking. Few motorists realize that bicycle J. D. MAOEAE, “You see, they sent in experts in var- MAXVILLE, ONT. FBONB Si There was no need to speak. They use has taken a surprising spurt TO KNOW YOU ious fields. Blaiston here for aircraft, during the past four years. More Insurance of all Had», both felt the same things. They knew irfields and such, in case we found than 8,000,000 bicycles now are in Conveyancing that underneath theinr outward calm, some way to use planes more. I’m the use throughout the country, the ra- Auctioneering, Real EKate they were tense with the danger of this gun man—and they really needed one. tio being one for every four motor Notary mission. They were inwardly keyed up These guerrilias have every kind of vehicles. Production averaged over by the damatic situation In which gun in the world—old French military 1,000,000 bicycles a year from 1936 A. L. CREWSON. MD„ OJA, they found themselves. And for a few to 1938, and in 1939 about 1,250,000 rifles, some from the Franco-Prussian : new bicycles were sold. One esti- LJtO.0. minutes it was important for them to war, too and captured German rifles ■ is that 85 per cent of the riders EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. feel a unity, from which each gained and pistols, modem British and are under 16 years of age. Glasses supplied and fitted. Tetopbaoi comfort and strength. American rifles we’ve dropped to them In our grandfather’s time people 1346. 132 West Second Stieet, Oars The service you receive from your They walked on again, slowly. and some of our machine guns and sub of all ages rode bicycles, took pride wall, Ont., Please make appointsae»* Jerry stopped. “Five hundred paces” the bank is rendered so quietly and effi- machine guns, Even a good number ! “ ^ riding skill and were re- with the secretary. Office open »—IE he muttered. “Now you will have your sponsible, thoughtful travelers. Then 1—*. Saturday *—18. of hunting rifles and shotguns in the the automobile supplanted the bi- ciently that the human values behind proof that there is war in these hills— crowd. ” cycle and “wheelmanship” as it was even though you can’t see it right it may not have occurred to you. “Major Compton is the demolition known in the early days, was lost. LADIES’ AND MEN’S now.” expert,’.’ Blaiston took up the story, Today we have a mushroom growth TAILORING He whistled the signal he had learn “Smythe the specialist in jungle fight of bicycle riders, many of whom are Alteratons, pressing, ur GeatB ed from ifhe guerrilla leader, and from ing, and so on.” “wobble-cyclists,” or, in other epalred and rellned. up ahead and a little to the right the Jerry, in his talks with the English- w°rds’ AGNES VALADE , ^ ^ , J who seek thrills in poor cycling, KENYON STREET WEST Think- for instance, of the confidence you rest in your answering whistle came back to them. men and others among the wounded whose bikes are pooriy adjusted, ALEXANDRIA, ONT. “H I didn’t know that whistle,” he who were able to be up and about, ' have faulty brakes, wobbly seats branch bank manager, perhaps without even knowing him said, “We might well have a few got. to know them well and liked them and handlebars, loose handle grips, pieces of lead in us as we went on. But he admired even more the French and are not equipped with proper WILFRID MARCOUX well personally. You ought to know him better. By deposit- Even in these nice peaceful moun- LICENSED AUCTIONEER guerrillas. j lights. FOB THE COUNTIES OF tains. e ach th Jerry after lunch went with a group u °f

Miss Dora Shepherd of Ottawa, visit ' Miss A. M. McPherson who spent Sherman, Hawkesbury West; James ed relatives here the early part of the itwo weeks’ vacation, with her parents, Taylor and Dr. G. D. McIntyre, of MOSTLY ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW week - Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McPherson, 3rd VanMeek Hill. Mrs Hart Savage and son who had Kenyon has returned to Pittsburg, The honorary members are Dr. W. Items of field Lang Syne been visiting relatives in Montreal and pa. B. MacDiarmid, E. A. MaeGillivray, The Glengarry News asks its readers to make this SOCIAL AND some Mr. Robert McCormick, Valleyfield, PERSONAL column their own, to the extent of eontrlbuting items 1 Jehn D. MacRae, and Rt. Hon. W. L. days in Hudson N.Y. returned to town is spending two weeks’ holidays with which are of interest. If you have friends visiting you, if you are Mackenzie King. Gleaned From The Fyles oi The Glengarry News Monday. Mrs. McCormick and family Bishop WARD CHAIRMEN ARE: planning a trip, call in or phone The Glengarry News Office — 1 Mr and Mrs John Clark and Miss St. South. Alexandria—Raoul Clement, J. D. our number is 9—or use the mails. Dorothy Clark, Montreal, spent Sat- j McPherson, Le» Lacombe. Prior to her departure to enter the Hotel Dieu Con- urday evening at the home of Mrs H. Maxville—Armand Guerrier, Henry vent, Kingston, Miss Betty McPherson was honored by N. MacDonald, McCrimmon. MARRIAGE McEwen. friends at the home of her Mr Frank MacPhee and Mrs John Mrs Claude A. Brown and Miss Ena Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Gibeau had as ! Lancaster Village—A. L. Tobin. TEN YEARS AGO parents Mr. and Mrs. D. J. R. MacPhee, Glen Roy, motored to K. Fleming of Toronto, are holiday- their guests over the week end, Mr and j HARTRICK—URQUHART Lochiel—Poll 1—Lauréat Decoste; 2, Friday, Sept. 6, 1935 McPherson, 3rd Kenyon, on Montreal on Wednesday, being ac- ing this week with their parents, Rev ‘ Mrs Rene Des Ormeaux, Mrs Corinne A pretty wedding was solemnized Altonie Menard; 3—Hugh A. Dewar; Friday, August 23rd. Mr. companied by Miss Katherine Mac- and Mrs J. McL. Fleming The Manse Beaulne and daughters, also Miss ' on Saturday, August 18th, at one- 1 4—(Clifford Campbell; 5—McNabb Archie Lothian of this town has been awarded the con- Phee, who had spent the summer with Mrs J. Both of Belleville, visited her Irene Decoste and Mr Emilg Pigeon, thirty p.m. in the Presbyterian Manse Campbell; 6—Angus Kennedy; 7— tract for reconditioning more than 100 miles of road in them and was returning to the city. mother, Mrs Tourangeau, this week. ' all of Montreal. I at Dunvegan, Ontario, when Sara 1 W. A. J. MacGillivray; 8—Malcolm the Trans-Oanada Highway betwen Chalk Rtver and North Misses Katherine and Sadie McDon- Mrs Peter J. McDonell is visiting her Mrs Pasher, Kenyon St had as her ' Catherine Urquhart only daughter of 1 McRae; 9—Florimond Legault; 10— Bay. Mr. Louis Huot, B.A., left for Maxville where he ald Montreal, were Labor Day visitors daughter, Mrs C. Donovan and Mr guest last week Miss F. Johnson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urquhart Romeo Girard. joins the High School staff. Mr. J. D. Maedonell ar- With Mr and Mrs Geo. R- McDonald, Donovan, Ste Anne’s. They also had Stratford, Ont. and on Tuesday of this ' was united in marriage with Rodger Lancaster — Poli 1 — John McAr- rived from Nelson, B.C., on Monday, on a visit to his Who are now occupying their newly with -them on Labor Day, Mrs Flora week, Mrs Alex Grant of Ottawa visit-1 Hartrieki son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth thur; 2—D. A. Condie; 3—Murdoch brother, Mi-. D. D. Maedonell, Green Valley. His sister, created bungalow on St Paul Street. Grant and daughter Rita of Apple ed with her. R. Hartrick of Dunvegan, Ontario. A. McLennan; 4—Alex. R. McDonald; Miss Catherine Maedonell of Brooklyn, N.Y., is also at her Mr Clarence Dixon of Dorval spent Hill. j Mr and Mrs J. F. Besner and daugh Rev H. S. Ppiilpott performed the 5 — James A. McDonell; 6—Gilbert home on vacation—Mrs. R. McNeil, Glen Rohrrtson, Monday and Tuesday guest of Mr and Mr and Mrs D. A. McDonald had ' ter Therese of Glen Nevis, were ceremony. Gauthier; 7—Harve Ouimet; 8—Al- lost his home by fire early Tuesday morning. Fire also Mrs Elie Chenier. They also had with with them the early part of the week among the visitors here on Tuesday. The bride, entering the Manse to the bert Lacombe. caused the loss of driveshed, granary and farm machinery, them on Saturday last, Mrs Wallace Mrs E. J. Darragh of Pendleton, Ont ' Mr Eddie Buck of Amprior and Mr strains of Lohengrins Bridal Chorus 1 1 Kenyon—Poll 1—Ranald McPher- of E. St. Denis Dalkeith, recently. An interesting dou- Dixon and little daughter and Mrs R. Mrs Wm Murray and Miss W. Mur- and Mrs R. Burke, Ottawa, were La- played by Miss Joyce Urquhart, son; 2—John A. McRae; 3—OK. K. biye wedding took place in Sacred Heart Church, Aug. 21st, McHugh of Lemieux. ray of Sherbrooke, Que. jbor Day guests of Mr and Mrs Andrew cousin of the bride, was gowned in a MacLeod; 4—Allan Vallance; 5—A. when Miss Salome Daprato became the bride of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stark of Ottawa, Mr Ollie MacLeod of Ottawa and McRae. | floor-length model of white brocaded D. O. McCrimmon; 6—D. D. McIn- Mr. Eugene Gauthier, and Miss Yvette Daprato arrived here Saturday and have taken Miss Maria MacLeod of New York City Mr and Mrs Nelson Hicks who spent | erganza over satin. Her shoulder-length tyre; 7—Albert Dancause; 8—Wilfred married Mr. Joseph Gauthier of Cornwall. The residence in the Pommier Apt.,, Cath- were week end guests of Mr and Mrs their summer holidays at Glen Andrew was held in place by a coronet of Cadieux; 9—Achille Joanette; 10—Al- brides are daughters of Mrs. Clement Daprato, erine St. Mr Stank has joined the D. N. MacRae. | returned to Montreal on Labor Day. orange blossoms. She wore an engraved Fred St. Denis. while the grooms are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Archie teaching staff of the local High Rev J. P. Pigeon of Ottawa, is at j Mrs Eliza Dashney of Laggan West, gold locket, the gift of the groom, and Charlottenburgh — Poll 1 — Elzear Gauthier, Alexandria. Mr. John E. Morris left Wednes- School. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Dubois, present the guest of his parents Mr is spending this week with her bro- carried a colonial bouquet of Talisman Andre; 2—Bert Mowatt; 3—Wilfred day for Mattawa where he will work with Mr. Arch Lo- who spent the summer holidays in and and Mrs E. Pigeon. thers, Peter and Nehmial MacCallum roses; McDonald; 4—J. W. McCullough; 5— thian, contractor. The Ferguson Thresher Co. of Max- around Ottawa, have returned to town Capt. M. T. Cameron who spent of Barb, The bridesmand, Miss Gladys Mac- W.J. Blanchard; 6—D. S. McIntosh; ville has shipped two threshing machines to the Dominion and will occupy an apartment in twenty one days’ furlough with her, Pte D. J. Barton of Ottawa spent Leod, cousin of the bride, wore floor- 7—John McLennan; 8—Ben G. Mun- Experimental Farms at Brandon, Man., and Regin,, Sask. the residence on Bishop St., recently brother and sisters, Rev. AL. Cameron the week end with Mr and Mrs E. L. length gown of baby blue net ver taf- ro; 9—J. B. Roy; 10—Alfred Roy. This makes 16 of their machines on Canadian Experimen- purchased by Mrs. D. Brabant. New and the Misses K. and Grace Cam- . D. McMillan, Laggan. feta, with a headdrtss of pink rose- East Hawkesbury—Poll 3—E. A. La- tal Farms. members of the High School Staff, Miss eron, returned recently to Long Beach ^ Rose Dignard spent thje week buds. She carried a colonial bouquet brosse; 4—Daniel Brunet; 5—Eugene. Claire Millar, M.A., of Brockville and Cal., where she is awaiting her hos- en(j and holiday with Ottawa friends, of Better Time roses. Deschene. Miss LjUian Callaghan, B., of Arthur, pital ship “Emily H.M. Weder,” for Miss Isabel McMillan, nurse-in-train The groom was attended by his bro- West Hawkesbury Poll 2—Felia* ther, Donald J. Hartrick. Mr. Archibald J. Macdonald, President of the Liberal Ont., arrived here last week end, to further transport duty . ing, Royal Victoria Hospntal, week Oulmet; 3—Herve Secours. Association of Glengarry, was nominated candidate in this take up their new duties. Miss Lorraine McDonald has return- ended wth her parents, Mr and Mrs Following the cermony, Mr and Mrs Caledonia—Pol] 1—Josephat Vinette; riding at a convention held Dr and Mrs Geo Monfette and ed to Montreal after spending the A. W. McMillan. Hartrick left on a motor trip to Mont- 2—Eugene Charlebois; 3—Aza Leroux; TWENTY YEARS AGO here, Saturday. F. T. Cos- daughter, Miss Jeannine of Montreal, summer holidays with her grandmother Wilfred McDonald who spent the sum real and other Quebec points the 4—John MacLeod; 5—Felix Quenne- Friday, Sept. 4, 1925 tell», Alexandria, and J. E. renewed acquaintances in town on Mrs A. J. McDonell, North Lancaster. mer in Arnprior, arrived home Monday bride wearing a turquoise wool suit ville. Chevrier, Cornwall, were also Sunday. They also had with them Miss Sandra The Msses Mary Jane and Isabel with navy accessories and a corsage Vankleek îfflll—Poll 1—B. H. Day; nominated. The Glengarry Conservatives met here on Mrs. Rod. Campbell of Cornwall, on McDonell, of Williamstown. MacDonald and Miss Rita Scott of Ot of Talisman roses. 2 Dr. G. D. McIntyre; 3—James Wednesday, when Mr. Angus McGillis of Williamstown, Sunday, accompanied her grandchil- Mr and Mrs Angus Kennedy, Glen tawa, spent the holday week end with On their return, a reception supper Taylor. was chosen standard-bearer. Fire on Friday destroyed dren Ian and Marlene Morris to their Nevis, had as guests for a short time, the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs was held a tthe home of the groom’s a large barn and contents, including some young cattle home at Noranda, after spending the Mr and Mrs Andrew O’Connor and Hugh R. MacDonald, St. Raphaels. parents, Mr and Mrs Kehneth R. Hart and swine, on the farm of Mr. A. J. McRae, Bridge End, summer with her as well as visiting daugthers, Beatrice and Louise of Mr and Mrs F. Worrail and Mrs L. rick. C.W.L Meeting The fire originated during threshing operations. Archie with Mr and Mrs J. J. Morris, here, Long Island, N.Y. Baley spent Labor Day at the home of The young couple will reside on the M. McMillan and John Kennedy, 4th Lochiel, lelt for the bree. Miss Rita Bradley, Ottawa, was with Mr D. A. McCaskiil. groom’s farm near Dunvegan, Ont. The regular meeting of Alexandria Canadian West on Monday. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. N. MacRae were her parents Mr and Mrs G. A. Bradley sub-division C.W.L., will be held among the guests at the Cummings— Mr and Mrs Vic. Cheney of Newton Friday evening, at 8 o’clock in Alex- John A. McGillis who will visit his sister, Mrs. McDou- over the holiday Falls N.Y. were week end guesta of MacNaughton wedding at Martintown, ander Hall. gald of Battieford, Sask.—The Spring Creek Basket Ball Miss Constance McDonald nurse-in- Mr and Mrs Antoine Chenier South on Wednesday. Few Changes team is planning a social evening. Master Kenneth training, St Mary’s Hospital, Montreal , Lancaster. Mrs. D. A. McDonald, Centre St., OBSERVING HOLY DAY ' , McLeod of Dunvegan, has won the Women’s Institute is home for a short holiday. | Mrs. Rod. S. McLeod who had been was called to Arnprior this week ow- Miss Mildred Dever, B.A. left by mo- In Liberal Slate Scholarship in the Departimental Examinations held at 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McLach- Alexandria Outfitters store will be ing to the critical illness of her mo- tor on Sunday, to resume her duties Maxville Continuation School. The absorption of the j Ian and Miss Chris. McLeod at Win- There are few changes in the list closed Saturday, on account of Jewish ther, Mus T. Mulvihill. at New Liskeard, Ont. Miss Ethel Mr branches of the Union Bank of Canada by the Royal Bank nipeg, Man., arrived home last even- of officers and directors of the Glen- Jioli days. was affected Sept. 1st The Royal Bank now has over 800 Mr and Mrs Fred Marley and boys Donald, of North Lancaster, accom- i ing. Wilh her i was her son, Flying garry Liberal Association for the en- branches in Canada and over 100 in other countries. of O(neonts|, N.Y. were here from panied her going on to Kirkland Lake ; Officer S. R. J. McLeod ofthe R.C. suing years as elected at the rtcent Tomorew afternoon in Lochiel Twnship Hall, a meeting Friday til Monday, guests of Mrs L. to continue her teaching duties. I A.F., Patricia Bay, B.C., who will annual meeting. The Prime Mini- Clinics To Be Held will be held to organize a branch of the Ontario Plowmen’s Thauvette and Miss Theresa Thauvette Mr. and Mrs. Jack McPhee and son enjoy a leave at his home here. ster is added to the list of Honorary Association and fix a date for holding of the first plow- Mr. E. Libbos had with him for the Rodney of Detroit, who spent some Vaccination Clinics will be held in I Mr. and Mrs. Modler and daughter Members which is made up of past Alexandria Schools on Wednesday, ing match. week end his daughters and sons-in- time with relatives here, left the early , oi Montreal accompanied by Mr. Wile, and present candidates and members September 12th Vaccination is a sure law, Mr and Mrs M. Jobara and Mrs part of this week for their home. motored here and spent the week end W. J. Major, president, Epgene A. C. Langevin of Montreal, and Mr. Mrs R. Wyatt and son Jimmie, St. _ protection against Smallpox and may &nd at the home of Mf an(J Macdonald, secretary-treasurer Albert be given any time after 6 months of and Mrs. E. Mansour of Lachute, also Anne de Bellevue, were in town from Mrs. Chas. McKinnon. Macdonald, secretary treasurer Albert bis son and daupighter-in-law, Mr. Thursday till Sunday guests of her age. It is preferable to have children Mr. David Munro, son of Mr. M. A. Munro, North Lan- A.B. Douglas and Mrs. McKinnon Dancause, associate secretary; vice- vaccinated early in life, as the reac- caster, left on Monday for Belleville and other Western pad Mrs. Jack Libbos of Montreal. sister, Mrs O. Clingen. She also had and Betty Carol left Wednesday to presidents D. A. Macdonald, K.C. Jack McCallum leit on Monday to as her guest the first part of the week tions are milder. The clinics win be Fairs, where he will judge spend some days in Montreal Mrs. Alexandria; Andrew McCallum, Char- held. THIRTY YEARS AGO dairy cattle Mr. J. O. continue his studies at St Patrick’s Mr Norman Hawn of Springfield, Mass. McKinnon and daughter having spent iottenburgh; J. A. Gray Ktnyon; Ger- College, Ottawa. Miss Rachel Lalonde, Montreal spent Alexandria Public School, 10 am. Friday, Sept. 10, 1915 Mooney and the Misses Pearl the summer months with Mr. and ald Sangster, Lancaster; D. B. Mac- St. Margaret’s Convent, 10.30 am. Mi- and Mrs Raoul Rousseau and Labor Day holiday with her parents, and Margaret Mooney of Mrs. Chas. McKinnon. donald, Lochiel; A Besner, Caledonia; Alexandria Separate School, 2 pm. Sudbury, were in town this Week attending 'the funeral of children, Pont Viau, Montreal, were Mr and Mrs J. A. Lalonde Main St. Mr. and Mrs. P. Poirier had as E Gravel, Hawkesbury East; Herve tht late Mrs. David Tomb. Mr. Chisholm MacDonald left guests on Labor Day of Mr and Mrs A. Miss Margaret Butler, Montreal, guests on Sunday, Miss Ida Legault, Secours, Hawkesbury West; B. H. Day, on Wednesday for Montreal, where he will take a course of Meloche and other relatives. spent the holiday week end here, the Mr. Bruno Legault and Dr. Chretien Vankleek Hill. studies at Loyola College—Ranald R. McDonald of the Miss Helen Proulx of Mnotreal is guest of Mrs T. J. Gormley. of Montreal. On their return they were Directors—Dr. D. D, McIntosh, Geo. Notice Bank og Hochelaga, Maxville spent Labor Day at his home spending the week with Mr and Mrs Mr. and Ms. Angus Emberg and son accompanied by Mrs. Gedeon Legault Lefebvre, Alexandria, Dr. D. E. Du- T. H. Proulx, Kenyon St East. They Ronnie of Valleyfield and Cpl Rebecca in St. Telesphore. Very impressive services were held who was visiting relatives in town moulin, Orner Legault, Lancaster Vil- I wish to announce inthe Baptist Church, Tayside, last Sunday morning and also had with them for the week end, McDopaid, C.W.A|.C. Montreal, were tor some two weeks. lage; Duncan Kippen, Robert McKay, evening the occasion being the 50th anniversary of the or- Miss Lilly Proulx of Montreal. recent guests of Mrs J. McCormick, Mr Duncan J. McDonald, Montreal, of Maxville; J. B. Roy, Anthony Mc- to the ladies of Alexan- ganization of the Church, the preacher for the day was Mi' and Mrs Hugh J. Dewar and Dominion St. South. Mr. W. McCor- spent the week end with his mo- Intosh, Wilfred McDonald, Charlotten- dria that I am resuming Dr. A. A. Cameron of Ottawa. St. Finnan’s Cathedral daughter, Miss Edith Dewar, also Mr mick is also home from Valleyfield. ther, Mrs. D. J. McDonald, Fairview. burgh; John A Campbell A. D. Kip- my was the scene of an interesting ceremony on Tuesday Hugh Dewar and family of Endicott Mr Duncan A. Maedonell who spent Mr. and Mrs Alex J. McKinnon had pen, Wilfred McEwen, Kenyon; Alfred morning^ Sept. 7th, when the marriage of Miss Margaret N.Y. were guests of Mr William Dewar two weeks’ vacation with Mrs Mac- as week end guests, their daughter. Leger, James A. Maedonell, D. A. Con- Hairdressing Business McDougall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall, Cote St George, Que for the Labor denell and children who are visiting Miss Rita McKinnon and Miss Rol- die, Lancaster; Malcolm McRae, Al- Alexandria, to Mr. J. A. Maedonell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Day holiday. at Highland Chief Farm and with ande Langlois of Montreal. Mrs. Thos tonie Menard, Angus Kennedy, Loch- For appoinments A. J. Maedonell, Dalhousie station, was solemnized, Rev. Jimmy Graham of the International other Glengarry relatives, returned to Keegan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keegan iel; A Leroux, Charles Frooudfoot, Phone 22, - Alexandria J. A. Maedonell officiating. Harvester Co., Ottawa, spent the holi- Niagara Falls on Monday. who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vinette, Caledonia; Eugene day week end with his parents, Mr and Misses Marion and Joan O’Meara McKinnon and Mrs. and Mrs. Rheal Deschene, Daniel Brunet Hawkes- MRS. JOSEPH DORE Mrs R. J. Graham. have returned to Laggan after spend- Leblanc for a week have returned to bury East, Howard Allison, Truman Mr and Mrs L. Greenspon had as ing the summer in Montreal. Their Montreal. Main street south An order in council has been passed creating Alexan- their guests over the holiday Mr and mother, Mrs O’Meara who accom- I Mi-. E. A. MacGillivray, M.P.P. S. Denenburg, of Montreal. dria, a Custom^ Port of Entry, and naming Mr. Duncan A. panied them spent the week end with paid the Capital a visit